1. Intro: Hi, it's Brian Bull. In this video, you'll learn how you can double your focus w productivity and drastically decreased distractions in just six days. Okay, So heavy. Ever struggled with staying focused? Do you often find yourself overwhelmed by your work and all your to do lists? Does your mind and attention often wander off to new, seemingly more exciting things, like checking your email, your Facebook instagram or linked in notifications? Do you frequently get distracted when you're working? Learning how to improve your focus is perhaps the most important critical thing you will ever do in your life, period Ale. Rees, the author of the book Positioning, says that we live in the world's first over communicated society with the growth of smartphones, instant text messaging and the Internet bringing email, social networking and thousands of new Web pages and videos every day, we're now a constantly distracted society that could never be more true. And yet that statement was made in 1980 long before the Internet, the iPhone, YouTube, Google and Facebook, but that single distractions are growing exponentially, and every day more and more people are looking for ways to free up their attention and focus and improving their productivity. If you're watching this right now, then you probably want to increase your focus and get rid of those annoying distractions. Already wake up focused will help you to do it. Inside this course, you'll learn the very best ideas, concepts and techniques for increasing your focus and productivity and efficiency that I've learned and developed in the last eight years. You'll also get a series of six video trainings to watch over the next six days. During this period, we're going to focus on adding powerful new focus tools to your life so that you'll wake up automatically Start your day focus. If you struggle with staying focused and you easily get distracted at work and at home than I highly recommend you join me in, Wake Up focused my most advanced productivity training this course as the single purpose of you waking up in six days at least twice is focused and productive as you are right now. Okay, so watch the introduction. Come back for session number one, clearing your mental clutter and do all the exercises that I'll get it. It'll make a huge difference in your life. All right, C inside. Cheers
2. Welcome & Orientation: congratulations and welcome to wake up Focus. Hi, I'm Brian Bull. I'm so excited to be here with you, and I think this is going to be It's gonna be a life changing experience for you, and I think it's going to be a lot of fun. So congratulations and welcome to wake up focused. You've made a great decision and a great investment in yourself and your future. I think when you look back, you're going to see that this was one of, if not the very best investments that you've ever made in yourself. This program includes the very best ideas, techniques and tools for increased focus and productivity and efficiency that I've learned and developed in the last eight years. This program is the single purpose of you waking up in six days at least twice as focused and productive as you are right now. This course consists of a total of six sessions designed for you to watch over the next six days. During this period, you're going to focus on adding powerful new focus tools to your life. So you wake up and automatically start your day focused. If you'll follow what I teach you in this program. I believe that it could make a profound difference in your business success, energy level and personal satisfaction. Watch session number one. Clearing your mental clutter and do all the exercises that will give me. It'll make a huge difference at work and in your life. Okay, let's get started.
3. Clearing Your Mental Clutter: clearing your mental clutter. Welcome to our first session. First of all, let us to a really powerful exercise to clear out mental clutter so that we can free up our focus and energies and then learn how to increase them for the important things in our lives. Now, if you're working in, your desk is cluttered, you can't find things, and you can't work efficiently because it's just covered with a mess. Well, it's the same thing in your mind. In your mind is cluttered and ask too many things running inside and distracting and wasting and consuming its resource is, Well, then you can't focus. Then you can't work for this exercise. We're simply going to write down everything that you think about today. Everything you worry about everything that you're concerned about, and we're gonna take at least 10 minutes to do this. If you prefer to work Elektronik Lee on your computer, you can just create a file and then type this out. But remember to keep it in a folder where you'll remember it and where you could put other exercises that you do in this program because we want to have them all in one place sequentially. Okay, so we're writing down everything that you worry about. Everything you worry about before bed. Everything you think about and worry about when you wake up, we want to write down everything that's on your mind. And I want you to write for at least 10 minutes straight. Make a big list of all the things that you worry about. Everything you think about everything that you're concerned about your life. Okay, pause the video, start writing and come back when you're finished. All right, so that's a lot of stuff, right? A lot of stuff to think about. And isn't it amazing how many different things are on our minds now It's time for part two . What I'd like you to do is I'd like you to go through the list and put a circle next to everything that's outside your control outside your circle of control, and put a star next. Everything that's within your control. Okay, so a circle next to everything on your list that you think about and worry about outside of your circle of control and put a star next to those things that you can impact or that you can control. And if you're gonna be using your computer to do this, you can maybe put a zero and then put a dash. Or you can use another convention system that works for you. When you're finished with that step, I want you to then go back through the list and take everything that has a star. Next, the items that are in your control and that are important to you and that will get you big results in your future if you focus on them and then transfer them to another list. Now one of the biggest energy robbers in our lives is thinking about worrying about and trying to fix things that we don't have control over. By getting clear which elements that we control and which we can't, we can free up a lot of wasted emotional energy and a lot of thought power in attention. And as you transfer over the items that have the star next to them that are within your control and that are important, just put them in priority order today because these are the areas that you'll work on in the next few years of your life. These air, where the big opportunities are for growth. Now, the other items on your list we let them go, OK, we're gonna consciously let them go. And as you go through the list and you see these circles next to the items that are outside your control, I want you to just look at them and consciously release them. Say to yourself, Can I let that one go? Yes, I can release that. You have to consciously do it because this is a powerful exercise that's going to affect you emotionally. You wrote it down. You see that? It's something outside your control and then you look at it and you say I choose to let this go. Let's say you worry about some economic event on the other side of the world and you find yourself thinking about it and you ask yourself, Okay, is there anything I could do about that? No. Can I let that one go? Yes. Choose to let that one go and then notice the emotional experience when you consciously choose to let it go. Then again, take those elements that have the stars next to them and particularly the ones that are very important to you and your success and transfer them over to a new list, putting them in priority order and again get really clear about what you want to focus on in your life. Now, if there are more than 10 items on that list with stars, you have too many. So you want to pare it down to 10 Max? Ideally, it's gonna be maybe five sucks. Okay, good. So do this part of the exercise. Let go of the things that you can't control. Transfer over the things that you can control in priority order and then come back tomorrow . Watch session number two and we'll do our second exercise.
4. Getting Closure: getting closure. Welcome to session number two. In this session, we're going to do an exercise that's going to help us free up more emotional energy and get some completion and some closure in important areas of our life. What I've discovered from a lot of different masters who were really into this human potential movement. People like Werner Erhard and Bread Blend the author of radical honesty is that things that are incomplete in our lives loose ends that we have that are just you don't flying around that are untied, so to speak. They cost us emotionally. They're actually felt as burdens that we carry with us. Maybe you had a fight with someone. Maybe you had a conflict in your life. And maybe it happened two years ago and you never went and resolved. You never had some completion. Or maybe you're having a conflict with someone because, you know, you bought something online from them, and they never sent it to you. And you're mad at them. And, you know, you just have this Oakland loop. You don't have completion in that area. Maybe you started. You know, building a model as a hobby or putting something together and you never complete it. And it's around and the stuff is kind of all around, and it's an open loop. It's incomplete. We need to get some closure and some completion on these things in your life where you don't have it. So in this first part of the exercise today, we're gonna make a list of all the areas in your life where you don't have completion anywhere. You don't have closure where you started, something where there was a break or a breakdown or you left it part way through and it's still standing is an incomplete open move element in your life. And here's the key. It's something that bothers you on some level, even if it's a tiny bit, because that robs you of emotional energy. It's an open loop that actually acts, is an energy leak. It's an energy leak where your energy just flows out. It's felt as a burden. It's like an emotional psychological burden that you carry around. By the way, I'll give you a hint here. When we have incompleteness in our life, we tend to go into avoiding way. Don't look at the places where were incomplete and eventually the incomplete becomes too confronting or burdensome or painful to even think about. So we say, Oh, I'll just get to that later. But then we say it over and over. I'll get to it later. I'll get to it later, but we never do. Weren't gonna have to be honest with ourselves here. Okay, We have to really be seriously honest, way have to confront way. Have to face the things in our life that are burdening us where were incomplete again, even if it's a little bit. So I want you to make a list of each of the areas of your life each issue each project, each relationship, each conflict, each commitment where you're incomplete. So, just like in the exercise in the previous video, we're gonna pause the video and we're gonna do the exercise, and we're gonna come back after we've done the exercise. Now again, you can either write this down. Hopefully, you've gotten a journal where you can keep all your exercises, or you can do this inside a computer file if you like. Just make sure to put in a folder with your other one so you can store it with your first exercise and the other ones that are coming. Okay, here's the exercise. Make a list of all the areas where you're incomplete right now. It should be at least a page long. Take at least 5 to 10 minutes to do this. And when you're done making the list, then just come back and play the video again. Okay? So press pause. Now go make your list and then come back when you're done. Okay. Good. It might be a little scary to look at that list of things that you left incomplete in your life where you have open loops and completion. Some of the things may be physical. Some things you have to take action on and some might be emotional issues or relationship issues. Some might be logical. Okay, What I'd like you to do now in the next part of this exercise is we're going to go through the list and we're going to prioritize. Okay, so we'll just put a little number 12345 Next to the top issues that are robbing you the most. Those are the ones that you want to go after first. Now there's a rule called the Pareto Principle, 80 20 20% of the effort produces 80% of the results in any system, and 80% of the effort produces 20% of the results. This principle comes from Wilfredo Pareto. He went out into his garden and he noticed that there was a tomato plant and it was producing a lot of tomatoes. But the one right next to it wasn't and he realized that in the garden 80% of the vegetables air produced by 20% of the plants. And if you go into a big company, for example, and you go into the sales department, you'll find that the top 20% of sounds people are making 80% of the sales, and you could literally find this rule everywhere you look. Now, if you want to get to know more about this phenomena, I highly recommend you Google. But for now way want to find the 20% on the list that are creating the 80% of the emotional burden and then either complete them or consciously let him go. So again, if you maybe bought something online and the person never sent it to you, and it's been three months and you've been trying to get a hold of them. Make a decision. Now either I'm gonna you know how you're in a journey to do this, or I'm just gonna let it go because it's not worth the energy that I'm being robbed. Okay, So just like in the first exercise, you can just make the decision to let it go. And you can say I choose to let this go and then let it go. Now, it might take a little bit of overcoming some ego because a lot of times we'd rather have justice or like to serve justice on another person than to have our life in our energy back . We'd rather hold the grudge and keep bearing the burden. But the point here is that however you do it, the fact is that we need to get complete, and we need completeness, way need closure, whatever that means. On the things that are robbing you of your energy. Now, it might mean going to someone that you haven't talked to in your life for a long time. Or maybe a family or a friend. You might not have talked to them for 20 years. But go and do what it takes to get completeness to close the loop, tie it up once and for all. And don't let it be incomplete anymore. Okay, so we're gonna finish up the section. You should go on, prioritize these items and trying to find the top 20% that contribute 80% to all your emotional birth. Those top two or three. Probably that will give you back the most emotional energy and just do what it takes. Either go on, get completion or release it to the universe. This is gonna be a process that will free up a tremendous amount of your emotional energy. So go and do that right now. Complete that exercise, get some completion on your important issues and then come back tomorrow and we'll do our third exercise.
5. Getting Out of the Gray Zone: getting out of the gray zone. Welcome to Session number three. In this session, we're going to do something that's called getting out of the race now. In their book The Power of Full Engagement, Jim Layer and Tony Schwartz. They talk about this idea that we get to the point in our lives where we mix up all the different things that we're doing. It's kind of like a multitasking issue in a lot of ways where we can no longer enjoy a pure experience anymore. The question I have for you is this. Where are you living in the gray zone in your life, where you're all kind of mixed up and confused, going from one thing to the next back and forth, physically, emotionally and in relationships and mentally conceptual. Okay, so let's say you've got a great family and you've also got a lot of great work that you do . And let's say that the work is very intense, OK, and let's further say that you've gotten yourself to the point where you really became kind of a certifiable work home. You're at the point where when you're with your family, you're just thinking about work And when your work you're thinking Oh, man, I should really be with my family. Well, that's the gray zone. This is when you can't be fully present in one part of your life. For example, with your family and when you can't be fully present in other areas of life, for example, at work. So again you really mean well, when you're at work, your you're trying to do a good job. And when you're thinking about where I should be with my family, right, your heart is in the right place, and when you're with your family and you're thinking about work you mean while you're trying to do the right thing, you're trying to stay focused on the things in your life that get you results. But the problem is that you're robbing from both and you're probably running it, you know, 50% of the efficiency or 20% of the efficiency, that you could be running it. So I'd like to ask you this. Where are you living in the gray zone, where you mixing up your life and you do a bunch of things at once or you're just doing them unconscious? Where do you not feel like you're putting all of your attention into one thing at one time ? Okay, Where are those times in your life for this exercise? What we're gonna do is we're gonna make a list off all the things that we do in our lives where we're in the gray zone. And then as soon as you make a list of those things, you're gonna come back and I'm gonna give you the next step. So again, it should take you maybe 5 to 10 minutes to do this exercise. Either do it in your journal or on a blank piece of paper, or do it in a computer file and try to keep all these together. So just make a list of all the places where you currently live inside the gray zone. Anywhere you don't feel like you could give your full attention, toe. One thing that you're doing because you're getting distracted switching back and forth, we're gonna do this now, press pause on the video, do the exercise, and then come back as soon as you're done and we'll do the second part. Okay, good. All right. So doing these types of exercises, it's kind of enlightening, but it's also a little scary because you realize, Oh, wow, I'm not doing the things that I need to be doing. I'm not focusing on the things that I need to be focused on. So the second part of the exercise here is about getting some awareness about what's important in life. What are the things that you're trying to do that you really need to do? But you're in the gray zone. When you're doing where you're not being present, you're not being effective. One of the things that you need to start putting all your attention into in focus blocks of uninterrupted time. Okay, so the second part of the exercise is we're gonna go back and look over your list of Grey Zone areas where you're living in the gray zone, and what we'll do is we'll put a little star next to those things that we need to take out , and we need to put large chunks of focused, uninterrupted attention in time. Okay, so you should now have at least three things you might say. There's a project that you do that's very important when you're at work and it's calling on prospective customers to get people to buy stuff. And you know that you're in the middle of the gray zone all the time. When you do that, you'll call a customer, and then, for example, you'll check your email and then you'll have something to eat and then you walk around. But what you really need to do is just spend one hour every single day and called 10 perspective customers, because that'll lead you having a good in depth conversations that Mike over 15 or 20 minutes each, and then you'll make a Sam. That's all the prospecting that you might need to do rather than spread it over your whole day or kind of go back and forth and kind of getting a bunch of other things done in between. But you wind up not getting the important things done. So what we want to do is way. Want to put a little star next to the things that are really important that we get done every day, the things where we need to put focus on every day? Okay, so we're gonna identify them right now to get our minds prepared. All right, so go ahead and go through your list and put a star next to those things that you need to take out of the gray zone and puts the focus on. Do the second part of the exercise and then come back tomorrow and watch session number four and we'll take this to the next level. Okay, I'll talk to tomorrow.
6. Eliminating Energy Thieves: eliminating energy thieves in session number four, We're going to do another very powerful and very, very important exercise. Today. We're gonna be looking at our life again, examining it and identifying MAWR things that steal our energy. All right, so, you know, in your car there's a motor, okay? And if the car is to correctly, it won't run at the optimal level of power and efficiency. So let's say you got a Ferrari and the Ferrari Motor is the super high performance priest precision engineer. Let's say you've got a couple of the spark plugs. That air may be unscrewed a little. And maybe, you know, you only got half the amount of oil that should be in there. And you know, you haven't had it tuned up in obviously long time. And let's say that the car motor is supposed to have 500 horsepower. How much are you going to get out of it? Maybe 200 horsepower or maybe 100 or, you know, it might not even run. Most of us have these things in her life that a Romney robbing us of energy, and we don't even realize it because they're kind of They're like parasites. They're parasites and they just suck the energy out. And it's like interest in late fees on a credit card. They just become accepted their automatic. You don't realize that instead of wasting that $50 on the interest in a late beyond credit card, you could put that money into an investment or you could save it for 20 years and you'd have a lot of money rather than not even having You don't even get to spend it now because you're wasting it on this other thing. So the situations upside down, it's backwards to the way it's supposed to be. Well, with a lot of these things in our lives, a lot of these areas and I'm gonna ask you to self magnums. Neither one of us is a doctor, obviously, and we're not gonna give ourselves prescription here. But we need to know way need to diagnose ourselves way, need to put the mirror on ourselves and see ourselves critical. Now I think that most of us actually know a lot more than we think about ourselves, and we know how to get ourselves out of unhealthy states into healthier states, much better than we give ourselves credit for. Now, I'm gonna ask you to make another little list right now. We're gonna do another sprint, and we're gonna ask ourselves the question. What are the things that rob be amended and we're going to think about this energy on three levels were gonna think about physical energy, emotional energy and then mental or focus or learning energy. And just like in the first few exercises, you're gonna pause the video. You're gonna make a list as fast as you can to kind of just download the things that are robbing you of energy. And then you're gonna come back when you're finished, get the journal that you've been using to take your notes here and log your progress. If you're not using a journal, you can use a blank piece of paper or you can use a computer files. Try to keep it all together. We're just gonna write down quickly download style, all the things that rob you of physical energy, things that robbed you of emotional and relationship energy and things that rob you of mental and focus on. So go ahead and press pause on the video. Make that list and then come back as soon as you're done. And it's particularly a few minutes, five, 10 minutes at the most. Okay, go. All right. Good. So you should have had some realization sends of insights just by making the list. Now, we're going to do the same thing that we've done in the last few days, which is now we're gonna go through and we're good at quickly prioritized. And remember Pareto the 80 20 rule. I want you to find the 20% of the items on the list that are robbing you of 80% of your energy. And then I want you to go and take the match. Put a quick little plan in place to get those things out of your life. Figure out how to eliminate. Probably there. Just a couple things are a few things that are really robbing you of the most energy. And there's something that you can do right now to stop it. You can take an action step That probably wouldn't take you that much time, and you can just get that energy back. Okay? Go back to the list you just made in the things that are robbing you of energy. Find the 20% or the couple or a few of them, that arriving you of the most energy and then do something. Take some action right now to eliminate those things. Now, if it's something in your environment that's robbing you of energy changing if it's a person that's robbing you of energy, spend less time road, communicate with less. If it's something you feel guilty about or something you feel ashamed of, that's robbing you of energy. Go resolve it with whoever you have the issue. This is one of those high lifetime value activities that you do once, and it pays you enormous dividends and it frees up energy on many levels of your being. All right, so this is session number four. Do this and then come back tomorrow. Forfeit session. OK, do this exercise and I'll talk to you
7. Your Most Valuable Actions and the 80/20 Rule: the most valuable actions and the 80 20 rule. Welcome to session, Fine. All right, now that we've gone through the 1st 4 sessions that we've freed up our attention and mental energy, now that we've learned how to clear out mental clutter, that we've gotten closure on some major open loops in our life. Now that we've gotten out of the gray zone and learn how to eliminate energy thieves, now we're going to learn two of the most important exercises and tools we need to do to drastically increase our focus and get the results we want in our lines. In today's session, we're going to identify some of the most valuable activities in your life and business that we need to focus on more proactively. We're going to talk about prioritizing and particularly identifying and prioritizing the very highest value activities. Now most people think that prioritizing is about making a big list of things and then just doing the most important one first. But there's a lot more to prioritizing minutes, so now we're going to do an exercise to identify the highest value activities that we can focus on to do in our lives and our businesses and for this going download the pdf that you'll find on this website and printed out so we could do this exercise together. Okay, This is an exercise that I call the productivity pyramid. And I designed this exercise to really focus in and identify those activities in our lives that we're doing that are wasting our time, that are very little value and those that are very, very high value that we might not think about, but that we need to prioritize highly. Okay, look at the parents. It's built of four levels and the lowest level is what we might call zero village or negative value activities. The second level is low dollar per hour. The third level is high dollar per hour activities and then the pinnacle on the pyramid, those air, the high lifetime value. And this of course, is the most important one. Okay, so zero or negative value activities, low dollar per hour, activities, high dollar per hour activities and then lifetime value active. The reality is that a lot of the things we do in our lives, in fact, for many of us, it's most of the things that we do they have no value us or they even have a negative. They take milieu away. A lot of the things that we do are low dollar per hour value activities that we do it work , things like you, checking the mail and things that really aren't earning us anything. Then we have high dollar per hour activities. Those are the things that if we do them, if we invest in our and doing them, they bring us back high dollars immediately. These are typically activities like, let's say, selling one on one to customers and then there's the high lifetime value activities. Now the reason why it's important to think about this pinnacle these high lifetime value activities is because these are the activities that are going to bring you the most value in your life. These are the activities that you really want to focus on, but these are also the activities that you're going to have to discover on your own. They're not the activities that are gonna come after you. Interestingly enough, those you know, zero or negative value activities, the things that are just interruptions and firefighting and, you know, distractions, wasting time, gossiping, eating junk food, Those things that really have no value or they even take away value from us or the low dollar per hour activities. Those things, they're just busy work that we can easily outsource or weaken. Delegate to others. These things they show up, they come after us. They like they come looking for us. They come to us to take our attention. Where is the high value activities? These activities we have to seek out. Okay, What I'd like you to do is you might pause the video for a couple minutes here and list 3 to 5 activities in each area. What are the top 3 to 5 activities that you're currently doing at each level? So what are the 3 to 5 activities that you're doing in your life that are zero or negative value? What are 3 to 5 activities that you do in your life that are low dollar per hour, one or 3 to 5 activities that you do that our high dollar power bill ones that you earn high dollars per hour when you do that. And then what are 3 to 5 activities that are high lifetime and these would be things like maybe creating a new product that you're going to sell for 20 years or launching a new company or, you know, doing exercise to make yourself healthier. So make a list of the top 3 to 5 high lifetime value activities that you do, and then once you're done with that, come back here, restart the video and we'll go to the next level. Okay? So as you can see, what we really want to do is we're going to work at the higher levels of a pyramid. These levels, these higher to levels, is where all the leverages in our lives and our business these air what we might call the meta priorities that lead to all the success in the long term. But again way must be proactive. These air, not activities that will show up his urgent. They don't come looking for us. These are what we must design into our day. The reason that this exercise here is so important is that these priorities they change and they evolve with you. These will actually change as you progress through life and your work. And what we need to do is we must continually identify every several months, The new things at the top of the pyramid that are emerging and then do them. And remember the Pareto principle, which we've talked about before. 80% of our results comes from 20% of our efforts. Try to find which 20% of your activities contribute 80% of your results and then do that and delegate or outsource the other 80%. Okay, go back through your productivity pyramid. Make sure you've got 3 to 5 items each level of your pyramid. And then what I'd like you to do is figure out how to either get rid of just stop doing or delegate as many of the things as you can in the bottom two levels of a pyramid. This way, you could prioritise the high dollar per hour activities and high lifetime value activities and really get laser focused on the activities that most contribute to your results and your success in life.
8. The 60-60-30 Rule: the 60 60 30 rule. Welcome to our last video. In this session, I'm going to share with you the most powerful concept that I've ever learned. When it comes to productivity and focus and just getting the most out of yourself in your life, I call this the 60 63. The 60 60 30 rule allows you to focus your mind entirely on one thing at a time, thus dramatically increasing your focus and the amount of things that you get done. Now. It's not only a way of managing your time and energy to get better results, but also the feel them and to feel the most energized while doing. We want to be focused, but we also want to feel that we're on purpose now. Our bodies way have literally hundreds of different rhythms and cycles, going from breathing heartbeat to the blinking of your eyes to the emotional side. Firing neurons in our brain in different patterns, sleeping and waking way have daily citing way. Have the circadian rhythm that's sleeping and waking. So we sleep for approximately eight hours and then we wake up and we're up for 16 hours. Wait, have another rhythm that's running outside of that big rhythm, and that's called the Trade Ian Room. The trade in rhythm is the natural cycle of expending and recovering energy throughout the day. So the way it works is we get 90 to 120 minutes of feeling energized and focused and activity, and then we naturally go through a down period for 20 year, 30 minutes or so. This is a natural drop in energy now. Most of us have never learned about the cycle, and we don't honor the natural rhythm that we go through the rising and falling of energy throughout the day. So instead, what we do when our energy starts to fall way, trying to power through or push through or worse, we go and eat some sugar. Or we have some caffeine in order to push ourselves through, because we think that once we get some rest, once we let ourselves relax, we'll never come back to work or hey, we might even feel bad for taking a break. But it turns out counter intuitively that when the natural drop of energy happens and we just relax for about 20 minutes or so, chill out zone out over a walk, meditate, lay down. Just relax for 20 the energy cycle comes back by itself. Naturally, that's the trade Ian rhythm. So instead of relaxing way lined up Texas and if we keep not honoring our natural cycle of rising focus and energy, and then the natural period of downtime and recovery, eventually we burn ourselves out. And burnout is much harder to recover from than a natural, all trade IAM rhythm cycle of being a little bit tired after 90 or 120 minutes and then relaxing and then coming back. So we must learn to honor our body and its natural rhythm. So we have to make breaks a high priority, and we have to make breaks high quality by adding little mini breaks throughout the day in the form of high quality intentional breaks. We bring this power into our actual work experience, the power of rejuvenation. So when you do a break, make sure it's unplugged and make sure it's relaxed. This right here is one of those little things that contribute dramatically to doubling your focus, your results and the work you get done each day. This is how we double our and it worked. What I found is that if you align your work in block of 2.5 hours 60 60 30 which is 60 minutes 60 minutes, 30 minutes, you can optimize your work breaks your relax ation and your focus. So here's how it works. First of all, you want distractions and interruptions. Free environment. Switch off your phone long out of your social network. Switch on the silent mode of your handful, long out any instant, best drips, etc. Then isolate yourself in your workplace. You should also tell your friends, your parents, your colleagues and anyone else that you're going to do and focus on your own stuff. Tell them not to disturb you. A no distractions environment is essential, and it will be able to double your focus and product. After creating a distractions and disruptions free environment, you need to prepare a timer. You don't need a fancy timer. It just needs to be able to set times and making alert. When the time is up, you can use a Web based timer or download timer absent your tablet or smartphone, then prepare all tools and resource is that you need to use. So you'll not interrupt yourself to search for tools during working. And you choose only one task that give you the highest leverage for your important goals. OK, now you have everything prepared. Firstly, you set a 60 minutes and that there's something power. It puts your system into just a focusing. Once I set a timer. I know. Okay. I'm just gonna have this next hour to do this thing. Timers gonna go off. I have to worry about it. And I know that I won't forget. I won't work too long. I won't forget to stop and take my break. It's really, really powerful to use the time. So during these 60 minutes, you want to focus entirely on the task you want to do. Don't let other distractions and interruptions influence you. For instance, during working, you feel a bit hungry and then you start to think what you want. So you stop working and think that you want to eat first before you work. See, that's how distraction occurs. You must be aware of yourself of all kinds of things that'll distract focus 100% on your work. You only need to work for 60 minutes. When you deeply focus on your work, you'll get into the flow state. In other words, you entered the zone. You'll feel being one with the work. Everything around you will be faded behind. You'll forget everything around you and the world on Lee left you and your work. Now, after working for 60 minutes, you can stop working and have a break. Set another five minutes timer for a short break during these five minutes, relax as efficiently. Don't check your smartphone. Don't check e mails. Don't think of what you have planned next. What you have to do next completely relax. Grab a glass of water, close your eyes or do some quick stretching exercises. It should be a complete break from your work. Now, after your five minute break, repeat the cycle. Work for 60 minutes. Focus entirely on your work. After two complete sets of 60 60 cycles, we're gonna have a longer break for 30 minutes. This is a total unplug complete disconnection again, completely rejuvenating from your work. Maybe you may feel hungry after working for two hours. You could take a small, highly nutritious meal, which riches and protein and good cars or you may feel a bit tired. In this case, I suggest you take a 30 minute jam to restore your energy. So what should we do in these two hours? Thes two cycles of 60 minutes. We should do our highest value activity, the work that contributes the most to our success. For me, it's working on building my courses and working on market. These are my hind lifetime value activities, 20% that contribute 80% of the results that I get. And what's really important is that you want to start your work on your own agenda. Avoid getting caught up in message me. And don't let others take you into their own reality. Do the high value work first. Okay, get yourself a timer. Plan your 60 60 30 rule right out what you're going to do and plan your 30 minute break. You should have your 60 60 30 session now, naturally wiring itself into your work. What you can do now is you can start adding another 60 60 30 after your first. It's kind of my philosophy that you get about four really good hours every day of just kind of peak energy, mental focus and effectiveness. This is how we double and multiply our focus and productivity. And this is how we get twice more done in a day than we get done right now. All right. Thank you for going through this course. I hope you've got a lot from this program. If you need a little bit more help or just a helping hand, then don't hesitate to contact if you want to learn even more advanced tools and strategies to really increase your productivity strategies and tools that are custom tailored to your own life, just send me a quick message. I'll be happy. So thank you again for going through this course. Use the tools that have given you and you'll continue being focused and productive. I wish you a great dad. Cheers.
9. Q Invitation: And finally, if you have any remaining questions regarding this course whatsoever, or if you feel that you need personalized help with regard to your unique situation that feel free to email me at hello dot brian bolt at gmail dot com, or send me your questions through Facebook Messenger at m, not me. Slash Ask Brian Bold. You can also follow me on Facebook at facebook dot com slash Ask Brian Bold. Imagine we both have a private conversation. What two questions. Would you ask me? Where do you feel stuck? What's your biggest frustration? What's the biggest problem you're facing? What is it specifically that you want to achieve or get What's the ideal outcome or result that you'd like to achieve? Your situation and success are important to me, and I will be more than happy to answer all your remaining questions. Please bear in mind that I get emails from all over the world, so it may take a couple days to hear back for me. Cheers, Brian