Fashionable Resin Jewelry for Beginners - Create a Pendant and Earring set | Kellie Chasse | Skillshare

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Fashionable Resin Jewelry for Beginners - Create a Pendant and Earring set

teacher avatar Kellie Chasse, Sharing Art with 100,000 students & counting!

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Intro Jewelry Resin


    • 2.



    • 3.

      RESIN 101 Chat


    • 4.

      Prepare Resin Jewelry


    • 5.

      Mixing resin


    • 6.

      Divide Resin


    • 7.

      Adding pigments to color resin


    • 8.

      First practice resin pendant


    • 9.

      Update - Try Aluminum Tape to create resin jewelry


    • 10.

      Working with an open bezel


    • 11.

      Adding resin for earring set


    • 12.

      Creating a TearDrop pendant


    • 13.

      Pulling off the tape


    • 14.

      How to handle an over pour


    • 15.

      Outro with a Bonus Ring Demo!


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About This Class

Update 712/2019 - I wanted to share with you a new tape that I am loving with my open bezels.

Simple Resin Jewelry for Beginners - Create an Art Resin Pendants and Earrings set.

A beginner class on creating a few simple resin pieces. 

We will cover the Brand Art Resin in this course. We will create a few pieces using an open bezel.  If you have other brands of resin to use that's okay, just make sure to follow the directions of your brand. Art resin is my favorite since it has a long cure time and it gives plenty of time to create before it dries. If you wait for 72 hours it will be fully cured in most cases. 

In this course, you will learn how to correctly mix and tint your resin and create beautiful wearable art pieces. We will use a number of options to tint including Acrylic paints, Ink, and powdered pigments. You will see the process step by step in REAL TIME and create some terrific one of a kind, unique jewelry pendants and earrings to either wear or create to sell in your own business.

Resource: Art Resin Safety Data Sheets

This is a Beginner to Intermediate course for those of you that want to have fun, be creative, and get the basics on how to create these artsy pendants and earrings. Learn all my quick easy tricks and steps to create your own jewelry to wear or gift! I'll take all the scariness away from Resin and show you how to mix and create Resin art pendants and give you the skills and materials to develop your unique jewelry pieces. I'll take you through the entire video of my steps and process and give you some ideas on working with a few different mediums and options.

This course  will cover: 

  • Materials needed 
  • Creating a beautiful and unique pendant and earring art to wear.
  • Create pendants using different techniques and materials.
  • We will cover working with Resin and how to tint your resin by using Acrylics, Ink, and powdered pigments.
  • I'll even share my supplier secrets. 


Disclaimer: As an Artist, I show you how I create my own work, your results and products used may be different. While this video is being produced I am not affiliated with any manufacturers or suppliers mentioned, and the products I use are my own personal preference. Safety Note - When using paints and chemicals please adhere to any and all manufacturer safety guidelines with these products.  If you have specific safety questions or concerns please contact the product's manufacturer.

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Kellie Chasse

Sharing Art with 100,000 students & counting!






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Level: Beginner

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1. Intro Jewelry Resin: I welcome to our step by step beginner resin jewelry Course I'm Kelly from Kelly Chassis. Fine Art Resident is an amazing art medium that is just so much fun to play with. And this course you will learn how to correctly mix entity your resin and create beautiful , wearable art pieces. We will use a number of options to tent, including acrylic paints, inks and powder pigments, and you will see my process step by step in real time, and you'll be able to create some beautiful one of a kind, unique jewelry pieces that you can wear or selling your own business to enroll. Now toe lock into this low rate, you'll never pay more. Even when I answer new practice sessions or information to the course, this is a beginner to intermediate course for those of you that want to have fun, be creative and get the basics on how to create thes rt pendants and earrings. Learn all of my quick, easy tricks and steps to create your own jewelry to wear or give us a gift. I'll take all of the scariness away from resin and show you how to mix and create resin art pendants and give you the skills of material to develop your unique jewelry pieces. This is a beginner to intermediate course, for those of you that want to just have fun, be creative. And to get the basics on resin, I have over thousands of happy students already creating some lovely pieces during my life classes and online. So come get created with me and enjoy all the compliments to come on your own special pieces you'll soon be wearing. With the right instruction and a little bit of practice, you, too, will soon be able to make your own stunning art pieces. I hope to see you inside the course. 2. Materials : all right, I'm really excited to share with you. What will need for our jewelry? Resin Course, this is what will be creating. I've got a necklace here, and some matching earrings will do some other things. So to begin, you'll need to order some art resin or, uh, epoxy. Two part epoxy Youling, Cem Plastic cups and small 18 ounces, six ounces of me. Like that. He'll need some craft sticks or Popsicle sticks for mixing some toothpicks. For some mild cleanup, you'll need a some type of trade. Our trade. You don't want to use one that's going to get ruined. You can get disposal, but a little mini cups. He's a little two ounce cups. These work great for mixing your colors for your resin, and you also need some pure L or some alcohol. This will help clean up the resident. If you get sticky fingers, I have here a silicone mat. You get that from the baking section. You'll also need a leveller. This one is from my iPads was an easy app to download. You'll need some plastic gloves to protect your hands, and you'll need some really good quality clear tape this is a postage. Take clear plastic tape and you'll need some either paper towels or some kind of rag for cleanup. So you have a lot of options for paints, for tenting our resin, and you can use alcohol inks any colors. They do have a tendency to fade, sometimes to be careful what you choose for colors. Ah, great choices, high flow golden acrylic paints. Or you can use a Doc Martens thes Air Indian ink Bombay inks, and I'll also be showing you how to use a powdered materials for this, and you'll have some options for some additional Pa's. As in your jewelry making, you can use some glitter. This happens to be German glitter, so it's very fine, and you could also use some metallic flakes. This one's like a gold leaf. So for jewelry supplies that you will need again, this is all about what your taste is. I'm gonna show you the ones that I'm ordering here, and I'll give you a list of the supplies so I have some beautiful pendants or open basil's . These air sterling silver plated and they come in the open basil, a wider version. They also come in hearings, and you can order the different shaped hooks with this and then also a very smaller, fine open buzz a little bit larger, but it's not quite as thick, so there's plenty of options, and I'll give you all that information on where you can order that. Here's a closer. This is a little bit thinner option for you and you can also use. If you have taken my alcohol. Ain't course. You can use some of the closed vessels for the residents. A swell, so let's get ready to prepare for our resin. 3. RESIN 101 Chat: So the first thing that we want to talk about is having a good resin experience or a successful resin poor. You want to follow some very basic steps. Of course, the first one, you want to make sure that you're using proper safety equipment. You want to remove any pets or children or anybody who does not have safety year on from the room, make sure that you've covered all your exposed skin. Make sure you cover or tieback your hair. You want to turn off any fans while you're pouring. And this is to help prevent dust particles getting airborne. But the first thing I want to talk about is proper safety gear or now there has been more, more talk about resin, about alcohol inks. And some say it saves, some say it's not. Some people have developed issues with it. So when all else fails, take proper safety precautions. So I recommend that you use nitrile gloves when you're handling any kind of resin or alcohol inks, those will protect your hands. Use a full face mask, certified organic vapor mask. And the reason why I say full face mask rather than just your breathing, you do want to protect your eyes as well because those type of chemicals can go in through your eyes, through your nose, and through your mouth. You want to make sure, number two, that your area is dust free and choline. When I say dust, make sure you are dusting in ed Vance two, pouring your resin and that doesn't mean you have 15 minutes beforehand if you don't want to stir up anything that's already in your house. So make sure that you dust ahead of time and then maybe do a spritz of some water just to keep that dust down anywhere near your area that you'll be pouring your resin. So step three is making sure that your area is at a constant dry temperature. And when I say constant, you don't want to put them next to a window because the sun comes in and that could change, which can change your temperature in your room, which can cause you to have the little dimples in your resin. You wanna make sure that it's warm in your home. 70 degrees is a great temperature for art resin. They recommend that and keeping it constant so you don't want an area that's going to maybe be in a garage is going to drop down in temperature at night 20 degrees because that will cause them bling or and bubbles and some other bad things to happen. So consistent, 70 degree warm, dry, if you've a lot of humidity in your area, recommend maybe doing a DIY home or something like that. Is you want that constant temperature at least for the first 24 hours your resonance curing. So my favorite art resin to use is the brand art resin. And you can try obviously some different types of resin. But just make sure that you're reading your resin directions for your brand. And you wanna make sure that you're mixing it properly, making sure that your cup does not have any water in it, any of your brushes are your tools or anything does not have water in it because water is very bad for mixing resin, it can cause it not to not to harden correctly. So you're using a usually a two-part mixture of epoxy resin or hardener and a resin. And for art resin it's equal parts. So like I said, other brands have different amounts that you you mix some hardened faster than others. So really read those directions and making sure that Your resume is going to work for this project. Number five, make sure you're using enough resin that is going to fully cover your art piece. Now, art resin does have a calculator online, so you can look at that art resin calculator and it will tell you how much resin that you'll need in depending on, you know, if you have a six by six piece or if you have an eight by ten, you know, whatever that dimensions are, you're going to use different amounts of resin to complete your project. It's best if you warm your resin to room temperature before using it. That will help room leaf some of those air bubbles. And you can also let the art residence sit for a little bit. And some of those, it's gotta release agent in there. So the bubbles will automatically release. Some resins have more bubbles than others. Some are a little bit more trickier to get rid of the air bubbles. If you've mixed very fast, more of a whipping motion will cause you to have more bubbles have used her slowly about will help. And then I'd like to use a torch to remove my air bubbles. You can use litres, things like that. But really for the amount of heat that you need to produce a torch, even like a crew ambulate torture plumbers towards some small ones. It doesn't have to be one of those big torches. You can use a small one that will help get the bubbles out of there. Another tip that I like to use is using a little spritz of alcohol and that will help release the air bubbles as well. So usually have a little bit of time. Once you've put your resin down, you've made sure that the bubbles have been removed. Sometimes they will come to the surface a little bit afterward. So with the first 15 minutes or so, you can use that torch to remove the air bubbles. For small bubbles, you can pop them with toothpicks, things like that. After that 15 minutes or so, your resin will start to cure if you're using art resin, especially if you have a warm area and if you've used a lot of torching, torch porches will actually thin that resin out. So it will actually cure faster when you put heat towards resin. If you have torched ally, and then you go back in and try to torch it again, you can actually cause dimples. So I always recommend before you cover it, make sure you've really given it a good thorough look. Make sure you cover it with plastic that you can see through. That helps because you can see if any bubbles are coming up right after use. You cover it because sometimes there's things inside of your plastic containers that can get on it. So make sure you split your container out with alcohol, wipe it down, and use that before you cover it. Which then leads us to number six, covering your resin piece. So covering your resin piece, leaving it alone once you cover it and let it dry for at least 24 hours. Because if you try to go back into it once it starting to cure and try to remove those bubbles, you're just going to cause a mess. It's just going to dent and it will create even more problems. That is my tips on having your best resin poor and other thing is, you know what, if you're brand new to resin, it's like anything else you may have to practice a few times to get it right. And even the best of us, it doesn't always work perfectly. So as William pickers and said, If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. So don't let resonance scarier, jumping, give it a go. And if you have any questions, I'm here for you. 4. Prepare Resin Jewelry: So before we get started, just make sure you have that silicone mat down nice and flat. This is works great, because you can actually pull the resin rate off of your surface. Once it dries, you could might be down with alcohols. It makes a nice space for use. You have to worry about your table or clean up later. You'll also need to level your area to make sure that your area is going to be nice and flat. So when you let your jewelry down, your jewelry won't be lopsided. Will run from one direction or another. All right, so go ahead and put our gloves on. It's you already have some in cardio on. These reason, though, we have our gloves on, and this is the resin I'm using. A brand called Art Resin. It's a two part epoxy. It's very clear it's UV resistant in its non toxic, so it's one of my favorites. So it's a two part hardener and a resin, and these actually won't react to one another to you. Pour them in together, so I have two cups here. One is going to be for the resin and one will be for the hardener, and if you want to go ahead and just grab a marker, you can label your cups and just put a little mark on here so that I could make sure that these air even now, if you have a measuring cup, you can use a measuring cup. I just like to use the clear plastic cups only because they're disposable. And if you do any resident there weren't hardens. You can't get it out. You don't have toe. Use an expensive measuring cup for that. Go ahead and make an H on this one for our hardener. And this is just because if you don't get your levels exactly right, sometimes you can forget which one is your hardener. Which one is your resin? So it's nice to put the age in the are on there, and then you find that one is a little bit thicker than the other. So you definitely want to measure these by I rather than by weight, because it won't come out right, and sometimes you will have your resin Cure properly will be sticky and never fully hardened, so it's very important toe to get your measurements correct. So just pouring this one in here and is taking us Popsicle stick. What about the edge? And we'll go ahead and grab our hardener next. Put that one aside. Eating this cup. It's a fairly hard cup, which helps when you're mixing it, because the plastic cups that are very light sometimes you can get the resin in the cracks and quarters, and that will also make it so that it's harder to get your resident to cure properly. It's, ah, a little bit easier to do this. You can even use, like little shot glasses of using a little bit. I'm actually is in quite a bit. Here is they just want to make sure that we have enough resin. Better to have more resident than not enough and depending on how many pieces of jewelry plan on doing No. I've done this so many times I more or less eyeballing this, but to give you a rough estimates about one ounce of resin and one ounce of harder than I have in my cup here. So I'll end up with two ounces of mixed resin when I'm done, which is a lot of resin, and I was able to actually do about 20 pendants with this, and I had some leftover. But pending on, If you want to test some and you want to do some other things with your resin, you may want to mix more. You may want to makes less. The more resin you mix, the more color choices that you could mix up a swell. 5. Mixing resin: All right, so let's go ahead and make sure resin. Now, of course, depending on what resin that you're using, your times may vary a little bit. And I'm going going to be using the art resin and just a little disclaimer hair from our resident website about minimizing bubbles. But you're gonna want to do this fairly quickly because this is about 45 minutes of work time for you. So I'm gonna go ahead and just pour my hardener right into my resin and you could see I'm just using two cups for this one. Normally, if I'm doing a larger quantity, I make sure t to pour both cups into 1/3 cup. But this is such a small amount. I can make sure that I scoop this up really well. So we're gonna go ahead and do this for four minutes, stirring very lightly, and you can see some stirring. You're gonna going to see these little waves or little movements and bands within your resin. So, really, your goal is to make sure that you no longer have those bands and you're gonna want to stir this very slowly as to minimize the amount of air bubbles that you create. So after about four minutes of me stirring here, you can see I do have quite a few bubbles in there to remove the air bubbles. You can use heat. Gonna be careful because it's a plastic cup so you could use a blow dryer or heat torch, and you can also blow on it to minimize air bubbles. But we're gonna be mixing this again anyway with some of the colors. So, you know, you could let the set for a little bit once we've got our colors mixed in and the great thing about our is and I'm I'm not affiliated with art resident at all, but I just wanted to share with you why I like it. It can be used for so many different kinds of projects, so it's very versatile. It has UV protection built in. It takes about 45 minutes to start caring, so it gives you plenty of time with artwork as well as jewelry. And it's non toxic. So that's just some of the reasons. Of course, you can choose any kind that you like to work with, and in the next step, going to separate our resident and mix your colors 6. Divide Resin: All right, so let's go ahead and divide our resin based on our color choices on if you like, one color more than another and you plan on using more of, let's say a white or a blue you're gonna want to divide your resident appropriately, and I often little leave a little bit on the side. That way I could go ahead and mix up some more. I need to so you can divide this up either. In the plastic trays are Trey. You can take a chance on ruining your tray so you could also use a little plastic two ounce cups that I should. So we're gonna go ahead and just pour this in and I'm using my Popsicle stick. If you find that it's easier, plastic spoons can work great. And I'm just gonna pour in my amounts for each color. I believe my clear resin aside, I sometimes use clear resident in my jewelry as well. So as you can see here, I'm using quite a few different trays here because I want to show you just give you some options on some different colors in the different products. So I'm gonna show you all of the following. Remember, you have lots of choices. You could Do Alcohol, Inc. Which or more transparent And you have to be careful because sometimes they can fade a little bit. You can also use the high flow acrylic paints. Try not to use the thicker pains. They don't work as well. Resin. You could also use the inks. Bombay inks again, more transparent paints. And then you also have the powder pigments boot, which we can use. And these give me that iridescent look which are beautiful. So the next thing we're gonna be doing is will be mixing our colors up. 7. Adding pigments to color resin: Okay, so now we're gonna go ahead and tint are resin of this is some of the most fun that you'll have when you're doing your residents coming up with these color combos. So I'm gonna show you how I got this particular necklace and earring set, and I'm going to start with a powdered pigment. And this particular pigment is made by Jacquard products. And it's number 687 called True Blue. And just gonna take the top here. You can add this very slowly. You don't need a whole lot of a lot of the pigment to the resident to really get the bright , dark colors so you can see here how rich that was, which is that very little bit amount of pigment on there, and it almost looks purple in the jar, but it turns out to be more of ah ro pretty iridescent blue. So the next time he uses titanium white by golden and this is, ah, high flow light fast paint, which means it's has UV resistant in it. So this is more of a solid color, not transparent. So this will give you a nice, um, solid base color for your jewellery, so you don't really know a whole lot. Just a few drops of this will work because these are usually used for working with airbrush is things like that. So it's a very, very thin paint, unlike a regular acrylic paint. You know I work with resin because it's too thick and it will change the texture of your resin. It turns it kind of gummy, and it's sticky, so it's really hard toe work with with the resin. Just go ahead. Go and stir that up for a while, and you could see the consistency is nice and thin on this. So for the next one, let's go ahead and grab our Indian ink. This is a nice teal color that we have here, and this is transparent. There's a couple drops again. We'll do it. If you want to make it a little bit darker, you can add a few more drops, but again, it's nice to change up ice. We've got nice and I solid one here. We've got nice translucent color, which is solid, and we have a nice, transparent color. So when you're working with all these different mixtures, you can create some really pretty jewelry that way. It's during this uproar well again, making sure that we've got that nice and mixed, and I will try some purple with the Bombay ink as well gives you a nice rich color, staring while making sure it's nice and mixed in there. The inks and the acrylic paints are much easier to mix in, more so than what the powder pigments would be. The powder pigment takes a little bit longer to mix up, and they're a little bit more messy. You could see where I've got that purple blue color. Will powder flakes kind of fly everywhere. It just gives a little bit of iridescence in any other colors, so it's really not that noticeable. Say what I mean by the iridescence. We'll just mix those right up you won't even know. So now I'm gonna use a little bit of this called Sparkle Gold and this number 657 made by Jacquard Products. And it's mixes of the ones right in there won't even know they're there. SE. As an artist, you have to be able to work with these funny things that happen. So I was gonna show you on a mix this one in and actually show you the entire process of this mixing in the powder pigments. You could see how long it takes tow, really get a good amount and it nice and smooth. So I actually have a lot of pigment in this one, so it's a little thick, so I think I'm gonna thin this out a little bit more by adding some more of the clear resin to it to thin it out. I will do it. There you go. It's the consistency you want. You want it to be quite runny, not bad. If it's thickens up, it just gets a little heavier and used, and especially in some of the pendant vessels and things that sets to the bottom. So it just kind of whatever the heaviest paint is will always sink. So keep that in mind. We could get thes riel close to one another. Your consistency will stay about the same. You will find, though, that the it's little bit denser for your powder pigments and your high flow more so than with you. Yeah, transparent inks would be like So for our last one hairless, add a little pink. It's actually called Duo Red Blue number 6 80 by Jaccard. They'll have all these listed in here for you as well, because this one has a really pretty almost like a purple tint to it. Love the year. Dozens. All right, so we have those all mixed up and just a little bit more to the white here. Ah, you a lot of white. That's that in my jewelry. Now, we have a lot of resin here, and I actually have more than what I would normally use, but I wanted to make sure that you were able to see a bunch of different options. So most of the bubbles air gone is a few more in here. You won't want to blow on those just a little bit or add some heat to it and will be ready for our next step and will be Go ahead and prepping are open basil for our first poor 8. First practice resin pendant: Let's start by trying a practice peace. Make sure that your area is nice and level before we start, you're gonna need some of that good quality clear tape. Packing tape is the best. You want to make sure we have a really good seal on this so that it doesn't leak underneath and you're just gonna tear off a little strip couple inches Here, give yourself a little extra. These were gonna fold up those edges as well. There's gonna place your bustle down. And I'm pushing down on all those pieces trying not to get my fingers on the tape because we don't want to leave a little thumbprint or fingerprint in the middle of our peace and then just fold up those edges. This is why we want to make sure you have a little bit extra, and this makes it easy if you need to pick it up or move it around So art reservoir and take a little bit longer to dry than some of the other. So it's a great thing toe work with for Juries against you. Plenty of time to play. So I'm just gonna use it. Toothpick Here. This will give you your seeing Wait little drops. You commit little designs in your resin if you want for your pendants. And if you wanted to have this look and keep it, you would go ahead and let this dry first and then continue on with your resin the next day . But for today's purpose, we're just gonna go ahead and pour some in here. Philadelphian, play against our first piece and you can kind of see what colors you like. Check out, check out. You know, different ways of putting it in here. You can dot it You can use a little stick, so if you want to do this little quicker and it'll heavier, you can cut it. Just pour it in here with a stick. You could also use a plastic spoon, but you do need to be careful because you don't want overfill these. You want to make sure that you've got enough in there so that you don't have an indention, but you don't want toe over feel it, girl. She'll have me the resident running over everything, so I just add a little bit clear there. So if I wanted to lighten any of that, the clear helps to do that. He could see how much brighter that is now. So we didn't make that purple a pretty dark. And I like to have the transparency, especially on some of the double sided ones, has looked may. Sometimes you can see the light right through them. Now, if you don't want the light through when you put the white in here and you can see how much this makes it really pop, you could see where I spilled a little bit on the edge. There you can wipe that up with a little bit of alcohol, or you could just leave it and I'll show you later on how you can just kind of pull that off. Do you want to make sure that you clean those Popsicle sticks up or get yourself a new one for a different color? L chillin at mixing them all in there. I have a tendency to do that. We're going in trouble, but this teal c what that does, and you see where I put them on top of the white or really kind of pops out. It could also take a toothpick and just kind of move things around. Give yourself some nice swirls. Makes a neat little patterns in there. If you don't like it, you always pour some right on top of it again. So your play potential is endless with these pieces of jewelry. It's really about playing with your colors and just trying some new things out. The great thing about the resin pieces. If you don't like them, you can on just date the resin completely out where you can change it up by one of doing here until you get this almost full and readjust thing. And I just got some of that German glitter here, just going to show you what this looks like. If you want to Sprinkle this in, sometimes you know, depending on what you got for layers and how dry your resin is at the time. Minds very wet so this might sink down in. So if you wanted to, you could wait a little bit longer for the resin to cure just slightly and then put the glitter on. But this one's staying on there pretty good. So if you aren't happy with your trial piece, remove the tape, wipe off the resin and then place in a small container of alcohol. Just let it sit in there and then you can pull it out after about 10 minutes or so and pretty much a wipe it right down, so let's go ahead and try another one. 9. Update - Try Aluminum Tape to create resin jewelry: Well, hello, my crafty friends. Today's video we're gonna cover why I like to use aluminum tape for creating a resin jewelry, especially the ones with the open vessels. Hey, everyone. Kelly here. So some of you might have seen my jewelry. And you're wondering, what is that silver stuff she has her jewelry on? Well, this is one of my favorite tapes to use. This one is made by National. It's actually an aluminum tape and you can see it's very easily bends. It has a little sticky side here. I can get it going. Okay, let's try this one. Holy cow Aereo. So it does have the sticky side, and you can see it's almost like aluminum foil, basically, but it's super sticky. I mean, this stuff is just talk about sticky, Um, but I like to use it with my jewelry. Now you do have to make sure that you keep it nice and smooth because, like tinfoil, it could get crumpled and you can see here it does rip really easy, but you can see how strong the sticky stuff is on this thing. So what I like to do is let me just take a new piece here, so I like to take it and if it over like this and cut off pay spending on how many? How many Basil's I'm planning on doing and what I like to use This is a This is a resin piece that I did yesterday. I like to cut this off and then I remove. Try to do this again. Here, move my tape. Maybe here we go, being very careful as I'm doing it, because I don't want to have any of that texture, and you can see you'll get a little bit of texture with this. These vessels are two sided, so what I'll do is I will push. Obviously, this one has resin already in it. But I will take the plane Basil's and just push push around the edges to make sure that this has a nice seal, and then I would do a bunch of them and they're all flat on this piece of tape. You can also take the edge if you need to and just chills it up like this. So you have a place to pick it up where it's not sticky, and I would lean, lay those all across here and I'll show you. Once I pour my resident and I fill it in, let it dry like this on a flat surface, and then I pull it off the next day, and you do have to be careful again. I mean, you could see how sticky this is just with having this down there for a few seconds. When you pull it off, you can actually pull the resin directly out of the open basil if you're not careful, so you have to make sure that is cured enough, so that is cured enough around your edge, so it's not going to make it. Remove your resin when you pull that out, so you have to get do that very slowly and pulling. Just test and see, you know if your resident is dry enough for it. So in the past and my even in my video of my class, I have always used the Scotch tape, which no. Three am. It's really good quality. It's government stickiness to this as well, and I did the same thing with this one. I would cut it, and then I would place the basil on top there and pushed down, but because I'm using resin and I'm using either a heat gun or he tool or, um, usually it's a torch or one of these little lighters to heat up the resin or to remove the bubbles. It can melt your tape, and I've had issues in the past where the, you know, tape melted, and then it will seep underneath. So since I found the aluminum tape, I have not had issues with that. So this is why I now recommend using aluminum tape of versus the Scotch tape or ah, heavy duty tape for open vessels. Alice is fine. You know, if you're using, um, closed vessels, obviously, if you want to keep him in place, you can stick them down. But really, I only used the tape for the two side it open Basil's so that creates a dam in behind. So here are a couple of a that I did yesterday. These haven't been pulled off. You have been pulled off. Let's show you some that are already on here Now. This one leaked a little bit on the edge, and that was not from leaking underneath, but that was for me, for for pouring and missing my mark so you could see I do have a little bit of resident on there and we'll be able to clean that right after you see how sticky these things are when you pull that, you're definitely not going to get any seepage like you will in some of the other clear tapes that I have you. So this is my new go to tape again. It gives a little bit of, ah pattern on the back, but I'm OK with that. These air really two sided if it bothered making always put another little top coat of resin on there. This is actually done with some Maine lobster shells in here, which is really cool. And I think I first demo these. I showed up on my Facebook group A live when I was doing this. This is my second batch. The other ones have almost sold out. So making a new batch for this week and I So I will also link that YouTube video that I have up for this, as well as another YouTube video have on aluminum foil. If you were interested in trying aluminum foil to create dams with your clay boards. You can do that. It makes a great dam for your residence. If you want to build up with, it's all linked that appear for you to check that one out. It's super cool, and this is another none design piece of jewelry basil that I had that didn't take the tape with. 10. Working with an open bezel: All right, so let's go ahead and try another two sided resident pendant. This is my final results with this particular one I'm gonna show you, and this is the other side of it to this one has a little bit more of the white in the gold showing. You never know what this is going to dio. So that's all part of the fun when you're creating the jewelry cause sometimes, you know, depending on what colors you use. And like I said, the thickness of your resident, you know, that will sink the symbol state of the top. And it doesn't really, really fun looking things. So I have here a small, double sided pendant. This one is sterling silver plated, and I'll have all that information again in a pdf form for you so you can print that out as to where order my materials. You can see it's a little bit smaller here, but very wide to these air. Real pretty on. Let's grab our tape and pull off a couple inches of that tape again, placing the sticky side up and putting our pendant rate in the center here, and I'm pushing down and because of silicone. Mac has a little bit of give in the back of this. It works really well. We'll go ahead and pulled up the edges, gives you a little bit of room to be able to move around. You can also put him on. Ah, either a piece of cardboard or a business card works great underneath to move things around as well. And I just go ahead and push down on that one more time to make sure we got that nice seal underneath. And this is so that your resin doesn't escape underneath your pendant. You know, just have fun with this. This is really about playing and creating. No. Right or wrong, I'm going to start with some white. A little bit of that blue on topic iridescent. I'm just trying to puddle this in slowly as I go along, because things can happen. You can create little designs in here sometimes by accident. If I liked, if I like this Look, I could always go ahead and just put clear resin on top of that. And that would pretty much save that pattern that I'd have down there. But we're gonna continue on. I'm just layering these a little bit on there's Wipe that up my finger, trying to be careful not to pour the resin all over everything as I'm doing this. So you have to do it slowly and methodically, which I'm not so good at. I'm a messy painter. We'll go ahead and put some of that gold in there now some premium sticking with three color. Sometimes, if you get too many colors, you'll end up with a mixture of mud, like with anything else. When you're mixing a lot of different colors, you know to money, and there you end up with brown. Um, I would stick Teoh No. 2 to 3 color. When you first start until you're comfortable with it, then you could always add more is continuing to fill this up. We're almost at the top now, and our prison doesn't give you that real domed affect with jewelry I have about this is because it's so liquidy. I found that if you wait a little bit longer with your resin as it starts to cure, it thickens a little bit, and that's a good time to try your dome ing with our resin. It's a little bit thicker, and it tends to stay put a little bit better. So I personally like the flat surface. But some folks like the dome ing look, which is when you arch the resin by placing some very small drops of resin once you're basil is almost full. Uh, just keep dropping the resin slowly to give it that bubble top appearance. What looks like a glass dome of over it and that really comes down to for me is how, um, cured. The resin is it starts to kill. Like I said, it gets a little thicker, so it's a little easier to do. Most residents can be don't. It's just a matter of your timing and, you know, adding one drop at a time. Very slowly have seen some other artists use a little squeeze bottle for their residents. You can just kind of drop it in very slowly. That works well. Clears coming because it almost do this three d effect so that you have a clear on top of that. You see underneath where your color is. I would give you some depth in your jewelry. Go ahead and mix this in here, my toothpick to see you being a little little swirl action here. I'm kind of picking that color up and then pulling it up over that clear resin so I don't want to mix it ball in. I think in a nice pattern by doing this because there's quite deep. I'm happy with that. So we've got our pendant done. We'll put that aside and we'll do some matching earrings next. 11. Adding resin for earring set: well, let's attempt to make some matching earrings to go with that pendant that we just did. And I will have all that information for you in the pdf attached to swell for the hearings . So I have the smaller pieces, these air matching to that larger pendant, Peace and thes make great little airings. Or you could also use these as Cem many necklaces, which would be really cute if you want to do some matching necklaces with the adult necklace that we just did. So make sure once again that you push down on those. I'm doing both of them on one sheet of tape here and make sure that a nice good seal on that and slipping up those edges just so I can maneuver those around gun pushing down, making sure that I have got a really good seal on those. We don't want those toe leak underneath. It makes for a really messy cleanup. If those do now, I want to start these off with just some clear resin just to see what it's gonna dio. Sometimes it's always a nice surprise because you don't see the back of the of the dependent until you're old and you can always see the tops. You know what's happening there. But the backside is often a surprise for you. So want us to be quite similar to the one that we just did. So just go ahead and put some clear down here to start also helps fill in some of that area , and now we'll add some weight to that. So we're gonna want to try to do this very similar to what we did for a pendant so that our colors air quite similar. It never works out exactly the same, but you can get it pretty close by following that same process. So we started with a white bad, a little bit of that iridescent blue to it. And remember, if you have other colors, here's is obviously going to look different. I'm trying to this a little slower because these are a little smaller, so they will fill up on you faster, and you could see how easy this is. It's really just a simple process. I think the scariest part for folks is mixing the resident. You first are working with this. I have never had a problem with my resin mixture of it, not setting. I've heard a lot of stories about that, but if you just make sure that you get it mixed really well for the four minutes and you are making sure that those amounts are equal, that's key, then it's usually fairly easy to work with. Only problem is, it's sticky, and you get better at that as well. When you first started, Riper started, I had this. I had the resin attached to Everything was in my hair was on my hands, was quite close. Every time I turned around, I had something stuck to me. So you will get better at that, I promise. And we are finished with. That's the next one I'm gonna do is a teardrop basil. If you don't have a teardrop, you can use any of the ones. If you've taken my other class with the alcohol independence, then you're familiar with the round vessels and all the different options that they have as well. So you can use any of those if you don't happen tohave these sterling silver plated pieces . And those were great to practice on, too, because you don't have to worry about missing up on a more expensive pendant. So let's go ahead and work on the teardrop shape next 12. Creating a TearDrop pendant: Let's try a closed vessel this time. This is a teardrop basil pendant. So this one's gonna be a little bit different because we're not gonna have to worry about taping any of this down. So we're just gonna grab our open basil, make sure we have it on that level surface, and I'm going to start with filling us in a little bit of the clear resin on Lee because I have a lot of clear resin looked over here that I want to use up. So I'm gonna go ahead and just fill that in a little bit of clear, and that's gonna be on the bottom, so help level it and then we're just gonna go ahead and fill it in with some colors to start with some white and these air really easy to work with. A Sfar as the closed vessel, even more so than your open two sided vessels. Because it's just contains everything right inside. So this is great for beginners when you're first starting out. And if you get these before your resin starts to Curie could easily just wipe these output him an alcohol start over. Well, let's say you wait until your resin is finally cured and hardened and you're unhappy with the piece. You could just put these in boiling hot water. Way to that resident is heated up and you can pop them right out and start over. So really easy fixes on both of those So you can see it at a little bit of teal here and and putting a little bit of that clear resin on top again. Toe Lighten things up, it's dark. And I'm gonna take my little toothpick here and just create a little bit of details and some swirls in this one set of finish this one up going to use a little bit of the glitter , and this one here, I'm showing, is actually the silver. But when you use some clear in this one and just gonna Sprinkle a little bit in here, you can barely see it. But does give a little bit of sparkle Gandhi's air all just little different options for you if you want to try them. And the last thing to do is take a little bit of this blue again, and I just want to show you that you can actually almost paint designs in your resin because I've been letting the sit for a little while. This is my third piece that I've done. The resin has had time to start Teoh just slightly cure, so it's thickened up a little bit, and it's a little bit easier to control. It's almost like with alcohol in paints. The thicker it gets, the more control you have with it. So you could see where this pretty much stayed right in place, and you get a nice little design on there. And you can also at this point add some gold leaf if you want to and have gone ahead and put a little bit on here, just a few little flakes of that and this will sit right on top of your resident will stick right to it. And the final thing I want to tell you is to make sure, especially with these pendants, they have a little bit of a lip on them, so make sure that you bring us over to the edge to level those off, and then you're gonna want to go ahead and cover those with some type of plastic container , and those will clean right up so make sure you give those a cover and let those sit and cure for about 24 hours, and it will all depend on your heat in your humidity in your area. So you're just gonna have to go back and kind of check on those a few times to make sure that they're ready to be removed from underneath that plastic and the plastic releases there to prevent things from getting into your resin as it dries or cures. 13. Pulling off the tape : All right. So are we ready to pull out the tape and see what we have before we do that? Let's go ahead and cover an option for your leftover resin. So I have purchased online. This is from Amazon, this adorable little bead silicone maker. And you can just fill up with your leftover resin these little silicone containers, and make your own beads. They have them for lots of different pendants. They also have them even for bracelets. So if you have left over reason, this is a great way to utilize that. Also, if you do have leftover resident your containers, you can just go ahead. But a Popsicle stick in there. Let it dry, and it could pop those right out and reuse your cups. So after 24 hours, approximately cure time, years may very because of your heat, but we're ready to pull off. Our tape should be able to pull that rate off without leaving any residue. If, um, if you do have some residue on there, you can use a little bit of goof off once it's fully cured and white that rate down. So there we have it are full pendant so I have to do is add a change that you could see the back side there is go a little bit of stuff on. It's a little. We'll put the goof off on their and and clean that up afterward. Let's go ahead and seal how our little earrings turned down here and these air nice and hard to touch. Now again, just very carefully, as close as you can get it to that and just peel. You should get a nice, clean poll. Let's go ahead and do the other one well. Aw, so you could see the back side. There is that beautiful blue color. It's always a surprise. You can cheat and looked it up and look underneath your ah tape. But don't do that until it's almost dry. RL two. You could have a potential of ruining our spilling it over. So here's a nice close up of those the colors and they're fabulous. Even they have that iridescent, which is hard to see in the video here, but they were pretty in person, so I did go ahead and do another one. This is with some clear resin, Cem, Pink and some of the white, which we didn't get to see. And it's got that, uh, clear in there so you can kind of see right through it. That gives it a real pretty look as well, so again, to side of little pendant. And this one has a little bit of iridescent in the Pinkas Well, and just a little know as you're pulling the tape up. If you're finding that that resident is kind of bending with it or moving, then it's not quite ready yet. So give it a little bit longer to cure before you remove that tape so you can't order little boxes for these, which makes it great for gift giving or for selling than our next section. We will cover how to work with you over pores. 14. How to handle an over pour: Okay, So how to fix over poor problems? I just want to show you here. This is a very fine open vessel that I had and this kind of ran right over the sides. So thin, so late it was. I cleaned it out, popped in the alcohol and wiped it off, and it was ready to go again. You could see I have a little bit of resin that stuck to the tape here, and I just want to show you how to clean this up. Doesn't mean that it's ruined, but it's just kind of, Ah, little dollop of it got on the side there and on the where the chain goes. So we're gonna go ahead and pull this off. And I want you to remember, too, that your resident of those this is cured here. It's not fully cured for another 48 to 72 hours. That's fully hardened, so it's still soft. You still could get your nail in there, and that's why you can go ahead and just peel this right off. So it's very important to do that within the 1st 24 hours, and that's why I removed from the tape early and just let it sit afterward on my piece of silicone and let it cure fully so that it's fully hardened before I actually sell it or wear it and he could take a toothpick. And there's a little stubborn pieces that gets stuck in here again. It's still very gummy, so you can easily get those off of there and just might need to work on it. I work at it for a little bit. Before you get fully removed. You take a little piece right out, so no need to redo the whole thing. It's it's, Ah, an easy fix and this is it all cleaned up. You can a little goof up wait that down and it's already so make sure that you sign up for my email newsletter for special offers at www dot kelly chassis Fine art dot com. Thanks again so much for taking this course, and I hope you find it a five star, and I hope to see you in another class real soon. Things again. Take care 15. Outro with a Bonus Ring Demo!: so I decided to add one more little bonus section here for you. I got some new pieces in, and I thought it would add up for the class. And these ones are buying none design as well. This is a nice little brass one. It's a deep vessel that that they just got in, so I picked those up. They also have, um, still the sterling silver plated open Basil's. This is the one that we used in the class earlier, and then they also have another color now, and it's called a signature black. So it's more of an age. Look to it, Um, so this one's really pretty that one's in the larger open vessel as well, and then they have some matching rings that go with it, which I'm going to show you how to do here next. They also have their oval only have it in the silver. Here's a close up its adjustable, which makes it really great unit of all different sizes, and then they also have it in just the round, adjustable a swell. So here's a picture of that. So I'm going to show you, hear what I do really quickly for making large amounts of these, and I like to get an idea of what I want to do. So I have some set here with the open basil's with sea glass and smaller ones. And then I have some of the open vessels here already ready to go on the tape. I have Thea brass large ones. They're ready with some See glasses. Well, and this is when I just get to play over on the right hand side. Also have some small stainless steel. Did find these on Amazon's. I'm testing these out for the first time. They don't hold a lot of resin. They're very small. But I used these for my little bracelets that I that I wink. So these are great. They're lightweight. And they worked really well with the bracelets. And I have a picture of that at the end as well for you to take a look at. So what I like to do is just fill it up with some clear resin sometime. So we have done it already. Now with a mixed resin where you have all your colors prepped to go. If you're unsure what you want to do, you can also do it this way, where you just put the clear resin and you can add your alcohol things or your Bombay inks . Whatever makes me that you're using with your resident of powder pigments, you can add it directly to your clear resin, and this is a great way to go. If you really want to try a bunch of different things all at once, you can change your mind in mid motion so you don't have to have all of your prep stuff done. This is a little bit trickier sometimes when you're creating this way that because you're if you're like me, your mind just goes in a bunch of different directions, and sometimes it could be a little bit overwhelming. So I like to do a certain amount. Usually 24 is a good amount to start, gives you plenty of time with art resident to be able to do your your work within that 40 minutes before it starts to cure on you. So I just want to give you an idea what it looks like. This is the clothes appear, adding just a little bit of Bombay right to the clear resin in here, and I'm going to make set up with just using a toothpick. So this is a way to get some really neat little swirls in here. You can do that with alcohol. Incas. Well, you do want to be super careful if you are, um, using any type of lighters or torch or anything on this because it will melt your your tape . So you have to be very careful just, ah, match or something to pop those bubbles or let your residence it for a while. You couldn't do it in the 10 like we've done in another class that I've had, where you can put the resident to a 10 heated up, make sure it doesn't have any bubbles in and then poured into your basil's europan muzzles . So another just a simple way to do it. You saw I have little powder pigment up here just on a piece of tape or wax paper, and you can mix a little bit of it on there as well. So you don't have to use your palates if you want. Try a bunch of different things. So this is how I set the rings up real quickly. I have a little plastic tub underneath just a Tupperware dish, and I use my craft sticks two on each side, and then I just put some clear or some tape blue tweeners tape around that and tape that in and those don't move. It holds those rings perfectly. You could also use if you want to use rice or sand or something like that. But those can get tricky that can get into your containers or into your residence as you're working way that if you have to pick him up and put him back in. So this is a really easy, clean way for you to work on your resin that you don't have to worry about it. If you mess this up, you're gonna get resin on some Kraft sticks and a plastic tub. So this worked really well for me, and obviously you could do a larger amount if you wanted to. I could probably do Four rows in here are gonna larger tub and do it that way as well. So you can see here. I'm just adding again, just the clear resin, and I'm playing with some of those colors and doing each one very individually, and that's when you concede. Here. I'm gonna add just a little piece of sea glass in there again. The resin will keep that sea glass rate in place. If you're a little concerned, you can always add a little bit more atop for sea glass that will make it more transparent . This is looking like it's underwater, which is a really need effect, because resident is like a super super kind of glue. Ah, you can stick anything in here. You can add your glitter to this you can add. You know, if you've got little pieces of special pottery that you want to see, or maybe even some dried flowers, you want to do a nice little gift for someone. If you were in their wedding party and you wanted Teoh give a special remembrance of the wedding day with the dried flower. So I mean, there's just so many different options that you can do with this. So it's really find to let your imagination run wild and see what other kind of things you can come up with. Here again, you can see I'm adding a little bit of the powder pigments to this. I'm just gonna mix it right in there using the toothpick and that will blend. You can add a couple of different colors if you want, and you don't need a whole lot of this pigment. You can go a long way with just a little bit in there and then just stir that up. So I'm just finishing these all up. I'm going to cover these Let'em driver 24 hours and show you the results. Hey, area have it. Here is the first piece here. Can see that the beautiful shine that it has. This is another one that we finished. This is Ah, one of the sea glass in it. And then we have some with a little bit of gold flecks in there that I put in. And then this one, I mixed the resin and a little bit more. And the colors you could see that has a little bit more texture. That resin didn't dry as smooth some of the other ones because I had a little more pigment in there. So I also want to mention that I have a YouTube channel. So head over there, check out my YouTube channel. I actually post new videos every Tuesday at 9 a.m. Eastern Standard. Time is, so make sure you click that subscribe button. Click Little Bell, and you'll never miss one. I also have full monthly online classes and tutorials on my Web site at www dot kelly chassis Fine art dot com. And I do have over 10,000 students and over 15 years of experience teaching art classes. So if you have a chance, head over to my website and check him out. So look forward to seeing you in a new course soon. And if you have a chance, please don't forget to leave a review. Give the thumbs up. Let's other students know that they might be interested in something like this as well. I would love to hear what you thought of the class. Thanks again for joining me, and also you can tag me on Instagram if you'd like to share that. I do a YouTube Channel video every week, and I love to share my students work on there, so thanks again and have a great one