Drawing exercises: Linear Perspective step by step | Milan Glozić | Skillshare

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Drawing exercises: Linear Perspective step by step

teacher avatar Milan Glozić, Painter, illustrator, Designer

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      01 Introduction to the class


    • 2.

      02 Few things about perspective


    • 3.

      03 Exercise 1 - freehande perspective drawing


    • 4.

      04 Exercise 2 - perspective drawing, part I


    • 5.

      05 Exercise 2 - perspective drawing, part II


    • 6.

      06 final words


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About This Class

Hello everyone, and welcome to another drawing exercise class.

In this first class about perspective we'll talk about the most important concepts and techniques related to. We’ll see what artists have used for centuries and make projects that will help you understand what you're seeing and transfer it on paper with greater clarity.


Create a strong foundation for your perspective drawing process and from there make art that your friends and family would love to see on their walls.

  • Gather up materials such as pencils, erasers and rulers. Set up your workplace and start practicing.
  • Make simple exercises to warm up and start drawing.
  • Learn things about perspective and how it is helpful in order to create great drawings.
  • Experiment with one point perspective
  • See how to use construction lines to make one point perspective buildings.
  • Use erasers to further enhance the look of perspective drawing.

Start making drawings with confidence of a professional draughtsman.

Learning the basics of drawing is a great way to improve artistic toolbox. Works you crate can become a great part of your creative career or a passionate hobby. They can be sold as originals or as prints. Also, they can be excellent choice for a present or a decoration for your home. Finally, you can use them as a reference for a painting done in some other medium. The choice is up to you.

Creating something out of nothing is a very satisfying and in time you’ll achieve more and more confidence in your artistic process. In this course we’ll cover much of it and split it up to easy to follow steps that can only benefit your work, whether it's in graphic design, illustration or painting.


Meet Your Teacher

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Milan Glozić

Painter, illustrator, Designer


Milan was born in Pozarevac, Serbia in 1979. From a very early age, he got interested in drawing comics, painting nature, and inventing games that he could then play with his brother and sister. He graduated from the University of Fine and Applied Arts in Belgrade in 2003.

He works predominantly in the medium of traditional painting, but his art includes digital illustrations and book covers. He has had solo and group shows in Belgrade at the Progress Gallery, the National Gallery in Pozarevac, "In the Face Labyrinth" exhibition in Amsterdam at Arps and Co Gallery, and many more. Also, he is a Top-level designer at the 99Design platform where he made various book covers and illustrations for publishers and clients across the world.

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1. 01 Introduction to the class: Hello, everyone and welcome drawing exercises class. My name is Melanie rt. Trick painter and illustrator with more than off more than 10 years of experience in teaching and breakfast nights. In this first last perspective will talk about the most important concepts and techniques related to it and see how artists have used it for centuries and make projects that helped understand what you're seeing and trust weight on paper with greater clarity. Knees the main focus of the class or linear perspective that close plus user, artistic abilities and managements will enjoy learning about it. For others, believing that part should be all about emotions and continuity. Just a quick reminder. Even Van Gogh went to great lengths to learn perspective and get the knowledge that free his expressive in its. So if you would like to learn more about perspective, drawing the new test and the next video 2. 02 Few things about perspective: perspective is a big topic covered in just one class. So I decided to divide it into a couple of classes. With this on here, you'll find out basics of perspective. For one thing, see how it's divided couple off other sub categories and see how artists in the past it's use it and how it became such a powerful tool today. Finally, we'll make projects that will set you on your way to full understanding for perspective. So I started their two main groups of perspective. We have a non linear perspective. Let's talk. Les just mentioned them and Lena perspective. It will be the goal lower class. So if you're talking about only a perspective that three first to an overlap and manipulations off clarity, off edge value or car create the illusion off special depth. There are two types off this perspective. Atmospheric and core perspective. Atmospheric perspective. It is when you're like this, lights and Dr Stocks are in the foreground on As the distance from the viewer increases, the difference between light and dark riders decrease. The air that surrounds us has density, and further away you look more. That then say is between you and what's your sink until in distance, objects of fades, color of the sky. Second type of perspective is color perspective, and that's when the closer toe the viewer, an object is warmer. It heats, colors will be and further way viewer. The cool of the Colorado all perspective happens because of the sky's blue and as you look into distance or of that blue is between you and what you're saying. It was an object in distance to cool down. Divers off normal color perspective occurs at sunrise and sunset, when the sky can be composed off warm or even hot cars. This called the subjects in the background to take one that warm sky color and objects and foreground Toby call, or at least just their shadows. Opposite toe non linear perspective. There is a linear perspective, and that's what will be rests on this class on, you know, perspective, us vanishing points in lines, off conversion to give a picture space and death, you know, respectively, isn't something you to experience it every day, but you're walking down the street or staying home, becoming conscious or what to understand it to it will be invaluable in helping you have learned to drop. But before we want projects, let's take a quick look in the past and see how linear perspective came to be, at least for the Western world, at least. The Book of optics written, written work, Oven Arabs, Color Even Know Higham and translated into Latin in the late 12th century, then later into other European languages, quickly became a foundation for development off linear perspective in Europe, Lauren said. Liberty on the Run sounds foreign time who will design the ornate doors depth Street next to the warmer, excited this scholar frequently and was one of his greatest admirers. Still, it was his colleague and competitors. For Filippo Brunelleschi was generally created is being among the first to demonstrate how linear perspective worked in one of his paintings that is, fortunately lost. Now he was ableto demonstrate the perspective and show how it could work in pain. So seeing this slight holding up panel and pressing hold one I holding a mirror with the other hand there your could seek the paintings, reflections and that way, standing in the cathedral's away to check painted illusion against real world this knowledge that they created Italy and other countries spread across Europe and influenced many other artists to think about perspective on a new one. Excitingly of the door. Just name one great. It turns, works on the subject and take great toe, others to fall. That helped, you know, perspective to become an essential part of education for artists not just in Europe but around the world as well. And would maintain and during presents, perspective depends on fixed milkers or, if you develop similar, still looking through the viewfinder camera and position off that unmoving I in drawing is called station part. That is the point where you look at things and seen from your perspective. Another key concept in your perspective is the horizon on. That's where the sky, an Earth I was appeared to meet. Eye level s eye level is elevated. The horizon follows that, then rises and a ground plane appears to be increased in size as the eye level lowered. The horizon follows the ground, and the plane becomes for short. There are basically three types of perspective about linear perspective on that 1.2 point three point perspective, and to understand all these things rise, implying station point stuff like that used Mason Contact Unit on that, this block about it. In one point perspective. We see the face off a block peril toe the picture plane and all the horizontal edges receding away from us in the AG rose that would appear to meet at the single vanishing point in two point perspective, the faces off the block are angled away from the picture plane. Theater of the block is closest to the picture plane and the address of the block. Planes appear to converge toe different points, one right and one on the left. Three point perspective. Describe situation where the line of sight isn't parallel to the plane that is, we're looking up or down. In addition to right and left Vanishing Point, 1/3 point placed below the object and produces a sensation off looking down or 1/3 point placed above results in a sensation off. Looking up in one point perspective, there are three main kinds of lights. Result persons. The lines described wit, vertical distract high and the Agnos describe the death and to better understand all the theories discussed previously, now let's take a look at some most famous examples that will help. I've got better picture off my perspective. Connection in loner This last supper results falls and verticals described the front plane off the table, and diagonals describe its depth, height and what with all the wall in the back are described again by horizontal and verticals, and depth of the room is described by the egos. The finishing point is located them Jesus right eye, and if you remember, the horizon is a function off. I level off the viewer, so our i is that the same height and students is making us feel that we are in the same room in refills. 16th Century School of Athens, The Horizon Invention point our bit lower and coincide with two central figures. Plate on left and aer stuff wound, right? So we're looking up at them, you know, for example, we see a painting off yet repetitive cappuccino Christ giving the keys to ST Peter's. He's he's let's say, just represent the power to forgive and share the word of God. And in this image from system Chapel Horizon and managing points are a bit higher. So we are looking down on the figures that are in the foreground. And as you go further away from that first people, that illusion is less unless obvious, all the way through the background, where we see the objects and buildings that are more lower, just below the horizon. Klein end up edges are above, and in the next video we'll start with their own projects, so see you there. 3. 03 Exercise 1 - freehande perspective drawing: now, before we start drawing slow, cooked the materials that will be using our recommend using different mechanical pencils. 0.5 millimeters your 0.7 millimeters with different kinds of hardness. Of course, pencils can be next, and I stressed using H pencils for construction lines and some be pencils for finished finish finishing line for finished drying. And if you use these pencils, you can use pencil sharpener or utility knife to sharpen them as you will need a pointy. Just razors are next, like you see, needed the racer and resist with different kinds off hardness. Their sites will be good for erasing. This can't drink. But before we go into drawing like you see I and have on exercise on a different kind of paper, so I can just make my hand easier. So delivered these kind of straight lines enough that cutting staple in tow, a square form. It's just in the ruler. You will need only for that part and fold the paper in half and just mark the middle. Do that with other side as well. So this where you have are vanishing point on the horizon line that will be on it using the H so that will be later. It's are easier to erase, and that's why I'm using for the sexualized, creating the horizon that's said earlier, laced with sky. And it's I'm using other pencil just to mark left and right off Vanishing Point thoughts. Then I connect. We're intervention points, touching people. All those goes off to lines together, right? And then you can start toe measure how big the block will be, or that front sight block, and you'll repeat the process now that we have rice and can connect the dots and make the line that it will be above the present like you see on the image of the top left corner and make another line that will be beneath the Christ old. Both of these lines are the same distance on in the next step. What we need to do is to measure the ice off that distance from the horizon toe line that he's above the horizon and make four increments toe the left and four increments, right with same distance that will help us. Finally, it our 1st 2 blocks that is done go to the second in commit to the right and make a vertical line, then go toe fourth, but that we created on the horizon and make a block to the right and then another left. If you want to create side planes for our two blocks, well, for their steps, measure the distance between the first increment and the second and make midpoint and then divide that into 1/2. So midpoint between first committing the second and second include that way you have side planes off block now connect the corners off the blocks, toe vanishing point. But remember, not toe touch. The vanishing points will have many lines, and you will later lose the vanishing point. So if you're drawing side planes on touch finishing, point us in the direction of the vanishing point. Now let's read the front planes off the blocks below the horizon about losing the ruler. Rely on the edge off your paper on. Make this marks that will help you guide your hand and make making straight lines benefit you whenever you. But you want to draw that feeling off line. No, and we have using again that implementer in the horizon line and the line that is above the horizon make addition. Look, and then we're gonna of the debt you gonna make. I drink a block. Look, I loathe. I trained one point and stuff to that. No, this is the left right side, plain and upside plane. I'm going to do the same. You had a block on the other side. Said earlier. Untouched. Vanishing points. We'll help you later. So always know where it were. Debt. Twenties. If you touch it and go on, make lice through entry point. You may actually have a lot of mess. Trump. Based on that blocks that are above making all other lines late have the same height. After that, we have to make up. And maybe you can just flip the paper and work again. Same process. As for thank you. Look, Russ is basically same looks that below the uprising client. Just in this case, we see side plane and the blood complain off that block, and it's good to think toe. Repeat these things. That's why this exercise I think it's good makes this muscle memory for your brain. So you, by exercising and repeating certain steps, you exercise and gain like that knowledge that will help you in any other situation is a simple shapes, but based on this simple shapes, you can actually make any other shape. If you know future, do it. No, we have our planes and we're gonna make the center blocks. I left again. That would be easier part. Oh, we have blocks on the left and right side, so it will be easier for us to create. You see image diagram. That's upper left corner. So you can, Maybe better. I'm doing great. Now we have all the lines based on the price. And remember that data tells us how. What's with look? And we already have a result. Lines served up into bottom face book, and you also have blinds that welcome and look besides playing off our blocks. And, of course, every now and then measure and see if you have done it wrong. Make the correction on the way racer. It's better race stuff early because mistakes can and they go on notice. It can make other problems later on this measure I not use rulers make observations on eyeball it tryingto make your eye mawr trained for like respect. We're making bottom and top planes off remaining blocks and, as you see our central block, situated in such a way that we, if it's opaque, object way, cannot seeded none off other sites of this block. After all, the construction lines are heated. I use softer and so to be or B and go over all the lines, all the construction lines. So that will be basically one of the last steps that we make for this project a slightly touch and then make diagonal lines, tapes and stuff to Rush Racer everyone that you for and then race older remaining lines and with the needed racer just that the lines that are inside cubes, they would be lighter. We would have a sense of perspective to finish this project. Let's sum up one point. Perspective features to draw what any kind of object running these blocks used. Horizontal strict dress with articles to write and the agnus converting to eventual point step. In one point perspective. All block like objects reveal a front plane parallel to the picture plane and opaque objects treading the horizon. Three. Real neither top nor bottom plane objects below the horizon. They were revealed a tough plane and objects about the horizon about play, Object to the right Vanishing point reveal right sides and objects left off Mention point All right side objects on a vertical axis straddling the vanishing point revealed no side points aside, plane s brain get closer to vanishing point. They appear more for short Este move away They appear like one. And finally, one point perspective looks most naturalistic when drawing tried to close to eventually and when objects are placed too far away from finishing point, they begin. Mr. I hope this project helped you learning and figuring out perspective. At least the first steps and we can move. Learn next brunch. 4. 04 Exercise 2 - perspective drawing, part I: in any complex perspective drawing. There are a number of points to keep in mind. So before you go on with their next project, let's take a look at some. For example, it's common toe. Generate many construction lines. It wouldn't be included in the finished drawing. Parted. The craft involves managing all these lines so that the drawings hasn't turned into jump in the construction line. Light and thin. Keep in mind till that small inaccuracy and measurements become exponentially problematic as thes kinds of drawing and fault. Take your time and try. If something doesn't line up race and then ritual, doing so will save you time in longer. Finally, you need to learn to manage your graphite, which can easily get picked up by the sides of your hands, roars on the radicals periodically, and if anything is dirty, you with a quick wash and dry our subject for destroying its similar buildings, separated by a rectangular open space. As you proceed, First building will not that its front face is made of two simple shapes, rectangle and trying. Building itself is made of two separate Williams a block or the base and the prison for the roof. It will construct all this starting, line any line into shape and then shape into volume. Although, although maybe draw things, feel insecure, really make postings out off abstract elements, and these elements are lines and shapes. So that's that. We'll start off with the baseline, measure you centimeters from departmental paper and make straight line. Find the middle point that is on the 25th centimeter and make money no as your 15 centimeters in height and make another right. This will be our horizontal line. That's fine. Mark one spot on that fifth centimeter. That will be our mansion. Point no measure our centimeters on both sides of the face. Fines, midpoint, make marks and connective points with vanishing point. Remember not to draw a straight line to the vanishing point just below that, then measure eight centimeters. Height baseline andro horizontal line connecting toe the egg Analyze as creating a first shape are trying to later your rectangular open space on the left side of this rectangle. Yeah, sure. Eight centimeters with left in 10 centimeters in height that will be on face off first building. Make the front face of building on the opposite side measuring next the upper right corner rectangle. Just true. The vanishing point. Use a long ruler and extended all the way to the baseline and marked the place. Two lines meet. Rest is the work goes on. Connect them with horizontal high told first building. Now let's make roof but first building. Let's be eight centimeters high. Midpoint, upper site rectangle and within construction lines create. Diagnose off that tractor connect right way to meet with the midpoint of the upper site of rectangle. So vertical line on top of the rectangle and mark spot on the eighth sentence neck. That's but the corners Rectangle. There you have front face roof except side planes. Nick Corners, triangle vantage point and there you have it. Still, if I would extend, find out we have created a side of a building, and this is how make one vertical in one horizontal line on the upper left corner off the very first rectangle that made it all the way with the Wagnalls off the roof where you work , tickle meets agonal and draw a horizontal left until you cross the other diagonal spot and finished backside rectangle with vertical light Now would be the steps for creating excited roof s C in front side, the next triangles do you have after you completed the first building? You may want balls, lecture and work with the construction of the second on your own. On same step working through these steps repeatedly, love you come better and also make this kind drawing second each to 5. 05 Exercise 2 - perspective drawing, part II: now that they have front and side planes off our building, Let's see how we can create additional elements without measuring with roller. For example, that's great floors and add some windows. First, make present lines through the spot where the Wagnalls off the rectangle meat divided them to half. Second grade. The agonal construction lines off these new rectangles and add nuclear essentials from the spots where they meet. Third, connect the sports with the vanishing point and make lines on side planes. At the moment, there are many construction lines, so it's a good time to raise most of them. It's lose. You declare side plane off building, ready for the next step, and that is facing the window host. Look at the side rectangle of the building and make a diagonal construction line on the bottom left corner. Yapa right corner, now make article lines on nutrient section, that diagonal and the lines off floors that we are converging to a vanishing point. That step that is the first step in creating the space there. Put the windows. If you got to put the windows on the third floor, no problem. You fight each section off that floor. We knew the Adel's and add new construction lines going to Dimension Point before you actually start drawing windows especially, and use lined weight accordingly. Baker Line should be closer to the your and thinner for the way. Use needed razor if needed. Get the windows on the 3rd 4 certain depth. Draw more construction lines converging with vanishing point inside the window area close to the top and bottom lines. Now drop present lines from top right important right corners to previously drawn construction life upward. These lines meet and finished this part. Work with new work. Guys do the same for the remaining windows on this floor and and then move on while the floors as well. Maybe you can add the balcony or door by different things, and you'll see how fast your understanding of perspective will grow. And remember, periodically raise construction lines that you don't need to repeat the process on the building to the right, or try to a different number of windows. Here's one way how to do it first. What you have to do. Decide how many windows would you like to have? 37 then 13. It all depends on you index example, I decided to go with five. How many windows and divide left edge off the front face of building on that many parts in this case, No, these points raw construction lines according to the vanishing point and like before, make the agonal decide faceoff building, this time up, left corner to the bottom right corner. That point on the process is the same is with the buildings in the left, right? Oh, no. If you want to look like these two buildings have the same number of floors like should, then you have to erase all the construction lines that you made, with exception off the vertical lines. After that, construct four floors I did for the left side building and make the Agnew's going through each segment of the building. They would like the window this case in case the entire site. Now the process is saying this before make construction lines going toe vanishing point from top and bottom sides off windows. Work goes left and right sites finally finished, drawing the windows, erase construction lines or leave them for the next time. You need a quick reminder how to create one point respect anyway, Here is my finish showing. And now I would love to see what you come up with. Thank you for watching. And in the last video 6. 06 final words: congratulations on finishing the class, and I hope it's going to be a good addition. Drawing skills now It's your time. Create your own drawings and submit into Project calorie. I would love to take a look and help you any way that I can. You can post both work in progress and finished us anyway that you like, and I will check them out as soon as I can. Also liked this glass is leave like or review as it would be greatly appreciated. And if you'd like to see more, check out some of my other classes and drawing that you can find on my profile or on the project section of this class, so have a great time drawing and see us, Um