Embroidering Your Letters: Introduction to Monogramming | Ria Paramita | Skillshare

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Embroidering Your Letters: Introduction to Monogramming

teacher avatar Ria Paramita

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Project + Design Overview


    • 3.

      Materials Needed


    • 4.

      Preparing the Thread + Different Types of Stitches


    • 5.

      Beginning the Embroidery


    • 6.

      Finishing Touches


    • 7.

      Final Thoughts


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About This Class

Calling all students who want to learn how to embroider! This class is for you.

In this class, you’ll learn the basic hand embroidery techniques to get started in embroidery. You’ll then apply the techniques you learn from the class to make your own monogrammed hoop art, perfect for wall decor or a personalized gift. Everyone is welcome to join this class, but at a minimum you should know how to use needle and thread.

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Ria Paramita


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1. Welcome: Hi. Welcome to buy every class. When in Austria I xsl me that had made goods easy. No. Second, I have spent a lot of time mastering this skill off embroidery and making you can check out some play with on Instagram at other schools just gave process off learning and broader me about two years ago because it has great various pieces to share with my friends. Basic off embroidery are hard to learn. You can create something beautiful just knowing the best X aegis. Just the right combination of color is one of the cules creating beautiful. It's classed as you learn. You learn the past can temporary techniques. Once you understand this, past segments can be applied in the creation off your old you can make a piece off or make something percent as personalized gave to your family. Everyone is welcome to join. All you need to know to begin is how days trip Let's get started 2. Project + Design Overview: Here's the monogram embroidery hook art, which I will explain in this class. I choose our because my name starts with our and our M braider, my name ria on the top. I will then decorated with small flowers around the letter. I've researched the use off the Pasic phones and hand lettering on skill share. You can check their video styling phrases for timeless feel by married McDevitt and fundamentals for drawing letters by Andrea Campos. And then I met several sketches inspired by had lettering forms. Greg Paper is an important tool for a beginner in creating hand lettering. It really helps me to keep the balance and proportion off the design. Here is some material that I will use in this project. A medium week Cotton fabric wouldn't embroidery hoop size, 10 Cindy Matter or 12 centimeters. The emcee cotton embroidery flaws. Embroidery, needle and a needle trader. Young Caesar and Fabric Caesar sewing carbon paper and tracing paper and Greek paper for designing, writing doors and pen for tracing and pearl craft beats with various sizes. This project will help you practice your skill and apply the different embroidery techniques. Remember, as any craft embroidery is all about practice. The more you practice, the better you will be. So put the skills you learn from this class into practice and remember to share your project for feet bets. Color is important part off. The whole design create in combination off colors to reach the harmony is a little bit tricky and subjective. You may not like the colors that I like. We need a lot off breakfast to create a harmony. Let me explain how to use this color wheel. Monochromatic is formed by one color. Extend using its teams, tones and shades. Tens are achieved by adding white, and Don's are achieved by adding a darker color. Gray or black analogous, it's formed by three color next to each other on color wheel. Example. Like this yellow this green, yellow and green color. Complimentary are pair colors opposite on the color wheel. It's like red and green or a blue and orange. This type of color combination will create a vibrant color. It will look nice if you put a transitional color or neutral color between them or expand one off the other color using tone, teens and sheets. Example. Let's choose blue and orange it will let the orange color stands out and choose light blue and cream to balance it split. Complementary, it uses a color and the two color adjustment to its complementary example these yellow, purple and violet. Next he's trading. It's tree color, see, but this time they are evenly spaced around the color wheel, like purple, orange and green. Don't ready is four colors spread equally around the wheel, which means we end up with two complementary pairs. Example. Blue, green, green, red and orange. 3. Materials Needed: Okay, let's talk about Fabry. Basically, we can do embroider on any clothed. However, we give weight and natural topic work best for a beginner. Employees consider to use cotton or linen with white ivory or great color fabric for an offence, embroider made him wait, lean and will be great. Why do we choose a medium with fabric? A medium weight fabric Construction is firm. It doesn't set an easily wrinkle. It help you to control track attention while s teaching and to maneuver your design pattern with your needles. The easiest way to spot a 1,000,000 weight fabric is by laying your hand underneath. In front of me. There are two type of fabric. One is light with cotton and the other one is medium with cousin. This is the seal it off my hand underneath the lightweight cotton fabric. If you're Hansel, it is only a slightly a visible. That's the kind of fabric exactly we need. Ever. Terry here is very handy until it conscious off Terry with screw on the top to hold the fabric type. It comes in different sizes. The smaller sites that are found in Japan is eight centimeters in diameter and the largest . Want this 30 something large or well embroidered? Understand what? Cinema who is very comfortable toe hold, and he's useful to work with small design. I personally like to work with Density Mother, who, because I can reach dissenter, area easily my tongue so I can control the threat movement. I like to use the cotton embroidery floss Number 25 from the AMC brand. Their color are 100% color fast and federal system. It's available in 454 off solid colors. The one embroidery flaws is actually made by six small strands. You can use all of this X trance or divided them up for smaller and more details. Speeches. Remember to adjust your needle size according to the number off strands that you are going to use. Some needles are especially made for embroidery project, and it comes in different sizes. As you can see here, the needle start from number three as the largest needle, and number nine is the small, this one usually on the bottom. Off the picket, you could find the needles guideline. Like here, Number tree needles is used for six trends. Number of five needle issues for 4 to 5. Strengths. Number seven use for 2 to 3 strands and needle number nine issues for once trends. And he made they're bigger than the who. I thought it with pinking shears to prevent fabric from Friday. - Next step is I will do a running stage using a black suing trip to make another outline. All the time, I tried to avoid marking on the rights and off the fabric because I always wanted to look neat and tidy. This outline. It's really helpful to find the right position when transferring your design and framing your embroidery. No, let's transfer your design. I made my design on this paper. Next, we will trace it with tracing paper or any kind, often paper. In this case, I will use baking paper sheets. The reason I transit my design is just in case you want to make several embroidery with the same pattern. You won't ruin the original after you don't take your fabric and make sure the right side facing up next with the carbon paper on top, collar side down and on the top is your design. And then I'll play for pressure using pencil and we're done. Let's set up embroidery. Hoop. Listen, this crew on their embroidery hoop place, the smallest circle underneath fabric and the larger one on top president gently entitled. 4. Preparing the Thread + Different Types of Stitches: No. We're gonna preparing the trip. Cut your embroidery close as you desire leg. I usually put my trip like this one to tree. This one is about 82 nineties antimatter. Next. It helped a separate embroidery floss. If I want to use trees trend. So I defied it. Yeah, Tree on my lamp and tree on my right. I will hold and I hold the tail. Did my left finger and use my index finger. Two separate and pool are If you want to use only one or twos. Trend just gripped one strand and pull it through. I have no interest. Bring your tick Nido to detail off the trail. Did you index finger and wrap it? How long? Three times. Hold it and pulled True. Now we are gonna do backstage, working on backstage. You can start to work either from left to right Are from right to left. No, we will do an outline stage. We will start working from left to right. Oh, the tread and bring it back, Amedo, Hopefully true the previous stage and always let needle below your trip. Control detract with your Tom. - We're done. Next we will do stand stage. We will start working also from left to right. Start taking a stitch forward and bring your needle up about hopefully between the beginning stage and always keeping your needle above the working trip. You can do scooping too. And we're done. Lazy Daisy Stitch, We're done now we will do French wrap to time. Bring it down. 5. Beginning the Embroidery: No, I was stopped working on design. I will work with this color combination. The split compliment of color combination. I use exactly the screen color, but for the opposite color, I just more passel color too soft in the book Need A that I will use his number Tree for six trends number seven for three strands and number eight for two strings. I work on this pattern the needle that I used this number eight And this trend is I used to strengths. We will do an outline stitch here. That's how I started me speech. Bring back your needle to the line closer Do the age and bring it back down. But different hole Bring it but up again, Closer to the tiny stage Bring it back down and step the tiny stitch. No, I will work on this and bring your needle back The previous teach this one. Bring your needle. Be Lodi's trip. I always start my old line speech again. Okay. No work. Very juice in place it below this dread start Do stage again Make a small no and leave. Bring it up, Bring it. This is how I end up my speech make a small note on the back, and I leave next these for a year. Tiny flowers. I use trees. Trends. We need a number seven. And this embroidery stitch that years is amazing. Find it here. - A friend French here. We'll wrap it to time to Hello. How we leave from and start on the other side How to make a small north in leaf? No, I will dio and my dream with dread. I used to strand and the needle number is it? We will do stem stitch. I need a girl. Just a kill stage. Smaller? No, I'm using needle number tree with six trends and, um, backstage on the team I use on Paul Ryan stage to feeling this better. - I use outline stage. Uh you see, uh, forced trends and the needle ease number five. I would start more on this night and then going going back here I'm until all these area is full. - Now we will feel better. Make no bags. I will clearly outline stage two using a same trick. It's four strings and you don't get this five. - I will show you how I teach the abolition. I'm using a to suing trip. That and I just doubled. Turn your hope and make a We're dead 6. Finishing Touches: No, I didn't finish Well said. It's 12. It's I used a speech. Thanks. Turn yet and staged it. Excess. Just a Rennes? - Yes . - Next I will cover it. I'm using a cardboard and covered with fabric. I do it on the backside. And I was digit under this. I got this reborn for 20 centimeters. - Cover it. But this tree, But and we're done. 7. Final Thoughts: in this class we've done learning how the design process color basic techniques, off embroidery and creating a. But there are so many choices toe your this fight that makes I love them. Too many goes, but thanks and many other things. With this glass, I hope that you will have many ideas off embroidery project to create something on your own as a new hobby. It's okay to spend a few hours or even days to complete your import. You gain experience. You're speaking movies beat up just thinking detective Injured process.