1. Welcome! Meet the teacher and why Astral Travel is great!: Welcome, my name is Fernando, and I will teach you
how to experience a profound and life changing
state of consciousness. You will find moments during your sleep at night where
your experience and magnificent and
profound freedom and jury called astral projection. And then going to teach you how. I will teach you in a few
easy steps in a short time. And you are going to notice
that you will be able to get out of your body and
missing the astral plane. With these exercises,
you will learn that there are very few
easy steps that you would need to
experience in order to go through an
out-of-body experience. And when you invest a little bit of time everyday to
put into practice, you're going to realize
that you are going to soon be able to leave your
physical body behind. When you do, you are going
to be able to explore higher planes of existence
and have a lot of joy. I have international protection since I've watched a small kit. And I love for
other people to be able to experience
these amazing moments. Because even as an adult, I am able to find peace
and relaxation per point that they
were able to leave my physical body behind. And when he do, I really enjoy a profound sense of
freedom and liberation. Hey, don't worry if you
have no prior experience, my cursor is easy enough
that anybody can do it. For this class project, you are going to work
your way to reach out both a complete physical
and mental relaxation. And you will reach a state
of body asleep, mine awake. You will enter trends
and new will prepare yourself from an
astro experience. You will learn any
required exit techniques in order to journey
began the body, experiencing the
profoundness state of partial prediction
and sharing your notes with the rest
of his theologians in order to get better
and stronger at it. So, well, I'm very
excited for you. So joining, understanding
how you can get the most out of Azure prediction and start exploring the universe
away from your body. So see you in class.
2. Lesson 1: Start an amazing Journey to the Astral Plane.: Welcome to my new asterisk
prediction course. I am sure some of you
are aware that this is my second Astro
friction curves. And while the first
one has dozens of platters and they would continue to bring new classes to it. I feel it's important to have a new and fresh approach to our slip reaction
for this course. Ideally, this course
is for beginners. But even if you are well-suited
in Astrup reaction, you might learn something new. Even if you joined myeloid
Astro friction course. I invite you to
check out these 12. You will find that they
explain things here in a very simple way with plenty of practical exercises
and very, very fun. You will also learn to keep a few aspects of
life into account. At his course is going
to be focusing more in shaping lifestyle more suitable
for a certain reaction. This is precisely the new
and forest approach for this course that it has
for us flip reaction. So for this reason, you cannot
miss this course either. I wanted you to get
started by sharing how amazing asleep friction is in
case you don't know it yes. Yet. I am sure that
you have heard a lot about Astrup reaction and that you are very curious
to experience it. And I have to say that
you are not wrong in thinking how amazing
Astro friction is. When you get to
experience, you will know because I wanted to share
with you that if you want to hold tight
to the fact that someone can experience a
life-changing situation. You're going to
love it even more. And people are not exaggerating. And when you managed to our celebrate checked
at least ones, you will completely
understand it. I can share that after
teaching nursery operation for over five years to
hundreds of students, everybody came
with a huge amount of passion and loved
to the astral plane. In my end, possibly the most
profound experiences in this current life happened in the Azure plane.
Don't get me wrong. I had an a half plenty of lovely experiences in
the physical plane. But the usher plane gives
you an experience that is completely out of his
world. Literally speaking. The very first time
you are super checked, you will experience a
massive feeling of joy and a level of freedom that
you have never felt before. It is true at your first
predictions will be brief since your excitement will bring
you back to the body. But with practice, the
experiences that you can have, really life changing, your awareness will grow and
your potential to expand spiritually will be
pretty much an assurance. I also want to say right
off the bat that you should not feel any worries
out our stroke reaction. And this is something I want
to share from class one. You should not be afraid. I would ask her prediction
for two reasons. The first one is that
if you're afraid out something rated
last operation, you are going to block
yourself completely. And the second reason is
that you shouldn't have any fear because there
is no reason to at all. All of the stories that
you have heard about potential problems with your
physical body are not true. In fact, Alice stories aren't
happening is during trends, more than mere hallucinations
and neural process from the brain when you enter the
phase of sleep paralysis. When you receive a
mix of three minutes, as well as hallucinations, is totally hardness and
important to completely ignore in order to continue with the actual
prediction separation. So keep in mind that all
of his stories that you have haired are resulting from a few scary moments that are
house nations of everything. The astral body is connected to the physical way
through a sealer court. The secret court will snap you right back into
your physical body. If there is an energetic change, even a brief touch to your physical body will
likely snap you back to it. Therefore, it is
impossible to get lost, to not re-enter your body. To get possessor wherever
stories you have haired online, remember, this will
keep you away. You will not have any problems. Don't listen to this. I went to remind you
that our reaction is fantastic and we are
super checked every night. Us. And remember, this is
true for every single person, as well as animals will actually protect
every single night. And a very easy way for you to know that you
have Asheville project. It is the fact of
experiencing foreign dreams. Sometimes you might have found yourself
awakening abruptly. And you only recall as if you splattered on the wet
Basili from a very full, that it's from a
very high height. This happens because of
whatever reason you're slowly return to your
physical or the railway. Use also possible
that you experience some special dreams or
maybe super dreams. You could feel
that you maybe had a special dream where everything filled complete superior. To your regulatory
seems as if you were elevated to a very
high dimension. Dream where you
feel that through my theorization and with good intentions you
get everywhere. You might recall here a former astronaut experience shared also animals are still protect every night
and with practice, you could see your furry friend exploring the world out
of the physical body. Actually, it's quite cool to
see our souls and wind and heals very much from the dense reality that
we call physical claim. Some things we happen to
wake up computed renewed, and maybe we only had the smallest sleep for
an hour because he was a terrible night.
Better than familiar. You might have happened
that extreme tiredness. You were more
in-between planes and you noticed consciously about an asteroid separation and new experiences and through your body finally fell asleep. Please don't think
that you will not be able to achieve this is super important as everybody can achieve a separation and leave a very
profound experience. It doesn't matter your religion, your beliefs, of course, unless you have fear or your speed well
potential at the moment. This is rather a
pointless things for you to worry about or for you to accomplish
Astrup reaction. If you have a profound
the CEO Tesla project, you will already
have a great deal of a push to accomplish this. However, this is not
enough, not alone. In addition of your essay,
you'll need to learn how to interpret,
check, and practice it. Of course, what matters the most for us to have patients and the measured time when
something is great, it always takes time. I celebration was great. You need a little bit
of patient-centered dedication to a topic. Don't try to rush through
this course because yes, listen to it will not be enough. It is true. It will help you as it adds to your
subconsciousness. But you want to make
sure that you know well audit techniques and how to get the most out
of this experience. So, uh, he said you
can find a very large as direction
course you may profile. But in this approach
you're going to learn how to adjust your
life little by little, and what things to keep in
mind for your day to day in order to make yourself more suitable for us reproduction. And if this is your first
coefficient course with me, you will also learn how
to get out from your body since they will share
all the requirements and exit techniques
for either succeeded. There's practical
exercises as well as some guided meditations
that will help you out. In the next class, I'm going to explain all the
benefits you can add to your life besides joy and fun when you practice
as recreation. So I'm going to
be very sure that you we'll be looking forward
to attempt to your life. So let's not wait more. Come on. Let's go
see you next class.
3. Lesson 2: Benefits and possibilities with Astral Projection.: In the pair class
I shared with you why our separation
is planar awesome, as well as the fact
that actual prediction is available to you and
available to everybody. Don't forget that
as the prediction is not near to your soul. And even if it's new for you, as soon as you start
experiencing it, your soul will find a
familiarity with it and this alone will help you
to succeed. In this class. I wanted to share more about
the benefits from us or prediction series
most likely that you want to explore
space and experience and have profound moment to then be able to
really be through these, maybe share about it
and talk about it. And, you know, all of
this is fantastic. You should I encourage you? However, it is
possible that URL, so pursuing more Bian this
in a way that you will be able to seek goals like
spiritual development, finding resolution
to somebody who challenges meeting
with some beings. Your spirit guides or
loved ones in spirit. For this reason,
you are going to realize that the
astral patients are very practical tool
in addition of a very fun and in general toy. Even if you are looking to have an only the very experiences
that you will have in the astral plane will
wake your spirit app. And you will just
say her to grow and you're going to
pursue that growth. And I'm going to share
some positives here. So the first and most
obvious benefit, it's to be able to go beyond the physical pain and explorer. As human beings,
we are explorers. We shouldn't forget that. It's a part of our very
nonexistence and our instinct. We are pretty much programmed
to research and Explorer. And this goes by your nature and instinct because after all, we are Souls having a human
experience and exploring the cervix cornerstone of our
experiences in this planet. So therefore, the solid
itself is going to enjoy perceiving the
astral plane consciously. Doing a human lifetime. As it will not be only a liberating experience
for you at a soul level. What an opportunity to expand the awareness through
exploration and experience his playing with a human consciousness might
completely disembodied. Although at a side note, I have to say that it
will quickly elevate yourself above the
human consciousness. You are going to also experience a lot of things
when you BCD the astral plane. And you are going to relate very much with your physical life. You're going to give yourself a massive mental
satisfaction when you're able to go to
places like for example, Jupyter, to name a
cool but close pace. One recently
satisfaction is you are lucid and aware doing one
of these experiences. You're going to feel as if you physically went to Jupiter. And it is going to feel
as real as physical life. Since one significant aspect of appropriation is that everything feels as real as it can get. It doesn't matter
wherever you want to space or elsewhere. The second and very
obvious benefit is also the afterglow sensation
that you will have after experiencing
Astrup reaction, you will feel right away
that everything is much more special and significant
than you thought it was. Ironically, you are
going to experience the opposite with
yourself at an ego level, since you are going to feel
more connected to everything, you will feel that your ego
will get less in the way. You are not going
to be as important. You are going to be
significant and essential, but not important from an
artistic point of view. And for all split of things, this is a very good thing. You are going to also feel
very happy because upon waking from an assert protection experience and writing it down, you will feel that US had
an awesome experience. It is as similar after grow for when you had
an awesome dream. Mac multiply it by ten, at least is a very
powerful filter will completely
fill up your heart. So films of inner peace will also materialize
within your heart. You will get to
learn an easy lesson and also an earlier lesson. This one is at everything
is simpler than it looks. When you allow
flow, you will yes. Move forward without
practically any for it. Almost as if you were
backed up constantly. Because something
that you need to experience and feel
in your very hard, once you do, you will
realize it's amazing. The third foundational benefit
is a spiritual expansion. And it will briefly explain
this to you because the human consciousness is used to limitations of
the physical plane, and therefore, this
is what we know and we're used to the
physical development. It's there, but it's
fetal development and experiences that a person
can experience very sellout, especially if there is
any religion involved. Once we are able to witness and actual separation
with full consciousness will become very clear out something, death
continuous afterlife. And you experienced the
plane where spiritual side. If you consider death
as a loss of existence, you will realize is
far from the truth. As you proceed through
version of you, the soul. If you hold any fears to death, maybe do the
negative experiences of teaching that you
might have received. You will also lose these from
your consciousness as well. You will realize that
the earth of teachings are the afterlife are not true. And you will find what truly
resonates with your soul. If you are yet experienced
in astro friction for joy, you will also come
to the conclusion that you are
desperate well-being. Besides, a human being, could wake into the sire
for you to explore more, such as who you are at
an extension level, what lessons are you
yet to learn and what purpose you have for incarnating near
current human body. So thanks to us operation, you will start to research a lot more about your
spirituality and this will enable a
significant growth that we'll save your life. Pretty much you will be slowly turning into a better
version of yourself. He observed hundreds
of people turning more empathic and
kinda 12 things. So definitely ask operation teaches you that there
is a lot more to life than what our eyes can meet and we can reach and
tap into these a lot more. People who experience has
to prediction are more open-minded and definitely heard more connected to
their feelings. What you get to experience as a Mason and you will mind it. That is mind-blowing. This one will enable
you to affect the possibility about other potential moments
to blow your mind. As well as knowing that the physical plane is only
a fraction of existence, you will be willing to
receive new wisdom. Ultimately, you will also feel a lot more
connected with yourself as this will bring benefit
from all of your living areas. So in a way, you're still bringing
benefits to their physical, the day-to-day life, you will navigate life with a
greater consciousness. We say greater peace of mind and a greater inner glow that
many people will pick up on by not only want
to connect with you, but to enjoy your company, not able to explain the reasons. And remember legs
are drugs like. So. In the next
class we are really going to dive deep into
actual prediction. We're going to go straightforward to the
foundations for you to already have an essential tip for you to get idle
closer to astral plane. So come on, let's go right
now. See you next class.
4. Meditation 1: Astral Projection Aid: This may patient. We're going to leave behind our body and take small
exploration through space. We're going to sitting
tensions for your soul. To experience a journey
outside the body. You may choose to listen to these main patient
before falling asleep. Early in the morning. If you have extra time to lay down and to completely
let go for a while. Sure. To get in a
comfortable position. Slowly. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Hold it. Go. Completely. Take another deep breath. I'm asking you exhale. All that no longer
belongs to you. Realizing these East a
sacred time for you. Your time to experience,
a profound experience. As you go deeper
into relaxation. Notice how your feet start to
feel warm and very relaxed. Notice how these worm
reaches your knees. Travels all the
way to your hips. You don't know where Bobby? He's profoundly
relaxed. Relaxed. If you can't move. Even if you wanted. You absurd. You notice
these wonderful energy. Feeling up your arms, your hands and fingers. Nowhere back. Your tummy area,
your total zone. Notice how these wonderful
energy continues to travel. To relax all the
muscles of your neck. Doze off your face. So relax. Your Joe. He's handy. Yes. Allowing completely realized. Your physical body
is pure energy. Feel this energy. A completely relaxed,
with a clear mind. You will have a
wonderful journey. So first, you realize that there is a small chest right next to you. Take a brief moments
to observe and analyze this chest way the
chest appears to you, I might have great significance. Right now. You realize you can place all of your memories and thoughts inside these tests. Rousseau, for every thought
that appears in your mind. You want to take a breath. When you exhale. Swan, I just thought
entering the chest. Continue to win this. Clear further your mind. Until we continue. You notice very vibrant, profound energy within
your physical Barney. Realizing more and more your physical
Bobby's pure energy. You notice beautiful staircase. Maybe he's a staircase of light. Maybe is shimmering gold. Staircase of plants and nature. Even they may look as
regular staircase, and that's fine to yourself. A few moments. To mentally observe
this staircase. You feeling made it
go up. As you go. You notice that for
every stamp you take, a physical body becomes
more and more relaxed. Whereas protected. You continue to go farther and farther
away from the body. Leaving on attachments behind. You notice you're surrounded
by a bubble of white light. You start to glide. Going high up in the clouds. Clouds. And beyond there. Notice our beautiful
blue planet. Lead left behind. We will come back home
when we're finished. And you'll bring wonderful
energy with you. Allow yourself to enjoy
your thing space. Makes sure to absurd on around. You can look around in all
directions. You are freely. Nobody in space. Allow yourself something. While exploring the universe. You notice, I've been
able to precedence. You notice eating of
light appearing right in front of you? Maybe. This is a low funny to
spirit spirit guide. Maybe yes, have been able
to meet Greek and you allow protection and healing. Absurd. For a few moments. These beautiful being noticed, imagine this being a flight. Handing you something. It seems these nice holy, something, something
of beautiful energy. Something very
significant to you. Maybe something you need. You can now take it with you. Include grabbing.
Take a few moments to upsert meaning of this gift and remember, it might be a message
or maybe a blessing. White light prediction. And IBM, something
completely different. But it wouldn't be
relevant and significant. The two you take a few
moments to absurd. Whereas you notice beautiful
staircase once more. These as before. Inviting you to meet, choose to continue to stay here. You're welcome to do so. You need to come back home. These what I see yourself
going down the staircase. Few pamper. We feelings of gratitude. It will feel lean
man liberation. It's time to bring all of
these wonderful gifts. Going to allow you to slowly Ground back
to consciousness. Or if you've chosen
to continue with his experience or because
you have fallen asleep, me continue to bring more of this wonderful
energy and fulfillment. Your dreams. Your soul.
5. Exercise 1 - Time to Ponder: First Experience: It is time to ponder. So please make sure
that you're not disturbed for 30 minutes. After experiencing
the above meditation, please take some time to reflect on everything that
you have experienced. This will help you
to get started, to get your subconsciousness connected to Astrup reaction, whether you succeed yet or not. This will help you very much to move forward
and to improve. So take notes to
everything you have experienced and what
feelings you have now, and also make sure to date it. Also, if you completed these
sexual sex a few times, please compare with
prayer notes and reflect upon them because this also
will help with your progress. So go for it.
6. Lesson 3: Time to get started, focusing on the foundations.: In the prior lesson,
I share it about the benefits of Astrup reaction. That besides having fun
and being liberated, you also will expand
massively your speed while and come with more
and many accreditations. In this lesson,
I'm going to share about the foundations
that you need to initially take care of in order
to start seeing progress. Please remember that
Astrup reaction requires practice and you need to eliminate certain
skills to succeed it. However, I said in a previous lesson area
where they can succeed, you only need desire
medication and patients. This is a first
step I want you to take after gotten hundreds of people that can tell
you that this is a first step that helps
them most and helps a lot. And it is often missing, yet is quite simple to do. And it is a first step
for you to really understand why you
went to a slipper, checked, truly understand it. And while this
might sound silly, it plays a significant
role to really tell your consciousness
and subconsciousness where you went to
us through project. I am sure that you now
have swine yet in mind, such as wanting to play around multiple places or have them send them,
they'll experiences. However you want
it to really feel why you should be able
to BCD astral plane. You want to even take notes for all the goals you have
regarding asleep reaction, make it something significant. And how in a clear sense for your goals will help
your entire being to focus and to be more
centered in your goal. It is good for you too, yes, have one goal of having
fun or meeting someone. Might you want to truly
know at a complete level all the reasons why you want this goal and to go to
the astro for this. In fact, if you are
really interested, you want to go ahead and
take some time in thinking all of the reasons why
you went to our project. And you will see that sometimes you might
be able to discover, even knew this desires and goals to help you to
get out of your body. Unique to find good reasons
for every goal you have. For example, let's say you
want to have fun, fine. Try to define fun. Whether it's finding for you. You can find out that your desires here are to
explore the universe. Feel flowing sensations, or maybe a weakness your
city lights as you glide. Both of these you will
cement a lot more. You're the seniors
because for every year, you will have a lot of reasons. And it's of these reasons
will be one more chance for your consciousness to
push forward, to succeed. More awareness and detail
you here for your goals, the greater potential you
will have to succeed. Principle of embolism is
your best friend here. Because like attracts like to a more thoughts you have about your Ashlar
prediction goals. The easier it will
also be for you to attract a successful
out-of-body experience. Make sure to set clear intentions
and make sure that you have a hammer desire
to be the Astro blame. With pretty much any
spiritual practice. If you sit clearing tensions, the university is going
to be in your favor. You are going to materialize a lot more energy and you also prepare yourself
consciously, subconsciously and
split or into it. So it's important
that you also have positive an honest desires. Keep in mind that if you
went to spy someone, for example, you
will not succeed. You will likely not be able
to ask them to check because you're a bridges will be low due to this negative intentions. And if somehow you managed
to our slipper checked, you are not going to be
a spine on anyone else. You will not reach your goal. Maybe you wouldn't
reach your target at all or you will receive
misleading information. Don't forget to engage her
feelings at all times, things will help you
succeed a lot faster. And it sort of works
as a fuel because you can materialize out of energy
from your heart chakra. This energy helps
you to experience better and longer predictions. Goals and intentions. In Maine, we've plenty of detail. It's time to focus on relaxing
the physical well-being. So it's imperative that you
understand that you need to reach a state of body
asleep might awake. These requires some practice. You'll be able to find
some exercises and guided meditations here that
will help you out a lot. So keep in mind that you
need to relax completely your physical way to a point
that you stopped feeling it. In fact, is when you stop feeling your physical
body, when you are ready. As the physical body needs
to be in this degree of relaxation for it
to enter in trends. Also, it is important that you keep in mind that your body cannot be exhausted as
if you're always tired, you will never manage
to our super checked. This is not dreaming. And the key here is to not
be super tight it in fact, I recommend that you attempt to actually check if you wake up in the middle of the night
after some hours of sleeping, as well as when you wake
up early in the morning. And it differs between people at a time to relax completely. You should compare yourself with other people in
how they relaxed, how much, when, or how long
it is unique to each person. With practice, you
will be able to see what ways you're able
to relax the best. So take your time and
finding what helps you vest. For this reason, attempting this after a few hours of sleep is AVL because here all these
rested, already relaxed. So you're going to have a much easier path to also keep your mind
completely silent to succeed. And Ashley prediction is one of those skills
that are query to have your mind completely
silent for a few minutes. If you have even a small
thought here and there, you will not be able to
enter trans completely. You will instead get frustrated from waiting during
an attempt or yes, realizing that years
ago distracted. It is not difficult
to clear the mind, but it takes a bit of time
and a lot of practice. The fact that we are all
bombarded with stimuli, it can make it harder
for the mind to relax. Mean exposed to so many screens, so long wires our mind to be constantly we see and it is something we have
to the program. You will find an exercise that comes from a farmer course
that will help you. Alot is an exercise that will teach you step-by-step
to control your mind chatter is imperative that you eliminate this
exercise. You must. Once you are able to achieve a complete physical body
and mental relaxation, you would need to wait a little. Here. He's also where a huge amount of people
messes things up. Once your body is relaxed
it and your mind silent, you need to remain in
this state for awhile. It is not a long while birth, you will feel eternal,
especially the beginning. Also there is a sleep
priorities to deal with. And we're going to talk about everything related to
this in the next class. So you can definitely
miss it if you want to learn their process and you
went to get out of your body. So come on, let's go right
now to the next class.
7. Exercise 2 - Time to Ponder: Goals: It's time to ponder
for a golden. So please make sure
that you're not disturbed for about 15 minutes. And then you want to make
sure that you take some time. And really question, why do
you want to ask her project? Nadia asked to have
fun or to fly around, that's fantastic,
but truly, why? Truly, what are your most
while this is hires from this, what do you need from
these experiences? What are you seeking? He's important you
do this because your subconsciousness will gain a lot of power and we'll have these flowing
maths easier if you do. So don't rush here because
this is going to be very positive for your
subconsciousness. It's going to help a lot
more than you think. So make sure to take
notes of everything, everything you are thinking, everything you are
feeling. Note it down. Okay. Once you are done
with that, ask to yourself. Ask Do your intuition
if there is something else that you need to learn
about astral reaction, not only you're going to
get a significant push, but also you're going to have more reasons to want to
get out of your body. So go for it.
8. Meditation 2: Let's Relax the Body.: We're going to go 40
simple bots it forward. Physical body relaxation. First, get comfortable and
slowly close your eyes. Focus on your reading
and observe how the air comes out. Now take another deep breath. And as you exhale, vSwitch nice and golden
light entering the nose, going all the way
down to the lungs. These ecetera steroid is energy and it's filling up
your entire physical body. Notice how your feet go
deeper in relaxation. They start to feel
warm and heavy. You notice this is true for your lower legs
and for your knee. Completely, completely relaxed. Notice the upper legs. These become very relaxed. And you notice that your
legs are now pure energy. Peered light. They feel warm and heavy. You can't move them
even if you try it. You also notice that these are healing and restoring to
their perfect burstiness. As you observe this
beautiful light flowing up what your torso, your lower back, your
upper back, the best. You can feel, how much love and how much healing energy is
flowing through you right now. Fearless state of police
and complete relaxation. You notice also your
arms are very heavy, very warm and relaxed. Use noticed that
he's white light. Also feel your arms,
hands, and fingers. You notice that this energy
is filling up your head, relaxing all of the
muscles of your neck, all of the muscles of your face. In fact, you can notice
your job European. Allow it to be now appear light. Your physical body is
made of pure light. You are luminous,
your experience, and you are in a complete state of relaxation,
physical relaxation. You can come back here. Any penny went. Anything you need to be relaxed. You can always return
to his state of mind. You only need to allow yourself. I'm going to allow you to enjoy, except for a few more
moments until we come back. Now, it is time to bring these wonderful relaxation
to the physical plane. Some way to count
from one to three. And you're going to be fully
grounded and fully awake. Number one, starting
to move your toes, your fingers, slowly moving
your hands, your feet. Number Two, more in
your arms, your legs, gently moving your neck, starting to feel
their room around you started to feel
fully precedent. Number three, wide, wide awake. Wide, wide awake. And when you're ready, open
your eyes and welcome home.
9. Meditation 3: Let's Relax the Mind: These may patient,
we're going to go for a story it forward. Mental relaxation for you
to find mental peace. Bonds. First, beaker, the breweries. I'm assuming here, visualized white light
entering your body. White light releases you from everything that no
longer finance team. Deletion of starting to
bring yourself in a state of relaxation and a state of
letting go completely. Take another deep breath. And as you exhale, VCE finance that a briefing that no
longer belongs to you, each spin completely
cleared away. You have said appear intention to relax
your mind completely. The process has already started. And as you realize this, you notice a small
chest right next to. Pick a few moments to observe
how these chest looks like. Because the way it looks, it might be significant for you. Hint an open niches. On Wednesday. You can feel a wonderful energy
coming from within. Energy that wants to
cooperate that once to help. You realize that
authored in this energy, the chest, this empty, you realize least
chest is for you to set aside a briefing
Yunan longer metric. Now, go ahead. And for the first thought
that comes in, in your mind, visualize it as if you surrounded
in a bubble of widely. Find gratitude for this
thought but don't waste in it. Yes, surrounded with wide legs. When she make sure to add these white light bubble
inside the chest. Once it's thought comes,
repeat the process. This will I said
the greater for it. Don't question it, but would
it be inside the test? For some reason? The same thought comes back. Repeat the process. Interest over and gratitude. Into a chest. Ct movies. You can notice how
your consciousness and how your hand
starts to feel more liberated and free from anything
that no longer belongs. I am going to give you a few
moments for you to continue filling up this chest
until I call you back. Finding a great degree of
gratitude because we're finding yourself more lever
rated at a mental never. Remember. Anytime you need
through the clutter your mind, you can always come back here. You can always find these chest. You can always put your thoughts
in here and don't worry, your thoughts will be
here for you to claim. Once you are finished
with the relaxation. Now it's time to come back and continue in the
physical plane. I'm from one to three. Weeks three, you're going to be fully free or week number one, starting to slowly
move your hands. Anaerobes. Slowly when you're starting to be well aware
of your surroundings. When we're above the room
during number three. Why wide-awake? Why why don't we welcome home?
10. Lesson 4: Exit Techniques: It's time to leave the body!: In their prayer class we
took about sleep paralysis. Please keep in mind that it
will require a little bit of practice to be able to stay
relaxed from sleep paralysis. You believe you
have a hard time, you can help yourself
with hypnosis. Meditation. Also, I
recommended to choose one technique to stick for it for a few weeks
before changing. Otherwise, you will confuse your consciousness
and you will have a harder time to progress. In this class, I'm
going to go straight to the techniques to exit. I want to point out something
out of people asked me when is the right time to start doing an exit technique. You will know when it's
the right time because he would feel a
strong vibrations and also as a viewer later, or you start to
become weightless. There is no specific
amount of trice as it changes depending on
their personal situation, EDS will arrive. So my favorite method consists of starting to focus
on the vibrations, paying attention to them and seeing how they become stronger. At the same time, I
visualize all my energy, concentrating my heart chakra
to the point of failure, strong pulsating feelings
in the middle of the chest. From here, I visualize
if I am pushing out from the very
center of the chest and how I started to see everything from a
different perspective and a hiker perspective emulating Astro bisschen morning daily, I am out in SDMI sales
right outside home. I noticed simple technique
that they like to visualize is
fluorine sensations. This one is very
gentle and very easy. I visualize my whole body
getting later, floating, start to vSwitch space
as if I am surrounded by a space while I visualize floating sensations
growing more and more. Great, Sorry, I'm far away
from a body when he came out making it hard for
a premature return. I usually find myself
in the middle of a space here, and it is awesome. So another technique is starting to staring into space behind your eyes and pay attention
to the parents of light that will begin to
form in front of you. You need to wait until
later transformed into recognizable figures
and objects. Either rarely seem absurd
shapes increasing, you will be able to
either separate from your body or enter a dream
that will be up to you. Then it follows with
a rope technique as this one is very popular. And well, we felt open your eyes are moving
your physical body. You want to visualize yourself reaching Towards the rope
and start to claim it. You need to pretend there is a hanging rope coming
from the ceiling. Thread to feel all
the sensations that usually a campaign
claiming a rope, feel a tension in your arms. But make sure not real tension. Keep your body relaxed. And also visualize the weight of your body as
you keep claiming. Claim the rope will
cause vibrations and their intensity to increase
as you keep going up and up. So continue to claim faster and faster to speed up the process until you're fully separate and achieve an out-of-body
experience. Actually, sometimes you can choose to pull the robust swill it like a strong pool and
then you can pull yourself out and find yourself
floating above your body, which is also quite nice. Eruption is to concentrate on the sounds you may
hear in your head. You might hear some
sort of noise. Bazin hamular voices. Keep listening and
you shouldn't notice the increasing volume and
the density of the sounds. When it sounds get really loud. Tried to separate from your
body with a rapid movement. Actually, something's
enough itself is enough to separate
from the body, which is also nice. Well, I am planning and Neil and maybe a little bit more advanced Ashley
prediction course. And they will be sharing
there over 20 techniques. You need to make sure to
stay tuned for this one. I wanted you to have a few easterly winds
that will get you out of your body
and will get you to practice and
get your stronger. For now, we'll be heading
out to the next class. We are going to see
what roadblocks and issues you need to
keep into account. It is super important
to know this. You know how to go around them. So let's see them
right now. Let's go.
11. Exercise 6: Time to leave the body.: In this exercise,
you're going to try and exit technique and you're
going to stick to it. For the first time. You are going to give it a try. You want to make sure and
calm down and write it down. After you chose one technique, how did it go for
the first time? You want to write down
all the experiences, even if you had none, you should note
everything down and they them for every
single attempt. Even if things are
not excited at first, stick please to two weeks
with the same technique, don't change it and try to take daily or every
other daily notes. That way you are
going to understand the process for you much better. And then after 15 days, you went to compare
notes from all 15 days. See how it went, see where you went from 0.1, where you are on the 15th day. And then here is when you can consider to change
techniques or not. This should be the
right way for you to find your ideal technique. So let's get going.
12. Lesson 5: Roadblocks & things to keep in mind.: How did you like
the techniques from the previous class? The trainee? Please remember to stick
with one technique for several nights
before train anyone. This way, you will
get the best results. So in this class I
want to point out a few roadblocks questions
that they're having receiving across the
years from hundreds of students from all other
Aster prediction courses. The first and most
common question is am relaxed but
nothing happens. Like I said, this is the most common primary seen people and most of the times it
is the same problem. You should attempt the swing. Your body is rested, such as in the middle of the
night or in the morning. Please note them during
evening, sir, before bed. Even if you don't feel
pain that your body is and you will not be
able to actually project. In fact, you will get very frustrated because
it won't work. I am not able to relax. This is another problem
that I see very commonly. Maybe not so often at
the physical level, but maybe more at
the mental level. You know, we're leaving them
very demanding MBTI society. These makes it very hard to
relax our minds completely. You know, after this
class I am going to share an extra class
that will teach you how to tame your main with a post-it and also a blank wall. It's an exercise that
will help you very much. I am terrain but
he's not working. You know, this is
extremely common as well. And our I went to the width now mentally massively
gets in the way. Because, you know,
keeping in mind that decades ago it could take years and years to experience
an out-of-body experience, even to get a sensation of the vibrations would
take a long time. Nowadays, it is a lot
easier and a lot faster, but steel, you will need a few weeks or even
months of practice. But the good thing is that
with a steady practice, you will get instances of significant moments that will encourage you to keep going. I cannot find time for this. This can be the most
frustrating one, and in some cases, it can really get challenging. However, most of the times smaller adjustments will be
enough for you to succeed. They're not that given
trick here or there than you to attempt to our separate checked if you wake up
in the middle of innate. However, if you study a
little bit your day today, you are going to be
able to organize yourselves barrier
to things and you're going to find out
the real moments to actual project or even set aside some time for that during the weekends or in
other free time. Now, it is still
very important to remember that the inpatient
is super important. If you really want
to ask to project, make sure to focus on improving
a little bit every day. Do this instead of when
will he asked her project? Terrain to rat is usually
the biggest problem, the biggest roadblock
you will encounter. It can be devastating because
you are rushing yourself subconsciously and then you will never get to relax completely. Sway, say yes, that you focus
on one aspect that I think, for example, to be able to
silence your main completely. Once you're able to, then you can attempt for a
VIP physical relaxation. And then only that from here you can put both together and
start focusing on esteemed, relaxed during your
sleep paralysis. Don't even focus
national prediction yet. Trust me, once you are able to stay relaxed during
your sleep paralysis, it will be likely that you would naturally already Ashley
project, which is awesome. And once you do it
for the first time, it will become a lot easier. So if these are tray, there are still some
significant roadblocks, various chronic pain
mental conditions, as well as the phenomena
Alpha Fantasia. While this can get in
the way very much, these were not mean
that you cannot experience and out
of body experience. Even if you don't
suffer any of these, you should listen to
the next class because I'm going to give you another
Thebes for regular pain, for worry and some other
aspects that can get underway. So let us see these right
now. Come on, let's go.
13. Exercise 7: Know your limits.: This is a more
long-term assignment for when things get
to be difficult. This only applies if you have any physical or
mental limitations that are passively
halting your progress. So first of all, make sure to add a section in your journey where
you're able to keep track of everything that your physical body
or your mind needs. Take notes of your best
times, your worst times, as well as how your
body reacts when you attempt to relax
during a struggle, as well as during a
moment of feeling well, as these can be different and unique to every single person. Also, please take notes
are very single attempts that you do and passively how you were interrupted
by these attempts from physical or
mental discomfort. It's very important
for you to try to catch a pattern here because
you're going to find it, because this will help you to understand your physical
body match better. And also please be aware
that this takes time. You cannot rush this
and depending on your physical and
mental challenge, it can take more or less time. Yes, We patient, be
working one day and a time and you'll see how
things flow for you. So lots of support in this segment and you'll see that you will also are super checked.
14. Lesson 6: Now you have all the tools, it's time to practice and journey!: In the previous class, we talked about some
significant roadblocks that you might
have to deal with. However, as you know, now, even if you
have difficulty, you're going to be
able to experience a beautiful time in
the astral plane. Don't forget that. I went to remind you all
that this is a good hobby. You need to put time
and dedication. This is same as if you
played trading parts. You need to know the
different cards, their combinations, and
the gaming strategy. After many games, as well as investing maybe
somebody in your careers, you're going to have some fine decks for us reproduction except
for the money part. It's going to be the same. You won't have money, but
you would need practice and unique to know will
all your steps to us, the project, the game girls. And you need to know
where your carrots, what should you
do in every face? Once again, just going,
you need to know the steps to get worse results, which is your separation
techniques and your journey. So we've had been
said the CCT for the class and they went to
recommend you to stay tuned. I say always liked to create
new classes and exercises. It is always a huge pleasure for me to share everything in class and a hope
that this course helps you all out to
get out of your body. You're going to be
aware once I continue launching new classes
or exercises, please remember not to rush. If you find or feel
nice improvement. You need to understand that
then you need to slow down. Maybe you need to go to an earlier lesson in this course to find out if you're
missing anything in wet. Yes, makes sure to enjoy it. Absolute rejection
is a wonderful skill and your best
friend and advisor, the more time you put
into it, the better. And ultimately, everything
they explained in this course will become
greenery and automatic for you. And as I said, you
will enjoy very much your actual journey experience
and get a lot of wisdom. And he said like, ooh,
trend and advisory, It's fantastic experiences
that you can have. Trust me, I've been
having them for years and they are awesome. Let go. Keep a good attitude. And Cuba could discipline, please have patient, be open to receive and practice,
practice, practice. You'll see how find things go. So we've had been said, I wish you a wonderful time
exploring the astral plane. Please don't forget to reach out to me if you need anything else or if you have any
questions or suggestions. Please remember this is a hobby, lots of enjoyments,
lots of fun is the key. Don't feel rushed,
don't feel frustrated. So thank you. Thank
you. Thank you. It's been a huge pleasure. See you in the next course.
15. Guided Meditation Collection: 26 - Empower your potential for success today: In this meditation,
we are going to empower your potential for success and abundance today and for you to enjoy a
fantastic day today. So get comfortable. And slowly close your eyes. Focus on your breathing. And notice how the
year column C. And now he, and he realized that today it is a way for
you to reach success. And the best way
for this to happen is to start to breed
that very own success. So slowly, take a deep breath. As you inhale. Visualize a moment that you've found yourself to
accomplish something. As you exhale. Cs1 eyes, as if you are falling deeper and deeper within
these wonderful feeling. Take another deep breath. Notice a vibrant energy
of the color of orange. Restorative and in
powering manage. That makes your turn into
a magnet for success. As you exhale. You visualize that no longer belongs to you. Each obliterated
from your existence. And with this great
sense of peace, inhale one more time. And when you do
realize that too, they each going to
be a fantastically, you're going to attract
everything you need. And you're going to clear everything that no
longer belongs to you. And for these, you feel great. You feel at peace. You feel assured that success
is materializing for you. So don't forget this
sensation today. And for every time you
find yourself reading, remember this wonderful energy and visualize it within
you as it is now. So now it is time for these
magnificent date, the start. So take one more deep
breath in as you exhale. Slowly, open your eyes and realize that this access
from the day has started.
16. Guided Meditation Collection: 27 - Easy visit to the Akashic Records: This meditation is
a very quick B6 to the Akashic Records. Get comfortable. Slowly. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath.
And as you inhale. Setting tension. For the answer you
want to receive today from your Akashic Records. As you exhale, visualize all of your thoughts and
memories going away. You are getting into
a greater state of relaxation where your mind is clear in completely
on your physical body. He's going deeper in relaxation. Take another deep
breath and notice powerful stream of light that
starts to feel your feet. Feeling happier. Your torso, your back, and your chest area. You are going deeper and
deeper into relaxation. Take another deep breath. And as you exhale Hewlett
co completely all of the tension in the muscles of your face to a point that
you're Joe, starch to him. You also notice that these
wonderful light is racing your vibrations to mix with
those of the Akashic Records. You start to feel love
with your heart and you start to feel a wonderful energy that fills you up with light. Allow these beautiful
emotion to continue growing. And as it does, you start to notice the energy of
the Akashic Records. You start to feel the
very pure essence of you. A great degree of happiness. Not losing your relaxation, but a great feeling of gratitude because you're
about to receive the wisdom. So take one more deep breath. As you inhale white
light comes near Bobby. Phonetic chakras, the Aurora. And as you exhale, you can visualize even a brighter light
coming from within. Meaning that you are vibrating. The frequency of the
Akashic Records. Am going to allow you here
to relax and observe. I am not going to call you back. When you're ready to return. Feel gratitude, sitting tension. To go back to normal
consciousness. On remember, you will be able to come here
back at anytime.