ESL: How to teach Phonics, Methods and games. | Nikolas John Cakebread | Skillshare

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ESL: How to teach Phonics, Methods and games.

teacher avatar Nikolas John Cakebread, Experience is the teacher of all things

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    • 2.

      Phonics: Part one


    • 3.

      Phonics: Part two


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About This Class

In part one, the student will gain knowledge of all the basic sounds and associated 'TPR' actions and how to use them with games and activities in the classroom setting. The student will understand how to construct lesson plans focused on phonics and how to structure it clearly to pick the relevant materials to suit your class needs. This will show you the clear steps needed to give younger learners the best chance at getting to grips with phonics from day one.

In part two, the student will see a clear Phonics demo and we will discuss why it is useful to prepare for and what steps are needed to take to get the students there and ready to perform. There are also sections on CVC words and examples to use and why initial or final sounds are vital to young learners.

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Nikolas John Cakebread

Experience is the teacher of all things

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hi there. Welcome to the course. A guy to teaching English in Asia for young learners on above. My name is Nick and I will be your instructor. I started my teaching career in China over 10 years ago in a whole host of different schools. I became supervisor, teacher, trainer and DOS. But since then, I've been traveling to many different countries, such as Japan, Thailand and now Vietnam, to teach entry new teachers how to be successful in this industry. I designed this course to guide unformed teachers older, new on how to get the best experience in this exciting career. So by the end of this course, you will have a clear idea on how to step into a classroom and perform a fun on educational class for your students. In this course, we will look at the basics of teaching the methods and methodologies used by teachers on why they are so important in the classroom. We will also look at lesson planning on gains on review these methods and understand why they air used. We will look at classroom management on what factors teachers need to consider when setting up a new classroom. We're going to look at for necks. Basic sounds. Teaching those sounds, CVC words on how to write a lesson plan for for mixes. Well on at the end, I will take you through my final thoughts on advice for teachers were new and traveling up to Egypt for the first time. This course is perfect for the new teacher, who is thinking about coming out to Asia and teaching for the first time as well as there's . This course is perfect for a teacher who has a few years experiences and wants to Nome or and get more in depth into the career that they have chosen. 2. Phonics: Part one: Hi, guys. Welcome to Section five. This is teaching Forex. The basic sounds on games Hope you enjoy. So in this part of my plan is for you guys to gain some knowledge and all the basic sounds and how to use them with games on drills in the class. We're gonna look at guy to using the teepee, our actions associated with each letter at each word. And you will build confidence in lesson planning on picking the relevant materials to suit your class needs. Now we're not going to focus on things like clusters and long balls because this is a template for young learners who are learning for Nick's for the first time. Okay, How fun. Like any other topic in English, we ticket in sticks. We find out if they have the previous knowledge to continue. It is the same with phonics. We want to know, Do they know the alphabet? And if they don't that we need to refresh them. We need to teach him this so we can start with songs ABC, Rock Twin Co ABC and many others that you confined on lots of different DSL sites on on YouTube drills. See, when I stop So you will say a B c D a. Neighbor shar e Whichever team shows out first or loudest, give them a star point up point down. This is a very easy game. You go a and point up, they must say be if you say be on point down. They must say a This gets them thinking and gets them rearranging. And you can also use them with sets off alphabet cards. To you do not have to do it is that you can do a to M or 80 de depending on their level. Two fingers see is another very good drill game. If you hold two fingers up, they can say, If you hold one finger up, they cannot say so. You hold the card for a and you hold two fingers on a and say a and they will repeat A You hold one finger on a I se a on any kid that shows how a gets that loses a star or maybe gets a little tap on the head with the card, or where whatever you feel is necessary. So actual games you can play stand up and say each individual will stand up and say A B C D E f G to the moat that you've decided a to M or a two D or a TG or A to Zed. They're that good. See how far they can get without making a mistake. Then you can get the whole team to stand up a to zed. See if you can go through the whole alphabet without making any mistakes passed. The ball chanted the alphabet, singing the alphabet while passing the ball on when the alphabet song stops. Whoever has got the ball could see a few alphabet lanes or can sit down wherever you decide to do the. Recognize the letters now. Obviously, knowing the alphabet is important, especially before you're about to learn the phonics. But we need to know that they recognize the letters as well. So there are many games that we can use for this. Handing out the cars to students and getting him to stand up and stand in order is a very good way rub out the board race. You write letters on the board, you give them to the razors or some tissue on you, shelter out the letter they run on, rubber out. This helps with them recognizing, and you could do capital and lower case letters as well. Ward boards. Have you ever seen the word boards that Children used to put the words on letters back into the board, where they're very good for class? Set them up on a table and get kids to run out and pick them up? Listen to the one that you say, Pick them up or even organize them in the right way. You could organize the cards on the floor as kids for the damn OAS. Well, very, very good for demos. Parents love to see the kids working together on organizing things as a group to give them all cards, tell stand up on time them how long they take as a grip to prove e. To said together our a T M or A to F wherever you've decided to teach on that particular session. Then when they set down right there, score on the board right there, time on the board and get the next team to come up and see if they can beat it. Slap. The whiteboard is a very classic one. You can have the words and letters on the board, and you can get into run up and slap it. Or you can get two or three kids over at one time and say a bunch of letters and have them all slap at the same time. This becomes very funny and the kids love it but can become a little crazy. So be careful with games like that. Race to write one letter. This is level dependent. If your kids are able, they can come up. We can write a letter on run back to their seats. You can have a really race first kid runs up, writes a next kid, runs up rights, be C D and soar and soar. Or you can call random letters out to make sure that they understand and recognize those letters. Three. Do they know any off the basic sons already? So we've covered the alphabet on there. Quite good at it. Now on the recognize most if not all, of the letters. So now we can start testing them on their basic knowledge off the basic sounds. Obviously, A, B and C are where you would start so easy Songs for this would be phonics wrap or a is for apple. Lords of these songs are on YouTube, and you can delude them on many of the E s L websites as well. Start off with easy basic phonics songs on repeat them. Repetition used them each class so the Children get used to them. You can use them at the start and you can also use them as an out true as well at the end. So then you will start your drills on you associate them with the teepee, our actions for each off the sounds, I say a they say a a a a a i and then reverse it. I say they see a I A. Keep doing that and do that. Every class of the kids become accustomed to doing that. So by the time you finish outfit, bet will be used to do that for every letter. Actions and marching and trains are very important here. You don't want them sitting in chairs were too long, especially the younger learners. You want them out active, marching and chanting the sounds Make it fun. Make a train, make them jump, make them hope. Make them dance Games like back to board. Very good. Once you've learned the actions, you stand behind two kids at the front who are sitting on chairs. You mine the action on the kid's mind, the action to the two kids sitting in the chairs and they will associate the action with the letter. A bill to show out the sound. Okay, so now we know they know the alphabet, and now we know they have a decent grasp off ages aid. So it's time to start our basic phonic sounds now, like we discussed, you will take them in stages. You will not do any to Zed immediately. You will do a to C or A to D as the force ones, and then the next class you review 80 d on maybe you'll do e t g or E T. H wherever you feel your class can handle. But I have developed on action for every single sound. So when it comes to reviewing, you should be able to see the sound or do the action on. The kids will associate the pair. It will help them remember, I know help your progression with the phonics go much smoother. Okay, so let's try some illegal. Now bear in mind, you do not need to copy what I am doing. You can make up your own actions for your own class ease, but keep them consistent every single week. Do the same actions associated with the same sums. Right? I will show you mine a a be be see See, de the Now I'm stamping my foot for D there, and the kids will absolutely love that. And that should be your first section One you start on, so just keep going through again a b c d. Okay, when we go, you and okay if if g go g go h age now, notice that I am using actions associated with my mouth position. So a is a louder is a larger mouth position. So a and E is a smaller mult position. So e a one finger for a two fingers for okay. When we go, h I very important. I make sure to get the short selling A lot of kids will take. Go air I though mix the balls up short ball sons are very, very important. My name is Nick. Many kids will call me Nique. They will not be able to say that I carefully so practices with short ice zones. Pig, big rig ship. That's our thing. I g que same a c c k l Look m e m m end in a very important getting distinction between em and en, they will find out one very difficult. Oh, again, Mouth position. 00 oh, Some teachers like to go. Oh, make a circle with a circle with the hand p. That's a little slap of the backside. Kids will also find that very funny, But p que que are, uh, s like a slick teeth together. S t so t you you again A vowel sound. You want to push you throw it up because is up sounding some u V Move the move. Push them all together and make the V ship with the hands. W what w what? Get the kids standing while they're doing this to get them energetic. X x. Why, yet Why yet zed? Okay, so why don't you master that once you've gone through the alphabet or even parts off the alphabet, you could start doing the actions on the kids should be able to see the sun's So you can go and then go. You go. You go. Okay on. Make sure you play around with, um you could do things like a and they'll go a a I you make songs BB, BB, BB, BB, and then you can do to make it fun on. Interesting. You can have the cards laid on the floor on. All you have to do is see the sound, and they should be able to pick up the right letter on. You could do it the opposite way as well. You can give them. Give them the cards and you make the sound and they come and give you the letter. Anything you do, there are millions of games you can use with this. You need to be creative and you need to use your imagination. How would you find a lesson fun if you were the student. Okay, guys. So I hope these are very helpful for you. And like I said, you could vary them on Make up your own ones. Whatever you think is necessary. Thank you very much. 3. Phonics: Part two: Hi, guys. Welcome to part two of the fallings course here. We're gonna look at some Devil plans and we're going to discuss them for a little bit as well as this. We will look at some balls and constant and final sounds and talk about how they're difficult for kids and teachers in the class. Hope you enjoy. I thought it would be useful for you guys to have a look and see one of my Demel plans for phonics Now. Ah, lot of schools will expect demos. They will not all specifically be about phonics, but some will have summer courses are winter courses focused especially on the phonics. And they made well, expect a demo. Demos are where parents or other students are. Even other members off the school will come in and watch your class to see how the Children perform, but also to see how you perform. So a good solid lesson plan should be constructed and should be ready to go in my classes. I have this idea in my mind from the beginning. So from class one, I'm already preparing them for this demo plan at the end, regardless of whether or not there will be a demo. This is the class that I have in my mind for the end results. Okay, so let's go through it. Number one. We'll start with in True's. My name is I feel so It's very easy to associate the easy letters that you'd be learning. My name is not know Nick, I feel huh Happy? Each student will stand up and they will say the same sentence and you can get them to ask each other the question. A nice, easy in true way to begin the class. Then you warm up. You could warm up with a little race. If the kids are older, you could do a really race to the board. They run, then write the letters and then they say the sound and then they sit down. Or if they're younger, you can prepare an alphabet board with all the letters they're on. They could put the letters back into the board, say the sound on, run back to their chair. This is a really race, and it's very fun, exciting. The kids will love it. Divide them into two teams. If you have two boards or getting to do as one team if you have one. Board, three soul, any alphabet song that you've practiced. But make sure it's one that's fun and energetic. There are many on YouTube and many ones you could dull Lord from plane to plenty of different sites. Make sure it's one the new and making dance to ensure their parents turn them around and get them to dance and sing in front off their parents. Four. Drills like we discussed a I and the picture will say a because you say I say any a. They will say I This is something that you will have practiced already on. The kids were very used to and very eager to show their parents that they could do it. Well, dude, Individual A do As a group number five teams saw out the Salome's. He find the balls, spread the cars on the floor and get them to find all the short fall songs are. Get them to find a bunch of letters and songs that you've written on the board wherever you decide. Number six team words under sounds on the board. Okay, so they stand on the cards, and each each time, the letter comes up. They have to say that song so you could do the alphabet in order A and the kids standing on a shelf act and be the kids dining on B's house. But say, See the kids standing on sea Selves, a su and so on that said it. Arrange the alphabet cards on the floor. This is building up to the last activity. So we've got the cards on the floor and then each team comes out and he put them in the right order. You could time them, see how long they take. This is a good team activity, so Team one comes out tired them mess the cards up began. Team to comes out in time. Then all of the alphabet cards are already on the floor, ready for the final activity. Eight students in pairs come out and make warrants from the sound of teacher Say's so by this time the Children should have learned the full repertoire off sounds A to Zed. They should be quite familiar with them if some are not. Pair students up week students with strong students, stronger student will guide the weaker student so you can say easy ones and they should be able to find C 18 and put them on the table. I let's see the song at Cat and then put them back on. Repeat the process next to come up. But at come up and find be 80 backed but at bat and then the next one. Man, if they're having trouble, you Congar, I'd hm. But generally, by this time they shoot. Recognize the sounds on the shoot meal to make basic easy CVC words. Constant vaal. Constant words. Three letter words. I hope you like that, guys. I will post that demo plant at the end so you could take a look at it. You can use it, or you can change it to every you feel is necessary for your class. For the last part here, we're getting a quick look of final sounds. Sharp follow songs, Final Constant Sounds and CVC fall words. Short vowel sounds. Now this is my nightmare. As we talked about briefly before, students, Children on adults and even teachers have a hard time distinguishing the difference between these sounds. That is why we need to take our time to learn them properly and show them how to see them with the correct mouth movements. That is where the teepee our actions that I showed you already come in very, very useful because you can associate sound with the action. So sure them a bunch of letters. Once they're used to the whole alphabet, start testing them on the short vowel songs. Keep testing them. Be consistent with them. They need to know them. Uh, okay. Oh, and Oh, I, uh oh, yeah. Keep giving them tests. It will help them. They need it. And they needed to find thes CVC words as well. Kids would often say to me, What is my name or my name? Ease nikh which obviously is wrong. What is my name? My name is Nick. So there many games you can use to help this, but use listing games at the start like run to the right card. Hit the car that the teacher say's Find the balls as a team because I start hearing the sound is so important on it will help them later when the filly recognize the letter and sound later when they can recognize. You can add words to these games. CBC follow words. Okay, so here is a list off words that you can put up on a board, a smart board, a whiteboard or even on pieces of paper for the kids to read out aloud. Make them emphasize the songs in the middle of all sounds fit hit bit pit zit kit nicked, ripped tit Licked whipped Get fact backed I'm act Sat packed rat yet Hat tact Ghat Lord told not food God, Paul it called Cup pop jump. So yup. How big keg Peg leg mag wreg. Now you can play around with these. You can miss them out. You can get the kids to see faster or slower, or you can get into mix the up and try and see different ones from different parts. E. I owe you anything that you decide to make it fun and interesting, but you need to focus on their pronunciation. Make sure you're correcting. Students are seeing a little bit wrong. This is very important Final constant sounds, a must for all teachers and students. Listen carefully to the final sound that each word makes CAPT hand book top. You must correct the Children in class for lazy pronunciation as this will breed bad habits , and they're speaking in later years. Teachers T A's and students are all guilty off this missing out, the final constant sound. So it is your job to make sure that they are seeing clearly and loudly. Let's try and see this with new final Selves and see how it sells the high that Mac Nick happy and back is nonsense. It sounds like non SEPs, and you could do this example in classes well, and it will make kids laugh. But it is a good point. You need to see the final sounds to make the words understandable. That hat that can make Nick happy is bad. The difference is obvious in the class. What you will do is you will blend letters together to form words. Usually you will start with two letter combinations, like act on it or on, see if they can sell them out, act it, make them comfortable with the sounds. Then you can move forward to three letter blends. CVC words. Well done, guys. Amazing job on. Getting this far for next, by far is the most boring part of English. So it's up to you guys to make it fun. as interesting as possible. I hope that my advice has been helping you guys out in the final section. We're going to discuss of tips, some tricks and some items that you might need in the classroom. So I will see you there. Thank you very much.