Drawing for Kids: How to Draw Cute Cartoon Pets! | Em Winn | Skillshare

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Drawing for Kids: How to Draw Cute Cartoon Pets!

teacher avatar Em Winn, Teacher, Art Instructor, Artist

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction and Supplies Needed for This Course


    • 2.

      How to Draw a Cute Cartoon Kitty Cat


    • 3.

      How to Draw a Cute Cartoon Fish in a Fishbowl


    • 4.

      How to Draw a Scotty Dog


    • 5.

      How to Draw a Cute Cartoon Bunny Rabbit


    • 6.

      How to Draw a Cute Cartoon Puppy Dog


    • 7.

      How to Draw a Hamster


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About This Class

Are you looking for beginning drawing lessons for your child?

Would you like an experienced teacher guiding your child through the drawing process?

Drawing Cute Cartoon Pets lessons may be just what you are looking for! Designed with beginners in mind, these drawing lessons are perfect for ages 5+. The teaching process used is a kid-tested, step-by-step method that will both inspire and delight your child into drawing action! The process involves organizing shapes and lines together until a recognizable outcome is achieved.

As your child works his/her way through the lessons, he/she will discover that they may then apply the knowledge they gain through each lesson to create unique masterpieces of their own. Drawing Cute Cartoon Pets lessons are designed to give young children the tools they need to begin their artistic journey into self-expression, reflection, and creative thinking.

Let's start Drawing Cute Pets!

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Em Winn

Teacher, Art Instructor, Artist


Hi. My name is Em Winn and teaching art to children is what I love to do! I pride myself on creating dynamic, meaningful, and engaging art lessons that are taught in a relaxing and joyful way. I have over 20 years teaching experience in the elementary classroom and in the art studio, and I feel that I have a good grasp on how to create a learning environment that makes children feel happy, motivated, confident, and successful. Let the creative fun begin!

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Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction and Supplies Needed for This Course: Hey, friends, how are you? I hope you're having a great day today. I'd like to introduce you to my course, drawing your favorite pat step by step. In this course, we will be drawing some really cute critters that you might like to have as a pet. Before we begin our drawing lessons, I'd like to show you the supplies and the materials that you will need to be successful in this course. The first thing that you'll need is paper, so I just use some printer paper off of my printer. It works very well. You'll also need something to draw it. So I would suggest a pencil or a marker. This is the type of the marker that I use in my lessons. It shows up really well on the piece of paper. You could look around your house also, and you confined different items that you could maybe color with and draw with. Here are some markers here, some colored pencils and here some crowns. If you have these around your house, they work very well. Also, please continue watching this video to see the examples of the pets that were going to draw in this course. 2. How to Draw a Cute Cartoon Kitty Cat: Hi, friends. How are you? I hope you're having a great D today. Today we will be creating a cat sitting on a rug. So let's get started. The first thing that you want to do is make his face. So that is the letter you that's a little bit squared off the bottom. So there, too kind of slight angles right here. Now we're going to come out and down from each side to make his ears, so we'll be making straight diagonal lines coming down and then we'll close those up with a straight line. The next thing that we're going to do is we're going to put some small triangles inside of each year. The next thing that we're going to do is we're going to create our cat's eyes. Now. Cats don't have super round eyes like this. There's are more almond shaped. So the way that I make those is like this. I make a curved line, a curved line, and then I closed those curve lines up with more curved lines inside For the iris of the cat, I make two more curved lines and then I make a straight line for his pupil so curved line, curved line and straight line for his people. Sometimes I even like to double up that line, so it's a little bit thicker. The next thing I'm going to put it, or a few dots at the top because cats have little hairs coming out above their eyes. I'm going to make our cat and nose, and that's just a triangle. If you'd like to fill it in with color with black color with your marker, you can go ahead and do that. Or you can use maybe, like a pink color or a black with a crayon or colored pencil. Let's make a mouth. They're just a couple of days, one backwards J and one forwards J. And let's make some whiskers When I make whiskers. I like to just make straight lines, and I only usually make two or three, but you can make as many whiskers as you'd like. The next thing that we're going to do is we're going to make our cat's body, so we're just going to have a slightly slanted line coming straight down and another line coming down. Remember, this is a cat. It's a cartoon. It's not super realistic so you could make his body in the size or any shape that you like . We come down with two more lines and put some toes at the bottom. And then we repeat. Now we're going to close up the bottom part of his body, just like that for his back legs. They're just going to be some shapes that look like this coming out from, um, these two straight lines that you created earlier. And then for his tail. You can either come out from the left side or the right side, and that's just a Siri's off lines as well. Now it's really important if you do have a cat and it's an outside cat that you make sure that they wear a collar. The reason why is because we want to make sure our cat stays safe. So a color is just made with a line that follows along the chin line. And then we put a little curve line, and then at the bottom of that, you could put a shape for his tag. I like to use hearts. Alrighty, so there's our cat. The next thing that we're going to dio is we're going to create a rug for our cat to sit on . So what I'm going to do is I'm going to make a very large letter C that's on its side, says Notice. Where I started, I started right at his back leg. I came around with my curve line that looks like a upside down, see, and I stopped it roughly the same point on the other leg. Now I'm going to make another line that follows a law the first line, and then I'm going to make one more line that follows along with those two other lines. Now, if you like to add some sort of detail or decoration to your rug, you could go ahead and do that. Now I like to add dots or sometimes swirls. Sometimes lines. It's up to you. This is where you can get creative. Now let's create a floor for our cat in his rug. So basically, that's just a straight line going behind the cat. And remember, we don't go through the cat. You need to pick up your marker or your pencil so you don't go right through the cat because then there will be a line through his body. It's important that you remember to pick up whatever you're using to draw with and move it over and then continue your line on the other side. Now let's make a baseboard for the wall and then you know what you can dio. If you like, you can decorate the floor. You might want to make some lines for a wood flooring. This is always a cute thing to Dio, so I like to make diagonal lines coming down. So I come down this way. Oh, jump over the carpet just like that. And then if you'd like to decorate the background of your cats house and you can do that as well, you can put some dots around. Maybe I'll do that. I like to use dots a lot because they can fill up a lot of space in a very short period of time and they look super cute. So this is a fun and easy way to create a little bit of detail in the background. Here we go. How do you do you like that? I hope you liked it a lot. I'll see you next time by 3. How to Draw a Cute Cartoon Fish in a Fishbowl: Hey, friends, how are you? I hope you're having a greedy today. Today we will be creating a fish in a fish bowl. So let's get started. The first thing that you'll want to dio is you'll want to make two lines that are parallel to each other. Parallel just means that the space between them is equal. After you make those two lines, then we're going to close them up with the backwards letter C and a forwards letter seat. That's going to be the rim, um, are fish bowl now We're going to actually make the fish bowl right here, and it's going to be a big, round, upside down sideways letter seat. After we do that, let's put our fish full on a table. So this is the table that are fish balls going to go on. Let's make it so. It has a little bit of wood because there are some tables that are made out of wood. And then let's go back up to a fish bowl. Let's put a fish indoor fish bowl before we do that. Let's put a little bit of sand in the bottom and even put a few little dots there to represent the sand. And then right here, let's put our fish. So the way that I make a fish might be different than the way you make a fish. I like my fish to be very simple, so I make a straight line for his tail, the back of his tail. Then I come down and I come around and I make a shape that looks like this. It can get a little bit tricky, so you might need to practice it. So again, make a straight line. Then you come down with a curved line, you come back up, come around, get a little bit skinny and then you close up at the tail. I like to put a couple of lines here for a little bit of detail. And then I like to make a really big I for my fish, a giant I I like to give him a fin so he can swim around and maybe even have been on the top and then for his mouth. Sometimes I make a smile for his mouth, but I have What I really like to do is make some fish lips just like that. If you'd like to add some decoration to your fish, like some squiggly lines or some swirls or some dots. That's always a good idea. You can even down here, make some little toys for your fish to play with, or some areas that your fish can go in and out of up here in the background. You would also be a really good idea. If you'd like to put some decorations or some detail, I'm going to leave that up to you. So I hope you enjoy this lesson and I'll see you next time by 4. How to Draw a Scotty Dog: Let's get started on our next drawing project. We're going to be making a Scottie dog today, so let's get started. First thing that we're going to want to dio is we're going to want to make a slightly slanted line that's going to be the top of our Scottie dog's nose attached to this. We're going to make two years, and they're going to be upside down these. Then at the end here, we're going to be putting our nice around. NOS coming down from this knows we're going to make a slanted line like this. So it's slanted, and then it curves down just a tiny bet. Now, at this point, we're going to come up a little and then we're going to come back like this. This is going to be the little beard area for our Scotty dog Now what we're going to do is we're going to come down at a slight angle and then another ankle coming this way. So we're moving towards the dog with a slight angle line and then a little bit away from the body of the dog. Now what we're going to do is we're going to move back to the back of our dog, and we're going to bring this line down just a little bit more, and then we're going to make a straight line going back. We're going to go up and down, and when we're going down, we go way down. We go so far down that we go approximately the same length as this other initial first line . So can you see that our dog is starting to take shape? Here's the head. Here's the back. And here is the tail. So now we're going to make his legs. And so we're going to make a line. We're going to make a line up. We're going to make a line down, and then we're going to do the same thing with this other front leg, so they're a little bit boxy legs. Okay, this is a cartoon. It's not realistic. So we're just wanting to get the general shapes. So we come over a little bit, we come down, go over, we go, Uh, we come down and then we go over. Do you see how I did that? That was a lot of lines, wasn't it? So let me go over that again. So we go over across for the Tommy and then we come down and then we come over and then we go up and down with an upside down V, and then we go over to close up that last leg. I know it's a lot, but I think you can do it now. Let's go back to the front of our dog and let's make an I remember this is just the side of the dog. We're not seeing the dog, uh, from the front, so we don't see both sides of his face. And then let's put a collar on her dog. That's really important to have a caller, just in case our dog gets out of the yard. We can even put a little tag on her dog. If you have room, you can even put a name in there or a letter or a shape. Now let's create a background for our dog. I'm going to start with a straight line Ah, horizon line and I hit my dog. I come up, I move over across and then I go back to the other side. Remember, when you're making your lines, you never go right through your your object, whatever it is, if it's a flower or a dog or a cat, and then this dog likes to play. So I'm going to make him a ball. And then I think I'm also going to make him maybe a bone. So to make a bone, you make two straight lines and then the number three and then the number three backwards and attach those number threes to the lines. Now you can put some, maybe sprigs of grass to fill up the rest of the space. If you'd like to make some flowers or just some lines, that would be fine as well. It's up to you. Maybe I'll even put a little bit of decoration on this ball right here. Maybe a star. Here we go. I think for the background I'm just going to make some clouds. Maybe one smaller one over here. Maybe one here in the background, maybe even one up here. One over here. If there's something else that you can think to add to your drawing at this time, go ahead and do it. This is your artwork. So it should look the way that you want it to Look. I hope you enjoy this lesson. Well, See you next time. 5. How to Draw a Cute Cartoon Bunny Rabbit: Hey, friends, how are you? I hope you're having a great day today. Today we're going to be making a bunny rabbit. So let's get started. Let's go about 1/3 of the way down your paper. We need to make sure that we meet leave enough room for his ears. So we want to go down a little bit further than sometimes we do with other animals. So what we're going to do first is we're going to make a large curved line like this. This is going to be the top of our bunny's head now, coming down. We're going to make a straight line in a straight line and then a slanted line in a slanted line, and then we're going to close that up at the bottom. Now we're going to go back up to the top, and we're going to make some years. Remember, bunnies have very long ears, so we're going to make a curve line coming up and a curved line coming down. A curve line coming up in a curve line coming down inside of those lines were going to make some other lines, like this curved lines, just to give it a little bit more detail. Now let's work on our bunny's face. Are Bunny's face is pretty simple. We're just going to make some wide set eyes wide set just means that they're pretty far apart. Remember, this is a cartoon. If there's a differently that you like to make your bunny eyes, go ahead and do that. Now we're going to make Hiss knows, which is a little bit of a triangle, and you could fill that in with color if you like, and then make a straight line down so his little mouth has talked under his chin. Let's make the bunny body now. We don't have a lot of room. At least I don't on my piece of paper. So I'm going to make his body pretty short and a little bit chubby, and that's just fine with me. You might have more room down here at the bottom, so just do what you like to do with your bunny body. So I'm going to make a straight line coming down and a straight line coming down, and then I'm going to make some feet for my bunny and legs. So two lines for the legs and some toes, so lines and then toes at the bottom. And then I'm going to close up the bottom of my bunny's body. I'm going to put some back legs here. We don't see them a lot because there behind his body and I want to remember his fluffy tail just like that. I think I'm going to go back up and add some whiskers for my bunny. Forgot to do that earlier. Oh, he looks really cute. All right, The last thing that I'm going to do is add a little bit of a background. I like to see a background with my pictures, but if you want to just keep your bunny like that, that's okay. I'm going to get you started on a background. Let's put a little line here, hop over my bunny and then finish up my line here. That will show that the bunny is sitting on some ground like some dirt or some grass. Whatever you'd like. I think I'm going to add a little bit of grass right here. I think I might even add a carrot over onto this side. Let me show you how I make a carrot. I make a tiny line and in a really long V attached to it and then on top. I just add some spiky grades and you can even put some lines in it for detail. If you'd like, I might even add a little bit more grass here. Maybe even here. You can put flowers. You can put ladybugs. You can put different types of insects. It's completely up to you. You know what you can also do? You can also fill in the background up here with some clouds. Maybe. Ah, son, it's totally up to you. I hope you enjoy this lesson. I'll see you next time by 6. How to Draw a Cute Cartoon Puppy Dog: Hey, friends, how are you? I hope you're having a great day today. Today we will be making a puppy dog in his doghouse. So let's get started. The first thing that you want to do is go pretty close to the top of your paper and you're going to make a dot right in the middle. Do you see that dot I made Doesn't have to be a big dot It just could be a small dot From this dot we're going to go down with a slanted line, although almost all the way to the end of your paper and down with the slanted line almost to the end of your paper. Now we're going to put a straight line down a straight line down, and then we're going to come back up like this and come back up like this so we have a roof for our dog house. The next thing that we're going to do is we're going to make the walls of the doghouse, So you're going to make a straight line coming down and another straight line coming down Now what we're going to do is we're going to close at the bottom of our dog house. Now we need to make a door so we can actually see our dog that's going to be inside of our dog house. So to make your door to your doghouse, I would suggest that you make it pretty large. If you make a tiny little doghouse door, then your puppy is going to be have to be very, very tiny. But if you make it, let's say about this size. This is my upside down you. Then we'll be able to see your puppy inside. So that is the door to your doghouse. Let's before we add our dog. Let's add a little bit more detail to our dog house. Maybe we can put a bone up here a top, so you make two straight lines and then a backwards number three and a forwards number three. And then you can put the name of your dog inside of here so his he will know whose house this belongs to. So let's say your dog's name is rough. You can write the word rough in here. Well, that's a cute dog meat, All right, The next thing that we're going to Dio is we are going to create our dog. So inside this doghouse, we want to make sure that we stay inside these lines for our dog. We're going to make our dog pretty big in this space. Let's make a letter you for his face and close up the letter You at the top with a curved line. Let's make some floppy years, which are Letter Jay's forward and backwards, and let's take a look at his cute face. Let's make some wide set eyes. If they're different eyes that you like to use and you like to draw for your dog, go ahead and do that. Let's make him a nose. I like to make just a straight line with a you underneath and then I like to fill it in and then online coming straight down, his mouth is pretty much tucked under his chin. Here we could make some little dots that represent his whiskers, and then what we can do is make his body so we could make a curved line here, going almost to the bottom, but not quite. And then another curve line and for his feet, we're going to makes two lines coming down, and then his paws. Remember, this is a cartoon, so it doesn't need to be too realistic. Let's close up his body and then for his back legs. We're just going to have shapes that look like this. So they're curved lines and they're attached to this initial curved line that you make. We can make a tale, maybe even with a little patch of white at the top. And let's remember to put a collar on her dog that is very important, just in case he gets lost. See, you make curve, line another curve line, and then you could make a tag at the bottom. If you have room, you can even write your dog's name in the tack. I don't really have room. I think I can fit the letter R, though. All right, I'm gonna put just a little bit of decoration, little bit of detail on his color. Now we'll want to make a little bit of a flooring on the bottom of his doghouse. So the way that you do that, if you choose to do this part, is you make a straight line coming across, jump over his body and then start your lineup again and then it'll look like he's sitting on the floor. All right, let's see, What else can we dio? Let's add a little bit of detail to our dog house. So the way that I add detail to a doghouse I like to think of a doghouse is being made out of wood. So what I'm going to Dio is I'm going to lightly make some lines like this going to lightly make some lines like this. It's not a solid line remembering jumping over that space air we go away across and all the way down. Almost done. There we go. Now it looks like my dog houses made out of wood. If you'd like to put your doghouse onto some grass, just make a line here a line here. If you want to give your dog a toy or a bone or a treat, you could make it down here. Maybe even a little ball for him to play with. And then if you'd like to make some lines that represent grass, that's always a good idea. Now, here in the background, you could put a son you can put a moon think I like to put a moon, actually, so it's a capital letter C and then we close it up and that could be a moon. And then we can even put some stars around our moon in our sky. That's actually a really cute idea. Here we go. What do you think? I hope you had fun with this lesson and I'll see in the next video by. 7. How to Draw a Hamster: Hey, friends, how are you? I hope you're having a great D today. Today we will be creating a hamster. So let's get started. The first thing that we're going to do is make our hamsters head and face, so you'll want to make a shape that looks like this. It's a little bit thicker at the bottom than at the top. So these air his chicks right here. And as we know, hamsters like to store things in their geeks. So we're making these cheeks a little bit bigger than the top of his head. Let's put some small ears of roundish on our hamsters. Had those air just upside down use followed by smaller, upside down use on the inside. Let's put a little bit of hair at the top of her hamsters head. Let's make some eyes for our hamster. They have small little beaut IES. Let's make a small nose for hamster, a little triangle that we fell in and a little tiny mouth. So a J and another J. And then let's put a you underneath and that could be his little tongue. We can make some little cheeks right here, and if you'd like to make some whiskers. Go ahead and do that. Justin Curb lines coming out from the area close to his nose. So that's our hamsters head. Now let's make his body so his body is pretty round. So let's go around like this. Maybe a little bit flat on the bottom. Come around like this and hook up at the bottom. Let's make a little time area and some hands. So I just like to make my hamster hands coming down like this for his arms and then his fingers coming straight down and fingers and then for his feet. Let's just come out from the bottom, just like that. Now we can put a background for a hamster. We can have a baby in a cage. A lot of people keep their hamsters in a cage, but let's make this one a wild hamster. If you'd like to make your hamster in a cage, that's perfectly fine. But I'm going to put mine outside, so I put some grass down at the bottom. I have a line here. Once I get to my hamster, I jump over my hamster and I start my line on the other side. Maybe I'll put a little bit of grass for some detail, keeping one right here. Right? I think I'll put some clouds in the sky. You know, like to make clouds like this just simple and fluffy. If you can think of a different way that you'd like to make a cloud, you can go ahead and do that. Or you know what you can do. You can add different things, like butterflies or birds, whatever you'd like. This is your artwork. Anyone more small cloud up here. Sometimes I look at my artwork and then I decided that I'd like to add something and I just go ahead and do it, like right here. I feel like I want to add a little bit more grass. Alrighty, friends. I hope you like this lesson. I'll see you next time.