1. Introduction: Hey guys, panda 3ds native
file format for models is egg, but you can also
use other formats. The GTF format
seems particularly convenient if you want to export your models from
blender to panda 3D. It's supported by
blender out-of-the-box. And you don't need any atoms, as is the case with
the act format. So how do you do that? How do you export a
model in the GTF format? I'm gonna guide you through
this process in this class. The model will be
exporting depend on 3D is a simple UFO model. But you can use any
model you like. The UFO model is textured. We can now export the model
along with the texture. By the way, I also have
a class on how to make this model and
another class on how to bake textures for
materials that you can then export to some other
software out of Blender. But now let's start by opening
the UFO model in Blender. I'm using the 3
version of Blender. Here you can see it in material, pretty shading,
layout workspace. It's pixelated because
it's a texture bitmap. Now before we export the model, Let's check whether
it's ready to export. Although our model
will move from place to place in
the game window, it's not going to
be animated itself, so its shape will not change. This is why we can treat
it as a static model. Now, there is a
difference between static and animated
models in panda 3D. The former are
referred to as models, the letter as animated
models or actors. Anyway, we must take care of two things before the
object is ready to export. First of all, we must decide where the origin point of
the model is going to be. Secondly, we must
apply the scale. But before we start, Here's some inner for free, you.
2. Move Origin Point : Let's start with
the origin point. This is the point that
will be positioned in the scene at the location
specified in panda 3D. So if our model was a building, for example, and its origin
point was in the ascender. The building would be
halfway in the ground. It will position the
model at ground level. So if we set the z
coordinate to 0, this is why for billing, it will be more
appropriate to move the origin point
at the bottom so that the model is bottom is at ground level. But
what about RAM? Model is gonna be high in
the air most of the time. But if it was to
land on the ground, it will be also easier to have the origin point at the bottom. Let's move the origin
point to the button then, how do we know where
the origin point is in the first place? Let's go to front view. So head one on your numpad. Zoom in a bit. Now you can see a
yellow or orange dot in the center over here
inside the 3D cursor, this point over here. This is the origin point. It's in the center, not at the bottom. There are a couple
of ways you can move the origin point
to a new location. You can do it in object
mode or in edit mode. The former was not available in other versions of Blender. Anyway, let's do
it in edit mode. Go to edit mode by hitting tab. Let's make sure
everything is selected. So let's de-select and
hit a to select all. Now hit G, Z. Move up, holding down
Control to snap. Move the geometry up onto the origin point
is at the bottom. Control and drag. Good. Now the origin point
a is at the bottom. Over here. Let's switch back
to object mode. Now we can see the origin
point at the bottom. Now alternatively,
you could have moved the origin
point in object mode. Now this functionality
is only available in version 2.8 or later or blender. How do we do that? Let's use our model
to demonstrate it. The first thing we have
to do is hit M to open the sidebar and then go to Tool. Then under transform, we have
to check the origins box. If you now hit G and
drag your mouse cursor, you will see the origin
point change its location. Instead of the mesh moving
just the origin point. But this is just
for demonstration, so we don't need this
change to be permanent. So let's hit escape. Uncheck this box, and hit
N to close the sidebar, because we already did
before in edit mode.
3. Apply Scale: A very important thing that
we always have to keep in mind before exporting a
model is to apply scale. Otherwise, we may have some problems with our
models outside blender. As we're modelling the UFO
out of the unit sphere, we're scaling it a
couple of times. In order to check the scale, hit M. To open the
sidebar, go to item. Here. Under scale, you can see
that the scale is five on x, y, and 0.5 or z. It should be one on each axis. Go to the Object menu. And under Apply select scale. As you can see now, this case one or all three axis. As it should be. Now with the origin
point reset to a new location and
the scale applied. Our model seems ready to be
exported to the GTF format. But even if something
turns out to be wrong with the model
when export it, you can always correct it in
Blender and export again.
4. Format Settings: Let's export the model
to the GTF format. Go to the File menu. And under Export, select the
GTF format, which is here. Dialog window opens with a few options for
you to choose from. Let's have a look at the
settings one-by-one. Let's start with the format. There are three
options available. Gtf binary, GATS separate, and GOT F embedded. The first one is GTF binary. It's a very concise format where all the information
about meshes, textures, and so on is packed
into a single binary file. We could use this option. The downside of this format is that it's not human readable. Then we have the GIT
F embedded option. What do we get using this option is adjacent text-based file, the blender documentation, you will find the following warning. This is the least efficient of the available forums and should only be used
when a required. We could use this option
to share the model over a plain text
only connection, which is not the case. We're not going to choose
this option either. Then there's a third
option, GL TF separate. Here's a description from
the blender documentation. This produces adjacent
text-based gtf file describing the overall structure along with a bin file containing
mash and vector data. And optionally a
number of PNG or JPEG files containing image
textures reference by the gtf file. We can also see a tip. Having an assortment of separate files makes it
much easier for a user to go back and edit any JSON or images after the
export has completed. Rehab to remember though, is be aware that sharing
this format requires sharing all of these separate
files together as a group. As documentation of
Blender puts it. Anyway, the binary format seems pretty simple to handle as there is just one file with all the information
packed in it. However, we're gonna use
the GTF separate option in this class so that we can see how our models are
represented in it. Selected in the drop-down menu. Then you will see
another field, textures, where you can type the name of the folder in which
the texture images, or like in our case, just the one image that
we baked should be put. The folder will be in the same location as
the GeoTIFF file. Let's name the folder tax. You can also fill in
copyright information, but I'm gonna skip it. Let's also check the remember
export settings checkbox so that the same settings will be used when we opened
the blend file again. Remember export settings.
5. Other Export Settings: Then we have the
include section. Click on the arrow to expand it. Here we're only going to check
limit to selected objects. This is to ensure that only the selected objects
will be exported. In our case, the UFO model. We don't want to export other objects like the
camera or the light. Next, in the
transformed section, Let's leave the
plus Y up checked. This is the GTF convention
of exporting models. In the geometry section, you don't need to
change anything either. We don't have any other
applied modifiers. There is nothing to apply. We want to export the
UE base and normals. Leave these options
on nationally. We also want to
export materials. Now let's collapse. To
see the other staff. The last section is
animation hour yet oh, model is not animated, so we're not going to tweak
the settings here either.
6. Export the Model: Now with all the
settings in place, you can press the
export GLD F button. This will export our
model to the GTF format. Now open your project folder. You should see 2D files there. The UFO gtf file, the binary you have been file, as well as the tax
folder with the texture. Now, you can also have
a look at a gtf file. Let's open it in Notepad. Open with Notepad. Here, you can see
it's human-readable. What's more? You can edit
it and influenza model this way even now after the model has been
exported from Blender, not going today though. Even though scroll up and
down the notepad window, you will see that the model
information is pretty clear. Meshes, textures,
images, and so on. We're going to go into
open the binary file because it's binary. So not the most
readable format file. But don't take my word for it. Go ahead and open
it in Notepad to see how it differs
from the text file. The model is not exported and
we can use it in panda 3D.
7. The Project Folder and File: We have our model exploited to GATS and it's time to
load it in panda 3D. Now, make sure the
GIT F and bin files and detects folder are
in the project folder. To keep things simple and using a very simple setup here with everything put directly
in the project folder, I also created a simple text
file for our pattern code. Now, Let's open this in a text editor like for
example, Visual Studio Code. This is a very simple file. And let's have a look at this. Here. We have the imports, some configuration like
the size of the window. And here loading our
model just as if we were loading an Ag model
without an extension, you have, you know, that egg miles can be loaded
without the extension. So we know that our model
is not an act file, it's a gtf file. So is it going to work? Let's run our application. As you can see,
there's a problem. You have an error. Could not load model file UFO. The problem here
is that we didn't specify the file extension. We don't have to do
it with X-Files, but we do have to do it with other file formats,
including Giardia. Let's quickly fix this. In order to do that, let's just type G, L, T, F. Good. Now let's run it again. Now we can see the model. The good news is,
our program works. The bag, nice A's, the model is completely black. Let's fix it next.
8. The panda3d-gltf and panda3d-simplepbr Utilities: Now panda 3D doesn't handle
gtf files out of the box. We have to install the
panda 3D gtf utility. You will find it on
the following page. Now you can use pip to install
the panda 3D gtf package. Let's open the terminal and
run the following command. Pip install panel 3D GL, TF. Well, I'm not going to do
that because I have already installed this utility
on my computer. But if you haven't,
make sure to do it. Now independence
with the GLD after utility shapes with
a GeoTIFF viewer, which you can use to view or
models from the terminal. So let's try it out
in the terminal. Let's navigate to
our project folder. So let me do that quickly. Now. We can type in the
following command, G on TI viewer, and the name of our
file Hit Enter. You will now see your
model in a new window. You can use the left
mouse button to pan. The middle mouse
button to orbit. The right mouse button
to zoom in and out. Well, the model seems
to be working fine, but before we load it in 3D, we need another utility. Let's insight to. The other utility is
panda 3D simple PBR. You will find it here. This utility is necessary to output the
textures correctly. You can install it
using pip as well. Just run the following
command in your terminal. Pip install penta 3D simple PBR. Well, I'm not going
to do it either because I have already died. But you should.
9. Load the Model in Panda3D: Now with the two
utilities installed, let's load our
model in panda 3D. Now in order to
see the textures, we must import simple PBR. We need to import
simple PR is important. And then inside the init
method of the AP class, which is the class that inherits
from show base test app. In our case, it's
innate method. Here. Now, watch this name. There are no underscores
in it. This should do. Let's run the app. Here it is. Our fully textured
model in panda 3D. You can use our
mouse to navigate, pan, rotate, it doesn't degree. Good in panda 3D. Zoom out, zoom, and so on. Our model is now
ready to use in 3D. I hope you will now
have no problem using GTF models in your
panel 3D applications.
10. Conclusion: You now know how to expert
model is created in Banner to gtf format and how to input them in a game
engine like panda 3D. Naturally, there are
multiple other formats you can export your model
to from Blender. It all depends on what kind of software you want to use it. And also, you can export two formats that are not available in Blender
out of the box. For example, you can export
your model to act format, which is panda through
these native file format. But then you need
to install an atom. But this is a topic of its own.