Escritura TerapƩutica | Jordy MadueƱo | Skillshare

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Escritura TerapƩutica

teacher avatar Jordy MadueƱo, Escritor.

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      ĀæPor quĆ© debemos hacerlo?


    • 3.

      Escritura automƔtica


    • 4.

      Escribir cartas


    • 5.

      Escribe ficciĆ³n


    • 6.

      Escritos al tiempo


    • 7.

      Escritos de gratitud


    • 8.

      Escribe tu historia


    • 9.

      ĀæEl fin de tu historia?


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About This Class

La escritura tiene varios beneficios para nuestra salud emocional y mental dependiendo de la forma en la que la usemos, es por eso que en esta serie vamos a ver varios ejercicios que nos pueden ser Ćŗtiles en nuestro proceso diario. Quiero dejar en claro que no es un mĆ©todo milagroso ni nada por el estilo. La escritura como terapia solo es una herramienta mĆ”s para que por medio de la expresiĆ³n libre se puede desarrollar un contexto saludable de auto-reflexiĆ³n, sanidad, y crecimiento.

Aprovechando este contexto voy a compartir algunos anĆ”lisis que pueden ser un poco avanzados a nivel personal y es por eso que se requiere de disposiciĆ³n para poder irlos desarrollando y comprendiendo poco a poco. Por ejemplo, vamos a hablar sobre la muerte como un tema tabĆŗ, pero que al meditarlo puede ser de gran utilidad para nuestras vidas. Justamente esa es la ventaja de la escritura y es que no tiene restricciones, podemos expresarnos con total libertad para hablar sobre lo que sentimos y lo que pensamos. No existen prejuicios ni crĆ­ticas. La escritura crea un ambiente idĆ³neo para nosotros.

Ante cualquier duda siempre voy a tener un canal abierto en nuestro servidor de Discord por si me quieres hablar, aunque es importante resaltar que esta serie no representa una asesorĆ­a profesional. En temas de salud mental lo mejor es asesorarse con un profesional de la salud que pueda analizar tu contexto y que pueda guiarte en tu propio proceso. Esta serie solo trata de proveer herramientas que nosotros mismos podemos realizar y evaluar para aportar a nuestro proceso.

Meet Your Teacher

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Jordy MadueƱo



Soy un escritor colombiano, aunque no al estilo del realismo magico ni tampoco de la fantasia, sino que me baso en la investigacion periodistica, lo cual, se ve reflejado en todos los temas que cubro con cada uno de mis libros.

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1. IntroducciĆ³n: Holidays. So your imago anion, is it a directory phone at ordinary pressure, Jamal anos, tambien. So you cannot see your Kamala knows how the ends Lakota, MSR Suetonius, the contextual data is commissar, nice cre, dura, kimono therapy. Lastly, Tura and nuestro, beneficial and reliable. So LOINC on the Pisano plutonium in the coalition has beneficial. So common approach satellites, Kaltura and nuestro of our payroll localhost Amara sucrose as important is the MBSR. Sad, Lovely meadows into narrow the case at rata, the Sanskrit to Utica 10 result archaeologically to Utica isn't a format. They express Xiang passive up parabola analysis in reflection, the NOI instead of either the mean to see the cmos you on the screen shared by the total CK law is key to the upper medulla capacities, the ESI beneficiary of IDA. But CMS Klara, we are on a hammer blow. Gsk consists in K on Windows 10 and Windows. Does they swabbed on Mozi cata means expertise, experience those emotions, spins. I'm interested as a spacer, see mismo, video and music. Composition. When own excrete or six, please support medium businesses Fritos better or just started ProM Dando, a calcium dose, isn't this a setosa erroneous Crito not known as discrete or let us know Sam's usando lapping Tura unless K is necessary. I mean, to me horror Caleb, in Tura MOOC, cow per kilo transcoders. Seen okay. Nicely to approach her userData, applicant flow totals, inclusive sonatinas. We went to let Robert kinda important on porticus as soon as codon important I suppose diagrammatic our Dorothea, An important is us, causes us to the Dallas, but it isn't noisiness located on the stroke ETE 10 screen leaving no stone hit the wacky Simplemente approach, HR. Lastly, to the kimono me into common media icons are una, mean TO personnel and Christmas spirit to Allan Christian into emotional when peduncle terabytes, beneficial unknowns you individually. As you get Burkina system where no community is paradata by persona's per person, is the person or persons cues and pass on the prototype of statistics. But a personal system, Bassanio for momentous, they answer that for momentous, the stress ball momentous inserted only porosity but persona. Those nosotros, nosotros total system spots and then darpa, they confront assumed analysis that introspection on toast is done on the proton process. This I will call moon intos proton do polyposis Alaska Tura. But I approve a child who's coming in is the procession case where E is for quantum therapy or discrete data. Manana requested consisting king and percent 10 periods. Boy, this terminal window, Qaeda's way associative laws for videos, lithium into CTO superiority coming up in the t dollars time to pull up to the terminus to the C. This is where most of the oikos has come up in CPUs. Neuropsychiatric genes can say, you know, someone robot TO, as again, not incentive Osaka muscosa tilapia later because it hasn't DDoS against his principles adequate, most unusual unnecessary eyes and contexts. And also transmits as a bourgeois more principles can be brought it up. I can squeeze it real more. Ram into binomial, Christian me into para nuestras Santa soon emotional, splinting, RUR, decolonial Claros to Utica. Muscles have landed on a pilgrimage in Tanaka to kill us. Or ketoacids gerontology together as okay, solo necessity. Necessity Law School. He does absolutely. Minimas. Here, the Harrison claro Nostoi, it is Indonesia Lucas lady she enjoys get sooner. System that RAM indicate status position is one that I mean the recommended procedure lose our MOOC as mutual basis comorbidity, Mozambique. Our larger society as UK English woman is Syria. Ways that they're happier. Syllabi. Quantity envelope raises her cuando the universe thing as Clara labia, graded as it always to wear supplicate law. One due to disease. As you get, then you notice the plateau, look outside and see individual us, and then examine the portmanteau quality on those beneficials Como podemos approach her or is this year Diamond the solid product Depot old, really sad is that an appeal is computer. When I celebrate Amos in hacienda class. 2. ĀæPor quĆ© debemos hacerlo?: It's possible to get a taste for kids were not implemented where no dividends or not. I'm really as soon electron comes from the air. Pollutant or position. I'm sorry, movie Endo and Washingtons episodes below look at CMYK Osteria comparative mosquitoes and I'm really sorry for him blow with this silica. They express our centimeters by your facility is going to begin, is Caravaggio's, but my own video in Bishara as economic Jacquard loom video, cinematic Osaka, which is persona. I've loved friend home that camera or Arizona mismo. Como. Follow down to LA and beneficial catenin skin, no ski town takeaways, Ahmadinejad nose, nose as eula can respect to answer and dealing with MOOC Moscow most parapodia and momentum. Here. These are what Yamashita, Syriza convenience I investor requirement on the onset is Korean window and usually it's positive electronic Andrea, circular muscles start to no avail. Who's gained over the noise? Critique innovator nowadays? Simplemente Vassar to say totality Verdot Boyer company car package. Okay, pions US and the UK seen these twos vision is to swing your Suzanne halos. Don't look a VBS where there's communicate local media. The estimator, dura, he saw with the downer grandly vertebra expert SRT, singly meet us Younis, the special term and a physical machine contact can respect to ISO is give us a capacity. This task cargos the toilet. She do as Julia Stevens when a cargo the two says to-dos, I love meniscal efficacy on the puzzle Class, Poseidon, lunula it and even pneumonia, calorific. Assume know whether or not the Hendra implemented you or she is duster a handle on the door or the nurse can drag those nerves. Negotiators known as been diagnosed producto series and Presidio, the wild format, the Venter's, the hinterland and grazers. 10 seconds here to a role, simply the stresses in the video. So you responded at industry see it is equal to innocence days in total amygdala via AI courses in Australia and India, yes, convert them into normal life. But he also does. Eventually Isaac Barrow, less clear and nice the punto, particularly in the second section, in particular, no spirometer and poco. The diagnosis as cargos circa passes, they have landless the saddle as a proton to alleviate the cercaria keys, eyes and nose absolute. Barrow in Grumman ear, nose by assuming the beneficiaries can know says Judah or the hank cloud or an episode you enter your new strata. The algo asi Pero si Judah economists are Judah's pieces. Look in those barometer. Our answer in waste or processor in a processional De la Vega. Sequencer is a processor, but also you haven't sat, alternative beneficial societies or audio intelligence. It just gives you a partisans seemed near LA critic as simply put sentences, ANOVA. Tambien asset capacity of the air looking nosotros, estamos, looking tsunamis, most creamy, honest capacity, a value-add, Nepean. So yeah, Levallois law, which was the intelligencia emotional but give us aware Moscow system into control comb-over MOOC. And this episode is alloca, we started our Lambda stanzas or intelligentsia monsoonal can see system into an analysis in line introspection in immune to the nosotros and Deimos. Quanto, Stein was reported in quanta is causal system Bahamas for control. Either side of the most intelligent automation and fees, utilities or alumina perspective of mass unplanned tele IDA Pro lemmas coming up the hill and say, Is this even a boatload Dando than be monsters, their capacities, the tinnitus up respect to you via daughter persona, pollutant perspective. Yeah, More drama, Zambia, you've almost like a mask labia majora labia to silicon, quantum overdose, memoryless pro lemmas, the familiaris, claro Eskimo, recent see Jolla solution, siloed anymore? He nosotros, a concert HMO thoughtless personnels can magnify cilia. They locate nosotros, mismo. Gsk did animal shelters debit certain circumstances and they see it as persona's. But I don't know, says mass deficiency universe was probably is going to say hose or bear. Law Suetonius combine your Korea pollutant 0 satisfies daughters ESPs electrode is your perspective on a perspective I'm luteum has gone to expect on Mr. appropriately to assume as you guess what? That I've been DACA more eugene. The mean is about contrary, we alleviate ELA, say data in SSN DO parabola pass aminos on book on us, but you are no yolk is absolute 0. Sandy. This waste, I mean AutoCursor command conda do not have beneficial CSL, this block, your criteria for the 10, 10 is screaming or obviously is almost a 100 kilogram homozygous. They're not revealed law yet. Give me your perspective on majora panorama is to divide you that certain poco, masculine ideas at a near numerous opportunities I'll bear mass option is percutaneous Omaha panorama, entrances to Galatea but Nasir? Yes. Are you ever Santana criteria? If you don't maintain optimal DMO? A automotive beneficiaries may correlate process so they cannot immune to as a community he knows solo was asked earlier courses cookies as noted above, squint uppercase, it was implemented loss and Ts will open service or losses barrel sit on the left door to case law perspective. Complete that they can do areas yeah. Must appear to matter. Mahoney's decision is I can insert them. Miho Museum of us are somewhere in love either gameplay Oprah fetus, k is do your team up to fearless, get profits, Xiang profundus, get better. Zona preferred is comparative to tiempo it up if you didn't know comparative noise when nobody. And also sad outlook on beneficiaries are those little bit if we just had you chosen algos los otros, Lithuania, her bracket tool or the school does a lot of SAD. 3. Escritura automĆ”tica: Autobahn. So it automatically, it as a partition must facilitate those SNCC uppercase consistently implemented ecosystem indiscreet. As again, are going to see the other day when I was dipolar series, consisting in his cuticles as Paul II, commas or upper from the Earth. But a Him blow in this lesson to sarcopenia, induces the superego kisses, said Window Explorer macos them up or crystals or grace, you began to snow a lot of E-step or lowercase petty mental stress. And there's interests and pizza and beer is asking you to experience brings us ascii read look a and B visas into pasado Casals k, not to resist in a kJ per capita superego Ottoman ultra him block away cityscape division Dario community oriented on this item in quizzes can be rewritten, poke holes or agonists immune to our reflection also Roseto a cautious but all Cambodia, your poster minuscule. Hello spins. Two V's the world our schools ascii cease this particular maintain her into the hole of where say in to the studio. Also look at Chicago's e i momentum distributors, as close as kisses. Laura from the ad Commodore libertad are gonna sutras causes for him blue. Whereas MBSR hablar lookup in SAS to look is in thesis in this momentum. And then he started purchasing TASO in pieces polycarbonate Caracas into us to pour a job or a store bought local VV bulk is in deeper look at the Hotel persona, esa persona and local economic reformer econ Asia and do some pieces I lower our MPS also communicating business or expand the lever that they were lucky. So in this Crito kid who was a third party is algo personnel, nice Albo, chaos, create, been out there. Persona is simply when the output is displayed RT. Grandma, Anita. But I've been some indoor hybrid domain W2 centimeters to say machinists are when you total gamma2 Harris that equalities. See Mia though. Look at Iran or leukopenia. A society is what is hockey players configured to place Tamar, SDR or Stabby toque? Go more confident they can receive it on a persona is most existing inlet story on the petition. And Frank in YouTube. They and Frank luck well as tribune, the adiabatic caja apricot care in Acadia up if you're framing notions going to yours, Ueno, estar host them in the context of the Agora. Quintile location of a viewer window causes that digests the labia Comune Como supers bacteria can respect to a tsunami status or media such as solar. Casa de la protamine come into courses, is shown historic. I mean, the more important vantage convoys look into it on capacitor su casa to be enum case Condorcet to allosteric Xian, this Kavya. And in that killing ourselves. Ida comparator to ESR is Mariko Elijah will come into K issues locally produce a pass law Judah Cindy convenience. Simply mean daily choice could be as a case is simply a block. Grant him blue. You Damian. Ricardo, incarceration, necessity, particular Mindy, inconsolable. Yeah. Glad RNAC and episode on the screen, Carter's but K, that means 80 period or in the sclera in the script do that traumatic alkalosis, the neighborhood cementum and the audio kilo applica paradox and TOO Giovanna be Toccata and it will impress VR Como you, I'm in prayer cell loss because as gassy, a robbery, savings or video, Gus Garcia get down domain name in Nephi Shavasana, Cebuano. Law. Kayla Okay. Jackson, Azekah, intermediary, documented SOW amino acid else knows projectors. Look is in DEA Kumamoto Hermes emotion is common professor. As he came. And assuming the case significantly good rattlers, critical, automatic, significant authority simply means it is clear as gridlock getting us in Mindy, Simplemente. This player ID, is this if Scriven lucky to kill us? It went up again. But it's persona's coulombs over the SQ3R therapeutic disengaged. The media is looser, labia, Romano are SLR question. Not necessarily. Mintues are super handler ME Castle Joyous, curvy dose anions and status via truss DEA seem file data in media baron on the audio that in its context to Ada day one, because you'd look at breaths and then got a phenotype. What I'm going to show us into the impairment, but it was in Barrow atomic schema Petrosino S2 to start by going to Paulista city as he get the egos and sediment they want me but I certainly went up predominant utils application. This includes who's our Evernote to wear suits are unblock that notice those who are looking to get us better. Fmla question came into persona's getting k l been officially implemented in is gravy Loman well-maintained in pupae, larvae Spiro, something see glowing 200 NIH is necessary or what it can look important. This is presided is commonly clarity comes into eras in Schadt used to be una persona. Barrow in a second text to support tonight is to meet him as he gave me some years ago. The Ambari dollars is this opportunity. I was curious episode until you as again, it's a Mississippi medications you could request and Posada say, yes, excrete, scheduling. The audios could even have attacker S-curve here on the screen on the airway. Gratitude to its caucus implemented in is the MBSR ice cream. Locke's a daring element. 4. Escribir cartas: As you can take your tissue consists in is going to be the category as well. But anti-tobacco Qualys loved TV ad or komodo, lossy image Goswami contexts, though they should keep looking at, look at beneficial in momentum. Mosquitoes does give you a no-no Carta out a persona because mosquitoes, mosquitoes and black arrow causes can only place the Sierra Nevada producer. And also expresses, put me on a Carta, but a polar explorer Amperka to McHarg emotionality out a persona. The C allele. Oh, not good as the cod and don't say is there's no foreign material into cortisone, into mentee, bilayer Decebalus broken up ways and ptosis necessary, beneficial. Katrina's got me into spaces, but it's up to CDS, particular mentee, sobre una persona. It staff members assume con la la carta on kingdom cow, I just have the Hadassah Carta as much local areas. In low. Pass, the community Carlo, the experts are loaded. This Accardo, the two virtue is a lady I still beneficial. So lockable scam was in toys a processor particular maintain process of the Sania because I'm into the city and they must. One, do you not do era una real? Assume that just amoroso or familiar or the people in this other group, doula, shoe lover, tambien, Una, and also boilers and per-person. It is a process or the Santa Xun emotional wellness courses came in cosa no. No means your name. We don't need Sadia. Okay. Who's in our un corso embedded formulas? Kalapuya, senior year, ellipsoid Curtis, Perkins, illusory, Iranian mentee on chemistry, real mucho and value that in quanto like, well, if I'm your Ueno logical Clara Mentimeter or flaky. No laws implemented but I mean, it's a familial Barrow at Boone do is tell you the expert community condo just went okay. I will just go Saskia to seeing this no song whose difficulties there's winters kinda like the almost cDNAs endorphins. The data is put on places like Florida just going to enter administration tenuto, but it's called Nino. Year is going to ask when they in the end is to convert amino task window, the status, gender. And ptosis is excellent. It kimono introspection comparable in their para, there's a queen delicacy parameters, tsunamis machine. As you get less out of we are. And who knows factorial case on important is a Momento screaming la carta. And Miro Kandinsky consider are risky, like to share into Spark assessing said comparator, comparator leukopenia lenses, a screen door and la carta Gate studied here soup or something. There's a persona non lawyers and the radius is a Carta is a persona is implemented. But the proprio beneficial Pareto proprio proceso, the outdoor reflection I would consider is this coalition that are easiest to know the tonalities, C2C, ANTs, door or shunt is hold your genes can then Easter Sunday. So carefully local Korea for a persona equally Parquet located at the WHO Mexico per K gamma rays, the Dohnanyi tool. So what I mean, there was a second part, but it must be neutral fact Doric is excited. I'm in three important that yes, essays are lower than erosion, but it can also nosotros, nosotros, tambien yarns, those wisdom in dealing with other circles as given or somebody that's implemented by RA, that battle at rarely that we can look at it as a problem yet seen embargo secret. A secret, Amos, this is important because as gay I was as they moved and they rarely law in tosses is in, is a bandanna on it in a mosquito 1700 most but MBSR, it is a form of AMO support and even a perspective PR E profunda the locus associate, the Endo and the whale SQL law, and the vendor speedy trial. Eda is the former Boy most delicate podemos hacer as this grand beneficial, if you know Mindy, doorways to Cassio most general-purpose ITO, the national population mean to initial procurement official in noise self-reflection, as you could join us get affliction are so Rico's us, more important Eskimo key with these or David Sehr, come up with a list out our two solute emotionality skit does aluminum motion analysis is done to pull. There is some gelatin doesn't. Most important is, hello, my dear person has dysarthria and the victim a hand on the law school bus on Delos, the mass, you know, MNC when tokenistic per person as an expert on US dollars gaseous, and on the sums along comes a persona, cm, but it's the orders. Do you support somebody said no, it's Yossi. So Yamaha knowledge. Knowledge, Yossi soil a amoroso, your seam in pterygoid in an analyst persona see initially been the end of the Asia C. We though he knows again, Sanders, you'd have mercy of the nosotros know somebody who knows Sandoz as again, an elisa kits than doubled here to cause us do waves or circuit courts as to please come, yeah, you know, moving us on this acetone telescopes improved and she said, No, no, no, no, not knowing who's going to sit deeper it on 30 years. But it can also strata the restaurant here to Scalia is no cetera, the rich Asado trust persona. So the casting directors persona's so delta is our Canvas page address our, our transpose on us. But a certain mass fuerte math wording isn't ego annoying kid bus had a heart condition and surf where the owners on cases persona's nano at dwindle Amina format or no, OK, Duan De la forma, reciprocal economies don't know. So you have Landow. When I started to become fascinated in Assyria. So we're more Lando Masaccio on up where my donor persona gets hot dogs, Zika, Ebola, more loyal. So you get inside my varicella, Syria, sorry. And when they split compromise a Petronas a context or isn't totally at this carried on a cart. 5. Escribe ficciĆ³n: As the C and D helps, you shall consist in, is Caribbean fiction and something that it's under genome coming back in as career. I don't go there fiction, but I'm sorry. Okay. No solo layer, novella, so on. Leverage the fiction solo layer to all of Western liberal economy and finance and embrace us SCADA system As again, not give me my nucleophile scleral coefficients in embargo, low ECS curiosity. We can know if we are go to Open Sans escaped. Syndicating advocacy as a good way to split our case location and mucosal area. When they study a can know either. But it's going to pick junk and circumstances in many contexts. Or mosquito Zona pellucida had nanogram per medulla fix Xiang Gei only store analogous, analogous, analogous in low-k job in Salvo's NT and SA momentum and randomly that lookup in size and Theodora detail circumstances, but extrapolation or analogous para, comparative teachers miss was spent some mean Tuesday, just a monsoon is loci using TI, initial momentum for mom, poco artistic and mom in today's COVID established, shown as it can affect shuffles universe afford Macondo and the law he has, our last Perspectivas allicin, demean those. I'll spin some into scalar reality, mentees and Deimos, those are known as Mr. veto, seen only non obey law when a story out, cassia. Leave it in that audio mentee, okay, say leave regulatory. Amanda is the seed. Seriously, we've window west pediment Dando, not cosine, alpha reality almost algo Corn, Moon familiar, shown amoroso, repolarize and sincere to the fixed Yani chaos, multi-varied versus gracilis pass your class historian has a moon those parallel anywhere source and on the existing causes can be the owners Natalie, I'm existed it was this extra pole as the Jesse plus Jonas and neutrons Munoz behold, gross parameters beta 0, simultaneity channel here, the local Nepean. And as again a store. Hello, yeah, this is less than tidier TO as much as it was Sunday and Simplemente the Sando, Sando single cavity or the handedness primaquine assume fluid, low load in the SOC story as the friction, chemicals or geolocation FSK realize but pulley Carlo and a platform Acoma, what pet? Oulipo, Pedro, I would say no because Herod poorly and me carcinoma. Barrow, to get us acetyl CoAs public Carlo, the 100 poorly Cocoa inclusive ways common targets as persona's ketamine is staying shifted. Columbaria, Centeno, nano soil erosion and uppercase fiction as friction. Yeah, He says to place occulter movie and last analog here, the labia. In ancient historians they fix chunk is going to look and seen more to the left. Prisoners get screaming Fiction. Yes, it's condemned. Casa de la rarely that who's in a SAS dramas when he says historians are unimportant, Jesus crucifixion and Xian that Apollo acquire a lot of commando implemented well as diversity or 600 for myofascial distribute. It also a window. It's going to hurt rose up in the most always good Charmers or Press Democrat and Sean advocates only story us. Those are those which are most open. The muscle layer only Bureau onto an elisa, the pylorus issue synonymous. So so what do you mean trusts C loci lay down a narrative on window getting in on this end lasting datacenter, getting own climax, getting them nowhere in the story are getting on Windows. Windows. The Hirohito says courses within the dosage. How consumer to Gaea in a processor, EPA eso, es Caribbean fiction wizard. In this context, what does giving it to the audio clutter staff? Because calligraphy Xian, as much as Anna Frank and continuous care. All Augustus Caribbean doing Quinta. So Historia as massless career and we VNC study law context. The idea is that Lando Deimos, particular location or protamine paradata context. So kinda as he does Susie, that can be Padre is located your ideas into histones at the MPO, n is 200. Non-newtonian dollar robustness from materiality, don't know, stress causes Burkitt's have ERK you as a guard. Does it assume the last one? Restriction is EQ and that occurs locally or synthesis me periodontium minute walk into a sweet potato. India is democracy, Yes, Yes, Yes. Yes. Recommendations with the audio as Kumasi is, do we end up in Sando screen and we'll opprobrium Indian no star spins on the screen and OLS implementation. More. Proto persona that out is because it has the format display Gauss, we store it in the split our isopropyl via referral Nestorian Antarctica localism as interessante e mucho may hold out or Redlich Xiang the hoisted them or is it recommended by Sunday? Is communicate more university law. 6. Escritos al tiempo: A second seizure can sustain this previously LTM. Our woman seconds, we don't book. When I say have CCO, the cytosol tiempo con consisting indiscriminately and waste Rojo del Paso, generally studio del futuro. Let's go ahead and order photos. I'm going to come and go. So preferred SSL and TLS onto the screen and misrepresent on and so forth. Euro SK is a persona that bizarre futuro BBVA who contexts dose panoramas. But one of the most bacchanal schizophrenia Muslim Mia, those or do, does only law most capacitors, the comprendre al mondo, homophony Xian and Mondo casa k along the Horrea impossible in DOD Daniel's and was apparently IDO, the loss, this amorphous water Kusama's a most adult ego context. I don't know estrus contexts because I cannot inhomogeneous dream fantasy. A newsroom fancy it attack today. They're coming from Shawna o Como se D and L contexts, socket and emotion like Talia and those polymers comparative con nosotros meet most of us carry on a CARTO, is episode on Carta. But it was staccato Syria study ideally here and nosotros mismo spent on different respond to their Kim. This just wasn't interested in Bolivia, most analysts, sorry, the scholar's perspective as seen as an ensemble. And DC survey, Masada, yeah, law Syriza comparative induces a rodeo is immune to yell. Intended recipient to answer consent is that it's almost as if capacities the IV while loop, loyalty and AnyVal una casa is Porlock has happened to you. I love IDA has come up not Agassi, super catchy basis of bizarre in a steroid NSSE is when is the programmer as an apprentice concomitantly letterer Valley 00, which is persona's low economy, can in cases of each AND electric tissue, the mosquito 17-point reflection are so ready to progress or they just can't use Entity MBO. That therefore my Casey committees, etc. Salaries case. Yes. Sso is to say that all voices courses for collapsing the solid malice and Annalisa non-empty and bomb Bashar al-Assad, Perkins who sell us, who purchases SSO Malala use gettings and Db2. Profit is dissociation or LOTRO. Your business analysts are real practical, pragmatic as having to maintain a low larva to be that yen, Euro cause occupations or futuro. Futuro. Hello, T2, ora. Just guess on holiness, orcas and solid data CS. Catenin is felt that the intended mean though the magnitude el tiempo Ebola tend to kinda get into near enough Amelia Kendra, Kintanar exit 0, Jackie internet professional. For 20 cases in the Indus l mean sock in Australia dollar carry very nature packing, alkalotic or various issues in soon impresario and implementing your own inverse or CDO. Yakuza kale DC, back in 2009 as a conceptual entity, employees to the place Tamara has been touched the almost get the dumbest being Daniel's passive, quite clear router, Kazaa, Kenosha, lucky. A storm hit him for him plus educators not familiar with tomato McDaniel, casa e is put them into a new incentive constraint on a family. Hemophilia cases, window, the news, autonomy, superior. Daniel's case, your chin to Aeneas is what I mean. The SLOs it into a our main data or change the noise into CNN news and disagree or satin I've seen and used the videos to bomb is getting us in the news. The media Kindle isn't going to progress or customs in the end doing demos, the solute. She was happy. We've seen it appears that the Aeneas kid there too. So ketose is acetic acid enough quarantines decor endosteum by setting the prices into and use case models in quintuple Shinto paragraph 2. So Petty is so Tzu had enough context to context to get there wasn't any local nautilus closer to Julia futuro, to Yolngu to Rokia. Can sell to so ketose. Peculiar for courses get repeated in quintuplets, get total impresario Ottawa persona pool Leica for him to present on directories, on the liberal tuberosity, on hoeing that bizarro, urea on factor Comune ketosis n is ten kilo as cause of an avian. But again, for Kantian or didn't make her contexts to TM Bu, seven k non there's noise in the society operates without a polis causes request to my Glasgow Coma. Scale, 10 Ws would ask Thomas decision and the rapid us, this is shown as mandalas EOM indeterminant in courses PRBs, 10 dental. There are contextual tempo is algo excited? I've included Batavia E naught for my other consortia in this intending to constantly bronchitis and also via the Amazonian, this alkene on the top passenger ships pro lemmas, CFTR presume sociality. He told me the link potentiality, Amborella relativity, that delta-t MBO Ebola saccade authorizing the Santiago de las Casas. Yeah. As it can dissociate as Kusama, have tissue as ketose and tiempo para, regular, periodic community. Instead of being, cannot dance for caffeine. Rt Glasgow says bound through Jane Doe T2-weighted the hinted the ADEA as a leukotrienes Casie? Yes. Would the MBO data? Yes, it's a little beneficials days previously, healthy MP. 7. Escritos de gratitud: It's they have CCO importante excited. I mean the ball there also, but a employer RT E transformer to IDA. And don't say it's the cantata is to mosquitoes. The gratitude. When those mosquito gratitude consisting in this name, genomic open implemented petroleum Zone episode you and non-economic dimensions or gratitude. Gratitude, Josiah, form of physical effort, money, he died. E loci can see says silica pseudo bolus causes CK is all laws which are much more secure. Puja arrow. So the recommendation is punctuality class for Him blow to perceive. A pseudo Berlucchi is thus convenience or kisses. I got ICOs for catenin, is it when a solute low-quality is money to bid on noise presented in escape, display kind of waste configure, not teens per kilometer. The way Simplemente community car, though, since the sacra, I see your point to salute a split and uppercase as experimental and the loners that pyramid are looking awesome. Fahrenheit or I guess when sours key was I'm worried experimental purposes aka IC Coppola solute must implemented. But contango solute now know it's implemented but also put him block and Picasso jaws to your garage. You put like a Pasha the Acoma portkey worn a book I nonetheless to a tanning pheromone. Good Randy seminars. Cynthia Tantalus now she has a talent agency that carrying capacity the Mercosur pseudopodia Rivera. As you can, Napoleon is Yamasaki. Carlos causes a CK. Choi literally count up. Welcome everybody. So swagger. Icu, free was done the Simplemente compare the means of free and it's not just me just noticing silica. Silica, medulla, medulla dropper, Qaeda mu0 intensity, the Lord acetazolamide, Una sola position, Napoleonic coastal erosion will see that yin energy to Iraqi staff that have a handle or candelabra. The epitaphs and yellow permit data other Yoda circa pass the dormir Frankie law quantize or as they say. Oh yeah, I said no. I dont us associate agnosia handlers, a dentist warmers gives us a handbook of oil that they escape, determined to epoch MeV data and on the not done yet on Delorme, not in yellow on the BB. And 2 says terminal window and the swallows. Amigos. If you via leader and maintenance, yellow senile mothers, synchrotron is determined in and swallow Hezekiah ratio for Kiara Tangun language homebrew getting going up when I did my lab book, a tango. So Anna's skip on their main seem apparent. Know Cynthia for your courses homozygous, dominant, bizarre, Nikita capacity. Either CO1, not enter the minibus opposite of this, yada, yada, yada. Hello, sale. Per case of lasso yada reveal monotone, the cosas asi. No more in again, ANSYS synechia capacity supernovae. They reveal the causes are the weather's era know, so Mandanten causes Buenos, there will be the rico not ego Simplemente, this router, lochia, see tinea. Parody, relax, Eunice, Pedro, I will not be under law. Students get any ascii, display, rotate Alaska 10-year parody, automaton the opportunity as they all Chios him for Casie and muchos and deals and even implicit elephant and shadow, bit on Lagarde and for Garmin efficacy in a ketose Kesey to exit donkey for it I'm minimum AND became you you're not gonna have CDO assay for severe on Tsingtao and cons and our lower the ICO years asi Como dysarthria sister gratitude can waste implementing. She's very glassy open. Maybe there's a resolute but unfamiliar. Now purchases I feel joy ratio polis for me familiaris or kilocalories per day it on familiar silicates better there in Lamar that we'd say loci as per their proton to tango. So a ratio, pull it in. So you're good. I see you're practicing law says to Borgesian was Acadia, says to bucket language dispersions applicant linguistic well, do some ammonia and dances and look at the noisiness casinos on the audio, the gratitude split, communica, the eagle historia, stuff like I say, polyester see per KG VBS to satirize SOS to yes. Yes. He has told her I see uppercase required or VBM in the DV. Yara require low ESS. A contrasting Catalina day. The mutual beneficial I'd be marrow is get the balloon will tell sprint that they carry Remington. Important one to do. First is to remedy ultimately says another. Obviously it's not like we don't know that I have another is must navigate either in ADA, but Odontochelys on a person Asiago when a party it is I got obviously your book is asking no longer basis. And then put like one does cause us August to relevant anomalies is located, but for now go party pull it under control. Wagga. It is I got a CDO. Loss ratios. Yes. Valleys. On other consequences. This is kinda Phillipa Cornelius, organize your police, picking your data isn't important. Clc, CLC yellows. Okay. See Lai economy collapsed. On the other side I COLS capacitor CT in his conquest of Emilia, going to salute, come up Weiser to Fe, to cadenza composer. When Alaska, alaska dwells and Elisa to CNT, you have is this enormous accused, but can you, today is, the day is when we compare the dice, come up with a recipe that the data is come up with. Dennis Vista. But calibrations La Vista, bookcase say look, gaze where they will have Easter, no ego colliders, but the opposite, and I'm a hot bed or do we set it up as you all know, you can say, it has course as lamb perspective, I love you. Those debug console and perspective, a proton to coin, the tool. Dad. So the kainate is then invoice the set of outcomes from Endo is to pass the self-police. In a ghetto Momento where hook while Garrison Constanza establish their own northern correct? Alice period, yes. Yes, a lot of that didn't that is treatise, the gratitude. 8. Escribe tu historia: Nose again take consisting of his career to produce story nor its derivative end. Okay, Let me solely on their career fictions, you know, soil and to be there, otherwise bigger. But the Opry marrow isn't then they're excreted mostly story idea. I'll also very luxurious but gases, common agreement, unnecessary story and the hotels and the most electrons, momentum, single electron. There aren't any mannose, Ariba all electron, the Lambda me, Manasseh thing with Zoom. The Mirador HR or an election year action, the Medina real Alexander, Morocco kinda shrunk and causes because a psychosis Miranda's told low important I Total, Quinton was Historia, total Athenian history story. As he came into the Obamas Como toda assistance and accumulate the feed intersectorial importance of this greenness restore, yeah, we're conducting on him as the Himmler consisted in supine gammas get to stutter a 100 pound embrace are important in the newsroom. Have a direct bouquets and heavy dilemma base NC. And as you get into when cargo bucketing as a heavy Director at inhibited to Arlene place I organised assume there's takeaway say to implement a multinational becomes K is the hyphae. They proposed the elbow, the DSA, Service King and proved or scale or Samos by nauseous client is Jose mosasaurs. I said spotless opportunities. They may normally that bureau kinda move to the receptionist. And a premium option is a tree hugger Muslim or as an option not nociceptor know whether citizens are by an elisa. Maslow's those consequences, Ulla's doses, the visa get to Bolivia stoma to know how mosquito election is the sheer see below acids and bases are in there just as predictors come, majority and analgesia. But are they my luckily add E to K, skin to skin. It is nose and aliquot into sudan Quinta a CK MB. In counter and embrace. It gives will say they do have a not dominant response isoleucine, leucine expiatory. It is you get data TO Lockwood buddy, either this as a gout, I assume there's employer as lucky terminal nodes represent Alenia, the option the election the election at OSI Layer neutral heavy, no, accept or Serratia. Look, it was her subsidy or proclaiming is good to have it two, is it this video for the second two polynomials headed Paula said Castle, Port Royal to an obstacle lawsuits planets as you get their spirit. Yoda, it is own dissemble and numbers Gospels. It is on the simpler question is K calcareous case la Historia? I stored the other gate is from the simply ago, but get the Shastasaurus it oligo. This on a store or put carries from the employer. Perky sees this oligos on this too as well. So I'll go a curiosity interessante English while GKE to place and LSR in Gaza into proximity vista, just unmute and go to employ bucket is assembly. I'll get to Proxima player known as CMS, be the 80 port case a persona. They saw Nesta omit this video for free, this on a stool. As you come, Yellowstone, ecosystem voices, more just causes pneumonia. So, so look at the Fenon mystery legato. So looking at Athenian life story arc is Hosni nuestros near toes or dystonia, Coursera and container and Laval could also say comatose impresario, sing Susannah historians were Him blow the Steve Jobs, gets UCLA. Sorrows. Your technology called COO neat always protamines Beck, CMO, pacing or leader based scheme or heavy silica. Okay, WHO, as he came, most important, TiVo is reform and curiosity to hit you. Edit Camino ketose, go home video from AWS and Mia Hamm blowing the last persona's getting into docile axon terminals. Do it. Associates egos and pneumonia, TiVo or the mismo punto case, standardize and plateaus. Seen embargos, Camino Sean, complimentary or questions, ie, our keys on the interlobar. Important day, Let's do the UK into ketosis could have here the two via kids look a ketose can say that you are going to study a case, can say the IGA get twisted this by either percentages on its toll free state. This by digital persona. Persona can characterise, use it as a tsunami. Good as her own airway began. Good. He said, when a person lucky so recently or not persona, K window, K-SVD are por la Korean case a possi, wow, this to read our warp, our capitalist system gives us head on up persona. Masida, kisses and non-developed poorly COCOMO, an abortion of a Mozart, received our persona. Record data for teenagers. Over that spot. Sukarno portfolio, porous rock D2L or Kyocera called upon a persona K, not in the newly aroused go Nicaragua attitude. It is heave as Aki chondroitin is can I store that ketoacidosis career? It was emphasized career. You're good. Oh Sarah. Porcelain, a persona on ester bond 12% when Lear incentive var, out as persona's. But I said is to occasional prologue in progress when the industry, I'm in principle this arrow German professionals and the putamen data me non-water solution and prolly MAC existing around today class but I said is to occasional, common good is his career to study. Complicated. Please keep in mind the scapula girl. Scream it, we store it on the less grievous, the massless this is shown is get the jeering at the Joe's committee knows no solo that decision is not Camino and made a CR2 purchaser them into existing MOOCers. Camino, sporadic aroma, seen embargo, some book calls those kitty maintaining commodities, more Judaizers. But our mutual sort of aminos is necessary or vendor to vendor two sprints EPOC vendor can do arithmetic on Saturday. So protons, there is a term which we are becoming EBITDA Cajal's on the tin is coming there to element is cohesion. And on the pyramid this is akin to areas. These are cecum upwards thrusting their message added to Socrates. But I'm just persona's through Haiti was no maximum solvent, but I use a Pangu, Pedro IV, the message other two. So Kritios, ISA either coming or correct or the parameter mass two socket DeVos. Yes. So SSL is indeed with propulsive beneficiary letter combination category is created to store the array, scream a whiskey, become more QCI VSCO to LIGO. 9. ĀæEl fin de tu historia?: But I'm just persona's are Lazada Martius, Rwanda. In 19, the perfect amend the law Christian is K is necessary for your intended donor or disagree on a Wednesday perspective economists spectral a Maruti is okay. Second burden factor, common Pareto's Mano as much vivo as you suck important the analyser, Ian tender, or the NeuroNode perspective as Solow dabbler respect proton TO formats that third law says parliament evilness could do that in a conversation. Or tinea and accommodations you, Sarah, calm, Lamartine AND E o'clock, amphicoelous perspective as Catania most per game and control came who just will do it as a unit perspective, a case for stunted, toxic I can respect to a lowercase, a fin. Fin don't adapt. I think them periodically Fin de la viva are that we are converting my perspective at Kenosha perspective you can respect to allocate Islam, World War II era Mindy approach and Dalia K is this ultimate portfolio. Approach. Her nose, I'll see you soon. Boko, Tao Petersburg domus at the end. But, but I'm looking at our bladder. Can respect to Anna martin implemented our SK lamb worthy, Nissan, excellent. The a can we incentive or paranoia, Holman k2, k3 is known as an incentive for porcupine Martino, consistent intended, they call a modern-day Barcelona in Peloton to the nameless gave you ve Kumasi pheromones summary years, low-quality seeking the FECA boisei Las Casas necessarily as that, therefore my Casio 0, we start satisfy two per k, whether GM punto non-duality by the jamovi that we ve movie that and how VV may hoard the Lockean NewCo is CMA. But I saw Denise can kinda see it as a zip. But if we were to veto the Dell format, the quantum WIDA soil parentheses, history, satisfaction. Asilomar, AI is a CLT. Has it been done on to quiz the legal perspective, accomplish common th the interleukin dean and associate them just with Kaltura, inclusive wellness and non De la Vega. Amigo on him and amigo get Akita, Cassie cannula, minimap respect the opposite in the Kimberley tempo, simply say Saddam Hussein phenomena and amigo connecting borrelia is own amu. But as we have the most elite be solely on their lives. So the law perspective, Aligarh, Irena Shogun Como, to paste them into ano Xian sit in RTFO, you went to the n plus 1 amu is a slab, it's bacteria or totally correct. A product team leader, you want to say common law party, Lamartine noise and enemy going to mosquito cycle Kenosha strategy. A psycho Kenosha Di Santo twist to the dose water has been sad kilometers and then amigo nicotine is contained in media though per kilowatt or with with lava. Come on amigo. Adequate lip with this. That is our ISR and I'm working on the medial border KV visa and novae that dig into a ketose ketose perdition SUV, the green Kayla, Perkin newness to be eaten. Viviane do is do we know this but we don't know someone. Cuando to consider multiple monomial and two sisters pull apart our former key similarities. And always designers on witnessed the intraday sienna news, inquiry and caso supernovae that big now they reveal per case CCl4 continuous Garcia established ceases to blow the eyes. I can see Harlem where the common factor. So lab respect to you how to visa, but intensive care for them mean till important the account importante. One gram entailing portentous dollar GM book onto familiar dermatome important is pasado to tiempo, a new institution, religiosa, kilobyte, importante, La loyalty that Judah is. But Kinesis Data Day solo, uno to the pluralized to tiempo, contagious period, yes or no, say ordered in the peri eyes. He murdered his own excellently him blue, selected Amazon EMR year by posting that are in the charter law see on a non day hospitals lumbar at El Punto and on the to receive knocked him or motif, but kept poor DVB is attractive. Both perspective and Crusoe can do two areas. Just to the adequate gratitude. It is capacitance tender. Kp being places where sin embargo as VV of in Daniel. Daniel's yes. Be veto the assignees mass, the quanta polices have it matter 2 is a shift towards the fruit, the lacuna and it's on the prospect, the accompaniment East into a ketose kicking, no escape. That person ammonia we hollowing the Nabopolassar V naught, but it Yeah, pillow total Locke's see. Your approximately a complete imitation Tel-Aviv Eskimo life in ancient favorite Megawati EU law differentia, what ultimately adversaries to escape the fallacy that causes the loci. I look at these routers like an endoskeleton is the area mean delta good combi, the point is this fertile cognisant reason to Cara, I, even Asia, Africa, the dataset kinda tomb where the intos this disparate Eskimo system, Horace co-head love eda. V, that is fruit. Alex, if it is the spirit of the convalescent or ESA, bs are these routers through the scene. Doulas causes a packet or a heptane to share phenol. Where do you see noise to task too familiar with summative task that are familiar proteins and do cinema assassination. But it's all your cases in a perspective of what I had intended loudly at getting allomorphy para, by Laura love either Dudley, a postdoc is MACLA while guilty and boo. Yes, implementing colleague, purchasing the godly number, the euro. As you keep working on grassy contrast. Para, approve the chart below the forum I would delineation of EDA for my CPU animals vivid and matching multiple animals. We don't have either gammas is the phone or via our documentary less cluttered and all is the hobo window episodic, trivially, scribble, Marty is at least up Annemarie. See no case defender can see moody eras or Picasa. So we citrus until Illinois retro prints, hello. Emilia is the project or aminos have a lumpy apparent ago. Tabloid. Easy money, alter the Eigen and supercontinent countries projectors, Yashica D via EVs, the supernovae. Linda years to say it's just a minuscule, says must be losses, get the book of Esther, ISA data, they reveal novae that Dina disability croquet lot. But some of them we put them what I'll do. But it's okay. Do they have no-par kilometers? The importance an elisa against it agonize couple comparative, comparative toys that momentum oyster. E is barricade the idea CDO, the grana usually granddaughter Aliyah is barrier, is ferruginous bonds where in the end.