Fixing Client Files: Missing Fonts, Low Res Images & Other Issues | Jon Brommet | Skillshare

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Fixing Client Files: Missing Fonts, Low Res Images & Other Issues

teacher avatar Jon Brommet, Crusoe Design Co.

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      The Class Project


    • 3.

      Bring Back Missing Images With Magic


    • 4.

      Beginning Clean Up


    • 5.

      Finding Fonts You Don't Have


    • 6.

      Finding Vector Logos - From The Source


    • 7.

      Increasing Image Resolution


    • 8.

      Outlining & Broken Text Boxes


    • 9.

      Thanks For Watching


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About This Class

Learn how to clean up a file quickly in Adobe Illustrator so it's ready for print without the hassle. Client's or other graphic designers can often give you less than ideal files that take a ton of time to try and fix. Find out all my tips and tricks to streamline the process so you have clean, easily editable pdfs to work with. All in Adobe Illustrator and Acrobat.

Although this class is about fixing files that have been given to you, it covers many great tips that can be useful for your own files too.

We go over:

• Bring back missing images (magically, no extra files needed)
• Quickly identifying fonts (whether you have them or not)
• Finding vector logos directly from the source
• Increasing image resolution (again, magically, it's insane)
• Quickly outline text you don't have (while retaining the font style)

This is one of those classes that'll likely help you throughout the rest of your career as many of these tips are very useful in tackling problems.

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Jon Brommet

Crusoe Design Co.

Top Teacher
Level: Intermediate

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1. Introduction: [MUSIC]. What's up SkillShare. My name is Jon Brommet and welcome to another class. This is fixing client files. In this class, we're going to be taking files that either a client or someone else has given to us, and they are saying, "Listen, this is all I have. I might be missing images, I might be missing thoughts. The images might be too low of quality, all these problems of this file, but this is all I have". They may not even know how poor this file is. They're, this is just what this other designer gave to me." Well, you're going to show you how to improve those files. So we're going to do some general clean up, we're going to figure out how to bring images back from the dead without even getting another image file for a linked image, we're going to figure out how to find fonts, even fonts you might actually have, but you can't remember the name of them because you have hundreds and maybe thousands of fonts downloaded. How are you going to remember all of these different fonts? I'm going to show you a really easy way to figure out what that font is in seconds. Then I'm going to show you how to make an image that's really low quality image that's not good enough for print and how to appraise it so that it's actually going to be good enough to print. You don't have to get another file or take take out if I were going to use that exact picture and we're going to blow it up in a good way so that it actually looks clean and is ready to print. We're also going to show you a little trick that I figured out in order to get really cool famous logos directly from the source, and I'm going to show you how to just do general cleanup by getting rid of unnecessary mass, how to put text back together that maybe has broken part when a word by word by word, just these weird file issues that happen when people try and save a [inaudible] file for email, and then that's all they give the client because they're mean and they're not nice. So we're going to make those files way better. A lot of it is actually pretty easy. This class is aimed towards intermediate, this Adobe Illustrator class. We're going to use a little bit of Adobe Acrobat Pro, but only for one little tiny tip. But it's mostly going to be aimed at that intermediate user who knows the program pretty well and actually uses the program pretty often. But they may not know all of the ways that they can make a file so much easier to deal with in a pretty short amount of time. So if you have ever been given a messy or bad file and you want to know how to make it better without pulling your hair out of your head, then please keep watching this class, and even if you haven't ever had that problem, you probably will in the future, so you should watch the class anyway and you'll know what to do. Just keep watching. 2. The Class Project: All right. Thank you so much for checking out of the class. We're going to start with the class project, and because the whole point of you taking one of these classes is so you can follow along and you can learn along with me. I know, I've been there, where you watch somebody else do something, you think, I can do that, I watched them do it. But if you have a memory like mine, it's much more important to actually do the class, to follow along with it, and you'll learn so much better, you'll actually internalize that information. I don't internalize it otherwise, unless I actually practice it and do it. What I'm going to be doing is giving you the file right here for this postcard and you're going to follow along with me to take this file, it's really messy, it's got all kinds of problems, and we're going to make it usable, so that you can actually print it or you can send it back to your client, and you can feel confident that, hey, this is exactly how the file should be set up, I fixed it, don't worry about that other designer, whoever made that file for you, I'm the one you should be using, I'm the one that knows what I'm doing. What I want you to do, is actually follow along with the class. To download the class file, I'll show you in the next video where you can download it. I'd like you to make some changes to this postcard. This is upside down, that's the right way. I'd love to see you do things like, maybe change what this text is going to say, it's all even going to be in a different font up here. Change what that says, something different that you came up with, maybe change some of the typing here or change the color. Make a few changes and upload that as your project just to show me you've downloaded the file, you actually follow along, you made your font nice and clean, and you made a couple little tiny changes, maybe that's all the client wanted, in this scene, our hypothetical client, but you made that file print ready and you followed along with the class. Now of course, I understand if you don't have time, or maybe you take the class but you don't want to upload your project, it happens, I'd love for you to do it, it helps the class trend. But at the very least I would love for you to leave a review. If you enjoyed this class, if you enjoyed any of my classes, please leave reviews because they really helped getting my class trend, and make sure that lots of other people see it. It makes it easier for me to keep making classes for you. All right, lets get into class. 3. Bring Back Missing Images With Magic: In order to get started in this class, I'd love for you to download the class file so that you can follow along with me. It's really important when you actually follow along because sometimes just watching isn't enough. Doing it yourself will make it way better for you to actually remember how to do it, and you might run into little snags that you can problem-solve, so you'll learn a lot more by following along. In order to get this class project, you just have to navigate to the class. I'm on an old class because obviously this one isn't out yet as a recording, and you might be under the About tab, you just have to go over to projects and resources. Over here, under resources is where you will find this class file. Once you've downloaded that, we want to open it in Adobe Illustrator. Right off the hop, we're going to find a problem. I'm dragging this into Adobe Illustrator, and you can see here that it cannot find a linked file. I'm going to click Ignore and we're going to see where that is. You can see that when I open this file, I'm missing the image that was here. If I open that image and preview the same file, you can see there should should be an image here, but it is missing in my actual file, and am also missing the text. Now I've this text and for the sake of it, I'm actually going to turn it on. It is something called Titling Gothic. It is available in Creative Cloud. If you have Adobe Illustrator, chances are you have Creative Cloud, so you can turn this one onto. Let me just select one of the letter so you can see Titling Gothic FB. So if you're missing those fonts, that's no problem. You can tap and continue on with the class and totally ignore it. If it has this weird pink box around the text, as you can see here, that's not an issue. We're going to fix that in one of the last videos. Since I have the font and it looks a little weird, I am activating the font for the rest of the video, and we'll address those towards the end of this class. We say we talked to our client and they say, "Listen, this is all I have and I don't have any other files, can you please work with what we've got?" This can be a big problem if you don't have this image, and you want to be able to have it so you can edit this rest of this file and still retain that image. I found a really cool way to work around this. All you have to do, you can actually keep this file open or you can open another file. I'm going to open a new file and I'm going to make it the same exact document size. If you look here in our art board, it is a four by six file. Our new file we want to have bleed and all that good stuff, so we're going to make it six inches wide, four inches tall. We want to bleed an eighth of an inch, which is 0.125 and we want to Art boards. So this is exactly how we want it set up. I'm going to move this art board over just a little bit. It's nice to have a safety margin just to make sure that we don't put any information close to the edge of that file. I've talked about this a little bit before, so I won't go into it too heavily, but I'm going to make it five and three quarters by three and three quarters, and I'm going to center that to my page. I'm going to copy it and paste it. So that's command C to copy, command F to paste. So you can see that I have them pasted here. I'm actually going to make it a little bit smaller, just by clicking in the number of boxes up here and using my arrow down key, just so that the margin is a bit bigger. Selecting that box, I'm going to hit command five to turn it into a guideline and command five to turn it into a guideline. Anytime I say command, if you're using a PC, just use the Control button. It's the same. Now we have our file nicely set up. It's time to bring back the images that were missing. I could just drag the file into a Illustrator, but what happens is it just randomly picks one of the pages. So I want to be able to go to File, Place and, and navigate to that file. This is important, make sure you have Show import options checked. That way you can select which page. It did actually open the right page for me, but just in case it doesn't for you, I want make sure that you select the page that you want. We'll start with one because we need one, and then we'll just click at this upper corner, the bleeding and see it's not quite fitting. We'll just center to the page here and we're going to click Embed. So that's the first half and then we're going to repeat the process to get the second page. That is where so-called magic will happen. If we click over here to number two of two, click Okay. Click it in here. As you can see, suddenly that image has reappeared. We brought back that missing link, and now we can actually go ahead and edit it. It looks like that image is darker than in our preview mode, but that's just because we haven't actually embedded the image yet. If we go up here and click Embed, it'll give us this little warning. We'll click Okay, and suddenly you can see that our file is starting to look a lot better and we brought back that image from the dead. Now suddenly, this unlinked image that we couldn't get from our client is there. It's a really good first step. We've already got our file setup ready to work with. Now, it's time to dive into the little bits and pieces that make this file print ready. 4. Beginning Clean Up: Okay, so now that we've brought back our missing damage, we're ready to make this file more usable. So we can go in and edit the other things the client has asked us to edit. The first thing I want to do when you're getting these files, they're set up like this. There's a lot of different masks going on. Things are in multiple groups. For example, if we look at this now open texts which we're going to deal with later. If I want to select it, I'm double-clicking, double-clicking, double-clicking. I had to keep on going because I'm going through masks and masks and masks. So we want to be able to clean that up. So this is a lot easier to edit. So here's what we're going to do. We're gonna start with this first page and we're going to go command option seven, and if you want to know where that is, that is object. We're going down a clipping mask and we're releasing it. So that's command option 7, and we're going to hit that a whole bunch of times, and then in order to make sure we don't get our file too messy, I want to hit command G, in order to group all of the stuff that we just released out of that mask. So we're going to double-click it to go within, and you can see because it was touching this page, it's got information over here. I'm just going to drag and select everything on the right and delete it because we don't need that. That's all going to be on the next page. All we need for this is pretty straightforward. We want our white text, we want our white icon, and we want this one image. So if we click and drag over in this corner here, we're going to grab a bunch of different masks, and then because we've also grabbed our image, I'm going to hold shift and click on the image which will deselect it. It may look like it still selected, but that's because there's some weird mask things going on. We should at this point be able to just hit delete and get rid of all of those masks. So now we have nothing but our image here, and our text and our logo right here. So I'm going to click and drag to get all of that way, and once again, holding Shift and clicking on the image will deselect the image, and now I'm going to group by command G, just as logo file. At this point we can get out of here. So this logo is still connected to the background. I can hit Command Shift G, which will just release this logo from the background. But again, that's logo still nicely grouped. Now we do want one mask on it and there's two options here. We could actually crop the image in order to make the file just a little bit smaller or we can mask it. So in the future we have the option of moving it just a small amount. So it is, okay, of course have one or two masks. You just saw all these crazy masks that make it really difficult to select your artwork. So what I'm going to do is using my rectangular tool, which is M on my keyboard. I'm going to click from the top corner of my bleed, which is the red line to the bottom corner, and I have made a box will just fill it with any color just so you can see. Now, I'm holding Shift and I'm selecting the image, and I'm going to use Command 7, which again, if we go to object, clipping mask make, and we've now mask out that image with just one mask, only one mask this time, and then what we want to do is I want to send this to the back. That's object arrange and sent it back, and you can look right beside it to understand what the cookies are so that you can do this more quickly in the future. Cookies are very important. Another thing if you haven't taken one of my classes before is I'm a really big fan of smart guides. When I drew that rectangle before, it's not perfectly into each corner rather than missing by a small amount. As you can see, when I zoom in is perfectly in that corner, and that was thanks to using my smart guides, I find them extremely important and they take a little bit of getting used to. So you just go to view and down a smart guides or you can hit command U. So the first page is pretty useful now it's going to be nice and easy to edit. Our second page is now still an issue. It's got tons of masks. So once again, selecting that we're going to hit command option 7 a whole bunch of times, and then I'm going to hit group command G, double-click to get into it. Grab everything from the left and deleted or basically just repeating the process we just did. This one is a little more complicated as you can see, we've got a lot more different little pieces and things going on, but we should be able to click and drag into the corner, just don't go as far as this G just before it, and then once again holding shift, we're going to click our image and then we're going to hit delete. If you notice that deleting anything important, of course just undo with command Z but otherwise, we should be just getting rid of our masks, which is perfect. That's what we want. Now, I want to be able to group some of this text together. I think that if I click and drag over here, I want all of that text box. So we want to be able to get editing all these different little bits and bobs. So here's what we're going to do. I'm going to double-click outside of this, and now I'm going to click on it again. It's still all grouped. So I hit Command Shift G to ungroup everything. So now we've got our image, we've got this black-box, and we've got all of our different text. So I wanted to do the same thing. I want to make a box here using my rectangular tool and I'm going to select this image and I hit Command 7, and I want this image to appear just on top of that black box, but not on top of everything else like it's doing now. So here's a good trick to do that. If we hit Command X on our keyboard is going to delete the image, but on top of deleting the image, it's actually also copying it. So I want to select this box right here and we wanna make sure that we don't copy anything else. Well, that's kind of held in the Clipboard. But we're going to grab this box and I want to make sure that it has proper bleed. So I'm dragging this out into the top right corner of our bleed and this to the bottom so that we can make sure that the black is extending rate to our bleed edge. If you don't know about bleed, I've talked about it in other classes and I also intend to do a YouTube video all about it very soon. So you can always check that out at John Brahmin on YouTube. In order to paste this image exactly where I want, I want it to be just on top of the black layer. The cool way to do that is if I select this little black box and I hit Command F, it will paste that image exactly on top of whatever I have selected. So now we know that our layers are in the right order. Just like that, the file is getting way closer to being ready to use. I want to make a few more things grouped together. So what I'm going to do is it's a kind of annoying to select this top text, deselect my background, select this disliked my background. So there's a few things we could do. We can make layers and we can lock our backgrounds. But a lot of the times for simple files, I find layers in adobe Illustrator, a bit of a pain in the butt because it's making sublayers no matter what anyways for you. So rather than opening the layers panel like you do in Photoshop, it's usually unnecessary and illustrator unless you have really complicated artwork. So one really cool tip is to select both this box and the image, and we're going to hit Command 2. If we go to object and we go down to lock, you will see selection here, that's Command 2, and now I can no longer select that image or that black box unless I go to object, unlock all. So it's a nice way now I can really easily select just the text and just the bits I want without always having a deselect the other parts. So we're just going to group things that we think make sense together. For example, maybe these two logos, maybe all of this text here on the right. So it command G. This now open command G, good coffee means good beans command G, and then this text down here, command G. So now we have this file fairly close to ready to set up, but we need to address some other little small issues and assume small changes that our clients have requested. But now at least we've got our images. We've got this file clean and editable, and we can now get down to work. So in the next video, I will show you how to find a font that you don't have. That Is this now open font? You may know what it is, but in case you don't, I will show you a really quick cool tip to find out what that font is. Even if you don't have it. 5. Finding Fonts You Don't Have: All right, so in the last video, we cleaned up the soil so that it's a little more easy to use at this point, I think it's important to save if you haven't already. We're going to save as we want to save this as a PDF, override a test file I was making earlier. In these settings I suggest you going to press "Quality" and then we want to click marks and bleed. We want to make sure we have our trim marks on, our use bleed settings on and we want the offset to match our bleed settings. In this point, we just hit the arrow up, which makes it 0.125 and click "Save." Okay. Now we're able to address something the client has asked us to do. That is they want us to turn now open into grand opening. But there's a pretty big problem. We don't know what that font is. If you do know that font is play along, wink care and when we can. In order to find this font, we could go through all of the fonts that we have and you may have thousands of them and you may not even have this font. There's a good chance you don't. There's a better way to do this and that is using online font finding software. Well, there's a couple of tips to make sure that those websites work best for you. What I'm going to do here is I'm going to click and I'm holding "Option or Alt" and letting go and that will just duplicate this text over here. Now we're lucky that this text is already vector. These online font finders actually worked fine with images, which is what you'll have in most scenarios that you want to use those websites is you'll have an image that has text on it that you can't find. But in this case we actually have vector so you've got a link up and it shouldn't be a little easier to find a font. The other thing is, these font finders work best with a white background and black text. Using my rectangular tool I'm making a white background, I want to arrange, send to black and I'm going to click that now open and turn it to black. We have the luxury of being able to do that since this is already vector. But because they want it to say grand opening, we don't want to have to try and draw these letters or figure that out so we want to be able to find the actual font. Now one thing I've noticed about using font finders is generally speaking, if your font is a script font, it will have a difficult time making out each letter because they're actually connected to each other. It sees it as one letter as long as they're connected. There's two ways to fix this. In our case, we're lucky that it hasn't been united, so you can see that if I ungroup this using my command shift g, I can just drag over this w. Now my letters are unconnected, so that's actually really useful. But let's just say in this case that the text was actually combined. I'm going to go here and you're going to my path finder and I'm going to merge them. What you want to do is make sure that this is selected. We're going to use shifty on our keyboard to pull up the eraser tool. Then I'm going to try and just cut this o from this w as cleanly as possible so that it keeps the shape of the w. That should really help make the online software find the font easier. Now I'm on a Mac, so I'm going to use Command Shift four, which is a screenshot and I'm just going to click and drag over the word "Now" to copy it. It's going to just take a picture of that and put it on my desktop, so I have a file of it. If you're using a PC, I believe you can hit print screen and you can copy and paste it and then you'll have to just crop in. You don't want your whole desktop, you want at just the words if you can. Okay, so now we're navigating over to our font finding websites. The first one is the which is owned by my fonts as a big font selling website. The only problem with this website because it works really well, is that they generally only have fonts that they have for sale. If the font you're looking for is a free font, it's unlikely that they're going to have it, but we're going to try this anyways. We're going to click to upload my image, select my screenshot, give it a moment and recognize the letters so we'll click this arrow. As you can see here, it had a bit of a hard time making out the o from the w so it's just got this what looks like a c. I can type in NOW here and now you can see it's close, that's not bad. The o and the w are pretty close with the n is definitely wrong. It looks like at a glance this does not have the correct font. That's when this other font website that I use as my next step is called Not great English, but it works pretty well. We're going to click browse over here and we're going to select it again. The only problem I've ever had with this website is that sometimes there's annoying popups, but is not the worst. It's a lot of ads, but it works. We're going to type in a capital N. Here's one of these pop-ups and lower-case o and then lowercase w. We're telling it what each character is and we're going to click continue. Then we'll just scroll down and see. As you can see right there, I'll leave number four down. We have wisdom script, which is exactly the font that we were looking for. Man, that saves a lot of time. That's so much better than trying to go through all of your fonts and unlikely even know there's millions fonts out there. You're unlikely to even have the font. At that point you can obviously download that font. Of course, I've already downloaded it so I'm going to delete all of this stuff. I'm going to type out grand opening, use wisdom script here. I'm just going to make it a color that stands out on top of this white for the moment. Below it up. I want to snap to the left edge here so that everything's nicely aligned in a tighten up the tracking over here. Something like that's pretty good. You can always finesse it to whatever you want. Again, I'm going to hit command x, which deletes it, but copies that. Then I can select this now open text, hit delete, command F to paste my grand opening and place and will turn it to white. Now we've made that change for our client and we can happily send them that change and make sure that they are happy with it. We're well on our way to making this file usable. But there are a couple more problems to address first. 6. Finding Vector Logos - From The Source: It's time to address a few more problems that we're noticing in this file. I've gone through this file and I've taken a look. I look at this image, it is 300 dpi and CMYK. That's great. 300 dpi is a great resolution. We know this is all vector. It'd be nice if all these letters were connected for the sake of it. We'll deal with that later, same with these. This background image here which we can't select right now because it was locked, if I unlock it and use my direct selection tool, I notice it's 72 dpi. That's something I'm going to have to address. We'll do that in another video. I'll just Command Z for the moment. Another issue if I zoom in here, are these logos. These are a problem. These are way too low of dpi. If I ungroup them, I'm seeing they say there are 150 dpi, that's not great. That's definitely about half the quality you want for print. But they just looked pretty bad and I think that we might be able to find a better solution to these. Now redrawing them is a pain in the butt. You have two options essentially. The first option is a website called Brands of the World. This website used to be fantastic for finding logos that you do not have but there's a couple of issues with it. For one, those logos have to be fairly famous, generally speaking and two, they're oftentimes actually drawn by whoever had to recreate the logo and then they've uploaded here so you're not actually really getting the official logo. You're just getting a better logo than you may have at the moment. Let's type in this Truvia brand and we're going to hit search here. As you can see, we cannot find it. Let's look at the name Baratza. I don't know if I'm pronouncing these things right but anyway, Baratza and we'll search that in there. Again, it doesn't find either of these. That's obviously not ideal and sometimes they're not well done. For example, if we wanted to look at Coca-Cola or search that, you're going to find a lot of options. That's what I mean. The more famous the logo, the better this website will work for you. But there's a way better option in my opinion and it's my first go to, before I go to this website and that it is Google. The reason for that is nowadays a lot of websites want to make a PDF for you to share any kind of information, sales information that they have. Most of these companies will have a PDF available and a lot of the times that PDF will have their logo and a much better quality. If we simply type in Truvia PDF, and we'll take a look here, as you can see, I've already selected one. We can see that it says PDF to the right, that's important and we can see this right here. Now it's possible that they've already turned this into an image and the quality is not much better. I'm going to download it and open it in Illustrator regardless. We'll go ahead and we'll open that first page. We can ignore all these missing fonts. We don't care. Now we want to just get in here and grab this text. Look at that. It's perfectly vector, so I'm using my direct selection tool, just dragging a box just around this text, Command C and I'm going to paste it right here. I don't need all these different colors and things, so I'm just going to make it white. I'm grouping it, Command G and I'm just going to shrink it down. Boy, that saves a lot of time redrawing a logo. If you ever have to find a logo that a client can't supply, if the company is somewhat well-known, there's a good chance you're going to find this. We can try it here and you try it with the second company. As you can see, there's a PDF here. We're going to download this PDF. Open it in Illustrator. Again, the logo looks like it's on the first page. One way to check if this is actually vector because there's a box around it and the letters aren't showing like they are, is using Command and the letter Y that shows our outline mode, we can see it is vector. It's just got some funny mass. We're using our direct selection tool, we'll grab the corner of that box, hit Delete a couple times and now as you can see, we should be able to use the direct selection tool to grab this logo, Command C. We're going to paste it here. Now, we don't want all this white text, but this little R here is editable. I'm going to turn my fonts to outlines, which is type Create Outlines or Command-Shift O. Then using Pathfinder, I'm going to merge this all. Then I'm grouping it, which is Command G, double-clicking to go within that group. I'm going to use Y on my keyword, which is the magic wand tool. I'm going to select the black because I only want the black. Then, I'm hitting Command X, which deletes all of that black, but also copies it. Then, I'm going to hit Command A, which will select every other bit of information. Simply Delete and Command F to paste in place. I know that was a lot of steps so I tried to do it a little slowly. If that seemed confusing, just rewind and listen to it again and we're going to turn that to white. We'll double-click out of it. Again, you can see this is now ungrouped for some reason so we're going to select it all, Command G to group and now we can just shrink this down and replace our logo. Just like that, we have two of our logos that are going to now print perfect quality that would have been definitely less than ideal. The idea here is we want to make this postcard print perfectly given in the file that we had. Now I can just go ahead and close those PDFs because I don't need them anymore. We can save this and it's a time to address the next issue, which is the quality of this image in the background. 7. Increasing Image Resolution: Alright, so our postcard is getting closer and closer to be in print ready. But we have a couple more little things that we want to address. One is this low quality image in the background. I locked it earlier in our earlier video. We want to unlock it, with the object unlock all. Using our direct selection tool, we can see that this is only 72 DPI. It's definitely not good enough quality. It's definitely pixelated if we zoom in. It's not the worst because the fact that it's transparent, so it's only showing that 25 percent. But basically that file is not good enough. What I suggest you do is copy that and we're going paste it right over here. It's going to paste it at normal 100 percent. Now you can really zoom in and see that things are not good quality. I think these are people here. It's just not great. Trying to make an image better quality than it is, is tricky. Some of you, if you're not familiar with this stuff, you may think that you can go to object rasterize and just rasterize it at a higher resolution. You can technically, but watch. If we click that, now it has made it 300 DPI, as it says here in the top corner. But if we zoom in, we've gotten no better quality. In fact, we've doubled the file size of that image. Totally unnecessary, totally useless. By saving it as 300 DPI you're just faking it. There's a much better way to do this. What I suggest that you probably do is we're just going to copy this and make a new document. So Command N, and we don't need any bleed, we only need one art board or click OK for now. Then I want to paste this in here. Now you can see that my art board is different size of the image. If I use my art board tool and I just double-click and after double-clicking, you'll see that our art board is the right size to the image. We're going to go to File Export and we're going to go Export As. We can call this whatever we want. I'm going to make it a j-peg and I am going to call it cafe interior. I do want to use my art boards so that it's the actual size my art board. Click Export and here we want to just make a couple changes. I find that this software works better with RGB files for some reason I don't know why. We're going to use this as RGB and we want the quality to be 10. Then most of the stuff can stay the same. But resolution, we don't want it 150 because once again, our files are only 72, so we're just going to match it so 72. Then we click OK, everything else can stay the same. Now we're heading over to a website called let' You can see that I've already used this website and I've uploaded the image. All you want to do is go click here to upload. You're allowed to do something like eight a month or something like that with the free plan. You do have to sign up. But this was super useful I find. Once you select that image that you have, you can tell it that it's photos and art and you click start processing. Just going to click out of that. It will start showing processing here. Then when it's done, you can download the file just by clicking the arrow in the corner. Of course I've already done that. What that does is upscale the image for me. I'm going to open that in Illustrator. You can see that it says 300 DPI and it says RGB. I want to turn this to CMYK because technically that's what it should be for printing. You can't do it in an RGB document. I'm just going to copy this command C, and we're going to close this file, close this file and I'm going to paste it in this document. You can see here it is pasted. Now, it's actually about four times the size, not only as 300 DPI but the actual image size is larger. Let's drag it over here. We're going to select this image, and I'm going to copy the size. Over here, I'm going to paste that size. I want to drag this exactly on top of my last image here so we can see what we're doing. Now you can see that since I brought it into the CMYK document, it didn't always used to do this, but now all of a sudden the file says it's CMYK, so it's auto turned it to CMYK for me. Let's take a look at the quality difference. This is my file on top and now says it's 600 DPI at the size, we could rasterize it to 300, 600 is a bit overkill, makes the file bigger. As we zoom in here, we can see these people's faces. I don't even know how this website works because it's so ridiculously incredible. If I just delete this image so that you can see the lower-quality one beneath it. Look at the difference that makes. Look at those people. How does that website see that information and make them look like this? Honestly, it blows my mind. This website's really cool. It's one of the best up-scaling websites I've ever seen. We can delete that other file. What we want to do is make sure that this fits exactly where our old image was. I'm going to go into wire-frame which is Command Y. I'm dragging this image exactly on top of where the old image was. It should snap, but it's dragging. Its snapping to other things. We want to snap it right there. Go out of wire-frame which is command y. For one of the last times we're going to hit Command x and we're going to double-click until we get to this image right there. That is the 72 version, we're going to delete that. Command F to paste the new image. Now if it jumps over here, like you can see when it should have been right here. The reason for that is because I've selected this art board, but when I copied it, I had this art board selected. It's a little confusing, but I'm hitting Command Z and I want to make sure this left art board selected and hit Command F, and now it'll paste exactly where it was. If we double-click out of this group, it should automatically go back because it had the mask and it had that transparency and it should be all good. If we use our direct selection tool, we can once again see that it is now 600 DPI and those people's faces are there much, much better quality. We really only have one or two little other little things and they're more OCD making your file perfect things. We'll go into those in the next video but this thing is basically good to go. What I do want to do is I want to select this stuff and lock it again, which is command 2 so in my next video, it's not in the way. But boy, we are getting really close. 8. Outlining & Broken Text Boxes: So we've got the last step of making this file nice and print ready. As I said before, this is kind of an OCD thing. Let's just give you a hypothetical reason why this would actually be useful to you. It could be that your client has asked you to change all this small text to a different color, but you actually don't have that font. So what you could do is of course go to one of those font finding websites that I mentioned earlier, but they also have another flaw. That is text like this, like a Sans- serif text that is really generic, they have a hard time differentiating one from another. It might give you a Helvetica or Arial or any list of basically any of those fonts because they're all so similar, it's really difficult for it to tell the difference. I'm actually using, as I said earlier in the video, that's titling Gothic font, which is on Creative Cloud. But let's just say that you didn't have this font and you wanted to change the color of this text. The easiest way to actually do that would be to open up this file in Adobe Acrobat I am going to just open it in Acrobat here. So now with this file open in Adobe Acrobat, what I want to do is go down to my Print Production over here on the right hand corner. If you're on PC, it might look a little different, but hopefully you can find that. Then we're going to Flattener Preview. It'll open up a dialog box that looks just like this. One of the things we want to do in this case is click "All Pages in Document". We want to say convert all texts, outlines, and convert all strokes to outlines. There's okay here, but for some reason if you click it, it doesn't work. So generally what I do is open it again and rather than clicking "Okay" here, we want to make sure all pages is selected and I'm going to click "Apply". That seems to actually make a difference. It says this operation cannot be done. You say that's okay, yes. Now the key here is just to save your file with a slightly different name. So once you've done that, then you can click "Okay". I think those blocks that are weirdly laid out, but anyway, we'll go "File", "Save As", and I'll save it to our desktop. I'm just going to call it the number 2 at the end of the title. Now if I open that in Illustrator, it's give me this funny PDF warning. It's doing the same thing we had before. We'll just click "All" and we're going to de-select that and we'll click "Okay". So now you can see it's brought this in. It's got this, this is something we would actually do earlier in the steps. But I found this mildly, I didn't know if this would be such an exciting thing, so I'm going to save it for later. But you can see here if we zoom in and go to wire-frame that all of that text is now outlines. So it didn't even matter whether you have that font or not. Then using our direct selection tool, we could select these two paragraphs. We can just turn them green like so. Now our text turned green where we needed without actually even having to find the font. So that's another really cool way to make some changes to fonts if you don't have the font and you can't get the font, or even just an easier way than wasting your time trying to find the font and replace it. But now we're going to get into the real nitty-gritty, the clean-up. We're going back to our file here. We're assuming we've found the font, which I did. What we want to do is, as you can see, all of this text is little tiny itty bitty pieces. Maybe they want you to just change one word or something along those lines. Now this part is a problem. For some reason, Illustrator decided to turn this stuff into outlines for us. I don't know why. That's annoying. Those three lines are actually going to have to just type out using this font. So I'm just going to drag this down here and we are retype those lines. I'm going to make this color pink and we'll just put it on top. I just find it differentiates from the white text. Bring it to the front. We want to bring this down just a little bit. Like so and I bring this line down this a little bit. So Command X, delete those three lines, Command V and now we can turn those two white. Now, all of this other texts you can see is still in little tiny bits and pieces. So we have two options. Again, generally we can retype the whole thing like I just did, so that you have it all nicely tracked and all cleaned up or there is an option, this is a paid plug-in, but it's a really useful plug-in and full disclosure. I was given to me for you about that kind people who understood graphics, but they have a cool membership now that gives you a million crazy plug-ins, and this is just one of them. I use it all the time. I used it well before they gave it to me free. It's called vector first aid. If I open that, there's just a little box here that if I hovered over, it says "combine a point text objects." What's amazing, instead of typing out all of the texts, like basically I'd have to delete all this and retype it in order to make each piece not its own letter. But if I just click this button, you can see it does a ridiculously good job of putting all that text CLR and it saves us a lot of retyping and copying and pasting. So we're just going to say that here. We can do the same things here. If we select all of this text, I'm going to have to go into the group, select all that text, just hit this here. You can see it just pieces of it all back together and were just double-click here. So we have this line just like that. That's good stuff. Just say, is it a lot of little time of clicking into doing little things and now if they decide instead of will shock you, we'll surprise you or something like that and make little text changes and it won't make any difference the file be nice and easy to edit. There it is. This file is now ready to print. We found any missing fonts, we can make changes there. We figured out how to outline text if we didn't want to get it, we figured out how to up-scale images, we know how to find better versions of a logo online. We've got so much different information in here. We figured out how to get rid of masks and add [inaudible]. Now we have a file that is going to print so well. I hope you guys enjoyed this class. I know it's not a super creative, exciting, that kind of thing. But these are kind of classes that at least for me, are so useful and it's something that you'll actually be like information you can take with you for the rest of your life rather than maybe some trendy different illustration process that you might play with for a week and it'd be really fun. This is something that is going to just be so useful for you to have this knowledge moving forward in your career or hobby or whatever it is. So I hope you guys enjoyed this class. Let's go into the wrap-up video. 9. Thanks For Watching: Thank you so much for taking the class. I really hope you guys enjoyed it. It's not a sexy class as unlike when really creative, cool class where you just want to draw all day and make really cool creative artwork and have the time of your life. It's not that kind of class, but it's the kind of class that I also really like doing, where it's really informational and it's going to be information that you can use probably for the rest of your career for even if it's a hobby, whatever it is, information that will actually be useful for you. So you can move on and use that forever, for all the time or whatever. So those are the classes I also like to make. So again, sorry that it's not as creative or cool, but I think that this one's actually going to stick with you. So if you'd like that class, please click on my profile on skill share and check out all of the other classes that I've done. I've done so many classes on so many different topics and a chance that I put out classes on things that you want to learn, but you didn't know I made a class on, so click on over to my profile, check those out. Of course you can follow me on Instagram that's @JonBrommet and I've started putting out YouTube videos on real short things I can't quite make a class out of. So follow me there. Everything's Jon Brommet it on all the stuff. Again, thank you so much for taking the class and I'll see you guys very soon with another one. Bye-bye.