Easily Setup Envelopes For Mass Mail | Jon Brommet | Skillshare

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Easily Setup Envelopes For Mass Mail

teacher avatar Jon Brommet, Crusoe Design Co.

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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      A Message From Future Jon


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About This Class

At some point most of us have had to either hand write or print a ton of envelopes for Christmas Cards, Weddings, or other fun events. For those of us who are designers we even designed a really cool envelope and then hand typed each address on each page over and over. We might have even got those ugly labels from the local copy shop and stuck them on each envelope.

Most people end up typing out the address information in Microsoft Excel or Apple Numbers for organization, then they copy and paste it onto each page and end up with a huge file and a lot of lost time.

There has to be a better way!!! (Sorry, I've been watching Shark Tank a lot lately...)

There is! Using a cool feature called MailMerge in Adobe InDesign you can easily link your file to one of those Excel or Numbers documents and you're done! Don't worry if you've never even opened InDesign in your life. If you know how to roughly use Photoshop or Illustrator, it will be an easy as we are only using a few easy tools.

Also, if you want to get a little more advanced and make a ton of labels with different names and ingredients and barcodes, I show you how to do that too. You could even use the same principal to mass setup Hockey or Baseball cards with an image and all.

It's way easier than it sounds. Also, there is no project for this class! Just watch it, soak in some information and go about your day. Click enrol already!

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Jon Brommet

Crusoe Design Co.

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Level: Intermediate

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1. Introduction: Hi, my name's Jon Brommel and welcome to my newest class, easily setup envelopes for mass mail. In this class, I'm going to show you how to take a big list of different addresses that you need a mail out to, maybe for some wedding invitations, or Christmas cards, or maybe another big event. I'm going to show you how to really easily take a file from Excel or numbers for the Mac and input it into Adobe InDesign so that you can really easily just add them all in there and you don't have to retype everything. Don't be scared if you've never used Adobe InDesign before, it doesn't matter if you've never even opened it. If you have the slightest idea of how to use Photoshop or Illustrator, it'll be a breeze. You're really only going to use a couple of different tools, but it's going to be really useful, it's going to be a cool workflow tip that I would be very surprised if you don't end up using at some point in the future, whether you're a designer, or just a person that might get married, or have a fun event. Another thing I'm going to show, is a little more complicated, and that is how to use a mail merge feature, but use it for something like labels. Recently, I had a project where I had to create 83 labels for a customer, and each one had different ingredients, a different name, a different barcode. I'm going to show you how to use the same workflow to actually automatically do all that for you. It's pretty neat class, it's going to be really straightforward. I've done something you haven't done before, which is the No Project. You can just watch the class, I think it's only about 25 minutes. Enjoy it, and then move on to the next thing mark it as complete, and that's it. No Project is just meant to be a quick way to teach you something and then you can move on. I hope you've enrolled and we'll see in a minute. 2. Envelopes: To get started, I'm going to use the most common reason to use a data merge, and that is for wedding invitations. Another you thing you might be doing it for is Christmas cards, maybe even birthdays, things of that nature where you're inviting a lot of people. Wedding invitations is definitely, going to be one of the biggest ones if you're a designer. Sometimes what's going to happen is you'll have a client that sends you an Excel file or a Numbers file, and they've got all the information already put in and they want you to be able to print it on an envelope for them or maybe it's for your own wedding and you've already typed out on that just to keep things organized and rather than copy and paste or retyping to a different program, you can go ahead and use this feature. Another great thing is if a client sends you one of those files, you don't want to accidentally make a typo on someone's name or their address, that can cause a lot of problems. This way you're using exactly the file that they sent you. It's really cool. It's really easy. Again, if you've never used InDesign, it's really straightforward so you don't have to be a wiz to figure this stuff out. I'll walk you through the steps, and you'll see that it's pretty straightforward. Hopefully, if you're an Illustrator user or a Photoshop user, you're a little bit comfortable with those programs and may be you have a Creative Cloud subscription or you've just downloaded the InDesign trial. But I'm going to act as if you have a little bit of knowledge in Photoshop or Illustrator. To start with, we have our mailing addresses. I'm just going to open this up in Numbers on the Mac. Again, you might have this in Excel on a PC, that's fine. There are other programs too that would work just as well. Sometimes what's going to happen is once you've typed out all your addresses, you're going to have some extra rows. You just need to make sure that you delete those. Any rows where there's not information, you just right-click and you click "Delete". Same idea with columns. Usually there's going to be a few columns extra, and you're just going to go ahead and right-click on them and delete them. Another thing that's important is your first row cannot have a name on it. It's got to just be the titles of each column. Don't start writing the first name right up there. You want to have a name, street, city, so on. You want to make sure that those are the names of your columns. That's it. That's pretty straightforward. Once you've got that, you save that as a normal file for Excel or Numbers. Then the thing that we need to do is make a CSV file. It's really straightforward. We're just going to go to File, Export To, CSV. Go ahead and click "Next". You don't have to mess with any of the options and "Export". Once we've done that, we're already done with this program. I'm going to go ahead and quit that, and I'm going to open InDesign. I'm just going to make my envelope a four by six but of course, it can be any size. Columns that one is fine. Your margins we're going to go ahead down to about a quarter inch, so 0.25 inches. Not going to worry about bleed or slug and we're just going to turn Facing Pages off. Again, I'm not going to explain a whole lot about what that stuff means, but it's pretty straightforward if you've never used it before. Just follow my settings aside from make sure your envelope size is the proper size for you. Go ahead and click "Okay", and we've got a document open. Pretty straight forward. We're just going to have one page. If you have used InDesign before, you might be tempted to make as many pages as you've already added to your Excel or Numbers document, but don't do that, just add one. Another thing is, if you're comfortable in Photoshop or Illustrator, you may actually already have a design that you want on here. But rather than recreating it in InDesign, what you should do is make your file four inches by six inches or match the envelope size that you're going to create, and then save it as a PDF or JPEG or something. What we're going to do is go to file. We're going to go down to Place, which is Command + D on a Mac or Control + D on a PC. We're going to grab our design and hit "Open". Then we're just going to click anywhere to drop it in. I'm going to line that up properly and you can see that I've got my design here. Now, another thing that you might notice if you've never used InDesign before, is it looks really poor, the quality is bad. That's because to save memory and things when you're working, InDesign will actually down save everything and make it look a little bit low quality. If you don't like that, you can go to View and we're going to go over to Display Performance, and we'll turn that to high-quality. Then you can see the design looks much nicer. Another cool thing is if you decide, for example, that this is a little bit too big, what we can do is we're going to go back to my original design, which I have in Adobe Illustrator. I'm going to open it up. What I can do is, I can click on that heart. I can shrink it down. I'll go ahead and click "Save", which is Command + S. Then once I go back to InDesign, what you're going to see is a little icon in this corner, and it says that this design has been modified. If you just double-click it, you'll see that it will re-update it, and now your heart is that size, the same size that you just made in Illustrator. Another small trick is if you actually leave just your document size, it's not going to want to place it, it'll only place it at the size of the heart or your artwork in it. What I do is I just add a little white square or match the color of your background and make sure it goes past your heart border, and then it'll mean the exact same. Again, this is all stuff that you could actually bring into Adobe InDesign or create in InDesign. But if you're not comfortable with it, do it in Illustrator or Photoshop if you're comfortable in them, and then just bring them in. I'll just double-click and it's nice and up-to-date. Now what we need to do is add our information. It's pretty straightforward. What I'm going to do is I'm going to hit this little Type Tool. I'm going to go over to this corner and I'll drag out a box and we're going to put our address. I'm going to go ahead and put my name. I'm going to put my street address here, my city and province, my postal code, and lastly my country. Of course, you can change this font very easily. We're just going to select all that. I'm hitting Command + A, and our fonts are up here. You can now go ahead and find the font that you like best. We're just going to use the Avenir light. It's going to automatically start at 12 points. That's a little big. I usually go down to about 10. You can play with the leading here if you want to spread it out. Sometimes that looks nice. I think what I'll do is I'll use that on the main address. You may even want your address even smaller just because it's in a little corner. We can go ahead and make that eight or something like that. It's just a return address. It doesn't need to be that big. I'm just going to make this box smaller. Of course your information would be little larger. Now, I'm going to make another box, I'll just drag it out here. It's going to be the same thing. But I'm not going to bother typing it out just yet. I'm going to go over here to this arrow, and I'm going to hit the center horizontally and center vertically. You just need to make sure that this says align to page. Now, what we're going to do is go down to Window, Utilities and Data Merge. From here, don't worry about all these scary stuff. We'll just hit this little drop-down bar and select our data source. This is where we get our CSV that we saved. Go ahead and click "Open". Now, if we double-click in our text box and then double-click the name, hit "Enter", double-click the Street and Enter, so on and so forth. Because we want each information to appear on their own line. Now what you may want to do is select these all and we may want to center it. Then I'm going to hit my "Selection Tool". I'm just going to drag this box all the way up, as close to there as I can. Then I'm going to align it again just to make sure it's exactly centered in my document. Again, you can change this font size as you want and you can adjust the leading to space it out. Maybe what I'll do is I'll increase this box just a little bit, and I'll increase the leading just to have a little more line space space. Again, I'm going to bring that up and just make sure that it's nice and centered. That's basically it as far as the actual setup goes. This is pretty straightforward. Now the problem here is if we click preview, it's going to show the first address, and as we hit these arrows, it'll show each address. But in order to actually make them properly show up on each different page, you need this in your Master. I'm going to hit this little box here and this, and this. Basically what you could do is hit Command + A or Control + A on a PC. We're going to go ahead and click "Cut". That is because there's a weird thing in Adobe InDesign called a master. Basically, anything that you put on here will automatically appear on every page that you add afterwards. You could just start there instead of starting at one, but normally that's where it opens. What I'm going to do is I'm going to click "Paste In Place". Now we're all set up. If we go back to number one, it's going to look the exact same, but it's not going to be easy to edit without overriding nothing. But if we go to Preview, it's still going to look the same. That's an important step. You need to make sure that this information is on your A Master and that's applied to your first sheet. If you skip that, you've going to have a little bit of issues here. Now the next thing we're going to do is of course we're going to go to save. We're going to go to File, Save As and we will just call this Mailing Address or actually let's call this Envelope. Let me go ahead and hit "Save". That way you have this and you can go back and edit it as you need. The important thing is you may want to go to File Export right now and save it as a PDF, but it won't actually update this information unless you hit this little button here. We're going to create basically a new document with all those pages that I had set up in numbers. We click that and we're going to make sure basically, that all these settings are the same as what we have here. We want to merge our records. We want them to be a single record per page. If you're designing labels or something like that for a printer, you might want to have multiple records per page. But for my uses I want single. We can leave all this information as is. We go ahead and click "Okay". Don't worry about this little warning. This is on your A Master, so don't worry if you see this. We're going to go ahead and we're going to click page 1. Now you can see that we've got our first address. Page 2, page 3, and so on. Again, the heart looks a little low-quality. That's because it'll automatically default to that lower performance, but you can go back up there to high-quality. From this step, you can go ahead and save this as well or you can leave it and just use your original one. We're going to go to Export. We're going to save our PDF. We're going to call this Labeled Envelopes. Hit "Save". You can use any of these documents that are already saved. You go ahead and use Press Quality, that'll automatically be set up in there for you. Hit "Export". You're good. We'll just minimize this. I'm going to go over here, and here's my saved PDF. Now you can send this away to your printer. Let them know the envelope size and just show them that it's so many pages, and it's all set up for you. That's the basics of creating a data merge. It sounds complicated, it seems a little bit scary, and a lot of you will probably have thought before watching this that it's not worth it. You're better off just manually typing in everything. But that's not the case. It's really straightforward, it's really easy to use. You can always go back in there, and re-edit it, and re-link a new CSV file, or make changes to your artwork and it'll actually make changes to every page as long as you change it on your Master. That's cool. In case you made a mistake, or you want to change something, you don't have to go ahead and do it for every page. There's definitely some really cool benefits to using InDesign. In the next video, I'm going to show you a slightly more advanced thing and that is adding a barcode to a variety of different labels, as well as ingredients and a label name. It's something I did for a client of mine recently and I thought it'd be just cool to show you guys. But I know a lot of you will be just more interested in the envelope because it's something that you might immediately use. Again, the cool thing about this class is you don't have to post any project or anything like that. I just want you to learn this information, just trying to remember it or you can come back and watch the video. 3. Labels: For this video, is a little bit more complicated. But basically, what we're going to do is, we're going to do the same ideas that we use for our envelope, and we're going to apply them to our label. So in this case, I made a label for all of them, mine out of Texas, which was really cool company, you should check them out, as you can see their website. Not only did they have different ingredients and different names and different net weights for each different label, but of course they also had a different barcode. So it can be really time consuming to add each barcode one by one by one, and there's also a risk of making a mistake. In this case they had 83 different labels. If I accidentally lost track, and I use the same barcode twice, that can cause a lot of issues. So doing it this way is a good way to make sure that you don't accidentally do things like that, especially, even if they get into even more labels, it's just a good way to make sure that you're saving time, in the process is basically the exact same as what I showed you. There are a few extra little steps here, that I'm going to outline for you and going to make easy. So the first thing I'm going to show you is that, in the numbers file, there is one extra little thing, and what that is, is the barcodes, so we just call that art. You have to make sure there's an art symbol, because that tells in design that it's an image, and I written barcodes. In this case, there are PDFs. Also outlined, is the exact path to get to the barcode that I want to use. So I just show it like where I was, the documents, the exact files and things like that. Now what I'm going to also supply you with as a link to this adobe article, which we'll outline the same steps involved, but there's will seem a little more complicated, which is why I'm making these videos, but they'll also show you on a Mac versus on a PC, how does exactly tell it, where your file is? So that's important as you can use psd, gif, jpg, and things like that, in this case I'm using a PDF. I'll link this file for you just as a good reminder, and help you out with those little parts. What I've done here, is basically what I would have done is typed all this out and made sure that it worked. Then I just copied and pasted each one and change the barcode number. I made sure that the barcode number would obviously be different. You can just check 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. You can easily make sure that you're using a different barcode, all the way down. This part was a little bit tedious, but it's a lot easier than actually adding the file over and over and shrinking it and doing those things. So what we've done, I've already done all the work that I did in the last video, where I had the CSV file, which I loaded from the data source. I've linked these different lines. So I've got the ingredients here, then that weight in the name. The only other thing I didn't talk about in the last video that's pretty cool, is, for example, with ingredients, I can actually type out here, the word ingredients, put a colon, and then I can add a space and add a line, where the ingredients will appear. I can also make them a different stroke than this. For example, this is a bold like a black, Avenir Black, and if I highlight this, you can actually see that it's light, so it's a different font. The same idea with net week. It's all on one line, but it's just cool, because it actually links to that. The other thing here is name. If we use our arrow to a selection tool, you'll see that there's a box here. In the last video, I made it as tight as I could, to that name. But the problem is, that sometimes we're going to have names with multiple lines on them. I want to make sure that the lines don't exceed these boxes from top to bottom, and it doesn't go past here, as far as the width goes. That's not a problem, but what will usually happen is your text frame will actually be aligned to the top. So it'll be like this. Now what would happen is if you had tool lines, it would be here and it's not centered nicely to the file. A good way to fix that is to do what I did there, what we do is go right-click on it, make sure it's selected tool, so you have to select it first, ''Right-Click'' Text Frame Options, and then just make sure your alignment is set to center. That will solve that problem. Now the other thing we do is we draw a little box, using this little tool right here. It's the rectangle frame tool. It's F on your keyboard, and once you're happy with that, what we're going to do is, we're going to drag our image to that box to link it. Now you can see here, beside these data merge documents, there's a T for the thought. That just means it's text or there's a little image icon and that means that it's an image obviously. So again, we can always hit our preview, because we're on page one here, and we can see the different previews. Now you can see that, there are going to run into the odd issue here, which I'll show you how to fix. Now that we know that's all setup and good to go. We're going to go ahead and create our merge documents, we'll just click there. This is all going to be the same again, I'll record single merged, and you can leave this stuff here, or you can remove some of that, but it's good to have somebody alerts. You can actually say this report, if you want. In this case, I don't need it, cyclic closed. If I click on page 1, you'll see that it's working page 2, you can see we've got number 2, say 1, 2, 3, 4, so on, you can see the names are changing. This is all good. What we could do from here basically, is the same as Alzheimer's go file export and save the PDF or the problem is you might want it into the one or two documents that are going to be a little off. If we go through here, you can see they're a little tight here. You can choose whether that's okay or not for you. It will just go to one that's a little worse than that. You can see here, this is actually overlapping that, so I don't want that. What we can do here, is actually just select in there, and make it a different line just like that. So we actually can edit that really quickly, and now we're fine with it. We can go on, and there's going to be the odd one that maybe the text is too big and you need to make the odd change. There is one. I believe it's somewhere around here. If you see this little plus with a box around it, what that means is that your text is gone past this box. So this is a design thing. You want to make sure that your information is all in there, and this is important. If you don't catch that, you could easily end up going into print, and you've actually lost some of your ingredients. What I've made sure with the client firsthand is, we knew that this problem is going to rise because there's the odd product that had a little bit too many ingredients, and we had to decide on what would be the best solution. What I'm going to do is, I'm going to drag this box out, so you can see all the extra type. Now I double-click and selecting it, we can see that it's already 6.5, so it's pretty small. So I'll go ahead and I'll make that six, which is about the smallest we want to go. Then from there, we could try and mess around with the kerning to get it as tight as we can. But we've decided at this point that, it's already just going to be a little bit too big. Instead, what I'm gong to do is, I'll drag this back up here, and we had decided that we could change here. Now you can see that it's not selectable. So I'm going to right-click on the page over here, and I go into go to override all master page items. That means I can edit some of the things that were on my master page. I'm going to go ahead, and I'm going to delete that line and delete this line. Then we're going to drag this down. Now it all fits. Now there is another issue here, most graphic designers, they do not want these little hyphenation, where a word is actually split on another page. It is a preference thing, but most the time you're not going to want that. What we can do to avoid this is, we're going to go to Window, and we're going to go down to type and make sure that paragraph is open. You can see a little check mark here that says hyphenation. We're going to de-select that, and now it's doing the same thing, but it is actually pushing the full word to either the next line or the line before. Now you can see again, that the text is going a little bit far. So what we're going to do here, is we're going to select all of this. I'm going to go down a window type. Then we're going to go to Character. We're just going to adjust the tracking just a little bit. So we're going to bring that down to minus 10, and you can see that it'll all fit in there now. This is the only thing that you need to do. So other than this, you can just go through your document, and see if you see any issues. So you can see here, I'll have to adjust some of the ingredients, same there. Well, there's going to be a lot there going to be fine, the type is a little bit close. On a few of them, you might have to go in and make changes. Now you might also notice, if there's too many of these ingredients that are popping off here, that maybe what we do is we go back to our original document. We can highlight the ingredients and we can change it to a 6.0, and we could try and make this minus 10, with this document selector, we can uncheck hyphenation, I'm actually going to close that. The same here with this selected, we're going to make sure that hyphenation is de-selected. Then what we can do is give it a shot again. It's now if we go back through, we'll just double-check and we'll see if that help solve some of the problems. I know that this one's a little bit too big. So you can see it's better, but we'll have to fix that so we would delete those two lines again. But it looks like generally, the ingredients are fitting a little better. That's the basics. The other thing I mentioned in the last video is, you'll notice that the quality of images is sometimes quite low so we can go to display performance and make sure that's set to high-quality, and you'll see that that's nice and clean now. The last step was pretty straight forward, same as before. We're going to hit Export. We're going to name the file. I'm going to save it to my desktop, and we can use Press quality. That's always a good one, if you're going to go to print. Another important thing is, you want to make sure that you have marks and bleeds on. So we have a bleed, it's an eighth of an inch. So if we click Use document bleed settings, it knows that. Then we want to have crop marks on, and we want the offset to match the bleed down there. That's probably good enough. He could have believed marks, registration marks, colored bars, things of that nature, and in this case, I'm happy with that. This is a warning Fleming other, is over set text on these pages, so that's pretty cool. We could cancel this, go through, write these down, make sure that you adjust them on those pages. But again, at 83, the fact that you might have to edit 10 pages, is it shouldn't be too big of a deal. But in this case, I'm not going to worry about it. I'll click ''okay''. Now we can minimize this, it depends of course, on the speed of your computer, how fast. On a Mac, it'll show that bar, and then once it's gone, will have your finished PDFs here. As you can see here, this is your final PDF. Again, some of these little pages, I would've had to go through and edit properly. But I wanted to go quickly, to give you the general idea. So it's a pretty neat way to make sure that all the images are easily setup, you've got all your barcodes correct. We added an 83 page file pretty fast. It's going to be really useful moving forward for you and I think you're going to like it a lot. So we'll just go on to one more quick little video and that's it for the class. We'll see in a second. 4. Thank You!: Thank you so much for taking the class again. If you've never taken one of my classes before, at the moment, I'm basically releasing a new class every month. Something that's pretty important that I don't go over in a lot of my videos is that I've actually done quite a few classes now. I just wanted to quickly show you because if you found this class good, I've got a lot of other classes that I think you might really enjoy. Right now I'm just on my stickers one because it's the last class that's live. This class of course isn't live as I'm recording it. At the top of the class bar you're going to see my name. If you go ahead and just click that, it's going to bring you to my profile right here. Then if you go ahead and click "Teaching," you're going to see all the classes that I've taught. Right now we're working on the ninth video but I've taught eight before this. I just want to quickly go over them. Block Printing is my first class. I did about a year and a half ago. It's really new. It's a way to carve out a linoleum. It's a lot of hands-on so do it yourself, you don't need a computer at all. It's a really fun class. Definitely check it out. Halftones, a kind of self-explanatory these little dots here. You can do some really cool pop chart or pop art like Andy Warhol style. I showed you a lot of variety of different ways to do that in both Photoshop and Illustrator. Textures is the same idea. I showed you how to create your own original textures in both Photoshop and Illustrator so that you can really boost your artwork and skills. I showed you how to make it really cool pennant. My Easy Setup For Print, I talked a lot about setting up for bleed in margins and trim arcs and making sure you're settling your files up proper so that when you send them a printer, you're not going to run into any issues or unexpected problems and you're going to have some really nice printed artwork. My Pen Tool class is definitely one of my most popular and that shows you all the tips and tricks of using the pen tool. I also show you how to make a custom enamel pin which are really cool and popular right now. In the next class, it hasn't been as much of a hit, it's the Pathfinder class. I actually think it's basically part 2. When you're creating vector artwork in Adobe Illustrator, the pen tool is really important. But using shapes in the Pathfinder is really going to unlock a lot of different ways to create things,make sure they're really accurate and they turn out perfectly for you. I definitely recommend you check out the Pathfinder class. Gel Transfers is sort of like block printing as far as its really do-it- yourself. Very little computer work. Essentially you print out your own photo or artwork on a piece of paper and using a matte medium, you put it onto any surface more or wood or something like that. You can get some really cool effects by doing that. That class is only 12 minutes, so it's pretty easy and straightforward. Stickers have been going really well. It's a newer class and it's pretty obvious. It's about making stickers. I show you my workflow and exactly how I create my own custom stickers. It was sponsored by a really cool company called Stickerapp.com. They make really cheap, cool stickers, inexpensive. It was a lot of fun and it was cool. I definitely showed a lot of tips and tricks in Adobe Illustrator. A lot of my classes recently have more about Illustrator. That's it. Aside from that, you can definitely follow me on Instagram. I post fairly often but not too often. To annoy you I don't think. @Jon Brommet. I'm also on Dribbble and Behance, all the social media and Twitter so on. Lastly, you can check out my Etsy shop or just search jonbrommetetsy.com. You see I've got a lot of this stuff for sale. I've got sticker packs, pins, lots of different types of pins, patches, block prints, wood laser engraved stuff, prints, lots of different things and many things constantly related to there. It also recently lowered my shipping. So it's quite inexpensive no matter where you are in the world. Thanks so much for taking my class. Checkout all my things on the Internet and as always let me know what you think of the class and what you'd like to see me do in the class on the future. Thanks so much and we'll see you soon. 5. A Message From Future Jon: Wait, one more thing, I'm adding this, this is future Jon Brommet talking to you. I hope you enjoyed the class that you just watched. Some of these classes have been recorded a few years ago. I just wanted to give a little up to date on what I'm doing now. You can see that I've put out a ton of classes potentially from the class that you just watched as you may have been watching one of my older classes. If you go over to my profile, you can click it somewhere on the Skillshare website or go to skillshare.com/jonbrommet. It's spelled just like that with no h, just J-O-N. You'll see here I've got things broken down in my newest classes. This may even look slightly different for you because I'm putting out classes once a month. Right now I've got my most popular classes, illustration, efficiency in Illustrator, Photoshop stuff, and then all of my other classes. Make sure that if it's not already selected, you click See More to see the rest of it. So many different classes, I hope you guys will be inspired to learn lots more and hopefully you enjoy my classes and want to see more. If that's not enough, I'm at jonbrommet on Instagram, so you can check out my Instagram as well to know what I'm doing and I post all my new artwork there and of course let you know when I'm doing new Skillshare stuff. I've started a YouTube channel where I put short videos that are instructional. I obviously advertise with my Skillshare class, but short videos that I can't really put a whole-class out, I put it here on YouTube. I even do things like have conversations with other teachers, like Tabitha Park, plan to do that stuff more often. If you head over to jonbrommet.com, I've newly updated my website. I have a digital shop where you can grab my procreate brushes or other things like that. On top of seeing at my different portfolio elements and things like that, I've also got a Etsy shop, which I'll click here and it would open this. You can buy all of my pins and different art things that I've created and I will ship them to you from me. I've gotten them all produced here in my home and they look awesome and I know that they're cool. I just recently started a Threadless shop which you could click here, of course this is about Skillshare and contact, everything's linked from my website. This new Threadless shop has all my merch that can be printed on demand on a really weirdly wild variety of things, like I don't know, let's just click one of these things here. It's going to open a t-shirt, but let's just say maybe instead of a t-shirt, you wanted I don't know, you want? A duvet cover or shower curtains. Why wouldn't you want those things? I don't know. Anyway, I've got lots of different things going on. If you like what I'm doing and please check out more of that and I'll keep making more things. Thanks everyone. Bye bye.