1. Welcome to my class!: My name is Paul, and welcome to my class. This courses on copyright in the age of digital media and how they utilize the consumer's perspective in crafting content. After taking it, you'll be able to write copy that engages with consumers on a more effective and deeper level than most content that's out there these days. Since we live amongst the sea of media and digital communications, a lot of content could become lost in the shuffle, especially on a consumer's level. In order to engage with customers, MAWR effectively a copywriter must be able to differentiate his or her content. Looking at things from a customer's perspective is one of, if not the most important things you can do as a copyright. This class will be able to teach you how to do this by showing how to use a skill called cognitive empathy on a content writing level, as well as factoring in the concept known as market segmentation also teach you how to utilize the combination of utility inspiration and empathy as well as aspects of human psychology. Being a huge film fan myself also show you certain movie clips that reiterate and clarify these concepts as well as real world examples of copy and ad campaigns that show how these skills are utilized. Finally, I'll ask you to craft an assignment where you ride up sample copy for specific customers and demographics. Welcome to my class. Now let's get to it.
2. The Modern Copywriting Environment: for copy writing in general, let's first assess the environment in which copywriters like ourselves are working in these days. This is not the 19th or even the 20th century anymore. Obviously, copy exists in many areas, and in many forms we exist and prosper as human beings. By changing with the times and adapting, One of sunset sues biggest strategies in the art of war, which is a very, very famous book you've probably heard of. It was adaptability. You must change your tactics in order to fit the situation and the environment. People rarely prosper and become more effective by simply keeping their strategies the same . When the environment is changing, they adapt, they change. They switch up their tactics in order to best fit the surrounding environment. So due to the stage that's been set for us as copywriters with regards to the 21st century with regards to the digital age, with all the content that's out there, the digital media, the Internet broadcast channels, there's a sea of media and content these days through social media and various platforms, how could we differentiate our content and stand out from the pack now? I posted a video clip from a movie called First Reformed that was made last year. It actually got nominated for best original screenplay for the Oscars. Now I did say there is some explicit language in this video. There's also some terminology used in the video that I do not necessarily agree with. However, the main theme that is discussed in the video is quite important. The character played by Ethan Hawke is a priest who works for a church. And he has just returned from a session in which he met with some kids at a church and they were discussing some various issues that they had, and one of the kids pretty much blew up at him and was angry at him. And thus Ethan Hawke's character is a bit puzzled and even frustrated at the situation. And he's talking to one of his higher ups at the church, who is played by Cedric the Entertainer. And in this conversation that they're having their discussing had the best get through to these kids thes millennials, Um, so, as said in the first reformed video, you need to listen to guide and encourage, not talk down, to not imagine that you know what is best for the community. The people that you're trying to talk to you must listen to guide and encouraged. Just like you must listen to God and encourage your consumers. Let's be honest. In the end, you want them to purchase your product. It's not your job as a copywriter to write without an agenda or with free four, but it's also your job to engage with consumers. You need to see things from their angle first. That's why it's about perspective. It's about empathy. So how do you do this? Well, first, you need to understand that many, but not all consumers these days. As said in first in the first Reform clip, don't think, but follow. Of course, we can laments this on an intellectual level, but on a marketing level, this isn't necessarily a bad thing. You can use this. They can follow you if you write really great content, and then you, in turn, can lead them toe what you're writing about. Engage with them on a deeper level. You can leave by example. Listen first and then create. You must be able to hear from the other side or the very least obtained information before you're able to then produce content on your own. The most important lesson, the most important lesson is this. Put yourself in the other person's shoes first, to engage the highest possible level, you must first see from the customer's perspective, an important message to remember is this. You can, too. Copyrighting isn't an ancient equation or some alien language that you can't understand. It's ways that you already know. You just need to be able to arrange them in a certain way. And Handley, a digital marketing pioneer and one of the very best copywriters of the planet, says quote learning to craft better content can involve nothing more than developing some necessary muscles. If I want to write copy for a product, will I write a paragraph analysing it in significant detail, as I would a college paper? I'm talking about, Ah, paragraph of 5 to 6 sentences going on, talking in very, very large detail with superfluous adjectives and talking as if I want to very, very much analyze the product or do I want to write something like this? Quote. Make new waves ocean mist deodorant. Now, obviously that's an imaginary product, and I don't think many companies would pay for that ad campaign. Got it off the top of my head when I was writing these notes for my class. But you see, my port accessibility matters content must be able to be reached by the consumer must be able to be easily grasped by them. And Handley also says this quote writing well is part habit, part knowledge of some part of some fundamental rules. Excuse me and part giving a damn. So give a damn, then try harder with your research, you're drafting your writing and your editing. Then very likely your copy will become much better because it will be more accessible to your potential. Consumer accessibility is one of the most important concepts to grasp. You're not writing a novel, nor are you writing a three word tweet. No. Are you writing a college paper? You're writing contents that you want to be grasped by many, and we've reached an age has discussed before in the social media, digital media age of how being viral is more important than being artistically or intellectually stimulating in terms of what moves the needle in marketing, so to speak, how short formalistic ALS. Sure, you've heard that phrase before, are more shareable and get more likes than long for mopeds. And Handley also says Quote, who cares about writing anymore? Does the idea of focusing on writing seem pedantic or ordinary, and maybe also a little useless, considering that an article or so called mystical titled 13 Potatoes that look like Channing Tatum O. Goodness, I Love that phrase on best feed garners 2000 tweets and 14,000 shares on Facebook, 13 potatoes that look like Channing Tatum on Buzzfeed garners 2000 tweets and 14,000 shares on Facebook. Now I'm sure you've seen articles like that, and I'm sure you've also seen articles like that on social Media got tons of likes and tons of shares because again spent my accessibility point articles that air geared more towards that angle that are written mawr along that frame are more accessible and are more able to be shared. Then my example before of an article written more in the frame of a long form op ed or a college paper in that type of format. But what's an Hanley's response to that? To the 13 potatoes that look like Channing's Handem example. Her responses quote writing. It's more important now, not less good writing. Remember the first reform scene? What do they say in there? Leads by example. Now who better to do that than writers? Choose your words intelligently. You can choose them intelligently, but you can also write with economy style and honest empathy. For your reader, an empathy is the main thing we're going to talk about in this class. Empathy and looking at the customer's perspective. Empathy is part of human psychology and human psychology. We're going to get into very, very deeply moving forward.
3. What is Content?: what is content, and how does it relate to copyrighting? Well, content as it is defined, is everything that your customer reads, touches and interacts with in order to gain awareness about your brand or product. It is basically anything that communicates or transfers meaningful information to a person . Now I use this example when dealing with content. If I say potato now, it's very simple. We're talking about a particular food item. I'm just talking about a potato. You know what a potato is? I know what a potato is, but look, what happens if I add something in here now. If I say mashed potato, the content becomes much more complex. It's now the state of potatoes after being boiled, mashed, mixed with butter and spices and then served just saying, mashed potatoes may conjure up the meaning of their smell, their tastes. And now even your most recent experience eating them, even different people or different cultures may make mashed potatoes in different ways. Do you see what happens now when I add in the word mashed potatoes, just adding in that one extra work so many other things could happen. So just adding the word mashed to the word potatoes chances of meaning beyond the words each person could have. Different interpretation of said words. Meaning is not universal, which is where the notion of customer perspective is now coming into play Content isn't just words it could be. Also pictures and videos on your Web pages. Articles on areas of your sights on also everything on your social media accounts. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Lengthen, YouTube, Snapchat. Now they're adding additional social media platforms like TIC Tac. Social media is such an integral part of advertising and marketing and content writing these days. So, in other words, quote content is the entire user experience, which Christina Halvorson, the CEO of brain traffic, once said, Content is how you communicate your own perspective to the world and also going from that. It's how your perspective is communicated and thus how you can also better analyze others perspective. It's encapsulated through rhetoric, visual content and everything else you used to show unauthentic viewpoint of yours. You use content to create copy. You can't just use numbers or mathematical equations. You use rhetoric. You use words you use. Meaning copy also needs to be able to grasp the perspective of the consumer. Now there are many ways to do this, But one of the biggest ways is to use an avenue that you believe will stimulate the consumer's interest because in the end, it's about stimulating interests and getting a sale done, getting a purchase stuff. This could be many things. This could be a topic that is part of the zeitgeist, or part of the modern age. The zeitgeist means the defining spirit of a particular period of history. This could also be a trending topic in media such as entertainment. We all know how huge game of Thrones is thes days. I can't tell you how many products or brands that I've seen, that air hopping on that wave and going alongside it, everything from, uh, travel agencies to even, uh, plans that make cookies going along the game of Thrones advertising wave. This can even be a different subject that will generate discussion as long as it is going with a topic that you know will generate interests. Thes things can always help when crafting content. That being said, though, you cannot just rely on a trending topic or costs in order to drive your copy It must be good content on its own, it must catch the eye of the consumer. And at the very start, David Ogilvy, known as the Father of Advertising, who founded Ogilvy and Mather, said. Quote five times as many people read the headlines as the Body copy. And he also said that a wasted headline wasted as much as 90% of the marketing budget. Now this is back in the mid 20th century, but his words stand correct. Even today, 80% of consumers read headline but not the body copy, talking about articles and number driven headlines. For example, 30 ways to make a drinking tea for Delightful are the most popular out of any type of article headlined 36%. Now this isn't to unsettle you or make you disconcerted or less motivated in any way. Actually, this should inspire you. If you're able to catch a reader's eye right at the outset, then you immediately have them engaged and then they're listening
4. Cognitive Empathy: So how do we use our content? And more importantly, how do we use the concepts of empathy and perspective? I'm gonna give you an example. If a visitor came to your site and didn't feel that their needs were being met with the contents that you wrote, if it was just regular bland run of the mill and wasn't unique at all and the customer didn't feel like their particular desires for whatever product they wanted weren't being met, how could it possibly be recognized? They would probably leave that site, Leave that block post, leave that social media post right then and there. Right? So, yes, it would not be effective at all. You must be able to differentiate yourself and come to the consumer in a particular way. So you need to ask yourself, Are you telling your story? Because all content in some way tells a story. Are you telling it from a unique perspective with a voice or style that is fundamentally and uniquely you? This comes into play with technology as well. With publishing, we have the power to be our own self publishing engines. We post what we want on social media every day. When it comes to content, we could do the same. And obviously, if you're working for an advertising and marketing agency, there are higher ups who have the final say. But if you're a freelancer, then your freelancer, you're able to publish your own content so you can tell your own stories. As I said, we have our own social media. Pages are on blog's our own email newsletters, etcetera and with search engines, I will tell you, as someone who has worked with CEOs, originality is desired. More than just the same old, same old Google specifically avoids showing identical content through S E O. Original content is with cells. Be unique, never duplicate what another does. You can ride trends and the zeitgeist to term that I told you in a previous lesson, but never be identical to other copy or other copywriters. It will be a slippery slope, and it will land you in hot water. So why is empathy and customers perspective important? Well, now we're gonna touch on probably the most important term I will tell you in the entire class. This is the aspect of cognitive empathy which comes from psychology. This is also known as empathic accuracy, which involves having quote accurate knowledge about the contents of another's person's mind, including how the person feels this comes from Hodges and Myers. The Encyclopedia of Social Psychology. Cognitive empathy is more like a skill, they say. Quote. Humans learn to recognize and understand others emotional state as a way to process emotions and behavior. Now, how does this relate to copyrighting You ask? Well, if you don't know what your customer wants that, how can you write up a product or service? In the end, you as a copywriter have a job, and that is to make sure you're doing your best to make your brand or product, whatever it may be to stand out from the pack. But to make it stand out, you must first know how to make it stand out. Cheer consumers. So how do you align yourself with your customers perspective? How do you let them know that you're seeing things, their desires, their needs from their point of view? Now, in this lesson, I posted a YouTube video clip from a movie called Boiler Room. Now this movie deals with ah, blue chip stock brokers, and they are very a moral people, so I certainly don't want you taking any moral lessons from these folks. But in this clip, you can see what the character is doing. He calls up the person to me, wants to make a sale, and before he does that before he says, Hey, so do you want to buy this? Um, or at the very least, before he tries to make the final sale, he's asking him questions and notice the questions. He's asking the customer, and what do you say? Are you married? If you get as much mail as I do, you probably brushed what I sent you aside. He's trying to identify with customer. He's trying to see things from his perspective. The message here is the same, even though obviously I will say again, You do not want Teoh be like these folks. The message here is the same. You want to make sure the customer understands that you understand him or her, that you identify with similar themes. Similar trends, similar goals because at the end of the day, you want to engage with the customer. Now it's important to remember that empathy is not the end of your copyrighting journey, but the very beginning use it as a tool and a way to see from the side of customers with whom you would not normally see from their side. A block called really good writing made a very good post called Quote. The Problem with empathy in copyrighting because sometimes some copywriters may not look at empathy in the correct way. And they made a very good quote, which says, If I want to communicate with my wife, I don't start by telling her how great I am and how I can solve our problems, parentheses or worse, managing her problems by giving her solutions to them. And they also say, If you're a copywriter who is writing for busy moms, but you're not a mom, you can't possibly pretend to know the panic a mom feels as a kid was. One of your kids throws a fit. So how do you work around this one? Word research Now going back to the example about the writer's wife quote, This is the writer talking. I shut up and I let her talk. I asked her questions. I make sure I understand, and then we have a conversation as a copywriter. Research is everything. One of the great prose of the digital age we live in is that we have access to such a large , huge amount of information. We have access to the Internet, and there are numerous Resource is at our disposal because of this Google. Read it. Scholarly articles, marketing studies, etcetera. Use these and use them all the time. My advice is to not get started on content writing until you have access to and go to your research first on your product or service all the demographics you're riding for. And then and only then you get started on your content writing. It's not your job just to write. It's your job to write while also knowing your consumer.
5. Market Segmentation: When dealing with copyrighting, you're obviously going to be dealing with market, the process of creating relationships with and satisfying consumers. Here we're going to go into the basics of how marketing uses a particular process in order to differentiate consumers. We've been talking about trying to see things from the consumer's perspective. But obviously, as we discussed before, not all consumers are the same. We have mothers, millennials, senior citizens and in the modern age that has wonderfully become much more diverse. We have a vast array of cultures that we need to communicate with. So how do we look at these different types of consumers and analyze them so as to better communicate with and write content for them? Well, this is known as a process called market segmentation, which is the act of dividing a broad consumer or business market into subgroups of consumers. Now I'm going to explain that three main types of market segmentation starting from the broadest type two, the most specific. So first, what is a demographic, a term that I'm sure you've heard of before? Well, it's defined as a particular sector of a population. So first, let's start with demographic segmentation Now this is market segmentation according to certain characteristics. This is when you divide the demographics into things like age, marital status, income level, education level and even ethnicity. These all get factored in. This is so demographics could be segmented into several markets in order to help an organization target its consumers more accurately. This leads then to copyrighting because certain products and services are marketed to certain demographics. For example, things like video games would be more marketed to millennials more than senior citizens. Right? That just makes sense. And this is done, or MAWR information is gathered by things like online surveys, things like direct mail, e mails, which we'll get to more late. Now you'll need to mold your copy riding a certain way if you're wanting to write towards a specific demographic. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to talk a bit about some personal experiences of mine. Well, I've done my content writing in my past work. When I was in India working for the marketing team for an I T firm, I wrote copy towards my demographic Indians by using British English in most instances, just to give you a bit about Indian history. India was ruled by the British for hundreds of years, up until 1947 and so British English is still used. The British style of English is still used over there, and English is one of India's official languages. So I used British English in most instances, making sure to mention important topics as well, such as technology and family, two very important cultural topics in Indian culture. And I always always always made sure to speak respectfully and with very, very little slang of much less Lang than is used these days here, even in content writing. Now, by comparison, when writing for an educational institution here where I work, I made sure to talk about education and how my company could help the Children of concerned parents in a crowded field. Now, by comparison, the language that I use when writing for my educational institution here could be much more open ended. I could talk with a obviously more American style English I could use, even though obviously still speaking respectfully, because I'm talking with concerned parents who wants their Children's grades to improve their S A T scores to improve my language could be a bit more open ended. But I also obviously, just like when working for the Indian company and barred needed to talk about my specific product or service as you always need to do when being a copywriter. This is all about perspective and being able to see from the side of your particular consumer. This comes from empathy, However. In order to put empathy and perspective into your content, you need to have a certain approach now. I posted the clip for this lesson from one of my favorite movies of all time Chicago, the film adaptation of the famous musical. Now this clip shows how Billy Flynn uses his brand and markets his service. He knows how it will be able to lure in the women in prison to hire him. The song is titled All I Care About and the lyric goes All I Care About his Love. However, as you're watching, you know that that's not really the case. You know that he dresses himself up in expensive suits that he drive his expensive car. But he knows that saying I'm a lawyer who just wants money would be the wrong approach. No one would hire him then. But instead he says, all I care about his love. I don't care about expensive things. Is this really what he thinks? As you can see? No, especially with his exchange with Roxy, Renee Zellweger's character. But he knows how to market himself and it works. It's about utilizing your perspective. It's about knowing how to talk to your customers and again, just like with boiler room. Not telling you this is the right way to be morally, but the message is the same. No, your product do your research and also as the most important thing to say with this lesson . Know your demographic, then commented from the standpoint of wanting to help your customer. In the end, a sale and a purchase benefits everyone. So this is demographic segmentation. Now, the second type of market segmentation, I want to go into a psychographic segmentation. This is a segmentation method used to group prospectively current or previous customers, and this segmentation is done by shared personality traits, beliefs, values, attitudes, interests, lifestyles and other factors. Now, why use this type of segmentation then, and not demographic? Well, use this when you're groupings of target. Segments are having difference than expected responses to your content and campaigns, and you need to have a change of approached demographic segmentation. The first type that we went over can be reliable, but in the end it's psychology that is deeper and more conclusive to yield a person's innermost wants and needs. Now, things like attitudinal surveys are the primary means of research for psychographic segmentation. This is an assessment of the feelings of a population toward a particular brand product or company. Other methods of research, such as using 1/3 party survey option like Google, which is I service that it offers now or an AI base are available. However, the former, such as the service that Google offers, is more subject to error. And the ladder the AI base is still being looked at and improve. So again, psychographic segmentation is an option that you can look at when don't demographic segmentation is not yielding the type of results that you want. But psychographic segmentation can be a little iffy at times, just something to keep in mind. Now, the third end, the most on top type of market segmentation, is the most extreme and specific form of it it is called 1 to 1 marketing, because its target segment is, well, what this type of marketing segmentation dispenses with the idea of putting customers into groups because it approaches the customer as an individual. Through this, companies, marketing activities are tailored for that one customer. Now what does this mean? This doesn't mean that a company is all of a sudden going toe. Only focus on John Smith living on five Granite Lane Daymo in Iowa. Rather, they use things like social media information, email serving email surveys, excuse me and unique offers tailored to that. One customer, such as promotional offers just counts related to things that they usually by etcetera, in order to both better understand the customer as well as increased the possibility of a purchase. Now, this is also where perspective and cognitive empathy you remember that term come into play . This approach has been used for years, such as in a neighborhood pharmacy back in the day where the owner would remember details about a customer and then use that knowledge to provide better service. For example, Oh, hey, Sam. I know usually by this type of shaver and cream that's easier on your skin. And I got this, uh, this new product in from that particular company and yeah, I think this would be going on your skin. Why don't you try this? Do you think of that? Yeah, well, remember, old style, just new approach. Now it's being used in marketing and content running because, as we discussed before, customer feels that they're Maura engaged with content for a product when it is meeting their particular desires or needs. A recent study from the University of Texas said that people perceive greater content enjoyment when exposed to quote a customized online experience. Now this experience is created when customers answer questions and things like online surveys or even things as simple as one off questions before a YouTube video. Maybe you've seen things like that. I know I do when trying to load a YouTube video Super Smash Brothers video, a YouTube music video. And they're simple things like, Hey, if you want to skip this ad, why don't you just click on whichever show out of one of these five you watch recently collecting information from you when they do that, and it's a survey for 1 to 1. Marketing purposes. Eso thes are one off questions that you give them that you answer for them. Then in return, this quote, customized online experience is given to them. So we're going to stop at this point and analyzing these three types of marketing segmentation because obviously this lessons more about copyrighting thin marketing analysis , but I simply want you to be aware of these moving forward in your copyrighting.
6. Psychology in Copywriting: when dealing with writing Good copy. We're dealing with human beings, and we as humans are nothing if not servants to our own psychology. So I'd like to touch on that in this lesson, as well as on a certain combination of factors to remember that I believe will help you as a copywriter. Now, in crafting content and riding in general, sometimes great work may just flow from you at certain points. I've certainly been there myself, and that's fine. But more often than not, I like to rely on a combination of factors when thinking of how to write really great content. And Handley says that quality content comes from a combination of three main factors. Utility inspiration and you guessed it, empathy. The first of these factors Utility is defined as the state of being useful, profitable or beneficial from a marketing or copyrighting sense. This is helping your customers quote, do something that matters to them. You help them shoulder their burdens, ease their pain or make a decision in terms of making a decision. This is driving them towards a final stage with no remaining hesitation that final stage obviously being making a purchase, our brains are tasked with making 35,000 decisions per day. This is what Will Leech, who wrote a book called Marketing to Mind States, said 35,000 decisions per day, either consciously or unconsciously. Those are a lot of decisions. If we as copywriters, could help our customers in some degree, then let's do it because it's at the end of the day. It's about looking at customers through their perspective, helping them in some degree, driving them towards a final stage and helping them make a purchase which benefits both sides. The second of these factors is inspiration, which is defined as the process of being mentally stimulated. To do. We're feel something especially to do something creative. And we, as copywriters, writers in general were all about creativity. Art me from a copyrighting. Since your content is inspired by data, it is different. It is unique, and it comes on Lee and only from you. Every piece of artwork that's ever been created unless it's plagiarized, of course, which is a big no no comes from one very specific person. Our work is all about singularity. It's all about perspective because it comes from that person's view on the world, that person's view on life. Your work comes only from you and you alone by this itself. You should feel motivated to create whichever company employs you or will employ you being an advertising firm, marketing agency or otherwise. They will be lucky to have you because they will be getting content that no one else will be able to create. So I hope that you remember this now. The third and final factor of this combination is empathy, which is, as we talked about before, the ability to understand and share the feelings of another from a copyrighting. Since this is where you focus on your consumer and you are viewing the world, you are viewing events, your viewing, their needs and their desires through their eyes. I posted a video alongside this lesson. Ah, good example of this is the Nike Find your Greatness ad campaign that they made for the 2012 London Olympics. I think it was a perfect example of utilizing these three concepts together. Ah, utility, because it's the state of being useful. I thought it was very, very useful for what Nike was trying to market at the time inspiration, Certainly an inspirational ad campaign with, ah, the content that they created both visually and the narration and certainly empathy full that it was very, very, uh, empathetic ad campaign. Um, so, yeah, I hope you got the chance. Toe watch that video. And so content needs to be geared towards the consumer. We've talked before on how to do that, and now we're going to get into it on a more advanced level in terms of human psychology, so content and copyrighting links to the brain. Remember the potato mashed potatoes example that I gave before, and all forms of content relates to meaning. Meaning then goes into how consumer views a particular object. This object in a marketing and copyrighting sense, will be obviously a product or service. Now, though, it sounds like science fiction. You and your words do somewhat guide a customer's brain, and the customer is not always fully in control of his or her brain. Let me explain talking in psychological terms, researchers in the past have mapped our brain out using the cognitive experiential self theory. The c e S t. This is based on the idea that people operate using two separate systems for processing information that they receive. One is called the Analytical Rational System, which is deliberate, slow, logical. It analyzes things. It is logical, but it is slow. While the other system is intuitive and experiential, this is fast, automatic and driven by emotions. Now these two systems operate independently of each other, and these interact to produce our human behavior on a day to day basis. Now, if you've ever walked into a store not expecting to buy something or just to browse, but then you've walked out with two bags full of bought items. Congratulations. You were driven by the intuitive, experiential part of your brain. That day. You felt you didn't think. Now the same thing goes when, for example, you told yourself that you were going to start a diet that particular day analytical, rational. But that same minute you got very, very hungry and decided I'll just postpone that die in order a pizza. Intuit is experiential again, same thing. So that's the point here. More often than not, humans are driven by emotions more than analytical reasoning. We talked before in a previous lesson, and how effective things like numbers or visual images can be integrated with their copies . These types of things generate emotions. In addition, promoting content on social media as well as having your constant promoted by third parties is extremely effective. This goes without saying this is not only from marking but on a psychological level. When people see things promoted. When people see things, share gives them the sense that oh, it's it's popular. It's looked at by others. So this must be good. This must be accepted. So this is another important thing to remember as a copy.
7. Neuromarketing and Stimuli: when using the concept of empathy in our copyrighting as well as the other psychological aspects we've discussed. There's one more concept that we need to touch on, and that is no marketing. No marketing is the application of neuroscience to marketing, which includes the direct use of brain imaging, scanning or other brain activity measurement technology to measure a subject's response to specific products, packaging, advertising or other marketing elements. Now, of course, we aren't going to go into a full blown analysis of this such as, for instance, linking up our customers toe imaging devices so we can directly study their brain activity . That gets way too far into the medical field, and this, obviously is not a class on medicine or biology. However, this is a particularly interesting topics to touch on for content writers. And here's why, using functional magnetic residents imaging, which measures brain activity by detecting changes in the brain associated with blood flow , no marketing is found that, at particular, stimulus causes a consistent response in the brain of subjects and that this response is correlated with a desired behavior. You can guess what that desire behavior is making a purchase. This type of stimulus is used in many ad campaigns, such as showing a close up of babies faces. And, as for baby products, the importance of I gaze Do you remember when we talked about how important visual imaging is later? Effective packaging, like with Campbell's or free delays products effective graphic design, which is another stimulus? So how does this apply to us? Is copywriters Well, we need to know just which parts off our product or services are the most effective. And then to put a spotlight on them that the consumers can see them right them up, put them with the forefoot, promote them. If you're working on social media as well, promote them through that which you should be doing. The affirmation research into segmentation also applies to stimulus, its stimulus that causes a customer to make the decision for purchases. The right type of content leads to this decision and in general just speeds up the process . Make sure that your content is hitting on the right cylinders, that it's approaching the demographic that you want to from the correct angles. For example, last year the brand Cripple Mattress got the TV and Internet comedy sensations Tim and Eric to do an ad campaign for them. They promoted this campaign across YouTube and social media. Tim and Eric came at it from the comedic front. Tim and Eric. Style of comedy uses surrealism, meta humor. I uploaded Episode one of six alongside this lesson so that you can see they did six episodes, and these episodes were originally posted on YouTube and then promoted all across social media platforms. But now Lisa's far as the beginning of April Purple has changed their campaign. They've changed the way that they approach their advertising. Now they're coming at it from a more direct approach. And I've posted the second type of campaign that purple is now doing opposed to the video here is now, watch. Our product does. This is what purple mattress is about. This is what our mattress is like. They're coming at it from a more direct approach. Now they have changed the angle. Now I scoured Google so as to find out just wide purple changed their campaign. I was not able to find any news on this, um, as to why they changed the campaign, My prediction Purple to knock at the results that it wanted from Tim and Eric's style of advertising from the way that they approached the campaign. Tim and Air. Either that or Tim and Eric just wanted more money to continue the campaign than Purple was willing to hand out based on said results. In the end, content does not get promoted, nor does it prosper on its own. The buyer must be stimulated by said content and content must be able to rouse activity must engage with the consumer. This is what we've been talking about, as well as also being helped helped by the C. E S T theory. Remember, we discussed that. Now how do you approach the issue of creating content from your own perspective as well as from the customer's perspective? How do you bridge the gap between what your client wants? I eat their interests regarding the product or service that they want to market and your ability to write Copy I e. Your own insight, your creativity, the way that you can engage customer something to think about
8. Class outro and final assignment: first, I'd like to say that I hope you've enjoyed my class. I hope that it has taught you some things about content marketing, human psychology and, most importantly, that it will help you on your continuing journey as a copyright. Remember, as I said, it is you and you alone who has your combination of skill, insight and perspective on the world. Your work comes from only and whichever company you work for or will work for shall be lucky to have you. I hope you're motivated to get out there, engage your customers and showed the universe just what you can do as a copyright. So why don't we start now onto the fun part? I'm going to ask each of you to write up sample copy for an imaginary product. This product is a food product called exist Oh, which is in the health slash dietary field. It is a nutritional supplement that you can mix in with any type of drink. Now I'm no doctor or nutritionist, but let's just say that it's got all the vitamins you need on a daily basis. Feel free to be more specific if you wish. Here, I want you to write up two different bits of sample copy. The first is geared towards the 18 to 34 demographic, mostly millennials, and the second is geared towards the senior demo 65 older. Think about what we've been talking about regarding cognitive empathy, how to approach particular demographics and how best to stimulate customers so as to get a purchase. I want you to use the proper rhetoric as well as to keep in mind the concepts we've discussed when writing content for different groups. The finished product should be two separate word or pages documents, whichever type of computer use with any type of graphics or headings that you wish to add on to contribute to the overall content experience. Remember, your job is to first look from the customer's perspective and then craft content that will most deeply engaged. And, of course, you are encouraged to share your work as well as to discuss amongst yourselves or with me. If you have any questions, good luck and thank you