Foolproof and easy wing eyeliner / CAT EYES | Fivi Berindei | Skillshare

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Foolproof and easy wing eyeliner / CAT EYES

teacher avatar Fivi Berindei, Makeup Artist

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Intro eyeliner


    • 2.



    • 3.

      Wingliner w liquid liner


    • 4.

      Pencil soft liner


    • 5.

      Bonus liner tips and tricks


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About This Class


The WINGED LINER / CAT EYE is one beauty look that you want to MASTER because is the most versatile makeup look for day to day as well as a glam look for special occasions and events  that  you can wear with any outfit dressed up or down.  This quick makeup fix will boost your confidence and help you feel good about yourself with out spending a lot of time and without a lot of practice.

My name is Fivi Berindei I’m a professional makeup artist and I’ve designed this beginner class where I will share with you a quick foolproof technique , products , tools and tips to help you master the wing liner like a pro as well how to correctly correct mistakes.

THE CLASSIC CAT EYE IS THE ONE MAKEUP LOOK THATS BEEN AROUND AS EARLY AS 10.000 BC and it’s the one cosmetic that has the most impact because it can change the aspect of your eye shape.

Although it seems intimidating and frustrating for many the eyeliner is the most requested look in the beauty industry by celebrities, designers, fashion/tv shows, brides, boss ladies,stay home moms and young teenagers since the 1960’s. 

Meet Your Teacher

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Fivi Berindei

Makeup Artist


Hello, Fivi here, I'm a professional makeup artist in Southern California.

I've decided to teach and share with you here on Skillshare  makeup skills and techniques that will help every woman achieve effortless flawless makeup no matter the makeup skills , tools or products she has to work with.

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Level: Beginner

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1. Intro eyeliner: Hi, guys. My enemies, Fyvie. I'm a pram maker parties and I'm here to share with your technique. There will help you improve your eyeliner skills. Dina has been around for many, many years and is the one makeup look that you can wear with any outfit anytime of the day . A lot of time, I'm being asked. Is there a way and how I can do my eyeliner faster without spending 2030 minutes on nine Niner? Because, let's be honest, who has all that time just for eyeliner? So I'm here to share with you this technique that applies to any product of your choice. If you want to use eye Shadow Spencer liquid liner, the same technique apply so all of them. And I'm gonna show with you tips and tricks on how to correct your liner without having to remove the whole eyeliner. Also, be sure to check the bonus lesson. Where are we share with you? More creative ways on how to play with eyeliner and change the direction of your wing from one upwards going toe. More almond e wing. I was excited to get started 2. Eyeshadow: the first Met a little gonna share with use I shall delimited what this meant That you're gonna need that eye shadow in anger Brush that recording both sides of the brush We die shadow following the natural lash line I'm talking that eye shadow onto the hardly by tapping the president. You sure you're gonna have Leader Donald? This possible can do? This line is thick one of steel as you like. Not repeating the same step on the other line after both of guys on minder been working on the wing lining the brush me the corner of the nostril and out of a corner of the eye looking straight into the mirror. You can relax for making little mark keeping the eyes open. I'm connecting the little mark that I made with the last night. I'm checking in the mirror to see the link It's what I wanted to be. Those in the eye Got a feeling e spaces I having us shutem We're going to be the same step on the underlying 19 brush nostril toe are the corner of the eye making a mark. It's important to keep the eye open, especially you have good eyes. This will show how much of the liner you can see once the eyes are open, going back and forth between the eyes, making me about justice building. Closing the I again I'm feeling in any spaces or gets I haven't I shouldn't. Don't be afraid to intensify DeCarlo. I should omit. It varies clean up any in the fall I'm using Go get a piece of Washington bracing the Washington onto the skin. We're picking up old my shadow fall. The Washington is strong enough to be moved, although eye shadow, but not we. Will the based problems, like foundation or concealer? No clean a sharp in the wing of going to use a kitty and missile a water. I'm keeping the Q tip into the miss a little water just enough to dampen the 50 great correct billing on top and bottom sharpening. I'm using the same method. If I need to shorten the wing, that's what you do. Die shadow 3. Wingliner w liquid liner: so I kind of metal what this mattered. I'm gonna use that. I don't know and I'm going to start lining along the lash line as close as possible to the lashes. And they don't stroke motion. I'm lining both of my eyes, But this time we're now worrying about the line. We can come back to it later once the wing is done, but I want to keep the line. This thing is possible. Working on the wing, realigning the minor for the nostril to the outside corner will die and make a little mark on both of dies. Now it's time to connect A little more with the last night again is short stroke motion connecting the Martha I just made with the last line repeat the same process on the other side where this step on looking down into the mirror. This allows me to have my eye close by no one at the same time. I'm going back. I don't need thinking in the line matching it on the artist side, taking the cue tea and some miss a little water. I'm doing, you know, adjustments going, going on top on the line and under doing we can use the same life too short on the weak. If you dragged it so far, go back to the liner to perfect the wings. Take us stuff that and look on both eyes, making sure the wings much. That's when you do being lying. Wait, the marks line up. 4. Pencil soft liner: depends on market, but this matter I'm gonna show you how to get on an alligator. Softer wing start replacing a pencil order brush to the chief of the nose and other corner of die. Looking straight into the mid America. Make leader Mark connected. Leave a mark with short strokes. Killed the March line going back to the flat brush on defusing the transfer. Ramona blend of ransom The softer doing Great. Going back in with the pencil, I feel like the pencil is pulling the skin you can hold. This came top going on one side to the other when making little adjustments. Have you no pencil and taken in the lash line as well? Going back in with the flat brush, I'm drawing a blank fence allowed you drive a pencil too far out and you wanna corrected short unit for cleanup edges. Get a 50. So miss a lot of water and clean up on top as well. Bottom. We're going this on both sides until they're satisfied you doing? I used to go with those short South Wing. That's how you do the brassell. I long gated soft wing 5. Bonus liner tips and tricks: made it to the finals class in this class, I'm going to show you tips and tricks about eyeliner. The first method and I'm gonna show you It's for when you don't have more than a minute to do your eyeliner, timber and mining corner of the ice. No place in March, right? Were the eyelashes and both of decide. They said finger on the larks just made at the same time. You want a pull and drag the pencil? This will leave this stuff they don't think that you can talk with. I found so eyeshadow for liquid liner. And that's how you do a quick one minute liner. Best method they're gonna share with theories, template method. So 40 smack that you can use a business card or a credit card. I want to start by placing on the card. I didn't angle with a bottom lashes in coordinate of your eyes. We're going to create a little mark and then connect the leader mark with the last night. You can make the biggest ball on this because you I'm sure you now hope to correct and short on the wing with the cuticle missile. What? I'm going on top and bottom of the wing, removing later by later. Until I have the size of doing that, I want if I want to completely remove the wing but not the entire lineup, what I have to do its place. Security on top of doing and twist. Make something show you, Justin. He won an uplifting wings. You want to start my place in the pencil or the brush from the nostril, toe the other corner of the eye and places and make a later mark. You're going to comment a little mark to the national to get more interrogated. Almond shaped wing. You're gonna place the pencil born abroad to the deep of the nose. Our ordinary die and make your mark again. You're going to connect the leader mark to the lash line. That's where you are. Just the wind on one side. We happen up lifting Lee on one side. You have elevated lead. This ends our eyeliner class. I hope you had fun learning with me this technique Please leave in the comments below any questions you might have. Thank you.