Find Your Niche: 10 Questions to Identify Your Niche for Instagram, TikTok, Youtube, or Newsletter | Kasia Pilch | Skillshare

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Find Your Niche: 10 Questions to Identify Your Niche for Instagram, TikTok, Youtube, or Newsletter

teacher avatar Kasia Pilch, Online Strategist & Marketing Specialist

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction - What to Expect


    • 2.

      Class Project - Your Homework


    • 3.

      To Niche Down or Not?


    • 4.

      Why Niching Down is About Building Your Personal Brand?


    • 5.

      How Niche is Niche Enough?


    • 6.

      Why Do People Struggle So Much to Find Their Niche and Their Favorite Content Pillars?


    • 7.

      Question 1: What do you have experience in?


    • 8.

      Question 2: What do you really like to do, what makes you feel alive?


    • 9.

      Question 3: What do you love talking about?


    • 10.

      Question 4: What problems can you solve?


    • 11.

      Question 5: What do you wish you could do? Where do you see yourself in 10 years?


    • 12.

      Question 6: Who do you admire and what do you admire about them?


    • 13.

      Question 7: What do people compliment you on and come to you to help them with?


    • 14.

      Question 8: What makes you wonderfully weird?


    • 15.

      Question 9: If you could design the perfect friend, what would they be like?


    • 16.

      Question 10: What is your dream lifestyle?


    • 17.

      Analyze Your Answers


    • 18.

      How Can You Test and Validate Your Niche?


    • 19.

      Can You Change Your Niche?


    • 20.

      Final Words and My Question to You


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About This Class

This course is designed to help you navigate the world of social media marketing, content management, and strategy development across platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and newsletters. You'll gain insights into how to leverage your online mission (also your Facebook marketing, influencer marketing, and personal brand development) to grow your online presence! Whether you're a small business owner or someone building a personal brand, you'll learn effective techniques to ensure sustainable growth. We'll also dive into Instagram growth strategies, YouTube tactics, and how to implement a marketing strategy that aligns with your unique niche. By the end, you'll feel empowered to not only find your niche but also manage it effectively like a true content strategist or social media manager. MOST OF ALL: TRUE TO YOURSELF.

Meet Your Teacher

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Kasia Pilch

Online Strategist & Marketing Specialist

Top Teacher

I'm Kasia. Kasia Pilch. Oolong tea addict and the woman who deeply believes in her (even the craziest!) dreams.

For almost 10 years, my career as a marketing specialist, online strategist, creative director and blogger has given me the fulfillment to be able to help other ambitious people in simple ways using the advantage of my abilities and work experience.

I'm here to serve people with BIG DREAMS.

I've joined Skillshare to help you step into your full potential and elevate to the dream level in all areas of your life (not only those connected with your career). To discover your purpose, your mission, your creativity, and create a life that you can't wait to wake up to.

To focus on the right things to grow your business and online presenc... See full profile

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1. Introduction - What to Expect: Ten questions to find you on each for Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube. I would love to grow on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and start reading content more regularly, but very often. I'm not quite sure what to post about. Is that you Today, we are going to change that. So, welcome to the days course. Are you wondering how to find an each that will set you apart? A ache that will be aligned with your values, with your passions and will be easy to monetize at the same time. Should you listen to your heart, or rather to some cold calculations. I'm Kasha P, marketing specialist and online strategist. And as an online strategist, I help many ambitious people find your mission, express their unique voice and create content that is aligned with their values. That's why today I want to help you and guide you through all the touchpoints you might be considering, even though we can't meet in person today. But as a considere is an armchair for you, if you want. I hope I will become your neat Csaler, your neat coach. And we will find a connection right here, and I really hope you will end this course energized. Ready to conquer the social media landscape with what makes you unique. What questions should you ask yourself to find the right one? We will discuss how to look at naching down to monetize your skills more effortlessly. How to figure out who you really are, how to discover what you're good at. After finishing this course, you will have a solid idea in your head about what lifestyle you want, and what Mich can give you that. I want this course to be a safe space created to inspire you and to give you that little push you need to grow and thrive in your social media growth. Let's jump into it. 2. Class Project - Your Homework: Class project, slash your homework. Okay, so first things first. I don't want you to sit quietly and just listen to what I'm saying during this course. That's not the way I teach. That's not the way we will discuss together. We need action. I need your active thoughts to begin the process of finding the right niche for you. Because in this course, we are going to talk about you, about nobody else. I need your full honesty. You need to be open and vulnerable so we can find the right one. And it is your promise. Also, don't hesitate to pause the course every time you need it, or reward the pots, you need to hear one more time to digest them more successfully. Take your time. Take your time to reflect on all the questions we are going to discuss today. Okay, so what will you need to finish this course and to maximize the benefits from finishing this course? You will need a notebook or at least a few sheets of blank paper for that process. If writing down things is your thing. Because when it comes to me, I'm a huge fan of writing things down. So I have the traditional journal with all the things about my niche, about my color creation, and all the things I have learned during my process. And if it's your thing to do the same, you can journal, you can write all the things down on you can record them if you prefer it that way. You can do it to make the process more productive, to dive into yourself even deeper. And then you can read or listen to all your thoughts, all the ideas you had while watching the course. I promise you will be surprised with the amount of new thoughts and brave concepts that you will feel and will come today. You will feel them with your heart. That's our mission. Okay. But each course needs a little homework, right? O Skillshare, we call that class project, which is even greater because you can share it with the audience with our audience of like minded people. We can inspire each other. So what's your homework? If you don't find it too personal, but it's also okay if you do. I will totally understand that as well. Share one answer to the question from this course. That you find most inspiring and most surprising for you. One question that became a total eye opener for you. And you answer if you want to share it with us. And if you do, share it with us in the class project section right here. It can be a photo of your note pod. It can be a screenshot of your notes up. It's up to you. And I really hope to see you there, so we can exchange our brave ideas and motivate each other. You know, I have an insight into the teachers statistics, and I know who my students are. And I can tell you we've gathered so many ambitious people right here. You need to meet them. And you can do that through opening up to them and showing you answers, your answer in the class project section, or by starting a discussion right here. 3. To Niche Down or Not?: Each down or not. Finding you each can take a really long time sometimes. But in my opinion, it's much shortened when you are intentional and ready for the process. And today, I will make you ready for the process. Choosing a scope of topics and the each that you are really excited about good ads and able to produce a lot of content about able to monetize, and the one you will feel proud of even after a long while is one of the most challenging parts of building and online presence. We won't deny it. It's also where so many talented people get stuck, and it keeps them from even starting. At the same time, I know it can feel really tempting to try to attract everyone to your social media platforms because you may want to ask why not? Why not? I want to attract everybody. My audience will be bigger. We'll talk about it in a minute. Because branding and building identities are an important part of my day job, and also an important factor of my client's success. So now after the years of observing many successful content creators and entrepreneurs who also build their online presence, I understand the power and importance of branding and eching down even more deeper than before. And trust me, there was a time a long time ago when I didn't. And that's also where so many mistakes of mine come from. So to tell you my story, so I can show you one of mistakes I made. Five years ago, I started building my own lifestyle profile. Because I had so much work to do every day. Because I was so busy with my 925. And, you know, at my nine to five, I feel the pressure because my clients rely on me. And every day the two dul is never ending day after day. So I felt like my time for my own content creation is very limited. I never had time to do it properly. I never sat down and made this time to reflect on what I want to post on what I really want from my online presence and my social media profiles. And now it's even this shame to admit it, but I was posting everything. You know, my meals, my outfits, videos of my beloved dog. And after a while, I started to realize that when I mentioned my work, my day job, the part of my life, which I really, really lost. The topics I love discussing. P aren't engaging with me the way I would imagine them to wait. They are observing my outfits. They're observing my meals. Why they don't want to get involved in the discussion on marketing on personal branding. Why? They should be. And it was because I've gathered many followers. But these people weren't followers I dreamed of. They weren't followers from my target audience. They weren't like minded people. So I I wanted to engage with them. I wanted to discuss with them. But these people weren't interested in that. They weren't sharing the same mindset. They were just there to look at pretty pictures. But, you know, my dream was a little bit different. So I felt really disappointed, and, you know, I thought it's their fault. They're I felt they are just they should change. They should get interested. They should become interested in the things I love. They should become more ambitious, but there wasn't anything wrong about them. I just made some very fundamental mistakes about building my profiles. And because of these mistakes, I've gathered so many random people who didn't like the same things I did. They prefer to watch my outfits, crawl through my roseberry oat meals, but they found no interest in reading my work related insights and sharing their opinions. So it's very easy to be disappointed in your audience when you don't attract the right kind of people, and you start blaming them, and you don't feel the connection. And that's because you've gathered not your kind of people. So even though this account of mine gathered a pretty big follower group, I would never call it a success. And after a while, I found it really overwhelming that those people were so diverse, and they had nothing in common with me, except the love for pretty pictures, but I think that's the most common interest after all. So it was my personal mistake, which was, you know, a pity, because I've gathered so many followers, and if they were engaged, and if these people were like minded, I would call it a success. I would be really satisfied and happy. But yeah, the quality of your audience matters, and you should attract like minded people to build an engaged community. And let me tell you, I also witnessed this situation so many times in my professional life. Then I was able to recognize this pattern in so many different cases, other people's situations. So I learned this lesson the hard way. On my account. And then I was trying to prevent other people from making it. Even until that day, I observed this problem every day. And because of that, I knew how huge importance having a right in each place in building your personal brands. Because you can't be everything to everybody. You have to choose your people. You have to know who your people are. You can serve them and you can build this lasting connection between you. And you can be satisfied and they can be satisfied as well. And naching down even a little bit will create huge benefits for your th. Because look, what can you do with a huge audience that has nothing in common with you? Of course, there are some people who can succeed gathering such broad and diverse audiences. But from what I've observed, the These people are celebrities, actors, and models. So if you plan to create your products in the future and sell them successfully, you definitely don't want a random audience. You need a more specific one with at least a few things in common with you. And you need to understand that when I speak about itching down, I don't mean choosing one very narrow topic. And sticking to it no matter what. No, hell, no. Your niche can be very broad, and it can contain many different content pillars. Your niche isn't supposed to tame you, tame your creativity and stop you from enjoying the content creation process. No, quite the opposite. It's meant to make this process much easier, more intentional, so you can benefit from it more. Not only now, but in the future, as well, when, for example, your digital products or your services will be ready to serve your audience. So I'm smiling inside when I hear my clients say, their products are for everyone, and everyone should be interested in buying them. Because I think nearly every business owner that I've spoken to starts there. Yes. And I think it comes from this common belief that everybody should like us. That we should be everybody's cup of tea. But look, it's difficult and almost impossible to market a product to everyone. And when I say a product, I also mean your social media profile. Because they are also products. They are like products of our creativity, and in the future, you can easily build a business based on your social media presence. And I truly believe that unfortunately, a product for everyone is a product for no one. So when you're able to focus on your specific target market on a more specific group, then your product, and in our case, your social media profiles become for someone, for someone, and you can be more clear about the messages you create to this group of people. You can reach your people, like minded people more easily. Because they will feel this connection too, and to be successful on social media, you need to build a community, not only an audience. And you may want to ask, so what's the difference between an audience and a community? Community is an audience that engages with you, engages with each other within the group. Your community needs to be an audience of loyal followers and like minded people who are not only a fence, who not only like your writing style, or the way you look, but active members of a community centered around your topic, your aches, your Mach. They are interested in what you have to say. You share the same interests. You can discuss with them on daily basis. And these discussions are the most valuable things you will discover. This will also be an inspiration for your upcoming content. This is like a gold mine of inspiration. That's the big part of building your on line presence. The big part. The really big parts. So I'm really sure of these words. You need a community to thrive on social media to build a long lasting profile that will not only be trending for a while, but you will be able to successfully create content and engage with people for years to come. The most successful influencers and collen creators and business owners I collaborated with have this one thing in common. Yes, they have a loyal community, not just an audience. And if there is one way to dilute your calling creation, your post and your whole online personality, it's trying to create content, create social media profiles that appeal to everyone. So I totally agree with Herbert Swope who once said. I can't give you a surefire formula for success. But I can give you a formula for failure. Try to please everybody all the time. It was Herbert Bayard Swope who said that, and I can't agree more. People you want to attract, people who will buy from you once you create your digital products, need your unique and particular perspectives, not just general and very safe thoughts that everybody would understand and like. They need original formats from you. They want to see your real authentic site. And from what I have noticed, they really want to feel this exclusivity of being part of your community. And for a community to be a community, you need to be able to describe it. What kind of people they want to gather there? You don't want to attract everybody. Trust me. For example, when you post goes viral, you can feel the bad consequences of attracting everybody. Then you will get mean comments, then you will You will get the comments of people who don't understand you. You will get those nasty, nasty words written by the wrong audience. The audience you wouldn't like to stay on your profile. Of course, it's nice to go viral from time to time, but at the same time, because going viral can also help you attract the right kind of people. Some part of the people you will attract will be the right kind. But going viral means your op post is reaching a very general group, and it reaches people who wouldn't normally consume your content. So when you o post goes really viral, you will feel these bad consequences as well. So Trust me, you don't want to attract everybody to your content. Don't want to attract every person under the sun. The bad consequences would be too harmful. You want it needs to attract people who share your interest and will understand your specific references and will understand deeply your specific references about your topics. You want to attract people who will understand what you're offering. You want to attract people who like what you are doing for exactly the same reason that you like what you are doing, because not every follower is a good one. Especially if you plan to create digital products or offer services. And connection, creating deeper connections with people take time. And we all know that conning creation also takes a whole bunch of time. So you don't want to waste your time talking to followers who are very, very lukewarm about the things you love. And the followers will later on complain make unreasonable demands, ignore your efforts or eventually follow you, because you don't share the same vibes. Because people who don't share values with you will be very hard to please. You also don't want to attract people who aren't able to get the full benefits from following you. So focusing on it right now in analyzing your each. The topics you can create calling about will save you from this frustration and disappointment and bit reviews in the future. That's why I see it that way as a big investment in the future, and a big investment into your monetization process that will begin a little bit later. 4. Why Niching Down is About Building Your Personal Brand?: Why niching down is about building your personal brands. Social media has revolutionized people to become businesses themselves. Like, for example, these people, And I believe each one of us already is a personal brand. The things we represent, the things people have in mind when they hear our names, when they see us. And if you look at it that way, you can choose between two perspectives. The negative one. You can think that choosing your topics, your expertise, your area of expertise will make you feel stressed and stuck because you will feel like you have to stick to your choices. And you might even worry that your content will become boring someday, which is never the case when you have a few content pillars that are broad enough. And the second positive one, when you start to look at your social media profiles, like you are building your personal brand really intentionally Even if your social media for pure entertainment and for cultivating your hobbies right now. You know, you will build a much more high quality audience, and you will never be alone because you will attract like minded people. Like I said before, you will attract an engaged community. Not just random people like your big blue eyes, or think you have the perfect shape of lips. Or cheeks or perfect sense of style. Because these things, of course, it's nice to have them. But I would say they aren't the safest things for your audience to like the most about you. Because if that's what they like the most about you, then there is this risk that they will find someone else with better with bigger eyes, or the fashion style they enjoy more, for example, next month. So, winching down is a little bit equal to building your personal brands, because each intentional choice brings you closer to being authentic on social media. When you know your biggest strengths and your favorite topics, it's easier to choose them. It's easier to stick to them. It's easier to avoid impostor syndrome and enjoy yourself. Because social media should be about enjoying yourself. And when you enjoy yourself and your strong skills and the things you're interested in, Then you can share this with other people. Then other people can enjoy you enjoying yourself. So being authentic is bringing you closer and closer to succeeding with your personal brand. Because personal branding turns your stories, skills, and your personality into marketing tool. But I know it may sound strange. But I would say a marketing tool in this positive, very powerful way, not the pushy and sales way we are tired of because it's about using who you really, really are to give your business, your personal brand, this credibility, personality, and then memorability. That's why I always repeat that we need to understand niching down a little bit differently. Because no, I don't want you to pick one narrow niche and stick to it till your last day. No, no, no, no, no. Your niche, your topics can be very broad. And you can succeed. You can succeed even with a very broad niche. My goal for today is to make you realize and figure out what makes you unique, who you really are right here. What you're really passionate about, and then go in that direction. Because that will make your social media growth so much easier, more effective, and people will like you more, because people subconsciously really can feel who is authentic and who is pretending, like something they don't like. At all. And because people really are that smart and they can feel subconsciously, who is authentic, who is really passionate about the things they talk about and who is only lukewarm. And also that way, your potential audience, your people will quicker notice that you are unique and that you stand out from the crowd. You're not just another conning creator who is afraid to be herself or himself, and does everything to fit in. The era of these creators is coming to an end. We need authentic people, people who aren't afraid to show who they really are. So I'm not about choosing a strict niche and picking your niche, your topics just for the sake of doing it. I don't want you to think like, Okay, Kate told me to pick an niche, so I will maybe I don't know. I loved reading books for young adults when I was younger, so maybe I will Create an Instagram profile about it. No, I need you to feel your topics and your mission deeply. So it's quite the opposite. I don't want you to pick the random, the random topic. No. This process isn't about that. That's why it will be a mindful and deep intentional process. We will be very, very far away from this cliche and over use manfra You need to pick ich because Yonich is you. And today, we will figure out what it means for you. What it means to be you. I know. I know people get stuck in the research phase, and I've met so many people who say, I will start posting generic content for now because I don't know what I'm passionate about. I really don't know. Hey, Kasha. Maybe I don't have anything valuable to say. So, excuse me, but for now, I will just share photos from vacations with a few emojis in the caption. I don't want people to judge me, so I want to share my true personality and my weird hobbies. This is something only my husband will understand. I know I'm multi passionate, but yet I don't know what to write about, which topics I should stick to. Yes. I've heard that several times. I know that deep down, some of these people already know what they want to say with their content. What goals do they have in the back of their mind? What kind of content they would produce if they We're in the fred. And all the exercises, all the questions we will discuss today are meant to make you realize how much, how much you can share with the world, and how much value you already hold within yourself and how much value you are able to share as you're building your personal brand through your social media profiles. Why do I believe naching down and choosing your favorite topics is making you grow faster and makes you grow your personal brand. You already know, but there are also a few extra reasons. When you delve into into your favorite topics, you dig deeper. You dig deeper by honing in on a more specific area, you open up a chance a chance to become a leading authority and go to expert in your field. Understanding who your target audience is. Like, for example, creative entrepreneurs balancing, working nine to five with building their own businesses after hours makes it significantly easier to produce content like minded people will log from you because they will feel you're talking to them. Not to somebody else, not to everyone. Concentrating on a set of challenges allows you to dedicate your efforts to crafting a mul tailored solutions, or a series of solutions that truly resonate with your audience. And that's important. By going in Mach, you naturally reduce the number of competitors. How many beauty influencers are out there. T thousands, millions. That how many beauty influencers discussing the natural solutions to adult acne are out there. Many less than general beauty influencers. And it's easier to choose your favorite one and then become a loyal follower. Your followers to love you need to feel this hidden message behind your content. This hidden message that feels like this. I craft content specifically for you. I work very hard to be clear that I am talking to you. My content is for you. I do this. I serve and support you because I know you need it. I know your needs. I hear from so many of you from the community of like minded people like me and you. And that's why I know I'm doing the right thing. We can support each other here. This profile is our safe space. That's when they will stay with you and become extremely loyal. This bonding connection will make them stay. That's when true spark of connection will be born. But you might also want to ask, how nach is nach enough. 5. How Niche is Niche Enough?: So how niche isch enough? If we say beauty crater is too generic, how about a beauty crater focusing on skin curve for sensitive skin? Is that tach still not niche or just niche enough? What do you think? My opinion, I would say there's no strict metric for this. What's too generic and what's niche enough. So it's solely up to you. You have to feel it. When I said we to understand niching down differently, I was also talking about this. I don't want you to stick to one pretty sentence that is a summarization of your interests. We don't have to force ourselves to put it into one sentence, for example, I want you to know your niche because I want you to know what your digital mission is. And sometimes that mission can be summarized into one sentence. For example, when it comes to me, I think my each is creating content that makes other ambitious people who feel like their nine to five job isn't enough, and there's got to be more to live. Feel like they're not alone and motivating them to keep going, keep exploring their skills. And monetizing those skills to gain the freedom they've always dreamed about. So as you can see, of course, I can put this mission into one sentence. There is no need to. Of course, to summarize, for example, my podcast mission or to write my Instagram bio, I would say to shorten this mission. But my daily content creation and my podcast doesn't really rely on this one sentence. It's better to feel the longer version more Then to stick to one sentence that is too short, and you don't feel it. You know, you don't feel it with your heart. So I truly believe we can rely on our uniqueness as a person to be our each. We have to figure out who we are so we can describe it. We need to explore that to better understand what topics are our topics. And then what topics we should focus on. And that process is like liquid gold. It will get us much closer to our goals to feeling proud, seen by the right people and fulfilled in life. This uniqueness that will attract the right people, right followers, that will love our content and appreciate and benefit from what we have to offer, from what you have to offer. And I know it may sound like a dream or like a situation in a perfect world. But believe me, this is not only a concept. I see it in my client's work, and I implement this strategy with my clients, and it works almost every time. Because when coment creators become more athenic, when they feel better with their sense of humor, with their weird hobbies, with everything they are, they start to attract the right kind of followers. And they start to do it with ease because they find them through the keywords, through what they put in their bio, it works that way. So every little detail should be intentional, and it can be intentional when you know yourself better. So that's also the most important part of the process. 6. Why Do People Struggle So Much to Find Their Niche and Their Favorite Content Pillars?: Why do people struggle so much to find their niche and their favorite conventillers? I know sometimes when I speak about it, it may sound like a piece of cake, but the reality is quite different. And I know that for a staring coning creator, especially if you're multi passionate, naching down is probably very, very high among the most frustrating pieces of advice you've ever heard. I also once heard from my client at the beginning of our work together. I've been reading and looking for my each for such a long time. In that way, I've been putting off the launch of my YouTube channel for at least half a year now. Later on, this talented girl confided in me about her fear that her YouTube channel might go wrong because what if people didn't like her? What if they didn't like her idea for a channel? What if he channel didn't represent her the way she dreamed of. And I've witnessed it many times. This fear is a very common thing among those who are studying out. And this fear, I think is also much about not being able to predict the outcome. And that may be terrifying at first. But I think it's also about perfectionism and about this impasor syndrome. Because you need to realize that you don't have to make the perfect decision, and then stick to it, stick to this first version, to this first draft of your mission for a lifetime. So don't feel this pressure. Need to trust the process and go for it. You need to start with something with something that's intentional and authentic to you and then observe where it's taking you. And it's going to take you places, I promise. Sometimes finding your best niche and your best topics takes a long time. The son cases, and I know many of them, when you are doing something completely business oriented, completely business minded because you know that some topics are just easier to monetize. And you just say to yourself that it's all for this monetization process. You just need money. But you aren't excited create this content. There's almost no emotion involved. That leads to burnout. And even if you make money along the way, I think they won't bring you this ultimate satisfaction. It's better to identify your niche, the neiche that is right for you, finding your favorite topics, your true favorite topics. And then it's so much more than just a number game. Need to connect to your purpose as a coding creator in a way that as I love to call it, even though it's a little bit cringe, in a way that makes your heart sink. Finding your best topics, your favorite topics will be an intense look into your soul. It uncovers so many new things and concepts. You didn't even realize we're there. It can remind you of passions long ago forgotten. In awakened dreams, you didn't realize you had in the past. Finding your favorite topics and your niche will help you discover and understand yourself. Some people may find that they're able to arrive at their best nach quite quickly, but I guarantee you that whether those people realize it or not, they have been working through the process long before they started trying to decide on a niche. I haven't done any strict research on this, but I think I can bet that 90% of people operating in this sweet spot didn't arrive there on the first day. And I also know people spend long months, whole months thinking about topics to choose. And I believe it also doesn't have to be that way because I don't want you to wait because it's not about waiting passively. It's not about this time that will pass anyway. From the questions we are going to discuss today, you can list as many topics as you like. You don't have to eliminate some topics to choose only one topic and one narrow each. Better yet. There's a huge chance that your social media growth path will be no linear. Meaning your first choice is going to lead somewhere else. Something else. So I believe you should train ne things alone. You should train your things along the way, be curious and open and keep monetizing your strengths and what you're truly passionate about. You each and your favorite topics, and this process today, the questions I've prepared for you will help you with that. As Steve Jobs famously said, you can't connect the dots looking forward. You can't connect them only looking backwards. I know that sometimes this advice, find your niche, find your favorite content pillars is coming at you from all directions and become very overwhelming. So my advice is tune out the noise and stay with me today to find your best topics the intentional way. So won't have to get angry when you hear find your niche because you will know you are much closer to it, and you are already there. So we will listen to your guts and find what's just right for you. You can do this, and we will get through this together. And do you know what message I got from this client. This woman who was constantly afraid that YouTube channel might go wrong, and people might not like her. When she chooses her niche and her new content pillars. I will read it. I will read it to you. Turns out, my audience loved the topics I was obsessed with. Anything I was creating with vout excitement. Anything lukewarm on got no use. But whenever I wrote about my favorite topics, what I truly felt my dating life lessons and live lessons from being a project manager in tech, people engaged with my content like crazy and cheered me up. So much. So after getting messages like this, high quality content that is aligned with your passions. And that is that's in print, that is created with excitement. Your excitement is what really makes people stay with you. Stay on your account and then help you convert those people, those followers into clients because witness your authenticity and that you are really really into the topics you talk about. Of course, apart from that, your content should be visually appealing, thought provoking, and or entertaining, but that's also a different story. Different part of story we will discuss once you know yourself a little bit better. So today, we will focus on these free benefits from choosing your topics and figuring out what your leading needs should be. Niching down means clarity. Naching down will give you more clarity on what you want to talk about, what you should create content about. By aligning your neach with your personal journey, your values, and your mission, you will attract many opportunities and partnerships in that area. Your communication is the key and this communication. And when you know your nach and your leading topics, this communication will get so much easier. Because by naching down, even a little, you will master the art of communication by telling your story with authenticity. Because look, to succeed in building a personal brand, brand on social media, it's more than necessary to be an excellent communicator. And to be yourself, to represent yourself, you need to sit down and reflect on your values, your favorite topics, your online mission, and this reflection will be a gold mine. Purpose and mission over trophies. Your personal experiences and your communication will make your intention clear. It won't be about numbers, at least not only follower account or any other than the trophies anymore. Your personal branding is more than just your profile at the first glance. It's about the mission standing behind it. So you should use your story and your personal insights and your personal experiences so that way you can transform and influence your audience's lives. 7. Question 1: What do you have experience in?: First question, what do you have experiencing? So let's start the process with ten questions that will help you figure out who you really are, what strengths you have, and what lies in your nature and deep down here in your heart. We will use these questions to reflect on your past, present, and the future, and we will analyze what matters to you on different levels. I've created and listed these questions these proms to help you rediscover yourself to find the best niche and leading topics for your social media. And right now, I will elaborate on each question and share my answers with you as well, because I want to make this course a safe space to share confessions like these. Of course, you can take my answers as a light inspiration. I just as example of what I had in mind when I was formulating the questions. So a little friendly reminder. Ask yourself each question. Be as honest and open as you can get with the answers. I promise this process will yield huge profits and heartfelt joy. You owe it to yourself to truly love what you do. And by reflecting on these questions, you will gain clarity on what drives you, your unique strengths, and the experiences that that shape your approach to creating contents. Remember, the most effective and rewarding niches are those that align closely with your passion, expertise, your mission, and your personal journey. So, find some quiet and calm time, bring yourself a nice cup of hot tea or coffee or herbs and try answering these questions for yourself. So the first question is this. What do you have experience in? Because you can ease your neach to be seen as an expert, and to feel like an expert, you need to have experiences that have built your confidence. Because to be seen as an expert, you could have that PhD or whole decades of professional experience. But what you really need is also to start thinking like an expert. So you have to feel this confidence and don't let the impostor syndrome win at least not too often. Remember that even the most experienced person in your field doesn't know everything. You don't have to know everything about this subject to be an expert. Sometimes you can be just a step ahead and know a bit more than your audience to lead them to lead them the way they would love to learn from you. Also, remember that a true expert has a mindset that says, I'm going to continue learning and I will be a lifetime learner. I don't know everything, and that's completely okay. I will just never stop learning and reading and cultivating this passion for my field. You just need to know a little more than someone else and then lend your hand to those who know less. That's where it all starts as an expert in your each. I know. I know. Sometimes this is where this impostor syndrome really messes it up. So let's list a few things that are not required to be an expert. You don't need a PhD in that niche. You don't need ten years of experience in that niche. You don't know to know everything because that would be totally impossible, and no one ever does. As I've already mentioned to be seen as an expert, all you have to do is have this confidence and know enough to lend a hand to those who know less than you and then be willing to be seen. When it comes to me, I've been working as a digital strategist and marketing expert. For over a decade now, I've helped thousands of brands and individual creators grow their online presence more strategically and build a brand that is aligned with their values. And this year, I've been involved in organizing the biggest conference for creators in Eastern Europe, which cause me so much pressure and so much stress in sleepless nights, but also taught me a lot about content creation and public relations. Also created many commercial photoshoots for fashion brands I treed Moyer. Aside from my marketing background, this is something I have quite expertise in. Now it's your turn. What do you have experience in? What do you feel you're an expert at? 8. Question 2: What do you really like to do, what makes you feel alive?: Second question, what do you really like to do? What makes you feel alive? What lights you up? In this question, we're not just talking about the type of work you do well, because the previous question was about that. But this second question is also about the work you enjoy so much that you would do it, even if you weren't getting paid. We need to dive into the work that energizes you makes you excited to start and leaves you feeling fulfilled. Because that's the kind of work and activity that truly brings out the very best of you. For me, I think the answer would be organizing photoshoots for brands, I love, choosing the right models and doing castings for brands, then choosing the location myself without the help from location scout because I prefer to do it myself. And then making the models feel good and enjoy the photoshoot during the process. I feel really fulfilled when I know that by this work, we will get amazing results, and both sides will be very proud of them. Then editing the photos and drinking so many slats during it that I get overcffinated, for sure. But I don't care because when I do it, I'm working like time doesn't exist, and I'm so into it every single time, even after so many years. Also, this is not something I'm pursuing full time now because I'm working full time in tech as a digital strategist. But this is something that makes me feel so alive I've been in love with the process for more than ten years. And I know I would be extremely happy to be a full time photographer and videographer. But I've chosen a different path, and my professional career is different. But I believe I can still thrive in photography and videography and make it a big part of my world. And find time and organize my time so I can live the best of both worlds. And yes. This is the work that totally excites me because I love bringing this vision and brands vision into life. And I'm such a crazy location and frame hunter. Every time, even every time I'm abroad, on, for example, vacations, I'm spotting the frames and looking for locations and spots that would be amazing for this and this brand, for this and this collection for this and this type of **** shoot. I just can't help my brain from producing such visions every time I see, for example, a cinematic place. And I believe I feel it that's the kind of work that truly brings out the best of me. Because I can challenge myself, I can be a visionar, a strategist, a planer, and I can execute my vision, so I can be responsible for all these tasks around the photoshoot. And that's when I feel really fulfilled, and I get so excited every time. I feel creative. I feel confident with camera in my hands. And I feel like I have this eye for detail and this power to capture the beauty I see around me and make the product or the person or piece of clothing spark in that environment. And that's when I really believe there's magic in it. And I feel more powerful than in any other situation I think. I've been performing on stages and giving speeches at many conferences as a marketing expert. But I think even though these speeches were stressful and and challenging, and I felt very happy after. I think I've never felt so strong and powerful as during the moments, I'm only set and I'm holding a camera and pursuing my vision. I think that's different different type of freedom. Because I don't feel so you know, I don't feel like I have to keep my professional face. I think that's when I can put this professional part of me aside and just trust my artistic instincts and division I have in mind. So it's very freak. And now, now it's your turn. What about you? What feels easy and inspiring when you're doing it. Or you could look at it as what doesn't feel like a chore when you're creating or doing it? Which things? What things do you wish you could do more of in life? And I think this question is really important because you need to know what's really inspiring and uplifting for you. This will also be very important to avoid burnout in your business and your online presence. So you may want to ask, what's the difference between the things you have an experience in and the things that makes you feel alive? Unfortunately, very often, these things are very different things. For example, you may have taken a lot of poetry classes. You might even have a PG in literature and write outstanding poems for living. But if it's cooking low carbs meals and healing your diabetes on your own, that makes you feel most excited in your life. Then you each might be about low carb meals. This question is all about what gets you excited, not what you had the most experience in. And it's not necessarily what you do at your day job. Very often, it's not. And it doesn't have to be connected to your professional life and your career at all. And that's important. You don't have to be an expert and what makes you truly excited and alive. For example, I know very little about literature, tennis, and preparing ntritious salads. By no means, I'm an expert. But I like to study those subjects on my own, even if I can't aspire to be an expert. I am just trying to be a very good and excited amateur, and you can try that, too. And you can also make a very, very successful online presence based on that. 9. Question 3: What do you love talking about? : Next question. What do you love talking about? Okay, imagine this. If you were locked in a room and could only talk about one thing. What would it be? I think I could talk about the best locations for photoshoots, Bautiqu hotels. I dream about visiting someday, and I am spending long hours doing a research and finding the most minimalistic and beautiful places for photoshoots. And I can also talk for hours about turning passions into business. I think I could talk about it until the end of time. Okay. Okay. These are more than one thing and one topic, of course. But nobody says it has to be one topic. Your only presence should be rooted in your passion. You already know that. That's why it's so imprint and necessary to choose subjects. You simply can't get enough of. As much, as you can, avoid answering this question with very general subjects like sports or fashion. What exactly do you love to discuss and talk about these things? What trends do you find interesting? What trends do you follow? What kind of news and trends are you most passionate to tell your friends or coworkers about? Are the topics, you choose now something you really can talk about for a long time? You want to ensure there's enough content for you to produce for your social media and keep it going that you won't get bored. And I believe a good niche is a topic you can discuss at length and provide unique insights on for a long time. It's also crucial to choose topics you're genuinely interested in. Otherwise, your audience will be able to sense your disinterest. Because if you try to talk and create content about issues that you aren't passionate about, your readers and your followers may feel as if you come off as fake or dishonest. Plus, you are much more likely to have fun and keep going if you really really focus on topics that you like that you love. So think about your interests, your hobbies, your areas of expertise, and list the topics that you find yourself often discussing with your friends or coworkers or family, and you can discuss them for hours. Also, let's think for a second. Why should anyone listen to you when you talk about these things? Okay. Why do we need to ask that too? Because that's the power of naching down and segmenting your contents. You need to find a segment, the niche that matches your personality in your authentic self. And I observed that people are always going to buy from people that they can relate to. So also, take a look at your back story. Ask yourself? A other people out there like me that are struggling with what I went through? Oh, with what I'm experiencing right now, what kind of life lessons or experiences you can talk about for hours. What have you faced in your life and survive these lessons so much stronger than before? Also, trust me, this can also be something a lot of people will relate to because we are all going for something. And if you have a story, if you feel like you want to share the story and empower other people. This can also be a great mission and a great value based on your authentic story on your experiences. You are going to have more impact in your niche rather than trying to serve the entire Instagram, and also that the side benefit. Matching the niche you want to choose with your personal story, and your authentic experiences is going to make you a lot of money in the future because you will attract the right segment of the market, people who need your product, or your services. Because every business is about solving a problem and helping people. Every business is about your audience, not about you, at least not only. So I think the best way to monetize your skills is by helping a lot of people. 10. Question 4: What problems can you solve?: Fourth question. What problems can you solve? Okay, now exclaim for reflection. What problems can you solve for other people? In other words, how can you create value for your audience? What would your favorite ideal follower want to know from you? And look that it isn't the same question as, what can you write talk about for hours? For example, in general, I create and write content about a lot of things, but by content solve problems like these, for my followers, readers and clients. How to monetize your passion when you still have your nine to five job, how to present your skills to attract more opportunities? How to build your personal brand this strategic way. What about you? I know that if, for example, you're into cinematic or art content, you may want to ask. If my topic needs to solve a problem, what does art solve? That's a very smart question, but art indeed solve some problems. For example, these. People are living such in a hurry right now. We're all a stimulated. And thanks to your cinematic videos, they can slow down for a few seconds or even minutes and calm down their busy minds. Be more mindful. You can inspire them for your video. Also, we know with ourselves that we all tend to compare ourselves to celebrities and perfect movie stars all the time. Haven't you compared yourself to Margot Dove, for example. So thanks to your cinematic daily videos, they can find new ways to romanticize their imperfect lives and notice that real humans, aren't perfect, but every one of us can make our lives more cinematic and romantic. So if you're asking yourself this question, what problem am I solving as an artist? Do people really need art? You should know that even for me, personally, art solves a lot of problems. To be honest, art is like my kind of escape after work, and without it, without watching cinematic videos and browsing through inspiring photos. I know I would be really stressed out and uninspired. Art helps and solves problems, too. Or your social media profile should solve a problem that people have that people face. But we don't have to interpret the world problem, the old way. It could be content that makes people lives easier or better in some way. Your niche, your content should solve a problem or meet a need, and then trust me, the money will follow in the process. Don't just look to make money, because if you try to find a niche based only on the scale of profit you can make. As I said before, it can very easily lead to massive burnouts, and I've seen many cases like this. So it's better to choose an niche and topics you love right from the start than to rebrand yourself after the burnouts. The most successful social media profiles have this strong mission behind them. And yes, making people log and forget about their worries After a stressful day at work can also absolutely be your mission. Your mission needs to be to enrich someone else's life. Because if you want your followers to give you their hard earned money in the future, first, you need to provide them with content that is valuable, inspiring, or uplifting to them. 11. Question 5: What do you wish you could do? Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Question. What do you wish you could do? Where do you see yourself in ten years? Knowing what is really important to you in this lifetime will let you keep your goals and your values in perspectives. And I'm sure this self reflection will allow you to make a value based decision instead of drowning in doubts. Where do you see yourself in ten years? And where do you see yourself in three years? I think both periods are very important to think about. And I don't necessarily want you to plan your life in detail and see every single little thing about your life in ten and three years. But I need you to reflect on your goals and on your dreams. Because your social media can support your life vision. And I believe it should do that because it will motivate you and keep you going like nothing else. That's also why I many times work on three year plans with my clients in my day job. I always say we need to embrace the long term process and focus on building a vision that truly inspires you and let your positive emotion drive your success. Because when you start to create a vision, a future that excites and motivates you, it's really much easier to stick to your good habits and just keep going, keep working, and keep creating. Because even in those moments of self doubt, And of course, they will happen. You can always go back to you why. And then you will remember why you've chosen this path, why you are spending long hours creating your content, and you will remember what you want to gain along the way and what those sacrifices are worth. For example, Okay, maybe it will be two person, but I hope not. When it comes to me, ever since I've watched this documentary about Galgos in Spain and their situation. I know it's my like upper life mission to help them. I have my own greyhound, and he's the most loving and sensible dog I ever met. And it's so heartbreaking and so hard for me to imagine these poor little creatures in Spain are being used and tortured by hunters. It also happened in Australia because they are used for racing industry for racing businesses. And I would be okay with my day job and my marketing and online strategist career if this one big goal wasn't pushing me towards chasing my braver dreams. Because what can I do if I'm online strategist working? Okay, I'm working with big brands and even the companies and corporate clients from abroad. But living this lifestyle, the only way I can help Galgs in Spain is by donating money and sending them a set amount of money every month. And deep down, I know that's not enough. Deep down, I know I have to do more. This easy way is just not enough. That's the way I feel. And that's why this year, apart from my intense time at my job at my day job. I'm starting my personal YouTube to share my marketing knowledge. And I'm going to mention about Galgas every once in a while to inspire others to help them. And also this way, I will be able to monetize my knowledge on a much broader scale and support the Spanish organizations that are helping Galgos much more effectively. So, for me, personally, that's a big why of mine. That's why I have this energy to do more. That's what pushes me forward. That's why I'm spending long hours planning my youth grow writing scenarios. And because of that, I know that I can settle with having my 95 job and working with clients that way. Okay, that's a rewarding job, and we can say that's a well paid job, and it fulfills my needs, but there's only so much I can do when I spend all my time working at my day job. That's just not enough to make my brave dreams come true and change this little piece of the world. I know I can change And I feel I have to. And in the past, my biggest dream was to work with clients and audit their online presence on a daily basis and have my dream brands among my clients. And today, this dream is already checked on the list. And I feel I've changed, and, of course, helping businesses and entrepreneurs still gives me a huge satisfaction, and I love that. But see why, standing behind my extra motivation to go beyond this day job is much different now. I can't just sit here. I can't just sit in my office my whole life, get my paycheck and send a part of this money to Spain. I have to do more. So that's also why I'm learning videography, so maybe one day, I can also help the Spanish organizations that way. And I sometimes think reflect on that, and I think that people, apart from the job, apart from the career, have to this bigger why. But it's also okay if your Y is connected to your career. I also fully understand and appreciate that. We all have different whys. And I think no y is better than another. We all have our reasons, and we all have our vives. So in ten years, I also see myself helping entrepreneurs and ambitious creatives like today, but I hope I will also be able to do it more online. I also see myself putting all my heart into my digital products and courses I'm producing. And that way, I'm seeing myself being able to support algos and spread awareness about their situation and go to Andalusia a few times a year to volunteer there and do what I can do. I am still young and energetic and have a huge power to help. And I know that's something I have to do. So that's my reason. That's my why. And where do you see yourself in ten years? Where do you see yourself in three years? I think this is one of the most important questions to ask yourself and analyze. Analyzing your long term goals will help you understand what your values are for now and what kind of person you want to become in that time. In trust me, the process of becoming that person will also be a huge inspiration for others for others with who you plan to share your journey on social media. So be extremely honest with yourself and ask yourself, why you want to succeed, for example, with your YouTube channel or with your Instagram. And it's also good to be realistic, but also optimistic about your goals and motivations. It will keep you going. 12. Question 6: Who do you admire and what do you admire about them? : Who do you admire and what you admire about them. Now we need to reflect on who and what inspires you. What is your inspiration in life? And I really love the definition of Inspire. I will read you that definition. So maybe you will feel like there's something more that inspires you, something that isn't obvious. Very often, when I ask people who inspires them, they mention, for example, only their parents. And of course, this is the price as inspiration. I also mention my parents who love very, very deeply. But we need to dive deeper and also discover what else inspires us to achieve what we plan to achieve. So right now we need to focus on that as well. So here is the definition of inspire I truly love. To inspire is feel someone with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. To feel someone with confidence and desire to do something. For example, we can be inspired by a story of someone overcoming all us. And my personal research shows that stories of overcoming obstacles we all face are extremely inspiring. They give us this proof that it's not impossible, that it's also possible for us to overcome all the obstacles of the fears. And we often feel deeply moved when we see people similar to us, beating these obstacles that on seemed to beat. And also the obstacles we are facing as well. So think for a moment. Do you have people in your life, or do you follow people like this on social media, people who feel you with the art to do something creative and keep your creativity flowing. People that have shown you that making your dream come true is possible for you as well. Because, I think I'm sure that you do have people like this in your life, even if not in real life, if not in daily life, maybe follow such inspiring people on social media, for example, on YouTube on Instagram. So I encourage you to take a few moments now to think about who these people are and who those creators are. It's very, very important because your biggest inspirations will also show you the way towards your dreams and your dream each. Who is your online role model? You don't have to mention only one person. You can mention as many people as you like. All the people who inspired you, who had inspired you over the years, to create this better life for yourself. Start creating. Start going in the direction of your dreams and to wake up every morning with fresh energy, to be the best person that you can possibly be and try to be that person, a little bit better every day, or a little bit closer to your goals every day. Or maybe the people who have awakened this dream to create a YouTube channel or Instagram profile for you. Why am I asking this? Because I deeply believe that what you admire in others exist in you. So you need to play close attention to the reasons you admire those people. What are they like? Your core values height inequalities, you admire in others. I've been observing that for years, and we need to identify those core values because your core values are what you need to know to build your online presence on. Because this is your source of your authenticity and your true self. The core values. Your core values are something that you should stick to. Even when the life gets messy, and of course, it gets every time. From what I observe, many coning creators are inspired by someone they admire, or who encourages them, a creator who is fighting obstacles similar to the ones they are facing, someone similar to us who has already achieved the goals with dream. Okay. And maybe I will share my answer to encourage this honesty in this question. So my online role model is a photographer and entrepreneur from a creative dual live catchers, Martha. She's from my home country, which makes her even more relatable, and she was stuck at her day job in the past, but she was working so hard after hours to apart from her day job, build her own business, and create her own creative boutique marketing agency. And on her Instagram, on her social media, she's sharing the ups and downs of her life. The behind the scenes of her creative work. But right now, she always repeats how grateful she is for the life she has created for herself, and for having created this lifestyle she has dreamed of. I started following her like three years ago. Earlier, of course, I had different role models, but this girl, this girl is the most relitable one for me because I find myself and her in so many ways. Find her very similar to me. Right now, she is a proof for me that even the bravest visions are possible to fulfill when you are determined enough. For example, eight years ago, I was responsible for the whole marketing strategy for a hotel, and I also offered to do content creation for that hotel back then. Because, as I've already told you, apart from my marketing and trilgy field. I am so much into the creative field that eight years ago was when I fell in love with the concreation for hotels, especially for boutique hotels. And I found that this is something I deeply enjoy because my grandfather was an architect, and some because of him, I have this deep appreciation for detail and for good, minimalistic design in me deep down in my heart. And also because of my grandfather and his work. I believe there's so much beauty in simple and elegant things in visual minimalism. And when you have an eye that appreciates simple forms and colors. This is something you can never get bored of. I can use that appreciation to capture the beauty of many hotels and many places all around the world, because I think every photographer, every videographer, captures every place a little bit different. So you can give the same job to 12 photographers. And every one of them, each one of them would do a totally different different package of photos. Eight years ago, this was something I fell in love with, and I still cultivate this love, and I still have this love, and I still do it, and I plan to do it more seriously this year. And this girl, Marfa from Life Catchers reminded me how creative this process is and how much I dream of taking this love more seriously and just spend more time doing it. So even though these dreams of creating content for Bautiqu hotels and also building my own creative agency we Bonn. So 20 years ago. Much, much earlier, then I discovered Martha and her profile. She became such a strong living proof that all these dreams are there for a reason, and I have to be brave enough to chase them. Even have a very intense and very satisfying nine to five job, which was a dream for me when I was a little girl. And I also work with entrepreneurs I admired in the past, and I also still admire them. But back then, it was a dream, and now I get to do it in real life. And I know what I'm doing right now would be a to dream for so many people. And so many people would call me crazy for for wanting something more for wanting to pursue something different. Something more creative, less safe, and less sure. But this girl, Martha is really motivating me and giving me the strength to be brave every day and to find this courage to also pursue my crazier dreams, not only the things that corporate people would understand. And for me, Martha is also a proof that we don't have to stick to one role for ourselves. We can expand our dreams. We can expand as a person, and our dreams can also expand in the process. Grace, when she's creating photos of herself, her entity, when she's traveling to new places and meeting locals, are the qualities I really adore and admire. And because I know we reveal our qualities, our values, for the qualities we admire and others. We also reveal our deepest dreams through the things we admire. So I think the fact that I chose Martha, and I'm sure she's the one that is inspiring me the most tells a lot about my dreams and about the vision I have for my life. And the dreams that we're awakened and strengthened by her confessions and by her showing the behind the scenes. I think I've changed as a person so much during the last years. I'm not very impressed by fame, fortune, or status. Because through my work, I got to know many Very, very, very, very rich people. People who can afford everything. But I hope they will never listen to this part. But with so many of them, I would never want to become friends with. They just don't impress me at all on a personal level. Are doing some things just for show, just for the prestige of it. And they find life a number game. And I think I would feel better spending my free time with people who think that way. Because I completely understand the need to monetize everything. And I think we should monetize our skills so we can afford the life we dream of. I also believe that behind what we do should stand something more like a life mission, something that is much bigger than money themselves. But to end this monologue more optimistically, I've also worked with many talented and good people who have such high levels of expertise and professionalism. But after all, they were my colleagues, my clients, not necessarily my inspirations. Right now, the people who inspire me the most tend to be coding creators, soli printers, entrepreneurs, and thinkers. Those who are more independent and brave enough to spark new ideas. Cause by their acting, they inspire me to think more deeply about life and what I want to be known for, what I want to do with this time I have here on Earth. And I think I really celebrate generosity, curiosity, and integrity, and I admire death of character and others. And the creators and thinkers that inspire me provide, like, the full to my life, and they really really encourage me to be braver. Look, occasionally, we can even surprise ourself with some of unexpected things we admire and others. Do you sometimes catch yourself thinking, Oh. She seems really friendly and so easy going. She would be a great friend. She is such a good listener. She is so observant, such an old soul. And I think this is Rudy's unexpected, innocent, minor observations and thoughts where our real inspiration rests. I truly, truly believe in the words. Tell me what inspires you. And I will tell you who you are. I deeply believe it because I love asking people this question. What and who inspires you. And right now, I know I can tell so much about the person, only from her or his confessions about who inspires them. So right now, I need to know who inspires you, Who encourages you to be who you know you can be, who you know you can become. Who fills you with the confidence to do more, more than you are doing now? And what do you admire about them the most? Trust me, you will learn a lot about yourself just by reflecting on these questions. 13. Question 7: What do people compliment you on and come to you to help them with?: Next question is, what do people compliment you on and come to you to help them with. So right now, think about what people compliment you on. What do people come to you for advice about? Do your neighbors ask you for interior design advice? Maybe the co workers are coming to you for new books recommendations. Are your friends asking how you created those amazing Canva invitations? So take a moment to think about if there is an area that people recognize as your special genius If there is something, people seek out from you. And you enjoy it. Because if there is something, people seek out from you, and you enjoy it. That could be the amazing niche. Are they always asking you about the best skinker products? Because they you know a lot about the beauty industry, and you know how to scan ingredients and how to spot the best and most natural products. Maybe you are lactose intolerant, and people are always asking you for advice on where they can find high quality food that won't harm their digestive system. Maybe you are great at movie recommendations. Maybe you are great at fixing things, or maybe people are always asking you about dating advice, and they are opening up so easily when they're with you. Reflect on that. Do people come to you for advice on certain topics, certain things? Think it's so easy to under estimate how much you know and how much wisdom you have when this is something that comes easily to you. You just feel very natural doing and sharing advices. But if people are asking you questions, it's usually a good indicator. You've got insights, knowledge or aptitudes, worth sharing and worth sharing with the world, not only with your coworkers, friends, or family. Listen very closely to what people ask you because that's where you will find your hidden power. For example, when it comes to me, okay, I will share my answer because I promised you that I will share my answers as well. My co workers often ask me for advice on what to wear during the business photo shoes to make a certain impression and make their look match their personal branding. Also, they ask me for dating advice and whether I have a good feeling about their investor or their newly met friends. And I think that's because my superpower is my intuition. And I'm very observant when I meet new people, so I can easily spot their character traits, and I can spot so many green or red flax. And this is also something that helps me in my business life, when I meet new people, when I meet people I plan to collaborate with because I can be more asserted and choose people who choose me and just kindly say no to people who wants to take advantage of me. And also, I really know when when I have this good feeling about the person, I usually is right, and that way, I can choose people who have pure intentions. So I think in business life, this is something that really is very, very helpful along the way. So Right now, I encourage you. I encourage you keep track of the questions people ask you because these questions could be the most valuable insights you ever get. When people ask you questions and ask for your opinion, your insights, they're really telling you this. Here is how I think you're valuable to me. And you have this direct feedback on how you can serve them. And trust me. That is one of your superpowers. 14. Question 8: What makes you wonderfully weird?: And the next question is, what are some things that make you difference? Make you feel weird. Make you feel like you don't fit in. Okay, so listen, what do you think is weird about you can be actually your big, big, superpower, and you can turn it into what makes you stand out from the crowd, because I think social media is already too saturated with too many people trying to be the same. It's the ones that are brave enough to be a little bit weird that catch people's attention and stay memorable. By Sef Garden definition, weird those who lie against the culture of mass and the checklist of normal. And I remember that as a teenager, I was getting valid for being the weird one with weird voice as people described it in voice from my class. Thought I had too feminine to soft voice. And they always made fun of me because of that. And at that time, my parents had some serious health issues. I'm the only child, so I had to become emotionally strong and independent at quite a young age and support them. And of my coping mechanism in this time, I was reading thousands of blogs about photography and starting a new business at night every night. And I was dreading that some day, once I'm old enough. I mean, when I, for example, turn 18, I will start my own business and show the world that my voice or the fact that I was a little bit more shy on the rest of my class isn't any obstacle. And I knew reading this blogs that one day, I will make my dreams come true and daily life at school and getting bullied for having a two feminine voice, even though I don't think it's very feminine right now. So I don't Sometimes people are choosing very strange things to make fun of us. And I think it's very difficult when you believe it because I did believe them. I believe them that something is wrong with my voice. And I remember when I started recording a podcast for company, I was working for. I've heard so many compliments on my voice, and I was I couldn't believe they are serious. I was convinced they're lying to make me feel better. And right now, I know that I wasted so many opportunities to connect with these people to appreciate their compliments, because I wasn't sure of my voice, and because I believed in the harming things I've heard in the past. When I was a teenager, reading the blogs of aspiring Cling creators who were older than me was my safe spot and my escape from daily reality. As a result, I often woke up completely tired, and I didn't have time to finish my homework. And people made fun of me because I was sometimes unprepared for chemistry lessons, and teachers also made fun of me and called me a stupid one. But you know, in the end, right now, as an adult, I don't need a knowledge from the chemistry lessons. That's not the pup I chose. And back then, I knew that chemistry isn't my thing. I chose to focus on the things that I saw in my vision, in my dream life. And chemistry wasn't one of them, so I prefer to read the books. You know, it maybe doesn't sound very responsible, but believe me, it was my COVID mechanism and something that it was just easier to survive these times when I had these blocks, and those people who were sharing their confessions on their blocks. So I really owed them a lot. These times were cruel. They taught me to appreciate today. And they taught me things I appreciate today about myself. It also taught me empathy and caring for other people, and knowing that the outside world doesn't know a thing about us. And there will always be someone to make fun of us. If you grow your Instagram or YouTube channel, you will get some nasty mean comments, but you have to be stronger than that, because you know nobody strung and intelligent and successful would would comment you that way. These are the lost souls, very lonely and very unfulfilled in life that harm us in that way. So I really believe we have to be stronger than that. And know deep down in our hearts, what really matters to us? And these nasty mean people aren't a part of that. So from the very young age, I knew that what matters to me is the health of my closest ones and my entrepreneurial dreams. And even though I was bullied a little bit at junior high school, now I have much thicker skin, and I'm grateful I never gave up. The things that made me super weird during high school, because nobody would understand reading cooling readers and entrepreneurs blogs back then. Eventually led me to a better reality. So why I'm saying all this, why I'm sharing all this. Remember that if anybody ever made fun of you or called this super weird. Remember that you will never, ever be criticized by someone who is doing better or more than you. You will always be criticized by someone doing less by someone who isn't really happy with their lives. And what made you weird in the past can be a great superpower now? Because, as I said before, I was co hosting a pcast for a business I collaborated and worked for, and I got so many compliments about my voice. And it was very funny 'cause if only they knew I was bullied for it in my junior high. So, I think that's a twist. And that's just one of the many, many examples. That's my personal example, but I've also heard many, many confessions. Okay, so many entrepreneurs and so many co creators open up, opened up and told me about their struggles, about the things they had to come through, the obstacles, hateful situations. So to conclude. As you find this courage to keep sharing yourself with the world. You will find that what you have to share, what you offer the world is indeed special. Because you already are special enough. You just have to believe it and focus on the things that makes you. Just not to try to copy everyone else because copying everyone else is such a bad strategy. And to be un apologetically yourself, don't hide the parts of yourself that you think are less liable. It will be a fresh err. It will be the fresh err that in turn liberates others and empowers them to also become more of their own authentic selves. So I truly, truly believe that often the things that make you different at the start can become your greatest greatest frenks. Your weirdness, your unique self will become the glue that connects your loyal followers, your community. So you need to appreciate it and embrace it. And I think without people being strong enough to be different, any change in the concreation landscape would never happen. Because deep, down, we are all weird. In some way or another. The only difference is that some of us hide it very well. I try to blend in, fit in, and be the one that everyone likes. And there are the others, the others that are brave enough to embrace their weirdness and create change, create their own community where they don't have to hide anything. And I really, really believe that's what freedom really is when you have this space to be yourself. So you don't have to act carefully, so you look in a certain way. So you can reveal almost everything, what you feel, what you're doing. You can show the real side of you. You don't have to pretend to be someone, someone's you not. And if you hesitate, what is your weirdness? Weirdness comes in many different forms. It can be how you choose to express yourself, your hobbies, safe spots where you escape to, what you like to eat, what parts you listen to, what your dreams are, how you look, how you speak, how you dance. Oh, anything outside of the norm. Outside of outside the majority. So be proud of who you are, what you enjoy, what you dream of. Your goals are. And then keep on rocking your weirdness. Don't ever hide it only because other people are too afraid to express themselves fully, and you feel like they don't understand you. No, no, it's the freedom. Choose the freedom of being yourself. You're not for everyone. Remember. And and I'd like to take this one step forward and declare that you choosing weirdness or a combination of all your choices of weird is what makes you unique and what gives you your superpowers. 15. Question 9: If you could design the perfect friend, what would they be like? : Next question is? If you could design a perfect friend, what would they be like? What would you do together? Your goal is to build a community, not only a huge group of follows or subscribers. That's why, right now, it's important to reflect on the type of people you would like to surround yourself with. Yes, that will be an amazing hint, what you want to attract and who your community should include. So what traits are important to you in a friend? Maybe I will share my answer to start. So when it comes to me, I really enjoy spending time with people who can be extremely authentic when we know ourselves a little bit better, who are open to new ideas, who are optimistic, and people who don't complain too much. Also, I really, really feel empowered when I surround myself with people who have a vision for their future. And I also prefer people who take action towards that vision. I think I get along well with all types of creatives. So what does being a creative mean to me? You may want to ask, to me, being a creative is a bit different than Miriam Web surd dictionary definition suggests. For me, it's all about exploring the world with an open heart and being willing to see beauty in it, and then share it with others with the content and with the art you create. It can be music, it can be pocast, it can be YouTube channel, and Instagram and Instagram profile photos or videos for brands only for yourself. And also, to me, it's not only doing this creative tasks such as designing a website, writing a poem, filming footage, and then editing it. Rather, it's also a way of being a way of being, a way of noticing the little details of the world. So right now, I need you to think about your perfect community. Who would you like to invite to it? What kind of community would make you want to participate in discussions and with whom would you like to share your reality and your less and more personal insights on a daily basis. Reflecting on that will not only build a loyal, engage an active community around your work. It will enhance your enjoyment, too, and your enjoyment is very important. You should take your enjoyment seriously as well. You need to enjoy building your community. For me, perfect community, perfect members of my community would not gossip about other people, but rather enjoy talking about psychology, behind things, new strategies for online businesses, being open to share their results and share the solution that works for them and the solutions that doesn't, their dreams and their plans and the way they execute divisions. They have a great sense of humor. So they would be creative and business oriented at the same time. They also have big ideas and have the mindset to work on big ideas together. Yeah, that sounds exciting. That's my vision. So now it's your turn. What kind of community do you want to serve? What community do you dream of building? What type of clients of followers foels you? You need to answer these questions because the people you talk and create for have a huge influence on your enjoyment of your work, your calling creation process. In loving your followers, appreciating your followers is just as important as creating the content you love for them. Me, personally, it also plays a big role in keeping my motivation level high. It's my students and my readers. That move me forward. Students and readers that are into personal growth and becoming better people, growing not only as a person, not just creating successful businesses out of their creativity, but also fulfilling their mission and their bravest dreams. People who want to create art based businesses. As I truly believe in taking this holistic approach, and that you will feel most fulfilled when you create content for people who are on the same page as you or dream about the same things as you do. And if you can build this deep relationship with your audience, you will also know what kind of products or services you should create for them. And what type of content you should focus on because you will discuss their needs. You will have the feedback you need. They will tell you, and you will feel it. 16. Question 10: What is your dream lifestyle?: What is your dream lifestyle? Okay, so now tell me, what does living your best life look like for you? How would you spend your time? What habits would you have or not have? And what's stopping you right now from living this version of yourself? At the end of the day, it's important to do what you love because we have only a limited time on this Earth. And that's why it's so important to take a moment and reflect on that now. For example, if you love traveling, a new bucket list is full of destination you wish to visit. And you enjoy sharing the insights from your trips, with your community, you absolutely should take that into consideration and rethink if the topics, the neat you are choosing will make this lifestyle easier. And will enable you to travel and fulfill your dreams more often. That's just one practical example, but you get the point. Every niche has its advantages and disadvantages, of course, and you need to choose the niche that has advantages. Those are the closest to your heart. So what's your perfect, reputable day. If you had to live the same day on repeat, what would that day look like? Can you define or design a normal day, so you love to live it? Of course, I'm not saying that someday you will have to live it every single day. I'm just saying it should be designed so you could if you want to. Defining and designing your perfect, reputable day will also show us who you are at heart. And taking that into the future and planning it will help you become that con and creator. Who is satisfied with the life and fulfills dreams and make dreams come true. And if you're not quite sure how you can answer this question, what perfect day would really be perfect for you. Watch and learn. To understand what's possible when you are a successful coning creator. It's necessary to spend some time on as a follower as a reader first. So seek out your favorite coning creators. Discover what you love about their reality, and what wouldn't work for you. And after watching their reality and reflecting on how their daily life can look like. I think you will be able to answer this question. What is your vision of paradise much easier. Because many cooling creators think that their dream life will just appear when they achieve success on one of the social media platforms. But that's not necessarily true. You can plan it in advance, and it will keep you going and reveal many interesting facts about yourself you might not be aware of before. 17. Analyze Your Answers: Analyze your answers. I think it's kind of eliminating to revisit these questions over and over again over time. And you may have new answers as you evolve. My opinion, these questions are a great starting place as they push you to explore who you are. But as I've already mentioned right at the start, there is this one unwritten role. You have to be willing to be brutally honest with yourself. So I hope you didn't reply with answers. You don't feel with all your heart, or the answers you wish were true, but Arn instead bravely state the reality of your dreams and of your values. Because the clearer and more honest you can be with yourself the better. And if you don't know something, if you don't feel something yet, just keep digging a little bit deeper? And also, if you don't know yet, you can look at the question from another angle. Talk to someone you trust or admire. Because it's not only about choosing your each and choosing your topics, it's also about growing as a person, discovering you why, discovering your mission, and as difficult as a process may be, it can only serve you to know who you are fil church. So right now it's time to reflect, Can you spot any themes surfacing in your answers? Do you already see any combination that could make an interesting niche? I decided to share this course and share these questions with you. Because they also fueled my online presence and also impacted the way I created courses for you. Because after being honest with myself and answering those questions, I decided to narrow my target market down. So it's really, really important to remember and remind yourself when you try to be liable for everyone, you aren't truly connecting with anyone? And when you build consistency with your ich, with your favorite topics, it lets you and your audience, know what you are talking about and who you are talking to. Remember that question about what lights you up. Here's why you need that thing, that topic in your content. When you have an each, that's what you talk about on your social media, at least 60% of your time. Your audience, your followers, need to hear things multiple times for it to actually begin to sing in and resonate with them. So re repeating yourself makes you come off as being an expert, and help your people know that you are the go to person for these topics, your favorite topics. Also, remember that it's not only about choosing one topic, choose your each to come up with about three to five general topics that you will use in most of your social media. Maybe it sounds limiting at first, but you will love this concept soon when you notice how it starts saving you time and energy. Because by talking about your things over and over, you are showing people that you know and love you on each and your topics. You will create the best resources because you care about it so much, because you love it yourself. And once you build this trust, this credibility, this reliability, within ich by staying focused and delivering high quality content inside tips, inspiration, your audience will know that they don't really have to look for someone else doing better in your area because they have you. Then they will support you and buy your resources, even if it isn't the cheapest. They will recommend you to others. They will also defend you against criticism, and you can't buy or find a shortcut to building a community like that. You just have to build it yourself. You have to create it yourself. So the conclusion is, find where your passion and expertise intersect. And connected us. You can also draw a line between the answers from each question that go and work well together. Finding this combination will be the sweet spot for your social media because you will have the knowledge to deliver the content and the passion to keep it going and keep doing it over a long period of time, and that's our goal to succeed. 18. How Can You Test and Validate Your Niche?: You can test and validate your niche. Once you have your favorite topics and ideas for your nach, how do you know if it's a big idea and something people will truly appreciate? If you want to test and validate your idea, here I am my free tips. Go out there and chat with your potential followers. People who match your description of the members of your dream community. Try to have at least 15 in depth conversations. Ask them about their pain points, about their motivations, and what they feel is lacking in the profiles they're following? It's very, very important to make these conversations as genuine and open as possible, because you need to know what they find is lacking in other profiles they love. Take a look at what other people are doing, especially look for profiles similar to your dream and different languages. Is anyone out there succeeding with an idea similar to yours? Find out if someone is already covering the topics you want to create content about. Also, remember that the Internet is a huge place. And you shouldn't feel discouraged if you find that someone is already talking exactly about the same subject you want to choose. You can actually learn a lot from their experience, their example by looking at their audience, and using that, for example, to estimate the size of your future audience and their needs. And also finding that person is a huge proof that your idea is brilliant and needed. Just start with a vision you have the desire to bring to life. Some people say that you can't really validate your idea without creating it first. And to be honest, there's some truth to this. So choose your mission, choose your vision, and enjoy the journey. Enjoy the process of figuring it out. And pretty, please, don't be fooled by people who say, Oh, you can't do this. Look, for example, Epel does this all the time. 19. Can You Change Your Niche?: Can you change your on each? Okay. Listen. If you're avoiding picking and your favorite topic because you think you might want to change in the future or in a couple of years, I need to tell you you're not alone. Don't let this fear keep you from being committed to the topics you enjoy now, and don't let it cause so much confusion. Of course, of course, switching from one idea to different one all the time isn't the best strategy, but we change. Our values change. It's a human thing, and if after a while you decide you need to change your nach. Change your topics. That's completely normal. The truth is that you aren't stuck within your nach. You don't have to worry about that. Niche you choose today can change a little bit or a lot along the way. If you will want to change it, just make sure that this change is intentional, not just a shiny object syndrome. Because when you change your ache, your topics, or even your business model with intention, you can retain all the trusve built. And for now, if you're worried about it, try to think about a connecting factor. That has interested you for your entire life. As you already know, for me, it has always been calling creation and monetizing it to create the dream life. That interested me. Like, always. So, what were you interested as a kid or as a teenager that you still enjoy and keep coming back to? Stick to what you're most passionate about. Or if you prefer it that way, stick to what you're most knowledgeable about. But you have to enjoy it. And if after a while, you realize you'd rather talk about something else or get a better idea for your social media profile. You can always pivot or just start a second channel. Just start. The most necessary thing is starting. Once you actually create something, it will be a lot easier to see what works and what doesn't work for you. And what you're good at writing and talking about, and what your audience enjoys the most. And also, and that's why I created this course. So you can do some soul searching to find out what makes you unique. I hope you already know that. 20. Final Words and My Question to You: Final words and my little question to you. L et me know what you have experienced while answering these questions. To share your thoughts with me, leave a comment. Share your one answer as a class project. Also, if you enjoy the course, please leave a review. It can only be one or two sentences. Just let me know what you've enjoyed the most. What surprise you the most? Maybe what you liked and disliked about the course. Because your feedback helps me create better and better courses for you, and each positive review makes me so excited that later on have to sink in the shower to release these positive emotions. So that's probably why my neighbors might hate me. So, please don't hesitate to write just a couple of words because I love hearing from you. So, what do you think was the most eye opening question? And one question was the most difficult one for you. And to sum it all up, I hope you already know that choosing your niche, your favorite topics isn't meant to limit your identity quite the opposite. It will help you embrace and cherish your authenticity and your unique self. When you give someone a meaningful experience for your content, they have energy and room in their mind and in their hearts. To remember the things you have said and have shared, and they will remember your positive impact. So let it keep your motivation going. Which topics are you choosing? Let me know. And as always, to your success, see you.