Digital Printmaking in Procreate | Lisa Long | Skillshare

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Digital Printmaking in Procreate

teacher avatar Lisa Long, Lettering & Illustration

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Brushes & Canvas Prep


    • 3.

      Quick & Easy Print


    • 4.

      Texture & Masks


    • 5.

      Carving the Wood


    • 6.

      Printing the Blocks


    • 7.

      Thank You


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About This Class

In this class, I will take you step-by-step through 2 processes I have used to create illustrations that look like prints. You will need an iPad Pro, Apple Pencil, and the app Procreate. I'll show you how I use masks, layers, blend modes, and a color palette & 6 specific brushes for Procreate that I created specifically for this project:

  • Carving Tool
  • Monoline
  • Texture Monoline
  • Paint Texture
  • Watercolor Paper Texture
  • Paper Texture

I was so excited when I bought my iPad Pro and downloaded Procreate! I was so overwhelmed when I opened the app and didn't even know where to begin. I'm hoping to provide for you lots of ways to use the app so you can streamline your work flow and make incredible art! Finding different ways to create content that mimics real life is fun for me, and I hope to pass it along to you! I hope you enjoy this class on Digital Printmaking!

I also must mention that I based the second cut-out design on what I learned from Abbie Nurse over at - She has very quick YouTube Tutorials and some great brushes for Procreate. Definitely check her out.

Meet Your Teacher

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Lisa Long

Lettering & Illustration



I love art! I've always loved drawing and creating with whatever I could get my hands on.  It soothes me down to my very core.  It's my meditation. It's my escape from the every day stresses of life! I love creating! I had zero idea what to do with my creative bug, so I became an art teacher, and I taught in public schools from 2007-2019.

After teaching art to children in public school for many years, I'd been dreaming of ways I could teach outside the classroom, and then I found Skillshare! I love this place so much and love learning at my own pace from so many amazing artists and professionals. I now have 7 classes for you to watch and am working on more for 2020 including a class on how to draw what you see.

My favorite medium... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: I am Lisa Long and welcome to my class on digital printmaking. In this class, I'll be using the iPad pro with the at procreate and my apple pencil to create artworks that mimics real life digital printmaking. I'll explore two different ways to create thes will have more of an offset look, and I'll show you a quick and easy way to get that. Ben adds some texture with layers and masks, and then I'll show you a different way to make more of a line a cut or would cut Look. I've included for you in the Project section six Brushes that I created and a color palette . I want you walking away from this class, knowing more about appropriate and how to use it more efficiently and effectively and how to mimic a printmaking style if you haven't yet seen me on skill share. Hi, my studio. I have been a teacher for 11 years. I've taught kindergarten through 12th grade. I fell in love with the iPad, pro and appropriate, and all the stuff that just makes your work floor more efficiently. I could take it to Skate Park. I can take it with me wherever I go, It's quickly become a passion of mine. Here's some of the artworks that I've made using this technique that I'm gonna show you. I hope you enjoy this class. I can't wait to get started, so let's go. 2. Brushes & Canvas Prep: Okay, now we're in pro creates, so let's get started. I have everything in my digital printmaking stack and I What I have here are some examples that I showed you in the introduction. I'll just show you how those layers were set up. So I have some masking here, person texture. And I have my color here. And then I have my outlines with this one. Have texture had more texture of my outlines of my color layer outlines color, texture. Let me show you how to download the brushes. You will download the brushes from the project section and you need to put them in a drop box accounts. So you need to have them in your Dropbox. Download him and put him in Dropbox. I have a zip tool. Do you want to under up the file? Yes. Okay. And there is my file. Now I can take all of the's and I can open in copy to procreate and it will show up in my imported files. So I want to do that. Looks like I have to do it one by one. From there it will be. They're so I just do that until they're all in there. You can unzip it on your computer. If you have a Mac, you can airdrop it and you can just send them all to your iPad. And they all show up in your imported and all you do once you get them all in here. Let's say I'm hot of all in here. Just tap on that imported name and slash put tap rename. So I have all my brushes here that I'm going to be using for this class under printmaking. We're going to be setting up our canvas so that it will look like paper. First thing I'm going to do is grab the paper texture brush right here and I'm going to go to a layer and I'm gonna name that layer texture. And I'm gonna make this a multiply layer and I'm gonna have used the color black from my palate. I'm gonna have my sighs at 100% in my opacity at 100%. And I'm gonna drag this across as long as I don't pick up my pencil. It doesn't do anything. It just continues the pattern. If I were to tap it again, it'll make another layer on their and will make it darker. So I just want to do it once. And then I'm gonna go to my second texture layer and change my brush to the watercolor paper texture. And I'm going to change this to color. Burn and throng. There's you can see nothing happened if I change is back to normal. Now you can see the paper texture, the watercolor paper texture. It just adds another little texture layer, Um, in the colors I'm gonna make that color burn, and then I'm gonna bring the opacity of the first texture of the paper texture. Down until about 20%. 22% just gives a nice like white paper feel, so you can still see some paper texture on there, but it's not blatantly like dark and obvious. So now I have some white textured paper toe work on. Then what you can do with the texture as you can group them, and then you can lock it. I can rename it to your textures, and then you can't mess with it. I mean, it won't let you massive with it unless you unlock it. What you can do with your drawing layers is set them to multiply or keep them with normal. You want to have everything under your texture. Layers, anything above your texture. Layers will be above the texture and won't take the texture. So you have to have your layers underneath those texture layers, right, and that is it for setting up your canvas. 3. Quick & Easy Print: right now, we're going to be going in and drawing the outline of our drawing, and I'm gonna do something simple to start and then I'll show you something a little bit more complicated. So I'm gonna pick my monoline brush and I want to play around with the size. With this monoline brush, you can take it down to a really fine line, or you can take it up to a very thick line. I like to draw with kind of a fine ish line. So that's what I'm gonna use. So on a drawing layer, I am going to draw a shape. So I'm gonna go ahead and draw the heart. Now I want to make sure that I close the line. If I leave it open, this won't work. So half that drawing done, I'm going to swipe to the right and duplicate and then go to that bottom layer and fill it in. If I didn't connect that lie, it would fill in the whole paper. Now what? I can do his Alfa lock this Then I can pick a color and fill that in, have a nice color there, and then to make just a simple offset. Look, I can just select and drag a little bit off, and there I have kind of like this off centered. Looks super fast. Super easy. Nice little effect there. 4. Texture & Masks: Let's take this one step further. We're going to add some depth by creating some texture. So what I'm going to dio is select that Phil layer at a new layer above it and basket. So with a mask, anything that's black will be hidden. Anything that's white will show. So I can now freely draw on this layer, and nothing will show unless it's inside that white area. So if I take my red tool and I start drawing, nothing will show here. I'm gonna change the color just to show you nothing shows here but it Once I get over here , he can see it. So this is kind of a cool way to add some texture. Just draw some lines around. Then what you can play around with is the blend mode, multiply linear, burn, color, burn dark and they'll do different things. Overlay hard lights on flight. So if you go through and play with those and get the look that you want, that's always fun. You can always lower the opacity kind of get the look that you want as well. Now I'm gonna go ahead and clear that layer out. It still leaves the masks going to make sure this layers highlight it. So I know I'm drawing in this and not drawing in the mask. Then I'm gonna choose an analogous color of like color. A lighter color leads to yellow. I'm gonna go in and choose the paint texture. This is the colt extra brush I made to give it a nice little texture. And look, I'm just gonna swipe it around and then I'm gonna play around with some filters. I'm gonna change the color. Thank you. Or the saturation were the luminosity. I can do an overlay. I can lighten it. Boo. That looks nice. I really like that. So I wanna keep that. And there's the quick and easy way to make it look like print ads and cool texture. If you want to add some more texture, here's a real fast way to do it with a built in brush. Go to your layer mask mode. Make sure you're on black, cook under brushes and go to spray paints. Get the splatter brush and then you can raise the opacity. Flick it around. It will kind of give it some rough texture. Don't really need it, though. But as you can see, it darkened that mask layer and what I can do if I need to fix that. If I don't like that, I just go back to my heart, select it and click clear, and that clears it all up. Don't worry about messing up your mask. You can always fix it as long as you have the original image. Now I'm going to group those together by swiping right and selecting them all and pushing these three lines forms my new group. I can rename that group Heart one. What I can do is duplicate this and I flatten it. And now I have the heart that I just made and I can resize it and move it around. I can duplicate that and create multiple versions of that. Flip it around chilled, Make some larger, some smaller. Okay, now, when a group those turn that off 5. Carving the Wood: Now I'm gonna show you the second way to do this. May I made a new layer named Flower. I'm gonna draw flower right Now that we have the flower drawn, we're gonna make it black. I'm going to take that layer, duplicate it, get my black and drag it over and just start filling it in everywhere super fast and easy there. And I'm gonna rename this block one because that's our first block layer. Then I'm going to turn my flower off and then I want to take my carving tool in my eraser. So I want to go to my eraser, choose my carving tool, and I want to start carving away the light areas. So to be able to see my outlines, I'm gonna lower the opacity to 42% and use my carving tool to carve away all the light highlight areas. So that would be the areas that are closest to you. Make sure you're in the right layer. These are gonna be just the very highlights. The areas that are catching the light on a car way too much right now. It was just the first layer. Have a lot more in car. Okay, so that's my first layer. That's actually my first layer. Pluck one when this is going to be blocked to you. One is the big but block book to as your highlights. Then we're gonna duplicate block to turn off the previous one and make block three. What we're gonna do here is carve away even more the medium tones. I want to take my race for tool again and just start carving away some more. And I have this set at a pretty low you condone? Raise this to make it go a little faster, Get some thicker lines in there. I want to go over my lines so that I cover up most of what I did before. So I have leaving all the dark spaces air gonna be where all the darkness is gonna dio darkness 6. Printing the Blocks: Now I want to make three new layers. I'm gonna label this one print one that's going to my base layer. We named this one print too. And reading this print three. So what's gonna happen is the block one is going to go in print. One block to imprint to blow three and print three. We want to turn off those. I'm going to take block one and select it. Go to print one. And here I'm gonna choose a textured brush. And I really like this brush in the sketching called bonobo truck. Kind of looks like a printmaking, uh, texture. So I'm gonna have it all the way up to 100% and I'm gonna choose a color. This is gonna be my lightest color, and then I'm going to color that in. It looks funny, cause I have the textures on. You can take those off for this for now. So I'm just going to do a light brushing. Take the textures off. Go back to block one, select it. Go to print one. Do a dusting is pressure sensitive. So the harder you press and the more you go over at, the more it'll fill it in. You want to leave some texture showing, Then I'm gonna go to block, too. So act then. I'm going to go to print too. Choose a jerker color. You can even go into this side of the palette from these colors coming like going through the rainbow. So if I start here If I just wanted dark in this, I can just move this scale down isn't gonna be my medium tone. So then I go back to my layer, make sure using that same brush. Just kind of Phil. That ended a little light dusting. All right. And then I go to block three. Select. Go to print three. Now I can choose a darker color or contrast in color blue with orange. Kind of looks cool. And then I'm going to just do a dusting. Get on my darks. All right, Now, you know this looks OK, but if I choose, multiply on each print layer, it makes it really kind of stand out as a print. Then if you wanted to have that offset Look, with these guys, you can come in, do what we did before. Just drag it to the side, then with a lie. No cuts. You always have, like strays hanging out around there. So what you can do take like black or orange that we were using. Use the carving tool brush just to kind of come out here with get probably gonna make a new layer for this some lines to make it look like who would cut when I just said it to multiply, then textures It's really dark, this one. So, like the color burn. I don't really like the color burn on this, but I do want the paper texture on there to make it look like paper. So of course you can keep that. And then if you want to change the color of one of these, even always go back, just gonna combine all those And like, let's say I want the middle to stand out a little bit. Went to be yellow, gonna use my monoline brush, and I'm gonna create one of change the color and we can play around with this. It doesn't turn out. Yeah, there we go. I'm just gonna make a shape bill it in. And in that shell, that's those air two ways to do printmaking I can group my flower together to pick eight flatten. I'm gonna have this cool flower can move around and then I have my heart's remarks. Yeah, If I want to play around with the color of that flower, go to the hue and saturation. Am I have a beautiful blue flower, Lots of different ways to play around with that. 7. Thank You: Well, I hope you enjoy this class. It was really fun to teach. And your goal now for the project is to create your own drawing and make it look like printmaking. Use one or both of the techniques I showed you. And I can't wait to see what you guys do in the project section. Thank you so much for watching. I'll see you again soon.