DIY Fabric Flowers - Upcycle Your Fabric Leftovers Into a Beautiful Flower | Anne Wolf | Skillshare

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DIY Fabric Flowers - Upcycle Your Fabric Leftovers Into a Beautiful Flower

teacher avatar Anne Wolf, fashion designer living in Mallorca

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Tools You Need


    • 3.

      Do the Pattern


    • 4.

      Cut the Fabric


    • 5.

      Emboss the Fabric


    • 6.

      Create the Flower


    • 7.

      Ways to Use the Flower


    • 8.

      Final Thoughts


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About This Class

The class shows you how to make flowers in different sizes and shapes from fabric.

Sometimes your look / outfit only becomes complete with a small accessory - a fabric flower, for example, which can be minimalistic, colorful, large, small or romantic. You can wear them in your hair or on your dress.

Or does your favorite blouse has a stain that cannot be removed - pin a little flower on it and you can continue wearing it.

Or you would like to pack a gift personally and still need a little decoration idea – use a flower!

Or you have a lot of fabric leftovers and wonder what you can do with them, because throwing them away is too bad, but upcycling is important and sustainable – let's make flowers!

I will show you how you can make a beautiful, individual fabric flower without any previous knowledge.

I have been designing and manufacturing wedding and evening dresses and accessories for 15 years. In the beginning I tried different techniques to make flowers. I fell in love with a technique that offers a lot of variations, I will introduce this procedure to you.

In this class you'll learn:

-how to do a pattern

-a test to find out the composition of your fabric (natural or synthetic)

-how to cut out the petals

-how to give our fabric a structure

-ways to use the flower

-to create a flower

I will use these materials:

fabric, scissors, paper, pencil, needle, thread, pins, cup, starch (spray starch or potato or corn starch)

Meet Your Teacher

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Anne Wolf

fashion designer living in Mallorca



my name is Anne Wolf and i live with my family in Mallorca. I studied fashion design in Berlin and graduated with honors. I worked for designers in Paris and New York and gained valuable experience. I had my studio for custom-made wedding and evening dresses in the middle of Berlin since 2006. Since 2022 I live and work in Mallorca - what a great island!

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Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Okay. Hi, My name is Anna. I'm from Berlin. I am a fashion designer in Berlin. Berlin. It's my home, Tom. I love it. That's why I stay here. I'm a mother off to I love gardening and flowers on bond A sufficiently Lina. I'm doing bridal where Since 15 years here in Berlin and all the dresses and outfits I do, They're all custom made, so they're very different. So everything you can imagine, the bright can wear elegant dresses. Romantic one was really a lot of plays. And urban outfits like a top and skirt and even special ones was, for example, like a Bettman sign in front. Everything you can imagine. And for example, when I do fashion shows and photo shootings, I like to do decorations. A lot was flowers, three of flowers and also with flowers made from fabrics like this one, for example. And now, in this, uh, my first school shitless, I would love to teach you how to make a flower like out off your leftover fabrics. And it's not complicated. It's easy. I show you, it's really easy. And I would love if you join me in this class and try to do your own flowers and show me your flowers, and I'm really clears to see how they will look when you do it. 2. Tools You Need: Well, come to my class. I'm glad you would like to know how to do a flower like this for this last you need some tools. I will show you which one for a flower like this when I do them here in my utter ye I use very old tools kind of historical towards already. I would say I show you how they looked like this I use for printing out fabric and after it's punched out, it goes into this one and the fabric gets a nice structure. OK? And before example here's another one. You see, it has this pattern and then the structure It's heavy. It's really having will be like this. Okay. But of course I know not everybody has those tools at home. I figured out a really easy way. How you can do it. The only things you need You need scissors. Ah, set up for Frederick. You need some for my left overs. You need a scissor for paper. You need paper. You need a pansa. You need You need to cup. Maybe you have different once you need to cut like this, for example. And then there's the secret ingredients and that's touch. You need spray starch or if you don't have to sit home, you could also use starch you used for cooking cornstarch, potato starch. You can use this so and it's really not complicated. I will show you. So first you get all your tools together now and then we can start and I show you the next step will be We have to make the pattern for your flower. 3. Do the Pattern: before we can cut the fabric and doing the flower, we have to do the pattern for the fabric. Let's see, for this flower, the pregnant is this size. It's about eight, I think eight and nine. Yeah, it's eight eight. Sending me just like this. Off course you can do a bigger are smaller. One you can decide for yourself. This is like five beliefs. You can do this. You can also do like four or six. Try what you like, but I stay with this one and Oh no. The paper you can use I love to use transparent paper. You can use white one you can use colored one. You can even use newspaper paper. I like trance to work with transparent paper. Before, if you were with lace, I was beverage that his apparent You can see through the paper and you know exactly where you cut. That's why I like to work with transparent paper. Okay. And that's why I use it now. But of course, you can use all the paper you find at home. First of all, you have to do a circle. Doesn't has to be perfect, but it should be round So I use a glass. Come to this one. If you measure, it's nearly the size off the flour. It's nine centimeter. That's fine. That's so cool. Run like this. Okay, now you have to go. Next step because we have five. 12345 leaves. We divide this circle into five sections. Ease. I do it kind of freestyle. But if you're more perfectionist, you can measure everything off course. So I start with the middle, and then I do one too three for fine. And then it helps of every section gets here. Little you derided again into two pieces. And now he started drawing this shape like this. Just 345 No, that's here with penalty. But leaf starts like this. Okay? That's it. Doesn't have to be perfect. You know, it doesn't have to be totally asymmetrical or anything like this, because if you look in nature, it's not this perfect. It's even nicer if it's not perfect like this. Oh, it's finished. Now you can cut it. I use this, uh, paper scissor. I also have a scissor for Frederick, But the paper I catch visit paper scissor because if you use the fabric scissors for cutting paper. It's Tufts to becoming less shop, and that's a pity. So use your papis is if you have you can dio the pattern like I show it to you know, right now. But if you don't want to do this, you can download the template I loaded up for you. It can do whatever you like, but I think it's not so complicated to do this pattern. You you can try. You can do it. Okay, that's a pet. Um, for the flower size like this, you can even do. You can also do a smaller one. I prepared one for you. Let's see this one, you see small. It only has four leaves. For example. It's smaller than this fun. This like something. It's about six centimeter. Okay, you can do a bigger one like we did something. This one, it's about 14 to 15 centimeters in the flower will be this device. So now you can decide what you like. Which one you want us that with 4. Cut the Fabric: now that we have the pedant week and cut the public. But before we can cut the for. But we have to decide what kind of for big reused. So maybe you have some leftovers from sewing or cutting anything. Or maybe you didn't alteration on your summer dress and you have some leftovers. You could use everything. Maybe. I have to tell you, if you use in synthetic fiber for a break, then it's better to use Ah, um, spray starch, you know. But if you use the natural fibre for, like silk or cotton, U. S, well can use, um, and the start you used for cooking. And if you don't know what kind of for big, what kind of file is into your fabric, you can tested. It's easy. You can try to burn a little bit and then I show you what's the difference? Okay, so I have here. I have some mood yesterday. It's a synthetic fiber, and if you get the frying here and if you see that it's kind, it's it's melting. It's not really burning. It's melting. Then if your fabric is doing this and it's a synthetic fiber and then it's better to use the spray starch because it has more strength. But if you have a natural fiber like cook fabric and you start running it, you see it really starts burning and smelling. And it's getting dark and black, and it's really like it's like ashes, so that's a different. That's how you can figure out what kind of fabric you have, because it's not always easy to when you touch. Look at the fabric to know what's inside the fabric. This was now easy one because one was totally put. Yes, that one was totally suck. Let's don't talk about the mixed fabrics. Start this, do this and then it will work. So now that we know that we work with silk, we need six layers for flour. For volume like this, so do six layers like this sick if you're pregnant. It's so nicely. I think if you're a beginner, the easiest ISS to draw around your pedant and then cut the fabric, that's much easier than putting the fabric and cut. Why did the pet on this on the fabric? So now they wanna, uh, I would put on on the public. You can use a pencil or pen. Everything, of course, you can cut off the the color from the pen so I wouldn't want and then make sure the layers don't move. So you some pins and pin the layers together. So I do like for. Then I take off the bottom. You see, I use those tolls for holding the pendulum, so I have it. Now you can cut it with your fabric on. Then, of course, you have to check if you have a more heavy fabric than it's not so easy to cut six layers than you do three and three or two to and too, you have to see how sick your for wikis. And if it's easy to cut or not, this one, it's very light. So it's OK to cut six layers. And once? No, no. They moved a little bit to take another one like this. They nearly finished. So no, I have six layers. Next step we give, um, some structures 5. Emboss the Fabric: now Then we have cut the fabric. It's the flat. But we want to give it some structure like this so that we have a nice fluffy flower. Not a flat one like this. So I told you we have two possibilities. Statue! I will show you both. Okay, first. The easiest thing is this one. The spray starch Put your you can Maybe you do it in your bathroom. Oh, so I tried to do it Here. You spray it. You a what? Turn a pennant here So they don't I lose all the layers. That's why I pin them in the middle. And I tried it. And I do this side again, you know, has to be all wet. Not totally red, but kind of. You know what I mean? And now we need the cup. I choose this one because it just like this wave I saw it could be nice from now. I put it in. Yeah, here. I wanted to be fled, and then here I like this little faults like this. I wanted to stay like this. Okay, that's the 1st 1 And now we try the 2nd 1 Stotch you can use like a teaspoon like this. That's enough. Some water in the make. Sure it's all groups. It's nice like this. You don't see the statue anymore, so it's one larger. I think it's fine. Then you take your fabric. I printed again. I think this time you can take it off. But all inside it's getting really wet, Jim. But does It has to be this, but that's too much. Then it takes days to dry, so you can take a little bit off like this, like this. It's fine in this time we can use last like this, for example, So you put your flower in, and if you want more structure, you do more. Please. You see, for example, this one I pleaded like this, and now we have to wait until it's dry. So there, different ways we can leave it on the table like this and wait. I think then we have to wait like a day, or there are about today. You can put it into the sun, and then it's depending how the sun is outside. Maybe take some hours, you can put it into the open, but don't turn it to hops that it doesn't burn. Or, for example, I put it on the ironing border on the steamer. So that's also warm and happen. Then just needs an hour or two to drive. Okay, then. No, that's right. 6. Create the Flower: Okay. Now that the Pedone s some know the fabric gets some structure. I want to show you how to put the fabric together to have a beautiful flower. We have a small one I can show you. And we have a break. One I can show you. Oh, my. Okay, really good. Nice form. Let's see. So you have all the layers for a flower and would be cool if you have like, five or six layers can be more can be less but the flowers like I do them like this one. This, for example, has six layers. Let's see how many we have here just before six ever. Great. So you take a sewing needle and some threat like this and you do in the end. So the threat should be double in the end. You do not like this, right? Then you take the 1st 1 You fold it once and you hold it again. So and then go through the fabric like this and save it. But it doesn't come. So now you go here in between and then like this. So it's really hanging here. Okay, then the 2nd 1 You fold it once No, you see here If the open side and you fold it around this like this and then you save it again, go with your needle. So both Yes, and you save it again like this next month. So let's say you six. So the 3rd 1 or you can decide for every flower you do, you take a look and you decide how many layers you want to use. So maybe the small one doesn't need six layers. Maybe six would be too much. Too much volume at sea. So now it already looks like this. I think we can add one war again. Fold it and then it goes here on the open side like this and we save it again. Girl with the you don't see with fabric and like this. See? So now the last to you put on top off each other. Or maybe just one that see how it looks. We don't do it exactly like this. You turn it a little bit you. And then was the needle goes exactly in the middle. My business. Um, but your first flower. It's a small one. So no, make sure that you catch all the layers. Yeah, maybe once or twice. Oh, no, it's a little. A little bit more to do. It's more kind of a work. Come, come, come, come. Okay. Next time I use it another Neil. Listen, I want anything here. But see, it worked out like this. Could I like it? It's a small one. I like it. And really? Sure. Now you don't have to go through all the layers because it's quite exhausting. Really Save making. Not twice like this. And if you lie, you can cut here because then you have the threat. If you want to soured on a when you're close on something else your way to sweat him. So that's the first. That's a small one. Let's do the big one. Let's see how it looks again. First, take off the layers. Let's see how many we have one too sweet 45 See? Here we did some How fun Whom? We don't need it. Six. And it's It doesn't matter the size off the flour. It's always the same. You fold the 1st 1 like this. I don't have to do this. So you know I show a tree like this right? Then you fix it, then you to 2nd 1 forward ones around. Take fabric. Then again, maybe first. Before you do the soaring, you can do it like this and figure out how many layers you want to use to see how much volume your flower should get. My thing, this can get a little more because it's so big like this. And then those true layers in the end, see if I can catch it. Okay? Like this. And then you have a big one. Okay, quit. Let's see what? 7. Ways to Use the Flower: now, Then you finished your flower. I want to give you some ideas how you can use it, as you can see here, you can use it on clothes. If it's for a wedding dress or for really special one, I would sew it on. And then afterwards, when this needs to be washed or dry cleaned, you take your flower off because you cannot wash the flower. If you, for example, have like a normal spread or T shirt and you have staying, you want to cover our if then take a safety pin and pin a two year to your T shirt like this. And then when you have to wash your T shirt, take it off and just wash the T shirt. Yes, well, you can also use it for her accessories. You know, if you make a ponytail and just put it here like this, it's also nice. More, for example. Sometimes I use it when I have a really nice present and weapons into nice paper. I put a a nice flower on top off. It makes it even nicer, I would say so. I hope this has some ideas for you. Maybe you have other ideas. I'm really curious to know about it. Let me know 8. Final Thoughts: our school. She at last has finished. I hope you have some beautiful flowers at home. Now, I'm really curious to see your pictures and let me know if you have some questions are happy to answer and help. And maybe the next time we do it last about how to color in your flowers, Give it some nice and colors could be an idea. So thank you for joining this class. And for me, it was fun. I hope you liked it too. Bye bye.