Fabric Painting: Sketch, Paint and Embroidery on any fabric | Luna Nguyen | Skillshare

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Fabric Painting: Sketch, Paint and Embroidery on any fabric

teacher avatar Luna Nguyen, Artist, Art Teacher, Cooking Instructor

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      List of Materials


    • 3.

      Assemble frame and stretch fabric


    • 4.

      Create design on fabric


    • 5.

      Painting on fabric - Part 1


    • 6.

      Painting on fabric - Part 2


    • 7.

      Painting on fabric - Part 3


    • 8.

      Painting on fabric - Part 4


    • 9.

      Fixing and Framing


    • 10.

      Embroidery on fabric painting


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About This Class

Learn how to sketch, paint and hand embroidery on any fabric of your choice, from natural fabrics (e.g. cotton, silk, linen, wool) to synthetic ones (e.g. polyester, acrylic, nylon, spandex) and so on.

Through 10 simple steps, Luna Nguyen an artist, founder of Luna Nguyen Art Center will guide you to completing this painting, you will explore:

  • Prepare the fabric
  • Sketch your designs
  • How to use Acrylic paints
  • Mix Fabric paints
  • Paint on the fabric
  • Final touch (embroidery to decorate your work).

After this class, you will learn to create a lovely painting of your favourite vegetables to hang on your kitchen wall.

And from these painting steps and techniques you have learned, you can create endless ideas of paintings or products that your heart desires.

Meet Your Teacher

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Luna Nguyen

Artist, Art Teacher, Cooking Instructor


Hi everyone, I'm Luna Nguyen. I am a self taught artist, art teacher and cooking instructor. 

I'm in love with what I do, and that is creating handmade art/ crafts, cooking and writing. I'm passionate about teaching, sharing the creativity knowledge and cooking experience which I've learned and developed over time.

Six years ago, I went through a big depression, it was when I asked myself many questions: What can I do to make my life better? What do I like to do, even without being paid? What am I good at? And from asking the right questions, I found the right answers. I remember as a kid, I always spent lots of time in drawing, painting and writing. That also was the moment I started to paint again.

Soon after, most my paintings were exhibited and sold in many... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hello, I am Luna, South deaf actress and add teacher. In the last six years, I have been constantly learning and developing my work which is focused on silk paintings and other fabric painting techniques as a cell death pathways. I am. And how you feel. I speak your language because I know how difficult it is to learn on by yourself. You may wonder where to start. What other right choice of materials or what are the right choice of techniques? If you are looking for a better way of learning how to paint on silk or other fabrics, you are in the right place. I have created this class for at levers and beginners who wants to learn and paint on, on different types of fabrics from Nat to draw two synthetics. One, you are going to learn the most simple way and minimal painting products required. Together, we are going to use fabric pins in this class, which is very easy to find to make a painting for your kitchen. You can make many different types of products, from making simple painting to hang on the wall, to painting on your name, like geons, jackets or old garments. Using this technique, I will guide you through ten easy steps in this painting class. So if this sounds good to you, let's get it started. And I will see you in the first lesson. 2. List of Materials: Hi everyone. In this lesson, I will guide you through the list of materials required for this class, which is painting on fabrics. You can use any different kind of fabrics from natural to synthetic ones. For this class, I'm going to use linen fabric. You will also need a stretcher frame to stretch your fabric onto the frame. A pencil and some paper to sketch your drawing or design onto. Slide. What you can see in the picture, I'm just using the recycled paper. The good thing about this technique is that you don't have to wash the fabric before painting and you also don't need to iron it. So this stretch it on the frame and we are ready to go. And then you will need some coloring pens. Anything will do any brand. It doesn't really matter. Using this coloring pens, you can draw your image or design onto the fabric like so. Next, you are going to need some fabric pins I'm using to brand the cola text dice. And they cortex though, they are from Russia and France. So depends on where it is easier for you to fight. You can get any fabric pens available. They also come in metallic color. You can actually use acrylic paints. If you have them at home already. You don't need to buy new fabric pains. And for that, we need to get fabric medium to mix with your acrylic paints. And if you are a silk painter, then most probably you already have Gulotta. You can use it for decoration. You will need some brushes as well, and also a glass jar to keep the water inside so that you can pick up the water using the branch or to clean your brush every time when you want to change a new color. You need a column mixing palette and an iron to fix your colors onto the fabric permanently. To hang your finished painting on the wall. You can use two options. The first one is a good and frame, and the second one is the photo frame. If you want to stretch your fabric onto the good and frame, you will need a gun stapler and some stateless. Once the fabric has been stretched onto the good and frame. You can also do some embroidery as the declaration for your work if that's what you want to do, and you can choose any color or threads available. And you need a CSS to cut the threads, as well as some kitchen paper to clean up the mess. And an a print if you want to keep your clothes from getting dirty. 3. Assemble frame and stretch fabric: It is very easy to stretch the fabric onto the frame using this easy fixed plastics treasure frame, a SF4 that I got from demonstrating. They are selling many products online for silk and fabric paintings in America. In this class, I'm going to paint on linen. And I stretch the fabric from one corner and then stretching the other corners. You can use as many suspension hoax as it is required to stretch the fabric. You want to stretch the fabric and to create a tote, self-paced like a drum, so that it wouldn't be easy for you to paint later on. Once you are done with stretching the fabric, you can lock the corner connectors like so. Now is the time to chamfer our design onto the fabric. 4. Create design on fabric: As you can see, I have Scatchard, five different vegetable on my paper, a radish, an onion, a beetroot, garlic, and a carrot. I'm going to use this painting to decorate my kitchen. In this lesson, I'm going to teach you how to sketch on your fabric. I use a orange what the base coloring pen to create a horizontal line on my fabric. I use a pencil to divide my fabric into five vertically. And then I use coloring pen to sketch my design onto the fabric. I start with the beach route in the center of my painting. And as you can see, you can just do it really gently. You don't even need to use so much pressure on your work because the fabric has been stretched way tied onto the frame. That makes it much easier for you to sketch and paint on it. The second one that I'm going to sketch is an onion. And you can use the same color accordingly to each of your object. And don't worry so much about the color that you are using at this point. Because if you don't like it, you can always change it with the fabric paint later on. To sketching step is also very good opportunity for you to test out the colors combinations between the choice of colors for your palette later. Because it's really easy to sketch with this water-based coloring pens. If you want to try out any color, you can just use it without having to mix the color. They are already ready inside the pen. So yeah, don't be afraid and be brave with colors. Live without colors is like live with Dow love. You know, even with some colors that seems to be difficult to mix together, like red and green. But in this class, it will see the red and green that mixing together for the beach route is absolutely stunning. Can choose to paint any kind of vegetable that you like or any other subjects like flowers, leaves, you know, anything that you like. It doesn't have to be vegetables. I just love this vegetables because they are so healthy. And I use them a lot for cooking in my food. And not only that, they have such amazing colors, does natural colors that you see in nature. So that's why I chose them to paint, and I hope that you win also like it. If you want. You can also make the same design like I do. And we win. Stretch it on the frame and hang it in the kitchen to brighten up our cooking corner. Some of my students, they like simple design. And they said they like the painting as it is right now after sketching. So yeah, if that's what you also like, you can remove their fabric and highlight on the war already. One of the most simple ways to display a painting or a bitter, is by using the picture frame. What I would suggest you to do is to remove the fabric and give it a good iron for three minutes minimum at the back side of the reverse side of the fabric. And then you can stretch it onto a good and frame using the guns Staedtler. Or you can just put it onto the picture frame like how you display your photo. However, in this class, I'm going to teach you how to paint on fabric using fabric paint. So I will see you in the next lesson where we will learn to do that together. 5. Painting on fabric - Part 1: In the very beginning, I use a watercolor brush size 0 to test out the paint. I indeed, my brush into the collar jobs directly to pick up the paint and testing the paint on the fabric to see how is it going with a little bit of paint. Then I use the flat brush, size 6 to pick up some water and paint and mix the color directly on the fabric itself. You can see some light and dark area on the beach root. This is the effect that I want to bring out. If you have some painting experience, you will see that fabric painting technique is very much similar to acrylic painting technique, where we use water to dilute the paint and to make the paint look lighter. The good news is, if you already have acrylic paints at home, you don't need to buy fabric pins. To start with this technique. You can just get the fabric medium and mix that with your acrylic paints. And then you will have ready paint for fabrics. If you want to get this medium, you can look for it in the names such as fabric medium, fabric painting medium, or textile medium. For the veins of the leaves. I use a watercolor brush, size six. And right now I'm not using any water because if I do the color When be diluted and it will expand on my fabric, which is not what I want. And here you can see that I'm adding water because I want to clean my brush and then apply the new color, which is dark green. The nice thing about painting with fabric paint is that the color is very thick and it is very concentrated, making it really easy for you to apply a new color on top of the previous one with the condition that you use the color itself and don't mix it with water. When we are making a painting to hang on the wall, we don't need to be worried about the thickness of the paint. But if you are going to paint on your fabrics that you are going to wear, or if you are painting on your clothes, for example, on your denim jacket or on your jeans. I will suggest that you dilute your paint with water so that when you are wearing your clothes, it would be more flexible and the paint is not too thick. Because if it's too thick with the movement, you may make your paint or your fabric stretch and it made correct. And it may look old and start peeling off. And that might not be the effect that you want. But for this painting, we don't have to be worried because I'm going to use it for a painting in my kitchen as the declaration. So I don't really need to be focused on how much water I'm adding here. As you can see on this leaf, I'm applying a technique that is actually very similar to oil painting technique, which is starting with the dukkhas color. And then gradually build up and change your color from the dukkhas to a darker shade and then to a lighter shade. And I'm applying yellow to highlight up some certain areas on my live to make it looking naturally. While the paint is still wet on your fabric. It is very easy for you to mix and blend them together. You can then continue to paint and mix your colors until you are happy with how it turned out. I want the leaves to stand out. So I will add some violet blue on the outside area of the leaves to bring out that contrast. Don't worry about to sing the color. It doesn't have to be the exact color that you see them in nature. But it should be the color, how you feel them to be. 6. Painting on fabric - Part 2 : In the previous lesson, we have learned to paint the beach route. And in this lesson we are going to paint on the remaining vegetables, stepping with the garlic. I want to show you how to use white acrylic paint in combination with fabric paint. I mix water and white acrylic paint to bend the first layer of the garlic. And then I use fabric paint, pink color to create the fine details using a flat brush, size six. The only one. I'm using, orange mixed with white acrylic paint and water to create differentiate on it. As you can see, I keep my right pinky finger sitting gently on the fabric which had been made to move around and paint easier. Moving on to the next vegetable, which is a white radish. I also make it a little bit down. Using water and white acrylic paint. You should pay attention and not to make your fabric soaking wet. Thus, not what we want. We want the fabric exists to be a little bit damp and making it easier to blend the colors together. You can paint it does in white and green color if that's what you like. But I want my radish to have an unique look. So that's why I add some light purple and pink in different areas to highlight the veins and the reflection of its skin is a little bit like exaggerate the colors. But this is how I like it. And you can use any colors that you like. Just enjoy the process and blend them together. If you have been blending your colors for sometimes, and the color tend to be too loose on the fabric. That because the fabric has been soak with a lot of water and paint. So you may need to wait a little bit for that area to get dry and then you can continue to apply any paint on it further. Now you can see what I meant by saying that when I applied the pink color, it keeps on disappearing and it is not becoming pink. Why? Because that area, it has been wet with water and other color paint. So I need to wait a little bit to paint that area later. So now I'm going to paint the leaves of the white rubbish. And here I'm having, I'm using another technique compared to the other technique that we did before on the beach route, I actually paint the vents of the beads root leaves first, and then I paint the green leaves. But on this radish, I don't paint the veins. I paint the whole lives. And let's on I, when applying the events of the lips, you can see the difference between those two techniques and choose for yourself which one you prefer. Right now, I'm using the traditional silk painting technique of applying lightest color. And then gradually changing it to darker shade, starting with the yellow on the tip of the leaf. And I'm moving on to the other area of the leaf with darker green. The difference between this tool painting, techniques, applying for the leaves, is that if you are painting the rents of the leaves beforehand, you can just carry on with your painting and continue to paint on it. But if you bend the whole lives first and then applying the events, you need to wait for some time, I would say five to ten minutes until their lives area is dry. Then you can apply the vamps because otherwise the column may blend together. And I'm planning to paint the events of this white rubbish in purple color and went purple and green mixed together. We will have brown color instead. So that's what you need to remember when apply your colors. Subsequently. If the paint is still wet and diluted with water, then they will mix together on your fabric. So now I'm done with painting the white rubbish lips. I will wait for it to dry until I can paint the events. And I will see you in the next lesson when we carrying on and do this together. 7. Painting on fabric - Part 3: While I'm waiting for the radish leaves to dry, I start to paint the corrode using watercolor technique. I use the flat brush, size 6, bringing in some water and applying directly on the fabric. And then I mix my orange with water and blending it together with a light skin tone color. This is the good thing when using fabric pens, because they come in many different premix color, which when he appealed to save time mixing the color. And you can use them directly from the jar itself. Bring them directly from the jar, using the brush and paint it on the fabric. You don't need to wait and don't need to be afraid that the paint will dry out before you are using them. I also add some shades of green and purple on my corrode and then blend them together. You can also use any color that you like. But rode mostly coming in orange or red, orange color. You can paint it really realistic or you can make it looking really good. It is totally up to you. And I'm just playing with it and making a fun project that I can then hang onto my kitchen because I love cooking as well. So this painting is like combine two of my love together. And you can paint anything that you like, anything that you love, anything that inspired you. Now is the time to bend the radish lives wins. And I'm using the flat brush, size 6. I'm holding it at 90 degree. And the reason why I'm doing this, because I want to create as fine as I want my line to be. I'm using the same color, purple, and I'm coming in with another brush. This is a watercolor brush, size 0 to apply the events. And I create six applies to make the veins look more intricate. For the outlines of the radish leaves, I bend it in purple color as well. And if you remember before, I couldn't paint this area of the radish in purple color. So I have to wait for it to dry. And now, when the underneath surface is completely dry, the paint can then be applied and it doesn't mix with other colors anymore. Now when the underneath layer of the garlic is dry, I also apply. Gray color, as well as white-collar to lighten up some area of the galaxy and creating some more ships on it. I'm using the smallest size of the brush that I have to create phi details. But you don't have to do this step. If you are already happy with your painting. Using the same brush coming in with green color. I'm applying the cardo clips and I'm holding the brush at 90 degree days. Another painting technique which I want to teach you, which is using the permanent marker pen, which you can see I'm using the black pen at the moment and grading the lies. So phase for the onion skin. Then I carry on to use the same painting technique of blending between white acrylic paint with water and orange and a little bit of the dark red color to create thing, this shit for the onium. And I will let you see how I do it. And we will continue to do this painting together to paint the background in the next lesson. Yeah. Okay. 8. Painting on fabric - Part 4 : In the previous lessons, we have painted on our vegetables. In this lesson, I've been showing you how to paint on the background. And I mix yellow color with gold metallic color. And then I make some water and blend them together in the ratio of 50 percent paint and 50 percent water with a flat brush size six, I applied the bike route and you can see how shining the leader is coming up, especially the reflection of the sun. And that's what I love. Add a little bit later. A little bit of sparkle into your paintings, into your work is, as, you know, bring a little bit of joy into it. And then I use the smallest brash to applying the metallic copper color. As well as using the golden Gutai to decorate the stones underneath the ground. I continue to do that until on the stones has been decorated. And then I use the branch site tool to apply the copper metallic. I really enjoyed the glittery effect that this metallic colors have, have to offer. But you can also use any color that you want. The grout color for the soil. It can be brown or dark red. Or even if you want to add some dark gray or black, is really up to you, play with the color and have some fun. And then I mix two different kinds of blue with the same ratio of 50 percent paint and 50 percent water. To apply the remaining background using the same brush, the flat one, size 6. Next, I want to show you how you can use some tools that you may already have at home to use it as tx ty Stem to print on your fabric. Here, I'm using the suspension hook and a push pin to create some effect on my design. To create some stem on the fabric. You can easily doing this by dipping your hook or your pin onto the paint and then stamping them directly on the fabric where you want that stem to be. With the London Tube. I can then create some buttons and some dots on my painting. And you can really play with it. It's really fun project to do. And also, you can use the remaining of your water to do this so that you don't waste them. The Carole leaves, it's a bit too bright. So isis darken it up with some dark green. And we would wait for the fabric to completely dry after 24 hours. Thus, when we are going to fix the fabric to make the color stay permanently on it. And we will do that together in the next lesson. 9. Fixing and Framing: So after waiting 24 hours Asper instructions from the tidy cola, I now remove the fabric from the frame and When be fixing the fabric using an iron. This is how the fabric looks like from the reverse side. And we will not iron directly from the front side. But when turn it around an iron on the backside at linen or cotton level for five minutes. And our fabric is now ready to be frame onto the wooden frame. There is no steaming required for this ironing step. So if your ion has stemming function just done in off and use it as a dry ion. There are two ways to frame your fabric, whether on a good one frame or on a photo frame. Because I don't have the good and frame. So I just remove the canvas away from the frame. And then I, when I stretch my fabric onto this gluten frame using the GAN stapler and some stateless. Once we are done with removing the canvas away from the good and frame, we can then stretch the fabric onto the frame like so. Uses need to have a gun stapler and also some staplers. To do this step really easy. I start to step on the center, the frame, and then carry on to step on the other size. And don't forget to turn your fabric to the front to check if the surface is completely flat. And for the area of the fabric like that, you can roll it inside to make sure that the fibers doesn't come loose later on. And this is how you should do your corner so that it will stay neat and fault on the corners. When have the same length and same sofas together when you hang it on the war, it would be neat and flat and clean. Looking beautiful, ugly. 10. Embroidery on fabric painting: This final step of doing embroidery on your painting is for someone who loves to do embroidery. Actually, if you are happy with your painting already, then you don't have to do this and you can hang it on your wall. But if you want to do some handmade embroidery, I can show you how I do it. And hopefully when inspired you to do more on your work, whenever you have ten. So in order to do this, you will need some threats, a needle and a CSS. And what I did was I put the threat that would threads through the needle and I tied to naughts. Then I start stitching this simple single threat from one side to another. When you are happy with your design, you can turn your painting upside down to cut the threads and then tied it up so that even when you are transferring it or shipping it or hang it on the wall, the threads will not get loose and will not come out. It will stay where you want it to be permanently. I use purple and pink threads for my embroidery work. And I also use the symbol stitching, really easy embroidery technique. But you can also use more sophisticated technique of hand embroidery if you know them and if you want to apply on your work. Otherwise, you can hang your painting as it was before the embroidery step in your kitchen already. Thank you so much for attending my class. And I'm looking forward to hear your feedback and to see what you create. Goodbye for now and see you in my next class.