Easy Sewing: Origami Pillow | Sanae Ishida | Skillshare

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Origami Pillow: Intro


    • 2.

      Origami Pillow: Supplies + Materials


    • 3.

      Origami Pillow: Construction Steps Part 1


    • 4.

      Origami Pillow: Construction Steps Part 2


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About This Class

Author and sewing enthusiast Sanae Ishida will guide you through a simple project from her book, Sewing Happiness. Students will acquire the skills to create a stylish and unique pillow cover in under an hour. This beginner-friendly class will teach basic straight stitches using a sewing machine, edge-stitching and the envelope closure method. 

Meet Your Teacher

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Sanae Ishida

Enthusiastic maker of many things


Sanae Ishida writes, draws, sews and takes photos almost every day. Her books include Little Kunoichi: The Ninja Girl series and Sewing Happiness: A Year of Simple Projects for Living Well. Animal Friends to Sew will be released in spring of 2020, and several more books are forthcoming. She lives with her husband and daughter in beautiful Seattle, WA. Both she and her daughter have too many handmade clothes. Find more of her work at SanaeIshida.com.

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1. Origami Pillow: Intro: Hello. My name is Sinai, and today I'm going to show you how to make an origami pillow. It's one of the projects for my big sewing happiness and in addition to the sewing. But I've written and illustrated Children's books, and I have obliged, and I do all sorts of things. But sewing is definitely one of my favorite activities. The pillow is inspired by the paper craft of Oregon E, and it's super simple to make you just straight stitches and you'll finish up with an envelope closure, which requires those sippers no buttons, no nothing. He can whip one up in under an hour, and it's a first settle with stylish pillow. I think lets get started, shall we? 2. Origami Pillow: Supplies + Materials: you don't need a whole lot for supplies and materials. You will need a sewing machine, of course, but nothing fancy. You just need strict stitches. You'll need an iron and an ironing board about 1.5 yards of woven fabric. I like to use linen and linen blends, uh, in solid colors. Before that, where you got the pill is you'll need some coordinating threat to match the pillows. For this video, though, I'm using a contrast ing thread, which shows up so you can see how I'm sewing all the different parts. Ah, you want very sharp fabric shears or a rotary cutter that the roadie cutter is optional. Scissors are just trying. You will want pins and a ruler and a pillow insert. My pillow insert is 20 inches by 20 inches, so I am basing all the measurements on that. And for this video, I have already prepped fabric by washing and drying in, ironing the fabric peace and cutting them out so the front piece will be 20 inches by 20 inches. Just insert size plus one inch for both within the height, um, to account for all the folds that will be making, so the front piece will be 21 by 21 inches. For the back, you'll need to pieces. And if you're using a different size pillow insert than you'll need to do a little bit of math. So the whip of the back piece we're going to need to is going to be 3/4 of the pillow insert with. So, like I said, I'm using a 20 inch pillow insert so each of my back pieces will be 15 inches in with and in 20 inches and hate. So that's all you need. You need three pieces, the front will be 21 by 21 and the two back pieces will be 15 by 20 inches each. 3. Origami Pillow: Construction Steps Part 1: All right, let's start with the from peace first, and you will first full the square piece diagonally so it forms a triangle and you want the wrong sides facing. Then you'll press in an edge stitch about 1/8 inch from that folded edge all the way down. Then you're going to open up the peace and then press from the wrong side first and then flip it over and then press from the front and press the little what looks like a little pin tuck over to the side. It doesn't matter which way, but you won't want to be consistent in which way you pressed as you start forming more of these folds seven. Now you're going to fold it the other diagonal direction to form another triangle and then repeat the same steps. You'll be doing this over and over. Press on edge stitch 1/8 inch from the new folded edge have been open up, pressed from the back, pressed from the front. And then after that, we're going to create the vertical and horizontal lines. So instead of forming a triangle now, you're going to form a rectangle by folding with wrong sides together again with each edge with all the edges together, and then edge stitch press from back in front and again, keeping the direction that you're pressing the little pin tuck like folds in the same direction. And then when you want to fold it, the other vertical or horizontal, whichever way you didn't do before on Repeat with that, and then once he have the two diagonals, the horizontal and the vertical, open it all up and make sure you've pressed all the the folds in the same direction and as you're so you might notice that it gets a little bumpy as more and more fabric it's gathered in the centre, so so over that part. Slowly, Once you've pressed all the folds, you want to flip it over so that the wrong side is facing up and then you are going to fall down each corner so you'll be creating a diamond, and then you're going to so from the front side. So so not the side that you just did right now where you had flipped it on the with the wrong side facing out, but you're going to So from the front side along, all four edges of that diamond that you just created. And so those are the four last folds that you're creating, and that is the front. And just give it a good press and you're ready to go onto the back. 4. Origami Pillow: Construction Steps Part 2: moving along to the back pieces will take one of the pieces, then fold the long edge. The one that's the same measurement as the pillow is hurts, So in this case, it's the one that's 20 inches long and fold it 3/8 inch toward the wrong side and press. Then you'll fold this piece another three. Pinch impress again edge stitch along the inner folded edge, and then you'll repeat this with the other back piece. These two pieces are going to form the envelope closure Now. Next, you will align the back pieces with the front piece, with the right sides facing so the back pieces will be facing the same way. But then you're going to take that front overlapped side with the front side of the pillow front. That's a lot of fronts fancy Um, and then what's probably going to happen is that your front piece, maybe a little bit off it might be smaller or just different in size from all the folds that you created or that wonky. So you're going to want to trim those edges to match up all the edges into straight lines. Rotary cutter is very handy for this, or you can just use your scissors to trim it down. But you just want to make sure that the overlap back pieces in the front pieces are the same size, and ultimately, all the pieces together may create a pillow case or pillow cover that is slightly smaller than the insert, and that's perfectly fine. You'll actually get a fluff your pillow that way. So now that you've got nice and even edges, go to pin and stitch along the perimeter of the 38 inches from the Raj. You want to keep the needle in the fabric as you pivot at the corners to get those sharp, clean right angles and was your done. You can finish the raw edges by six extra gene or using over lock, but you won't see this inside, so it's not absolutely necessary. But go to town if you want to, Um, and then you want to make sure you clip corners, being very careful not to cut into the Seymour. Get too close to the scene because that will weaken it, and you want to clip these corners to reaches the bulk for when you turn it right side up. Speaking of what she will now turn the pillow right side out. And I like to use a paintbrush. Very small paintbrush, the wrong end to poke out those corners. It's worked really well for me, but you can use anything chopstick your finger. You just want to make sure you don't to enthusiastically poke out and create a hole in the corners. Was your turn it right side out? You may or may not want to give it another good press. You probably don't need Teoh. And then you just place the pillow insert and, uh, you have your new origami pillow. I hope you had fun. Please let me know if you have any questions. Good job. Thank you.