Easy Patternmaking Kit: Learn How To Draft Trousers | Stella JB Fashion | Skillshare

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Easy Patternmaking Kit: Learn How To Draft Trousers

teacher avatar Stella JB Fashion, Fashion Designer and Patternmaker

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Course Introduction


    • 2.

      Materials and Measurement


    • 3.

      Chapter 1: Drafting The Trouser Front Panel


    • 4.

      Adding Vertical Measurements


    • 5.

      Adding Crotch Depth


    • 6.

      Calculating The Knee Line


    • 7.

      Labeling Line Measurements


    • 8.

      Adding Hip Measurements


    • 9.

      Adding The Crotch Extension


    • 10.

      Drafting The Crotch Curve


    • 11.

      Drafting The Grain Center Line


    • 12.

      Adding Circumference Measurements


    • 13.

      Adding A 2 inch Hem Allowance


    • 14.

      Adding Darts


    • 15.

      Adding A Half inch Seam Allowance


    • 16.

      Cutting Out The Front Pattern


    • 17.

      Chapter 2: Drafting The Trouser Back Panel


    • 18.

      Drafting The Back Pattern


    • 19.

      Drafting The Back Crotch


    • 20.

      Adding The Back Waist Measurement


    • 21.

      Adding 1 inch Seam Allowance To The Side


    • 22.

      Drafting The Back Darts


    • 23.

      Adding Half inch Seam Allowance Round


    • 24.

      Cutting Out The Back Pattern


    • 25.

      Reviewing Front and Back Pattern


    • 26.

      Chapter 3: Drafting Trouser Zipper Shield


    • 27.

      Drafting The Trouser Zipper Fly


    • 28.

      Chapter 4: Planning The Belt


    • 29.

      Adding The Belt Extension


    • 30.

      Drafting The Belt


    • 31.

      Cutting Out The Belt


    • 32.



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About This Class

The Easy Patternmaking Kit - Trouser Drafting Course teaches you how to construct a beautiful pair of trousers.

In this course, you learn to draft a pattern for a pair of trousers along wit belt and zipper attachments, using fitting measurements, and quality techniques. We begin with organizing your pattern paper with accurate measurements laid out properly. You will then learn to calculate the circumference measurements, the darts, and allowances for a quality fit. Finally we will draft accurate lines to match quality measurements for a fitting trouser design.

What you learn:

  • How to layout measurements for an trouser sewing pattern
  • How to arrange trouser measurements
  • How to calculate the circumference widths and pattern curves
  • How to draft allowances for sewing seams
  • How to layout a fitting belt
  • How to cut out both trouser pattern, zipper and belt.

The ability to draft different styles helps you grow your craft and skill. This trouser drafting course is made to help you grow in both, and to help you be ready for your own creative takes.

If you're ready to draft your a new pair of trousers, then see you in my course!

Meet Your Teacher

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Stella JB Fashion

Fashion Designer and Patternmaker


As an independent fashion designer from Lagos, Nigeria, I have had the privilege of working with major international designers and creating unique, high-quality clothing in the US and around the world. Specializing in women's and children's fashion, my designs blend contemporary Western and African styles to create stunning, one-of-a-kind pieces. Drawing from my extensive experience, I am passionate about teaching aspiring fashion designers the art of crafting quality fashion. Through my courses, I guide students in mastering the basics of fashion design, perfecting their cutting techniques, and working with premium fabrics. Together, we explore the creation of dresses, blouses, trousers, skirts, fascinators, and customized outfits, ensuring every piece is crafted with precision and sty... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Course Introduction: Well design trusses are a big fashion treatment and knowing how to make your own is a useful step and fashion. I'm Stella, your instructor for this pattern making kids glass on trafficking women's choices. In this class for beginners in sewing, you will learn how to make a trouser process and using an accurate width to hip measurements, you will approach length, your new light, the worst Sacco friends, the hip Sacco phrase that size circumference, new second phrase and your ankle circumference, you how to just chose US brands or about is zipper fly, zipper shade for your complete pattern, ready to soup. I discovered my passion in fashion over a decade ago. Do which I transformed from a hobbyist to an independent designer. Mechanism, variety of styles for women and children, and signatures in Western and African styles. Making your own fresh on. It's not always easy. But when you actually getting into the walk of a design is fresher inspiration to press on. In this course, I have to share that passion with you in your work. At the end of this course, you will be confident in drafting your own choices. If you're ready to perfect shield throws up drafting. Then let's go. 2. Materials and Measurement: Your measurement, Shubin, needy, needy, your waist measurements, your hip measurements, your full truth selects the ECM. Late. Don't know how to measure your choices, your trouser. You go to my previous lesson. I have already taught on how to measure every industry measurement, how to take their guts. My previous lesson, you will see how to measure there. You need to crouch measurement unit. Your time measurement is not necessary. You need your new image moment, your ankle measurements. Also your hip measurements. 3. Chapter 1: Drafting The Trouser Front Panel: Right now, as you can see, I've ruled this way. You want to draft, make sure this ***** descent. You need to leave at least one inch and also add a top lead, but please one age or 1.5 d for your seam allowance. Right now, this line scan as our width life. Why this line here is done as an ankle length. Let us go from this waistline. You got sick, your hip line. You'll leave played artistic December to your voice and your heap, which is no more than its chief, nine inches. They're under around that reach it. For the sake of this tutorial, I'll be using, it, pinches. 4. Adding Vertical Measurements: You guys, Michael Joyce. Point. 5. Adding Crotch Depth: The finance team is your crutch measurements. Because measurement I'm using for the sake of this period is ten inches. You're going to hit from macules saying the cheese. Cheese, you can also get you your crushed by your outside, your app same minus your async and get crunched, value or Sue, what I've touched on how to get your pro different ways of calculating your grades is doing the points. This is approaching approach line. 6. Calculating The Knee Line: There you go ahead to calculate your new length in case you didn't take your customer newline. You can also make it this way that from this point, this line to your ankle, and it's from the crotch lane to your ankle. You measure the distance, then look for the distance. You'd look for the sensor, for the middle of the middle of the distance from the crash to your uncle. Say's divided into two. Right now. This is half of, it's, if this is the half of this from this center, go up by one inch. Okay, this is yet. Then I'll have to go up by one inch by one inch. 7. Labeling Line Measurements: I'm glad to join you points. This line stands. New line to liberal. This is a waistline. Your heap lay. This line is your crotch line. Yeah, you see your new lane. Why this line is your ankle. 8. Adding Hip Measurements: Well shall we this Vanessi U2 is to impute your hip measurement nodes. When you are drafting. If you're using a stretchy material, you don't need to add any allowance, okay? If your material is not stretchy, you add at least one each. Your measurement, your original measurements. The measurement I'm using here is 41 plus one. It is allowing that is 42. That's what a heap divided by four, which will give me 10.5. Then our warheads and measure 10.5. Wastes. Similar or dissimilar mad width also imputed some number or the crutch tip 0.5 kids to join the points together. 9. Adding The Crotch Extension: The next Who wants to do? We also impute our crotch extension from the crunch line, our crotch essential? How do we impute a crutch? Essential, what you do is often gets you from this point to this point. You divide it by four. This way. You divide it by four. As you can see, UM, genius, right now I'm dividing by two forces. You go ahead and also divide by four points. You have your crutches tension. Let's see. I can't see you all go ahead. I'm not when you divide by your calculator is to give you a 6.6th. You will require to mark this point here. This is a crutch as tension. 10. Drafting The Crotch Curve: How to get our core from this point, from the heap like this point here. You go up by half an inch. You got by F and H. These are far from this point here. You go out galvanized by 1.5 inch to get out. Cough. You join, join these points this way to this line. This is a crutch crutch line. Blackrock. 11. Drafting The Grain Center Line: The next thing you do is to calculate the distance from your initial visa participation to displace or whoever you get there, you divide it by two to get a center of your approach. You divide by two. Right now this is the center. Send that suggests EA is the center of approach. Whereby you get the center. You also works. You tick it here. You also measure is T. As you can see, the line is still, don't have a calculator. This is the line. The line is T of your steel. That's what I'm going to use to get a sense of the wrist. You got through your hip. You do the same. Tick the center. You will often see tonight. Sitting at the ankle joint, the points that points lying now as a grid line, the center line joining the points to get this slide stand as our grid. A grid languages center line. 12. Adding Circumference Measurements: The next thing you do is to impute all our second frame. We are computed our new Sacco phrase, your ankle Sacco France. The new circumference I am using here. The funding for the new amusing sustain. 16 divided by two will give you its inches. Guy flew for the center of is. You can put it in both sides. Sense of it is for you impute it in both sides for each year. For each year. For the ankle, the ankle year. For the unquote ASU. I'm also using 12 divided by two will give me six. How do I had to impute the center of six, which is three inches, output three inches in both sides to give me six. Once you're done with this, you go to your hip. You compute your hip measurements. The hip measurement I'm using here is 232 divided by four would give me eight plus one divided by it's a bad fall plus one each allowance permitted whereby by four will give me eight inches plus one age that allowed. That is my peaches pizza cheese. So once you're done with this one-shot, don't we go ahead to watch, to join all those lines. Who joined the points? Heap caught. We joined here with a straight line. This point, the new, this new point to your anchor points here. The district line displays also this point to this point is your cover letter. Should see what certain with this joint here, which is strictly district ruler. 13. Adding A 2 inch Hem Allowance : Don't forget to add your ham allowance. You're suing cheese. I'm going to turn now to add our two E Cheese M allow us inches venture into points together. Once you are done, you join this point. Don't join the industry with slanted trees. Lunch delete attributes. 14. Adding Darts: And before we add us our seam allowance, let's add our ducts from this point already taking one inch data allowance. From this point we add half an inch in both sides, which is what we choose. To join the points. Fear. With these, we'll go ahead and after inch seam allowance. 15. Adding A Half inch Seam Allowance: In this scene, you do you add your half inch seam allowance? Go ahead to join points. Go ahead. 16. Cutting Out The Front Pattern: This is all for this. You've got a cold. I've gone ahead to what it looks like. 17. Chapter 2: Drafting The Trouser Back Panel: So I'm gonna use this front to draft the buck or kin. So what I'm going to do is to note when you want to drop your back. That's the back panel is always bigger than the front because we have more full above. We have boot up the buck and speak is full at the back. So that is why the back panel is always bigger than the front panel. What I'm going to leave enough space here, like two inches by two inches from here to add similar ones. We're going to add two inches or three inches. Or can you see where I crossed out for you? You're going to visit this. We're going to be similar and also add a top. The back, the back is a little bit longer than the front. You also leave space at the top here, like three inches phase or four inches, three inches, four inches. You have to paint down. You're not Syria. Paint your front panel. I had to pin it down, please. On my disk. Type the the adjustment PayPal is nine over how to add to what you are seeing this line here, okay. I'm gonna head to pin it down in St. you drew this part. What I wanted to do, we want to extend our crutch length for the buck. When measurement to add sticky, you're not taking it from the allowance from this tip from Regina. Original measurements. That is not only between them from disk points here, from this point, this original points here, your original crotch line. Before then, let us take up less extent all lens. 18. Drafting The Back Pattern: Withstand wastes, wastes measurements. Also going to lead to a stench. The hip measurement is the crosslinks. The new line. I'll just go ahead. 19. Drafting The Back Crotch: The next thing I want you to want to extend the crutch essential for the buck. We usually use two inches for the essential for the buck. You start from the main measurements here, okay? Molecule two inches, two inches. Once you have mark these three Gs notes, you'll come down by half and each that's not be too tight or debris June for you, for the buck to create more space. You come down by Athens, each other, acid points come down by F and this point is 0 points. These points do all we can do. What you do. Listing from year to year. These are original kid from the center here, this point here to this point. Yes, it is point to the center of these dots. You divide it into two. So when I divide it into two is giving me two inches. Two inches here. You live. This point here, you come to this crotch. Crotch, do front Chrome measure or silver. You have the server, you have the tickets. This is what I have. This point. I'll take you back to this point here. They have measured these dots, they're developing to two. You would take hits the market. So That's the point here. That is wrong. This is the point, we need. This point to this point. I'm going to join these points. This point, listing this point to this point here, then to this point. And before I do that, we need to get the crutch cough as we did for the first one from this point here, will go up by, go off, definitely buy to be cheese. Good to be exactly here. These have been cheese. I would lift this point. This point will have to call it. Miss this point. Let me just use a dotted line. Good path approach. 20. Adding The Back Waist Measurement: The next thing, I'm going to dig the measurement. I have Fergie frontal trough right to the back. The waist measurements from here to here. How music I'm going to add in the seam allowance for survey. You can see nine inches thick it here. Take you directly to this point here. Measure them, please. Once I am done. 21. Adding 1 inch Seam Allowance To The Side: The Q1, each allowance in boost hide my staff that you want. From the original point, from the original measurement of pressure meds. I'll take one inch input side. Take one being saved in here. Once you are done with that, you call it all these points together. Look at your new crutch. You cannot see it here. Shift it back. Six. 22. Drafting The Back Darts: So the next thing you do, go ahead and take off the front parallel the front, the back. Okay. To compare measure before. What's the transfer? For a good measure for him off to Turkish troops? Mckee, also parallel to dislike going to Mac features because the bank is always longer than the false best. Mark your faith b, choose two points. Tick, average each. 23. Adding Half inch Seam Allowance Round: In STU to just add in half an intron as you did to the France for us. Okay. Go ahead to join. Join me. 24. Cutting Out The Back Pattern: We are done for you. Go ahead to clots out. Once you draft the bottom. 25. Reviewing Front and Back Pattern: As you can see, this is the factorise this white, this is the front. If you look at something, you can see the brackets longer at the center. This is because we have bigger boot at the back. Bumble. There's a big pool of black that is might be higher at the center. Or Kim. This is for the trusses now, but teach you on how to drugs the boats nodes in case you want to add built, you have to take off two inches from the main measurements. I'm gonna teach you on how to draft a belts. Teacher on how to judge your fliers, and also the zip zip flyer, the zip shoot, and Russell on how to draft your pockets. Let's go. 26. Chapter 3: Drafting Trouser Zipper Shield: Now we'll be drafting our zipper on the sheet and the shoot. The first thing you do, your stomach, your your fatty car measurements, thicker vertical measurements. I'm taking my patch commitment from him. But the one I'm doing right now is the shield. It's a kind of flashed to come measurements. The length 7.57.5 plus half inch seam allowance that is in cheese. Also trick. Right here is 1.5 plus half each seam allowance. Give us two inches. Two inches. Great joining points. Mark two inches. During the points together. This is the coccyx droughts. Shoot. 27. Drafting The Trouser Zipper Fly: Costs the same period. While this is the zipper flyer also measure the same thing is 7.5 plus half inch. Seam allowance. Also do seem to get him legs. Make sure it's three cheese. Go ahead and join the points. The coffee is going to be at the left hand sand. You come over half an hour and a half inch thick. Recover left two copies. Not sure. Monocots, these two. This is going to be true, is going to be true. There's gonna be two. Don't forget, it's gonna be at the left-hand side of your choices. Here's a sheared by this is the flyer. So let's go ahead to cut the belts. 28. Chapter 4: Planning The Belt: I'm now on how to draw to build the waist measurements are used for the trusses. One, I just finished drafting. Go ahead. I'm doing this straight form of put out. Two inches from here to here is 20 to 30 to the cheese. Cheese. Cheese. Okay, We're gonna trip. Let's draw a straight line. From this point to this point is our 32 inches. Two inches. We'll take the width, which is two inches of weeks, which is three inches. Joined it two points together. I need to drag the points together. 29. Adding The Belt Extension: So what I will do is to add protesting short is two inches, but essentially throwing cheese as resisting forces. You might get. 30. Drafting The Belt: What do you do from this point to this point? We have to look for the center, which is System Center. This is the center back. Once you are done with these dinner scene, just ask your seminar classes will inch allowance, all true. Then clearly points to get up. 31. Cutting Out The Belt: I'm done. I didn't have to. Then go ahead to cut bits out. Okay. Make sure you sit back. This is your band. You will cut the fabric and also your delighted me. Whatsoever, I am going to cut out two of these. So this is for your builds. 32. Congratulations!: Congratulations on completing this pattern making kids cause on drafter women's trousers. In the costs we went through how to apply measurements and drops, fit and choses. You can now comfortably draft your contrast is your measurements. If you have any question comment in the course, and I am ready to. I have appreciated be your instructor. If you enjoyed this class, please leave a review and check my profile for more causes. This address teller. See you in the next lab.