1. Intro: Hello and welcome. My name is Suzana, I'm a 3D artist
and in this class, we're learning
together how to make quick animation
of falling cubes, bouncing, rolling around
over the surface. All that using
nothing but Blender. You don't need
previous experience in Blender for this class. Just install Blender and
you are ready to begin. I will explain everything. After going through this class, you'll actually
get an experience in how to use rigid bodies, how to apply certain modifiers, and how to combine all that into one beautiful animation with some colorful lights
and colorful materials. Let's begin.
2. Cubes and Materials: We start as usual, left-click on general, and
we will keep this one. So now we're going to do, is we want to add some
materials to cubes, but we will The few more. So let's copy this and paste. And we will do that by
going here to object, Left-click object, copy object, Left-click object based object. So we have a new object
over here, cube 001. So left-click that cube and
left-click here, Move tool. And now left click this arrow and move
this cube or a lap. I will change the view to see from the front
side completely. So I would just have to
click this x axis over here. Okay? So we see that much better and we can
determine distance. So we can have equal
space between cubes. I will move those alleles. So live like this for between. Then I will, I left-click
this hand and holding left-click and drag and
Tyracine a little down. And I will zoom out a
little so I can see better. So I'm repeating
the same left-click hand and move this down
holding left-click, just pulling mouse back
towards me or away. You see what's happening. And I let go left-click
and I do again, left-click object based
object or you can use Control V on your keyboard. Left-click paste objects. We already copied objects. We can keep pasting now. Just now, left-click
this new one, cube two, and left click this arrow holding left-click
pool this arrow up. Leave for between,
44 of these between. And do the same thing again. Lively here. And then left-click paste. And you see new one is here. So I will just left-click
now that new cube and left-click arrow holding
left-click, I pull up. That means I move my mouse away from me,
holding left-click. And I let go left-click
and it's here. Okay? So now I will click on
this first one over here. And I'll go here to materials,
material properties. I'll have to click that. And I will now
switch here to see what materials I'm creating. I left-click here. And over here is now our cube. So now left-click here on base color on this
area over here, and change that to color. You want to use for thaw, I will begin with blue. You can use whatever you wish. And then I will
click on cube one. And I will use this
again, left-click here. And I will pin,
left-click these dots. And holding left-click, I drag
this dot to color I want, and I let go left click. You can also make color more lighter or
darker, if you will. I have to click this
dot and holding left-click you pull
this up or down, you see what's happening. I can do the same here as well. Just left-click here and left
click this dot and holding, making more lighter, more dark. Okay, so we'll go to the third. That's cubed two. And left-click here, and
let's add another color. Let's say green. So I left-click dot and I holding left-click
and drag the dots to green and left-click here and pull this up
to make it more. I'm more light. And third cube, a left-click here, and left-click base color,
and left-click dot. And what color are we
going to make this one? Purple, red, orange. Let's make it orange. Left the gear and Jack.
3. Modifier Separating and Origin: Now switch here to select box. Left-click that, and
left-click here, right above these cubes. And holding left-click,
draw this box around. Make sure that you
select only cubes, not camera and
lights, just cubes. So zoom in if you need to. Zoom out. And we now have selected these four
cubes, savage show again. Left-click on the side, right above queue
called left-click. Jog this holding left-click
and let go left-click. All for selected. Now point to any of those cubes. Right-click here. Left-click on join. We join these four
cubes into one object. Now they're all had
their own origin. Now there's only one. This dot over here
is the origin that shows all merge into one object. Now, we're going here
to modify properties, some extra to left click that. And then left-click
God modifier. And here, left-click
on it to select that. Now what happens is
if elastically here on the x-axis and move
a little to the right, you will see what's going on. Instead of one cube, we have two in each of these. And if we left-click here to increase number becomes 3456. And I will left-click
here and enter nine. Left-click, so it applies. We have nine now. And I will zoom out a little so you can see better
what's going on further. Here. Where it says factor and z axis, which is this one that
goes up and down. I will enter one points to, and I will click on
the sides is applied. So now everything went up. I will zoom out a little again. Left-click this hand,
holding left-click, I will jog towards me. Mouse Coasters me. And then seeing goes down. If I push mouse away from me, saying goes up, I'm just holding left-click
and doing that. Okay? So if I go now into
kerosene is where it is. Now, I will likely this axis to show you
more from the side. So you will see this
is x-axis and we see that cubes are
moving to this side. And it keeps going
with each next group. And that's because
here is set to one. We set this to 0. I would left-click
now and enter 0. Left-click on the side. Now, everything looks like
one chain and it goes up. Y I have sat here 1.2. If I increase this
value, Let's say 1.5. And I left-click cytoplasm. You see there's more space
between each of these. And I wanted to make
those cubes fall down. And that keep happening
at the same rhythm. So I just wanted to enter 1 too, because then space
is just the same. Between those. I will left-click
here x-axis and rotate this around,
ready to pass. Now, I want to split
these cubes and two odds origin to each to make them all
separate objects. How do that? First, I need to apply this modifier before I
do anything further. So I'm going to
left-click here on this arrow and left-click
click here to apply. So we applied modifier
to everything. And we can now further separate this two
independent objects. So how do we separate this? If you go to this arrow
over here and left-click, There's edit mode over here. So let's click that. Now we can work on
this cube chain. I will point here
and right-click. And now I get the menu on which you will see
here separate. And I want to separate those
cubes not by selection, not by material,
but by loose parts. That means simply selecting
by these spaces around. So they will become each independent objects are not anymore as one single
object as you can see here. So again, I right-click here, makes sure that
everything is selected. If it happens, you deselect
by an accident like this. Go here, left-click, left-click. And now I'm using mouse
wheel to zoom in. I right-click pointing to cubes. And here, left-click
separate by loose parts. Now let's see what happened. We have so many
independent objects now. All are separated. Now, we left-click here again on this arrow and we
lived Click Object Mode. We're going back to object mode. Now. We'll zoom in to show you
what's going on here. And I would like to click
this hand to push this up. So let's click hand and modern mouse away from
me, holding left-click. To push entire scene higher. We have one origin still. And we want each
of these cubes to get their own origin
at the center. So how do we do that? We will now go here,
left-click object, here, set origin, and here,
origin to geometry. And now each has
on, as you can see, each Hassan origin now
become that chain. And we're ready to proceed.
4. Rigid Body: Now we're going to make this rigid body and make it
bounce around as it falls. To do that, this select
everything and left-click on fescue been pointing
here and use the mouse wheel to scroll
up to see if rescue, again, just wants to point here, using mouse wheel up or down. You can scroll
through this list. So we're selecting first queue. Click that. That's
the one over here. And now over here, you will go to
physics properties. I left click here on rigid body. And now point here
and scroll through. So you can see everything here. If you don't see these, if those are closed like this, left-click settings
and left-click our own extra collisions. And here you will
see a tick dynamic. Leave that as these collisions, you will change shape to box. So this is box over here
and left click that. And now, if this is closed, you will left-click
arrow to open surface response
and involves in us, left-click and enter 0.5. That will make cubes bounce
around once they fall. And here you can also change
sensitivity and dynamics, but we won't go
into that further. Rotation is set to 0.1. That's fine for now. And now we're going to apply
this to all these cubes, but not by, one by one. That would be a long process. So to do that quickly, you will select,
de-select first cube. Just click on the side
and select Cube zeros 01. Last click that. Now pointing here,
scroll using mouse wheel all the way down and press
Shift on your keyboard and left-click to select
Cube zeros or divide. Now, the only one that isn't selected
these the first one. Now we will point here and using mouse wheel scrolling up. And now, press Control key. You are not holding
Shift key anymore. You're not holding anything. Now just press Control
key and left-click cube. Now. So now that cube is selected, but you see it was
the last selection. So now what we're
going to do is we will simply left-click
here on object. And in this menu, you will search for rigid
body. It's over here. And on the right side you have odd active
and passive mode. We're not doing that. We already have an activated
by that, those are cubes. We want to apply this
transformation, we create it. We want to copy from active. That's why we selected cube, which already has
that transformation. And we selected that as the last one so that this can copy from that one
and apply to all. So select this copy from active. Left-click here. So now all cubes actually copied transformation
from previous one. And now we want to left-click on the side,
de-select everything. And now what we're
going to do is to add, left-click here, mesh
and Todd one plane. And it appeared here
down at the center. Left-click here,
don't click anywhere on the side because
this will vanish. Just left click this arrow here as size enter,
let's say 20. And left-click on the side. So it applies, we
have 20 meters plane. And I will now left-click here. And I will have to click
New to add new material. And I will call her that. I will have to click here. And I will left with
this dot and drag it down to make this material
block. I'm going down. I'm pointing here
using mouse wheel. So it goes down all the
way in here in metallic, I will left-click in this corner and drag
this all the way down. Or you can simply a
left-click and enter one to make this a
little more darker. So now we go back to a
physical properties, make sure that plane
is selected only. We'll go back to rigid
physics properties and left-click here
to odd rigid body. Now, this one, this is plane. These are activated by that is, they're falling from top
and falling to this object. We want this object
to be passive. And we will set here passive. Left-click that. So that's it. And simply here, you can
as valid select box.
5. Setting Camera: Now we're going to
set our camera, select the camera and left-click here and enter values like, let's say 90 here and 90 here. And switch the camera
so you can see what you're doing
last week here. So camera is a little
away from plane. We want the camera to
be centered, so 0 here. Now it's at the center. What we need to move it down. So we will do that on that axis, I'm decreasing this value. You can just left-click here on the right corner and
holding left-click, drag to the left. It somewhere here. Now let's
move it a little back. And we point here and left-click and decreasing this value. And let's rotate a
little like this. And click here and
move this higher. And left-click here. And holding left-click, move this a little down. Something like that, but I
want is a little more back. So let's see. That's now adjusting
depending on your scene and the
size of your scene. How you will enter
these values just to left-click and drag to
the right or to the left. Adjusting think this camera, this live on 0. If you want this center nicely. And just I'll move these
values until you get perfect. You I think this will be fine. And now I will change
this size of this plane. So I'll go here all the way. I'm pointing here
and scrolling down. And I will have to click here. And then I will, because I selected this, I want to select again. And that's to show
me what I selected. If I turn it to solve, I don't see if I
select something, I don't see that
orange line around. So that happens that you
disliked by an accident. This is about a, does. This one over here is for tree on the side
and these tools. So if it turns off, just left-click and
it's on the Tsar to show you seen different ways. This one shows lit scene, what you will see once
you render later. This shows without
colors, without anything. You can see all the
objects, you add it. So now we have satisfied
and I select a plane. And I want to press
S on my keyboard. And once they press
S on my keyboard, I get this string. As you can see, there's
a string over here. I'll show again. I left-click plane to select, press S on my
keyboard and holding, as you see, I have the
string with arrows. And if I then just move
mouse left or right, I don't need to press
anything on mouse. I just move mouse lived, right? This plane is increasing. Just keep holding
gas on your keyboard until you're satisfied
with the size like that. And then just
left-click and let go. Okay, so we increased, I wanted to increase this plane so I can move the camera
a little more far. Well, I click here and
I will just on x-axis, move back this camera. So I left-click
here and I dragged right to move this
cellular back. Now on this axis and
more higher like this. Okay? So it's something like that. And now this light over here will point the area where
those boxes are falling. So let's see how
that appears now. We will start playing. I see you don't see
timeline entirely. It's maybe like this point here and left-click
and drag it up. This what you see here is what will be rendered
later within this box. So you can just
zoom in a little. So you can see this box bearer. Now once you hit play here, boxes or those cubes, we will start falling. But you see what happens? They get stacked up
and we don't see entire area and then some
start falling later. So what we want is that we just, in a way leave their
camera higher. Hello, so we can see better
what's going on, on top. And that means it will
change the rotation here, psi point, any change to this. And I go back further
away from, from center. So that should be enough. Now, let's play again. Left-click here to play. They start falling and
they stuck up like this. And that means we need
to increase bounciness. You see an R, boxes
are falling, go round. So let's increase that. We will go now to that
first cube, left-click. And here, in physics properties, we have that rigid
bar is selected. So we scroll down and let's increase the incentives to one. And let's see what happens. Now. Go back. And yeah, it works, it's bearer. So you see that first
cube bouncing more, and you'll see every
single one after that is falling differently. So you created your first
animation without much effort. As you can see,
when you drag this, you go back to the first moment. And you literally right
now have your animation of falling cubes falling all
over this, this field.
6. Rendering Animation: So now we want to
render this animation. You can just switch here to camera view so
I can see everything. And you can go here
to render properties. First, add some
ambient occlusion, add some bloom, and add some
screen space reflections. Let's check the Weimar
time than how it appears. You see the gods, some gloss from that,
from that light. Okay. And now what we want here in output properties,
left-click that. Scroll. Higher resolution
is set to this. This is how wide it will be. This is how high it will be. So these are in pixels settings for
high definition video. And I recommend taking this to render region and
to crop the render region. Switch this to 25
frames per second, or you can switch to 30
depending on what you want. Higher-quality all 25 is enough. But if you want high-quality, you can switch to Saturday. Here. Don't forget to left click this folder to select where
you want your render to go. You can render as PNG for video. And you will get serious or
250 frames starts at one. And the 250, you
will get to 50 PNGs. You can later in part sequences in video editing software to export MP4 video or
whatever you wish. Or you can click here and select one of these
video formats. Don't forget, left-click here
and save what you created. You can also, all
through this process, keep left clicking here to save, make sure to save before
you start rendering. In case blender crushes, you will lose everything. So that's important. So either render as PNG or select one of
these video formats. Then once you selected folder
where you want that to go, I'll have to click here and
left click Render Animation. And this animation will
start rendering Dan, and go to that folder of your selection and you
can use it somewhere. Now you can also do
another thing to not give much effort into this, and you can just left-click here and change this
background to say black. So just point here, Left-click this dot
and drag this back. Now, if you go here, left-click apply animation,
you'll see what happens. Everything is black now. To see it better, you
can just left-click here to deselect any of these. And it will look
much better now. So-called Ron light
and falling cubes. And your first week,
rigid body animation. As it can save, you can
adjust this light if you scroll down here to light. And simply left with here. And this is position of
your light right now. So can change that to say, I'm placing light at
the front side maybe. So we'll just point here
and increase this value. Like here. You can leave tire like this or
lower like this. Now, you can play with the
light the way you like. You can change this to
0 to center that light. And you can make it a lower
return somewhere over here. And let's say more down. Now it went all the way. If you go under 0, it
goes under this plane. I want value below, above 0, not below. And now everything depends
on like you can add more lights like
left-click here, and it can point here
and add point light. And then make sure
that you enable this so you can see what
you're doing it now here. You will see it's marked
point light you entered. So you can drag it to the
left side, somewhere here. So it's not visible. And all I have to click
this arrow and pull it up higher and go
here to this bulb. And increase value
to say like 500. And left-click changes
to area light. You see now it's pointing down, this shows it's pointing down. So if the lab to click here, you can use this to rotate that light viewpoint
To x-axis and do this. You see what's happening. It shows very light bulb fall. So you can do that. And you can add more like, let's say 1 thousand. So now it shines this way. Dilbert Center, you can make
it fall somewhere here. For an example, just point here and drag this to the left. Holding left-click. On x axis. You can change the color
of that light even. Just left-click here. And let's say changing color
to something for a boy, you can pull that
light closer even. Summer here. You can add another
light as well, like just go here, mesh point and place it on this side and enter
here as well, 1 thousand. And change this one to
say something blue. And left-click here
and again on x axis, but we are going to
negative value now. But first let's pull this a
little higher somewhere here. And, um, but we'll change
this to area light as well. Pressed. And now we will pull
this summer here. And let's move this
point light as well as higher summer here. So you have now two lights. Let's change this one as well. This is the first light,
which is over here. So I can change that to, let's say orange or
something like this. You can even change the
size of that light. That's radius over here. Just bind to left-click and increase radius
of that light. So you see what's happening. You can do the same to other
by going here and just changing size of that
light over here. I didn't want this to be. And let's change this one as
well to something larger. So it's something like that. Now when you start
this animation, everything will change. So these docking up again
and then falling later. So let's do something to
not make this happen. So we're going to
go back over here. And I want to see this barrier. So I will switch to this view. And now I will select
this one over here. And I will pull it to the
right a little like that. And this one, I will
pull to the left. And this one right. Now, we'll go back. And enabling this heel. Now watch what happens. Now. They're falling right
away because they are not going in the same line. And this makes animation a lot different and a lot better. They are not stacking up
with falling right away. So we can now move camera
even closer a little. So I'm scrolling up the
left, the camera here. Let's make it a little closer. So I will enter
here, let's say 50. And let's disable this
so we can see better. And a little higher. Over here, let's say 12. Yeah, that's better. Okay, Let's see now. Okay. So that's pretty much that if you want those cubes
to start falling earlier, not this late, you
can just go out. And we will switch to this view because
it's easier to see. And then select first queue and go down and press Shift
and select the last one. Make sure to enable this, to see if all are selected. Now, using this to
zoom out and I hold this arrow over here and pull
everything down a little. Make sure there's are not visible when you switch
the camera view. That cubes are still
out of the view. And we're just moving
those allow down. As you can see. There are little lower now and animation will
start earlier. So when we switch to this view, I will disable this. So you can see better
what's going on. And I removed this down. I started in animation,
starts earlier. And these are
falling all around. So can offer the play with
this and play with lights. I would like this light,
although stronger. So I will increase this to 2 thousand and a little
higher like that. So let's see now. Now everything is in adjusting and playing
with lights and colors. And you can simply use
some other shapes. You don't need to add q. You can just go here and
instead of that first cube, you can delight for first
Cuban mesh as something else. So create object of your own, something you want to use, and then copy pasting dose. The process is pretty
much the same. Whatever you want to make
fall down like this. This is just simple
way to explain. So I use those existing that the existing cube
and just multiply that to show you how
this actually works. And it works with
any object you want. So this is your animation. I'm just pulling this
so we can see Foster.
7. Closing Words: I hope you liked this class
and I hope to see you again. Practice,
post your projects, and let me see what you
created. Until next time, bye.