Embroidery for Beginners: The Basics | Morgan Stone | Skillshare

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Embroidery for Beginners: The Basics

teacher avatar Morgan Stone, Counselor & Emotional Wellbeing Coach

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Embroidery for Beginners Intoduction


    • 2.



    • 3.

      Outfitting The Hoop


    • 4.

      Embroidery Design


    • 5.

      The Backstitch


    • 6.



    • 7.

      Embroidery Custom Kit


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About This Class

Anyone can embroider!  And I am going to teach you how.

The first time I guided an embroidery needle through a piece of linen, drawing a deep cerulean blue floss along, I knew I was hooked. Like paper awaiting text, or sheet music awaiting notes, I saw fabric as my own blank canvas, the floss as my paint. 

I taught myself the art of embroidery, mostly using an antique stitching book from my grandmother. I became enthralled at how simple, classic, traditional stitches could be utilized in infinite ways. As my knowledge expanded and I began to incorporate more complex methods in my work, I found my niche. I began to use these age-old crafting techniques to make modern designs and now my work, sold through my shop King Soleil, is hung on walls and adorns dolls and clothing worldwide.  

This embroidery tutorial lays the foundation for creating your own embroidery art! 

You will learn:

  • All about embroidery materials and tools
  • Step by Step guide on how to outfit your hoop (aka putting fabric inside the hoop to prep for stitching)
  • Ways to transfer or draw your design onto your fabric
  • How to embroider the backstitch, stitch by stitch; a perfect beginners stitch and one you will use throughout your embroidery journey
  • My favorite finishing technique for the back of your hoop
  • Info on a custom embroidery kit

We will move, step by step, building block by building block, to ensure you have all the skills needed to get stitching.  You do not need a stitch (pun intended) of embroidery or sewing experience whatsoever!

Along with the tutorial, you will receive an entire alphabet packet I have created for your own monogram hoop!  Each calligraphy vintage-inspired letter is hand drawn and can be printed in whichever size you choose for your hoop art.  Transfer the designs directly onto your fabric or let them be an inspiration for your own design.

Let's get stitching!

Meet Your Teacher

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Morgan Stone

Counselor & Emotional Wellbeing Coach


A bit about my background: I have a MA in applied psychology with a specialization in counseling and guidance from New York University, a BA in psychology from Tulane University, and I am certified as a school counselor where I also teach social-emotional learning. I am also a certified integrated trauma coach, which means I help people release stress and tension through somatic work, breathing practices, and mindfulness.

Some of you may know me from a business I ran for eight years called King Soleil, where I leaned into my love of art and the maker world! I still am making art and teaching within that creative space but have since integrated my passion for mindfulness and wellness.

Personally, I am a mom of three, I practice meditation and mindfulness as we... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Embroidery for Beginners Intoduction: Hi, everyone, and my name is Morgan Roberts. I am the owner and designer behind King's Ole and I am a self taught embroidery artist, and today I'm going to teach you all the basics and how to embroider using the back stitch the goal of the tutorials to take someone who has zero embroidery, knowledge or experience and end up being able to make a monogram or a simple graphic with the back stitch that looks something like that. Let's take a look at the materials that you'll need to get started. There are not a lot of them. The first is an embroidery hoop. This is a four inch a wooden, along with your hope you will need fabric. My favorite fabric to use is natural linen. You'll also need your needle, urine, border needle and your thread ORF loss. This is Pearl cotton, but we're gonna go over some other options a little bit later. Embroideries. A great beginner craft because it's easy toe learn. There aren't a lot of steps. You can finish your project quite quickly, and it's really inexpensive to get started. So let's get stitches 2. Materials: So here is your hope. It's actually two hoops with this grew on top as you unscrew and loosen it. You pulled this one out and you do so. Let's talk about loss and threat. The first option and one of the most common is embroidery loss. Some are hombre. They have subtle color shades, and the thing about flaws is it's divisible, which means that the threads can be separated. So a plus is that you can use the same color and get a lot of different textures, whether using, sit all six strands for two or even one another really popular thread option is pearl caught I using more and more with line work because you don't have to worry about stray strands like you do with the embroidery floss. So this is DMC Perle Cotton. It comes in sizes. This is a size five. The larger the number, the smaller the width of this strand. Pro cotton also comes in these cute little balls, and you can see that the strands are more like yarn and that they're twisted and they're not divisible, so 1/3 option is wool thread. Typically, this is used for an embroidery called cruel, but you can really use it for anything. You can see that it's also like yarn and the pearl cotton, and then it's not divisible. I'm in sort of fuzzy because it's a wool, and it's nice to use for textural elements like little bunnies or sheep or fluffy things. There is also threads called specialty thread. You're going to see things like this. This is for gold work embroidery. It's super shiny and fancy. Others also metallic thread and pure silk thread. And and he can be mixed in with any embroidery project. But for a beginner assuming that you are a beginner, I would stick with either the flaws or the pearl cotton. In this tutorial, we're gonna be working with pearl Con and choosing fabric for your project. You can basically anything you can stick your needle through. However, keep in mind that heavier weight fabrics like upholstery or Dunham are going to be more difficult because it is harder to get your needle back and forth. I prefer to use more lightweight fabrics like cotton or linen, especially in the beginning. Another great option is a wool felt, and it's especially great for beginners. because it's opaque. It's easy to slide your needle in and out, and there's a little bit of give within the Battenberg. You'll also need your needle urine bordering needle. 3. Outfitting The Hoop: if you're going to be using fabric that is lighter weight, like this linen or later and color, it's always good to use a backing fabric, so when you put together your hoop, you'll have your you'll take apart your hoop. You'll have your bottom hoop down first. Then you'll put your backing fabric. I usually use like a cotton broadcloth down first. Then you put the fabric that you're going to be facing outward, like a linen or wool or cotton. And then you put your top hoop over the top, any embroider so that with the lightweight fabric, your stitches have something to hold on to, and if you hold your hula hoop up, you won't be able to see the stitches on the back. 4. Embroidery Design: there are multiple ways to get your design onto your fabric. For your hope, you can transfer them via transfer paper. You can print out of design from the computer and hold your fabric up to a light box. Or actually, if you're fabric is light enough, you might be able to just trace it directly by putting it on top of the printed out design . I personally draw directly onto the fabric. I use a pen, but you can also use fabric puns, which have that blue disappearing ink. Um, I tend to use just black ink. 5. The Backstitch: 6. Finishing: you have finished your back, stitch you and now it's time to finish the back so your back should look something like this. There could be more. Not if you had to add on threat as you go. That's perfectly fine. There are two main ways that I finish my hoops. One is glue in where I take hot glue and I glue the back of the hoop and pushed the fabric down so the fabric is secured on the back. More and more, I've been sewing the back of my hoops. And to do that, you take a length of loss on your needle and you push it through from the top in the back of the threat. About halfway down, you're gonna pull it through, leaving about an inch to two inches on the top. Make sure you don't pull that through, and then you're going to dio a simple running stitch along the back of the fabric. As you go around, you can sort of pulls you go again. Be careful not to pull up that this tale from the beginning, Um, and as you pull, you'll see that it makes this cute little ruffle, and it all stays together. You're gonna do running such all the way around to get back up to the top, pull it really taught and then tie not here, and the whole thing will be secure. And when you're finished, it should look something like this. Now it's completely secure on the back. The fabric isn't gonna pull through in the front and from the front. When you hang this little guy or problem upon a bookshelf, you won't have any of the fabric friend showing from the back. Now you have the basics. You know how to do the back stitch, and you can go create your own embroidery art. 7. Embroidery Custom Kit: a great way to start the beginning project or to give us a gift is a custom embroidery. Get. I happen to have them in the shop where you'll work with me to create your custom kit. So in the kit you will get a hoop fabric and it'll and flus all of your choosing. And we will work together to create a design which I will draw directly onto your fabric. So all you need to do when you get your package is open it up and start, Stijn.