Drawing Cartoons for Kids: Learn How to Draw 5 Forest Friends! | Em Winn | Skillshare

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Drawing Cartoons for Kids: Learn How to Draw 5 Forest Friends!

teacher avatar Em Winn, Teacher, Art Instructor, Artist

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction to This Course and Supplies You Will Need


    • 2.

      How to Draw a Unicorn


    • 3.

      How to Draw a Koala


    • 4.

      How to Draw a Fairy


    • 5.

      How to Draw a Raccoon


    • 6.

      How to Draw a Mouse


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About This Class

Are you looking for beginning drawing lessons for your child?

Would you like an experienced teacher guiding your child through the drawing process?

This Forest Friends drawing course may be just what you are looking for! Designed with beginners in mind, these drawing lessons are perfect for ages 5+. The teaching process used is a kid-tested, step-by-step method that will both inspire and delight your child into drawing action! The process involves organizing shapes and lines together until a recognizable outcome is achieved.

As your child works his/her way through the lessons, he/she will discover that they may then apply the knowledge they gain through each lesson to create unique masterpieces of their own. This Forest Friends drawing course is designed to give young children the tools they need to begin their artistic journey into self-expression, reflection, and creative thinking.

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Em Winn

Teacher, Art Instructor, Artist


Hi. My name is Em Winn and teaching art to children is what I love to do! I pride myself on creating dynamic, meaningful, and engaging art lessons that are taught in a relaxing and joyful way. I have over 20 years teaching experience in the elementary classroom and in the art studio, and I feel that I have a good grasp on how to create a learning environment that makes children feel happy, motivated, confident, and successful. Let the creative fun begin!

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction to This Course and Supplies You Will Need: Hey, friends, how are you? I hope you're having a great day today. I'd like to welcome you to this course. This is my forest friends course designed especially for beginners. You do not have to have any experience at all to be successful in this course. I wanted to take a moment to go through the supplies and the materials that you will need for this course. The first thing that you'll need is some paper. I just use plain old copy paper off my printer. But if you have a different type of a paper that you like to use, go ahead and use that. I also like to use a Sharpie marker, but you can use whatever you have around your house to draw. I like to use the marker because it delivers a nice black line. And that's just what I like to see. You can also use a pencil and here some other suggestions on some things that you can use to draw it. You can use some oil pastels. You can use some crayons. You can use color pencils or you can use markers, or you can use a combination off all of these And after you do your drawing, you could maybe even color in your art projects. All righty. I'm excited about teaching you this step by step drawings, so let's get started. 2. How to Draw a Unicorn: Let's get started today we're going to be making a unicorn, and the first thing that you want to do is make a shape that looks like this. We have a straight line. We come down with a slightly diagonal line, we have a curved angle and then we come up back up to the top. And so the top part of our unicorn's head is going to be smaller than the bottom part. Now what we're going to do is we're going to make a horn for our unicorn, and we're going to just make a triangle at the top of his or her head. And inside that triangle we're going to make some slanted lines, some diagonal lines. And then let's put some ears on our unicorn and those air, just curved lines that are hooked together. Let's move down to our unicorns face, and we're going to make a curved line at the bottom that looks like this. And then inside this curved line space, we're going to make a little smile, and then I always like to make little cheeks on my unicorn. Concolor those in with a little bit of pink. If you'd like you don't want to put the cheeks on there. That's OK, too. Let's make some wide set eyes, and I like to make eye lashes just two or three. Now let's move down to our unicorns body. We're going to make a curve line and another curve line that's going to be our body ever unicorn. And then we're going to have two legs sticking down here in the front. So I have two lines here, and I have two lines here at the bottom of those lines and going to close them up. And then I'm going to put some small hooves at the bottom as well. Now, at this point, I can close this up right here at the very, very bottom. And then I'm going to make his back legs, his or her back legs coming out. It's going to be like he's sitting down. So we put a leg here with a huff at the bottom and a leg here with the hoof at the bottom. All right, let's make a little bit of a main coming out the side. We can't see the whole name because it's on the back of our unicorn and then a little tail coming out from the back. If you'd like to make a different type of a tail, go ahead and do that. Now my unicorn is going to be sitting on some grass. So I'm going to make a straight line jump over my unicorn, come out the other side, and then I'm going to make some little sprigs of grass coming out just to add a little bit of detail. And I think in the background I'm going to have a rainbow. So I'm going to make some curved lines just on the side corner of my paper, just like that. Do you see what I'm doing? I'm going slowly and carefully, so I do my best work. Maybe one more jump right on over my unicorn. Come out the other side. Think I'm going to put a white, fluffy cloud appear on the side to fill up the space. And then if you see anything else on your piece of paper that you would like to fill up with more drawings, you could go ahead and do that Now. Actually, I think I want to put something right here. So I think I'm going to put a small flower. So I have my stem in the middle part of my flower and then my pedals and then a little leaf there. Really happy with that? I hope you enjoyed this lesson. I'll see you next time. 3. How to Draw a Koala: Hey, friends, how are you? I hope you're having a great day today. Today we will be making a koala bear. So let's get started. The first thing that we're going to Dio is make our koala bears head, and that's just going to be a nice round circle at the top of our circle on the sides Here . We're going to make our koala bears ears now. Koala bear ears are not super around. So I'm going to kind of make him a little bit bumpy like this. I can see that How I did that, I came up, I made it a little bumpy and I came around and then I'm going to make a smaller upside down . You inside each air? No, I'm going to move to his eyes. I'm going to make oval eyes for my koala bear, and I'm going to make them wide set, meaning that they're going to be far apart on the face and the top. I'm going to put a small shine mark the reflection, Mark. Now I'm going to work on my koala bears nose. So I'm going to make a nice oval right here, and I'm going to fill that in, except for two little areas on the bottom, that I'm going to put his nostrils just very, very small, like that might even be a little bit hard for you to see. And I'm going to make a small mouth. And then I'm also going to make some little cheeks for him as well for his body. I'm going to just make it kinda rounded and watch what they do. This is a little bit different. So I come down to the middle and instead of making his body first, I'm going to make his feet first. So I come straight down and then I go over just a little bit to the left and I make a foot in the way that I make a foot is go like this. You see what I did will do to get on this side. So I go like this 123 and then they come around like this. That might take a little bit of practice, so it's like he's sitting down. So we're going to now connect his head to his foot with a curved line, his head to his foot connected with a curved line and then we close it up at the bottom. Now, for his hands were just going to come down from this line Kirm around like this. You see what I did? Come down and we curve around like this. All right? Now we can happen sitting down, maybe on the grass. So let's make some grass unit guy line me. Jump over our koala bear and we come out the other side. Maybe make some grass down here. Maybe you want up here. And then let's say that mean you'll make a little tree here, so I just come upon the side. Part of the tree is going off the page, and then this is going to be a branch right here. See how I made that letter B And then you can even put some little leaves on your tree if you like. A lot of times qualifier spent time in trees. All right. The next thing I'm going to do is make some clouds because it's a nice day out Where the koala spending some time on the grass. Maybe one here and maybe another cloud here. A small one. There were No I hope you enjoyed this lesson. I'll see you next time 4. How to Draw a Fairy: Hey, friends, how are you? I hope you're having a great day today. Today we will be creating a very so let's get started. The first thing that will want to do is we will want to make the letter you simple ahead and do that on your paper. The next thing that we're going to want to do is make her hairline. So the way that I make a hairline is I go like this. I bring up a curved line and then I bring up a curved line and then on top of here, that's where her hair is going to go. Let's go down to the middle of her face and put her eyes in her face. We're not going to make her eyes close to the top of her head. We're going to do this more towards the middle. Okay, so we have ah, curve line in a curve line with some smaller lines for some eyelashes. We're going to make a very small nose and then let's make some lips. Let me show you how to do that. You make a straight line and then you make to curve lives and then one curve flying down below. The next thing that we're going to do is we're going to make her clothing down here. She's going to be wearing a simple dress, so let's make her neck first. Just two short lines in a curve, and this is going to be her dress down here. So we're just going to have to slanted lines like this and then at the bottom, you can do whatever you want if you want to make it straight where you'd like to make it a little bit. Kirby, that's always cute for her arms. I am just going to make her arms very simple. Coming down like this from her shoulders in her hands are just going to be like this. This is a very simple very. If you'd like to make her holding a wand, you can just bring the wand out from her hand, make two straight lines, and then at the end you could put anything you want. You could put a star. You could just put a Siris of lines with some dots around. It's completely up to you. All right, let's take care of hurt legs. So we're just going to make some straight lines coming down from her dress. And then we're going to make some use at the bottom of those lines. And then some little feet, some cute little feet, those air going to be curved lines as well. Going back up to this part of her body were going to make our fairy's wings. So coming out from her shoulders, I'm going to make a curved line that swirls up at the top another curve line that swirls up at the top. And then I'm going to bring her wing back down here toe about this point. So I come down and then I hit this area right below her hand. I come down and I have to tell you, we're going to jump over this part right here. Okay? We're going to jump over the wand because we want the wand toe look like it's in front of the wing. OK, so we're going to come down, jump over that want and come in. Now let's make some smaller wings down here at the bottom, and we're going to come down with a curved line. You come down with a curved line and then we're going to close those up. He's This wing is a little bit smaller. All right, now we're going to go back up to her hair. This is the last thing that we're going to Dio. So we're going to start up here at the top and I'm grij, Make her hair long, and I'd like to have it a little bit curly at the bottom. So I'm going to come out. I'm just going to make three of these curls at the bottom. I come out from this area right here from where her part is, come down and I give it a swirl on this one I think I'm going to do for and I actually might changed my mind and do one more here. I think that looks excellent. All right. The next thing that I'm going to do is I'm going to make the background for my fairy. This is going to be a night fairy, so I'm going to make a moon and a couple of stars. So she is standing on the grass and I'm going to make the grass right here, and I'm not going to make it a super straight line. As you can see, I want it to look a little bit more natural like grass. And I remember when you go across and you hit something like her foot or her body, you need to remember it. Pick up your marker where you're drawing utensil, and then you jump over and then you start your mark again. It's really, really important. Now I'm going to put a moon at the top, which is the letter C and then close up with the smaller letter C, and then I'm going to make some stars. The way that I like to make stars is like this. I have an upside down B. I have two lines coming straight out. They come in and then I'd like to make more V's coming out from the side. So that's the way that I like to make stars. If you like to make stars a different way, go ahead and do that. I think I'll make one down here and the maybe a small one right here to balance things out . Here we go. If you'd like to draw something on the grass, go ahead and do that. Or if you see another area that you feel needs a little bit more detail. Go ahead and put it in now and then you can start to color. All right? I hope you enjoy this video. I'll see you next time. 5. How to Draw a Raccoon: Hey, friends, how are you? I hope you're having a great day today. Today we will be making a raccoon. So let's get started. The first thing that will want to Dio is will want to make an upside down u That's pretty wide. Now we're going to close that up with the shape that kind of looks like this. So we come down from our upside down you and then we come back up. Now what we're going to do is we're going to put some years at the top of our upside down you and then we're going to put some little lines that go inside of the ears to make a little bit of detail. So the ears are basically just upside down V's with smaller upside down V's inside. Now let's move to our records face. You're going to start here at this point, and what you're going to do is you're going to come down about to the middle and then stop with a curved line and do the same on the other side. Come down and then stop, and then down here a little bit further down, you're just going to make a very wide letter you upside down. It's actually a curve, the line. So that's going to be the bottom of our records mask on his face. Now let's go up and make a really large circle and another really large circle. And then inside the circles, we're going to make smaller circles. And then inside those circles at the very top of those circles, we're going to make some even smaller circles. And then we're going to fill in this part of our circle the second circle that you made. I feel bad in with your marker or pencil. And then these two little marks right here are the shine marks. Now let's make a little nose with a little shine market top and a mouth, which is a line that just comes straight down because his mouth is underneath a couple of little whiskers. And then now let's move on to his body. So for his body, we're going to start right behind this right here, and we're going to come up. We're going to come down like that. So it's almost like a giant upside down letter J and then from here, we're gonna come down. So it's about Even with this one, I might need to make this one a little bit longer. Now we're going to go, uh, down, up, uh, down, up. And then we're going to close that at the bottom of each one of these points. We're just going to put some big, long nails, so I'm just basically making lines and doubling them up, And then I'm going to come back up to the top, and I'm going to make a tale. So records have big lovey tales. So what I'm going to do, I'm going to come up and I'm going to come down like this. So the raccoons tales going to be behind him so we can't see the full tail. Let's put some zigzag lines inside of the tail coming down as far as you can, because records have straight tails. Now let's take a look. What should we do for our background? I think I'm just going to start with a line just like this. And then I think what I'm going to do is just make some grass around our raccoon, maybe even a little bit of grass right here. This is a good part where you can get creative. So just do whatever you like around your raccoon. Maybe even make a cloud in the sky or two clouds if you could fit them. Whatever you would like to dio, go ahead and do that. Right now, you'll make one more cloud. There we go. There's our raccoon. I hope you enjoyed this lesson. I'll see you next time. 6. How to Draw a Mouse: Hey, friends, how are you? I hope you're having a great day today. Today we will be drawing a mouse, so let's get started. The first thing that you'll want to do is draw a circle. After you draw your circle, you're going to make some mouse ears, so we're going to make some nice around ears. They remind me of an upside down letter C. And then inside, those ears were going to make some smaller, upside down letter sees for the inside of our mouses years. Let's move on to the face of our mouse and let's make some little oval eyes. And then at the top of these oval eyes, let's make a little curved line and then fill in the bottom thes air. The reflection marks are mouse's eyes, so when you come, that light comes down and reflects, it will appear to be a little bit white. Let's make a little nose for our mouse and a little mouth, and if you'd like to put a little tongue in there, go ahead and do that as well. Let's put a couple of low cheeks. I like to color these in pink, and then let's make some whiskers. I like to just make two or three whiskers. Not too many, All right. The next thing that we're going to do is we're going to make our mouse's body. So we're going to make a car line and a curved line, and then we're going to make some feet down here. So let's make some toes. And those are just some perv lines going up and down, up and down. And then what's close this up at the bottom? And then let's go back up to the top. We could make some hands and arms for our mouths, and one really important thing that we need for a mouse is a long tail. I like to make my mouse tail long curve ease, and then I like to double it up. This mouse is going to be sitting in the grass, so I'm going to make a line. I left my mark er up, and then I come out the other side. We do not ever want to go right through our mouths because then he'll have a line right on top of him. Let's make some grass. That's just spiky lines you want even over here. and then we could make some clouds. You want to make a son? Go ahead and do that. It's up to you. This is your artwork. So you get to do what you want to dio you make another cloud over here. Sometimes people like to put a son in the corner, put another cloud in the corner. All right. I'm pretty happy with that. I hope you enjoyed this lesson. I'll see you next time.