Facebook Ads & Facebook Marketing Mastery Guide 2024 | Justin OBrien | Skillshare

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Facebook Ads & Facebook Marketing Mastery Guide 2024

teacher avatar Justin OBrien, Facebook Ads Expert

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      INTRO to Facebook Marketing


    • 2.

      The Complete Facebook Business Manager Guide


    • 3.

      The Basics of Facebook Ads


    • 4.



    • 5.

      The Ultimate Guide to Creating Facebook Ads


    • 6.

      Installing the Facebook Pixel


    • 7.



    • 8.



    • 9.



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    • 12.



    • 13.



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    • 32.

      22 PRODUCT CATALOG 101


    • 33.



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    • 36.



    • 37.



    • 38.



    • 39.



    • 40.

      31 BIDDING 101


    • 41.



    • 42.



    • 43.



    • 44.

      36 Facebook Groups


    • 45.

      37 remedy a flagged


    • 46.

      38 target a specific OS


    • 47.

      39 Value Based Lookalike Audience


    • 48.

      40 video to your Facebook page cover image


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About This Class


Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!

  1. You get lifetime access to lectures, including new lectures every month (content is added constantly as updates to Facebook, SEO & SMM roll out).
  2. You can ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoughtfully!
  3. What you will learn in this course is original, tested, and very detailed! Learn the Social Media Marketing strategies I implement for clients daily, including what social media pages are right for you and content management options that will streamline your posting process. This course will also layout how to optimize your Facebook ads and enable you to reach any type of target market! Make the most of social media marketing and make it easy, so you can get back to what you do best, running your business!

In this course, you will learn Facebook Marketing from beginner level to advanced!

You will be able to optimize your Facebook ads for increased conversions and decreased costs. You will be able to create and make use of EVERY type of Facebook ad. You will be able to grow your Facebook page likes and post engagement. You will be able to find new customers that will drive your brand to new heights via social marketing. Join this course now to learn how to take your brand, product or service to the next level with the power of Facebook Marketing!


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Justin OBrien

Facebook Ads Expert


500k+ Students | 500+ Google Ads and Facebook Ads Marketing Agency Clients | MOOCs + Free Online Courses Including: Master SMM / SEO / Amazon FBA / Facebook Ads Expert and MORE Online Courses!

Our mission is to promote and provide lifelong learning opportunities to the masses! We are constantly expanding subjects and providing more examples to students daily.

Our team is made up of a group of marketing, math and engineering majors that are OBSESSED with continued learning opportunities.

If you’re not growing, you’re dying… — Anthony Robbins


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1. INTRO to Facebook Marketing : eight. Justin O Brien here founder of course, envy dot com. And I want to show you what I've been working on. Welcome to the top rated Facebook marketing course online. Myself and my team at course envy dot com have helped over 100,000 students master social Media marketing and optimize their Facebook ad strategies. So why Facebook? Whether this is your first time using Facebook or if you've already managed hundreds of clients Facebook ads already, this Facebook marketing mastery course will help you get the most out of Facebook and help you optimize your Facebook ads for a maximum return on marketing investment. Because, as you can see on the slide, Facebook is not a platform you should be missing out on. There were over two billion monthly active users on Facebook. Of those monthly users, 1.4 billion our daily active users. Yes, your math is correct. 70% of Facebook users log on daily, and over 1.7 billion are mobile users and the average time spent on Facebook. His 20 minutes. These statistics are unheard off, so you, as a brand or a business owner, need to take advantage of this massive ad platform. So who is this course for? My clients have been everyone from small business owners toe local brick and mortar businesses to social celebrities or social brands and charities to the corporate marketing professional just looking to advance their career. Really anyone looking to benefit from social media advertising because remember, Facebook owns Instagram, so we will cover in the scores had advertised on both Instagram and Facebook. So by the end of this course, you will understand the Facebook platform from A to Z and especially be a master of optimizing your paid social media advertising campaigns. So what will you learn? Like I said, this course acts as a step by step guide for launching your Facebook page and then diving into Facebook and using all those features it has to offer, such as all the different types of ads Facebook groups, Facebook live and so on. So we'll start the course by teaching you how to optimize your Facebook page. Then, with you tried to install your Facebook pixel on your website and create custom audiences based on that pixel audience or on external things such as an email list. Then we'll teach you how to create engaging content that you can share with your audiences . Next, we'll delve into all those types of Facebook ads. They can be very overwhelming at first, but we break it down simply step by step. Do you understand which Facebook ad to use? In which scenario, then we teach you how to split. Test those Facebook ads and optimize them for cost. You're not overspending on one ad. Or maybe using the wrong ad copy in one ad will also discuss the various software we use. We'll cover how we analyze our Facebook ad spend and adds reporting. You'll also get a look over our shoulder as we create an optimized Facebook ads for our own clients. You know, I'm just scratching the surface of all the things taught in this course to make sure to scroll through the lectures to see all the great topics we delve into in this course. So I learned from me I began my path into entrepreneurship and marketing as an engineering major. Once I began to learn coding in my college courses, I started to build niche keyword websites that I would use growth pact marketing techniques . I taught myself online and then Philip these websites for a profit. This is actually how I paid for my college degree. Now it's over. A decade later, I built a ton of websites, consulted a bunch of clients and have helped market 500 plus businesses online. So after finishing in the top eight for Entrepreneur Magazine 2014 Entrepreneur of the Year , I launched course envy dot com with several engineering and marketing partners to begin sharing our knowledge with the world. We're constantly updating this course and answer student questions within 48 hours. So don't wait another minute. Join our course today to take your business to the next level. Stop wasting money on random Facebook ads that you're not even sure are working or not. Master Facebook marketing once and for all with this top rated Facebook ads course taken by over 100,000 students already. So join today. We hope you enjoy the course, and I look forward to helping you master Facebook marketing 2. The Complete Facebook Business Manager Guide : Facebook business manager. Facebook business manager is a Facebook tool that helps organize and manage your business. You can manage your ad accounts. Your Facebook business page is in the people or employees who work on them all. Whether if you were a business with multiple brands, multiple websites or if you're an ad agency with multiple clients, I suggest everyone that wants to create Facebook ads use Facebook business manager. So to create this, go to business dot facebook dot com. Business manager makes managing everything connected to your businesses on Facebook much easier, so I've navigated to business dot facebook dot com. As you'll see, there's some reasons for why to choose business manager, the first reason being you need more than one. At account, I create a separate add account for every business, every client, every website. I want to keep all these payments campaigns and reporting separate. Next, say you're working with a client. You're starting an ad agency. You can request access to these other pages and add accounts via a business manager. Next. As you start to grow and you get employees, you can assign permissions to these employees, such as role based access to add accounts, Facebook pages and other assets within your Facebook business manager. Besides all these benefits, business manager also provides great reporting for all of your ad campaigns. So a business that facebook dot com click that create account button log into your personal Facebook profile account to create your business manager. Note. Your business manager is separate from your personal facebook dot com profile. So when prompted, enter your business name. If you don't have one and plan to just be running ads for other businesses, I e. As an ad agency, simply name your business your name. Ad agency. You can always add it this later. View your business settings Business info. Then just click the continue button. So complete your business profile with the name, address business details and click. Submit an email with the subject. Confirm your business will be sent to the business email address you entered and just cook confirmed link in that email to receive full access to your business manager account. Once confirmed, you have successfully created a business manager account and can proceed toe adding your Facebook page ad account employees and other Facebook assets. The three basic things you need to create ads on Facebook is a Facebook page and add account and people. So first, add your Facebook page. A common question I get is what is the difference between a Facebook profile and a Facebook page? Your Facebook profile is your personal facebook dot com profile. This is where you share content with your friends and family. You need a personal Facebook profile account in order to create a Facebook page. Now a Facebook page is a specific Web page within Facebook to build out a fan following via likes and followers, where you can share relevant brand content, you need a Facebook page in order to create Facebook ads. So note Facebook pages are separate from your personal Facebook profile. Your friends will not be able to see the Facebook pages you create and are an admin off. So what's the difference between a Facebook profile user name and a Facebook page user name ? Changing your Facebook profile user name will change the your L for your own personal facebook dot com profile. This user name can be set on your Facebook settings page at facebook dot com slash settings . So the Facebook page user name is also for setting your your out. I like to use the brand name or business name for the Facebook page. User name your user name for your Facebook page can be edited on the about page, then under general user name. Click Edit. So now let's add that Facebook page to our business manager so we can link it toe our future ads. Now, if you haven't created Facebook page yet for your own business, we cover how to in another lecture, you can create Facebook pages via your business manager or via your personal Facebook profile account at facebook dot com slash pages slash creation. So click that ad page button toe. Add a page you were in admin off. This means you created the page or that owner added you as an admin. After you click that button search for the Facebook page name or pasting the pages, you're out research for course envy. We select that, then click add page. The next option for adding pages to your business manager is request access, so click that request access button to request access to a page. You're not the admin off and need to work on or connect with ads, for example, your clients Facebook page. So after clicking that, select the ad page button in search for the page you want access to and then click the add page button. So now that we have our Facebook, Page added, we need to create an ad account for this business manager. Ah, Facebook ad account enables you to group all of your specific ad activity, including different ad campaigns. Add sets, ads and billing information all on this business manager. Since this is a new business manager account and we need a new Facebook pixel for tracking users on our website, we will create a new ad account. So here's a pro tip for you. The pixel rule. There is one pixel per ad account, one pixel per website. So with the Facebook business manager, you can create multiple ad accounts. So just follow this rule and treat each new ad account as a new pixel. To pair with a new website, you need a separate Facebook pixel for each website. If you use the same pixel on multiple websites, you will get mixed reporting incorrect custom audiences. The list of errors goes on the benefits of using multiple at accounts. First, create separate at accounts for each client or business you manage. Next, run different ad campaigns for varying businesses at the same time. Next, pay for ads with different payment methods, such as varying business credit cards. And finally view insights for individual ad campaigns in these varying ad accounts. So click that create add account button, name your ad account, then complete the other required fields. Click the create add account button. Then you will see your newly created at account to click the three horizontal lines or the hamburger menu button in the top left corner of your business manager page. Truly everything you will ever need for your Facebook page Ad account payment methods, custom audiences. Your Facebook pixel, your ads manager adds reporting, adding people and employees and much, much more can be found via this menu in the top left corner. So, as you can see have click that menu and it's expanded. This is the user interface for an advertiser, so we're trying to navigate to the Business Settings page for an advertiser user under the Settings menu. This is where we confined business settings now as a business manager owner. This is what the menu user interface looks like. So in that far left column managed business, there's business settings. That's the page we're trying to get to. So click that so v this business settings page. You could manage people, assets and integrations for your business. So the first thing in the left side bar select pages under the account section, then click that add button as your business grows and you add more Facebook pages via this business settings page. You can add these Facebook pages to your business manager to therefore link with ads so you can create new pages from here. Ad pages. Urine Edmon off or request access to your clients pages. So here's a step by step guide for that surgery. Screenshot this for future. Use one more important step. Make sure to connect your instagram account to your Facebook page so you can create ads that are linked directly to your instagram. So go to your Facebook page. Click the settings in the top right now, bar of your Facebook page. Select Instagram in that left sidebar and then add your INSTAGRAM account to this Facebook page so as you can see, we've already linked course envies instagram Page via logging into our instagram account user name and password. Now, when we create ads for this Facebook page, if we're targeting the placement on the instagram platform, we can select toe link our INSTAGRAM account with those ads instead of just this Facebook page. So we'll cover this in greater detail later when we discuss instagram and Facebook ads. But just take this step to connect your INSTAGRAM account to your Facebook page. Next, we can add an ad account later on via this business settings page, so select add accounts in the left side bar, then click that add button. When you have a new website, you will need to select the create and you add account option and then install that Facebook pixel from this new ad account on your new website. So again, name your ad account, set your time zone and currency and then click Next. Select what this ad account will be used for your own business or another business, such as a client. Then click create so it didn't take a screen shot of this for how you can create ad accounts in the future. next you want to set your Facebook page as the primary page of this business manager. So again on the business settings page in that left sidebar select business info, you will need to set your business's Facebook page as the primary page of this business manager. So again, go to your business info page. Click the edit button to the right of your business manager name. Then the primary page field will become a search box, typing your Facebook name and select your Facebook page that you added to this business manager earlier. Click the Save button that shows up, and now your business manager account will automatically take on the branding of this Facebook page. Next, you'll want to install your Facebook pixel of this new ad account on your website. This is a crucial step so you can have Facebook track the people who visit your website. Then you can create audiences off these visitors, which you can then reach hard it in the future via Facebook ads. This is what you call a warm audience, so installing your Facebook pixel requires access to your websites code. Therefore, you should contact your websites developer to provide them with this pixel info. So follow our courses. Facebook Pixel lectures for step by step instructions on creating and installing your Facebook pixel. Or you can also reference the link below. Once you create your Facebook pixel, you can share it with your Web developer for installation. Just navigate to your events manager page on Facebook and click on your pixel name. Click this set up button in the top right corner and in the drop down menu, select install pixel. In this pop up, you have the option to email the instructions to your developer. So are you starting an ad agency? If so, you will need to get access to your clients Facebook page and add account. So Step one is to have your client complete everything up to this point. Yes, your client needs a Facebook business manager account as well. I suggest using a free screen sharing software like Zoom or Skype to help your client with each of the following steps to ensure correct on boarding. So once the client's business manager account is set up, have them navigate to their business settings. Page in the left side bar had them click partners under the users section they have them. Click the add button, have them paste in your partner business. I d. You confined your partner business? I d on your business settings Business info Page your partner. I d equals the business manager. I d. So just copy that and send that to your client. So once your client paste in your partner business, I d had them click next. Then a pop up screen will appear in the left side bar of this pop up. Have them click pages, then have them select the Facebook page that you're giving access to. So they'll select their Facebook page. They want you to manage and then make sure the toggle the option that says admin access, manage page, then have them repeat this process for their ad account pixel instagram account all the assets that you need access to for managing their business. Make sure to select in toggle admin access for all of these assets that you plan on managing for them. Once done, click that blue save changes button in the bottom right. Once the client has completed this, you will get the notification in your business manager that you have access to all their Facebook assets via this request page. So go to business settings, then click request in the left side bar. Then you will need to add or a sign people on your team, including yourself to these varying assets. So again, on the business settings page left side bar people, you can either add or select current people at your company, and a sign assets to them. So for all of the Facebook ad campaigns you run for your client, they will get billed directly from their Facebook business manager to ensure the ad account has the correct billing information. Have them follow the steps below. Log into their Facebook business manager. Go to the Payment Settings page, which can be found at this link in the payment method section. Click. Add payment method, then have them choose their payment method. Add it, fill out the information, click continue. Then the payment method will be set for their ad account, so the Facebook ads will be billed The van you as an ad agency don't want to pay for their ad spend. You want to keep your fee and their ad spend separate. Now you can begin creating ads. So navigate to your Facebook ads manager page at business dot facebook dot com slash adds manager. Select the ad account. You want to run ads for being click that green Create button to create a Facebook ad. 3. The Basics of Facebook Ads : Facebook ads are used to get your brand in front of people and share your story or value proposition. Your goal with Facebook marketing is to create one awareness. Introduced your product or brand to the world with Facebook ads. Create a story around your product or brand that people will remember. Number two Consideration Offer of value proposition that attracts potential customers to consider your brand or product and third conversion. Convert the customer i e. Make the sale. Capture the email, whatever your conversion is, and then build ongoing customer loyalty that will keep these customers buying from you again and again when creating an ad campaign on Facebook. These are your three marketing objectives, awareness, consideration and conversion. Selecting the type of marketing objective you want to run is the first step of your Facebook ad creation. With the power of Facebook ads, you can reach people based on their location, age, gender interest actions they have taken on your website or app and many more things. So just go to business dot facebook dot com slash adds manager. Then click that create button on your Facebook ads Manager page to create a Facebook campaign. So the first step of your ad creation is selecting this marketing objective whether if you want to get more people into your physical store via store traffic ads, more visitors to your website via traffic ads or to like your Facebook page via engagement ads, Facebook has a marketing objective for every scenario and every type of ad you would ever want. So now we move from our first step of selecting our objective to the second step the ad set . This is where we select the target audience we want to reach, as you can see the options for reaching your target. Audiences are truly endless with Facebook ads, including custom audiences. For example, your email list, location based age, gender language detailed targeting, including demographics, interest or behaviors your audience equals Who sees your ad? The audience section of your Facebook ad campaign enables you to show your ads to people you think will care about your brand. There are two basic types of audiences. First specific. This is targeting a small niche group of people with a potential add reach between 1000 and one million users. You can create this specific audience via strict parameters at nearly every option available under your audience section of your Facebook ad creation. The second type is broad. This is targeting a much larger group of people with a potential add reach of one million plus users. Facebook Ads Implement a machine learning algorithm and use a ton of data toe. Optimize your campaigns for who is most likely to click your ad. Just because you have a broad ad with a potential reach of one million plus users doesn't mean Facebook will serve your campaign toe one million people. Facebook is using its algorithm to find the best users based on your budget. They want your ads to succeed, so you keep paying them. So notice that this adds that level your total ad campaign potential. Reach change as you edit your audience right now, just targeting the U. S. Age 18 to 65 both men and women. My potential reach is 230 million people. The detailed targeting step is one of the audience targeting options Facebook enables you to use to refine the group of people your ads are shown to. One interest I love to target is competitors Facebook pages because typically, if people are engaging with my competitors page product or service. They will most likely be interested in my similar brand. But as you can see, not all Facebook pages are available in this detail targeting search results. And this is up to Facebook's discretion, so you will have to rely on a broader targeting. Let me show you an example of a broad audience ad. It's all create a broad audience targeting your entire customer location, age and gender with no detail targeting. As you can see, my potential reaches at 74 million people targeting the United States age 25 to 60 and just men. So there's my broad audience, So that will be a traffic ad and in user that clicks that traffic ad. I'll create a custom audience of those users and then create a look like audience of that custom audience so I can retarget them in future ads for a more targeted audience option. I'll go into greater detail later on custom audiences and creating these look alikes and retargeting audiences. But this is just a quick example of how you can use a broad audience, a potential reach of one million plus to extract your potential customers. With Facebook ad targeting You can really target your audience in so many ways, whether it's location or demographics, age or gender, we can target users interests such as hobbies or recent activity searches. What do users do in their past time? What is their career? What is their education target by their college or school? We can target behaviors like what websites they're searching or shopping on. What is their income level? What Facebook pages did they like or engage with? I love this targeting option because if there is a brand similar to yours that is most likely your competition, why not market directly to those people? See if you can pull some of those people away to your brand instead. So really sit down and define your target audience. You should be able describe your perfect customer down to the very little detail so you will be able to have greater success with Facebook ads. So with this course, you will not only learn how to advertise to all these different audiences, but also with accuracy and affordability. I am all about return on marketing, investment. Making your dollar stretch is very viable with Facebook cats. So whether this is your first or 500 Facebook ad, we'll be teaching you tips on how to get the best results from each type of at which leads me to my final point testing. I use a be split testing to find out which type of ad or variable is converting the best with my audience. So again, at that objective level, the first step I just talked along that creates split test option again. I'll go into great detail in this later. The key to Facebook ad optimization is testing. What I love about Facebook is that it has rate built in data reporting right in your Facebook ads manager, so you can break down ads specifically by whatever your conversion metric is in order to see your results and your return on marketing investment. Did people engage with your ad? Which add image did they engage with? Did people make a purchase? Did people opt into your email list? Whatever your conversion metric is, you can select that column or breakdown and measure it right here in your Facebook reporting. And now the final step will cover in this course is creating the actual Facebook at it is on this final step, Roy will teach you the strategies I use for creating actual Facebook ads that convert your goal is to create content images, videos and text that your potential customers will want to engage with when they see your ad. So to learn more about how to reach your future customers and fans, go to facebook dot com slash business slash ads. So just one more thing Before I go, I just wanted to show a difference. I just want to show you the ads manager user interface throughout the year. 2020 Facebook is going to be updating. This adds manager to a new user interface, so just know, throughout this course I will be using that new interface. But there's not much that changed. So, as you can see in the menu here, adds manager on the ads manager page the tabs for each a level of your ad, the campaign level, the ad set level. The ads level appear up here in the old user interface. In the new user interface. Same thing campaigns add sets, ads, but this you had to select the campaign and then expanded over here toe edit it at each level Campaign ads at at. In the new user interface, you don't have to select it. You can, and quick at it. But you have the option to look at it right here in this main user interface feed so it can expand down. As you can see, this is the campaign level below this. He adds that level and below it, the ad level so we can choose to edit at any level at it at it at it, or we can do the same. Kind of like the old user interface. Select what we want to head at the ad and edit. And now this menu expands out, and I could do the same thing here. Oh, whoops. I wanted to edit the ad set. I can select the ad set right here. Or I could have just clicked at it right here so we can edit it right from here and publish our updates. Close this and it re expands this whole thing so we can go back. Oh, we were editing the ad. So we're now on the ad tab. Just kind of like this. So it's pretty much the same user interface. So the ads tab, Let's go back to the campaigns tab, okay, and let's collapse those. So other than that, this user interface isn't very different from the old. The old user interface includes the same columns and breakdowns, columns and breakdowns. If I want to duplicate something same thing, expand what I want to duplicate the campaign, the ad set. Same thing over here. Duplicate. I can just go to each level select duplicate. So truly the main difference is the edit function. Yes, we can select or at it here, and it expands. So similarly, you just have to toggle at each level, check market each level and then click the edit button to expand this many. Or you can do it manually. Up here, expand this menu so we'll close this edit and just know we will be working from this new user interface throughout the course because Facebook will be updating yours throughout. 2020 4. FACEBOOK ADS FUNNEL : Facebook ads funnel. The goal is to work customers down your sales funnel and warm them up to your brand or product in the process. First, make the customer aware and interested in what you're offering. Second, retarget thes warm customers provide value, build trust and collect leads. Finally, re target and convert this lead into a sale. No matter what your sales funnel is leading to, you need to identify your end goal. This can be signing up for a newsletter or a webinar selling a service or a physical product. Growing your email list, increasing your website traffic or even promoting an event. Not many people go from zero to sail instantly, so you need a warmth e user up first and build an online relationship with them by building your brand awareness and sharing your products and service benefits with them. Once they're aware of your brand, continue to provide value for free. For example, we offer a free marketing course in order to capture leads, which leads me to my next one. Capturing leads via your lead magnet or give away the lead can simply be a user who visited your website and lives in your Facebook custom audience, which you can retarget in future ads. Or the lead could be an email address, which you can contact up cell and remark to again and again. Finally, retargeting this lead to convert into a sale or whatever your goal is. Next split test. When I say split test throughout this course, I mean literally split test separate campaigns. Add sets, ads, images, text everything one variable at a time. Remember biology class in high school. To test any hypothesis, you need to compare a single variable the test group versus another single variable the control group. Then you can view the results and see which variation worked more in your favor. So for Facebook ads, this means optimizing for your key metric, such as Lois, cost per lead, lowest cost per click, most conversions and so on. So you want to split test everything. Your Facebook ad objectives, the detailed targeting ad copy, add images, videos and so on. So a pro tip here make sure to test only one variable at a time in each ad campaign ad set or add Seacon clearly determine which variation equalled the best results. This is my most common funnel. You can add steps as you like to further optimize your own funnel. Typically, you should have multiple funnels and lead capture pages and offers that you can split test to see what your customers prefer. So typically at the top of funnel, I have a Facebook ad that directs people to my free, valuable content on my website. Next, I will retarget this warm website visitor audience with a free opt in offer like my free course. Then I'll send the thank you email along with that free item to this new opted in user. They'll set up a drip email campaign that provides further free value, such as another blawg post. Another video. I'm building that trust and rapport. Finally, I will email and create a retargeting Facebook campaign of this opted enlist with the paid offer, my paid course or my paid services. See how the relationship has been built As the customer works down this funnel. We're working them from cold toe, warm toe hot. So my number one Facebook funnel. I like to start with a great pillar. Blawg Post. This is a 1000 plus word Blawg post, giving immense value in my niche. So I will pace the intro of this block post into the Facebook traffic objectives ad copy and make sure to finish that ad copy with a strong called the action or a final sentence, leaving the reader wanting more. Next, I will retarget the users that visited my website via custom audiences. Retargeting just means showing an ad to someone who has already engaged with your content. I eat the people who visited my website or watch the Facebook video or subscribe to an email list. I do retargeting via Facebook, custom audiences and the Facebook pixel with the Facebook pixel installed on my website. I contract visitors and in create custom audiences off those users who visited specific you are else on my website. I can also make many more cool custom audiences such as email list content engagement. We'll delve deeper into this later, So to create a Facebook custom audience, just log into your ads manager account at business dot facebook dot com and select audiences in the top left menu. So if you're an advertiser, this is your menu user interface. So under assets, click audiences. If you're the business manager owner, your menu user interface will be under advertised quick audiences. So in this audience is page. Click the create audience button in the top left in the drop down select custom audience in this pop up select website traffic. I know in this pop up, click the drop down here of all website visitors and in that drop down select people who visited specific Web pages. So you want to create an audience of users who visit your top of funnel content i e. A pillar blawg post, which is typically 1000 word block post that provides a ton of value for free. Here's an example coursing be dot com slash free dash back links. One note. Here I have found that tracking your Ailes cause airs in euro equals audiences. So, as you can see, I chose your l contains. And then in the field, I put the full your l and the U. R L path just to ensure I'm capturing that entire audience. Next, make sure to name your custom audience for easy future identification when creating Facebook ads. So, as you can see I've created in, you adhere and we're on the ad set level. So under custom audiences. We can select this audience. We just create it. So my number two favorite Facebook funnel includes videos, so make sure to split. Test your top of funnel, add content when you're seeking to build brand awareness to a cold audience or these air people that are new to your brand. Don't assume that they will all love the same pillar Blawg post as I always say, Test test test. But that said, I have had a lot of success with video ads for this initial awareness or first touch point with that new potential customer. Then I will re target people who watch over 50% of my top of funnel video ad. Yes, there is a custom audience for video engagement. So again, on the audiences page, click Create audience, select custom audience and in this pop up, select the video option in the engagement field. Select the type of content engagement you want. Now this is a great area for you to split test to see if different engagement levels you different results. But I see the best results for people who have watched at 50% of your video, so now I have that selected. Next. Select your video, then set the number of past days. You want to track these users. I like to use 90 day audiences to have a larger custom audience size for retargeting. Finally name that audience. Now we number three Facebook funnel conversion. So I want to re target thes warm users by selecting my custom audience under the ad set level in a new Facebook conversion objective campaign, I will direct the traffic toward a lead capture page on my website, where I am offering something for free in exchange for the user to opt in by opt in. I mean, the user exchanges their email for X y Z value proposition. My opt in item or lead magnate or give away is a free marketing course. Maybe your customers will prefer a free E book. Ah, coupon or free trial of free video free consulting, a free webinar, a free product or service. Just make sure to split test to see what free item is converting best for your target market. So pro tip here I will also split test targeting this warm custom audience with a Facebook traffic objective campaign. So this is directing traffic to that same often page of my website versus ah Facebook Lead generation objective campaign, therefore, not forcing the user to leave Facebook toe opt in. So I split testing these three campaign objectives. We can identify which objective drives the lowest cost per opt in so again, Once you create an ad at the ad set level, find your custom audience you created another great warm audience idea. To test is targeting users who like your Facebook page or friends of people who like your page. You can select this via the connections option at the ads that level someone. Number four Facebook funnel email. Next, I will follow up with my email leads via an automated email sequence. You can go to course envy dot com and search convert kit toe. Learn more about email automation. So in this email sequence, I will thank them for signing up for my free many course and provide them with a link to the course. Then, in two days, I will follow up with another email offering more value, such as another pillar blawg post with a ton of free value. By this point, the user is very warm. They trust you you're building report. You're starting to build an online relationship, and at this point they should be very happy. With all this free value you have provided them. So it's now I will email them my course bundle for sale with a time sensitive coupon to create a sense of urgency. This will be where you promote your product or service for sale. That makes sense for this specific lead in case they opened my email but got busy with life and didn't make the purchase. I will also retarget this list of emails via a hot leads custom audience in a new Facebook ad campaign promoting my course for sale. You can create this a new custom audience of emails via the customer list option while creating a new custom audience on Facebook. As you can see on the audiences page, create audience, create custom audience customer list. So all along the way, as I work people down this funnel, I am split testing campaigns one variable at a time at all three levels, objective ad set and the ad toe optimize for my key metrics, which is typically seeking the lowest cost per conversion. I am also shutting off nonperforming ads at each step of this funnel. Every 2 to 3 days, I'm shutting off things that are too expensive, nonperforming and so on. Once I find winning ads using all the variables I've tested, I will slowly scale up their budget 20 to 30% every 2 to 3 days until I am at a daily budget. I am comfortable spending. I am constantly testing, adds, to find more audiences and obtained cheaper results. But once you get a few of these winning ads, they truly can become evergreen or lifelong ads for you. So who is your target market? The only step of your funnel that can be broad is the first step or the top of funnel. This is you putting your brand out there toe, learn more about what works, who is engaging with it, and so on. Every step of the funnel there after must be laser focused on who your target market is not only in your ads at level targeting, but also in your ad copy. We're converting cold traffic. They don't know you or your product into a warm traffic. They've clicked or engaged with your content, and then into sales or hot traffic. These air potential lifelong customers you can up, sell and re market to again and again and also create a lookalike audience off. What is a look like audience? Facebook creates your look alike audience by finding new people on Facebook who are similar to your existing audiences. I love using look alikes for my top of funnel targeting. So again we're on the audiences page. Create audience in that drop down select lookalike audience. So in this looks like audience pop up, we can select our data source or custom audience toe. Let Facebook create an audience for us. My best performing lookalike audiences use my email list, my custom audience website traffic and my Facebook page fans. One of my favorites is my custom audience website traffic of people who have made a purchase. I'll let Facebook go out and find other people who look like my exact pain customers. Then I will select my target location and then typically said it to it the smallest lookalike audience size of 1%. Typically, the narrower the audience on Facebook, the more expensive it is to target via ads to start very broad at the top of the funnel. A pro tip here. Split test targeting different, detailed targeting your competitors demographics at the ad set level to see which target market derives the best results for your ads so detailed targeting appears under the ad set level under audience. Now, Facebook doesn't have all Facebook pages listed under detailed targeting. So if your competitors page isn't listed here when you search, no worries just target broader and then create your own custom audiences and look alike audiences with the engagement you get from these broad one million plus sized audiences, so don't start to narrow at the top of funnel. I'd rather You Start is Barad is targeting an entire country at the top of funnel, then miss out on potential customers. For example, I'm only targeting the country. United States. No custom audiences selected, no detailed targeting. I'm selecting all gender all age. This is a perfect top of funnel ad or for products or services. You're unsure of your target market. For as you can see under potential reach. This is what I call a broad audience. 230 million people. So now it's some homework for you. Your target market is another great area to split test to see who are your highest converters. I eat sales. Take some time to sit down and describe your perfect customer in great detail. What is their age? Gender relationship? Status, location, hobby, job title? What organizations or groups Are they? A member off? What's their favorite TV show? What blog's do they read? Well, podcast. Did they listen to well, Facebook pages of do they like and follow what stores into the shop at Create this perfect description or avatar of your customer so you can use these targeting options while creating Facebook ads. Next, customize your ad copy. I suggest targeting each stage of the user directly with custom ad copy. Are they cold, warm or returning customers? For example, in your warm audience retargeting ads. You know certain info about this user, such as the navigated two x y Z block post, so you can mention that in your retargeting ad to personalize this ad Copy. So an example. I hope you enjoyed my blawg post on how to sell on Amazon, but I wanted to take it one step further for you. I want to give you my Amazon FB A mastery course for free. Now talk about great ad copy to re engage those people and capture their lead information. Another great area to split test in your Facebook ads. His placement placement is under the ads that level of your campaign, and it enables you to choose where your ads show up, such as Facebook News Feed, Facebook Messenger, Facebook stories, Instagram feed an instagram stories. I typically used the automatic placement option as Facebook's algorithm and user data. Knowledge usually gets me the best return on ad spend. But if you know you only want your ad to display on Instagram, you can choose that here. Next. Follow the rules. Facebook has an ever changing set of ad policies. Sort of prevent your Facebook ad account from being suspended. Make sure to read updated Facebook ad policies every quarter. Go to facebook dot com slash policies slash ads. Now if your Facebook ad account is ever disabled, don't worry. Just contact Facebook ads. Support facebook dot com slash facebook ads Support. Now let me walk you through an actual full Facebook funnel. First, I will split test top of funnel content to Barad. One million plus potential reach audiences and to narrow audiences. For example, sometimes I will split test targeting an ultra narrowed audience of 20,000 people and who will help perform a broad audience for me. But I wanted have ever known that if I didn't test them at this top of funnel testing stage for these ads, I will use a traffic objective and split test one variable at a time for 3 to 7 days at the ad set and add level. Things I tested include vary in detail targeting, add text, copy and add media such as images versus video. My goal was to find a balance of low cost per add to cart but also highly relevant ads. So, as you can see, I achieved the low cost, sporadic art. But to see how the ads relevance was, we need to expand the ad sets to reveal the ads under a Chad set. So just click that little arrow next to the ad set name. So I want the audience engaging with my ad and getting average to above average relevant scores. So of these five ads under this ad set, I see two clear winners with great relevant scores and a low cost per result. So I will toggle off these three losing campaigns and then scale up the budget on these two winner campaigns. Next, I will split test middle of funnel content targeted at the custom audience of website traffic people who went to my top of funnel pillar content page. Remember, this is a warm audience for these ads. I will use a conversion objective with the conversion leads and split test one variable at a time for 3 to 7 days at the ad level since we're on Lee targeting our custom audience at the outset level. Things they tested for this include varying add text copy and add media image versus video . Next, I will analyze these ads to see which is producing the most conversions for this ad campaign. My final step for the bottom of funnel ad is again a conversion objective with the conversion purchases. Then, if he adds that level, I will split tests retargeting a hot audience such as Leeds that opted in for my free item in the last conversion campaign or people who added something to their cart on the website but didn't make a purchase 5. The Ultimate Guide to Creating Facebook Ads : this tutorial will help you learn how to create the proper ads on Facebook that will help grow your business. So to learn more about Facebook advertising, go to facebook dot com slash business. So Facebook ads begins with Facebook ads manager, and this is at business dot facebook dot com slash adds manager. Many students are worried about their friends seeing their ads or business Facebook page. So first off, Facebook ads and your Facebook page are separate from your personal Facebook profile. Your personal Facebook profile is just needed to create a Facebook page and this Facebook business manager, which is just linked with your personal account, log in information and not publishing to your friends. Unless, of course, you invite your friends to your business page or target them via Facebook ads. That said, you do need to create your business Facebook Page first before creating a Facebook ad. You can do this directly at facebook dot com slash pages slash creation. So now, as for Facebook ad creation levels or steps, I'll refer to these three levels often throughout the course, the first level being campaign level. This is where you set your ad objective. The second level the ad set level. This is where you set your audience. You're targeting your budget, your schedule in your placement and finally, the third level. This is the ad level where you create your ad. So Step one or Level one campaign objective. Your Facebook ad campaign objective is where you select what you want people to do when they encounter your Facebook ad. When you create Facebook ads, your first step is choosing your objective. Think of Facebook ads as a giant set of funnels at the top of the funnel. You were building awareness about your brand and finding new potential customers. As you work people down the funnel, you want to direct them to take action, such as make a purchase or sign up for X Y Z. Using the correct campaign objective will hope you convert customers at each step of the funnel. For example, if you want to drive people to your website, you will create a Facebook ad campaign with a traffic objective. So Step two or level to add set your Facebook ads set is the step at which you select your targeting audience. Location, age, language, gender, interest placement, budget schedule and MAWR for your Facebook campaign editing, your ad set will change the potential reach of your ad campaign. Smaller audiences will cost more to reach, but typically increase your ad relevancy. Since your ads can be laser focused, these are great for conversion objectives. Smaller niche audiences that you're looking to convert while broad audiences. One million plus reach will be a lower cost to target and her better for top of funnel or first touch point ads. Now Step three or Level three is the ad itself. Your Facebook ad is the step at which you create your actual ad. Select your media. Your format links your call to action and mawr for your Facebook at. So, depending on your campaign objective, you can select varying formats for your ad, including image, video, slideshow care, cell collection and instant experience will be providing this. Pdf with this lecture. So just make sure to bookmark these hyperlinks for future reference as Facebook ads, specs and image sizes and video sizes are constantly changing. So now let's create a Facebook ad business dot facebook dot com slash adds manager. Click that green. Create button Step one. Select your campaign objective choosing the right objective. Remember when I compared selecting your Facebook ad objective to a funnel depending on where your customer is in the buying cycle and what your ads ultimate goal is, will help you decide which Facebook campaign objective to select. Are you building awareness? Are you looking for customers seeking further information on your products or services? Are you converting interested people or a warm audience to buy your product or service? Or let's say your goal is to increase sales. Here's some example. Add objectives to test for that first engagement objective. Create post with an offer, coupon or discount, and an increase engagement of these Facebook page posts. Next app. Install objectives. You can use these to increase installs of your mobile app. Then there's conversion objective increased website conversions. This could include sales sign ups. I do this by retargeting warm audiences or users that have interacted with your website or add in the past. And then I close the sale. For example, a promote an expiring coupon code that will create a sense of urgency to a warm audience. So they make that purchase finally message objective, connect with customers, answer their questions and drive them from interest to purchase. Campaign objective 1st 3 steps every time. So after clicking that green, create button on the ads manager page, the first step will always be to select your campaign objective. Once you select your objective, scroll down a bit and you will name the campaign name your Campaign for Easy Identification and Future Report Analysis. As you saw my example. CE Traffic Dash Men 18 30 Dash USA. I can quickly look at this and know I've created a course envy dot com Traffic Campaign objective Targeting men ages 18 to 30 Living in the USA. Next set. The campaign budget Whether you want daily or a lifetime budget campaign budget optimization distributes your budget across, adds to get you more results with campaign budget optimization. You set the overall daily or lifetime budget for the campaign you create. For example, if you create multiple ads or ads sets within this campaign, this is common. One split testing variables campaign budget optimization will optimally distribute your budget toe all of these ads. This means Facebook automatically optimizes for the best results and distributes your campaign budget in real time to achieve those results. So just click that I button next to any Facebook feature to expand the help menu. So here you can learn more about campaign budget optimization and how it works. You can also access the help menu at any time in your business manager by clicking that question mark button in the top right corner. The only time you will not use campaign budget optimization is when you want to create a split test. So until I haven't ad campaign optimized and I am confident about scaling up the daily budget because my ad is converting well, I will start with a small daily budget in order to split test many variables at once via multiple campaigns for just $5 per day per campaign. I see the best results from lowest cost for the campaign bid strategy. Dean just could continue to move on to the next level B ad set level. So what should your budget be? I always advise split testing. Many ad campaigns remember one variable per campaign at that rough 5 to $10 daily budget per campaign. As you begin to see winning campaigns emerge and you see a high ROM I or return on marketing investment, shut off the losing ads and continue to split. Test the winning variables until you haven't optimized and highly converting Facebook at So . These winning metrics are the average of all my current clients, so they may be different for your niche, but they should be a nice base point for you. First ad relevance. Anything greater than 60% which equals average to above average rating. You want your ad to be relevant to the audience you're targeting next cost per click. Your cost per click should be less than $1. Next click through rate. Anything greater than 2% is your goal next cost per lead less than $10? For most industries, this can be much higher, depending on your product or service is price. And finally, lead capture page conversions. This should be greater than 10%. Anybody landing on your page to capture that free item or free sign up, one in 10 should be converted. So how do you scale your budget? Once I have the winning variables identified and a highly converting ad running, then and only then will I slowly scale up the daily budget by 25% every 3 to 4 days or 50% once a week, never jumped from a $10 daily budget to $50 in a day. Facebook will just burn through your ad spend budget. You want to slowly turn up the ad spend on these winning campaigns, for example, $10 Week one for my daily budget. I would dial that up the next week. It would be $15 daily budget, then that next week dial it up a little more $22 for my daily budget. This way, you let Facebook grow with you and optimize correctly for your budget. How to create each type of Facebook campaign step by step first brand awareness. So our first objective brand awareness. So when you use this to increase awareness for your brand, you can do this on the platforms Facebook, instagram or messenger with the formats single image, single video carousel or slide ship. The only goal of this ad type is to increase brand recall lift. This is the number of people likely to remember your ads within two days as well as emotionally resonate with your target audience. Do not try to sell with brand awareness. This ad is for awareness on Lee. So think of this objective as a touch point. The first touch point a customer needs, on average. Seven touchpoints. This is them visually seeing your brand before remembering and purchasing from your business. So use this ad objective as your introduction or ongoing. Remember me ad When I teach clients about brand awareness, I used the comparison on Coca Cola. You don't see Coca Cola on sale ads. You see brand awareness ads for Coca Cola everywhere. So the next time you were thirsty, the seven touch points or 700 for Coca Cola will subliminally remind you to buy a Coke. So some best practices for brand awareness This video is a prime example of brand awareness . It has subtle uses of the brand under armour in the video, which makes the audience associate talent and skill to that brand. This objective is for promoting your emotion provoking videos stories connected to your brand. If your brain doesn't have a story or logo that will resonate yet, the next best thing is to promote X y Z, whether that's a pillar blawg post, a service, a trial, a newsletter any book a webinar for free so people can learn more about your brand. So we're on step to the ad set for brand awareness. First, you wanna name your ad set to describe your targeting options. This will make reviewing your ads performance and identifying winning variables in your Facebook ads, reporting much easier and quicker in the future it is on. This adds that level that we will select our target audience for this ad campaign to keep your targeting broad with brand awareness ads. Remember, this is our first touch point with this potential customer. Were in the discovery phase of identifying are perfect target audience to stay broad. I will just use my Facebook page insights to see the demographics. So for this brand awareness ad, I will target men Onley ages 18 to 34 worldwide so you can navigate to these insights. Go to facebook dot com slash your page user name slash insights And then, in that left sidebar on the insights page. Click people. There you go. You can see course NB 77% men 37% 18 to 24 age and 28% age 25 to 34. So, based on my Facebook page insights, I set the ad targeting for this top of funneled brand awareness at as you see locations worldwide. Age 18 to 34. Gender, men, language, English all. If you want to target a truly new audience, make sure to exclude people who have already liked or followed your Facebook page via the connections. Option. Also on this ad set level, another great connection targeting I like to test is friends of people who like your page app. So just click that connections at a connection type menu under Facebook pages. Friends of people who like your page next as we keep scrolling down in this ad set level is placements. So, depending on your campaign objective, you can select what device in what platform your ad will appear on, including Facebook, instagram, their audience, network and messenger. Unless you only want to target a certain device or platform such as instagram or mobile, only leave the policeman selection as automatic placements as we see the best results from Facebook auto optimizing each campaign for the best placement. Facebook calls the different places. They can show your ad placements, removing placements will reduce the number of people your ad reaches. Automatic placement is recommended because this gives Facebook more flexibility to get you not only more results, but better results as itself optimizes your placements. A quick bro tip. Make sure your website is responsive and mobile friendly for Facebook ads, so open your website or Facebook ad landing page or L in the Google Chrome browser. Right. Click anywhere on the page and then select inspecting that menu and this bottom pop up will appear on the left side of it. Quick, this desktop slash mobile view toggle button and in your screen will toggle to a mobile view, so scroll your website and ensure it looks good on mobile. So still on the ad set level, scroll down further past placements and leave the budget and schedule section as the default. Unless you have an ad schedule preference, such as running ads around a sale schedule Now on the level three. The ad level again Name your ad to describe your exact add identity media called Action Text and Links. This will make reviewing your ads performance and identifying the winning variables in your Facebook ads, reporting just that much easier in the future. So first is identity. Select your Facebook page and INSTAGRAM account toe appear as this adds identity. Next is format. I get the best ROM I from video ads in brand awareness campaigns. Remember my under Armour Example. Now, if you don't have a video at minimum, try to test three image options. So select single image or video under this format section of the ad. Scroll down to the media section. Make sure you follow these media best practices for sizing your images and file types. When uploading these to split test multiple images in your campaign, I like to test 3 to 5 minimum with each campaign. Click this ad image option. So, as you see, I've added another image, I have add one add two. You can toggle between your images to see how they look in your ad preview via these two areas. Then you can toggle between placements to see how your ad looks in every view, such as Facebook, mobile, instagram and so on. The goal with brand awareness is to cast a large net and begin building custom audiences of people who resonate with your ad. For example, an audience of users who click your website your L called Action Button. Make sure to select at a website UL and turn on your Facebook pixel so you can build your custom audiences for future retargeting ads. Also, as far as the ad itself, I will cover ad copy best practices later in this lecture. One pro tip, though a great variable to split test on any type of campaign is this. Call to action button text so you can change it. Toe. Learn more download shop now testing something as little is that as increased my click through rate, our next campaign objective reach So in the campaign objective level. Select reach. So you use these to show your add to the maximum number of people in your audience. Reach ads. Work on Facebook, Instagram and messenger in the format of single image, single video carousel and slide show use. Reach campaigns to promote your business to a highly targeted group that you want to ensure all See your ad, for example, targeting everyone driving distance from your store or targeting a warm custom audience list of past customers that you want to reach entirely with the ad we're finally targeting people who have abandoned their carts on your website, so level to add set for this reach campaign. First, select your Facebook page til a link with your reach. Campaign reach Ads are perfect for reaching everyone near your store. Hence the word reach. They want to reach everyone, so under locations. Let's click that menu for my dentist clients. I will select people who live in this location so I don't target any users. Just visiting the city locations is a great area to split test to see if travelers versus people living in your city engage with your offer differently. So, as you can see, we can turn everyone in this location. People who live here people recently in this location or people travelling in this location . So I selected people who live in this location. Then I will select my local businesses Target address or city with a radius of a how for you know your customers will commute to you. So, for example, this client has multiple dog daycares in Huntington Beach, California So I will do a 10 mile radius around the entire city. Then it was select my audience targeting I want to reach everyone with the interests of dialogues for this reach. At so under detailed targeting I search dogs. Now scroll down further. In this ad set placements I'm gonna leave is automatic. But now look under optimization and spending controls. What is unique about the reach campaign is the ability to set a frequency cap. This keeps people from seeing your ad too often. Just enter the minimum number of days that should pass before someone sees her out again. Facebook is allowing you to spread your ad spent over a larger number of people without making customers too angry about seeing your ad too much. So I like to follow the one impression every seven days so they can see it. The ad once every week now on to the ad level. For this reach campaign, make sure to split test the single image versus a video ad. I am always surprised by what resonates and what doesn't from campaign to campaign again. When relevant, use a website your Elle, to drive people toe a website where you can collect that custom audience with your Facebook pixel for future retargeting ads. Next the traffic objective. So in the campaign objective page. Select traffic traffic adds air used to send people to your website or increase engagement with your APP. Traffic ads can be used on Facebook instagram, the audience network or messenger in the formats. Single image, single video, carousel, slide show or collection. The main way I put traffic objective adds to use for my clients is by growing their various custom audiences by driving traffic to your website that has a Facebook pixel installed on it and having a Facebook custom audience created to capture that traffic. You can not only retarget these warm custom audiences in the future, but also create lookalike audiences of them as well. For future split test ads, traffic equals website clicks. So as an example, if you're trying to get people to your e commerce store and browse your products, use a traffic campaign to direct people. Write to your website some best practices. The traffic objective is a great area to fine tune your perfect audience. What Target audience is engaging most with your contact test? Varying interest, split test, gender, age, location, everything. What ads are getting the highest relevant scores. Finally, add variables are driving the lowest cost for action. My goal is to split test variables toe. Find the perfect audience in the most relevant ads now on to the ad set level. For this traffic ad. First, select where you want to drive this traffic. I see the best results from using website traffic ads. As for dynamic, creative and offer, I will discuss these two options in greater detail later on. In this tutorial, detailed targeting is a great area to split test variables. For example, the interest marketing has 621 plus 1,000,000 people, so also, like my target location, us that age range both genders and marketing. So with just the location, age and the interest of marketing selected, this adds potential reach is 74 million people and with our current set daily budget, our ad will reach over 9000 people per day. You can also exclude or narrow your detailed targeting via the exclude people and narrow audience link test one variable at a time at the ads that level to see what targeting is driving the best results for your ads. For example, I chose to target parents all and narrow the targeting to Jesus parents that had an interest in cats but also excluded people who matched the interest of dogs. So this ad will target the 2.2 million people in the USA that are a parent like cats and have no interest in dogs. This is a perfect top of funnel audience to target for my client that sells cat themed Children games. Next, the ad set level for this traffic ad. One of my favourite traffic campaigns ad formats, is the carousel. But make sure to split test against single image and video campaigns as well. The priority of ads I create for clients is first video ads. I get the best results hands down for every type of campaign. Second, single image adds these air great for split testing those 3 to 5 and even mawr images to see which one performs the best. Which one gets the best clicks? The lowest cost per action and third favorite is this carousel at I Love to use Carousel ads as a way to discover my best performing image or video. Let me show you an example. So I selected carousel under format scroll down, and as you can see this 123 that is each carousel card. So selecting image or video Ah, headline a description and the U URL for each carousel card. And make sure to check this box at the bottom automatically show the best performing cards . First. It's a Facebook will auto rearrange of this 123 and more cards in the order of best performing. So as you can see in my ads manager here, I've expanded a carousel ads campaign. So with the carousel ad, I could identify which care, cell image or video drives the most clicks, then use that winner in a new campaign. So, as you can see, I split test eight different carousel cards in this campaign, and the clear winner is 80 clicks. This final carousel card drove the most engagement. So to see this breakdown in your ads, manager over in the top right of the screen the breakdown menu. Click that and under by action, select Carousel card Next engagement objective. So the objective level Select engagement. You'll use engagement ads to get people to engage with your Facebook page or Facebook page post. This includes post engagement or boosting post getting page likes and getting event responses and attendance. This works on the platform of Facebook instagram. But do you know event ads are not available on instagram in formats of single image, single video and slide show. So some best practices for engagement, organic reach or people who like to your Facebook page and see your Facebook page posts in their news feed has nearly flatlined on Facebook. Less than 10% of your Facebook page followers will organically see what you post on your Facebook page. Facebook is getting greedy, to say the least, and therefore you need to pay to get your content viewed. So this means you will need to create post engagement ads. But first, before post engagement ads. I like to build clout for my Facebook page via Facebook. Page likes. I get my clients to a minimum 1000 page likes before we do anything else. When a new potential customer sees your Facebook page, only has one or two likes, they will lose confidence in your brand, so build up your clout. Trust dependability first with Facebook Page likes. So we selecting engagement objective. And as you can see, we scroll down the engagement objective has three sub options to choose from post engagement page likes or event responses. So let's start with that page Likes Campaign. Facebook designed the lowest cost bid strategy to get you the lowest cost For Like I find using a big cap doesn't give your ad as much deliver ability. So stick with the default. Lowest cost did strategy. So now we're on the ad set level for this engagement page like So. First, select your Facebook page that you are seeking. Page likes four. I like to split test my page like campaigns via the detail targeting field in one campaign , I will target competitors pages. In another campaign. I will target work or job based demographics like this example. The split test ideas are endless. To find the best variables for your target market, you also want to make sure to exclude people who already like your page as that would be wasted. Ad. Spend its wonder connections. Facebook pages exclude people who like your page. Now scroll down further on this ad set to placements, I'll leave placements and the budget has default as I see the best results when Facebook Auto optimizes for the lowest cost for, like so on the ad level. For this engagement page like sad, you have the option under format for a single image or video. I like to create two campaigns and split test single image versus a video for my page, like adds to see which gets me the lowest cost per page. Like be direct with page like ad copy. You've users an instant reason to like your page, as you can see in our example, an emoji thumbs up like our page for tips on how to grow your instagram following great image leading down to that page like button. Now it's time to create post engagement ads. So again, back to the objective step quick engagement and then select post engagement. Some best practices for post engagement post engagement is on Lee meant to promote or boost a specific post on your Facebook page. If you have a website link in your post, note that this post engagement ad is not a two for one deal. Facebook is optimizing and targeting users more likely to engage. These are people who like comment and share. This ad isn't optimized for people clicking on a link to your website. So while it's okay to have a link in your post you promote, it is best to keep the user right on Facebook for the best are when my on post engagement ads. If you want traffic to your website, use the traffic or conversions objectives as their optimized to do that, as opposed to this post engagement, which is optimized to get those likes comments and shares. So now we're on the ants that level for that post engagement ad. Three. Campaign split tests I like to create and find the best results from include First Target, a look like audience of your current Facebook page followers. My second Go to Go Barad and target your competitors Facebook page or similar if they don't appear in detail targeting and enable the expand option. Number three. Target. Just your current Facebook page Followers via the connections option. So let's do that first example. Number one Facebook page look alike audience. If you don't already have a look like audience created of your Facebook page, you can do this right within your ad set via the Create New link. Under the custom audience, feel so click that create new in the drop down select lookalike audience. Now in this creator look like audience. Pop up. Select your Facebook page audience, select the audience, location and the audience size. I see the best results from 1%. So we've created that. Now that look like is our target custom audience. This is agreed ad for finding people that are similar to your current people who like your page. So now Number two target competitors with the expand option targeting your direct competitors and checking the expand. Your detailed targeting box will enable Facebook to find users similar to your current detail. Targeting this is a great top of funnel add. I used to build my custom audiences, which I can then retarget with conversion ads or create lookalike audiences off for future testing. So here's my competitors Under detailed targeting Khan Academy skill. Share you to me and then I check that box. Expand your detailed targeting so Facebook will go find other pages like these three pages I supplied and now that third favorite option for post engagement ads. Target your current Facebook page fans. Users who already like your Facebook page is a warm audience that will beam or likely to engage with your posts. So under connections, select Facebook page people who like your page select your page. Next. Still, on this ad set level under budget and schedule. Always leave this set to post engagement. Otherwise, your cost per engagement. These likes these comments and shares real increase. Now, On the ad level, you have two options for selecting post to boost. First, you can use an existing post that has already published on your Facebook page. This is the most common. Or you can create a new post that is known as a dark post or unpublished post that is Onley promoted as a post engagement. Add to your target audience of choice for this ad. The Post is not actually posted to your Facebook page. Hints the name unpublished Post. This is a strategy I use to test post content first to see what gets the most engagement. Then I will post those best on published post to my Facebook page, so just click that plus sign right there under Creative in this pop up, create and save your unpublished post. Once you create an unpublished post that drives a ton of post engagement and you want to post it to your Facebook page? Just follow these steps in your ads manager menu. Navigate to Page Posts, which is at business that facebook dot com slash adds manager slash pages. It's on this page Post page select this unpublished post. So click that check box and then click the Actions menu. And in that drop down select publish the final engagement campaign type is event responses . So now we're on the ad level for this event. Response. For these event response ads, you will need to have an event already created. Type your event name or interests. Facebook URL right into this event field. If your event does not have an online ticket link or if it's already expired, this cannot be promoted. So to create an event, view your Facebook page. Select the event option above that, create postbox so where you write in your post on your page, just click that event button in this pop up of new event for your page, completely fill out the new event details and then click the publish button. Do you notice the ticket You are out. That's where you can add a link to your ticketing website. Make it as easy as possible for people to buy tickets to your event. Integrate your Facebook event with one of these top rated ticket sales providers. Such a shop of I event Be or eventbrite. My best ROM I for my clients with events is to target past customers via the custom audience customer file option, and I will use email addresses of these past customers. Ah, great split test campaign to compare against for events is creating the look alike audience of these past customers, then targeting just the location of that event at the ad set level. So, for example, here's are targeting of a lookalike audience of our current customers and then I target them in the location of our event. Los Angeles 25 Mile radius. Next app. Install objective. So select the campaign Objective APP installs app. Install ads are used to direct people to an APP store where they can download your app. You can promote the's on the platform of Facebook instagram, the audience network or messenger via the format of single image, single video carousel or slideshow app. Install ads require the Facebook sdk to be installed on the mobile app and for the app to be listed on Facebook. Well performing this installation have your web developer register your mobile app For proper tracking of your app. Install ads share these links with your app developer First, the APP set up for us DK link second the register Your mobile app four app ads So I only adds that level for app installs under the app option click that APP store menu In this drop down select the APP store your app is located on So if you have the same app for IOS for android you do have to create one ad for each varying app Once you have that selected just paste in the u r l of your app Next you can scroll down to audience, fill out the targeting you want and then on down to placements. Still, in this ad, set level APP installs our ads that you need to split test campaigns placement and devices with I see my highest return from placements on instagram on Lee ads Next select devices you want your ads to appear on? Also, make sure you know what os or operating system version your app works on and specify that as well. Pro tip. Here I have seen my clients. APP installs increase by up to 10 x when I simply toggle on Onley win connected to WiFi option. Think about it. When you were a WiFi, you were much more likely to install a nap. Now on to the ad level. For this app installs at another area you can split test for app. Install ads is image versus video. I personally see the best ROM I from simple screen recordings, videos of me using the APP, so just Google how to record the screen on your insert phone type. Here's a direct link to do this for an Apple iPhone, so I will just start by clicking the APP and then navigating, playing in the APP, showing people what it's like to use this app and why they should use it. Next. Video views select the campaign objective video views these air used to promote video views in these videos. Consider using comedy behind the scenes footage product infomercials, customer testimonials, anything to bring awareness about your brand in a video format. Video views can be promoted on the platform Facebook instagram or audience network view the format. Single video carousel or slideshow. Many of my clients ask me why use a video views campaign when I can upload a video to nearly every other campaign objective? That is correct. But this objective is literally optimized for just getting videos. Increased views Facebook is favoring video content uploaded directly to their platform more and more over users just sharing a YouTube link, so you should take advantage of this. Never share YouTube link on your Facebook page of your content, rather uploaded directly to your Facebook page and use a video views add to give it a boost . So best practice for video views. View ads are great for targeting cold audiences. Remember, Cold is someone who has never seen your product or brand before. While a warm audience is someone who is engaged with your brand already and a hot audience is one that has taken action. I eat added to car purchased and so on. Video view ads are a perfect first touch point with your future customer. This is a way for you to get potential customers to see your product logo business and then re target them with a different ad by creating a custom audience off people who engaged with your video at different levels, such as link the viewing. So go to your Facebook page in that right, a postbox posted video to your Facebook page. Upload your video at your title in details and publish your video week for your video to upload to your Facebook page video library. And now we're back in ads. Manager We selected video views. Is our objective wrong? The ads that level So remember, with Facebook ads, the broader the targeting, the cheaper this smaller, the potential reach, the more expensive. So to get cheaper video views, I will target a broad audience, such as marketing as the interest in my entire target market of the United States. So this is 75 million total potential reach. So at the ad level of this video views, click the add video button under media. In this select videos pop up in that top menu, click van and in the drop down click page videos and in select the video you just uploaded to your Facebook page. I always suggest referring to your website in videos so you have a relevant website. You're out. You can direct this video of you traffic to after they watch your video or during their watching. For example, we're promoting a long form video on how to create retargeting ads. But during the video, I also mentioned We offer adds management services and then I promote that again in our headline. Let us manage your retargeting ads for you. And then I have the called action button sign up at a website Your L paced in are linked to our ads management services, So I'm getting views on my video. People are learning how to create Facebook retargeting ads. I'm building brand awareness for course envy. This is a win win win. Now. You can also create a slideshow with images. If you don't have a video, let me show you how to combine images and text. So in this papa video creation kit, create your own slideshow or choose from a template. Slide shows are a great way to describe your products via images and text slides. As you can see, my seen two of this slide show is an image of an herbs product. We have grow herbs at home, so until you can create videos. Slide shows is a great alternative because moving images just perform better and Facebook ads next lead generation ads. So select the campaign objective Lead generation. These were used to collect lead info, such as phone numbers and email addresses from people interested in your business. These could be promoted on platforms of Facebook, instagram and messenger in the format of single image, single video, carousel or slideshow. Facebook users don't like leaving the platform there on Facebook for a reason. So the lead generation ad is in place to keep your potential customers on Facebook while they supply their information to you in exchange for your value offer, such as free services, e book, consultation call and so on. Once a leader submitted the leads data, the fields you collected on your lead generation of form will be available in the Forms library under publishing tools on your Facebook page. So that's found at facebook dot com Page user name slash publishing underscore tools. So, as you can see on the course and the Facebook page, I click the publishing tools page in the top nab our It may be under your more menu, and then in that left sidebar lead adds forms forms. Library So you can download the lead details to a CSP file for up to 90 days from the time they're submitted by a user, or you can connect the leads directly to your CRM system. Just click that connect your CRN link. Split test legion versus conversions. Lead generation ads are great for split testing against conversion adds that direct users to your websites lead Capture page The Facebook objective with the higher lead conversion rate. Truly various 50 50 for my clients, so these two objectives are worth split testing for your niche. Some people prefer staying on Facebook to give you their information. I e. Lee generation ads while some people don't mind going to your website and filling out their email and phone number and whatever else in your lead capture page via a conversion ad with the conversion of lead. So as for the Lee Generation ad, the main difference is on the ad level. You will create the instant form that you will use to capture the information you need from your leads. Make sure to watch our entire lecture on lead gen ads later in this course next is the message is objective. Once on the campaign Objective page Select messages. These ads are used to get more people to have conversations with your business in answer customer questions. You can use these ads on the platforms of Facebook, instagram or messenger in the ad format of a single image, single video carousel or slideshow. 6. Installing the Facebook Pixel : once you're logged in just in the top, left here in this menu under events manager click pixel And then in this drop down, select the pixel you want to install. So we'll be installing for this clients at account. I've already created their Facebook page I've already created there at account. Now we need to create a pixel to install on the website to start tracking all their various traffic so I can create custom audiences, track the standard events and then re target them via Facebook ads. So first, we just need to create a pixel. So click this created pixel. Well, just name it their website. That's fine. Should go over, click their websites, pace that in create There we go. We've created are pixel. Now we need to make it work by installing this code on the website. So do we want to set it up manually or set it up with WordPress? Say, if you're not sure where you don't have time to install it right now, that's fine. Let's close this and we can always come back to this pixel page. Click this set up pixel or right here, set up install pixel. So Here's our options. Facebook picked up that this is a WordPress blawg, but say they got this wrong. We can browse the other partners such as Shopify who Commerce Wick, squarespace and so on. But it is indeed a WordPress, and I prefer using their partner option over installing it manually. So we'll set this up. WordPress, here we go. So now we're downloading the plug in. That includes our specific new pixel for this website. So this is a wordpress plugging that installs this pixel on this wordpress website. We'll download that. It's gonna be a zip file. Here we go. We'll just close that now come over to the website under plug ins, add new upload, plug in, so choose file and then go to your downloads and select that zip file. Yes, we have that zip file of selected click install now our Facebook pixel plug in installed. So we want to activate that plug in now to ensure we install that correctly under settings in this left sidebar Facebook pixel. And there we go. We have our Facebook pixel. And as for this, the advance matching this is going to become an automatic thing. So this may be irrelevant by the time you want to this video, but if it's still around, check this box click save and we're good. We have our Facebook pics installed, so we want to just follow through this. Go to settings. I just showed you everything here. Plug ins. Add new. Choose that file uploaded. Activate that plug in. Now we want to test and make sure the pixel was installed correctly. Enter the URL and send test traffic. Here we go. There's air traffic, it saying it's loading. We're checking in, making sure this pixel is firing when people go to the website. So yep, there it is active. By opening up that website, the pixel is fired and we've tracked an audience member so continue. And every year we have our pixel installed on our WORDPRESS website. So you can just close this click refresh. So our status is now active. So now we can begin to set up audiences create custom conversions, or we can even set up those standard events. So under set up, set up new events. So again, unless you're a coder or unless you hire one on up work, I don't advise using the manual install event code. But if you have that developer in place, great, you can use that feature. I like using and having my clients used. The Facebook event set up tool. We'll just click that now we just enter the Ural where we want to track our first event. So I know they have this page, so we'll copy this one. We know this is equivalent to a lead us. Well, pace that end. Open website. Okay, So as you can see, here's the Facebook events at up tool. So what events occur on this page? So for this specific page, my client is seeking people to click on this button so we'll do exactly that. Click plus track, new button. So here we go. We're clicking on this highlighted button to set up our event, select an event. And now here's our standard event options. What we want to track when people click on this button seeking scroll down, See what a standard events are available here. So depending on what you're trying to track, this could fall under the view content. This also could be a lead. It really depends on how you structure your audiences and what you prefer for the various jargon when creating future Facebook ads. So would you rather treat people who click this button as a lead? This is a warmly This is somebody I can re market, too. Or do you want leads to equate actual email conversions? I captured their email address when they subscribed to a newsletter, for example, so some people would call that a lead. But some people would call simply clicks on a website of potential lead. So really depends on what you prefer calling these events. But for me, I agree with the description of a lead is someone who has exchange something, such as an email address. So I would call this just simply a view content standard event. So will confirm that. And there is one more button on this page. It's a track New button Scroll down here. Rio Select event Again. This is a few content for me. There we go. So on this page we now have two standard events set up view content, tracking people who clicked the learn how button and a view content standard event for people who click the sign up button so we'll finish set up. We're happy with this for now. Click, Finish. Skip this rating. Okay, Great. Now back to Facebook Event set up complete. Let's test those events. So again, enter that You are l that you want to test the events on the standard events, open that website and click these buttons. So go back, scroll down and click that button as well. Okay. So as you can see, we just tracked some recent activity. We click this view contents, we can expand that. This sign up button was clicked and here the learn how button was clicked. So currently my client on Lee has these two standard events they want to track on their website. But if I want to add future events very easily, come back to this set up, set up new events, and again use the Facebook event set up tool toe, add more events to specific web pages on your website. So for now, I'm fine with just leaving these to view content standard events. And then obviously there's the page view. That's the base pixel code. Every base pixel code includes the page view event because that's the generic overall website. So what Page was viewed 7. 1 CREATE AN AD PART 1: Hi. In this video, I'm gonna show you how you can create your first Facebook ad use in the ads manager. Okay, on there's two ways you can access that. The first time I show you is through your Facebook profile, which is what you see right now. So go ahead and log into your Facebook account. And then when you get to the home screen, you will see an option on the left hand side on your desktop and then where it says create , click on add. Okay, so this will take you into the ads manager through your personal account. Okay, so this is where you will see. Okay, so this is ah, more kind off, wizard based approach to launching an advocate on. I'll show you, um, the other way. Which is how the parent is to work. Although the parent has gone, the functionality is still there. Okay, so, inside off your ad manager account, the first thing Facebook is gonna ask you is choosing your objective. Okay, so this is key to the success off. Any Facebook advocate you to know what your objective is. So think about what kind of traffic you're driving. Okay? if it's if you just want people to get to a landing page or website or store whatever is, you might want to consider just traffic. Okay? Just getting cheap clicks to your our website, right? Destination website. If you just want engagement on a post inside a Facebook group, then you might want to consider engagement. Okay, so this means people this will talk. You know, Facebook would optimize campaigns for people who are pickers, like us, people who comment a lot on Facebook posts. So you might want to consider engagement. Okay, on, if you're running some kind of you call my store or you wanna make some sales online, then you might want to consider the conversion campaign, okay? Because this will allow you to install a pixel on the thank you page. And so once a cell is generated, you will then see that cell inside of your Facebook reports. Okay, I'll go through that in a later video off. How to set the whole pound where you can see. Okay, So select any of these. I'm gonna go with conversions, and then could these tool tips you Obviously, you give it a name. Okay, so you can call your campaign whatever you want. Um, the kinds of things that I use in the campaigning, the touch lane is the type of campaign. So I will say it's a conversion campaign. Okay, so this is how I do it. Okay, So I would say on I do this in upper case, you don't have to. You know, by all means, do this however way you want, but I will call it conversions. And then if it's a like a e commerce store and we're selling some blue shoes, product is blue shoes. I'll call it Blue Shoes. I know which product is. And then if I'm targeting just only mobile traffic. All select a mobile, obviously, in the ad set. But I'll name it Marbach. So the point of the campaign name is that it will tell you instantly what type of campaign this is going to. This tells me it's a conversions campaign. I'm targeting the blue shoes on my e commerce store at its mobile only. Okay, there are some other useful features inside off Facebook that have been what released this year. The 1st 1 is create a spit test. Okay, So facebook will allow you to do a an A B test off your creative placement audience on delivery optimization strategies. Okay, I'll cover this in a in a later video, we will go into more depth. Okay, but basically, the emphasis on this is that you can set a budget on the campaign level on Facebook will then optimize based on the ads and the ads It. Okay, So if you're, for example, if your budgets were $500 for the entire campaign and you had five assets and I set one was producing the best results, um, then Facebook will automatically optimize aunt, spend more money on that campaign. Okay, well, obviously deliver more impressions, too, to that ad and adds it. Okay. And that's what split testing does. The 2nd 1 is a budget optimization. Okay, so you can actually now set up a budget on your campaign level. Okay, So the benefit of this is you don't need to manage your budget inside the ads. It's OK. Which will obviously save you a lot of work. Because if you have a campaign with 10 assets, you would have to check each ad set, you know, every day um, yeah, every other three, every day or every three days, depending on your management style. Whereas with a budget optimization kind of similar to the spit testing, it will actually look at the ads that are performing the best in terms off conversions or costs low, lowest cost per click or the lowest cost per engagement, depending depending on your campaign objective. And then it will optimize That adds it. Okay, so click on continuing it. Done. And then this is where you would call your asset, give you a name. Okay, let's go. Leave it like this for now, just to kind of keep this video short. But again, you know, just label that to whatever your targeting is against. If it is, if you are targeting the United States, make sure you put the United States in there. If you're spit testing across different countries so you can have U S A U S. Australia. See a for Canada until okay, just helps to keep things a little bit Tidier. Also, because there's a conversion campaign me to add a conversion event. So, you know, purchases Probably what we're gonna use here. This event is red because I don't use his account. But if you had purchase events firing consistently, this thought would be green. Okay, But you can You can use any event you want. Okay. If you wanted to track of you contents, use your view content. Okay. If you wanted to track Advocaat's used the idea. Cots. All right, I'm going to use purchases for this example. If you don't have an event or pixel set up, you can click on set up conversions on it will talk you through it on the pics on the Facebook wizard. Okay, he adds, manager, was it and we'll go through that on another video. Okay. Um, so yeah, so you have an option, obviously, off where you want to traffic by default. It's set to website, but you also have APS if you wanna send traffic to APS. Oh, app in stores. And then you also have a new one. Uh, well, ready the new placement off messenger. Okay, you can send people from ads into a message of conversation, okay? And this is great. If you've got a message about it's that kind of stuff because you can automate it as well. You can also drive conversions to offers, and we'll talk about that in another video you can just set up offers insight off Facebook on set. You know, you have to create some redemption codes. So when the trump you know, when the users go to these with the's offers, they can actually select it. Okay, so here's the kind of meat and bones off the targeting. All right, so you know a few options in terms off creating your at K. So this account is defaulted to United Kingdom. But let's just assume that most of you are in the United States again. So you would see the United States by default here. Okay, the locations you can select. Ah, there's a few by default. It's set to everyone in this location, but you can select all these if you wanted to Are depending on your you know what, type off your running, OK, but generally most of you are gonna use everyone in this location can just leave it at that . You can also set up state, so if you want to target specific states, you can do that too. Okay, So let's have a target in Florida. You can t just select Florida from mistake. And then obviously your wouldn't size will be narrow at the moment. It's at 16 million. As you can see here, Um, the other options you have is custom audiences. Okay, so we'll go to will go through that in another video, But you can actually set up a custom ordnances inside of Facebook. So if you had a buyer's list, for example, you can upload that as a custom audience. If you had a news letter, subscribers of this, you can upload that to Okay. And there's a lot more we could do inside of Facebook. And then, obviously, I will go through that in another video. Okay, so this is where you insert the custom audiences. This is also where you would select. You're looking like audiences as well. On I will go through. That was well on a separate video. The next thing you want to focus on is your age. OK, so who's your target age? Andi. Based on a demographic research, you will know this. Okay. And then after that, you want to select gender. Okay, So if you know that you're targeting, say, um, like lady shoes, right? You might want to start with ladies first. Okay, um, on go from there. Okay, so that's where the gender would come into play. You can also target languages. So somewhere like Florida, where, you know, there are a lot off Spanish speaking citizens you can actually select. Ah, Spanish from the list here. Okay, So if if you're running as just too the, um, people in Florida who only who speak Spanish because the copies in Spanish or the offers in Spanish or whatever it is, you can actually set up that here. Okay. And you can see the potential organ size is now down to 3.6 million from from from 16 months. Jerry, I keep this just blank. I don't I don't use that language is much color because, um, it just never comes up. OK, but that's entirely up to you and your campaign objectives. Okay, The deal detail targeting is where that you know, everything is done in terms of interest targeting. Okay. So you can target demographics, interest or behaviors. All right, so let's say we want to target taxi drivers in, um, Florida, who speak Spanish, right? We could target the job title which is a taxi cab driver. Okay, what can you say? Suggestions that Facebook gives us. So there's cab driver is, um but it taxi, which is an employer, so you can see that the actual interest type is now changing. OK, so this one is an employer, which is force under demographics category. This one's a job title, Okay. And you have many more options here. There are obviously the suggestion you suggested options on what I like to use is the audience insights inside of Facebook. Okay, to kind of really tell my audience and I'll show you how to do that in a separate video to So I had a few interests here that you want target. You can also exclude people. You can narrow the audience. So knowing on audience is called a flex interest targeting. Okay. So that what that means is that you can have two data sets. You can say to Facebook that you want everybody from this pull off interest. Andi, Everybody in the second set. Okay, so let's say we wanted to target say freelances, okay. As well interest rates. We wanted to win a target or cab drivers all text drivers are That must be freelancers. Okay, this is what you would do it. All right, So there's a very narrow audience. I'm just showing you, for example, purposes, but this is how you would make it now and effectively. What you're telling Facebook is you want people from any of these interests, Andi, they must include one of these. Okay, You can always see fill this up with more. But, um, you know, again depends on your objective in the campaign, and we wouldn't get out. Okay, Volley. In terms of interest targeting, you can actually expand the interests. Okay, so this isn't one are tested extensively? Because I don't like Facebook to, you know, tell me what I need to do, right? I'm having for them to optimize ads and campaigns, and that's it. That's fine, because he obviously knows th