English listening skill: Improve English Listening through fun and interesting stories | Mister Rabiey | Skillshare

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English listening skill: Improve English Listening through fun and interesting stories

teacher avatar Mister Rabiey, Oxford Tutor & Voice Actor

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      1 please let me smoke story


    • 3.

      1 please let me smoke vocab and grammar


    • 4.

      2 to have or have not story


    • 5.

      2 to have or have not vocab and grammar


    • 6.

      3 the dream story


    • 7.

      3 the dream vocab and grammar


    • 8.

      4 living together story


    • 9.

      4 the dream grammar


    • 10.

      5 dangerous friends story


    • 11.

      5 dangerous friends vocab and grammar


    • 12.

      6 i can't stop story


    • 13.

      6 let me smoke vocab and grammar


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About This Class

Upgrade your English skills all together 

In this class , Students will be able to improve many skills such as Listening , Vocabulary , Grammar and Pronunciation 

This class is designed for basic learners and those students who have trouble understanding basic grammar , Vocabularies and Listening .. 

Do you want to have fun and Learn English ? so This is the right class for you .. 

Listening is a skill which shapes the world around you by paying attention to things and the way you reflect on them.

In my class, you are going to learn crucial information about this skill, and we are going to do several exercises in order to increase your self-awareness. Knowing where you are, is as important as knowing where you are going. Understanding your state of mind and your abilities in the present, will help you achieve what you really want in the near future.

Master English Pronunciation and Listening.

Of course the two most important things when speaking English are:

  • 1)Being understood by who you are talking to (pronunciation).

  • 2)Understanding the other person (listening skills).

  • However, these two areas are often totally ignored by English language teachers and are very difficult skills to master on your own. The result? Students of English are often totally lost when they have a real life conversation with someone who isn't either speaking very clearly or slowing down what they are saying. This means that the students are totally missing out on learning English naturally through real conversations.

Meet Your Teacher

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Mister Rabiey

Oxford Tutor & Voice Actor



-Master's Degree in English Linguistics US
-TV host / Dubber / Narrator
-Lived and studied in Canada,England 
-10+ Years of experience / A1 to C2 Levels
-TESOL and CELTA coach , IELTS 9 Holder
-Cambridge Certified Tutor/ IELTS Examiner

I believe that teaching is an art, like an artist, you need to be creative to be a good teacher. I always look for different things to do to help students get the information in the easiest way possible including animation programs,  Videos and personalized learning activities. I have always tried to focus on the skills of speaking and helping learners change their brain to speak automatically, without needing to think.

My courses and classes will help you:
... See full profile

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1. Intro: Do you have trouble understanding native English speakers? Do you find it difficult to improve your listening skills or you feel like you don't have the time to practice. If you guys have these problems, don't worry, we are here to help you personally. I've always found listening to be the most difficult, learning English skills. Maybe you feel the same way here in this class we will help you with your listening. You can also learn vocabulary, grammar and you can also improve your pronunciation. Develop your listening skills for social, academic, and business purpose. Improve your listening pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar all together. It's important to have a purpose when you'll listen. Setting good purpose allows the students to become active listeners. Actually, in this course, students are given a variety of activities to improve not only listening skills, but also vocabularies, the grammar and pronunciation. Do you have trouble understanding native speakers? Do you want to improve your speaking as kilos through listening? Do you think you cannot pronounce the words and sentences correctly or you are afraid of speaking. Would you like to understand more vocabularies and grammatical points with many examples and definitions. So let's start from here. We all know that listening is a key to all effective communication. Without the ability to listen effectively, messages are easily misunderstood. As a result, communication breaks down and the sender of the message can easily become frustrate it. If there is one communication as Keeley should aim to mass, sir, then listening. Is it? This course is for beginning and low intermediate students who want to upgrade their English skills. The strategy is using each chapter makes listening and active and enjoyable experience for students while features variety of creative activities. It will lead students to become successful listeners thrown at fictive process. At the end of this course, you will develop listening skills with no methods and strategies. You will understand a new vocabulary and a grammar both in context. You will improve your pronunciation and accent to using the listen and repeat activities. It will start to naturally learn everyday to real live English. And you would get the confidence to communicate with English native speakers. 2. 1 please let me smoke story : Understand that topic. Please let me smoke. Listen to Dave story and answer this question. Why is he angry? Number one, babies very sick because he smokes. Number to, Dave wants to smoke everywhere, but he kept a number three, Davies angry because cigarettes costs a lot of money. So listen carefully to this story about Dave. And after that, I want you to answer this question. Why is he angry? Okay. Are you ready? Let's starts. My name is Dave. I'm 21 years old and angry. You see, I like to smoke. I'm angry because they want to stop me from smoking. Let me tell you how bad it is. There are so many places where I can smoke. Last month, I flew from Los Angeles to Tokyo and I couldn't smoke ten hours without a cigarette. Can you believe it? I almost died. Are they trying to kill me or what? It's my buddy and I can do what I want. The other day I was in a bar, the guy next to me told me to put out my cigarette. Was he crazy? Of course, I'm gonna smoke. It's a bar. That's where people drink and smoke. It's getting worse and worse in some cities, you can smoking any building, not given a bar. That's right. There is a law that says people can smoke in a bar. How stupid? What will they do if i smoking while those smoke rebuilding, ha put me in jail. Sometimes I feel like a criminal. It's drawn to stop all smoking. I think there should be places like bars and restaurants where people can smoke. And if Non-smokers don't like it, they don't have to go to those places. Please let me smoke. So what is the correct answer? Why is a angry? Did you listen carefully? So the correct answer is, Dave wants to smoke everywhere, but he can't. Actually, Dave loves to smoke. Okay. And this part, I want you to listen again and fill in each blank. I suggest you to write down the words on the piece of paper. After that, I'm going to actually check the words and we are going to understand the correct words. Are you're ready? Let's check there. Listening. Let's start. My name is Dave. I'm 21 years old and angry. You see, I like to smoke. I'm angry because they want to stop me from smoking. Let me tell you how bad it is. There are so many places where I can smoke. Last month, I flew from Los Angeles to Tokyo and I couldn't smoke ten hours without a cigarette. Can you believe it? I almost died. Are they trying to kill me or what? It's my body and I can do what I want. The other day I was in a bar, the guy next to me told me to put out my cigarette. Was he crazy? Of course, I'm going to smoke. It's a bar. That's where people drink and smoke. It's getting worse and worse. In some cities, you can smoke in any building, not given a bar. That's right. There is a law that says people can smoke in a bar. How stupid? What will they do if i smoking while those smoke rebuilding, he put me in jail. Sometimes I feel like a criminal. It's wrong to stop all smoking. I think there should be places like bars and restaurants where people can smoke. And if Non-smokers don't like it, they don't have to go to those places. Please. Let me smoke. Okay. Now let's check the words. Did you under stand it? Did you understand the words? So the correct words are smoke, cigarettes, believe, barr, cities, to pet, jail, criminal, and wrong. If you didn't understand some words or the grammar. Don't worry. In the next part, we are going to explain the vocabularies that grammatical points, and I'm going to help you actually improve your pronunciation. See you soon. Listen and repeat. Okay guys, so this is where you can improve your pronunciation. Actually, this is a perfect pronunciation exercise. This is one of the best way to improve your pronunciation fluency and axioms. Pay attention to intonation, stress, and speed, and repeat exactly after the speaker. That first-time, slow. The second time a bit faster. Are you ready? Let's start. I'm angry because they want to stop me from smoking a mangrove because they want to stop you from smoking. There are so many places where I can smoke. There are so many places where I can't smoke. The guy next to me told me to put out by cigarette. The guy next to me told me to put out my cigarettes. There is a law that says people can't smoke in a bar. There is a law that says people can't smoke in a bar. What will they do if I smoke in one out of the smoke free building? What will they do if by smoking whenever these mock rebuilding? I think there should be places like bars and restaurants where people can smoke. I think there should be places like bars and restaurants where people can smoke. Okay, guys, I suggest you to repeat this activity many times if you want to speaking deletion like natives. So let's go to the next parse and understand the vocabulary and grammar. 3. 1 please let me smoke vocab and grammar : Okay, now let's understand that grammar. Stop somebody from something or the verb comes with ING. This is a very important structure. We use it in English. For example, we must stop people from smoking. From verifying G. The teacher is tops, the students from speaking other languages. My mother's tops me from playing games. Then no is a stopped me from reading books. So do not forget, stop somebody from verb I-N-G. The reason there are, some students do not understand this. The reason there are what's the meaning? We use their ease or there are to say that something exists or doesn't exist. We use at their ease for singular nouns. For example, there is a book on the desk, and we use that there are four plural nouns. For example, there are books that desk. We also use their ease for uncountable noun. For example, there were 0s, some milk in their fridge. Milk here is uncountable noun. So we use their ease for both singular and uncountable nouns. Okay, the next part is can and count. Where do we use can unkempt. We use can to talk about possibilities or prohibitions. For example, can you do that? For example? Can you do that? Or you can smoke here? We also use CAM or can't. We use them actually to talk about ability? Like I can speak French, I can speak Italian, I can dry. I can't dams ballet. We use can to ask for and gave her mission to for example, can I go to the bathroom? Yes, you can. You can use my phone. You can't use my phone. We use can IN offers and requests to for example, can you give me a hand? Can you help me? So we're offering you can understand that we use can and can't in different situations. Next bar two is about gets an adjective. We use the structure gets plus adjective to express the process of becoming sick. Mad at such wrong. For example, you're happy, but then you heard the bad news. And turned from happy to sad. We can say that you got lost, you got sick, you got married. Or we can say, I'm getting tired, I got crazy. So get here means become. Don't forget this. How plus adjective. Why do we use this structure? We use how plus adjective to express surprise, sometimes. Surprise, for example, how interesting, how stupid, how fast, or how beautiful. So this is the grammar up this story. If you didn't understand some parts, I suggest you to comeback. How listen again and practice. Practice makes perfect. You can practice these grammatical points on vocabularies with your friends too. And if you have any questions, please ask me. Good luck. So in this Barth, we are going to explain the words and the grammar for you, the vocabularies and the grammar of this story. The vocabularies that we are going to study are angry, believe, put out, cigarette, crazy, ors, Law, Stupid, jail, criminal. The other day. And non-smokers. And the grammatical points are, stop someone from verb I-N-G. The difference between their ease and there are can and can't get plus adjective. How plus adjective? Okay, let's start with the vocabularies. The first word is angry. As you can see in the picture, angry is having a strong feeling against someone who has behaved badly. For example, he's really angry at are with me for upsetting Sophie. So angry comes with the preposition at or with. The next word is believe. Believe means to think that something is true or that what someone says is true. For example, I can't believe that she wants to go out with me. Believe that put out. As you can see, the picture put out means to make something that is burning, stop burning. For example, the firefighter put out the fire and saved the boy. Put out cigarettes. As you can see in the picture, cigarette is a thin tube of paper filled with tobacco that people smoke. It is illegal to sell cigarettes to anyone on their 16. Yes, this is not good. Crazy, crazy means to pit or strange. For example, you are going out in all the snow. Are you crazy? Are you stupid? The next word is worse. Ors means more unpleasant or difficult to them, something else that is also bad. For example, the exam was worse than I expected. Law. The system of official rules in a country. We call it law. For example, you are breaking the law and that's not good. We should not break the law. Stupid. As you can see that that picture means silly or not intelligence. For example, one stupid action has placed us all at risk. Stupid jail. As you can see the picture, jail is a place where criminals are kept as a punishment. For example, she was sent to a jail for two years. Criminal. Criminal is a person who has committed a crime, a very bad person whose steals lots of things from many places. For example, these men are dangerous criminals. The next word is the other day, or the other day. When we say it faster. The other day means if you days ago, for example, I saw Terry the other day, a few days ago. The other day. And the next word, non-smoker. People who do not smoke, we call them non-smokers. Okay, guys, we understood the vocabularies of the story. Now it's time to understand the grammar. 4. 2 to have or have not story : Understand the topic this story is about to have or have not. Tomas and mantra have been married for five years and they are very happy and successful I think. So. I want you to listen to Tomas story and find out do they want to have any children? Are no. Okay. Let's see and let's listen and understand. So everybody please listen carefully. Let's start. I'm 32 years old. My wife, Martha is 28. We've been talking about having a child last night. After talking for five hours, we finally made a decision. We have decided not to have a child. First of all, we both have good jobs. We earn enough money to have a good life. We go to good restaurants and often take vacations to Hawaii and Australia. Last month, we went to England. In addition, we'll live in a small apartment close to our jobs in the city. It's only big enough for my wife and me. We don't spend a lot of time in our tiny apartment because we work all of the time and we take vacations with the baby, everything would change. My wife would stop working and to stay home with the baby. Since our apartment is tiny, we would move to big apartment outside the city. Then I would take the train to my office and it would take an hour one way. That's no fun. That's not all. We don't know if we have enough money for baby. If my wife stops working, we wouldn't have much money. How could we live? It's very expensive to have a child, food, clothes, education, doctors. But I know many people disagree. My friends who have children are very happy. They love their children very much. And my parents want my wife and me to have a baby. That's fine for them, but not for us. We have decided no children. So the answer is no because they are afraid of losing a job and they would have less free time. So they don't want to have children right now. Okay, and this bards, you listen again and fill in each blank. Listen carefully and try to write down the words on the piece of paper. After that, we will check the correct words. Let's begin going. I'm 32 years old. My wife, Martha is 28. We've been talking about having a child last night. After talking for five hours, we finally made a decision. We have decided not to have a child. First of all, we both have good jobs. We earn enough money to have a good life. We go to good restaurants and often take vacations to Hawaii and Australia. Last month, we went to England. In addition, we'll live in a small apartment close to our jobs in the city. It's only big enough for my wife and me. We don't spend a lot of time in our tiny apartment because we work all of the time and we take vacations with the baby. Everything would change. My wife would stop working and to stay home with the baby. Since our apartment is tiny, we would move to big apartment outside the city. Then I would take the train to my office and it would take an hour one way. That's no fun. That's not all. We don't know if we have enough money for baby. If my wife stops working, we wouldn't have much money. How could we live? It's very expensive to have a child, food, clothes, education, doctors. But I know many people disagree. My friends who have children are very happy. They loved their children very much. And my parents want my wife and me to have a baby. That's fine for them, but not for us. We have decided no children. So let's take the correct words. Child jobs, apartment, vacations, parens, baby, working, and big. If you didn't understand some words and this listening, or if you didn't understand that grammar, don't worry, we will explain it all for you. Goodbye for now. Remember the best way to improve your pronunciation is listening gara pitting. I'm going to repeat the sentences The first time, slow, the second time a little faster. So you guys are repeat exactly after me. Are you ready? Let's start. We've been talking about having a child last night. We've been talking about having a child last night. We have decided not to have a child. We have decided not to have a child. We earn enough money to have a good life. We are enough money to have a good life. We don't spend a lot of time in our tiny apartment. We don't spend a lot of time in our tiny apartment. My friends who have children are very happy. My friends who have children are very happy. My parents wants my wife and me to have a baby. My bears want my wife and me to have a baby. Perfect. You can repeat this process many times to improve your pronunciation. 5. 2 to have or have not vocab and grammar: Okay guys, in this box we are going to study that grammatical points of this story. Here we have present perfect continuous. Present perfect continuous is an action that started in the past and continued in the present. And the form is have or has been for buying g. For example. She has been awaiting for you all day and she's still waiting now. I've been working on this reports since eight o'clock this morning and I still haven't finished it yet. They have been traveling since last October and they are not home yet. So it's an action that started in the past and continue in the present. Perfect continuous. The next part is enough. What is different about the way we use enough? There are two examples in this sentence. Let's look at them separately. I don't have enough money. So money is a noun here, so it comes after enough. And number two 0s, I will never be a rich enough. Or H Here is an adjective, so it comes before enough. So enough comes after or before. Now, actually enough comes before nouns and after adjective. Yes. So Let's look at the two rules. Enough plus noun. There is not enough food for everybody's go and buy some more. Adjective enough. He's not tall enough to play basketball. So we understand that enough comes before nouns and enough comes after Adjective. The next part is since. We used, since for a reason, we use sense as a actually subordinating conjunction to introduce a subordinate clause. We use it to give a reason for something. For example, scene had to no reason to take a taxi since he's flat was near enough to walk to. Since her husband hated holidays so much, she decided to go on her own. They couldn't deliver the parcel since no one was there to answer the door. So we use since to give her a reason. Do not forget this. Ok, goodbye for now. Okay guys, in this parts we are going to understand the words and the grammar of this story that we listened to. So the vocabularies are Vacation. Finally, make a decision. Enough. In addition, tiny stay, education and disagree. And the grammatical points that we are going to study are, have been verb I-N-G. Enough plus noun. Since, which means because. Okay, let's start with the vocabularies. The First War days, vacation. What's the meaning of vacation? Occasion is a period of time when you are not at home, but are staying somewhere else for enjoyment. For example, we are taking a vacation in Florida. Don't forget to use the verb take, take your vacation. Finally. Finally means after a long time or some difficulty. For example, we finally got home just after midnight. Finally, next word is making a decision. A very important phrase. Make a decision means to choose something after thinking about several possibilities. So make a decision. For example, I haven't decided whether or not to tell him. I haven't decided whether or not to tell him. The next word is enough. Enough means as image has necessary. For example, they had enough fuel for one week. In addition, a very nice and very essential phrase. In addition means added to what already exists or happens. Or we can say or more than you already do or have. For example, in addition to teaching, she works as a nurse in the holidays. In addition, tiny. Tiny means extremely small. For example, we can say a tiny baby or a tiny little Rome. So tiny is something that is very, very small. Next ward eight stay. Stay means to continue to be inept plays, job, et cetera, and not leave. For example, the weather was bad, so we stayed at home to continue to be in a place. Education, educating soon is a process of teaching and learning in school or college. Or the knowledge that you get from this. For example, more money should be spent on education. Exactly. And the last word is this agree. Disagree means to have a different opinion from someone else about something. For example, I disagree with most of what he said. Disagree. Great. Let's move to the next part and understand the grammar of the story. 6. 3 the dream story : Understand the topic, this stories about the dream. Listened to Ribera. She describes her frightening dream and answer this question. The question is, what was her dream about? Number one, at car accidents? Number to a plane crash or numbers where he and murder after without some grain to check your listening. So for now, I want you to listen carefully. Let's start. I had a terrible dream last week, and now I'm very worried and I don't know what to do. In my dream, I'm driving my car. It's a dark night and it's training very hard. I'm tired. I'm working hard all day, but I'm later late for a meeting in another city. So I cannot stop to rest. I must keep driving. I want to sleep. Then I woke up, I was carried on, my head hurt. The next night I had the same dream. I'm driving my car late for meeting and it's raining. This dime. Driving very fast on a dangerous road with many hills and curves. I want to sleep and I don't know the road and I'm worried about having an accident. When I woke up again, I was scared them by heart hurt. The dream returned the next night. Again. I'm very sleepy. I'm driving fast because I'm late. It's raining and I don't know the road. This time. I have a terrible accident. I hit another car. I dreamed I dotting the accidents. I woke up shaking. I was so afraid. Now I have a problem. I have to drive my car to another city. But I'm worried. I think my dream will come true. I think I might have an accident and die. What should I do? So the correct answer is a car accident. She dreamed about a terrible car accident, and that's really, really bad. Now in this part, listen again and fill in each blank. Try to understand these words. Let's begin. I had a terrible dream last week, and now I'm very worried and I don't know what to do. In my dream, I'm driving my car. It's a dark night and it's raining very hard. I'm tired. I'm working hard all day, but I'm later late for a meeting in another city. So I cannot stop to rest. I must keep driving. I want to sleep. Then I woke up, I was carried on, my head hurt. The next night I had the same dream. Driving my car late for a meeting and it's raining. This time. I'm driving very fast on a dangerous road with many hills and curves. I went to sleep and I don't know the road and I'm worried about having an accident. When I woke up again, I was scared them by heart Herat. The dream returned the next night. Again. I'm very sleepy. I'm driving fast because I'm late. It's raining and I don't know the road. This time. I have a terrible accident. I hit another car. I dreamed I Dantian, the accidents woke up shaking. I was so afraid. Now I have a problem. I have to drive my car to another city. But I'm worried. I think my dream will come true. I think I might have an accident on Dai. What should I do? Ok, now that you have finished, it's time to understand these words. So the words are raining. Meeting scared, accidents, sleepy, died, and hits. If you didn't understand some words. No problem. Because in the next part, we will explain all of the words and grammar for you. Okay? See you soon. Okay, guys, time to improve your pronunciation. So don't forget, you have to listen and repeat after me the first time, slow the second time a little faster. Let's start. I had a terrible dream last week and now I'm very worried. I had a terrible they're able last week and now I'm very worried. The next night I had this same dream. The next slide I had this same dream. I'm driving my car late for a meeting and it's raining. On bribery might correlate for mating and it's raining. I woke up shaking. I was so afraid. I woke up shaking. I was so afraid. I had a terrible dream last week and now I'm very worried. I had a terrible dream last week on now I'm very worried. 7. 3 the dream vocab and grammar : Okay guys, now was understand the grammar. The first part is about simple past tense. It's a definite time in the past. We use the past simple to talk about different a time in the past. Often we simplify when something happened. For example, yesterday, three weeks ago, last year, or when I was young. Let me give you some examples. Did you watch that film yesterday? Don't forget that in questions, we always use det to speak about the past. He left at the end of November. Left, he's a past verb. When they were young, they hate it meets, hey teddies a past verb. For regular verbs, we add ED to the base form of the verb. For example, work, worked, or d, If the verb already ends in e, for example, move, we say moved. Many verbs are irregular. Here are some common ones. Each one has to be learned. For example, go is wins and 4I two, we say who wrote. So, we must memorize them. The next party is must. We use must to express obligation or duty. This also refers to laws and regulations. For example, I must memorize all of these rules about modal verbs. People must remain seated until the show is over. You must wear a seat belt at all times. Number two, we use muster emphasize the necessity of something. For example, humans must have drinking water at least every two days. You must give up smoking. It's bad for you. We must have a spatial pyramid to camp in the national park. So we use masks to express obligation or duty. Or we use wants to speak about emphasis. When we emphasize the necessity of something. Present continuous, we use the present continuous to talk about events which are in progress. Okay? In the progress at the moment of speaking. So we use our ys plus the verb I-N-G form. And we use the short form more often than the full form spatially when speaking. Let's listen to this short conversation. What Times dinner. And be cooking. So I'm cooking is a present continuous cooking, which is short for I am cooking. I'm cooking now. So it'll be ready in about half an hour. There's another sentence. She's pressing the bottom. So she's pressing is a present continuous. She is pressing the bottom, but nothing is happening. Nothing is happening is also a present continuous. So we use the present continuous to speak about something that is happening at the moment of speaking. But very important tense. Okay guys, and this part we are going to study the vocabulary and the grammar of this story. The vocabulary is our sleepy, hit. Scared, afraid, terrible, dangerous, hell, hurts, and dream. And the grammatical points are simple past-tense, modest and simple progressive tense. Let's start with the vocabularies. Sleepy. What's the meaning of sleepy? Sleepy means feeling tired and wanting to go to sleep. For example, the heat had made me sleepy. Heads. Hit means to touch something quickly and with force using your hand or an object in your hand, hits she hit him on the head with her tennis rackets heads. The export is skirt, which means fried end or worried. Scared, afraid. Afraid means actually this is used politely to tell someone bad news or to politely disagree with someone. For example, there are no tickets lift, afraid. Terrible. Terrell means very bad of low quality or something that is unpleasant. For example, we can see a terrible accident or the weather was terrible. Dangerous. If something or someone is dangerous, they could harm you. For example, we can't see it dangerous chemical hell. As you can see that picture, Hell is a raised area of land smaller than a mountain. Hell. They climbed up the hell to get a better view. Hell. Hurt. Hurt means to cause someone pain or to injure them. Hurt. Some inherit his knee playing football. That's really bad thing. That person must be very careful. And the last word is dream, as you can see in that picture, dream is a series of events and images that's happened in our mind while you are sleeping. For example, a bad dream. Or we can say, I had a very strange dream last night. Barry goods. 8. 4 living together story : Understand the topic, living together before marriage and new story. It's about Mary. Mary needs help. She has written to Dr. Lee, a famous doctor. So everybody please listen to her story and answer these questions. The questions are, what is Mary's problem and what is Dr. Lisa? Twice. Okay. Everybody focus. Okay. And I'll listen carefully. Let's start. Dear Dr. Lee. My name is Mary. I'm a 24-year old office worker. I have a problem and I don't know what to do. Please help me. My boyfriend Jon wants me to live with him. I live at home with my parents. He wants me to stop living in my parents house and move into his apartment. He wants us to live together. I haven't asked my parents about this. They know I'm going out with John, but they don't snow him Well. I think they would be angry. Johnny's a very wonderful man. I love him. I want to be with him all the time. I don't know what to do. Can you help me? Sincerely, Mary Brown. Dr. mary, I understand your problem. I believe that a woman and a man should live together as wife and husband before they get married. Living together before marriage is good because they two people can know each other very well. Then after six months or a year, they might want to get married or maybe they'll break up. It's easier to break up before marriage then after marriage, you are 24 years old. You're a grown woman, not a young girl. Don't worry about your parents. You'd like Dr. Lee. So the correct answers are she is confused about living with her boyfriend. And Dr. Lee suggests that she's old enough and it is a good idea to leave together before marriage. Yes, living together before marriage is a good idea. Okay, now listen again and fill in each blank. Do not forget to write down the words on the piece of paper. We will check the correct words after or listening. Dear Dr. Lee, My name is Mary. I'm a 24-year old office worker. I have a problem and I don't know what to do. Please help me. My boyfriend Jon wants me to live with him. I live at home with my parents. He wants me to stop living in my parents house and move into his apartment. He wants us to live together. I haven't asked my parents about this. They know I'm going out with John, but they don't know him well. I think they would be angry. Joni is a very wonderful man. I love him. I want to be with him all the time. I don't know what to do. Can you help me? Sincerely, Mary Brown. Dr. mary, I understand your problem. I believe that a woman and a man should live together as wife and husband before they get married. Living together before marriage is good because they two people can know each other very well. Then after six months or a year, they might want to get married or maybe they'll break up. It's easier to break up before marriage then after marriage, you are 24 years old. You're a grown woman, not a young girl. Don't worry about your parents. You'd like Dr. Lee. Now let's take the correct words. Let's see if you have understood them. So the correct words, our problem, boyfriend, parents, angry. Should people break up? And woman. Now, in the next level, I'm going to actually help you improve your pronunciation, understand that vocabularies, and improve your grammar. Goodbye for now. Okay guys, let's improve pronunciation. Lesson I repeat again, I should say this. That's repeating is the best way to improve pronunciation. The first time I repeat slow the second time a little faster. Herpetic is actually after Ray. Are you ready? Let's start. I have a problem and I don't know what to do. I have our problem and I don't know what to do. He wants me to stop living in my parents house. He wants me to stop living in my parents house. They know I'm going out with John, but they don't know him well. They know I'm going out with John, but they don't know him well. I believe that a woman and a man should live together. I believe that a woman and a man should live together. Living together before marriage is a good idea. Living together before marriage is a good idea. It's easier to break up before marriage then after marriage. It's easier to break up before marriage then after marriage. Okay, perfect. So now it's time to go and improve. Your vocabulary is on grammar. 9. 4 the dream grammar : Now let's understand the grammar. And this part we speak about preposition ATS, AT used to point out specific time. For example, I will meet you at 12:00 PM or the bus will stop here at 05:45 PM. It is used to indicate a place. For example, there is a party at that club house, or there were hundreds of people at the park. Or we can say we saw a baseball game at this stadium. So we indicating a place at also used to indicate an email address. Please email me at ABC at D, E, F, G.com, for example. It is also used to indicate an activity. For example, he laughed at my acting. I am good at drawing a porch rate. So we use the preposition at, in different places. Possessive S. We use apostrophe S, also called possessive S, as a determiner to show that something belongs to someone or something. For example, is that the Libya's back. Britain's coastline is very beautiful. We can also use it in complex noun phrases. For example, Greg is hair, youngest daughter's husband. We can use to Possessive S constructions. In this same noun phrase. For example, we went to Jack's father's funeral. And we also use possessive as to talk about time and duration. For example, is that yesterday's paper. So we can see we use possessive S in different situations, in different places. Should we use, should most commonly to talk about what is the ideal or best thing to do in a situation. For example, there should be more public hospitals. They should reduce the price of petrol. It's so expensive. There should be four more candles on the cake. Should a very common word. We use it in English a lot. And we use could, may and might to express degrees of possibility. Many native speaker disagree on which one expresses more. Earliest, certainly. Okay, let's compare the first sentence. The restaurant may close. So it is likely that the restaurants will close. The restaurant could close. Here it is less likely that the restaurant will close. And the last sentences there were restaurants might close. There is only a possibility that the restaurants will close, but no one is very Sure. So we can understand the difference between May, Kurds and mite here. If you didn't understand some parts, I suggest you to come back and review it. Good luck. 10. 5 dangerous friends story : Understand the topic. This is story about dangerous friends. A first year university student, Mary doesn't know anyone at her university. She decided to join the tennis club to meet new people. So everybody please listen to Mary, read from her diary and answer this question. The question is, what does Mary think of her new friends from the tennis club? She likes them very much. She is confused or she doesn't like them. So are you ready? Let's listen carefully. And after that, you must answer this question. Let's start. Today was my first day at the university. I feel very lonely. I don't know anyone. Maybe I will meet some new people at the tennis club tomorrow. I hope so. Tuesday, dear diary. I had a wonderful time at the tennis club this afternoon. Everyone seems so nice and friendly. I met a really nice guy, Bob. I can't wait to go to a party this weekend with them after a tennis club, Sunday. Dear Diary. I'm confused. After playing tennis, Bob and I went to a party. At first. Everything was great. I was meeting new people. I was so excited. But everyone was drinking and drinking and drinking. And they kept giving me drinks. They said I had to drink to have fun. They said that everyone in this tennis club has to drink. That is the tradition of tennis club. I don't like to drink, eat, makes MRC. During the party, many people got very drunk. They were not fun to be with. I was the first person to leave the party. Bob looked angry when I left. I feel alone now. I really want to have friends. I know that I could have many friends with a tennis club people if I like to drink. And I like Bob, maybe he could be my boyfriend. Should I change? I don't want to be left out. Do I have to drink trough friends? Confused. So did you listen to this story? Did you understand? So what does Mary think of her new friends from the tennis club? Actually, she doesn't like them because they drink too much and she doesn't like drinking. Okay. And this part I want you to listen again and fill in each blank. Let's start. Today was my first day at the university. I feel very lonely. I don't know anyone. Maybe I will meet some new people at the tennis club tomorrow. I hope so. Tuesday, dear diary. I had a wonderful time at the tennis club this afternoon. Everyone seems so nice and friendly. I met her a really nice guy, Bob. I can't wait to go to a party this weekend with them. After a tennis club, Sunday. Dear Diary, confused. After playing tennis. Bob and I went to a party. At first. Everything was great. I was meeting new people. I was so excited. But everyone was drinking and drinking and drinking. And they kept giving me drinks. They said I had to drink to have fun. They said that everyone in this tennis club has to drink. That is the tradition of tennis club. I don't like to drink. It makes me sick. During the party. Many people got very drunk. They were not fun to be with. I was the first person to leave the party. Bob looked angry when I left. I feel alone now. I really want to have friends. I know that I could have many friends with the tennis club people if I like to drink. And I like Bob, maybe he could be my boyfriend. Should I change? I don't want to be left out. Do I have to drink to have friends? Confused? Now let's check here. Listening go. Let's check the correct words. So the correct words are lonely. Tennis club, wonderful. Party, grades. Sick, first, and confused. That's great. Now, this is the time that you must move to the next part and improve your pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. Goodbye for now. Okay guys will come to this part. This is the part that we can improve pronounciation. So not forget, you must listen are repeat exactly after me the first time slow. The second time is a little fast, or are you ready? Let's start. Maybe I will meet some new people at the tennis club. Maybe I will meet some new people at the tennis club. They said that everyone in the tennis club has to drink. They said that everyone at the tennis club houses rink. I cam away to go to a party this weekend. I can't wait to go to a part of this week. And they said, I had to drain 12 fun. They said I had to drink two out fun. I know that I could have many friends with a tennis club people if I like to drink. I know that I could have many friends with a tennis club people if I like to drink. Okay. I suggest to you to repeat this repetition men at times. So you could speak English faster and more fluently. Godlike. 11. 5 dangerous friends vocab and grammar : Okay, now, this is the grammar lesson. In this part we speak about Well. One of the main uses of well is to refer to things in the future that we think are certain. For example, the roams will be redecorated, but all the facilities will be the same. So we refer to something in the future that we think are serfdom. Will comes first in the verb phrase in a statement. And it's after the subject and before another verb. It is often contracted to L. In informal situations. For example, the next Olympic Games will be in London. I'll give you a call at about six o'clock. We'll cannot be used with another modal verb. For example, you will be obliged to sign a contract before starting employment. But don't say, you will must sign a contract because we cannot use will with another modal verb. Or we cannot say, you must, we'll sign a contract. So don't forget that we use whale to speak about future that we think certain. Next parties so and neither so I neither responses can be very difficult. Let's just focus on what we say. If we agree with someone, if someone says something negative and we agree with them, we can use neither. But if someone says something positive and we agree with them, we can use. So. We must also remember that the verb in this statement needs to agree with the verb in the response. Let me give you some examples. I am excited about the party. So i agree. And then I say, so am I so am I or I am not excited about the party. So I agree with this negative sentence and I say, neither am I. So we use neither for negative agreement, and we use so for positive agreement. So and neither. The next bond adjective, ED and ING. My holiday was relaxing. I felt really relaxed. Few but common adjectives. And in either ED or ING. For example, worried or worrying. Interests that are interesting, excited, or exciting. Ed adjectives. Adjectives that end in EDR used to describe how people feel. For example, he was surprised to find that he had been upgraded to first grade or first-class. Iowa's confused it by the findings of the report. She felt tired after working hard all day. So we use ED adjectives to describe how people feel. But ING adjectives, adjectives that end in I-N-G are used to describe things and situations. Compared to these example sentences, to the ones above. Being upgraded to first class is surprising. So I'm trying to describe a situation. Being upgraded to the first class is surprising. The findings of this report are confusing, working hard all day. E's tiring. Okay. So we can understand the difference between ED and ING adjectives. And they are very important. Gets, as it become, get, meaning become, we commonly use gets as active domain become or to describe a change of state or situation. For example, put your codes and a scarf on your, or, sorry, or you'll get cold. It means or you will become cold. Let's hope she gets better soon. She becomes better. She gets better soon. It's getting dark. It's means it's becoming dark. So it gets sometimes you use it's inset of become in different situations. Let's understand the vocabulary and the grammar of this story. The vocabularies are confused. Diary, guy, excited. Tradition during drawn, left out and lonely. And the grammatical points that's on greater explained for you are, well. So and neither are the adjectives ED and get, which means become. Okay, let's start with vocabularies. Confused. What's the meaning GF confused, as you can see in the picture, confuse me, is unable to think clearly or to understand something. For examples, sorry, I'm completely confused. Diary. There is a book containing spaces for all the days and moms of the year in which you write meetings and other things that you must remember. For example, according to my diary, I've got two meetings on Monday. Diary. Guy, Guy means a man. We use it in an informal way when we call a person guy. For example, what an eye is, guy. Excited. Excited means feeling very happy and enthusiastic, happy, excited faces. Or we can say that this is another example that children are getting really excited about the party. They are feeling very happy and enthusiastic. Tradition. Tradition is a custom or a way of behaving that has continued for a long time and a group of people or society. There is a strong tradition of dams in St. Petersburg. During, during means for the whole of a period of time, during MOs, usually at home, during the day. During drunk, as you can see in the picture, drawn, means unable to behave or speak normally because you have drawn too much alcohol. He usually gets drawn at part is drunk, left out. If someone feels left out, they are unhappy because they have not been included in an activity. The older children had gone upstairs to a play and she felt left out. And the last war, it is lonely. Lonely is unhappy because you are not with other people. You are lonely. She gets lonely now that the kids have all left out. Exactly. Okay, now we have understood the vocabularies. This time. Next time we must understand their grammatical points. If you have any problems understanding of Cadbury's or grammar, Do not for gaps. To come back and review the lessons. This is the best way that you can improve your English. 12. 6 i can't stop story : Understand the topic. This is a very interesting story. I can stop. This story is about Teresa. Teresa Cham likes to gamble. So guys listen to her story and answer this question. That question is, A's Teresa addicted to gambling? So listen carefully and answer to this question. We will check this question and the answer after listening. Let's start. My name is Teresa. On 35 years old, I used to be married, but my husband divorced me. I have a daughter, but she lives with my former husband. I love to gamble. That's why my husband divorced me. Now I live alone and I live to gamble. My former husband says that I'm addicted to gambling. That's right. Addicted to gambling is crazy. When a person is addicted, he or she has to do with it. They just can't stop. But I'm different. I can't stop gambling at a time, but I don't want us. So why should I? I love to gamble? I love to bet on everything and anything. Horses, cars, soccer, baseball, beauty contests, you name it, I bet on it. Let me tell you about my big wayne last month. I bet on a horse race and one over 5 thousand donors. What a wonderful feeling. I was a winner. That was such a great feeling. But utility that through if I lost about $5 thousand last week, I haven't wants since then. But that's okay because I know I'll win again. I just need some, like some going to keep betting and betting. This is my live finite love it. So the correct answer is yes. She's she's addicted to gambling and she doesn't want to stop because she loves it. But that's not good. Listen again to this story. Kicker listening and fill in each blank. Are you're ready? Let's start. My name is Theresa. I'm 35 years old. I used to be married, but my husband divorced me. I have a daughter, but she lives with my former husband. I love to gamble. That's why my husband divorced me. Now I live alone and I live to gamble. My former husband says that I'm addicted to gambling. That's right. Addicted to gambling. His crazy. When a person is addicted, he or she has to do with it. They just can't stop. But I'm different. I can't stop gambling anytime. But I don't want us. So why should I? I love to gamble? I love to beds on everything and anything. Horses, cars, soccer, baseball, beauty contests, you name it, I bet on it. Let me tell you about my big wing Last month. I bet on a horse race and one over $5 thousand. What a wonderful feeling. I was a winner. That was such a great feeling. But to tell you the truth, I lost that $5 thousand last week. I haven't wants since then. But that's okay because I know I'll win again. I just need some like some going to keep betting and betting. This is my life and I love it. So this is the time that we must check the correct word and see if you have understand the words. So the correct words, our daughter, divorced, addicted, has to soccer. 5 thousand winner. And the last war days. Luck. Perfect. Now it's time to move to the next level. Goodbye. Ok everybody. And this bars we listen and repeat. This is the best way you can improve your pronunciation, as I said already. The first time. Slow, the second time fast. Let's start. Repeat exactly after me. I have a daughter, but she lives with my former husband. I have a daughter, but she lives with my former husband. My former husband says that I'm addicted to gambling. My former husband says I'm addicted to gambling. When a person is addicted, he or she can stop to do it. When a person is addicted, he or she can stop do it. I bet on everything and anything. I bet on everything and anything. Let me tell you about my big win last month. Limit only about my big way last month. I'm going to keep betting and betting. I'm going to keep betting Gan bedding. Okay, that's perfect. If necessary, you repeat this process one or two or three times. So you could speak English much more better. 13. 6 let me smoke vocab and grammar : Okay, now let's understand the grammatical points of this story. Used to, a very important grammatical point, used to mean meaning and the form. We use used to when we refer to things in the past which are no longer through. It can refer to actually repeated actions or to a state or situations. For example, he used to play football for the local team, but he's too old smell. So refer to something that happened in the past are no longer true. That wide house over there used to belong to my family. It belonged to my family that passed, but not anymore. Yes. Next part is preposition. After preposition, the verb comes with ING. Take a look at the following two sentences. Which one is correct? And why are you interested in studying English, or are you interested in a study English? That's right, The first sentence, correct, but why? The preposition in, out, with, off for, about, and so on are used before a verb. The verb must use ING. Don't forget this. After preposition, the verb comes with ING. This is a very important part. The next part is about what adjective, noun and such adjective man, we use these sentences to speak about a feeling or surprise. For example, What a wonderful car, What a nice laptop or such a great weather. So we speak about feeling. You're surprised. What such adjective noun Dilma. Don't forget this. Because we use, because when we use actually because we are giving a reason, we are focusing on the recent. For example, she spoke quietly because she didn't want Katherine to here. Or we'll come over on Sunday because David's got to work on Saturday. So we use because where we are focusing on that reason I've something. Let's understand the vocabularies and the grammatical points of this story. So the vocabularies are married, divorced for mirror, gamble, addicted, bet, beauty contest. When and lose. The grammar that I'm going to explain four, you are used to preposition plus verb and ING. What adjective and noun and such adjective and noun. I will explain all of these grammatical points where you and I will explain why do we use them. Let's start with the vocabularies. Merit. What's the meaning of merit? Merit means having a wife or a husband. For example, a married couple, or we've been happily married for five years. Married, as you can see in the picture of the man and the woman are married. The next word is divorced. Divorced means married in the past, but not now married. For example, we can say she's divorced. She's not married anymore. The next word is former. Former off or in an earlier time before the present time, or in the past. So when we speak about something that before present time we say former, for example, he's former wife or a former employer. Gamble as it can see the picture, gamble means to do something that involves risks that might result in loss of money or failure. Hoping to get money or achieved success. Gamble. I love to gamble. But we should be careful because sometimes we can lose a lot of money. Addicted, addicted means unable to stop taking drugs or doing something as a habit. Addicted. Some people are addicted to smoking, Some people are addicted to watching TV. So we have different addiction. Bet met means to risk money on the result of an event or a competition, such as a horse race in the hope of winning more money, bets. Beauty contest. But contents of competition in which women are judged on how physically attractive they are. We call it beauty contests. Very nice word, beauty contest. When, when means to achieve first position and, or get a prize in a competition, election flight, et cetera. When I lose, is opposites. That loose means to no longer have something because you don't know where it is. For example, I've lost my tickets or he's always losing his car keys. Okay, now let's understand the grammar and go to the next part.