DIY colouring book pages for beginners -Part 1 Using basic shapes | Doris Charest | Skillshare

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DIY colouring book pages for beginners -Part 1 Using basic shapes

teacher avatar Doris Charest, Contemporary Fine Art Specialist and Instructor

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Intro to series


    • 2.

      The tools you will need


    • 3.

      Finding your own designs


    • 4.

      Using basic shapes to create a colouring page


    • 5.

      Using your hand to create a colouring page


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About This Class

Colouring pages are fun and easy to create.  Anyone can make them. In this section, you will create pages using basic shapes like a circle, a rectangle and use simple tools like a ruler to start your page. You get a bonus lesson when I show you how to use your own hand to create a fantastic page. Hints on shortcuts and tips to make the drawing simpler are given.

 Follow my step-by-step instructions and you will have success.  

Meet Your Teacher

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Doris Charest

Contemporary Fine Art Specialist and Instructor


Doris Charest - Biography


BED University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB

BFA University of Calgary, Calgary, AB

MED University of Alberta, AB

Mixed media is Doris' favorite favorite form of painting . She loves exploring with textures, shapes, and a more contemporary look. Nature and the world around her inspires Doris. Her love of texture won her the Allessandra Bisselli Award and a First Place in a Still Life show with the Federation of Canadian Artists in Vancouver. Look for Doris Charest's work in the American Magazine: Sommerset Studio (Summer, 2007) and British Magazine: Leisure Painter. Both feature a three pages of Doris' artwork. She won the Sylvie Brabant award in 2011 for her work in the art community. In 2013 she won First Place for he... See full profile

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1. Intro to series: Hi. Welcome to making your own coloring pages. This is an exciting Siri's. I start with very simple shapes that you can use to create your own coloring page with no experience needed for drawing. You don't even have to know how to make a simple stick, man. It's going to be so easy. And then, as we get into the Siri's, what you will have is harder and harder material. So what you're going to need to get going for this is a pencil, some paper in some basic shapes, a lid of a container, something what that looks like. A rectangle, a ruler, basic materials that you need every day that you use every day. I should say so. Just relax and see how easy this is. You're not going to have a hard time doing any of this and then keep watching and keep trying because it's this is geared for you to succeed, and it's so easy, anyone can do it. So let's watch the next section on using the tools that you need. See you soon 2. The tools you will need: So why art making art is one of those activities which I find helps me relax. The way we draw on the way we create is a self reflective practice. That means it teaches us about ourselves, and it's a mindful way of getting to know ourselves through our art. We see how we interpret the world. We're seeing how we see the world ourselves. Now what happens when you do something that's reflective and meditative and relaxing. So we're using drawing and coloring, and we observe, and we surrender to that creativity. Time begins to fly. You don't worry about the end product, and in this with the coloring pages, we won't worry about the end product because whatever we do, it'll turn out great. So when we're creating, we're forgetting all the things that are going on in our lives. We forget all the worries we have. We forget our problems, and for that short time we're creating, we relax and that's good for us. What we need to relax Here are the tools you need a pencil, a permanent marker, an eraser and a piece of paper or two or three or maybe more. Let's watch a video that tells you all about the tools. So here's an ordinary pencil, a ruler, an old calculator that doesn't work anymore. A lead and a pen. Um, well, they're actually markers. One is a kind of a micro um, liner, and you can buy those at any art supply shop or any kind of shop that sells. Writing supplies creates a fine line. Then you can get a tip that's like a brush, and it creates a larger line. Now, on the other end is a skinnier line, but again, thicker than the micro. A pencil. So again, a fat line. When you lean, your brush, those air. All the options for the writing tools now here is one done with the big tip, so it gives you a bold look. Here's another one with a bold look with lots of lines. Now here's one. Using the fine tip with the micro. A pen. Here's the bears, and that's a very fine line, and the cat is a mix. It's using the fine tip of the brush tool, the brush pan so there are lots of options on the kinds of sizes you want. So fine lines, thick lines and medium lines you get to pick 3. Finding your own designs: choosing designs, finding designs in unusual places. Designs are everywhere. It's just a matter of knowing where to look. We're going toe. Look at a quick video that shows you different ideas on where to find your designs. So here is a basic drawing, and what I'm going to do is choose, like patterns and designs that in different places from different things that I'm going to add to my actual phone. Um, drawing. I was gonna say photo, but it's actually a drawing. So I have stickers from the safely store, and they have a nice little curvy design. So in that area, I'm going to copy that design to put in that space. That's an idea for you. Start looking and different magazines, different things that you can use to add. Now, here in Canada, we have the Canadian tire money, and it's got a really nice design on the bottom that goes just like this. I'm going to show you it's curvy, and then onion side there's another design, and then there's lines that go that way. So in that shape right there, I'm going to use that design and repeat it and fill the whole space There are ideas for designs everywhere. It's just a matter of being able to see them. You'll never look at advertisements in the same way. Now, also on this little bag for the fan that's there. There's a beautiful design that goes like this, and I'm going to feel the second shape in there with that design and add it there on this thank you card. There's a beautiful butterfly, but in there, when I like is the shape that does this. So you can. You fill irregular kind of shapes, and it almost looks like the dot on a butterfly, and they get bigger as the shape gets bigger. So that's another idea for you, and that's an easy one, just like that, and you feel the whole space and you can add designs inside if you want. No. Another idea is this drawing of asparagus tips that's in our local magazine, and it has a shape just like this, almost like a fingernail shape, and I in that space, I'm going to add that design just like I said. There are designs everywhere. Now look at those carrots. I'm going to add a similar design in that space so pointy triangles and then just add more just like that and overlap them just like those carrots are right there. And that's another idea for a design. Now what happened here is I added, ah, few lines just like that rope. And here I added, Dills designs right there. I'm showing you after the fact, because what happened is my camera stopped and I kept drawing and they didn't know it stopped. So here's another idea. Copyright free designs so you can get books from the library with all kinds of designs or on the Internet. The copy right free is what you look for so very old designs. 4. Using basic shapes to create a colouring page: hi and welcome to making your very first project. This is going to be easy. Just watch and follow me step by step. What you need is a pencil, a ruler, a circular object and the rectangular object. You start with very fine lines and pencil. Remember to relax. The meditation is in the doing and take your time. There's no reason to rush on this. I, Congar Inti. The project will look good no matter what you do. So let's watch the video and see how it's done. So here's your sheet of paper, just unordinary sheet of paper. You need a pencil just in ordinary pencil and the circular object. Now what I've done have speeded up the video, so it's not so boring for you to watch because this step takes time. And it's not that interesting toe watch. So just failure shape with circles. If you want, you can use different sized circles just for this video to make it easy and fast. I used the same shape, the same circle all the time. You want to go over the edge is just like that, and that's very easy. So just feeling the space and then you get your marker and you start adding designs for this one. I've chosen a fat marker, so I just feeling the shapes with a design. I just wanted this marker to be bold so that you could see it for the very first drawing. And then you keep going and you change design for every shape. Now, I'm not going to make you watch this, um, all the way through, I'm just going to start it and then I'll show you the end product later. Here is the ruler. So what you do is you take a ruler and then fill in the shape and add different shapes all over everywhere around the paper. You could do this project 100 times and never have the same project. The idea is to leave very few large spaces. I just feel in so that every time there's a new shape you put in the new design and it looks really good when it's done. It really does not matter how much or how little you know about design. Once everything's filled in, it looks good, no matter what. So now I have my pattern. And here's an example of what I did, so I feel it in now. I keep adding a different design in every section. You can leave some areas very dark, so very tiny areas, sometimes like, fill in and leave them black. It helps create contrast, so that's all there is to it. So various circles, rectangles, squares, lines make a variety so that it's not the same all over the place. And that's all there is to that one. You just keep filling in until the whole thing is full. And I really like this design with the dark centered circle, so I probably will do that in just about every design. You'll find that you have your own preference for certain designs. Just go with it. It makes it your own project. And uniquely you just enjoy that. So that's it for that one. Now let's do the rectangle now for this. It's on Lee, an old culture leader that I found hanging around the house. You can use any rectangular shape that you want. It doesn't matter what you do. It will look good and you fill it in and there you go. Now I've already started this, so I'm going to show you one that I've started. I want to put one landscape in the middle and the rest is designed. So I'm going to fill it in as I go here and again. That circular pattern that I like so much now what I want you to do is do this step. Now pick one of the designs. You don't have to do all of them and try it out. You'll find it's really fun, so just enjoy and we'll see you in the next section. 5. Using your hand to create a colouring page: Now we're going to do a very easy project again, just for fun. You're going to use a very easy example. You're going to use your hand, and this is a really fun project to do with a child. Children love tracing their hand, and then they're fun to decorate. So this is a one stop session. So we're going to do the drawing and the markers all in one sitting. So watch carefully. As we go through the process. Let's watch the video. So here's my hand, and I'm just going to trace it just like that. Just lightly go around each of the fingers and all the way down to the bottom of the paper , and then you can start adding kind of lines. So I'm going to divide the space up like that, and it makes choosing a design for the space that much easier. Now I've speeded up the process again, and just to give you an idea of how I'm going to decorate around here, So the designs I vary them quite a bit so again, like I said in the other sessions, use your favorite ones, but also use ones that are related to the topic, and I like circles and squares. The fingertips look like they're They have fingernails, so you could add desires that they're related to the fingernail. Um, this is a little design that makes me think of when Hannah is put on your hand. The options for designs is limitless. You can put any kind of design you want. I tend to like plants and different growing things, so that's often what I add. But you can change it up. If you like geometric designs, you can add the geometric designs you choose. Women in general. From my observation, like usually organic designs and men like geometric designs. I may be exaggerating, but that's an observation. So I've separated some of the designs of blank spots that makes it more interesting once you add the color and the Hannah that is put on fingers and hands really help me decide some of the pattern. I decided to have a really abstract pattern, and sometimes I like to use some of the designs used when you get your hands done with Hannah. I just love some of those designs. Thes air very basic. They're not as good as the rial projects that with the Hannah. But if you want a look up, some of those projects on we have to do is Google. Ah, henna designs and you will have lots. You can put all of those onto your hand. No, I added rectangles just to make it look like there's a watch there, and now I am adding all kinds of very organic loose designs. I just love these when they are added with color. Once the color is in there, the design is just gorgeous. I try to change it up, so there's triangles. Sometimes there's rectangles. Other times they're circles at a different time. And for me, right now, it's starting to look too much the same. So already in my head, I was trying to think, How can I change it up a little bit? I'm going to have one spot with really dark designs what I'm doing right now and that's not going to be enough because all we're going to do is look at those dark spots and not the rest of the hand. So in my head I'm planning where I'm going to put some more designs and notice that I'm using the big marker to kind of fill in the very dark spots. So it goes faster and it feels the spot a lot better. And now I'm going to add more dark designs and one dark area here that really helps balance . Now the bottom one especially, helps balance things, and I'm adding more just to create a balance. So I have black areas on one side, black areas, another side, some of the bottom, some of the top, some in the middle. I try to create a balance here. Now your eye goes all over the page and there's a balanced effect there. So you have dark areas, you have large night areas, and once the color gets on there, it's going to be gorgeous. So how fun with this project and we'll see you in the next section.