Exploring Generative AI in Photoshop | Daniel Berkal | Skillshare

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Exploring Generative AI in Photoshop

teacher avatar Daniel Berkal, Consumer Research

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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About This Class

This is a comprehensive course designed to introduce beginners to the incredible capabilities of generative artificial intelligence within Photoshop. Throughout the course, you will learn how to harness the potential of the generative fill function, a cutting-edge feature available in Photoshop Beta, to remove, add, and edit images like never before. Additionally, you will discover how AI can be utilized to seamlessly expand the canvas of your images, providing new possibilities for composition and storytelling.

The course begins with an overview of generative AI and its role in shaping the future of digital art and design. You will gain an understanding of the fundamentals of AI and its application in creative endeavors, setting the stage for the exciting journey ahead.

As we progress, you will be introduced to the generative fill function, exploring its various applications in image manipulation. You will learn how to leverage this powerful tool to remove unwanted objects from images, add new elements seamlessly, and make creative edits with ease. Through hands-on tutorials and practical exercises, you will develop a solid foundation in utilizing generative AI within Photoshop.

Furthermore, the course will guide you through the process of expanding the canvas of your images using AI. You will discover techniques to automatically generate additional image content, allowing you to extend backgrounds, fill in missing areas, or create unique compositions. You will witness how AI can be a valuable assistant in enhancing your artistic vision.

By the end of this course, you will have a firm grasp of the possibilities and potential of generative AI in Photoshop. You will feel confident in utilizing the generative fill function to manipulate and enhance images, as well as leveraging AI to expand the canvas and push the boundaries of your creativity.

Meet Your Teacher

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Daniel Berkal

Consumer Research


Hello, I'm Daniel.  

I'm SVP and a partner at The Palmerston Group, a global qualitative research firm.  I've personally conducted hundreds of energetic interviews of various sizes, ethnographies, mystery shops and ideation sessions among consumers and professionals in North America, Central America, Europe & Asia.

I've had a stellar career working on some of the most innovative brands in business and have been best known for completely immersing myself in consumer environments in a creative way.  With projects featured in Fast Company and Forbes, I've been called "Hands down, the most unique, thought-provoking and game-changing qualitative researcher in the business. Period."  &nb... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. INTRODUCTION: The world has been abuzz with generated AI. Everywhere you look, there are new pieces of EHR technology that had been embedded into existing platforms and all new platforms. In this class, we're going to look at Photoshop and how they've embedded regenerative AI into an entirely new way of editing existing photos or creating new images altogether. This class is intended for beginners of Photoshop, for people who want to get their feet wet. And learning the basic building blocks of how to use photoshops, new generative AI functions in creating images or an editing existing images. It's a really simple class. It's quick, and hopefully it's useful to white you do whether you're a new user, Photoshop, or someone who's played around with the different versions of Photoshop in the past and wanted to try this new Beta version. This class is for you. It should be lots of fun. I'm looking forward to seeing you here. 2. WHERE TO FIND THE RIGHT VERSION: One of the first questions is, you're going to have when looking for all of these new generative AI functions in Photoshop is where to look. It's not as intuitive as you'd think. Rather than looking in Photoshop proper and looking at the Photoshop app being up-to-date. You have to go into your Creative Cloud and you have to start looking for the beta versions. So it's not another photo. It's not under any of that, or graphic design, or video, or illustration, or 3D and AR. But under beta apps, if you click on Photoshop, Beta, That's where the generative fill functions are available inside Photoshop. So you have to download a specific beta version of Photoshop. Maybe subscribed to Adobe Creative Cloud. It should be available under beta apps inside of your Creative Cloud account. You open it, you add it to your account, and you add it to your computer, and you're ready to go. It's the very first step is go to Creative Cloud and find the beta apps. And that's where you'll find this version of Photoshop 3. HOW TO REMOVE ELEMENTS: So the Beta version of Photoshop is almost identical to the version of Photoshop you're already familiar with. There's one really interesting difference. It allows you to create images and edit images using generative AI. And that's something that really is mind-blowing. We're going to look at several examples of how you use this, or how do you can use this? And the possibilities really are endless. Let's start off by looking at a photograph. Here. Here's a picture I've taken before. It's a image right behind my house. It's completely, it's an open field. There's nothing edited in this image whatsoever. And what you can do with generative AI is pretty incredible. So you could always edit these images in Photoshop. You could painstakingly use tools like the Brush tool to, or the eyedropper tool to change colors, to change pixel by pixel. But what's interesting here is that you can edit things just by using text. Let's use the lasso tool. Some of these cars right here, I don't like these cars. Let me circle them. And then generative fill and I'll put, remove and let the AI work. If all goes well, it should get rid of these cars. There they go, they're gone. And again, even the way that it creates the image behind where those cars were. Now there are no more cars there. It's pretty incredible. Let me try another one. Let me circled this bus. And again, there's no additional coding needed to remove. And it knows that I'm talking about the bus and they can tell what to remove and how to remove it. And this kind of thing is possible. There it is. It's gone. Remove, gone. So removing items that you do not want in an image is one way you can utilize this sulfur. Let's take away these cars. Remove it again if all goes well, it will just remove them. And this is trial one. There's no I'm not trying this and advance. They're just gone. So there were four or five cars that are on that parking lot and now they're are not. And again, this was possible before, but you would have had to painstakingly zoom in on the image, pull out every pixel, and then we create the background. And the AI is really good at figuring out what you're talking about and then learning how to edit the picture accordingly. So removing or retouching photographs, which used to be an extremely long process, done quite easily using this generative AI. And it's as simple as circling and writing like this pole here. If I wanted this pole removed. Steve, it does this remove. And you can already, I hope, see the advantages of how you could again, retouch and edit photographs there that's done right away. And you can look at the different options and how to remove it. So there it is created. It will give you three different options and how to create the background. But there, that image right there, that looks pretty good. And even if you zoom in on it, even if you were to zoom into 200%. Like, it's hard to tell that those cars wherever there. And again, that's done all doing the using the generative process, which is incredible. It just removes things by just writing them word for word. So that's one thing we will look at. Let's go back to 30%. There's the original photograph the way I had it size before. In the next class. The next part of this class, we're going to look at how you can create things that don't exist using the AI 4. ADDING ELEMENTS: In this class, we're going to look at how you can create elements and objects that don't exist just by writing them in. So again, we're using the same image of this open field that we used in the last class, in the last section of this lesson, in the last lecture, in the last lesson of this class. And that we've already taken these cars out. There are cars here before. It doesn't matter if they were here or not. But now we're going to see what we can create in this image. You could, you could cut and paste things before. But here using generative AI by itself, you can edit this image and it will do it with light and texture and make it look pretty, pretty good just using typing. So we'll use the lasso tool again, that's a really good way of selecting an area. So let's say in this image, let's say I wanted to put a skyline, a city skyline. That's the wrong one. I'm going to use this, this image, this tool there. We'll draw this thing in here. Okay? Drew a circle there. Any shape you want but generative fill, Let's put city's skyline and press Enter. Wait a couple of seconds. And what should happen is the AI will figure out a, an image or an edit to your image that will meet the criteria that you defined. There we go, city skyline. Let's see. Let's say that. I mean, that doesn't exist. It's pretty incredible. And all of the images that creates for you are images that are already royalty cleared. So you can use them in your, in your final deliverable. But let's say this guy, I don't like it gives you three options. So three separate options for every generative piece that you're talking about. And in this, that looks pretty good. And if you zoom in, like it creates it in a way that is quite, quite believable. And again, I can edit even the reflections that are used are pretty appropriate tool we're talking about. So that's a pretty incredible piece of sulfur. And then even a piece of technology. Even within these, even within the image that you're creating, you can say a shorter tower. Let's see if it will shorten that tower. Okay, so that gives me what I wanted it to be. And that makes a crane. So it doesn't always hit it the way you want to do it. In this case, I'm going to take that out. But you play around with things and you can draw them in and out. But let's say I wanted to zoom back out. And I wanted to create other elements in this image. That would be interesting for me. Let's say I wanted to create a piece of water right here. So let's go to the Lasso Tool. Draw in an area. Will generative fill, put water. And we'll see what it comes back with. And by playing around with two mentions and playing around with the way you draw areas of interests. So that doesn't look as realistic as I want it. There's some analysis. These are all waters, but none of them really hit the element that I want to use. So let me try redrawing the field, redrawing the area. Let's try there. Or you can even make a pond and say a pond. And the AI has the ability to understand in real language what you're trying to do. All of this was possible before, but you'd have to find the right image, place it in. That looks decent. And again, you can play around with things until you get the right the right fit. That's not what I want yet. So let me play around. Try to draw it here. Pond. And hopefully what we'll do here is it will adapt the image around that as well to make it look more realistic. Okay? 5. EXPANDING THE CANVAS: Sometimes the images you take, sometimes the pictures you have, or things you want to make bigger or have different dimensions. And what generative AI does is allows you to expand what is shown in an image to an extent that is kind of beyond comprehension. So again, using the same image that we've been using so far. So this image of a plain blank field, I've taken out the cars. But what you can do here is you go 12345 tools down. So this is the crop tool, expands the edge of an image. And let's expand this a bit. So let's put it from here to here to there. Okay, so that's expanded image. Then what you would do is you would select the original or the thing you want to expand it. You inverse the selection. So two over you invert the selection. So now it's selecting that area in the border, outside that white border. And now I can put up top, now, I can generatively fill and we'll leave it blank. We'll say, just figure it out. Now it's taking that original image that was in the frame so that, that vertical image. And it should expand it by what it thinks. If the pattern continues. Here we go. This is incredible because none of this stuff exists. And it gives you a couple of options too. So a couple of options of how it thinks it might go. In one of the options, the building on the right side of the frame is built up on another. There's a smaller building just on another. There's kind of an open field 6. CORRECTING BLEMISHES: But sometimes the generative AI is not perfect and you get these kind of aberrations that you want to smooth out. So in selecting the expanded Canvas, you got this area here. That is, It's a weird white line. And so what we'll do is we'll draw a, will draw over that. We'll select it and we'll generatively fill that within the lines of selection. And so we'll let the AI and figure out what are some of the patterns of fallen there. And that should smooth out that area that looks like a vertical line. He did it. Okay. That's better. Still is missing a piece here. So let's smooth out the whole thing. Let's re-select this. And let's smooth out this area. And it takes all the data and we're trying to get that one little piece to smooth out a bit. And there it is, smooth out. That looks pretty good. And even that horizontal line across the horizon is consistent throughout. There's another white line here. So let's take this line and let's smooth it out. And also let's get that vertical line on the horizontal line out too. So we'll do a degenerative fill this whole area. And what it should do if all goes well, is it should smooth out the whole sky. And this was very possible beforehand. But with generative technology, with AI technologies, you can do this so quickly just by using text with no additional skills. Now when I take this image, I can draw in other elements that I want to see. So going back to that initial example, I can dry up for city skyline here. And much of this image never existed. And I actually use very limited, almost no visual graphics skill to create. What I'm saying. Hey, that's weird. I'm not sure where that came from, but that's kinda cool. Looks kinda like Philadelphia, kinda like New York. I'm, I'm gonna go for this first one. Hutton as cool as well. Let's make this a parking lot. Make this whole area into a parking. And let's see what comes back with. Here it goes, it's going to create an image of what it thinks is a perfume lot. That's fine. Again, it's interesting to play around with all these potentials. So this is what you can do with this software. Where it gets really amazing is when you work with people. In the next class, we'll look at how to use this on humans 7. HUMAN SUBJECTS: When you're working with images of landscapes or of settings, that's one thing. But when you're working with people, it can be very difficult to trust AI to maneuver the data, because there's a trust factor of wondering whether all the real or not. So let's take a picture. This is an image of me sitting right here, right now. And what you can see is with generative AI, you can add this picture just as easily as other things. You can do it pretty amazingly. Let's start off with, let's say on my arm. Circle my arm here. Let's add a tattoo. And what I find interesting about the way that it does this is it's able to figure out the position, the amount of light. And it can build in using all this data. Sudden, it looks relatively reasonable. I don't know what these are tattoos up, but that's kinda cool. It's pretty simple. It's printer attached to, either attached to them and say, oh, tattoo. And it even gets the angles correct. And this is just by writing in one word. So what's cool about their lungs? That looks relatively real. You can noodle around with it and play with that. Let's add. These are parlor tricks, but you can see where this could become useful. Beard. Don't know how great those particular periods are, but you can play around with it until you get one that looks about right? Remember these beards? Let's change the shirt I'm wearing. So you can really play with all these factors. Crusher, he's able to figure out what position my body isn't. Yeah, it is. That's amazing because that doesn't exist at all. I can draw on glasses onto myself. Sunglasses. And this is with no, I keep saying this over and over again. But the Sioux with no additional graphic design knowledge, this is just typing in words and watching how they appear. I think the frame which I drew the glasses wasn't so good there. But nonetheless, you also can utilize things like the object select tool. And now I can do the inverse of this. And I can put neon, Tokyo, whatever that means. Let's see, plays and keeps the right dimensions and so on. What's amazed me about the software is that it's incredibly good at making creative possibilities come to life with limited knowledge of the how-to is the maximum light and color. And that's where I think this is incredibly interesting. I've only started playing around with this, and it's unbelievable the possibilities. I actually find that much of the Photoshop skills that I had learned in the past have been entirely replaced by this new generative AI input. It's worth trying for yourself. In the next class, we're going to sum this all up and we're going to build a lesson that allows you to play with an image that you already have and to adapt it using generative AI 8. CREATE A PROJECT: Last lesson of this course, I'd like you to go into your computer and find an image. It doesn't matter of what. It can be. Any, anything on your computer, an image that you know, that's really simple to use. And I'd like you to adapt it using generative fill on Photoshop beta in three ways. One is I want you to expand the canvas and fill it in. However you may like to. I'd like you to remove elements from the photo. And three, I'd like you to add elements adaptive in some way. It doesn't matter how exactly, but I want you to play with some of these tools only using generative fill to see how powerful this can be in your daily workflow on Photoshop. It's best if you're a novice in Photoshop and don't use any other tools other than the gender to fill aspect. On Photoshop Beta. I'm interested to see what you come back with in sharing this shear, the original image, and then share how you've changed it. Hi, You can put, you can upload these into the project folder below. And thank you very much for taking this quick introduction to Photoshop beta and to using generative fill on Photoshop