Embroidered Botanicals: Woven Roses & French Knots | Imogen White | Skillshare

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Embroidered Botanicals: Woven Roses & French Knots

teacher avatar Imogen White, Stress less, Embroider more

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Intro to Woven Roses & French Knots


    • 2.

      Project and Materials Overview


    • 3.

      French Knots


    • 4.

      5 Spoke Rose


    • 5.

      Stitching the Leaves: Fishbone Stitch


    • 6.

      7 Spoke Rose


    • 7.

      Adding a Drawstring Backing


    • 8.

      See you next time!


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About This Class

Add dimension and flair to your embroideries with these Woven Roses! This class will take you through two different roses and go through French Knots step by step. You'll also learn how to make simple and beautiful leaves out of Fishbone Stitch. At the end, we'll go over a simple method to finish the back of your hoop, the Drawstring Backing. 

Meet Your Teacher

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Imogen White

Stress less, Embroider more


Hi! I'm Imogen, a maker and embroidery teacher from Australia. 

After going through every craft imaginable as a child, my Great Aunty Norma taught me to embroider when I was 14 years old, and I haven't looked back since! Embroidery is such a wonderful craft, and my goal is to make it accessible for people of all skill levels! 

Thanks for stopping by and I hope learning embroidery brings a little extra sunshine into your life!

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Level: Beginner

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1. Intro to Woven Roses & French Knots: Pi and emitted from salt threads. And welcome to this class in the embroider botanical series, woven rises in French naughts. In this class, we'll be focusing on some more traditional stitches to add volume to your botanical and wineries. That stop, we'll learn a technique for making woven roses that pop off the fabric. Then we'll add French notes to the center and finish off by learning a simple search for leaves, fishbone stage. At the end, we'll go over a quick way to finish the back of your hoop, that George Shearing backing method. Well, thanks for joining us. We've gotta hate Student, So let's get stitching. 2. Project and Materials Overview: The project for this class is to create your very own piece of Hooper using woven roses, French naughts, and Fishburne stitch. To complete the project, you need a piece of calico and a four inch wouldn't hope that fits the piece of Calico. You need some embroidery needles. I recommend size five as the easiest size to use. Some scissors and a heat erasable pens to trace on your design. Of course, you need some embroidery thread as well. You can use the same colors as me, or you can come up with your own combination. 3. French Knots: All right, so let's get cracking without French notes. But this one that we're going to use all six strands. But you could also use three strands just to start out so you can practice. So we're gonna bring the needle up and pull the thread all the way. Then just put that threat over to the left so it's under the control of your left thumb. Then, to make the not, we're going to wrap that thread around the needle twice and put the needle back in just next to the whole way. You brought it up. So why are you pulling that needle down on while you're pulling the thread through? Make sure you keep holding the tension with your left thumb, holding the tension on the other pot off the thread. And voila, we've made a French no. So let's try that one more time. So we're going to bring the needle up and pull that thread all the way. Then we'll put the threat to the left under the control of our left thumb, will wrap it around the needle twice and pop that needle back down just next to the first hope. And then what we're bringing that needle down. We're gonna keep attention on the left hand. So I've seen these French knots like this so I can get the shot in the camera. But my advice to so the easiest kind of French not is just to rest your hoop, it gets to stomach or your chest. So you've got a little bit more support to make those French knots. These can be pretty tricky. So don't be too hard on yourself and make sure you have lots of practice before you put it with your raises. 4. 5 Spoke Rose : Let's get started with five spoke weapon bro's. So the first thing we're going to do is using all six strands of your thread. We're going to set up those five spokes with the Straits ditch. Now, you don't have to make the threads meat completely in the center. You can leave a little gap because at the end we're gonna put a tiny French not in the middle. Great. So to start off, we're going to bring up on needle just next to the center off one of those. And now we're just going to follow a pretty basic waiting technique which is over and under . So I've come up on one side of the other ones that started with going up, and then I'm going under that second work. So you notice for this actually recommend to use the eye of the needle and not the point. So we'll come to using the point later. But I do recommend that starting at we just use the eye of the needle to start out waving. So we're going to continue in the same way, just gone over. So now I'm going to go under and full of the over and under Patton all the way around the Rose At this point of the flower, just take a moment to make sure that you're not pulling that threat to heart and pulling it up underneath what you've already woven. If you like, you can use your thumb, so just push that threat at a little bit more. - So now we're getting to the end of the Rose. And as he could see, there is still a couple of points sticking out. But it's gonna be a little bit too difficult, toe we've. So this means at this point now we're going to start using the point of that needle and just making some large ditches around the edge off the rose. So at this point, you want to be really careful not to pull that thread too hard, but just taking a time, making those extra stitches and making sure they sit nicely on the edge. So once again, we'll bring that needle up just to cover that point. That's poking out right then, so this could also happen when some of your spokes bit on even as well. But it's really easy to fix by using the point and just pushing the threat out to cover those extra parts. But the final part of your flour used your thumbs to fluff at the edges to make a really beautiful full three d rose. And we're gonna finish off how we normally do so, making a loop to the left and bringing the Natal under that last ditch and pulling the threat up through the middle, then weaken, snip off the excess and use it for the next flower. As a finishing touch, we're going to add a little French not right in the center of that flower, and for this will also be using all six strands of thread. 5. Stitching the Leaves: Fishbone Stitch: next up is fish constant, which is a wonderful stitch that creates a really full looking leaf. So for this, I'm actually going to use all six strands of thread and that's gonna create a really beautiful race effect. So to begin, the stitch was starting at the very top of the leaf and then making a stitch of about half a centimeter or about half an inch. Then I'm going to bring up the needle on the right side, just next, professed Ege and then put the needle in just under that stitch there. Then we're going to continue by bringing the needle up on the left side and again putting the needle back in just underneath. And that's how we're going to continue for the whole leaf, just going from right to left and following away along that center line. 6. 7 Spoke Rose: Let's jump straight into making our seventh spoke rose. So once again, we're using all six strands of thread and we're gonna go ahead and tie that double knot in the end. So the first thing we're going to do, just like in our five spoke rows, will just set up those seven Spokes. So as you may have guessed already, when you're doing woven roses, you always need to have an odd number of spokes. I personally find that three spokes is too little, and even nine spokes is starting to get a little crazy. So I'd always recommend for going for your five or your seven strokes, but it is really up to you. So once you've got them set up, we're going to do the same under an overt weaving technique. Again. Still using the eye of the needle at this point with us, seven spoke was pretty much halfway through. We are going to switch to the point because we'll have gotten so much bulk will need to get a little bit finer with unweaving. But definitely at the beginning, once you using that Ivan needle, there's less chance that you'll snag your threads as you go along. So now let me start stitching again. We're going to start using the tip of the needle. Instead. It's getting quite fine at this point and we don't wanna pull the thread too tightly around. So it's definitely a good idea to switch over to the tip of the needle at this point. So bring that needle up just where we put down basically and start the weaving pattern again. Now that we're almost finished arrows, there's only a couple of finishing touches left to do. The first thing you wanna do is just kind of pull out the edges of your stitches until you've got enough volume or a volume that you're happy with. And then at the end, you might find if you've got uneven spokes that there's a couple of stitches still poking out that you can see. So what you can do is just grabbing needle and thread and just add a little extra round to cover those pieces. After that, it's just a matter of fluffing it out and covering the extra pieces until you're happy with your rows. Just finish up out of large growth in rows. We're going to add our French knots in the middle. Beautiful where all finished with our seventh spoke woven rows. So now the only thing left to do is to combine all the elements into one hoop to make our very own woven roses. 7. Adding a Drawstring Backing: and we're all finished. So you can see what a wonderful combination that makes when you add those workmen roses together with the French notes and the fish bone sticks. Leaves, as he can see, have also added a couple of extra French knots around the edge of the flowers. So you've got the pattern below, but feel free to experiment with that. So last but not least, we're going to add a drawstring backing. So grabbing Paris's is and cut about one centimeter or one inch around the edge of the fabric. Then we're gonna take about needle using three strands of threat, and it doesn't really matter which color or threat to use. I'm using the pink that we used full of the rises, and then we're just going to add a running stitch around the edge of the just in and out, and eventually we're gonna pull that tight and pull it together like a drawer stream. - Great . So now that we've made our way through the whole thing, we're going to finish off just like we normally do without threats. By making allude to the left and bringing that needle up through the middle of the loop. Except this time we're going to make sure that we take up some of the fabric in that loop. So making the look to the left, bringing the needle up through the fabric through the middle of the limp and pulling taut. So now all we have to do is slip off the excess threat and it's ready to hang. 8. See you next time!: Congratulations on making it to the end of the class. I hope you feel super confident to get Fn start making your own choices. Well, I'm really excited to see what you guys come up with. So then upload a picture of your project is the project gallery. As always, if you have any questions, I'm only one question way in the discussion section. Well, thanks for joining and I'll see you next time.