DIY How to build an affordable Plywood Bookcase - Basic Woodworking | Auke & Jildou | Skillshare

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DIY How to build an affordable Plywood Bookcase - Basic Woodworking

teacher avatar Auke & Jildou, Designer & Maker Architecture & Interior

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      What you need


    • 3.

      Step 1 - Guidelines


    • 4.

      Step 2 - Sawing the strips


    • 5.

      Step 3 - The height & width


    • 6.

      Step 4 - Assembling


    • 7.

      Step 5 - Guidelines


    • 8.

      Step 6 - Attaching the shelves


    • 9.

      Step 7 - Finishing


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About This Class

In this class I teach you how to build an affordable bookcase or storage cabinet you can use in your garage or living room. The challenge was to make it out of ONE sheet of plywood so you won't waste any material and it stays affordable. 

You just need basic woodworking tools and no prior woodworking experience is needed.

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Auke & Jildou

Designer & Maker Architecture & Interior

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hi, everyone. Welcome to this class. My name is Alka. I'm a Dutch designer and love to work on creative projects and ideas and love to share my skills and experience it with you. I have a big passion for smart and sustainable design, such as tiny houses, nomadic architecture and smart furniture. Dis glasses for anyone interested in building their own furniture. I came up with an idea to build a simple and affordable bookcase or cabinet I can use in my garage for storage or as a bookcase in my living room. The challenge wants to make it all, which is one piece of plywood. And this basic woodworking class will cover the steps from start to finish off. How to build a simple bookcase. I hope you enjoy this lesson. 2. What you need: what you need. As I said, my goal was to design a bookcase that you can make with just one sheet off plywood and with no cutting laws. I think it's fun to design products that are both functional and efficient and the use of its materials. Besides that, it makes it more affordable and better for the environment. I used the standard 1200 by 2400 piece of plywood with a thickness off 18 millimeters. This is the same as a four by eight with a 3/4 inch thickness. Because I'm from Europe, I use millimeters to explain two dimensions, but I will add a template with the dimensions and inches. Also tools besides Bly would you also need just basic woodworking tools, such as measuring tape, the sweet square and glue clams? Because you need to cut some large pieces of wood. A circular saw would be the best, but you can make this bookcase with a jigsaw or even a simple hand saw. If you want. You also need a Drehle. Regular routes. Cruz and wood glue Optional materials for If you want to add a nice finish, our wood filler sending paper and some paint 3. Step 1 - Guidelines: Step one, drawing the guidelines. Start with drawing the lines on the board. Why do we need these four strokes off? 275 millimeters and two strokes off 50 millimeters? You can easily do It is by grabbing a straight piece of wood or a metal strip and use it as a guide. Place the clamps to hold it in its place. 4. Step 2 - Sawing the strips: Step two song. This trips. We start with sawing the plywood board into strips. Place the guide on the board and used a glue clamps to hold it on its place. Make sure the exact centre off the saw blade because through the center off the drawn line and plays the guide on the edge of the circular saw or jigsaw. When you use a handsaw, you can just place to guide exactly on the drawn line. Great, but now you should have six strokes. 5. Step 3 - The height & width: Step three. In the next step, we're gonna make the strokes into the right dimensions. The design is made to use every part of the plywood board with no cutting loose if you wanted to, and you can use the full length off the plywood board. If this doesn't fit in your garage or living room, you can make the stroked into your preferred length, same as the with off the bookcase. Dividing the full length of the plywood board by three will result in shells off 800 millimeters. There's an example of how you can play with the dimensions to make it fit into your home. The best is to used a full board. You can lower it if you want, and still use the six ships the size in between. Shells will then be less, of course, say Mr With, if you want more shells, you can also divide two strokes into four pieces so you will end up with age shells off 600 remainders. So this gives you the choice to make a long 214 meters bookcase with eight shelves or lower it down. If you want in this class, I'm going to use the bouquets with six shelves by using the full length of supply wounds. All right are you have made a choice for dimensions. You can go ahead and saw two of the strokes into shelves. So you should have too long strokes. Six or eight shows and six or aid smaller slats. Now we're gonna place two pieces together, drill holes in the back shelves and into the slap. The best way is to use to glue clamps again. By making this small hole, she make sure the plywood wouldn't split. When you place the screws, person glue in between the two pieces an insert dis cruise in the holes. Make sure you leave one shelf and one slept behind for the top and the baseboard. So you should have five of these. So in my case, these are departs. I have I named them so you can see where they need to go. Is an overview of the parts put together 6. Step 4 - Assembling: All right, are you have made a choice for dimensions. You can go ahead and saw two of the strokes into shelves, so you should have too long strokes. Six or eight shows and six or aid smaller slats. Now we're gonna place two pieces together, drill holes in the back shelves and into the slap. The best way is to use to glue clamps again. By making a small hole, she make sure the plywood wouldn't split. When you place the screws person glue in between the two pieces and insert this cruise in the holes. Make sure you leave one shelf and one slept behind for the top and the baseboard. So you should have five of these. So in my case, these are departs. I have I named them so you can see where they need to go is an overview of the parts put together. If you want the best result, you have to take some time to draw the guidelines and you find the exact place where this cruise air gonna be. Depending on the hide off your bookcase, you draw lines at the exact place where your center for the shells are gonna be so he might . Guys. The center of the top shelf is nine majors because the total thickness on the shelf is 18 millimeters, same as the lowest shelf is 59 millimeters because the baseboard is 50 plus nine for the sender of the shelf. After that, you can divide the rest of the length by five that will be the center of the remaining shelves. 7. Step 5 - Guidelines: If you want the best result, you have to take some time to draw the guidelines, and you find the exact place where this cruise air gonna be. Depending on the hide off your bookcase, you draw lines at the exact place where your center for the shells are gonna be, so I might. Guys. The center of the top shelf is nine majors because the total thickness on the shelf is 18 millimeters, same as the lowest shelf is 59 millimeters because the baseboard is 50 plus nine for the sender of the shelf. After that, you can divide the rest of the length by five that will be the center of the remaining shelves. 8. Step 6 - Attaching the shelves: All right, Step six. Attaching to shelves. Great delights. Make it easy to find out where to insert his cruise. Start with the top and the baseboard. Make sure to drill holes before you insert this cruise so you won't Damage to plywood. Now is going really fast you can now attached to rest off the shelves. Don't forget to put some glue in between the parts Great full partner puts. Get her. One important note is that you have to attach the bookcase to wool so it stands firm and steady. 9. Step 7 - Finishing: all right. Some people will just leave it as it ISS. But what you want to make your book is really nice. You can take these steps to finish it a really easy and efficient way or finishing up the bookcase and make it look nice. This is sand away. Older lines you've drawn with your pencil a mask away. Dis cruise with wood filler When the food fillers dried up, you can sand it the last time you wouldn't see Annie's cruise anymore. After that, you can paint outside of the bookcase and seal the shelves with a transparent oil or wax. Well, then you've made it so far. I hope you like this class. I want to thank you for listening to my very first class and skill share in my next class. I'm going to show you how you can design furniture, but using sketch up combined with the beginners introduction for how to use cut ship See you next time