Foldable and Responsive Android Apps with Jetpack Compose | Oliver Spryn | Skillshare

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Foldable and Responsive Android Apps with Jetpack Compose

teacher avatar Oliver Spryn, Lead Android Architect + Content Creator

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      The Final Product


    • 3.

      Project Setup


    • 4.

      Measuring Flat Screens


    • 5.

      Learning Foldable Terminology


    • 6.

      Reading Foldable Data


    • 7.

      Building an Adaptive Layout


    • 8.

      The Grand Finale


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About This Class

The mobile device landscape is quickly changing. Consumers are now willing to pay $1000+ dollars for a cutting-edge foldable phone or a flagship tablet, and it is no longer acceptable to build applications that only cater to basic, flat-screen phones. Android developers have spent too much time developing for the lowest common denominator.

Google has heard the collective voice of the consumers and has begun to offer first-class support and recommendations on how to build applications that feel optimized for each of these modalities. Despite this push from the vendor, knowing how to put all of the necessary moving parts in order for a clean developer and user experience can be a challenge.

That is where this course steps in to help. In just over 1 hour, I will teach you all that you need to know to build a fully-functioning, responsive, and optimized app that will display itself equally well on all of these device types:

  • Foldable phones in book mode (vertical orientation, like the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold)
  • Foldable phones in table-top mode (horizontal orientation, like the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip)
  • Flat-screen phones
  • Small tablets
  • Large tablets
  • Desktop devices, like Chrome OS and Windows 11

As more and more vendors add premium phones to their lineup that continue to present new ways of presenting information, the consumer expectation has continued to keep its pace. Application developers have no choice but to adapt to these changes or be left behind.

Meet Your Teacher

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Oliver Spryn

Lead Android Architect + Content Creator


I am the lead software engineer on the MyUPMC Android project, the patient portal for one of America's largest healthcare systems. The software applications I help build are geared just as much to those who are 28 as it is to those who are 88. The difficulties of appealing to such a large age group are often subdued when you make the technology feel invisible, integrated, and working just the way it should.

Throughout my leadership experience, I've gained a particular aptitude for Android software architecture and development, the Gradle build system, and Git. On the web, you can find me blogging about my technical challenges and triumphs and distilling my experience down into courses here on Skillshare.

See full profile

Level: Intermediate

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1. Welcome: Hello, my name is Oliver aspirin. Welcome to the course, one app for every screen. In this course, I'm going to show you just how easy it is to build Android apps that fit all mobile device form factors will be covering phones, tablets, desktops, and yes, foldable devices in all postures. Before we dive into what we're building, I'd like to discuss why we're taking the time to build one app for every screen. I see for particular reasons to do that. The first reason is because Google is placing a renewed emphasis on large screens with a new Android operating system called Android 12 L. This is a forthcoming operating system that's designed specifically for large screens. Particularly they're making several major improvements. The first improvement they're making is around multitasking and being able to put apps into split screen mode. Then they've taken their existing UIs and adaptive them to take advantage of the larger real estate that a tablet and a large screen has to offer. They've also improved compatibility with applications that don't support large screens by default. You can think of this as being traditional phone-based applications. This is Google's biggest effort to date to take on the market for large screen devices. The second reason is because Android Studio now offers excellent tooling for targeting all of these different kinds of devices. First and foremost, they have great emulator support for all of these different form factors. In fact, they've recently introduced an emulator type that can mimic every single type of device available on the market, whether it be a phone, a tablet, a desktop, or foldable. You won't even have to switch emulators anymore in order to try out all these different form factors, you can stick to one emulator and test every single type of device. Whenever you're building your UIs inside of Android Studio, especially if you're using jetpack compose, they have advanced previewing tools so that you don't even have to build your application to see what it looks like on a variety of form factors. It'll show you right inside of the tool. The third reason is because the markets momentum is growing for more device types than just Android phones. Recently, Google has registered 100 million new Android tablets, and that brings the total worldwide market for a large screen Android devices to 250 million. That includes tablets foldable, as well as Chrome OS devices. Speaking of Chrome OS, it's one of the fastest growing operating systems on the market. All of these devices are considered large screen devices and they've seen a 92% year-over-year growth. Each of these devices are capable of running Android apps out of the box because they all come pre-installed with Google Play. These are Google's official numbers for the fourth quarter of 2021. And if things keep going the way that they have, they're only going to get better. The fourth and final reason for building these kinds of apps is because major players in the market are all pushing it in this direction. As I mentioned earlier, Google's pushing in this direction with Android T12. But let's talk about Microsoft and Android for a minute. With the introduction of Windows 11, Microsoft has promised us support for Android applications. This is going to come by way of the Amazon app store, and it opens up a whole new market that previously wasn't available. So as you can see, the landscape for building applications just changed quite a bit even over the past few years. It used to be you would just build an application to targeted phone and maybe if you wanted to tablets as well. But the guidance on how to do an application for both of them was pretty vague and the process was rather difficult. So that means that the tablet adoption rate was rather low. People just stuck with building apps for phones. That's no longer the case. As app developers, we can see what the market is going and it behooves us to accommodate the market before it gets there and your application is forced to play catch up. I have four major goals for this course. The first one, as I mentioned earlier, is to build an application that's optimized to run on phones, tablets, desktops, and foldable in all postures. Now, what do I mean by a foldable posture? There are two primary categories of foldable on the market. One example is the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold and it's natural posture. You're going to open up the device like a book from left to right. This is usually called Book mode. However, you can turn the device 90 degrees and have it sit on a tabletop oriented in the opposite direction. This is called tabletop mode. In-between book mode and tabletop mode, you have two different postures. Another device on the market is to Samsung Galaxy Z Flip, which by default opens in the opposite orientation. In tabletop mode, our application is going to be designed to run on all of these devices and will be optimized for each of these postures. The second goal of this course is we're going to build this entirely in jetpack compose. We're not going to be using XML views for anything. This is going to be an incredibly modern application. The third goal is we're going to be using material three, or more commonly known as material you. This is the next-generation of Google's material design system. It's designed to work in light mode and dark mode, just like in previous years. But now the user can select custom color palettes from their background on devices running Android 12 and above. I'm not going to go into too much detail on this topic in this course since it's not one of the primary goals, but we will be following unnecessary rules in order to make it work. The fourth and final goal of this course is to be able to support rotation. This is gonna be necessary for us to be able to support both postures on foldable devices. And plus it's just gonna be a better user experience overall. We're going to use some very similar practices to address each of these goals in one sweep. Now, let's move on to our very first topic. We're going to look at what the final project this course is going to look like. 2. The Final Product: Now that you know the four primary goals for this course, we're ready to take our next step. Before we dive into writing our first line of code, Let's take a moment to see what the final product of this course looks like on a few different devices. Throughout this course, I'm going to be using and testing your application on three different devices. The first one, It's a Google Pixel to Excel, and it will stand in as just our basic non foldable phone. Next up I have a Samsung Galaxy Z Fold two, which of course is going to be our foldable device. Finally, I have a Google Pixel Slate. Now technically this isn't an Android device, It's a Chrome OS device, but since they're all capable of running Android applications, it will stand in as our Android tablet, just fine. Don't worry if you don't have access to all of these different kinds of devices. In fact, most of you probably only have a few of these ones laying around. As I mentioned earlier, google has great support built into their emulators allow you to emulate these kinds of devices. I'll dive into how to set those up later on. But it just feels more impactful to be able to test on devices like this if you have access to them. Now, let's turn our attention to the app. Let's look at what the final product of this course looks like. Here I am going to show this to you on a Samsung Galaxy Z full two. Now I chose this device because I think it's showcases the best properties of our application. Or application is relatively simple. It only has three screens and I'm looking at the very first one here. This one is just a portal to the other two screens. If I tap the first button, you can see I'm taken to a screen which just provides information about my display. It shows the width and the height and dp, as well as something called size classes, which we'll get into a little bit more later on. This part is relatively uninteresting. You can see when I rotate the device, we definitely do have rotations support. I'll put it back into its upright position. And now I'm going to fold the device. Just like this. You can see the information on screen has changed. Now it says this is in Book mode. That's because I'm holding it like I'd be reading a book naturally. In the information on here has been changed to show me information about the hinge where it is on the screen, the size of it, and other pieces of information that the OS has to offer. Now if I take the device and I rotate it, this puts it into what's called a tabletop mode because this is excellent. If you wanted to sit the device down on a table and say, watch your video, the information is relatively the same except now it's telling me that the hinge is going in the opposite orientation. Orient this backup a folded back out. Let's go back to the previous screen so that we can see how we can use this information in our application. Back on the application home screen. If I press on the second button, you can see I'm taken to a list of numbers from one to 50. This is what it looks like on phones and other smaller screen devices. This implements what's called a master detail view. If I press on, say, one of these numbers, you can say I go to a detail view which gives me information about the number I just pressed. I can go back to the list, price and other number and get the same result. On a tablet, I would have a list on the left and say details on the right. Unless I have a foldable device, in which case a folded device right down the center. And you can see I get a very similar result. I still have my numbers on the left with details on the right. And as I press different numbers, you can see the details on the right change. If I orient this in the opposite direction in tabletop mode, you can see the information is then stacked from top to bottom, and I get the exact same behavior. Even though this is a simple application, it will teach you all the fundamentals that you need to build this anymore complex app in line with the four goals that I presented earlier on in the course. It's simple so that we can focus on these goals without distraction. Not because I'm leaving out important information that you're gonna need whenever you go and build your app someday. Next, let's take a look at the starter code for this course and get her IDE set-up. 3. Project Setup: With our project's goals and final product firmly in place, let's pull down the sample code and get her ID setup. I have the full project source code available online GitLab repository. I've organized it and built that project in the exact same manner that we're going to go through it in this course. The first thing I'm going to do is clone this repository to my local machine. I'll copy the URL from here and then paste it into my terminal. That will give you the final product for the course. You're welcome to explore it on your own. But I'm going to jump back to an earlier point in time by checking out some tags. You can see that if I list all of the tags and this repository am given one that says Start, I'll checkout that tag to jump to the starting code. Each of these tags represent a significant milestone that we reach inside of our project. The start tag is obviously going to be the starting position and the end tag is going to be the final product. And then there's a series of tags in the middle which represent a significant feature that we complete. For example, the very first feature we're going to complete is measuring the screen size and displaying it in the app. Once we do that, I'll have a tag inside of the repository so that you can go and reference it later on in this process repeats as we complete major features inside of the project. Before you can run this app, you're obviously either going to need a real device or an emulator. If you do decide to use an emulator, I recommend that you set up to specific kinds before proceeding. At minimum, I would recommend a tablet and a foldable device, a tablet we could think of as working as both a tablet and a desktop, thanks to its large screen size. For a foldable device, we can think of it as obviously a foldable, but when the screen is folded shut, we can think of it as a regular phone. Let's start setting up the tablet first. I've opened up my project inside of Android Studio, and then I'm going to open up the device manager and then select create a device. I usually pick the pixel C because of its generous screen size, but you're welcome to select a tablet of any size. I'll also select the latest version of Android ID for this system image. The version you select is up to you as long as you pick API 21 or above. Finally, I'll create the device. Now let's move on to setting up our foldable emulator. Back in the Device Manager, I'll select the 7.6 inch folding without our display. I chose this because it best emulates the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold two, since the expanded display folds shut and there's another smaller display on the outside. Again, this device definition is up to you, but I'd recommend using some kind of foldable. I just selected one that was representative of a majority of the foldable market. I'll use the same version of Android and create this emulator. With our emulators in place. Let's run the app for our first run, I'm going to build this for a foldable device. As you can see, this app has all the screens and routing in place to simplify the setup from the home screen out route to view screen information. This screen has just a scaffolding and placeholder text in place for now. Similarly with the Adaptive Layout screen, all I have is a list of numbers from one to 50. I can't even get into the detail screen for the list of numbers that I showed you in the demo just yet, there's nothing adaptive about our application. So it wouldn't matter if I showed this to you on a phone, foldable, or a tablet, everything would behave the exact same. Now that we have our project up and running and we understand the lay of the land. Let's dive into measuring the screen and showing information about it. We'll do that in the next video. 4. Measuring Flat Screens: Since our application has all of the sample screens in place, it's time to populate it with irrelevant information. We're going to start doing that by extracting the metrics the operating system provides to us about the device's screen. While the information will obtain works on all Android and Chrome OS device types, it works best for flat screen devices or those without a foldable hinge. We'll get into how to measure for doubles in a subsequent video. First, let's create a sealed interface called screen classifier. I'm going to put this inside of a package called utils dot screen. Inside of there, create a fully open data class. The data class should have a width and height property and inherit from the screen classify or interface will add more content to this interface shortly. Notice that I didn't specify a type for these properties. That's because I want them to model to different aspects of each dimension. The size in DPS, and what Android calls a size class. Let's start with the size class. According to Google's official recommendations, they classify all screen types into three sizes, compact, medium and expanded. Notice how they stray from using terminologies such as phone, tablet or family AT. This is mainly because these are brittle definitions. For example, it's easy to follow this approach in a tablet by resizing the window space assigned to your app to look like a phone. If your app thinks of itself as a phone or a tablet, we've already found a way to mislead it logic. Instead of building a device centric Apps, google recommends we consider the amount of screen space allocated to our app, regardless of whether it consumes the whole screen or just a part of it. That concept is what they call a size class. Let's create a new enum inside of the utils dot screen package called window size class. Inside of there, I'll specify each class type, compact, medium and expanded. That's all for this file. Let's add it to a data class called dimension. I'll create a new data class called dimension and give it to properties DP and size class. The DP property will be of type dp as given to us by jetpack and pose. You'll see how that works in a minute. The size class will of course, use our enum. Finally, we can set the dimension as the width and the height property types for our fully open data class. That's all we need to do to model our data. Let's start extracting it. I'll need access to a library called window manager. In my apps Gradle file, I'll add a reference to that library, synchronize. The next part of this project begins in the main activity. I'll call a function inside of the set content block called remember window DP size and save its output. This function doesn't exist just yet, but we'll make it in a moment. It will need to access this activity itself. So let's pass that in. Next. I'll create the function. I'll put this under the utils dot screen package. Once that's created, it'll return a DP size object. The following few lines of code are pretty much straight from the books. I'll save a reference to the current screens configuration. I'll be sure to pass the configuration into the remember function to survive recomposition. Then I'll get the current window metrics from the given activity. Now I can transform those metrics into a DP size object like this. I'll get the bounds of the measured size, convert it into a rectangle, and extract the DP size from that rectangle. Finally, our turn the output of that last operation. At this point, we have the width and height of the screen that is allocated to our app. It's important to know that it may not be the entire screen size, but rather the amount of real estate that's given to our app. That's all that matters to us since the OS takes care of the rest. To get these figures from the DP size into our dimension model, I'll create a class to transform it for us. I'll call it screen info and add it to the utils dot screen package as well. Let's do the work inside of a function called create classifier that takes in the DP size object. From here, it's as simple as mapping the width and the height to the respective window size class as recommended at Android's documentation. Last hour turn a fully open object with the math, the window size class, and the given DPS for both the width and height. Now all of the groundwork is done. Let's start using the information on the screen information view. Starting at the root, the main activity, I'll pass to dp size, to the multimodal composable. I like to keep the activity as clean as possible since it's hard to test. So I'll defer the mapping work to the composable. This composable would need both the window DP size along with the screen info class. On the first line of this function, I'll create the classifier and save its output. This information is then sent into the navigation graph. Then to the screen info route. Finally to the screen itself. Now we can replace the sample content with the info we extracted from the classifier. I'll update the file like so. The top texts will have the name of the classifier class name. The next one will have a two string representation of the same object. I'll leave the next few texts composable is alone since they deal exclusively with foldable. For application is ready for its first test. I have a build of this app on to emulators. First, let's explore the phone. Going into the screen information view, you can see our output has sensible measurements and window size class values. If I rotate the device, the metrics are the same, just along the opposite axis. Now let's see if this still makes sense on a large tablet. Going to the same screen on a tablet, I can see that these values still makes sense. Now you can see that we have classified this device as expanded in both the width and the height. Rotating this device yields a similar outcome. We've cornered actionable insights from the device's screen that will soon put to work for us. But before we do that, let's take some time to understand how foldable screen works, particularly around the conventions and terminology that we'll be using. We'll do that in the next video. 5. Learning Foldable Terminology: In the last video, we learned how to measure and properly classify the size of a screen on a phone or tablet. Now, we're going to pivot our attention to foldable devices. In particular, we need to understand where the hinges that separates the two screens, how the hinge can affect the screen real estate in whether it's an occluding or seamless hinge. To properly understand and utilize the best of a foldable device, it's important to consider its natural and rotated postures. For the first folded posture, google calls it book mode, since it sits in your hand like a book. The second posture is called tabletop mode. This posture, you have a device folded on the table, much like a laptop. As you can see here, the orientation of the device has one screen facing you and one screen facing upward. It's important to note that both of these phones that I just showed you can be oriented in either direction to be in tabletop or book mode. The only thing that differs between these two scenarios is their natural upright posture. For us developers we need to build for each of these scenarios. Next, we'll look at the hinge. A foldable device can have one of two types of hinges and occluding hinge or a seamless hinge. An occluding hinge is when the hinge divides a portion of the screen. An example of this would be the Microsoft Surface Duo. As you can see, there are clearly two separate portions of the screen, and it's up to the application developer to respond appropriately. A seamless hinge is one that allows two screens to overlap completely. This way you can see both screens simultaneously as if it were one complete display. Samsung's Galaxy Z Fold has a seamless display. Google would call this a non occluding display. And that could potentially allow us to make subtle design changes to our app to accommodate this kind of screen. Finally, we need to consider whether the device is folded at all. Just because they user has a foldable phone, it doesn't mean that they're using the feature at that moment. When the device is fully opened or flat, as Google calls it, it can be thought of as a non foldable device, like a regular phone or tablet. When the phone is half opened, meaning that the hinges are followed this one degree, then we can engage the foldable logic. At this point. Let's start by understanding what information we can extract from the Android APIs to determine whether the phone is in Book mode or tabletop node. To do this, we'll look at the folded state of the device. We can query the Android APIs to determine if the device has what Google calls a folding feature. If the device has that feature, then the auditor will contain structured data with all the information that we need to know. In particular, these are what pieces of information we can extract, whether the device is fully open or half opened. When Google uses the term half opened, that doesn't indicate how much the hinge is opened or shut, but rather whether the device no longer perceives itself as flat and the user has closed at past a certain threshold. Next, we can determine the hinge orientation. Keep in mind that this is separate from the devices orientation. It tells you whenever the device is in its natural upright position indicating which way the hinge is running, either horizontal or vertical. However, it does adjust for the devices orientation. For example, when the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold is in the upright position with the hinge going from top to bottom, the API will return vertical. Likewise with the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip devices, the natural orientation will show as horizontal. Rotating each of these devices onto their side will result in the hinge orienting in the other direction as reported by the API. Next, we can determine the hinge location. While most hinges on most modern foldable devices go straight down the center, that's not always guaranteed to be the case. Thus, we can extract where the hinge is located on that screen so that we can better suit our interface to that particular device. Finally, we can determine whether the hinge is separating or occluding. In essence, these metrics help us understand whether the screen is one continuous display or broken up into two separate displays with a visible divider in-between. The OS makes these kinds of decisions for us and it's up to us to decide if for applications design should differ slightly based on the hardware build. At this point, we have a good understanding of what information we can extract from the Android APIs. In order to determine the various states and properties of foldable screens, we will need to continue to be aware of more device form factors as they come out in order to ensure that our app works well with more scenarios as they emerge. As manufacturers experiment with new form factors will be increasingly important for us as developers to make sure that our apps are able to adapt seamlessly. In the next video, we'll begin extracting the relevant information from foldable screens in a similar manner to how we did that from flat screens. 6. Reading Foldable Data: With the terminology and common user expectations for foldable devices firmly under our belt. Let's start modelling and extracting this information. We can build our app to adapt to these devices. Like our previous effort with non foldable devices. Let's begin by modelling what data will receive. Here is a quick overview of what we can get. First, we can get the hinge position. That is describing where the hinge divides the screen, whether horizontally or vertically. Next, we have a derived number that I call it the hinge separation ratio. This value isn't explicitly provided to us by the Android APIs, but it's something that can be calculated from the previous value to tell us whether the hinge goes straight down the center as it does on most phones, or is slightly off center. This isn't likely to be very helpful right now for applications running in full-screen mode, as most phones evenly divide the screen straight down the center. But as manufacturers experiment with new form factors, this will allow us to compensate for hinges that may not evenly divide the screen into two equal parts. It also will allow us to build applications that allow split screen mode or floating window mode. We may find the hinge separation ratio to be helpful whenever the user has moved the application slightly off center so that the hinge no longer goes straight down the center of the screen as it would if the application we're in full-screen mode. Next we can get whether the hinge is separating. This is provided by the OS to tell us whether these two screens should be considered visually separate based on the hardware build. Finally, we have the occlusion type in this value is also provided by the OS to tell us whether a visually occluding hinge divides the screen into two parts. Or if there is a flexible screen to join the two parts to appear as one continuous display. With that in mind, let's build a model to hold this information for us. In Android Studio, I'm going to open up the screen classifier interface again. And let's add another sealed interface inside of it called half opened. This interface will model the foldable devices with a single hinge that are partially folded. It should inherit from the screen classifier interface, just like the fully open data class does. Inside of it out add four properties. Hinge position of type wrecked, hinge separation ratio as a float is separating as a Boolean. The occlusion type of type of folding feature dot occlusion tight. Right now this is a generic representation of some kind of foldable phone. Now we can become more specific. I'll create a data class inside of the half opened interface called Book mode to model devices held in the book mode posture. It'll inherit from the half opened interface will be responsible for overriding all of the abstract values from the interface. I'll create one more data class right below called tabletop mode for the opposite posture. Once again, it'll inherit from the same interface and override the same values. That's all we need to do to model our data. Let's start extracting it. I'll need to access to a library called Window Manager. In my apps Gradle file, I'll add a reference to that library, synchronize. The next part of the project continues in the main activity, I'll use the window info tracker to extract information about the current window and save its output into a variable called device posture. Since this function uses Kotlin flows, I'll have to provide a default value using the state in function. I'll bind this flow to the lifecycle scope. Start at eagerly. Provide an empty initial value. Notice how all of this was written outside the set content block. Unlike our previous work, I'll pass the information we've just obtained it to the multimodal composable. Once inside of the composable, I'll transform this state flow into a state like this. Note that anytime the flowable updates the state, it will trigger a recomposition. Therefore, we will always be sure to have the latest information reflected in our app thanks to this behavior. Finally, I'll pass this value as another parameter to my creative classifier function. From here, we can transform this data into the model we created just a moment ago. Since this function is no longer focusing solely on reading the size of a flat screen. I'll move its current behavior to a standalone function called create fully open device and pass it the window DP size will use the space inside of the create classifier function to make a few high-level decisions forest. First, I'll need to know if this device is a folding screen. I can get that information by asking the window layout info object. If it has a folding feature, I can do that like this. I'll call it device posture dot display features, dot find. And they'll look to see if any of those features is a folding feature. Then I'll cast the outcome of that operation and save it as a variable. This variable will be null on standard phones and tablets, as well as on foldable devices when the screen is either fully open or if it's folded shut and the user is simply using the outer smaller display, like on the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold device. Next, I'll create a few helper functions to help me determine if the device is in Book mode or tabletop mode. The first function I'll create is called his book mode. And I'll provide the folding feature device as a parameter. From here we can check if the device is half opened and if the orientation is vertical. If these checks pass, the phone is in Book mode. On a similar note, let's create that is tabletop mode function. Nothing here should surprise you. Once again, I'll check for the half-open state. And if the orientation is horizontal. Let's go back to the top function and start using these new functions. At this point, I'll double-check to ensure to create classifier is returning a screen classifier type. That is the root sealed interface of our data model. Since we're now dealing with a more generic class of devices, dysfunction must be able to model and transform all of these types under the folding feature variable, I'll create an if else chain. First. If the folding feature is null, that means we're not doing anything special with a foldable device, so we can return the result of create fully opened a device. Next, I'll check if we're in Book mode. If so, will return the result of a new function, I'll call create book mode object with a folding feature as its only parameter. This function will return screen classifier dot half opened dot book mode will populate that function in a moment. Next, I'll check for tabletop mode and create a similar function for that transformation operation. Here, it'll return screen classifier dot half opened dot tabletop mode. Finally, we need a catch-all scenario which I'll simply consider to be a non foldable device. I'll be sure to return two values of each function. Now we can turn our attention to modeling the book mode posture. Most of these properties are simple to map. The hinge position comes straight from the balanced property of the following feature. Is separating an occlusion type are mapped to the same way. I'll need to manually calculate the hinge separation ratio. I can do that by determining the window width by adding both the left and right bounds of the hinge together. Then I can get the left side of the hinge and divide it by the total window width. Notice how everything is converted to a float, since the only possible values for this operation will lie between 01. In most scenarios, that value will be 0.5 for hinges that separate the screen straight down the middle. And when the application is operating in full-screen mode, if the hinge we're slightly to the left of center, that number would decrease. If the hinge we're slightly to the right, it would increase. Finally, I'll use that property to set the hinge separation ratio. That's all we need for this function. The tabletop mode posture will be very similar. However, instead of calculating the hinge from left to right, I'll do the same math using the top and bottom values instead. Now, we've modeled and extracted just about everything in the Android APIs can tell us about foldable screens. Let's start to use these values. We already have all of this information being sent straight to the screen Info view. Now we can just start using this information. For the bottom three text and space are composable. I'll surround it with an if check. I want these values to show up on foldable devices when they're being folded. So I can check if the screen classifier is of type Screen classifier dot half opened inside of the if statement body. I'll keep the first text value at the same. However, I'll display the hinges data inside of the second one. I have a string resource already available to help us out. That resource is called hinge position coordinates. It takes four parameters for the top, bottom, left, and right bounds respectively. Down on the last text composable, I'll display the hinges width and height. Again, I have a string all ready to go for this purpose, it's called hinge position size, and it takes the width and height as the two parameters. Everything is ready for our app to start reporting the data it receives from the hinge. Let's try it out on a real device. Going into the screen information view, you can see the output looks similar to how it did before we added foldable support. However, once I begin to fold the hinge, the UI suddenly changes. The data is showing us at the hinge is running from top to bottom and is in Book mode posture. Rotating the device shows similar information, but in tabletop mode posture instead, at this point or at this smart but not incredibly exciting, are very useful. It's time to turn our attention toward building an interface that can adapt this information and really start to leverage the advantages of each form factor will begin that work in the next video. 7. Building an Adaptive Layout: Congratulations, you've reached the first major milestone of this course. Thus far, we build an app that can extract nearly everything there is to know about the screen on a phone, tablet, desktop, and foldable device. Now let's dive into the principles of how to build an interface which can adapt to these kinds of modalities. Before we can start building our interface and code, let's take the time to design how this application should behave on each device type. In particular, I'm establishing the look and behavior of our adaptive interface on phones and small tablets, large tablets and desktops, and foldable devices in the book in tabletop postures. If you recall back to the first video in this course, we had a master detail view. The Master view was a list of numbers from one to 50. And the detail view will reflect which number was selected when the user pressed on different row items. This could be thought of as mimicking the behaviors of a very simple email or messaging client. Let's dive into some specific so that we can see how I intend our app to work. First, let's look at flat screen devices only for compact and medium. A window size class devices, which would include devices like phones, small tablets and many tablets, would like our app to show a full-screen Master view. That is, the view with a list of numbers. Tapping on any one of those numbers should take the user to the Detail View and would show the number the user selected. Of course, pressing the back button from the Detail View will land the user back on the master view. For expanded devices like large tablets and desktops, the interface would change slightly. The Master view would show on the left 1 third of the screen, while the detail view would consume the other two-thirds of the screen, the behavior would be the same as in the previous scenario, with two minor differences. If the user has just landed on the screen and is not selected a number from the list. The detail view should show some kind of default text value prompting the user to select number. Once the number has been selected, the details would be updated to display that value. The other change is a modification to the back button behavior, regardless of whether the user has selected a number, pressing the back button should always exit the master detail view and take them back to the application's home screen. For foldable devices in the book mode posture, this view would behave the exact same as it would unexpanded devices with one minor change. Instead of dividing the interface into one-thirds and two-thirds for the list in detail view, this interface mode would divide itself based on the hinge location. The list will always be to the left of the hinge and the details will be to the right. This will likely look just fine on most devices in full-screen mode. But if the user has put your app in a floating window, you may experience some awkward positioning of the hinge in terms of how it divides your app. Your app, you may wish to set some boundaries around how large or small of a hinge separation ratio you are willing to work with before switching your view to a more suitable arrangement for this app. I'm not going to go into that level of detail, but it's certainly something to keep in mind. Finally, for foldable devices in the tabletop mode posture, I will be building the app just like in Book mode, except the list in detail views will be stacked from top to bottom. The great thing about this process is that it affords you a high level of freedom. Is no right or wrong way to build this kind of interface, because the needs of your app may vary from another one who decided to implement these details differently? My app is just one of many ways that you could have done this. I chose this design because it highlights and displays the many opportunities that you have as a developer when building your app. Next, let's move on to building these interfaces. First, we need to pass the screen classifier to the adaptive layouts route. Once the route has the necessary information, I'm going to use it to map a generic descriptor of our device type and posture to a specific description of how it should behave for this screen. I'll do that like this. I'll create an enum inside of the adaptive layouts route file called Adaptive Layout screen type. To describe how to lay out the interface, I will have one value for each scenario. I'll have list only for compact in medium devices to show just the list. Next, I'll have detail only for those same devices to show just a detail view. Next, I'll have list 1 third and detailed two-thirds for large tablets to show the list and detail side-by-side. Next, I'll have list half and detail half for foldable devices in Book mode to show the list and detail side-by-side. Finally, I'll have List detail stacked her foldable devices in tabletop mode to stack the list and detailed composable on top of each other. Notice how I strayed from using terms like phone, tablet, and foldable. I'm describing how this interface should be laid out, not the hardware profile. Next, I'll map the screen classifier to one of these states. I'll create a private extension on the screen classifier interface for this job. It will require a Boolean to indicate when a row is selected. This information is key for the compact and medium devices to jump from the list to the detail view. I'll hard-code those values in for now in a later video, we'll handle how to get this information. This function will return an adaptive layout screen type enum. For the first scenario, I'll check if this device is fully open and it has an expanded width. If so, this will be mapped to the list 1 third and detailed two-thirds type. Next, if this is fully opened and a row is not selected, then return the list only type. Notice that since I already handled at tablets and desktops for the first scenario, now I know that I'm working with smaller devices which will only either show the list or detail at any given time, but not both. Similarly, for the next case, if this is fully opened and the row is selected, then return the detail only type. Next, if we were in Book mode, our return list half and detail half. After that, if we're in the tabletop mode, I'll return list detail stacked. Finally, for the catch-all scenario, I'll return list only. This last scenario is only to keep the compiler from warning us against non-exhaustive scenarios. It's actually not possible for us to hit this case since all of the above conditions satisfy all of the possible combinations. Now let's map these types to composable that will create in a few minutes. Back in the adaptive layouts route function, I'll clear out the reference to the existing screen. Next I'll create a variable called Adaptive Layout screen type that we'll remember salable, a default state of list only. This state will quickly get replaced. So don't worry if it doesn't match the actual initial state of the device, then I'll update the state with the value determined by my mapper and I'll supply a value of false for the parameter, will take care of this in a later video. Finally, I'll create a switch statement that will provide the correct composable for each of these states. I don't have these composable is built just yet, so I'll simply provide a stub value for each of these cases. Notice how this approach doesn't use the navigation graph. I use the graph to get me from the home screen to the screen information route, and also from the home screen to the adaptive layouts route. But once I have a more complex view to build, it's up to me to make it work. The graph is only responsible for bringing me to a particular route. The context of my app, you could think of it as bringing me to a particular feature. And once I'm there, I'm on my own. Okay. Let's go through a checklist of what we already have at our disposal. For the list only scenario, I have the adaptive layouts list screen, so I don't have to build that layout. Also for the detail only scenario, I have the adaptive layouts details screen. I also don't need to build that interface. However, the other cases don't have any matching composable is to make them work. So I'll have to build these layouts. I'll start with the one for large tablets and desktops. I'll create a new composable called adaptive layouts list 1 third and detailed two-thirds. All I need to do is use a row to place the list and details side-by-side. Since I want my list to take up 1 third of the screen on the left, I'll surround it with a box and use the modifier of film max width with a value of 0.33. The details will get the same treatment except the film max width function won't get any value so that it can stretch to fill the remaining empty space. That wasn't too bad. Let's build our next layout for foldable in Book mode, I'll create another composable called adaptive layouts, list half and detail half. This function, we'll need a screen classifier so that I can get access to the hinge data. This parameter will be of type Screen classifier dot half-open dot book mode. Since this layout only deals with book mode, I'll use a row and surrounding boxes once again to lay out my list and details. Composable the film max width modifier for the list, we'll use the hinge separation ratio to properly divide itself with respect to the hinge. Just like last time, the details will fill the remaining width. Last I'll create one more composable called Adaptive Layout stacked for foldable in tabletop mode. The only difference is from the last layout is that the parameter type is screened classifier dot half-open dot tabletop mode. I'll be stacking these with a column instead of a row. And I'll use to fill max height modifiers instead of film max width. Now, let's put all this together and build our adaptive interface. Back in the adaptive layouts route, I'll start to populate the switch statement cases. List only will use the adaptive layouts list screen detail only gets the adaptive layouts to detail screen. List 1 third and details 2 third will have not surprisingly, adaptive layouts list 1 third and detailed two-thirds. I'll have to do one minor check for the last two scenarios since I'm passing in the screen classifier for list half and detail half, I'll do a check to ensure that the screen classifier, it's a type of screen classifier dot half-open DAP book mode before passing it to the adaptive layouts list half and detail half composable. This is another one of those checks to make sure the compiler is happy. We've set up the scenario to only ever run when the device is in Book mode. But our compiler doesn't know that. Last for the list detail stacked, I'll do a similar check for tabletop mode and pass it into the Adaptive Layout stacked composable. Without much effort, we began to transform this part of our app. Let's see what it looks like on some emulators starting with a non foldable phone. As you can see, I can only get to the ListView right now. I don't yet have the plumbing in place to react to taps on the list items on a large tablet, I have the list in details side-by-side. Once again, tapping the list item doesn't do anything, but we're certainly taking a step in the right direction. On a foldable device that has opened flat, I can see a similar layout to that of a basic phone. However, as I start to fold device shut into book mode, the details appear on the right, just like it does on a tablet. Finally, on a foldable device in tabletop mode, I can see the list and details stacked on top of each other. We're definitely making away into the homestretch. It feels like we've made so much progress in just one video. And that's because we can finally start to see the results of our work. There's a bit more plumbing recording to need to do to make this function as we would expect. View models are going to be key to get these separate composable talking as one cohesive unit. We're going to take care of those final details in the next video. 8. The Grand Finale: It's time to put the final touches onto our app. We have an interface that can adapt itself or various screen types of sizes, but the two major pieces that comprise its layout behave separately. We're going to use a view model to act like a form of plumbing to tie this all together. Let's begin by defining what our ViewModel should contain. For this simple application, I'm going to have it contain two items. A number the user has selected, and a flag indicating whether the user has ever selected an item. The selected value has a rather obvious purpose. However, that flag will make my job easier to decide when to show the detail view with a selected number. That way I don't have to resort to awkward conventions like negative numbers, something like that to indicate one evalue was selected. Next, let's examine what kind of high level user interactions I would expect to perform on this view model. Since I'm just selecting a number from a list and showing it on the details. I would boil this down to opening and closing a detail view. From an interaction perspective, I would expect my view model to be able to do these kinds of manipulations to my state. Of course, this view model is simple because my app is simple and a more complex scenario. I would probably want the data back in my list to also appear in this model. However, for this simple app, I decided to hardcode those numbers into my view. Nevertheless, it's worth considering the other options that we have at our disposal. Now let's move on to creating the view model encode. Back in Android Studio, I'm going to put my view model file right beside my other composable files. Ideally for larger projects, you should consider having a package for all of your models. But to keep things simple, I'll keep my model close to the views. I'll create a class called adaptive layouts view model and how it inherit from the Android X. If you model, this class will contain all of the business logic to manipulate my data, but I don't want it to serve as my actual container. It's role is simply to be the interfacing layer between my view and the actual model. Down below the class, I'll create a data class for this purpose to describe the state of my UI. I'll call it adaptive layouts UI state. This is why those properties that I mentioned earlier will live. Adding a property of numbers selected as a boolean and set it to false. Now add in a number from list property as an int and default its value to 0. My view model will need to hold a reference to this class and also be able to broadcast updates from it when one or more of its properties change. I'll do that like this. I'll create a private Val called View Model state and set it equal to a mutable state flow which receives an instance of our data class. I'll need to expose the state flow so that my view can access it. Conventionally, this is done by creating a public Val with the name of UI state, setting it equal to my view model state. Using the state in function to start a hot state flow. I'll provide the ViewModel scope as the scope parameter. Start this flow eagerly and provide a default construct, an instance of our data class as an initial value. Let's start to manipulate our state with the two actions I described earlier. I'll create a function called open details that takes a selected number as an int parameter. Then I'll update the view model state by copying the original value. In updating the number of selected to true, the number from list with the provided value. For the other scenario, I'll create a no argument closed details function that does a similar operation on the ViewModel state. In this case, the number of selected is false, and I'll reset the number from list to 0. Now we need to propagate this model throughout the relevant parts of our app. Now open up the multimodal nap graph. And inside of the composable that takes us to the adaptive layouts route our request access to our view model with the view model function. I'll do that with a variable called view model. Specify the type and set it equal to the view model function. Then I'll need to send that to our route. Similar to how we are handling updates from our screen classifier, I'll transform the UI state flow into a state. I'll create a Val called UI state and delegate setting its property by calling adaptive layouts view model, dot state, dot collect estate. Like before. Anytime the flow updates the state of this variable, it will trigger a recomposition in jetpack compose with our state firmly in place. I can pass UI state, gotten number selected as the parameter to the two Adaptive Layout screen type function. Now, our screen type mapper will have the proper data to make the correct decisions. Ultimately the parts of the screen that need access to the UI state variable or the adaptive layouts detail screen and its ancestor composable such as adaptive layout, stacked and adaptive layouts list half in detail half. The only composable that doesn't require the UI state is the list. Since it's capable of generating its own data. You have to list was for example, generated by a call to a server, then it would need the UI state to populate this data. But once again, since this is a simple app, we don't need it for this scenario. I've spared you the time of watching me update every relevant composable with a new parameter called UI state. But as you can see here, the route file now passes this new variable as a parameter to four of our composable. Intermediate, composable such as adaptive layouts stacked simply act as mediators to pass the state onto the Detail View. There's nothing too complex going on here. I'd like to have my Detail screen update itself whenever the view model state changes. For this example, I'll surround my texts composable with an if else statement. Moving the existing text into the else block for the condition, I'll say UI state dot number selected. For the true scenario. I'll create a new text composable similar to the existing one, except the text property we'll use R dot string dot selected item from my resources file. And we'll provide the selected number as the second argument to the GetString function. This value will show the number the user has selected once the first number is picked from the list. At this point, I have data going down into each of my views, but I need some events to bubbled back up from these views once a user has interacted with them, for this case, the interaction will be selecting an item from the list so that the view model can update its state will start in the adaptive layout. So let's screen and work our way back up to the top. On our list screen. I'm jumping straight to the row with number composable. I'll add a clickable modifier to the surrounding box and specify an onclick handler. I'll create a new parameter on this composable to start the process of bubbling our event up to the top. I'll call it on select number. And it will be a Lambda with a single int parameter that doesn't return anything alcohol that lambda from my onclick handler of my modifier. Of course, I'll need to propagate this the whole way up. Back in the adaptive layouts list screen composable. I'll add another on select number lambda with the same signature as a parameter. I'll set this lambda as the second argument to my call to the row with number composable. Next, I'll go into all of the intermediate composable and make the necessary updates there. Just like the list composable, they will need their own unselect number of parameter to bubble the event handler up to a higher level. Back on the adaptive layouts route, we're at a place where we can finally handle these events. Like to make one small chain to keep things a bit more tidy. I'd like one function to manage updating the view model based on the events received from the view. And another function to manage what we're currently doing was laying out the view based on the given screen classifier. I feel as though doing both state management and view classification in one function couldn't get confusing and would dilute the meaning of both of them. This is more of a personal preference, but I feel as though it makes the end result more clear. Beneath this composable, I'll add another composable function with the same name but with a different signature. It'll need the screen classifier. The unwrapped UI state of type adaptive layouts UI state. You'll see why the type changed in a minute. And our friend on select number one more time. I'll then move everything from the top function into the bottom function except for the UI state variable. I'll also wire up the unselect number to each of the composable that needed. What do we gain by doing this? Well, you'll see once I fill out the top function, I'll call the second composable from inside of the first one. It'll get the screen classifier, the unwrapped and ready to use UI state. For the unselect number parameter. I'll just give it a Lambda inside of their alcohol open details on my view model and pass in the supplied number. Now you can see that all of my event handling is happening here and it doesn't get lost inside of a switch statement cases. Plus since this unselect number is getting passed to multiple composable, if I ever need to make a change to how I handle us event, I can do it one time here instead of multiple times in the code below it. Let's see what this looks like on a real device, I have my foldable with the current state of the app already loaded. Let's try it first in fully open mode, you can see whenever I select a number from the list, I'm taken directly to the details screen with the selected number on display. That's our first time seeing this screen on a smaller device like this. Let's try going back. You can see it took me back to the app home screen, but not to the list of numbers. That's something we're going to have to take care of in a minute. Going back to the list screen, I'll scroll my list down a little bit. Folded device and see what happens. If you'll notice, I've jumped to my folded state, but the list has jumped back up to the top. That's one more thing we're going to need to fix. Google recommends not changing your state of your UI unnecessarily whenever changing postures. Nevertheless, this is looking pretty good. Pressing on different numbers on the left causes the state to update every single time on the right. If I go back, you can see I do land on the home screen as I would expect. It's only for smaller devices. What the full-screen details that has a problem with a back button. Go back to the list, select a number, and then open up my device fully. As you can see, it takes me to the detail screen, which is a sensible decision since I've already selected this number. Fold my device once again, go back home and go into the list one more time. But this time I'm not going to select a number. If I open up the device fully, you can see it keeps me on the list of numbers, which is a good choice since I didn't select the number. We're looking pretty good right now. Let's go and fix those last two issues. The back handler issue is easy to fix. As mentioned earlier, this only happens on compact and medium devices which display the details in full-screen. For the second adaptive layouts route function, I'll add another function parameter called on back pressed, which doesn't take any argument and it doesn't return anything. Down below. For the detail only scenario, I'll add in a back Handler block. This will allow us to provide our own custom behavior whenever the back button is pressed for this scenario. Inside of there, I'll call on back pressed. The first composable at the top, I'll implement the behavior of this callback. I'll use a lambda which calls the close details function on my few model. One problem fixed in one more to go to retain the scroll position of the list whenever the device is posture changes, I'll create a vow inside of my second composable called list state and set it equal to remember lazy list state. This variable needs to get past the hallway down to the lazy column on the list screen. I have to update all the corresponding composable to accept this parameter. Once again, I've updated all of my composable except for the adaptive layouts details screen, since that is the only one that doesn't reference that list. Finally, on the adaptive layouts list screen itself out past that argument to the state parameter of the lazy column. One last time, let's run our app and see it for issues are corrected and only look at what we fixed this time. Keep in mind device flat. I'll select a number from the list and try to go back from the details view. This time I landed on the list, which is what I intended. I'll scroll down a bit and fold my device. As you can see, the list remembered my scroll position between posture changes in, didn't jump back to the top. With that, we've wrapped up the last few details for this course. Thank you for coming with me along this journey. I hope that you found that insightful as you go and build your absolute if future for every kind of Android device that we hit the market. I invite you to join my Discord group to discuss this course with me and with others who are in your shoes. Stay curious, stay sharp, and is always happy coding.