1. Welcome To My Training: Hi. My name is Austin Uliano, and today I'm going to be your Facebook advertising instructor. In this course, I'm gonna show you how to set up your very first Facebook advertising campaign. Even if you have no experience, no expertise and no knowledge, I'll show you exactly what metrics you need to be tracking. I'll answer all of your questions about the Facebook algorithm and I'll show you exactly who you need to be targeting and how to find the right person to come into your funnel. Lastly, I'm going to share with you my perfect Facebook advertising formula. This is a tried and true formula that you can use to make the best advertisements for yourself. And I'll share with you a couple of fun examples of how you can spend as little as a dollar a day and generate massive results. This training is specifically designed for those who have no experience in Facebook advertising and if you're selling a service, not any commerce store. But that being said, if you have a baseline of knowledge, there is enough nuggets and tips in here that you'll probably take something away. I look forward to you enrolling in this course and checking everything out. If you have any questions, feel free to hit me up and make sure to subscribe to my skill share channel.
2. Navigating Facebook Power Editor: Hello, everybody. Austin Uliano here and today I'm going to share with you how to access Power Editor and the advertising platform and navigate Power editor because it's a little bit confusing. How you access it is very, very simple. There are two ways, really. You can do this from your home page here on Facebook. The first is you close out this little button and come over here to where it says create ad . You can click this little link and it's gonna bring you to where I'm talking about. The other way is over here under the explore tab. If you scroll down, you'll eventually see this thing called, adds Manager. So you click on ads manager, and it will pull it up. Now it might ask you to sign, input some information in and go through a whole process. You definitely need to do that, but it's going to bring you to this little page. This is your ads Manager page. You can see how your campaigns air doing how your ad sets and your act, and we're going to explain what each of these things are and what you need to know about them to be. successful. So let's jump right into what campaigns are. And I think the easiest way to do this is to pretend like we're about to create an ad. So I clicked on that little green button in the top right hand corner, and it comes to this page. This is the foundational page to creating any of your ATS. When you create an ad on Facebook, Facebook will ask you what is the key objective we're looking to achieve? It's the most important thing. So no matter what you're doing on Facebook, you want to know what is the objective we're looking to achieve? So if we reference back the earlier strategy before prospect is in the awareness stage, well, ah, good objective would be to do reach or maybe video views. If you want to create a video. If our prospect is in the consideration stage, we have engagement traffic again, video views. Maybe you just want to keep them engaging with you. Lee Generation will gettinto all these a little bit more later. If we're looking to finalize those conversions. Well, we're looking at conversion product catalog sales store visits. So a campaign, the very first thing you're gonna be choosing is what is the objective, the ad said. And the ad the ad set is where you set your audience. Who the heck you're trying to target where it's going to be placed? Is it gonna be placed in Facebook? Do you want to place it in Instagram? Do you want to place it in the Facebook news feed? Maybe on the sidebar? Maybe you want to put it in the instagram stories or the instagram feed. So this is where we determine placement on, then budget and schedule is how much money we are going to be spending over what amount of time the ad itself is where we get the creative stuff and we put it together. So this is going to be what are the images or the videos or the Post we're gonna use where we linking to? What is the creative copy were using and all those sorts of little pieces of the equation? We'll dive deeply into this, but this is just the basic overview off what a campaign is an ad set and an ad. Now here's a nice thing to once you're in this little area of Facebook, there's also a ton more resource is available that I highly recommend you slowly start to explore if you come up here where it says, adds Manager, and you click on it, you're going to see here is that Power Editor We were on earlier audiences. Business settings. If you come over to more tools, you can have audience insights so you could start analyzing the people who've already like your page or maybe a competitive ER or ah, customer database you might have. You can start putting together tracking pixels will dive into this in a whole nother video , creating custom conversion. So you know exactly who's converting over and how effective your ads are. There is a ton in here that is super, super valuable. So I highly recommend just taking a little bit bit of time clicking through and making sure everything is. You kind of see it once or twice before we dive in any deeper
3. Facebook Tracking Pixel: before we jump in and create our first ad, we're gonna set up something called a Facebook tracking pixel. And what this does is it allows Facebook to look at everybody who's hitting your websites and get the information in the data from them so you can go back to them and show them more ads and engage with them even further. It's one of the more powerful tools Facebook has, and if you don't set this up, you're leaving thousands of dollars on the table that you could be capturing and using to grow your business. The way we're gonna do this is you're going to come up here where it says, adds manager or power editor, Whatever it might say and come over here where it says pixels, and you're gonna say, Create the pixel eight, a pixel and then you're going to pick your account. So we got Austin Juliana's pixel here gonna hit next, and it's going to create this pixel for you. Once you have that, you can either manually install it yourself. Email into your developer uses tax manager. It's really installed. It's really easy to install for your spells yourself, especially if you have a WORDPRESS website. So what, you're gonna come Dio is come down all the way over here, where here is the code and you're gonna copy this to your clipboard. You're gonna log in to your WordPress dashboard and you're gonna go into the header of your WordPress site. Now, I am not a coder, so I don't like doing anything like that. So I use a plug in. I use this plug in called Header and Footer, which allows me to access all my headers and all my footers click on that. And then you pace that right here in the head section. Right now, I'm not gonna pace mine in there cause I already have it in there. But you paste it, you hit, save, and you're done. What that's going to do is when you come out of here, it's going to allow you to access a whole bunch of data. And as you can see here, I've already started tracking a whole bunch of data for myself. I have 3.2000 events that have happened through page views and bound said, hitting certain pages that I determined were important and we can dive in deeper here. You can see that when they're happening. What? They're happening. I was having a launch earlier. So huge spikes up. But you can hit up these. Ah, you could track all this interesting and useful data, and then we're gonna turn around and utilize this a little bit later on.
4. Custom Audience: Hey, everybody. So let's talk about how to find your perfect customer using Facebook. If you're up here in this tool section, we can come over here to where it says audiences, and we can actually start building some customized audiences that weaken target. You could also do some of this in creating the ad itself, but I'd like to start here in this little window screen because it's going to be the most effective way to go about it Now. There's a few different types of audiences we can create. We can create a custom audience, a lookalike audience and a saved audience, and each one of these are going to be a little bit different. So let's start with the saved audience. A safety audience is targeting beast off of a user's interest, their behaviors, their demographic information, psychographic information, right? So if you come into this box whenever you created ad, you're going to see this box a number of times, so let's get comfortable with it. The first thing is the audience names, so let's just call this test name. This is for your organizational abilities. It is really helpful to use ah proper naming scheme whenever you're doing any sort of testing because, as you can see, it starts to get. A lot of different audiences are built up into your dashboard, and you can always save these audiences. The next thing is, where do you want to target? So where are your people living? If you are a nationwide type, product may be targeting all of the United States makes sense. But maybe you're just a little small business operating in a local town. You can, instead of doing all of the United States pickle, pick your town that you live in and do a radius. Run it. So what's pick an old town? I used to live in Saratoga Springs, right? New York, Saratoga Springs, New York. A 25 mile radius, right? You could see right there everybody in that 25 miles. Now that hits like the edge of Vermont over here. That gets everybody around here. And maybe if you come over here and look at the potential audience, you see that there's 280,000 people live in this sort of region, and if you're like that's not enough customers for me, you can add in some more locations. Let's do Albany, New York, right, because that's right down there that overlaps a little bit more. Let's do Glens Falls, New York I used to live here, so I know all these little cities, right? So that's 660 people. You can keep growing your audience using a targeting like this. Ah, let's hit up also, New York City. Let's really growl this audience to huge level. That's 12 million people total. Do you see this potential reach 12 million people because it's people who live, who are 18 to 65 years old, who lived in a 25 mile radius of Albany, Glens Falls, Saratoga and New York City. So we're targeting the New Yorkers over here. And if you want to shrink your audience down, maybe you don't want to hit up all male and female 18 to 65. Let's narrow this audience up to 18 to say 36. We want to hit that millennial market. It went from 12 million people to 6.5 1,000,000 people. Do you see how are targeting? Is changing up ever so slightly? Here, you could do language. Let's do all English, right that dropped it just a little bit. So now our ad is going to be a little bit more beneficial cause we're not sending this to somebody who does not speak English. Maybe we do want toe hit all the Russians who live in this area to send them a very specific feel. Do you see now that 72,000 people, because it's going to go to Onley People who speak Russia now I don't speak Russian, so let's turn this back to English. The next type of targeting we can do is demographic psychographic information targeting here, right? So if we go over to this browse section, concede demographics, interests, behaviors and more categories demographics. Pretty understandable. I highly recommend browsing through this section, playing around with targeting and doing a little brainstorm session of how can I best utilize each of these different targeting mechanisms to work in my favor? So maybe we want to look at education levels, right? We want to hit on Lee College Gratz. We don't want to hit anybody who's not a college grad. Well, that's two million people. Okay, We could close that out. Maybe we want to not do college grads would come out of here, and we do finances. Income, a network were particularly targeting the high net worth individuals, so they have to have over $22 million in liquid herbal assets. This is the upper 1%. Well, now we're just targeting 350,000 people. See how we can target the right customers. If you know how much your customer normally makes in a year. There's a great targeting mechanism. Maybe we're looking for running a Let's use the coffee shop example again. Let's goes out of New York City, right? And let's do what's throws out. Let's say we have a coffee chain that's in Albany. Glens Falls in Saratoga, right? It's one of those small town coffee chains. We can come into this little section and put coffee, and it's gonna come up with the few different suggestions interest people who are interested in coffee. That's a rather large amount of people 373 million people. But what if we wanted to target just the people who are most apt to buy coffee? We come down here and hit coffee behaviors right, and you can scroll over this too. Let me close this out and do this again for you to show you. You come over here to behaviors. It says consumer in the households are known or likely buyers of coffee based products on actual past purchases. Purchasing behavior. So how Facebook knows that you're likely to buy coffee is because your credit card information Facebook has that data and also your debit card information. All your purchasing behaviors. Facebook has that information, so they know you just went to Starbucks and got your mocha Frappuccino, or whatever the heck it is you like to get. So they go OK, That person is more apt to buy coffee. I buy a ton of coffee. They know it. So we look at this and were like we run a little coffee chain in the upstate New York area . Here's 100 20,000. People were very likely to stop into our establishment and buy coffee from us. This is a really effective targeting mechanism, especially because if you're spending $1000 in a full page print ad to the local paper that promises 10,000 impressions, well, you can hit $120,000 for a whole lot less than $1000 here so you could do some really cool targeting like that. You can also do targeting based off of people who have liked your page. Friends of people who have liked your page exclude the people who've already liked your page. So you're trying to get new people engaged with you. You want to exclude anybody who's already liked your page. Why show them something you've are if they've already liked your page APS. I haven't used the apse one a lot, but if that's your business, here's a fun place to go the events, and then you could also do an advanced combination. Once you have this and you go, OK, this is what I'm doing. I want to get people who live in upstate New York who have a high interest of buying coffee because I run a little coffee store. I'm gonna create that audience, and now it's saved Here, I put it test name, so let's change that around actions at it. Let's not call it test name upstate New York coffee drinkers. This is a great target for anybody who runs a coffee shop. The next type of targeting you can Dio is something called a custom audience. A custom audience Is that retargeting that we talked about a little bit earlier? But if you have the email addresses off a whole bunch of prospects, if you have some website traffic, especially if you install that tracking pixel from earlier in the videos here's a great place to start creating some new audiences. So we click on customer file. This is going to be we can add customers in if we have a database. So say if we have a C S V file of 10,000 email addresses, we upload that Facebook will gather all that information for us. See if I have a CSB file up right now so we can go through this. Yeah, so we add that in there, it's gonna take a little bit of time, But let's hit. We're gonna call this one test because I don't know what the C. S V file is gonna hit next, right? We're gonna pull the email addresses, sign up status all that. Oh, let's do first names, too, because these air their first names upload and create gonna take a little bit of time. 586 rows are uploaded. Boom, done. And now, as you can see under this test section, it's not ready yet. It will take a little bit of time to build, but Facebook will let you know how many of those 586 people it was able to identify. It's not going to get every single person because not everybody signs up to your opt ins with the same email address they used to open up their Facebook page, but it will find a whole bunch of them for you. And the final way to create an audience is something called a lookalike Audiences. A lookalike audience is great because you can start doing it from an interest based targeting. But it's also a lot more effective if you already have that custom audience that we just built. So if you come up here to Source, let's take this one all email subscribers for retargeting. This is every single one of my email subscribers. We can come and look at the locations, right? If we browse, we can browse by countries and continents like we could do all of Africa, all of North America, or we could go Hey, Let's just do United States. Let's do Canada right, because I'm looking for those English speaking countries. Come over to Europe. Let's see if the United Kingdom is on here. Sure, it is United Kingdom. You could also type it in here, Australia and then coming down here to the audience size. You can determine how big you want the estimated reach to be so you. The smallest you can do is 1% right. The highest is 10%. And basically, it's how, how big of an audience do you need more than anything else, the larger your subscriber list, the larger whatever that first inputted list is, the more accurate your results are going to be. And when I say accurate, I mean, when you run ads to that look like audience, it's gonna have more data points to pull on and face. It's going to be able to target a lot better, so this is something I highly recommend doing. But let's do a look like audience. Maximum 10% of all my email subscribers in the United States, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom that is roughly guesstimating. That is about 30,000,029 million, and we're gonna create that lookalike audience. It's going to take a bit of time. Wow, that's awesome. It popped up really fast and it came to a total size of around 9000. Fantastic. Actually, had one earlier. Looks like to be the same thing. So if you guys do not mind, I'm just going to delete this for myself. So we're gonna delete that audience because I don't need it. And now you can see we have a ton of different audiences we can create. We can create saved audiences, custom audiences, lookalike audiences. So, based off of whatever you need, you can create a unique audience to target using Facebook. So take a little bit of time, create your first audience as upload your email subscribers, upload your customer database created lookalike audience based off of those metrics. Excuse me. Let me show you one last thing to custom audience engagement. This one's Superfund engagement of videos. So anybody who has watched 10 seconds arm or off a video gotta change a tube to your page. This is when I just uploaded. It's a speaker riel. So as this one grows speaker Riel video watch. 10 seconds. Right. Remember that naming is great because you know exactly what they're going for. And now it's gonna take some time to populate. But there's a new engagement audience that I just built to re engage with. I hope you guys like that. See you in the next video.
5. Interest based targeting: Okay, so you're looking at me and you're like, I don't have an email list of current customers. I don't have a website traffic. I have nothing. I'm just starting out. So how the heck do I find my audience? And what you can do is actually create an audience based off of interests and behaviours. So if you know kind of what you think your audience looks like there's ways to build that audience to. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna hit this create audience, and we're going to do what is called a saved audience, deceived audiences. The first thing you're gonna want to do is put a name it now with my saved. The audience is I actually do the name last, and I start with figuring out exactly who I want to target based off of interests and behaviours. And then I put that in my audience name, right? So I make it very clear exactly what my search criteria are in the audience names. So when I'm going through, I know which one it is. So let's let's break this down, right? Let's look at anybody who lives in the United States right Right now, it's anybody who lives in the United States, ages 18 to 65. That's 232 million potential people. That's way too big. No matter what your business is. Even Coca Cola, that's going to be way too big. So what? The first thing I would do is I would scroll down and I would start trying to do some detailed targeting. Let's see here for me. I like to target either based off of interests and behaviours or off of pages of very successful influencers in my space. So Big One is Gary Vaynerchuk, right? If we click anybody in the United States who like Gary Vaynerchuk that just went down to 1.6 million potential customers, and I know anybody who likes Gary Vaynerchuk are entrepreneurs are a little bit younger on our no bullshit hers, right? So I know Gary Vaynerchuk audience, the vein or nation. This might be a really great way to target. And hey, I want to be really specific. I want to go down instead of 18 to 65. Let's let's bring this down even further to 18 to 28. I really want to hit those millennials. That's 600,000 potential customers, right? Let's break that down to only the men. That's 400 30,000. That might be a great audience to say something. Two. If I think Gary Vaynerchuk younger audience would be interested in what I have to do boom letters, my targeting right there. But there's other targeting you can do. Detailed targeting is really fun. I highly recommend exploring. The nice thing to is when you put some information in, I put Gary Vaynerchuk the It suggests other people to meet. Tai Lopez is going to be that demographic Grant Cardone, Tim Ferriss All these guys air like very successful young entrepreneurs who doesn't love Tony Robbins, Russell brand sin. And now that just brought it up to 770,000. That's that's a really good targeting if I'm in that aware of the stage trying to get people a part of my describe and I actually might look at that So I go. This is how I'm going to do it right? 18 to 28 men. U. S A. U S A right, Gary, the Thai grants. Who else did I put in here? Tim and Russell right. And so I used that as a way of maiming and I'll sit, hit, create audience over here up. My little thing is in the way, but you come down at the bottom right corner. Over here, there's Thekla, create audience, so boom and it's going to create that audience for me.
6. Retargeting Current Customers: our it guys in this video. I want to show you how to target your current customers again and again and again to maximize your profits. Now I'm under the audiences tab that is in your Power Editor section. You get that top left button that says Audience are top off section that says Power editor adds Manager where whatever it might say and then go over to audiences and this screen is going to show up now if you want to target your current customers, I highly, highly, highly recommend clicking this button that says created custom audience. Your custom audience is where you take things like your database of email addresses. You have your database of phone numbers and you can upload it right here with your customer file right after you upload it with your customer vile, it will create a list. Facebook will go out there and try and find as many of these customers as possible. Now, general rule of thumb is you're not gonna get all of them because say you have 10,000 email addresses. Well, people who signed up to their Facebook with one email but signed up to your list with another email. It's gonna be hard to match those people up, but if you happen to have their email and their phone number, well, it will match up one of those. So the more things you have in your database, the stronger your list is going to be. But that's one way to do it. The other way to target your current customers is through website traffic. If you know that your customers have to hit your website, website traffic is a great way to get them. Either fully convert over to the email list or to actually retarget them with products and offering. You have because maybe they hit your shop page, but they didn't hit that banking page. Will you hit them up again and again and again like, Hey, make sure you, you know, you finish this purchase. Here's a $10 coupon in the next 24 hours, or whatever the heck your deal might be. So, using custom audiences, you can do a really great job of retargeting your cost, your current business customers or getting a lot more sales from Facebook. You can also use this engagement tab to do it. If they've watched a video if they filled out a lead form, went to an event engaged with your business page on Instagram or on Facebook. Those work, too. I don't like using them as much for retargeting, but they worked extremely well for other mechanisms.
7. FInding new audiences that mimics your current audience: All right. So what happens when you have 10,000 e mails off customers who've already purchased from you? Purchase again and again and again. And you're like, I don't need to hit these guys up over and over again. I need new customers. How do I go? Find the right new customers? Look, you can actually create an audience that mimics your current customer base and says it looks really, really similar to them. Hey, that will probably get you a higher return, and it's called a look like audience. So after you put in your custom audience through your database of email subscribers or phone numbers or through website traffic, what you're gonna want to do is create a lookalike audience. Now you need a source so you could use a source like a page you own right, like my personal page. Or you can create a new one through a custom audience here again, email, address, phone numbers, website address, and then you say the audience size you wanted to be and location. So you go location. Um, what's do United States, right? Anybody who's like my page in the United States and you can pull it out to 1% to 10%. Right, that's 2.1 million to 21 million, and then you hit that. Create an audience, and it's going to take a little bit of time to load up here. But it's going to say these are people who like Austin Uliano, who live in the United States. And so when you hit them up, over and over again, there's a higher chance those people are going to join your tribe. So that's a look like audience, extremely powerful in generating huge amounts of awareness of new customers.
8. Custom Conversions: Hi, everybody. So I'm gonna show you today how to make some custom conversions. This is basically tracking the most important pages on your website and in your funnel and then tracking those goals, so you know, you're achieving maximum results. So we're gonna first hit this Facebook ads section up here and pull up all our tools on. We're gonna come over to custom conversions once this screen loads up. Then we're just going to simply follow the instructions, create a custom conversion, and this is really, really, really fun. What you're gonna look at is taking your URLs that contain certain key words. So maybe what I want to do is my your URLs that contain the word shop, right? If I have a shop page, let me start tracking any you're out that contains the word shop. So let's do that one. And we're going to choose a category, right? They let's say search right, because I don't have a hit shop page here actually view content. It's a view content category. That's a really good one. So then we hit next, uh, hit shop page, right, And we can even set a conversion value if this was a thank you page for a product we have. Then we would know that anybody who hit this specific thank you page was worth X amount of dollars, so we can actually track of conversions down into dollars. Now, this is just hitting a shop page, so it's not gonna be that valuable to me. But let's just hit create. Once that hit, once that's done, you'll see here No activity yet. You're gonna have to give it 24 hours or so to start tracking some data. But I've already I've already created three custom conversions. My webinar. Thank you, Page my registration page and the webinar itself. And you can see that the webinar Thank you, Page. How many conversions our I was getting per day, Right? First day, 18 2nd day 35 44 66. And it kept going 17. And we can also see the registration page how it goes up a whole lot more. Now, this is very normal. A registration page had at a peak 303 hits in a single day and 66 sign ups, so I can look at that and go, OK, I know what My conversion rate is on my registration page. Whatever 66 into 303 is Boom. There we go. We know what our conversion rate. We know how many clicks we need to get one lead and then that can help us later on in our our marketing to optimize and make sure we're hitting that baseline growth Or better, we could do our shop page. Let's create a few more custom conversions to weaken. Do a euro equals a very specific You are out. So you go to whatever that pages you drop that your URL right in there and you contract how many people hit that keep age or we can do. Are you Earl contains this keyword and this keyword right? So it's like shop page and another page. We could also look at this and get a whole bunch of different categories. So if we know that we have 45 lead magnets that we can put out there, we contract how each one of those performs based off of using these tools and resource is available. So this is where it gets really, really, really fun, and you get to play around a whole bunch. So set up some custom conversions for yourself before you even get started running any Facebook ads, make sure your opt in page or registration page your thank you page. Your pricing or other key pages are all being tracked. So that way you know who is going toe what page and then weaken. Take that information later and create specific ads for those people. Hope you guys enjoyed that.
9. How Big of an Audience Should I Target: Hey, guys. So ah, question I always get when it comes to making your Facebook ads is exactly how big of an audience you should make for your Facebook ads. And so it really breaks down into where the person is in the journey. If you're looking at the awareness stage, if you're looking at, how did we just get people aware of what we're doing? You want a really big audience because you're gonna be shot coming out there, your advertisements or your content to see who engages with it, and that's going to be the metric up success. So I would say you're gonna wanna look at somewhere between 2 to 8 million potential customers, just a massive audience, and then you serve them a piece of content and see who engages with that content. I recommend videos because then you can go based off a video views. But you could also go people who liked the post or who clicked on it, who, you know there's many different metrics, but for the awareness you wanna look at 20 million just really blast out there and get as much engagement and views as possible. The next stages consideration This is where you gonna narrow in that target? Arc it a little bit more. I would say a really great way to do it is just retarded. If you use a video of you 2 to 8 million and you spend maybe $50 right getting tons and tons and tons of video views over the course of the campaign, well, maybe you've racked up 50,000 video views or maybe 500,000 video of you. So 550,000 is a really good range for that consideration. State those air 50,000 to 500,000 people who watched 25 50 75 percent of your video. Then you re target those customers and drive your opt in to them. And that fit the 550,000 is who you're going to be heading for your opt in to get that conversion and get that first lead to go into maybe your webinar or your email marketing Siri's. So those air kind of the demographics you're looking for your looking at really big for the awareness stage 2 to 8 million for the consideration, 50 to 500,000 and then that conversion stage is going to be a lot less. So you look at your email lesson, you might have 5000 potential people who are ready to buy. That's who you're gonna be hitting up, over and over and over again. So 2 to 8 million, 50 to 500,000 and then maybe 5000 right? As the funnel gets narrower, you need less and less potential customers. There isn't caveat to the webinars and things like that. The opt in stage. You still want to use lookalike audiences and hit that really big audience because you never know who is gonna come through and say, Hey, that sounds interesting. Let me opt in and that's great. They don't know who you are, but they're interested in what you have to offer. You reach out there, and they just happen to place an ad in front of the person at exactly the right time they come in, they opt in and boom now have a new lead. Granted, they might not be as qualified to somebody who's been with you every step of the journey, but it doesn't matter. You want those email lists those leads those opportunities to make money
10. The Perfect Facebook Post: All right, friends, let's talk about the perfect Facebook ad. And if you watched my webinar, you've probably gone through this once or twice, but it's worth repeating. Yet the very first thing we want to take note of when you're creating your perfect Facebook at is the big, beautiful lifestyle branded image or video. If you're happening to use a video, but it's the first thing that people are going to notice, and it's gonna make them stop and take notice of your advertisement. Facebook will also notice if people are scrolling through very quickly and then they stop even for a second toe. Look at your ad. It will promoted to even more people. So that's the very first thing. The next thing you want is your copy To start with the question or a statement that gets an implied yes and speak specifically to your ideal audience. A great example of this is any late night TV you've ever scene where it's like attention. Seniors 55 to 65. Do you stay up at night worried about your retirement or something like that? The seniors 55 to 65 who are staying up at night return. Worried about the retirement are like, Hey, that's me. You want to do something very similar, Given implied Yes, And ask a question specific to the audience. Then you want to build rapport and just doing discovery type, piece of content. So you go through this whole storytelling process about your experience about what you found out about the challenges. This is very simply direct sales. Copy. If you want to look at video sales letters or digital marketing geniuses out there who do a great job with the direct sales copy, here is where it really comes into play. You gotta sell. You got a story tell to sell. You want to use words like today to make the story feel grounded in the moment, but then you want to showcase exactly what people are going to get. If they click on your link, have a clear call to action and you always want a link in your taxi short and hyperlink. The next thing you want to do is have an offer, ah, benefit and the type of offer. Right free download, name your offer with key benefits statement, so people understand exactly what they're getting. Then have a strong, benefits driven statement with an incomplete sentence. The incomplete sentence makes humans want to complete the sentence and therefore click a little bit more. And then finally, you need to remind them where they're going to go. Where the landing pages Now, when you're writing your copy, there's always a question between short copy, one or two sentences versus long copy, and it really depends on who your target audiences and what you're trying to communicate. So let's use an example for short copy. This is an ad of a pay As you go phone. The image jumped out at me. It's a pizza bike with this green image really jumps out. But if you look at the copy it short, it's to the point. It tells you exactly what you want. Here's another genius idea. Unlimited talk and text, plus two g of for G LTTE For just 15 bucks a month. You know exactly what you're getting with that copy. This is a fantastic short form. Add to drive people to their website. Let's use an example of long form copy. Here's A Here's a long form copy. You know it because you can see that Seymour that you would have to click and it would expand the tax and you would have a whole bunch more again. The image jumps out at you. You're feeling crowded. You're feeling like boxed in. The copy goes right into that. They he uses the technique. If you look around, you might be thinking we're in a digital marketing bubble. Yeah, yeah, we're totally in a digital marketing bubble. It seems like everyone in their brothers it's offering digital marketing. It's true. It is one of the fastest growing industries because it is so powerful and you think everyone must be rolling in it. I spoke with over 1600 digital markers, and only one and 25 are pulling in more than 10 camera. You know, I actually believe that, you know, And now somebody is getting into this story and he's actually right. There's a lot of digital marketers not very successful out there because it's a very hard industry. So this is an example of great long form copy. He's slowly building into this story. If you were to click the read more, you would get the rest of his statement on Let's use another one. After you've done a great image, you've started this story telling somebody clicks to read more. It will go into the exactly what you're gonna get. This is my example. This is the last two bullet points how to turn massive exposure you generate into Leeds sales and opportunities on demand. Who doesn't want to know how to get more leads and sales and opportunities, the perfect system to building your business and becoming a one man or woman PR team. That's my $1 a day PR hat and everybody seems to love it. So if you see here, each and every one of these ads uses the same formula. The short form copy doesn't ask the question. It just gives a directive benefit statement. But if you're writing the long form copy. You gotta ask that question. You got to do the bonding and build that story up over time. And then you gotta have that great image that goes right into complimenting and sticking out in the news feed or wherever else you're posting it.
11. Creating Your First Ad: Hey, everybody. So let's set up our first ad in adds manager and power editor. Now, if you're in the ads manager page, it's going to look like this, and you're gonna come up here and hit t create add button now understand? If you happen to be in power editor, the interface is going toe look very similar, but you won't see the bright green create. Add button over here. Instead, what you're going to have to do is do what individually you're gonna have to create your campaigns, go through your ad set than your ads and create them one at a time. So let's go back to the ads manager page and let's create our ads through that dashboard. It's just a little bit easier, so we'll hit the create add button, and it brings us to this page that we've seen before. Now the first thing you want to do is pick your objective. We talked about this earlier. If you're in the awareness stage, I recommend reach or video views. If you have a video if you're in the consideration stage engagement, traffic, lead generation video views, those are all great objectives for the consideration stage. And if you're in the conversion stage looking to get those opt ins looking to track the dollars conversions and product sales are great objectives to use. No, I'm gonna use the video because that's one of my favorite. But let's pretend we're building an awareness campaign and we're gonna do video views. Okay? I have just created a speaking real. So what's called this Speaking riel video views. Okay, the next thing we have to create is our ad set. Our ad set determines are targeting who were gonna send this to where we're going to serve the ads on instagram on Facebook through stories through one of the other mechanisms and how much we're going to spend per day. So, while you're here, if you scroll before we do anything, we got to create our ad set in eight speaking riel video views. And then what I dio is I do a double dot and I do some targeting based off of how I lay this audience out because I want to know what my audience targeting is when I look at the ad set. So the first thing we look at if we've seen this is Obviously we have a gender. We have location. We went through this when creating a saved audience. We can use already saved audience if we wanted to. We can create a new audience or we can pull from our custom audiences. We might already have built. We scroll down here the other way. We could do it. Obviously we do Anybody who might be interested in public speaking that would be a good one if I was going for huge numbers. Motivational speaking, personal development. Let's also add social media right interest in that. Now that built in audience of around 41 million. If you're going for an awareness campaign and you have a piece of content that showcases what you do is really good at sizzling, but not too long. Well, a huge audience like 41 million might be really great away. To do this effectively is if you have a great ah blawg article that you can turn into a little video article where you hold your phone up and you give some people some information . Well, that would be a great piece of content toe run to a lot of people on. Then you could qualify. Who's engaged with that video and watch 25 50 75 100% of that video and send them the next piece of content, which will drive him a little bit deeper in the fun. And now I've been running ads for a while, so I'm going to close this down and let's do connections. This is another way we could do it. People who like your page So we'll add Austin Julianne Oh, in here. And then let's also do an advanced connection. Um, friends of people who are connected to Austin Uliano have a couple things here, right? And then, uh, didn't that mess it up? Go ahead and it messed it up. Okay, well, my audience isn't big enough yet. So what we can dio is change this to friends of people who like your page and we'll do Austin Julianna. Now that's going to bring it up to 68 680 video views per day. You might be saying, Wow, that's a lot of video views. Well, if we come down here to the budget and schedule, you can see Oh, I'm only gonna be spending $20 as a daily budget. I don't want to spend $20 as a daily budget. I'm gonna change this up and let's see what happens if I put only $5 as a daily budget drops my video views. 2 210 toe 100 While 1100 views, that's still a lot. So let's see if I can drop this to $1 a day. $1 day is going to get me 50 to 300 views. That's a pretty good number because it's a little slow, which is great. I don't need to send tons of video views to my speaker rial. I just want to get some people looking at it and engaging with it right. And these are all people who are friends, who've already friends of people who have liked your page. Let's change up the targeting real quick and maybe doing something a little bit different. We're just doing this so you guys can see everybody in the United States. But let's pull up one of our custom audiences. People who have already watched my videos. All right, see, now that changed it to 31 to 200 people are 200 views per day, this changes up the targeting because my my audience is a little bit different. Let's also add in here Canada, United Kingdom. My potential audience keeps rising and Australia 17,000 potential reach 46 to 280 views per day. Excellent. Now it's maybe bring this down. We don't want to show those to 18 to 65 well shelled US, too. There's 11,000 18 to 35. Generally speaking, that's who my audience is. I have people outside of that also. Oh, and let's also do this united. Let's do English. Oh, all right, just double check dollar per day. Automatic placement. I don't know if I want to do this as an automatic placement. Let's edit this placement, see where it's sending an audience network. So these air banner ads in stream videos reward videos those air. For if somebody plays like video games on their phone, you've seen this sort of adds thes sorts of ads. Let's remove that. I don't want to show this in somebody's video game. I'm also going toe remove Instagram because I don't want to put my video in the instagram feed or the stories, so let's pull up Facebook. The Facebook feeds definitely want it. Instant articles will leave this for now in stream videos. I know my add is not going to fit an in stream video, but we're gonna leave this up for a second because I'm gonna show you what this looks like when you have one of these checked off. But the piece of content you choose doesn't work. Right? Column? No. I'm going to remove this from right. Column. Suggested videos. We'll leave it on the suggested videos. We did a dollar per day. That's 52 to 180 views. Just for fun. Let's kick this up to $2 per day. All right, let's hit Can. 01 last thing we did 18 to 35. And what was the other targeting We did people who've already watched videos. Okay, 18 to 35 cm naming this my age range. US. Canada, UK, Australia. Ah, engaged video groups views. So now when I go through my dashboard, I will know exactly what Ad said I used for targeting. It's it. Continue. I said it at $2 a day. Now this brings us to our ad page. Our ad pages right here first. Awesome. Uliano video views. That's gonna be the ad name. I'm OK with that. Do we want to create a new ad or use an existing post? Well, I've already posted this onto my Facebook page so I could hit, use existing post and pull up a post on my Facebook page. Right. And this is what I'd like to dio. But I'm not gonna do that just yet. I'm going to show you the whole ad creation platform, so the piece of content is going to be a single video. Right? Here's where we upload the video. Uh, see, See if I have a good video that we can upload Well, but I'm just trying to figure out where my video, the video I want to use. Well, we'll use this one for now. That's all the uploads. And here is the text. The text. We're just gonna put a little sentence. Here's the texts. Here's a website Euro. Leave that blank. This is our test headline. This is our news feed link description, and you can see over here on the right hand side what this is going to look like as you slowly change and complete the at. We are looking at the mobile news feed. So the cat ran through the barn door. This is the video. This is our test headline. This is our news feed link description. Learn more. Or we could change this to We'll send a message, wait for this load up. And there are seven different ways this could be shown. Right now we have seven different placements, so we hit to the right. This is the desktop news feed. We go right. One more instant articles looks a little different. Go. One more in stream. Normally, I don't have an in stream available. See, it's all stretched and looks weird. Well, clearly this piece of content work won't work well for in stream, Facebook and stream. Facebook suggested video. Facebook suggested video desktop. So you get to see exactly what you your ad is going toe Look like now I highly recommend that whenever you're doing a video of you you first posted on your Facebook page, you write out all your description, put your links in like a normal Facebook post, so that way you can come over here. Andi, just click the one you like So let's do this right. This is what it looks like, What it looks like. Oh, this video can be used for in stream ads. Right? That's okay. That looks great. It's come down here. Hit. Confirm. It's may take a second confirmation. Add is being reviewed. So this will slowly take some time through Facebook to get approved, you'll get an email notification to let you know if it is approved or if it's disapproved. Right. But congratulations. You made your first that.
12. AB Testing Ads: What's up, guys? So today I want to show you how to optimize your ads for maximum performance on were actually going to take a look at some of my older campaigns to use as examples. The first thing we're gonna look at is something called a B or split testing a campaign and what this means. Excuse me. Split testing an ad. And what this means is when you create your advertisement, the copy, the images, the present, that the audience, the everything is kept exactly the same. Except for one thing, which might just be the image you use or the video you use. It might be just the copier using changes. The offer you're using changes when you have everything that the same, except for one separate thing. You can see which of the two ads or three ads or four ads performs the best, and let's dive right in. Let's do this Facebook ad hacks Webinar lookalike audience. If we come to this one, which I did for for Facebook, you can see that I have four different images for my advertisements, right, I have this one of me in a suit, looking nice. Me and a shark. I'm here at the Grand Canyon and I'm here as a unicorn. Each one of these different creatives are 100% the same, except for the image. And so what we would do is we would run this these four ads simultaneously to the same four types of audiences with the same copy and see which of these ads performs the best. Now, when I did this the last time, no surprise, the unicorn popped out. It always performs the best here on Facebook, and it's a great photo. So then what I would do is I would say, OK, I know this is great. So let me create three new ads and test those three new ads and keep the unicorn the same. But let me try and make different copy. So what I would do is, I would say, let's duplicate, keep everything the same let's do three copies And now it shows me three new copies and I can go through here and change what I write. So I would change everything in here warden ad number to add number three ad number four, and that I would test them and see what copy performs the best, maybe incident changing up this whole copy. I will change this headline up and Onley change the headlines and test the headlines. When you do this and you take this very methodical approach to your advertisements, what's gonna happen is you're slowly going to improve and optimize each and every one of your ads over time. So take this methodology. Go out there and test your ads and I highly recommend when you do this, you test four ads. You put $20 in your ad set, which will give about $5 to each at and that $5 should get you around 500 to 1000 impressions. I would watch this every day. If you look at if you look at your advertisements, you hit that 500 to 1000 impressions, you're going to get your relevancy score, which is something we'll talk about a little bit later. And you will know how well that adis performing based off of, uh, overall factor
13. Automated Rules: in this video, I want to briefly go through really amazing tool called automated rules. So in the your all your tool sets here you click on automated rules and it pulls up this dashboard. When you click, create rules, it pulls up your rule sets. So what you can do is apply this to all your active campaigns. Your ad sets all your active ads, you could have a turn off. You could send notifications of just budgets. Things like that. And the conditions will be whatever you choose right daily spent. If I spend more than $15 a day, then I want you to do X, Y and Z, right. If I'm getting cost per result being higher than this sort amount, then turn off the rule is a good way to not over spent by setting up lots off, uh, automated rules. Lots of different options to choose from here. Time range. Last three days, I lost 30 days Lifetime. There you go. Frequency. Nonstop notifications. Email. You get all that here. So what you can do here is set up automated rules to start and stop your campaigns based off of key things, you need to have happen. Great tool toe. Optimizing your ads
14. Create Amazing Ads (Without being a designer): I have a massive confession for you guys. I m e terrible designer, but I'm gonna show you how to make beautiful ads without being a designer at all. There's a few different tools I'm going to share with you, right? The 1st 1 is right here on my screen is called stock snap dot i O. And it's great way to get free stock photography that you can utilize. That has absolutely breathtaking because in the video, the perfect Facebook post, I talk about how important it is to have that lifestyle image where people can plant themselves into. So if you come here, you can search for just about anything. But I like going to the popular searches or the trending page is generally speaking, that's where the best content is. But let's say we click Beach because we want to showcase that lifestyle of just living on the beach. As you can see you school down here, there's amazing photography, right? Like that is a perfect image to grab people's attention. This'll might be a really good image because you're showcasing that lifestyle of like taking photography. Wander lost. You got a whole bunch of awesome images here. Maybe we'll hit over to the trending page and see what's on trending. Oh, great images, especially for those entrepreneur type businesses. Anything where people are working, you know, on their laptop or this is another great one. Like trying to understand your marketing funnels. I can see something like that. Those are great images that you can download and use in your advertisements. Now, again, I can't design if you haven't heard about can vote. Oh, my God. You guys are missing out canvas. Fantastic. So you could sign up with your Facebook with your Google and it's 100% free. Well, okay, it's free if you're in uploading your own sort of assets. They have a whole database of assets that you can utilize in their dollar apiece. But they have these great templates. They have dimensions you can use. There's lots of cool things. Let's try. Let's pretend we're gonna make a social media post, right? Will pull up this little, uh, area toe work, give my computer a second to load everything up and Camba hasem layout. So we're gonna just grab this right? This might be a great social media post. We change up the text. You have that lifestyle image and boom. All of a sudden you have your advertisement made up because you pulled in from stock stamped out I o using can. But to do all your designs. I let Campbell kind of designed for me because I'm not good. But I also talked to you guys a lot about using video and making really great video content . So there's another company I like to use when it comes to making video content. It's called Promo. It's from slide dot li. Right promo is sorry about this. I know how to do all this, guys. Promo is a great little tool because they have a bunch of stock videos that you can pull together and you can. Let's say I have a video up here, right? Uh, you could pull together these stock videos and actually, let's delete what's delete all this. What's discard this? Let's go back to the very beginning, and I'll show you guys exactly what I'm talking about. They have stock videos that you can pull in and you can utilize to build your own sort of advertisement for Facebook. So here on their library, you can take a preview to these videos if you just scroll over its somebody working on a laptop with their I If you put baby that beach, uh, and again, you can see people swimming here at a beach or underwater. So any sort of kind of stock photography, our stock imagery you want to utilize you can grab from this company. You can upload your own video if you want to Inter spice things the other way you can do it is obviously you got your phone. You can shoot. Phones are amazing. They make things look good. There's tons of little tools, and resource is you can do right on your phone to like APS toe edit. So making video isn't hard thes air. Just a couple of tools you can utilise to make really fantastic advertisements.
15. What Metrics To Track: Hey, guys. So let's talk about optimizing your ads based off of micro testing and objective the metrics you really need to look at. So, depending on where the person is in the cycle, if they're in the awareness consideration our conversion stage, we're gonna be looking at different objectives and different metrics. If they're in the awareness stage. Reach, which is impressions or video views, is really the metrics we want to be looking at. And so what I would recommend for an awareness stage campaign is to create a couple pieces of content. Run one for reach 11 for video views, test out the different objectives and see which one performs better for you. Nine times out of 10 I found video views to be up like 1000 times better for me than doing a straight ad from a image. If they're in the consideration stage, the engagement campaigns work wonderful. I really love running engagement campaigns, getting people to interact with my posts. Now the other two that I also use If I'm not using video views, its traffic and lead generation lead generation tracks those conversions that you set up if you have that opt in page. That's where Aly Generation comes in. Really well. But you don't want to start with a lead generation campaign if you've never run ads before because what will happen is you're missing a ton of data. If this is your first campaign going to an opt in or registration page, I highly recommend starting with a traffic campaign. Because when you do a traffic campaign and you optimize to get people to click, then what's gonna happen is you're gonna get a lot more data. You're going to see if your ad is driving traffic. If your ad is driving traffic at a very cheap cost, like maybe say 50 cents, 60 cents a click or less, then you know your ad is doing well. You're targeting your images. Your everything about the ad is performing well, then you look on your registration page or your opt in page, and you see how maney people from all those clecs have converted. Now, not every single click is going to convert. If you have 300 clicks, don't expect 300 opt ins. If you have 300 clicks and you get 20 to 30% opt ins your captain pages doing fantastic. That's a really good conversion rate, and you can take that information and go, OK, let's run for lead generation. Then you know everything's working. But say you get 300 klicks to your opt in page, and only three people convert. You know there's something wrong with your opt in page the page itself. So you're gonna have to change up the design, change up the copy, make it better. Your ad is doing great, but your landing page isn't performing while so therefore, you contract that using something like a traffic campaign. If you were only measuring Lee generation, it would only have let you known that you had three conversions at an exorbitant price point, and you wouldn't know why. You wouldn't know if it's the ad. You wouldn't know if it's the landing page or if it's something else. So start with the traffic campaign. Move to the lead generation. Once you have that locked in hope, that helps obviously conversion. That's the dollars in your pocket. But most of us are going to be spending time in the awareness and consideration stages
16. Relevancy Score: Hey, everybody. So I very quickly want to go over this thing called relevancy Score. Basically, it is. How relevant is your advertisement to the audience? You're putting it in front of its on a scale from 1 to 10 10 being the highest one being the lowest and very simply. This is a score you want to pay a lot of attention to, because you know if your ad is doing well or if your ad is doing poorly. And on top of that, Facebook or INSTAGRAM will share your add two more people if it has a high relevancy score , whereas if it has a low relevancy score, let's see here, like this one is a five. It won't perform well. Facebook will show it to your target demographic, so just keep a lookout on what your ads air doing in the form of relevancy. Score 987 Those are pretty decent. Obviously, 10 would be even better, but you want to make sure you have a high relevancy score. It's an easy way to optimize your ads and create less cost for you in your advertisements
17. How Long Should I Run an Ad When Testing: What's up, guys? Austin here and I get asked the question all the time. How long should you run an ad specifically when you're testing and adds, there's really two criteria I look at. One is 500 impressions after 500 impressions, uh, Facebook will give you the relevancy score, and that's really, really important. Now 500 impressions might take a little bit of time to hit specifically when you're doing video ads and things like that. So the other one I use is about $5 her video. So I will test four videos at once at $5 apiece. That's $20 in a single day. Uh, I don't like spending a lot more than that, and I will very quickly see what is performing well. Now I have learned that sometimes it's worth running an ad for 2 to 3 days to really build out a couple of days spectrum and see how well the at performs. I also, um, in the position where I can run, you know, $60 in 34 days, and that's okay if you are still a little bit, has a tint. When it comes to running advertisements, you don't have the budget for it. You can take $20 run. Four different adds $5 apiece. You'll get a really good feel on what's performing well, and then you shut down the other three ads and you're gonna have $20 for the one high performing at. Or you could go out there, take that one high performing ad and test it three more times with something else different . Maybe you changed the image. Or maybe you change the copy or Smith. You change that targeting up. So really, I look at 500 impressions or about $5 her video asked.
18. Facebook Ad Hacks: How's it going, everybody? You guys are here for the Facebook ad hacks, and I'm going to share with you a ton of stuff here. We're gonna go very, very quickly. But any time during this, if you, uh, have any questions or anything like that, drop it in the comments and let me know, and we're just gonna move through this very fast. But I have a whole Q and A section, uh, after all of this. So let's start. Where is everybody listening from? Just drop in the comments real quick where you're listening from because I love to see where everybody is streaming from. Obviously, we got people around the world here, but it's only school kind of seat. Let's see, we got obviously United States. We got some people. Where else? Where else? Where else got everybody all over? I'm sure. All right, Hollande. Awesome. United States. We've got Hollande. That's fantastic. I'm sure we'll get some more streaming in. I want to keep going really fast through this. What is your business? Because as I go through this, I can craft this workshop closer to what your business is. What you guys do and then Aiken really make this best for you. So let me know what your businesses and as you're working on what your business is, What is it that you want to take away from this workshop? If you could take one thing away, I want to make sure we hit that for everybody here. So where do you stream from? What's your business? And what do you want to take away from this workshop? If you could take away anything and when you keep asking more questions, why you interested in Facebook ads? Because there's, Ah, a lot of people have talked about Facebook ads for a while now. What is getting you interested? What is stopping you from doing Facebook ads in the past? What is making you want to do it now? I just want to understand you guys a little bit better here and then we're going to get into this entire awesome course. Yeah, yeah, Still got that song stuck in my head. So if you could take a guess at what the purpose of advertising ISS feel free to do it in the comments Now. Most of the time, when I talk to clients, they always say they want to advertise because they need more revenue, They need more money. And this is a I understand why you do this like I understand why you think like this, but this is actually fundamentally flawed. The purpose of advertising isn't necessarily to drive sales that happens. But the real purpose of advertising is to drive massive awareness. If you think about radio, TV, billboards, all those different things, you'll never see an ad that says something and you go, Oh, let me run to that store and make a purchase. You're aware of the brand, and then the offer they make you happens to fit the need, right? The nice thing about Facebook is Facebook's. The only mechanism that not only allows you to have massive awareness and drive that awareness, you can also drive other key stages, giving people super engaged in what you're doing and then actually converting them into sales. And this is why Facebook is fundamentally so much more powerful than any other platform out there. It allows you to do all those stages in one platform, which is Facebook, and there happens to be two billion users on Facebook, which is 1/8 of the world's population. Er, it's crazy, something like that. So I love Facebook for these reasons, to tell you a little bit more about myself. My name is Austin Uliano. I am a social media influence, or I live stream to over a 1,000,000 followers every single week. I actually have a livestream I have to do today, so I got to make sure I don't go over time. And I've been able to do and build myself up to this place because of social media, because I understand the value of getting eyeballs on what you're doing. Back when I started, I was just getting into Facebook and I built a little business in my hometown. But like long story short, I eventually things crumbled. I failed, I became homeless. And then I started live stringing, and I instantly saw the power of it. And as I started live streaming Mawr and Mawr, it allowed me to give so much value to the audience that they turned around and they said, Hey, we want to hire you on and have you help us with our social media strategies and that allowed me to get out of being homeless. It allowed me to grow a huge audience. And then I started reusing things like Facebook advertising and all the other forms of advertising to grow exponentially. It's an extremely powerful tool, and because of this, I, like, get to do silly things online. Every single day I get to dress up like a unicorn or a shark or Mario or something like that, and I get to make people laugh. But the reason I do that, there's a marketing site of it, and there's an entertainment side like I won't deny. I absolutely love doing it, making people smile. But there's also the value of getting people's attention and serving them content that fits with what they're looking to dio. Whenever somebody's on social media, they're not looking to make a purchase. They're looking to waste time in the day and consume content. So when you make that type of content that fits where the buyer is in their journey, there are more apt to actually buy from you later on. And this is why major brands have been able to work with me so successfully is because I understand how to translate that sort of fun. Attention getting content into ways that actually sell products and sell services. And so I've been up on stage after for live streaming over to a 1,000,000 followers. I've been up on stage and I have been a keynote speaker. I've done corporate trainings, and I've actually worked with, like some of the top brands out there. Sell your one. I worked with Snapchat as doing some consulting Fox, Warner Brothers, Pepsi Periscope. I've been featured on so many different places, and it's all because the power of live streaming social media and in particular understanding the power of attention. Facebook is master of that. So we're going to cover a few key things here. I'm going to show you the perfect post that drives a massive engagement, because fundamentally, the whole thing we want to focus on here is driving awareness and engagement more than anything else, because you will naturally get sales and you'll understand why a little bit later on in the post. Why, that is. But if I were to simplify it, if you think about it, what's gonna get you more sales, having 100 people looking at your content or having 1000 people looking at your content. Broad strokes here having that 1000 people looking at your content, you're more apt to make more sales, right. I understand that the quality versus quantity argument that people have, but we're talking about broad strokes here. The more people you have looking at what you're doing being a part of your community being engaged, the more revenue you're gonna make. So the perfect Facebook post that drives engagement is a very key. It's the fundamental step. The next thing we're going to do is talk about that process, how to get them from not knowing who you are and what you do to being a raving fan and buying from you. We're going to talk about the winning strategies to Facebook, and we're gonna want to share with you a couple of hacks like this one, where you get 100,000 likes on your fan page and it's freaking cool. And if you stick around to the end, I'll show you how to make 2 to 3000 views for just about a book, or maybe a two bucks, depending on how well you perform. So the reason I didn't do Facebook ads when I first started is probably the same reasons you guys are a little bit, has a tent. You There's so much you need toe learn. It's confusing when you get into that interface. When you start looking at things, you're like, What am I doing? How do I do this? You're spending money and you're not sure if you're getting a return on your investment, which is really scary because you put 203 $100 in your, like, What did I get out of that like it gives me some numbers. But is this good? Is this not good? How much does it cost to generate a lead, a click, a new fan and then the amount of time it takes to learn all these different systems? Because of not just Facebook ads, you have to learn. You have to actually learn copyrighting and design and positioning and offers and marketing funnels and follow up sequences and all these other things, so we're gonna try and cover as much as we can. But those were the reasons why I didn't do Facebook ads when I first started. I would love to know what a year's drop him in the comments. And if you're watching the replays, you can always drop comments, and it will go directly to my email and well, I'll respond. So what are the reasons you didn't do it? Let's see here, adaptive. I'm just looking at what the comments are over here. We have an adaptive scuba coach. That is really cool. You want to reach the right peeps on Facebook and bring broader awareness. Julia, you can't see any visual. I would just popped up. Perfect. Julia, what do you do? Why you want to learn Facebook And what's your business? Love to learn more about you. All right, keep going. And I'll see it in the comments in a little bit. So these are the three stages to a Facebook strategy. The 1st 1 is awareness. This is actually where you're gonna want to put about 80% of your attention. The whole 80 20 rule. 20% of your energy generates 80% of your results. Well, the more awareness and Mawr engagement you generate, the more conversions you're gonna have, right? It's that funnel. You want to put your work up front and it will trickle down and provide you better results in the yet the next is engagement, getting people to actually care about what you're doing, who you are, your story, what you're selling and making sure it's the right type of people and then, finally, conversions getting them to actually purchase. So let's talk about the perfect Facebook post, and this is the an example of a perfect Facebook post. The first thing you notice is that image. It's a high quality lifestyle image on what a lifestyle image is is something where the customer that you're trying to target can see themselves in and go, Hey, that could be me. So if you look at this image one, it's really beautiful. It's a high resolution image. It grabs your attention and it sucks you in to the person is looking away So you can't even say, Oh, that is somebody being selfish and like doing a selfie or something like that? It's aspirational. Your ideal customer can sit there and be like, Oh, that could be me one day. So you want a high quality image or video or something like that that draws people in. It also has to be very native to the platform another way to do this is if you're looking to create a mini piece of content to just drive awareness and engagement the the selfie video where you're talking to somebody giving a few tips out that goes really well in a Facebook feed. The next thing is your copy. You always want to start with a yes question. Like have you ever desired to whatever this location is, go to this location, right? And then people are like Yes. Oh, my God, that's beautiful. Or do you love to travel and experience new adventures? Yes. Everybody loves traveling experience, new adventures. You do that Whenever you start with a yes or a question, it really draws people in to read the next line of the copy. And so the next line is about building report. This is where that storytelling really kicks in. You want to tell a story about your experience for the experience they could have? The next thing you want to do is make it grounded in today, right? This is what I'm doing today. Using it in the present moment, like bringing people to your experience. You're trying to communicate of experience. What, to them and for them. Like exactly what? Why they should be putting their time investment into reading this post 90 and have a clear called action. Right drop of comments like this post click this link, whatever it might be, you want to clear call to action so people know what they want to do or what you want them to do and what they need to dio. So this is the formula that every single business should use and every single person should use for driving awareness. Right? Three stages, awareness, consideration, conversion awareness. The prospect doesn't know about you. So the only thing you should be doing in the stage is driving people to know about you consideration. They want to figure out whether or not you are the right fit for them. So in this stage, that's all you want to do. Drive that engagement, get people interested, get the market feedback test, learn, and then finally go to the conversion stage. This is the offer. This is what I can do for you. And you get them to convert. If you do the wrong advertisement for the wrong stage, it won't work. If you're thinking Hey, I want to make sales and conversions, but the buyer is still in the awareness stage. You're not gonna actually be successful. So you act. You need to first drive that awareness and then go for the the consideration than the conversion. So, looking at the awareness stage, what you're looking for is getting massive amounts of reach, getting people to see you the way you do this is you can target based off of audiences, behaviors their interests if you already have website traffic or an email list creating a lookalike audience to those sorts of people. So anybody who's hit your website you created looked like audience. And Facebook goes these people arm or act like what you have. You might target your customers and the type of content again that, like little selfie video where you're giving a few tips out or a aspirational photo since storytelling, something where you're just looking to drive engagement, not trying to drive them off your webs off Facebook into some other platformer off instagram wherever they're coming from. But just getting them to engage the next one is the consideration stage, right? This is where you can target your fans of your page, your fans friends, because they're more apt to be just like your fans If you already have a customer list. Retargeting those customers. If you already have Website visitors reengage those visitors. Other look like audiences. Sometimes the local I can go instead of just into the awareness, go straight into the consideration stage if your offer really speaks to them and the content is going to be a little bit meatier content, right? A quick selfie video might only be 30 to 90 seconds to give, like four tips or six tips or whatever it is. But that's not enough to make them go. Hey, I want to purchase from you. So whatever your business is, you're gonna want to make that meteor type of content. Maybe it's an online workshop like this. Maybe it's a white paper for business. Let's let's check. What do we have? Ah, wildlife photography tour guy follow you? Oh, hey, Julia. Yeah, I remember you guys. So wildlife photography tour died. Maybe what it is is download our list of best like places to go to see these rare creatures . You know, you have to think about what your customers looking for and and create a piece of content that really works for them. And this is usually you go for the opt in. This is where you have your you asked for the name and the email address in exchange for this meteor piece of content. Adaptive scuba coach like, maybe this is, ah, video guide on how people with So I guess it's disabilities. I think that is the culturally appropriate term. I apologize if I offend anybody. Maybe it's how they can learn how to swim more effectively, something like that, because that's a fear. Somebody who isn't necessarily have all limbs can swim as well as somebody who can't. You know, something like that, some sort of piece of content that really drives people into the next step and finally, conversions. This is the bottom of the funnel. Once they've downloaded that piece of content once the once they've engaged in that piece of content that is in the consideration stage, you can retarget them and say, Hey, let's make this final purchase that okay, you've you've downloaded the tour guides here is 25% off your first tour, right, and then people go, Oh, that's great. I've been wanting to do that. Or maybe it's something like, uh if you're in the e commerce business. They looked on there like Amazon. Basically, you've added a few things into your car, but you ended up getting distracted. You didn't You didn't complete the transaction. So you re target those abandoned car people and say, Hey, here's 10% off your next order. Uh, hey, you've missed. You haven't completed this purchase, you know, do this within the next 24 hours and save 10% using this code or whatever it might be. Uh, people who have spent a lot of time on your site looking through all your content could be a really great retargeting and say the people who are the top 5% off everybody spent on my site, those are the ones I want to retarget. And so you want to make specific offers to those people based on what they're looking to achieve, And then, obviously your key metrics are gonna be like money in your pocket clicks, sign ups, whatever it might be. So let's talk about a Facebook advertising stretch. If you want to get into Facebook before you do anything, you have to have the right sort of mindset. The first thing you want to do is understand a be split testing. This might seem a little bit wanna one, but it's very simple. What you do is you take a single ad and you you test one thing on that ad. So the budget, the targeting, the copy, the offer, all of that is the same. But you take four different images, and you test all four of those images you run. Four adds at the same time to the same audience with four different images. And you go, What image is going to perform best because you don't know? You don't know until the audience reacts to it and one is gonna come out better than the rest and you're going to see it. And so what you do is you take that image and you go cool. Let's change up the copy. How do we make the copy better? Let's try four different copies and see how that performs. And then you do that again and again and again and again, and you will slowly see measurable increases or decreases based off of what the best performing at is increases in clicks decreases in costs. And then you're now having super cheap ads because you've slowly tested and you don't need a lot of money to test. If you're running four ads and you do a $20 to the four ads, you're spending about $5 per at give or take right $5 for ad. That's very, very cheap. I mean, just don't go out to dinner for that night and you will. You'll be able to run your advertisements. You will get plenty of data in 20 bucks testing four ads, and you do that over and over and again. The next thing is custom audiences. If you have not already installed a tracking pixel on your website and on all your key pages, like your shop pages or anything like that, you absolutely need to do this because those audiences that it is tracking you can retarget that retargeting or re marketing is one of the most effective ways to increase your profits and decrease your costs because they already have that vested interest. We talked about the metrics a bit like making sure your tracking the right metrics based off where the customer is in the in the buyer journey and then content. You want content that is extremely native to the platform that grabs people's attention, and that makes them want to consume more. So the first stage awareness. Whenever you start a new campaign and Facebook, the first thing Facebook's gonna ask you to do is go. What are the key objectives we are looking to achieve? And you want one key objective, right? It's that important. Facebook wants you to set that up first and foremost, so for awareness, I recommend you to reach or video views, and I highly recommend video views because these phones air so fantastic. It's really easy to make content by just doing something like this or putting together something in like I movie if you have those skill sets. If you're a photographer, you already know how to shoot well so you could get some nice, like couple of images and splice them together. You can make some really interesting content and video views. They're going to be a lot cheaper than straight reach. Generally speaking, this is what I found time and again when I've done my testing the next stages consideration . I love running engagement campaigns because I have this trick that I'm going to share with you how to turn engagement into fans. And the more fans you have, the more reach you have, the more everything you're going to get. So it's a super cool trick. I love going for engagement cause you're also hacking the Facebook algorithm, and this is where you want to spend your time and energy, getting that reach and getting that engagement. But of course, you can also go for traffic, especially if you're going for those opt ins. Running for traffic is a great way to test to see if your ads are working, because there's a difference between traffic and the next one, which is lead generation traffic. I used to go to track to see if the ad is performing well in and of itself. The Legion is to test how much it costs because there's different people out there. Some might just click and leave. Some might click and sign up right so you can use these two different campaigns and you contest to see which one performs better for you. I like using traffic to start and that moving to lead generation and then finally, convergence. This is where you're going for those abandoned carts and get in the sales in your pockets, whatever the target thing you're looking to achieve. So let's talk about some examples of really great Facebook ATS, and they know I'm going really quick. Guys, if you have any questions, make sure you drop it in the comments. I will be going back and hitting. Oppa's many comments is I can in this time frame. I just really want to fly through this to get to the Q and A. So this is the criteria of a perfect Facebook posts and the Facebook ad. Excuse me, and if it looks very similar to a perfect Facebook post, well, you wouldn't be wrong. The very first thing is you want that aspirational image dent. That image that grabs people's attention stands out but still makes people want to consume more. And Facebook will actually track how fast somebody is scrolling through your their Facebook feed. And if they're scrolling through really fast and your ad comes up and they stop even for a second toe, look at it and then keep going cause like your your image just grabbed him. Facebook will know this. Say it's performing better and push it out to more people because the more time people spend on Facebook, the more money Facebook makes. So you're working in Facebook's figure, which means they're gonna work in your favor. They're there to make money. They're not really there to help you. So you have to help Facebook make more money, get them to stop, get them to engage, get them to consume or content. And Facebook will go. Here is a whole lot more people because you make such great content. So again, the first thing is you want to start with that question. The first things the image second thing is starting with the question, then telling that story having the to say part. But then you want to go into having a very clear understanding of what you're going to be giving these people who collect or who sign up to whatever the thing is your offering. If you are not clear, people won't engage. If you're very clear, people will love it and they will click. So then you want to provide that clear call to action also, you wanna having benefits driven statement that ends in an incomplete sentence. By doing this, what you're actually doing is using human psychology in your favor. Whenever we are talking, if somebody doesn't finish a sentence, you want to know what they're going to say. So, like your brain automatically goes, What's going on here? So ending with a dot, dot, dot, ending with it incomplete sentence makes a person want to click just a little bit more, and it will up your increase in your, uh, quickly rate. So this is an example of an ad that stopped me in my tracks and I went, What's going on here? And every time I see an advertisement that gets me, whether it's on Facebook or on any other platform, I take a screenshot of it and they put it into a folder, and then I start analyzing. Why did this get May right? Why did I stopped? The first reason was the color spectrum. The green is very different than the normal blue of Facebook, so it popped, and then the whole pizza bicycle thing. I'm like, What is going on here? This is weird. It just made me stop and I was like, OK, this is a good image and I grabbed a screenshot of it, their offer with the clear offer of exactly what I'd be getting if I signed up. Now I don't want that. I don't need that. So I didn't sign up, but I knew exactly what I'm beginning. So it was the perfect ad for the right target demographic they're targeting was just off. But that's OK. The next one was this image from John Harris. He's a Internet marketer, and the image I like saw it, and I was like, What's going on there? And then his copy just drew me in as I started reading his copy. It made me feel overwhelmed and anxious, and I didn't know what I was doing. It was crazy because I do this and I was like, Well, that's some fantastic copy. If you can make me feel like this, somebody who knows what they're doing than those people who are really don't know what they're doing are gonna want to click on this ad and really try and figure out and relieve that pain. So his image and his copy were like sink and I was like, Fantastic, right? Look at that. That works really well. Finally, you've probably seen this ad. This is one of my best performing images. It is me and a unicorn costume. Go which makes people stop and look and go. What is going on here? And so this image just pops. There's a clear value that I am demonstrating Facebook at hacks how to build influence on a budget. So people go OK. And then they read the copy and then they engage. So those are just three examples, But I'm sure we have a ton more like make sure you go through your feet and see what you're clicking on. What's making you stop? Are you guys still with me houses going? Am I going too fast? Do we have any comments? I want to figure that out right now. Oscar, You running? Cocktail lounge? That's fantastic. Love it. Very cool. It's gonna be a little bit harder to advertise on Facebook because you can't really advertise alcohol very well on Facebook. Last I checked, everybody's still here. Looks like this is going well. Okay, let me keep going. Just wanted Teoh just checking on all of you. So let's start talking about some of those secret hacks to face to Facebook. This is the Facebook algorithm formula, and I really want you guys to take a moment to really devour this. Because while there's 100,000 signals that Facebook measures, there's really five. We get toe work with right interest, post creator type and leniency. Or how new the post ISS right interest of the user in the Creator. If Julia and I engage itan on Facebook than when I promote things, Julia is more apt to see it. So this is where community management and taking the time every single day to really build that community comes into play. The more time you invest in getting people engaged in your content, better content you create, the more engagement you create. Facebook's naturally gonna want to show you two more people because you're again working in Facebook's favor. The second thing is the post performance against other users, right, and this actually ties into the creator one every creator. Every page is ranked differently. If you are a Katy Perry or Jimmy Fallon or ah president of the United States or something like that, where you were significant in the eyes of the entire world. You're going to be promoted further than some little Bob's a little diner, right? Who doesn't have a ton of engagement? The flip to this is it's always about interest with the user. While you might love while everybody might love Jimmy Fallon, if you hate him, you never watch his content. But Bob's Diner you attend Every day you engage with Bob's Diner every single day, even though it's this little tiny hole in the Wall Diner. Baseball is going to show you their content a whole lot more than the Jimmy Fallon. And so the Post one really works with the Creator. If the Post is performing well based off of all the other posts out there, it's gonna promote it even further. So interest posting Creator. They all go together like peanut butter and jelly. The type of post plays into effect here, too. If you posted image of versus you post a video, you're gonna have different distribution. I really recommend video and live streams because that's what Facebook is going for. I haven't tested very much within messenger stories, but for instagram stories that's doing extremely well because this is where the attention is and you're going natively with what people want in Facebook and resiliency is how new The Post is obviously newer content that is going viral. That's what you want. A post, but still having that old post that performs well. You can re engage that and still get a lot of use out of it. So here's the hack to get 100,000 fans in less time than you think. Right? What you're gonna do is whenever you make a post and people start reacting to it, Liking commented, not commenting, liking loving, angry face emoji or any of those other emoji faces. If you click on the names, there's this pop up to the side that happens and you can actually invite people to like anybody who's engaged with your page. You go down and ask them to like your page. Now, the really interesting thing is that somebody just did this within the first minute hour and you actually click on their name and you invite them. You have about, I don't know. It's usually around 75 to 90% chance to actually convert them over into a fan of your page . And obviously the more that they're seeing your page and the more that you invite like you , they're interacting with you. The more apt they are to actually like your page. And this is because again they're thinking about you. You just delivered some really great content and they go, Oh, sure alike isn't on a big ask. Everybody likes pages. Here's how you spend only a single dollar a day on PR. This is really, really, really fun, and you can actually take this and not only turn it to PR, but you could turn it into acquiring customers. Enquiring Leeds. It's about, uh, I learned this this technique from a guy named Dennis You fantastic Facebook advertiser. But it's about thinking like the movie inception. Instead of trying to advertise to people, how do you get yourself in front of the right people who will give you distribution and want to you consume your content, right? So what you do is you go into Facebook ad and you take something like a video. One of that I've used that works really well. Is this speech I gave about how I was homeless? How I almost committed suicide how I got myself out of it. And then how I became a social media influencer and you run this video ad or you run this story in front of everybody who works at a news outlet and what that does is it puts it in their feet. They need information, they need stories. So if you put this in front of the right people, they will take that and they will share it out. And now all of a sudden, you got a ton more people interacting and engaging with you because your post is going viral. You have BBC share out your video, your story and then you take BBC's video that BBC's post that they've made on their page you shared onto your page and you repeat the process. You take that one by BBC and you share to ABC and Bloomberg and Business News and Buzzfeed . And because BBC's already done this, there's that social proof again of another major news organization, and you get another and another and another and another and another. So anybody who wants some free PR this is a fantastic way to do it. You get some PR you get one of these big people to cover you. Boom. You just start inception ing into all these other news outlets and get even more massive PR and drive more people to your brand, and it just keeps building. Obviously, this also makes sense because if you get PR, you're gonna get people coming and being like, Hey, I want to work with you. I want you to come speak at my event. I want you to help me with whatever the heck you're doing. So work like that and you could even use little tiny news outlets. Like if you have a couple local papers, maybe you do this in front of the local papers, so they shared on their socials, and then it picks up and goes further and further. Hope you guys are liking this. Let's talk about hacking the Facebook algorithm with video views. Unloving video video is a way to go video. As we looked at this, this little algorithm, it's because the type of post and the interest is what we're really working with here. The type of posters video. So it's already gonna be promoted a little bit more, and we're going to drive interest. Okay, so here's a couple of examples before I jump at I took This is the video the Inception video. I used 23,000 total views. 7 23,000 total reach 7000 views. 65 engagements. I only spent $12 in 70 cents, which is ridiculously cheap. And the nice thing to is you can see like that darker orange bars, Thea mount I spent and video views. The lighter orange is the organic reach. But what happens is every time you put it in front of the right person and they share it out, you get more of that organic reach. So the more shares you generate, the more organic reach you haven't. I'm only spent 12 $13 on this, like, ridiculously inexpensive. And you can utilize this to I also test another hack. This is a second hack I'm going to share with you too. But I ran a micro piece of content which was only about eight seconds long to an audience and got 3.7000 views, 21 engagements and it only costs $2.64. Now, if we look at this and we go, Let's run a Facebook ad to get Paige lights. It's gonna cost you a few dollars every like on your page. But if you use this trick and create micro pieces of content and highly engaging content and you get people to engage, you're gonna get a lot more. Page likes using that trick to get up to 100,000 fans of your page. And I use a micro piece of content because it performs better. Facebook raw. Ah, ranks How long people engage with the Post. And so the previous post was I don't know, Um, around 10 to 15 minutes long this speech because it's a full speech. Obviously not everybody's gonna watch it all the way through. So Facebook's gonna notice that and go, Hey, this is not performing as well as it could, right? People don't want to invest 10 minutes of time. But if I take this eight second video and I share it out, people will watch for the whole eight seconds. It's really funny, and I turned it into a mean and more people are going to, like share and engage, which is gonna promote it even further in Facebook and I also used one other trick with this that I'm going to share with you later on and you will love it. But video is really how you hack the algorithm. And here's the other trick I used forgetting that massive amount of exposure for very, very cheap. Not every country is created equal. The at the top of this little list, you can see how expensive some of these first world countries are right. If you try and advertise to these people, it's going to cost you more than if you look at Taiwan, South Korea, Philippines and those also English speaking countries. Not predominantly English. But they do speak English. And so what you can do is you can take one of these videos and stack social proof right in the beginning, from Taiwan or from the Philippines, right? Get your first few 1000 views, get your first number of engagements and then share it to the U. S. Because if if, for example, see if I can go back here, for example, if this video that I did, I took $2. 64 cents ran into the Philippines. I got the 21 engagements I did less than that. But let's just say that I just to $3 ran into the Philippines. I got all this engagement. Then what you do is you take that and you turn it to us, and now it already is performing well. You have 21 engagements on the post. I had shares, I had comments. And then my friends who know like and trust me see this and they share it out and gets more and more exposure because that thing is still going right here in the US I started. I had a few 1000 views, got that engagement from those cheaper countries. And then I pumped into the people who were more likely to engage with my page. So not all countries are created equal. You can get thousands of views for,
19. Diverify Your Ad Campaign: Here's a quick tip for optimizing your ads when you're driving for those opt ins, and it's very simple. Actually, it's about creating a diverse portfolio off advertisements across multiple platforms. If we take a look at our Facebook ad hacks webinar look like you can see here that I had instagram ads running, uh, for the stories Instagram ads running for Instagram News feed and Facebook ATS. And if we go a little bit deeper, not only did I have four ads for Facebook, I had four ads for Instagram, but they're not popping up. But I do have four ads for Instagram and I also had three ads running for Snapchat stories testing different things. So in here I was testing different design and copy. Now the reason you want a diverse portfolio off different advertisements is very simple. One most customers need one or two times before they convert over and actually opt in and the thing other. The next thing is that people consume content on different platforms. If you set just a Facebook ad expected to run for you to get the maximum results, you're not going to necessarily get the maximum results doing just a Facebook ad. So putting a Facebook at putting instagram ads putting story adds, and every sort of else type of advertisement you're going to get the most people converting over because they're going to see you across the board in all the places they consume content. And finally, not all opt ins are created equal. My instagram stories ads were converting extremely cheap like sense on the dollar, and I was getting hundreds of people clicking in those stories. That's fantastic. And you would think, OK, put as much money as you can into those instagram stories. And while I did up my budget, the thing is the stories people might not convert over into selling clients because they might not be as qualified. So maybe Facebook converts at 2 to $3 a unit instead of just, like 60 cents a collect. Maybe it's 2 to $3 a click. But those people who convert over from Facebook pe 203 105 $100 in lifetime value off a customer. Well, I'm gonna want that compared to spending 60 cents a click, getting thousands of clicks, maybe even getting thousands of conversions, but none of them ever end up purchasing a product or service. So not all clicks, not oh, conversions are created equal, and you have to get a minutes to figure out which one works best for you. And I put a little hint in this discussion about, Ah, key factor here. It's called the lifetime value off a Customer. If you don't know what this is, it's very simple. You look at how much the average customer pays in their entire time with you, how many times they purchased how long they they pay and you go. An average customer is worth acts amount of dollars, for instance, if your average purchase is $45 a month and somebody let me pull out a calculator here cause I'm not the best at math, but let's just do this, um, say the average person purchases $45 a month and they stick with you for six months. You know the lifetime value of the average customers $270. So as long as you are spending less than $270 per lead, you're good gaining revenue in your business. Now, this is very broad brush strokes. I would not recommend spending $250 to make $270. You should only be spending a few dollars per lead or per conversion, but you get the idea here. So map out how much the average person pays to work with you and how long they work with you. And then you will know the lifetime value of your customer. The longer you keep your customers, the more your lifetime value goes up, the more your profitability goes up. So really focus on building those highly engaged audiences that want to stay with you for a long time.
20. Facebook Ads on a Budget: Hey, guys. So I want to share with you for extremely cheap hacks and tricks and campaigns you can use to generate massive business. And I usually only spend a dollar a day when I do these. So the first on my first, my favorite dollar day strategy, is taking a piece of video content that you have that's really, like, newsworthy and running it to anybody who works at a news outlet. So when you do your DP, it'll targeting you put in work, sat right, employed at and then you do New York Times L A Times the whatever. Whatever outlets are important to your knee. Sh Targeting those people with these ads and what's gonna happen is they're gonna see some piece of content that is really newsworthy. Pick it up and share it to the entire world. The other strategy I like to use is just using a dollar for video views and generating awareness. So I'll read Target the people who engage with my content on a regular basis, and I'll send video views to those people, and the more that they watch right and the more that they engage well, it gets cheaper and cheaper and cheaper because I'm just promoting the content to the people who love me already. So I want to get my views as high as possible as fast as possible. Another way to do this to is if you've micro tested ads. We talked about this earlier. You take $20. You test four ads at $5 apiece to figure out what ad is going to do the best. What piece of content is going to do the best You post that on your business page, and then you take that piece of content that you know is doing pretty well. Take $5 boys. Sorry, you take $5 you run it to the Philippines for video views. Well, the Philippines are going to give you, like, 10 times more exposure. And yes, it's the Philippines. But who cares? You're looking at jacking up the video views, so you get 10,000 views on your video superfast for like, five bucks. And then you drive that fact over to the United States and people go holy crap videos doing amazing. It's going viral. Let me share it right, What's going viral in the Philippines. But you want it to go viral in the United States, use the Philippines is like the fuel to get everybody to engage with it here in the United States. So those were just a couple of cheap campaigns you can utilize that will save you a ton of money if you notice you spend a dollar to $5 per ad and that's super super cheap.
21. How to Get 100,000 Facebook Fans: once you're at your Facebook page, See, mine is at the Austin Uliano facebook dot com slash the Austin Uliano. What you're going to do is you're gonna start making posts as you come down and you put posts on your timeline, for instance, This is a talk I did that is about 10 minutes long and I shared out to my network. You're gonna have people react to the post. A reaction is one of the like, emojis the heart emojis the laughing, crying face Emojis Any time somebody does a reaction, you click on this little list over here that says 91 other people reacted to the post and you're going tohave this pop up box which you can therefore go through and vital people to like your page. Now, I've already gone through and invited people, but this is a list of people that you can invite like Yosi. Invite him, invite, invite, And as more and more people react to your post, you invite them to like your page. Now, if you really want to make your page go viral, you find something that is doing already well on Facebook. A viral video. This is when I found called Crotch kung Fu and made me laugh. This is an actual thing where a kung fu master does this And I said entrepreneurship. You like this because I'm an entrepreneur. I ran this video. I ran an advertisement for video views to a whole bunch of people who consider themselves entrepreneurs. He got 52,000 views, 277 reactions and I went through and I invited all of these people to like my page so you can very quickly grow your following an explosion audience. Up to 100,000 views are 100,000 fans.
22. Ninja Hack, How to spy on your competitions advetisments: What's up, guys? So I just want to show you this quick little trick to figure out exactly why people are targeting you with advertisements. And you can use this little trick to look at your competition and go. Who the heck are they targeting and why are they targeting that person? So the first thing you gotta do is finding that I actually had turned off my add blocker because I use it all the time. But you find in that this one's for Salesforce in this top right hand corner over here. If you click and you see this little, why am I seeing this? You open it up and it's gonna tell you why Simms forces targeting me, right? And they say one reason you're seeing this ad sales force wants to reach people who might be similar to their customers. So if you look at that little statement right there, you can figure out exactly why they're targeting me. Salesforce took their customer database and they created a lookalike audience. We talked about that earlier in the videos and they took that look like audience and they started running ads to me and other people who match their current customers so right and you can also see here later on. It says the people ages 21 to 64 who live or recently are in the United States. So they created a lookalike audience ages 21 to 64. They probably said Mail, I'm not sure I can't tell who live in the United States. I live in the United States. Between that age demographic, I looked like their customers because Salesforce's for marketers and I'm a marketer. So they are using this little targeting to reach out to me and other people like me to find them and say, Hey, here's an ad and come join our little tribe. Do you know buyer product? Whatever it might be. Let's look at this one. Well, simplified video at this is fantastic. They also have video ad with captions. You're always gonna want to use captions with your video ads. But if we go, why am I seeing this? One reason seen this at what wants to reach people who may be similar to their customers again. They created a lookalike. Audiences ages 18 live in the United States 18 and older, so they had the everybody who lives in the United States who look like their lookalike audience. These air little tricks we can utilize and say, Okay, how are other people doing Facebook at what can I learn from them? And how can I do my targeting better? I hope you guys enjoyed that. Whoever.
23. Highest Performing Ad System: Hey guys. So I want to share with you my highest performing ad system. So this is what I do every single time, and it works consistently. The first step is the awareness stage, right? That's the two Teoh eight million potential customers you're going to try and get to engage with your brands on. I recommend making five different types of video content and testing. The 1st 1 is the how to Whatever business you're in, there's a level of education that's unnecessary. So you get your phone, you hold it out there and you teach somebody how to do that thing that they need to learn. The next thing I do is the angry rant or the manifesto, right? Because in branding you have to stand for something if you want people to get excited. So the angry rant is I'm so angry. This is the thing that's wrong with the world. This is how the world can be better. This is what I stand for. Or, you know, this is also a manifesto. Maybe you don't want to go angry, rant, but be like this is what I believe in. This is what motivates me and drives me and gets me in power. This is what I stand for. Are you coming with me on this journey? That's the second video. The third type of video I would create is like the lifestyle content, the product review type video. So maybe it's you up on stage as a keynote speaker. Are you exploring the world or sitting in the coffee shop or, you know, going on a zip line? Whatever sort of lifestyle you're trying to represent, I would put that any video, along with some other interesting content. It's a little more creative. You could also take this idea and showcase the product. So maybe it's this hard drive you're trying to sell. If you've ever looked at Apple, they show you these beautiful images of like the phone that they're trying to sell. You do the same thing with whatever product you have. The fourth type of video is a mean or viral video. It's a short little piece of content that is just super funny and engaging around your niche or whatever the heck your were your business is. If you can create something like that, that's maybe only eight seconds long when you run for video views kicks it really high up in the algorithm because everybody is watching it all the way to the end. And so that's another one I would test. The last one is like the question or the pain pusher type video. And what I mean by this is if you ask people questions, they want to answer it. Well, ah, lot of us in business have we need to get the person asking those questions that we need them to ask like, Hey, are you sick and tired of not knowing how much money you're gonna have next month? Are you frustrated because it sucks? Like not knowing who's your prospect not having a business that's growing on demand? Well, you gotta check out Facebook advertising. Or maybe it's like maybe you're Are you sweating at night, wondering if you're going to get audited by the IRS s and what's gonna happen while you gotta look at my tax accounting? So whatever questions or pain the person could be in, you asked that because you want people to watch the video and kind of start engaging with it, I would test those five different types of content and I would put it to the same target market at the same sort of time frame with the same ad budget. Maybe 5 10 $15 per video, depending how big of advertising. You can dio go for video views and see which one performs the best. Because again, we're just in the awareness stage here. So performing the best is going to be based off of how many people watched the video, how well the relevancy scores doing and watching completion times because you go OK. They watch 75% but most of them fell off at you know that point? Well, maybe what we need to do and learn from this is can we truncate our message down to 75% right? And then I would retest that add to make it a little bit better if that was the best one. But then what I would do after that? That's the awareness stage I would read. Target the people who watched 50% of my video or more. Right? So maybe the how to video happened to perform the best. Well, I would retarget anybody who's watched 50% or more of that video and it's okay how to get your 1st 100,000 fans on Facebook. Well, then, the next thing you do is you offer them that opt ins because they're in that consideration stage. Maybe that opt in goes to, ah, white paper and e book a webinar something where it brings them a little bit deeper down into that formal, where you can nurture the relationship with them. And then, from there, all those people who are opting in, I would put him into my back end marketing system, retargeting them to make that final product, getting them to do the 7 $10 product sales and then up sell them to maybe your $2000 package or whatever your product might be your service might be. There's ways to do it. Webinars a great way to sell really high end products, getting people to put just a few dollars down. And so they know what sort of content you're going to give them is a great way of getting them to convert over into bigger paying products and services. So that is my highest performing system video every single time. A bunch of videos to test the awareness stage a couple of videos to convert them or offers to convert them into the consideration stage and then retargeting ads to turn up those sales and make more and more money. That is clutch. Use it. Hope you guys like that.
24. Facebook Algorithm: our guys. Let's talk about the feast book algorithm and how weaken growth hat, the ever living budgies ums out of it. Now Facebook has over 100,000 signals they monitor on a day to day basis to determine whether or not a post should go viral or not. There's about five or six, though, that we actually get to work with. And here are the five interest, post creator type and how recent the post ISS so recent is really easy to explain. Did you just post it isn't doing well is an old post. They want new content on a regular basis, so feed that content beast create content on a consistent basis. Type of post. Also very easy. It's photos versus videos versus status updates linking out to your US, your site or some other site, the best performing types of content. As of right now, as of this recording is video content and live streets pose posts like status updates do marginally. Well, photos always add better than just the status update. So that's why you want to add a photo if you're gonna do a status update, but you really want to do video content live streaming and those stories type of content. The creator is based off of your page as a whole. How does it rank? Do you regularly create content that gets interaction? Engagement goes viral. If it does, then you will be promoted more. If it doesn't won't, then you're not gonna be is promoted as much. But you can use us in your favor because whatever one of those massive sites massive influencers in your space creates a post that starts going viral. You can share it onto your page, promote that post to your audience, get tons and tons of engagement, and it will jack up your page. So use that on a regular basis. Just keep jacking the content creators posts and putting it on your your page and just curating really great content putting money behind it, promoting it, boosting it a little bit. And then boom. All of a sudden, your page is going to be ranked as one of those really great post great pages. The post itself, how well it performs against other users. Very simple to understand. You make a post gets 100 205 100 engagements like that compared to somebody who's makes 10 engagements. Will years is going to get jacked up in the in the numbers, and it's gonna post it out to AZM. Any people is possible, and interest interest is super super easy to jack up. It's getting people to engage with you on a regular basis, so I highly, highly, highly recommend. Whenever somebody puts a comment on one year posts, drive back, tagged them in that comment, respond to them and ask him a question. You want them to keep answering questions? You want to hook them to engage as much as possible, and you want to do this it to hundreds and hundreds of people. Get as many people as you can talking. This is a great way to jack up your engagement for the individual user, but it's even better if you make a post that's a little bit edgier. That pisses people off that, like makes them wanna have a discussion. General rule of thumb. You talk about politics, religion or something like that, something about people's beliefs than all the something. They're gonna be at each other's throats on your page, and that actually kind of works to your favor when it comes to the algorithm. Now, it might not work if you're not a political page, but it works great if you can leverage it to your advantage. There's something your dog lovers page. Uh, you You drive an advertisement talking about the how how scary pit bulls are. Two pit bull lovers will come in there and tell you otherwise, and then you you are now getting those pitbull lovers onto your page talking about pit bulls. Right and pimples are in a bad breed. It's just the owners. So this that starts a discussion. You just got to find that thing that really starts that discussion and use that to get people to engage over and over and over again. So this is how you're gonna growth. Hack the algorithm. Now there's a bonus, one that I know about when it comes to the news feed in getting more visibility. And that, specifically, is with videos in particular how long a user watches a video. There's a few different settings that they know about. Does the user watch for three seconds for 10 seconds. 25% of the video, 50% of the video, 75% of the video, 100% of the video. And now, if you think about it, I'm sure you can figure out having people watch 100% of the video is much better than having them watch three seconds of the video. So how can you use this to your favor? Well, this is about creating video content that's less than 10 seconds and drive massive amounts of views. If you creating video, that's eight seconds long. You put money behind it to get people to watch the video. They watch for the full eight seconds, and then it completes. Well, now you've just had somebody watch for 100% of the video and it, Jax, your number's up. They're not watching for three seconds. They're watching for 100%. So you take those short little bite sized contents, Jack, the video views up super high, and now all of a sudden, you have tons of people engaging with you tons of people sharing the post, and you have something working in your favor. So use video content to really jack up your views, Jack up your engagement and your algorithm in Facebook
25. Thank you: Hey, guys, I just want to say thank you so very much for going through this course now, remember, if you have any questions, feel free to hit me up. I'm happy to answer him. I'm here to serve you guys, and I can't wait to see what you guys are doing. Make sure to send me your best performing ads and I will feature those in some upcoming emails I send out. Get you some more free promotion. Talk to you soon.