1. Welcome!: Hey there and welcome
to this class. In this class, we will
learn to illustrate some holiday team things
using Adobe Fresco. We will also explore
the free app, Adobe Capture and learn how
to use it with frescoes, create brushes, shapes, and
seamless repeating patterns. I strongly believe in
learning by doing. Hence, we will be
learning Fresco while illustrating an object are seen. That is, but end of each lesson you will have learned how
to use a bunch of tools, and we'll also have a
completed illustration. This is why the lessons are not tightened are divided
based on tools, but by what we would be
drawing in that lesson. First, we'll start by doing a quick lesson about
Fresco basics, which is optional by the way, as we will cover these things in the subsequent
lessons, a new ID. Next, we will go ahead and
draw some cookies and loan to create a seamless pattern
using what we have drawn. We will then go ahead
and explore how to illustrate using
pixel brushes. That is a holiday cards, some stockings, and much more. You might have heard about the awesome live brushes
in Adobe Fresco. So we'll be exploring
those as well. First, we'll go through
the watercolor brushes, and we'll also explore
the oil brushes while creating some
awesome gift tax. In the end, we'll create a winter scene
complete with snow, using the animated
feature in Adobe Fresco. There's also a bonus
video and a half to get some new free brushes from
the Adobe Fresco library. We'll also dig deep into the newest feature of Adobe
Fresco, that is animation. I hope you'll join me in
learning more about Fresco and Adobe Capture and create
something awesome by end of it. See you in the next lesson.
2. Fresco Basics: I will quickly go through
some fresco basics. You don't really have to watch this tutorial because
I will be covering almost everything in
the following videos. But if you're not confident
enough about jumping right into illustrating things without even knowing anything
about the tool. This video is for you guys. This is going to be a basic, basic version of what Fresco is about and what things
are intracellular. So you get a fair idea about how these two looks
like or how it works. For absolute beginners. If you have ever
used Fresco before, maybe you won't find
this interesting. So skip to the
next lesson, okay? Okay, So as soon as you open
your fresco, this shows up. You might not see these
things here because this depends on the things
that you use most often. And then under Recent you'll see all your files that
you have been using. If you are opening it
for the first time, obviously you won't see
any of your files here. If you've been using
Fresco for a while and you don't see your
files in here. You can go into your
files and then you see all your files
up here, everything. Okay. Fresco also allows you to group things together
or be more organized. There was something
called as folder. You can create a new folder, give a nice name to it. And you can drag your files into these folders and create
really nice folders like this. If you want to learn
more about fresco, there are already some
really nice tutorial, so you can go ahead and
check that out as well. Now you can click on
Custom Size here, or you can click on Create
New to open any new document. And when you do that, you get so many different
options to choose from. And every option comes
with a default setting. For example, this
is in the landscape more and if you want this
to be in portrait mode, just click on this tiny arrow here and switch to baud rate. And then you can
just click on it to create that file. Let's
go ahead and do that. If you want to name this file, you can do that here by clicking on it and
then naming it. And safe. So this is
your Fresco screen. One main thing about
fresco is there are three different
kinds of brushes. The first one is
a pixel brushes. Second one is live brushes, which consists of
watercolor and oil brushes. Third one is the vector brushes, which is very limited. But this is all you need. By the way, under pixel brushes, you'll see all different
kinds of brushes and also the brushes that you've imported or your gotten into Fresco. I have a separate video on how to get more
brushes into Fresco. So go ahead and check it out. You erases work the same way. And this is the
transform tool which you'll use to transform objects. For example, if I have this
and if I use Transform, I can reduce the size, increase, turnaround and things like
that and click on Done. This is a fin don't
use to fill things. And this is the Lasso
tool where you can actually go ahead and
select things like this. You also have text option. And then there are shapes which is a little
complicated and I will be covering it more
in one of the lessons. This is your color palette
where you can choose colors and this is where all your
recent colors show up. If you click them all, you'll see the color pallets from your creative
cloud library. For example, here you'll see
all these color palettes. So you might not have anything here right
now if you don't have a creative cloud library
full of color palettes, in here you'll see layers. Each layer has a tiny
icon next to it. This is an image layer. This is a pixel layer, same as this one over here. And if you click on a new layer or if you just use
a vector brush, it automatically create a
layer with a vector brush. You should always know
that the vector and the pixel layers never match. That means they are always
on separate layers. You also have an option to share this that is
solely to illustrate. So anything which is vector appears as vector
in Illustrator. So if you want to take
things to illustrate that it's always good to have
all your layers in vector, then it's much more
easier to work with it. You can also live stream
things on Behance. So if you click on this, it automatically
connects to Behance. I mean, you should have
an account obviously. And then India is messaging. That is, you can
collaborate with people. And then each of
you can come in on the artwork that you're doing. This is to add collaboration. That is to invite people to edit your document in the settings. This tells you what
size your ad bodies, you can actually speak, flip your art board or
rotated touch shortcut is nothing but this
white thing here, which can be used as an eraser
when you click it once. And in vectors it can be used as a rector trimming when
the outside script, when it comes to live brushes, you can make it as pure water by clicking,
double-clicking on it. So you can turn it off.
By turning this off. Onboard prevail is nothing but if you have a
line like this, you can't see anything. So if you turn it off, you'll see everything that
goes beyond airport in C. Now for vector
brushes like that, and if you turn it
off, it goes away. In app settings, you have a lot of things
that you can set. One of the main things is input. Touch, snap line
should be turned on. Not should be. If it is turned on, if you click and hold, it makes it into a
way straight line. So in layers here you have some options is to
create a new layer. This is to hide any layer, and this is to make it
into a clipping mask. And this is nothing but
the adjustment layers. Don't worry, we'll be covering everything in future lessons. In here you have more options
to work with these layers. This is your animation panel. This is not demon guides. There are more if
you click and hold the circles, it's
called drawing. It's polygons. If
you click Plus, it changes the number of edges. And the works. This is when your
layers are hidden. This is levels on
layer properties. So you can, if you go
into a layer which is a, you have your blend
mode and opacity here. This one is more about
grids and guides, which we'll talk
about again later. And if you click on this one, it makes it to a full screen. We click again. To export your artwork. You can click here and click
on Publish and Export. There's a time-lapse
export which tells you shows the entire
process of your artwork. Can also export as an export it as a
different option here. Can also send it to
capture as pattern, which may covering them or save it to Behance
as a project. I don't usually use Quick Export because it's just a snapshot, not really of good-quality. Click on that. And I guess that's it
about basics of Fresco. But trust me, you don't need to remember any of these things. It's okay to forget everything and start fresh
with the first lesson. Because once you're
finished with this class, you absolutely know what
everything is and how everything works without even having to try to remember about. Okay, I'll see you
in next lesson.
3. Let's draw a Cookie!: So in this lesson we're going to try and create this stupid, simple and Christmas cookies. So let's just get started. I'm going to go ahead and
click on this Create new. So in your under digital, I'm going to click
on current screen, but I want it in the
landscape format. If you don't see in
the landscape format, you can click on
this tiny arrow here and you'll get an option
to switch to landscape. Let's go ahead and do that. Click on current size. I have a color palette
for you guys to go ahead and download it
from the Resources tab. And once you have
downloaded its image, so it shows up on your iPad or any device that you're
using Fresco on. And once you have it on
your photos or your album, you just have to bring that
image in here. To do that. Click on the images, go ahead and click on photos. And then you see
the color palette. Just bring it in.
Once it comes here, you can click on this Done. And now let's go ahead
and pick these colors. The reason we have to pick these colors is
fresco still doesn't support importing color
palette so easily. Of course, you can go ahead and import color palettes
in your color library. That is, if you go here
and click on all Xunzi, all these libraries over here, which I have. This. The way to do this is
to go to color dot and create
a library there. But for this lesson, we are going to do that because it is a bit of a process and we really can we do with
this easy method here. So let me just show you
what you have to do. So once you have this year, you have to be in one
of these three brushes. Doesn't matter which one. Click and hold. To select this color, you get this icon and you see that the color
gets selected. And now all you have to do is just scribble
on your airport. Again, doesn't
matter which brush. What this does is if you go ahead here and click on reasons, you see that the
color gets picked up. So let's go ahead
and do that for the other colors as well. That is click and hold. Make a mock. This is just black, I guess. Okay? So now you can see that
all these colors are here. One thing you should
remember is that these colors are temporarily. That means they are
here on this canvas. But if you open a new canvas,
the colors will go off. It will be reset to empty. Once you've chosen your colors, can go ahead and hide this one. Or you can also delete by
click and delete layer. And the color balance is highlighted because we don't
know if you need it later. Okay, so let's get to
actually illustrating things. So for this lesson, I'm mainly using vector brushes. That is, I'm talking
about this brush here. So by the way, this
is a pixel brush. These are live brushes which has your watercolor and oil brushes. A lot of your brushes
live here by the way. And your vector brush, yeah, so you have a limited
set of vector brushes, but I think this is all new mean when it comes
to vector illustration, you really don't need a lot
of brushes, to be honest. So I'm going to use
the basic round. And if you click on
this button here, you'll get to go into
the settings and we're going to go ahead and
change one setting here. That is, I'm going to measure the pressure dynamics
is turned off. The reason I'm doing
this as it is turned on in click and if
you put pressure, it becomes thick and 10. But if you turn it off, it's just a normal line
and we want that, okay? I'm just gonna do that and
my smoothing is set to 50. To what smoothing means is
how easily the brush flows. Like. For example, if I keep it really low and imagine I
have shaky hands, It's going to come
little shaky, okay? And if I keep it at really high and even if I have shaky hands, you see how smooth the lines. But the only problem with
this extreme smoothness is the lag between the actual
line and your pencil, which is why we don't
want to keep it at the highest possible setting. You can use your two-finger
tap to undo things like this. And I'm going to go ahead
and always keep it around fifties because I think that's
more comfortable for me. So I want you to go
ahead and experiment with what is more
comfortable to you. But fifties would be
a very good number. Next is the size, the auto options to
change the size. You can just hold layer
and go up and down. And you'll get this
nice little bar. Can also click and hold. And then you get a
nice little keypad where you can type things out. I'll try to keep it at 20. And once you have
selected the number, you can click outside. Can click on a color palette. And let's choose this really
light brown that we have. So let's start off
with the first one. So go ahead and click
on this plus icon here. To create a new layer. You can click and
hold and actually choose what kind of
leader you want. But it's not
absolutely necessary. You can just click
on the plus button and creates a layer. And then when you
try to draw on it, it automatically detects
what kind of brush you're using and creates a
allele or based on that. So now we have a vector brush. And therefore, when I tried
to draw a line length, does automatically creates
a vector brush icon. This is a vector brush icon. This is a pixel brush icon. And this is an image icon so you know exactly what Lee is, what, it's not absolutely necessary to know
what layer you're on. Because now when
you have a vector, if you tried to draw
with the pixel, it'll automatically create
a new layer because rector and pixel brushes
cannot go on the same layer. That's something you should keep in mind. But that's okay. That's never stopped me
from drawing anything. I actually don't bother what layers work because it automatically detects
and everyday, only thing is that sometimes you try to draw something
on some layer. It turns out to be
the black layer. You're using a pixel
brush and it'll automatically go to
some other pixel layer. So there might be some problems. So just make a note of
what layer you're on. So always better to click on a new layer and start
your illustration. Coming back to this, let's go ahead and do that. I'm trying to draw, I'll go back to my vector
brush, cookie shape. Something like this, but I'm
obviously not good at it. That completely this. Obviously a bit like that. We can edit it and make it
nicer later. So don't worry. Now let's go to the fill tool. And one thing you should know
about the film tool is that the line should be closed if you want the
fill tool to work. And even if there's a
tiny gap here like this, and if you tried to
use the fill tool, it'll fill everything up. You can use your two
fingers to undo. And again, undo, undo, undo. So it goes back. And now let's go ahead and
fill this in is a lot of lines that I made which was
absolutely unnecessary. You don't have to
do this. You can just make the simple shape. If you're good at it. You can use your two
fingers to zoom like that and colored it up. Let's go back. And now I want to
fix these edges. Come back to your
brush now and fix it. There's a rock stroke, yeah, so you can click on your eraser
tool and then by the way, you do as a tool also
has different options, but I'm going to keep
it at basic round. If you look closely,
you can see that this is the same as the
vector brushes. That's because we are
on a vector brush. If you're using a pixel brush, the results are
completely different. So let's go to the
eraser and I'm going to go ahead
and delete this off, can obviously change the size, the smoothing and settings, just like any other brush. So that's my base
for the cookie. So I'm going to click
on a new layer, and now I want to add
some shadows to it. So I'm just going to go
into my pixel brushes. And if you go in here
and click on Basic, you see a brush called
soft round opacity. So I'm going to go ahead
and click on that. So you might notice
a little star next to it and it
has highlighted. The reason you do that
is if you click on the new brush and if you
click on the star here, it automatically show
up under Favorites. So this is really good when
you have tons and tons of brushes and you have a select
few which you really use. So for now, I use the
soft drum opacity. So let's just quickly go
through the settings now. The second one or
four and I just want to check if it's
okay. I think it's okay. And the flow is set to 23. Flow is nothing but your
transparency of the brush. So you can go high,
you can go low. And I'm going to set
it at around 20. So when I say some number, like I'm setting
setting it to 23, I don't want you to
set it to exactly 23. Anything in that range, like 20 to maybe 2007,
2008, It's okay. 20s to Elon plus or minus few numbers are
completely okay because sometimes it's really hard
to stop that right number. Smoothing is one because I don't really want any kind
of smoothing on it. Now let's go to the
color and let's choose this really dark brown
that I have right here. And now we need to
add the shadows. But if I go ahead and
try to add shadows, by the way, this
is a pixel brush. So automatically
you have a pixel, you see that it kind
of goes outside, which I'm not
liking it because I can't really keep it
within the cookie. And what do we do for that? You have an option called as clipping mask that is really
helpful in such cases. All you have to do is click on this icon here and you
see a little arrow pops up which shows that this is a clipping mask for
this particular layer. So now if you try
and add some shadow, you see it's not
going anywhere out. So the shadow brush also depends a lot on how
much pressure you put. So if I put a lot of pressure, you get a little darker shadow. If you don't put pressure, you get a little
lighter shadows. I'm just going to increase
this a little bit, maybe 135. And I'm going to
go ahead and add shadow to the edges
of this cookie. I want to give you a really
good piece of advice when you're working
with digital art is that always make sure you create different layers for
everything that you're doing. So one good thing about
fresco is like you can use really tons and tons of layers. I'm sure it has a limit, but I don't think it's something that you would read that easily, unlike Procreate by the way, because it does
have a limitation. But the first go, you
don't have to worry so much about LEA
or limiting layers. So go ahead and happily
create new layers. And later on, if you
really get stuck, you can always
merge them, right? But so far, I'm never had to merge layers because
I ran out of layers. Fresco has probably
unlimited number of layers. I'm not sure about that, but it really has a lot of
layers that you can work with. So always create new leaves. So let's go ahead and
click on a new layer now. And I wouldn't add some
icing to it, right? So I'm just going to go
ahead and click on white, because I think it's
going to be pretty white. Click on your vector brush again because we're going
to go ahead and draw that. And now we want this to
be a clipping mask again, because I want the icing to
go all the way like this. It's me. And you can rotate it
like this or however you want and make this by there. If you want a straight line. Goryeo settings,
Gloria App Settings, go to Input, click on touch. And there's option
called snap line, make sure it's turned on. And then click and draw and keep holding it until it becomes
a straight line like this. So there's one way to
actually draw straight line. The other way is to
use a ruler that is, click here, and you
get a ruler and you can move it around
however you want. I'll be using this
probably in one of the adolescents and show you in depth how to use the ruler. But for now you can
actually do with hand-drawn because who uses a
ruler while putting, icing or decorating
and cookies, right? So I think it looks very artificial if you
have straight line. So I'm just going to
freehand this one. And now let me go ahead and
draw this out laying there. And you see the clipping
mask is making sure that you have everything
within this cookie layer. So this is a background. I can hide it. And now you see the white lines are not there at all outside. Just going to unhide
that because I, oops, not this one, this one. And go back to your layer. I'm gonna go ahead
and make this. I think I'm happy with how
my cookie looks arena. So now let's go ahead
and add some shadow to the icing or the declaration
that we have done.
4. More Cookie Designs: So I want to add the shadow
to exactly the same thing, but I'm not going to use
the shadow brush for this. Because I have a bad option. That is click and you can
click on Duplicate Layer, normally have two of
those white layer. So I'm going to go into the
layer below that and click. And I'll choose black and go to my fill tool and just click
and fill it with black. And you can see that
it's black now, but you can't see because
there's a white layer on top. I actually haven't filled
out these little dots, but if you want, you can
go ahead and fill it out. But I'm going to just leave
it like that because that's a lot of work and you're
not gonna do that, right? Okay, So once you have this, you can click on this icon here. That is nothing but
the transform tool. So you get this
little transform tool and you have these arrows here. If you don't move it using
your brush and undo this. You can also use
your transform tool and count the number
of steps you use. 12 and 12, okay, that's 33, that's a
date click on Done. You can do that so that you have consistency across
all the cookies. So it's better to
count the number of steps you go beneath. The right. This does not look exactly
like shadow, right? So we'll go into levels here and you have something
called as Blend Mode. So click on novel and
we're gonna go ahead and choose something
called as overlay. And they go click on that. You can actually
reduce the opacity of this if you want to. We will keep it around
sixties and click on this. And there you have your
first cookies ready. But it's not completely
ready because I want some shadow of
the cookie as well. So I'm gonna go into this layer, click on a new layer, make sure you are in the filter and pick this gray
color that you have and click and recto will
fill it with the vector. You can also fill it with pixel, but it's okay if it's vector. Now come back here and click, and let's duplicate
this layer and go to the layer beneath
the back of that, whatever you have drawn, make sure you are on Fill tool and let's select back again. Click to color it black. You may not see it, but you see that faint line that actually tells you that you have a
black object behind it. Click on Transform. We're
going to do the same thing. 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3. I think I need more. This is OK. Click on Done, and then go ahead and do the
overlay that we did earlier. And click on Done. And you see there's
a faint line, but if you feel like it's too little for the actual cookie, you can go ahead and
edit it and make it home over you want
and click on Done. And you first cookie
is actually very, let me go ahead and change
this as well a little bit. Okay, they go. So this is basically
the process for doing all the cookies
in this illustration. Okay, so once you are done, you can actually go ahead
and group the instincts together so that you don't
just to reduce clutter. So click on this layer, click and click on
select multiple. And I'm going to
select everything that forms this
particular cookie. And then click on this
folder icon here, and it's one little group. And if you click on this, Ibadan is just goes away. Now click on a new layer and let's go ahead and
draw the next one. So you want to go back to your tool right here,
Goryeo vector brush. And let's go ahead and
make a candy cane. To fill it up. Now, click on a new layer, click on clipping mask, and we're going to
add some shadows. So dark brown layer,
Korea pixel brush, and you're already on
software and opacity settings remain like that.
So that's a good thing. And I'm going to add a bit of more shadow in here because, you know, inside of it and a little bit
shadow outside like that. That means I put
more pressure here. And the less the pressure here. Click on new layer
clipping mask. Again. Let's go to White, Goryeo vector brush and let's
draw some things like this, can actually increase
the size of the icing. Maybe 23. Let's see. Oops, undo that data. Dot-dot, dot-dot, dot-dot,
dot-dot, dot-dot. Click and Duplicate Layer and go to the layer
beneath that fin door. Click on black. So and fill it. Okay, Once you're done, you can click on new tool here and then bring
it down a little bit. And then obviously
go to your layers and click on overlay. You can actually
keep it at that. He had reduced it a little bit. So if you want, you can
go ahead and reduce it a little bit as well
to about sixties. And then the final one
click and duplicate layer, go back here, fill
it with black. Use your tool, bring it down
a little bit like that. Done, click and go ahead
and do it as orally. And then it has a nice
little and shadow. You could do MOOC
cookies the same way. Now let's go ahead and
select all these three. Click, select multiple and
select everything that's here. And click on this folder. Know it's a tiny LED thing. So you see it's in the corner
here because I think one of the leaders has some
Brooks talks over here. Maybe unused eraser, keep
it really big and try to draw until still not done. So I'll use the transform
tool and I can see, oh, it's all the way up here. Now it's perfect, right? Okay. So let's o to go
inside the group, you have to double-click
and then you can go inside group and edit
it however you want. And click on this arrow here to go back into
the main peach, or there's something
there as well. So we have to, all
right, our is ready. And next one, let's
make a snowman. So go back to this one. We're going to use
the same process. So round head. And I'm barely okay, and then let's duplicate it
and fill it up with black. Can do this before as well. You can click and then bring
it up and you click it automatically highlighted
so you know how to bring it up, click down. Normally a soft opacity
brush, it's a black. And I'm going to add
a bit of shadow. Click on new layer down like
this white vector brush. And let's go ahead and make
you need to reduce this. Obviously here I
forgot one thing. We have to do that here as well. Wait a minute, black. Okay, let's go back
to this widely. Coherent and draw. And I think it's ready, right? Okay, let's duplicate
this layer. Go back to the bottom Lee
and chosen color black. So now you have so many
different elements here. And take a wind
colored everything. Once it's done. This. Oh Willy. And obviously you
can reduce the opacity. Kinda the same thing he
only then you are done. Okay, so you can go
ahead and create many different cookies
just like this. You can create something like
a Christmas tree or a leaf. You can go ahead and do many, many things and create your
own cookie designs as well. So I'm going to leave
that to you guys to create to figure
out how to do that. I'm sure it's the same process, so it's not going to
be that difficult. And once you're done with this, you can actually
go back and assess your shadows extra drive you on, for example, in here and
go into this and click on the shadow layer and maybe
click on the dark brown. I'm in the shadow
brush going to add some shadow here as well. And you should know
that the shadow layer should be below
this icing layer, at least according to me, it's up to you, whatever
you feel comfortable, go ahead and do it, okay? Okay, let's go ahead and
group these things as well. Click on select multiple,
click everything. And now all these
three are nice. And now if you want to rearrange these things on your artboard, you have this group ready, so click on Transform
and then you can actually go ahead
and bring it up, down, resize it the
whatever you want. Same thing here. Same thing he wanted
and click on, Done. Okay, continue. All right, so once you're done and you want to export this illustration, you can just click on
the Share button here. Publish and Export. Don't do a quick
export because it's just a snapshot and you want
a really high-quality one, okay, so click on
publish and export. You can export it as a PNG
or anything that you like. There are so many
different options here. I like to choose PNG and
then click on Export. So you get an option to save image here or send it via a job or whatever
device you're using it. Using it depends on
the options or that, Okay, and then click on Done. So now if you want
to export this without a background or you have to do is go to
this layer which has the background and
check it again, go to this layer and
uncheck it until you see this checkerboard
background. And obviously when you do that, this overlay won't work because this was based
on the gray layer. Once it's gone, it's
just a black color. There's nothing to all Leon's. Obviously, it's going to
show its original color. So I can do is you
can double-click, go to the black layer and
hide it so that it's not visible anymore and come
outside and then try to export. So now if I want to export
only desk and on these two, I can go ahead and
hide these two. And now I can click on Export, Export As, and then
show up as this. So you can individually
export the PNGs and clean the clip art kind
of day with this as well. Okay, so that's it for cookies. But in the next lesson I'll show you how you
can actually create a pattern using these
cookies in Adobe capture. See in the next lesson.
5. Seamless Repeating Pattern: In this lesson,
we're going to use the cookies that we created in our previous lesson and then create a seamless pattern on a repeating
pattern out of it. This lesson will be useful
in creating pattern out of absolutely anything
that you create in Fresco. So make sure you watch
this until the end. So you need a different app to actually work with patterns, and that is called
Adobe Capture. It's a free app, so go
ahead and download it. I'll leave a link to this app
in the resources section. So go ahead and check it
out from there as well. So now let's go ahead
and open fresco and open the file that we created
in the previous tutorial. Let me just click on that.
I'm going to go ahead and open the file that
I created before, where I have two extra elements. So let me do that. Okay, So this is my file with my two extra elements that
you can see right here. It's not necessary that you
need five elements for this. You can work with even three, but I can show you
some extra things. If I have more than
four elements. I know it's a little confusing, but I'll come to that later. All right, so basically what I'm going to do now is go outside and click on these three dots here and click on Duplicate. I don't want to edit my
original artwork because it has all the layers and I'm
planning to merge things. And that's why I need
a different file. And the two, I'm going to
go ahead and duplicate it. Now, open the file that
you have duplicated. And we're going to go ahead
and merge these layers. Like for snowman, we
have so many layers, which is 11 layer. But since we haven't
overlay here, Let's go here and
here and click on this icon and uncheck it. Because as we saw in
the previous lesson, if we remove the
background and it just shows up as black, and
we don't want that. And go back here. Now click and click on
Merge layers in the group. Let's go ahead and
do the same thing for the other things as well. That is double-click,
click on the black layer, uncheck, go back
modulus in the group. So now that you have that ready, you have to make sure that you
have only the layers which you need for the
pattern as visible. That is, if you have some
things like this, for example, carob or something,
make sure to hide that. So I have this layer
here with this image. I don't know what that is.
I'm going to hide that. And I'm going to hide the
background layer as well. And I'm going to hide
this grid layer as well. And I just have things like this and you don't need
to arrange anything here. You can do all of that
in capture itself. So click on the Share button and click on Publish and Export. At here you see an option called us capture pattern, and
let's click on that. This will automatically open
things in Adobe capture, because when capture was open, so you just switch
to that app and gave you this particular window. So here you'll see
all the layers. That's the different
layers that were there. If you had a merge these
layers than they would come, each element would come up as a separate layer
and that's online. You can work with it, right? So that's why you need
to merge the layers. And now that you have
all the layers much, you just have to click here and select everything that
you want in your pattern. You have an option here
to unselect things if you feel like it doesn't
suit you or something, okay? And once you're done selecting, click on this Done. Now it brings you to the
pattern-making page. So India you a few things. This is shapes where
all your shapes, which are like you know, which
you import it is listed. This is color which you're not going to use in this because we already have color
on our elements. If it was black like
completely black, then you can use this
option to change the color of the
individual element. Or if it was one single color, you could use it to
change the color of the element in your layers. So it's nothing but the things that you see on
the screen which is bright. That is, there are
four of these. So 1234, There's
just two of these, so 12 and then two of
the Christmas tree and there's one of snowman.
We'll come to that later. Let's go ahead and look at
these levels right here. So in here you have
this option to choose any kind of
shape that you want. Square would be
obviously like this. You can see the pink
line, economists to something else as well. And then it'll show you a
much better way on you. And you see that things changed
if you go to Levels here, the Lord most
Norman's now, right? So yeah, it depends on how you
kind of choose your sheep. So there are two
options here called free form grid and snap to grid. Snap to grid as it sits
exactly at the grid points. I call it supposed
to sit on the ship provided if you
click on free from, it just goes haywire
and goes everywhere. But that's okay because
we want to choose free form green
because I want to kind of move things and
arrange a pattern so that I want the pattern
to be on my own terms. And then you have this
background color. You can click on the
Background Color, click on background color here, and choose some
color that you want. You can actually, this
is sometimes a bit slow because maybe captures pretty still under development
or something. But you can try to make
it grayish like that. And then you can
click back here. So now let's go ahead and
arrange these items, right? Go to your layers. And now if we click, you can
see that it's selecting. So if you want to
select certain things, for example, I want
this snowflake. I'm going to go ahead and click. And then I can choose
this to reduce the size. You can use this to
rotate it however you want and increase
it and move it. And I'm going to place it there. And once you're done, you can choose something else. Let's choose this and then rotate it a
little bit and move it up he the Christmas tree. And maybe he lets choose to snowman and make him
a bit like that. And when you want to
check your pattern, you just can click on this icon here and it'll show
you your pattern. See this how it looks
like right now. And you can click on Save
to save it or go back here. I'm going to cancel this. I'm going to go back here. And once you feel you're done, you just click on
the empty space. Yeah, then it comes up.
Now if you want to add some extra elements
because I don't see that leaf that we
created, right? So I'm gonna go here and click until it gets selected and drag. You can see that plus sign. So just added. Click on that leaf and you
can edit it however you want and make it tiny
little leaf if you want. Let's go ahead and add this
somewhere here in the gap. That looks good. Then you can go to Layers
and you see that here. You have three of them. Click and if you feel
like you do on that, you can always deleted off. So it's an option as well. And now I think I need
some more of that. So I'm going to go here again, click and bring it here. Click, and it's going to
come in, it's original size, edited, move it up here, and then, okay,
let's look at it. That looks fine, okay? Once you're happy with how
your pattern has done, not only have to do
is click on Save. It takes a while as well. And then you can name your
pattern however you want. Cookie pattern done. And then you can save to one
of your Cloud libraries. So since you will be logged
onto your Adobe account, you'll have access to
all your libraries, Creative Cloud libraries. So you can actually
click on Change and create your own
library here as well. Or it can just save to print me some color, doesn't matter. I mean, saved to your own. Whatever default is here, and click on save. And once it's saved,
you can click on it and then you'll see
your pattern ready. But wait a minute, that's great. You have the pattern, but
what do we do with it, right? So I'm just going to click
on this to go back here. So there are a lot of options that you have with the patterns. One is you can click and
you can obviously edited, that is go back to edit
more and do all that. You can export it
as a pattern tile. And this is what is
really important. A pattern tile is basically a block of the
pattern which you can upload to any application that will make a
pattern out of it. That is, if you please, two of these blocks right
next to each other, it will create a
seamless pattern. So that is a pattern tile. And it's really helpful
when you want to upload to sites like Spoonflower
and things like that. So it's already good
way to export this one. And then obviously
you can save it to Files, anything like that. The other option is
exported as an SVG. You can use that as well. Now if you click on this, and now again in here you
have a lot of options, right? One, what is this? If you click on
this and show you, you can reuse the same thing
as a lot of other things. You can use it as a new shape, new type, color grading. There's so many different things that you could do with it. But we're not going to go into that because that is
normally you're going to, okay, this is the edit button. You can go back and edit it. This is just to share it into
Photoshop or Illustrator, awaken, refine it, or tune it
if you want to do anything. That last one is shared. And obviously you
can share it as a pattern link or export
as pattern tile and SVG, which we already discussed. And the third one is to
save to camera roll. And then it saves
it as an image. That is, if you go
into photos and even seen there's a very nice image
creator of your pattern. So that's basically how you use the Adobe Capture in
conjunction with frescoes, or that you can create
elements in Fresco and use it to create patterns
in Adobe Capture. I hope you create really
nice patterns out of the cookies that
we did right now, go ahead and experiment
with your own layout, your own settings, and you
can see how it turns on. You can use this as a
wrapping paper as well. And I think it looks
pretty cute, doesn't it? Okay, I'll see you in
the next lesson then.
6. Holiday Card with Pixel Brushes: In this lesson, we're
going to go ahead and draw a holiday card using the pixel
brushes in Adobe Fresco. Okay, Let's just start. Okay. I'm going to click
on create new. So in here I'm going to print and I want to use
the small postcard. But I'm going to
click here and make sure it's in the
landscape format. And once you have
that, click on it. So I have a sketch and a
color palette for you guys. So go ahead and downloaded
from the resources section, and once you have it, Let's
go ahead and bring it in. So I'm going to show you how I went about and did the sketch. So let's call them bringing
the color palette for us. Now let's click on a new layer and go ahead and
draw our sketch. Go to your images and
bringing your sketch as well. So click on photos and bringing your sketch, click on Done. And once you're here, make sure you go
into the levels. Click and click on Multiply. That's because the sketch has
a white background and if you try drawing anything
below it, it won't show up. But using a multiply
blend mode will make sure that you can see it or make it look like it's us. Sketch without a
background and then reduce the opacity to
as low as you want. So let me go ahead and show
you how I actually did the sketch so that there's this uniformity between these two. Right? Now for sketching,
I actually use this dry media and
then rough pencil. Now to begin, I first
made the banner. The banner. Now it's time
to make these elements. And then I want the same
thing over here as well. So I'm going to click
on a new layer. That's really important. And then I'm going to go
ahead and sketch this out. Some roughly doing things. Because the whole point of this part is not to
show you how to sketch, but rather to show you, you can go ahead and sketch
on in one part of it and then make your life easier
by using the transform tool. And now what I'm going to do
is click Duplicate Layer. And I'm going to hide this
sketch just like that. Again, go back to this layer which you have
duplicated right now. And now click on
Transform tool, linear. You'll see horizontal
and vertical reflects. So you're just going to click
on that and then click on that again so that it
gets reflected like this. And then you'll
just move this down so that it comes and settles
nicely. Click on Done. And now you have equal or
perfectly reflecting the urine. Have to draw this
all over again. So while, even when painting
you can do the same thing. You can paint only one
side of it and then reflect it so that it comes
and sits on this side. That's exactly what we're
gonna do in this lesson. So I'm going to uncheck
this by clicking on this eye and go back to my
sketch and have this ready. Okay, So let's start
illustrating then. Click on a new layer. And it's really
important that you are doing everything on a new layer. Let's go to one of the
brushes that we have. Yeah, that is a mockers and I'm going to use the
marker brush for this. And let's go ahead
and choose the light yellow that we have. And we're going to go
ahead and mark this. And I want to increase the
size to maybe about 15. It little more. I'm going to undo using
my two-finger tap. This should be okay. My marker is set to 67. If you wanted to increase
the flow to about 83, this makes it more opaque. And that's pretty good. But I don't want it
completely opaque, right? I want some color
to show through, so it should be nice. And your smoothing is at 50. That's okay. And I'm gonna go ahead and
color this up like this. And you see since
your brushes so big, it's really hard to maintain
that nice, crisp edge. If I uncheck the sketch, you can see that It's
not that crisp, right? So what we can do
is we can reuse it and maybe make the
outline like that. And then this point, I'm going to increase
this a little bit. Okay, that looks good. And now let me uncheck the
sketch and take a look, and let's go ahead and
edit it a little bit. Maybe make it fully Little. Going to go ahead and make sure the lines are nice and straight. Ok, and you can fill in
some color in here as well. Okay, That looks good. Bring back the sketch it. Now I'm going to go ahead
and create a new layer. So this layer should be below this yellow layer and choose this darker yellow that we have. That is, if you click on
this hedges be slider, it shows you the hue
saturation brightness numbers so that you know which
color I'm picking up, okay? And since colors are
very differently, I don't have to do
it for every color. But if I was using a
color palette with similar sheets or shades
of a similar color, I might have had
to actually show you all the hues and
saturation numbers, but I don't have
to do that here. So in here, I'm on
a new layer and I'm going to go ahead and
color this off like this. And if you want, you can
just do a bit like that. All right, that's good. Now let's go ahead and
illustrate the elements. So if you want, you
can group these two together so that you know, they're always together and you can uncheck them at anytime. That's okay if you don't want
to click on a new layer, and now let's start illustrating
this part right here. Okay, I'm gonna go ahead
and do the leaves first. So click. And I'll choose this dark brownish gray that
I have and my marker brush. I'm going to reduce
it a little bit because I think thinner, so it should be easier to
draw with the smaller brush. Let's go ahead and draw
some leaves shortly. Just pick some leaves
that you want in the background and
just color them up. We'll bring this layer on top, so don't worry about that. Because that's enough. And now click on a new layer. Like I told you,
everything in new layer. And let's go ahead and click on this lighter grayish
or lighter grayish, brownish thing and then make
the rest of the leaves. Okay, that looks good as well. Now I'm going to click
on a new layer and I wouldn't have the lines
to the leaves, right? So I'll go ahead and
click on this color, which is like really light gray. And I'm going to go ahead
and change my brush and I want it to be dry media. And in the rough pencil, my rough pencil is set to 27. There's a number you can
change if you want to. And I'm going to go ahead and add a bit of lines like
this to everything. Okay, Let's uncheck the sketch. Okay, that's coming
through, that's good. Let's check back in and
now click on a new layer. And we're going to make these little circles or
whatever we have. And let's go back to
the marker brush now. Marker brush, click. And let's choose this
really dark red and pick a few of them for
really dark color. And don't worry, it's
coming on top of this. We're going to move these
layers later on, Okay, and click and choose the next
red color that you have. And let me this here as well. And next layer and choose the
lightest one that you have. And make this here as well. That's cool. And now let's go ahead and go back to the layer below this, go to the layer
below and click on a new layer so that you have this layer below all of
these three berries. And now let's go ahead
and choose some color. I want to choose this dark brown that we used for this
leaf right here. I think that looks good. And you can choose any
brush that you want. I'm going to go into my
brushes and I'm going to show you one of my favorite brushes. That is, if you going to ink, you'll see something
called Belgian Comics. It's one of my favorite brushes. It set to 132. That's
a very good number. The flow is at a 100, smoothing is at 0 or 1,
which is the lowest. And I'm not gonna
put any pressure. And I'm going to go ahead
and draw this like that. I really, really loved this brush because
it's one of them. Beautiful, beautiful
brushes out here. Okay. So once you have all that, now let's go ahead and group
these things together. So you have this click and select multiple and group the berries together and
click on folder. So then altogether, nope, group these things together. So click select multiple and select these three
and do them together. So you can uncheck
this and see if they are grouped together. Okay, everything looks good. I'm going to uncheck
does sketch just to make sure that I have created something that I want, right? Like everything
looks neat and nice. Now I want these two to be
below this banner layers. I'm going to go ahead
and move this below, this one below as well, and now move it below the leaf layer so that
this stock comes up. Okay? Alright, that looks good. And I'm going to go
ahead and click and select multiple and
select distinct at the berries and the
leaves and make it into one single collection. Because now I can use the transform tool to
actually transform it, right? So I'll bring back the
sketch in case I wanted as a guide and go to the layer
which has these things. Click and duplicate layer group. Like you can duplicate a layer, you can duplicate
layer group as well. Now click and then let's
click on Transform, tune. Then flip on, flip
over and bring it and place it so that it
sits here nice and snug. And once you're
done, click on done. And obviously it says
it's going to cut off a few things because
appear, Oh, wait, I should go a little bit down like that and I'll click
on done, and it's done. Now let's hide the
sketch and you see that your artwork has
reflected as well, right? That's wonderful. Now
let's go ahead and add some background to this that go all the way down to the bottom. Most layer can actually
go here itself, but it's always good to go the bottom most layer when
you're adding a background, click on a new layer. Let's go ahead and select
a color. For this. I'm going to choose this
color that is 0000, 45. Click on your fill tool, click and click on vector
and give it a vector field. Okay, so that's cool. And now click on a new layer and we're going to add
some details to it. So I'm gonna go here and
select this 196, 46, and 35. And non, go back to your pixel
brushes and let's choose. And I wasn't a rough
pencil actually, so I'll go to dry media
and rough pencil. I'm going to draw some
random leaves in here. So something like this. Don't worry, they look
all dark and things, but we're gonna go ahead
and modify that with some blend tool or blend
more effect. Okay? Once you're happy with your
leaves that you have drawn, you can go into the lemons here. Click and let's make the screen so that changes
color right there. And you can actually
reduce this if you want to have a very nice
background as well. So, okay, so now
it's time to write some text and go to
the topmost layer. And you can choose
any color that you want and choose black. I'm using the same
pencil, rough pencil. You can use whatever
you want and I'm going to write warm wishes. So that's it. Once you're ready, you can
click on this Export button, new Publish and Export. Export As, and you
can export it as a PNG or JPEG or PDF or
whatever suits your needs. And then that's how
you create this. Christmas God. Okay, I'll see you
in the next video to create something more
fun with fresco.
7. Shapes with Adobe Capture: In this lesson, we're going
to go ahead and create some wrapping paper
on battlegrounds using Adobe Fresco and
Adobe Capture will be learning mainly about
the Shapes feature in Adobe Capture. We're going to learn
to create shapes using your artwork in Fresco
and also using images. So let's go ahead
and check that out. I'll click on Create New. You can create a new file
of any size that you want. So I'm just going to go into digital and click on
current screen size. I'm going to go ahead and
click on my vector brush. That is a wisdom basic ground. And remember, we actually change the pressure dynamics so
that it is of uniform width. I'll keep it around 20s. And I'll try to
go ahead and draw a snowflake, draw a line. So let's go ahead and make
this into a part of Snowflake. The whole idea behind this
is to draw one strand or one thing and then repeated around so that it
looks like a snowflake. Okay. And maybe like this. And I'm going to go ahead
and draw a couple of them. He couple of them he and I think it should
be good. I'm not sure. So let's go ahead and duplicate this and click on
the transform tool. And then you can
turn this around. Until for me, I think 45 degrees that you see
in the center works good. So in order to see that all
the snapping to happen, you have to click on your
grid and India turn on rotation snapping and make
sure you select 45 degrees. Now click and duplicate
again, transform. And let's go ahead
and do it like this. So this should be 90
degrees and click on Done, click on new layer
and draw a line. Can actually duplicated as well, but I'm just going to
go ahead and draw it. So if you want, you can go
ahead and merge these layers. That is click and
select multiple, and select all these things
and click again and click on Merge selected so that
everything becomes one. Now let's go ahead
and put this in Adobe capture and create
a shape out of it. What I mean is it'll
be available to us here when you click and your
shape will show up here. And now to do that, go to your layer below that is your background layer
and uncheck that. We don't want them. Click on Share,
click on Publish and Export, Export as PNG. And we're going to go
ahead and save it. You don't have to rename
the file by the way, and just export it. Save the image on this device, any device that has
captured, just save it. Okay, Let's go ahead
and open capture. Okay. So when you open captured, if this is the page
that comes up, you can always click on Plus
icon here to create this. Or you can also go
into this image icon, camera icon, and
then it comes here. Alright, so let's click
on this image here and bringing that snowflake
that we just created. Okay, So India
instead of patterns, scroll down and go into ships. As soon as you do that,
you see this option here. So this year is for black
and white and color. It doesn't work on this artwork. I'll show you in the next one. Meter does work.
This is negative. That is, it inwards. You want to darken this
one, kind of edit. If there are extra
dots and stuff, it kind of gets rid of it. So if you want, you
can use that as well. And this one is to put a lot of different
effects on the snowflake, like brightness, make it
more and see how it changed. You can uncheck that. And then obviously there are so many options to choose from. Wow, it's crystal,
so many of them. So go ahead and experiment
with that if you want. And since I don't want
to do any modifications, I'm going to just stick with
original and click on Done. So now you have few more of editing options that
is erased tube. That is, you can adjust the size here and erase things off. If you don't want it,
you can undo it here. Let's click on Cancel. The same thing applies
to brush as well. You can do add few more things. And then obviously
let's go to crop. So you can crop this
to make it smaller. And then smoothing. Smoothing is one of
my favorite things to do with the sheets feature. That is, this is off now. And if you click
it on, sometimes it takes time depending
on your artwork. It kind of smooths out
everything and creates this unique looking
shape for you. And I think I like it, so I'm just going
to click on save. This brings us to this window
where it lets you choose the creative cloud
library that you want to save this shape into. So for me it's going to
save into premium colors. That is, that's the
Creative Cloud library that I've created for me and I
save all my shapes in there. So the way you're going
to access the shapes in Fresco is through this
creative Cloud libraries. So make sure you save it in a very nice place so
that you remember. If you don't have anything here, you can click on
Change and then click on plus here to
create a new library. Or if you have libraries, you can go ahead and select
something here as well. Gone down. You can rename it if you want. I'm not going to. One thing you see here is it
gives some alternatives to, to save along with the shape. You don't see much here, especially colored in because
we're only using image. But if you're using an image, you'll see the color theme of that particular image as well. If you want to save any
of this, for example, this panel and just click
on this before saving, I'm going to uncheck that
because I don't really need it. Okay? Now click on Save. Once it saved, it shows
up here in your assets. That is all assets. You can go to ships and then you're going
to see it as well. Now let's go ahead
and open up Fresco. Let's click on shapes. And then you see this library that you have created that
is print me some color. I'm going to go inside that. And now you see the shape. I just have to warn
you that it doesn't automatically or
immediately reflect. It sometimes takes time, sometimes closing all the
apps and reopening it works. So have a little bit of patients
already can see it here. Okay, Now let me go back
to this level here with the snowflake on chicken
and click on a new layer. And now I'm going to
click on the fill tool and select some color, is going to go ahead and
place this outer ring. By the way, this
outer ring is to choose which color you want. Like the main color, that is the red and India, you can choose a
different sheets of it. Okay. I'm going to keep
it bright red or no, let me keep it blue. Why not right? And click and click. And let's make a vector field. Now click on a new layer, and now let's change this to me, be white and let's go to shapes. And you see it comes
up, click and hold. And then it'll take
you to this library. Can click on this here and then go click on your shape
and your sheep comes up, you can increase the size or decrease it or twisted. You
can do whatever you want. By the way, I'm going to
move it a little bit here. And now you have an
option called Film. And since you have
selected that color, I'm going to just
fill it with vector. You can move it again now over here somewhere, and
then fill again. And let's go ahead and make
some snowflakes are pure. Reduce the size because you can't make everything
the same size ray. And you can reduce it even more. And always use this carnivals and not these ones
because they did not list to use the corner ones do increase or
decrease the size. I think we're done with that. Let me go ahead and change
the color here a little bit. I wanted blue, but I wanted
a little lighter blue. So that's a bit
nice and colorful. So yeah, that's basically
how you can actually change. But wait a minute,
we're not done yet. You can actually use a lot of blend modes to change
these things as well. So instead of white, I could have chosen some
other color and used blend modes like screen or something like that,
the change as well. So make sure to use different colors and white
doesn't work much here, but use different colors
and experiment with the blend modes here and see if you can create
something nice in Munich. Okay, So VR done yet, we are going to go ahead and experiment a little bit
more with the shapes. But before that, I just
wanted to show you that you can click and hold
here, go back here. And you see this
plus button here. Just click on that and
discover new sheets. So Adobe has three sets
of shapes for you. I don't know if
it's available on the free version and then you can actually
click on Follow. It says unfollow because
I've been following it. And once you're done, you
can see that it shows up here as comics floral. There's a little
shed bottom here. That means that you
are following that. Ok. And there are some really
interesting shapes which are going to use later on and show you how to use them in creating something
that isn't unique. Okay, that's it. And now let's go ahead and explore shapes when
it comes to images. So I have an image for you. I got it from Unsplash from our very talented photographer. It's free for use, so go
ahead and download it. I have provided the
link to do that in the resources section,
so just downloaded. So the image looks something like this and we're
going to use this. Okay, Let's open up capture. Click on the image here, go to images and bring that in. So when you bring it in,
this is how it looks like. And let's go ahead
and explore some of these features right here. So if you click on this here, now you have an option called a scholar and it gives you
the column version of it. So you can use this
as a shape as well. Basically like for patterns
and things like that, you can actually use
this colored Washington, but I want shapes, so I'm not going to use that. And next you have
something called as. So let me go back
to black and white. And you can invert this, and I'm going to invert this. And then you see
these levels here. So you can increase this to
make it darker, decreases. So I'm going to
increase this to make it as dark as I can. Okay? And let's put the magic one
to auto clean a little bit. And obviously in
here you can add some special effects
if you want to. This autocrine
need is highlight. Normally, I don't want anything, I'm just going to keep
it in the original format and click on Next. And obviously if
you want, you can smooth crop or do
whatever you want, but I'm going to keep it as
it is and click on Save. And I'm going to save it onto the same library
that is premise. And look at this, use, get the color scheme
and the gradient and the pattern as well from
the old original image. Okay, Click on Save. Now let's go and
check it on Fresco. I'm going to uncheck
the snowflake layer. By clicking on this, I
now click on a new layer. Let's go and click on shapes. And let's go ahead and go
into Print me some column. So by the way, the one that I created hasn't shown up yet. So I'm going to click on the one that I created previously. And you can see it over here. So since we had made
the shapes smaller, it has come a smaller,
but it's okay, let's go ahead and
increase the size. One thing you should notice it, it is a vector shapes, so it's pretty cool, isn't it? Now you can go ahead and choose
some really light color. You can just fill
and fill vector. Now you want to
get out of shapes, click on some brush, and there you have this
really nice sheep. Or here can actually go ahead and experiment
with this leg, multiply, darken, overlay or
screen and things like that. Let's do multiply. And I think I like
it and I'm going to bring back in the
snowflake as well, but I'll bring the
snowflake all the way up. And now you have a really
nice wrapping paper or a background created all of shapes by using shapes
in Adobe capture. So make sure you
create some and create your own snowflakes and you can make any shape that you want. It need not be snowflakes. It could be a Christmas tree, it could be a snowman, it could be any kids,
it could be anything. So go ahead and experiment
with this a little bit. And hopefully you can create
something exciting and fun. And do go ahead and experiment
with the image option because it could create awesome textures and show you one more texture
that I have. That's again from one of
the leaves fall layers, by the way, I'm going
to go ahead and hide the layer with the leaf. And if I go in here, I have one more,
that is this one. And for vector, and let's click on brush and you see that beautiful,
beautiful texture. You can use some holiday pinned image and maybe
dial commodities as well. Okay? Okay, So let's go ahead and
check out our next lesson.
8. Draw an Animated Tree: In this lesson, we're going
to learn how to create a super-simple animated
Christmas tree in Adobe Fresco. Lets us get started. Among click on Create New. You can choose any
fences that you want. It really doesn't matter, but separate looks really
nice on the screen. I'm going to use the current
screen size under digital. So animation has
many aspects to it. So first of all, it has the tree which is
going to be constant. It's not going to change during the animation makes
the law lights, which are obviously
going to change. Then there's a firefly
which actually moves around the screen and also lights up and then switches itself off
or whatever that is. And then you have text, which is optional by the way, you can choose not to habit which kind of appears
on the screen. So these are the
different aspects. And animation in Fresco
is also known as motion. That mainly refers to the option that we're going
to use for the firefly. I'll come to it later. So each thing which I described here is animated in
a different way. So let's go ahead and do that. So once you've finished
watching this tutorial, you will have a basic
understanding of how animation of motion
works in Fresco. So you can use any brush that
you want for this lesson. It really doesn't matter, but let me just go
ahead and click on my pixel brushes and you
can go into dry media. Maybe let's choose
the hard piston. So there's gonna be a color
palette for you guys. So go ahead and downloaded
from the resources section. I have already downloaded it, so I'm going to
bring it in here. So click on the images, photos and bring it in. I'll go into the blank layer. If you don't have
it, click on plus sign to create a blank layer. So it's time to draw a tree. But as you know, this
heart based on the brush, it has a very rough edge, right? So we don't get the exact
roots of that we want. So let's go ahead and use the selection tool
here to create some unique effects or to get
like really crispy edges. So this method will
work perfect for any brush that has
very rough edges. It will work for your
live brushes as well, especially watercolor
brushes, because you can't really control the edges
with a watercolor brush. So that would be perfect for
watercolor brush as well. Now, click on your
selection tool here. Click and make sure you are on this option here and not
one of these options, okay? And just click on them. And now we're going to
draw a shape of a tree. So make sure there's some space up here and some speeds below. So your shape is going to be
a rectangle or a triangle, a basic triangle like this. So depending on the
setting that you have set for your selection tool, you can say that this, this is called as marching ends. Or if you click on More and
click on selection overlay, you can see this option as well. So if you have some artwork in the background and
if you think this overlays kind of hindering it, like you can see, it's really
when you're trying to draw, select the marching ends option. But if you use the
marching ants option, and if there's so many things
cluttered o'clock behind, you won't be able to
see the selection. So this really depends
on your preference, like how you want the
selection don't look like, but it's just a preference. Using overlay or marching
ends does not matter. They both give the same
results by the way. So you can use this or you
can also use marching ants. So I'm just going to
undo it because I don't like them three that
I drew right now. So I'm just going to make
sure I tried very nice. Slow can buy the band, lift your pencil up and then go back and join and
come back as well. And always make
sure to join this. If it doesn't, you
can immediately ask you if you were to
close the lasso. This is the Lasso tool
or the selection tool. And now we have your tree ready. I'm going to just make it selection only so that
you guys can see it. You have different
options here when it comes to the selection tool which we are not going to use. But I'm just going to quickly
tell you what these are in, what selection is nothing
but it's going to select everything else except the
area that you have drawn. This works well. Like I said, when you're working
with watercolor brushes, because the notorious for making it really hard
to control the edges. So use them with watercolor
brushes all the time. It's amazing. I would highly recommend. Let's go and do in one. There's also
transform selection. You can just
increase the size or decrease the size of the selection that you
have already done. Click on Done. I mean, when you
click on Transform, you also get vertical and horizontal flips
and things like that. We don't want it. Let's go here. And yeah, we have
everything done. Okay, so once you have this, you'll go back to your brush. And now I'm going to go
ahead and choose a green. So I think I'll choose this
green that is 90, 365. And I'm just going to go
ahead and draw like this. If you want to read
in some texture, I would highly recommend leaving this texture behind like this. And because I want my tree
to look a little more nicer, I'm going to go ahead and. Choose a little dark
green at 109, 75, and 43. Click on a new layer here. And I'm going to add a
bit of texture like this. And I don't want
it so dark, right? It doesn't look. So let's go into levels here, and we're gonna go ahead and
edit the blend more of it. So here you have so
many different options. Like you can do multiply, you can do screen which
enlightened, very nice. I love it. There's overlay
which will document and give it a little bit
of texture like that. And I think I'm going
to go stick to Oberlin. Okay. I don't know if you
can see on the screen, but there's little bit of
darkness happening here. And this really depends on
the color that you choose. If you have something
really black, you see it comes
really, really dark. So make sure you're choosing a nicer color to
get nicer effects. All right, so that's done. And now I want to go ahead
and click on another layer. I'm going to go ahead
and click on the dark green that I just used. So let's click here. Usually the colors appear
in the order that you used. So this is the color that I recently used, so it's
going to be up here. Let's go back to the brushes. And I definitely
don't want to use the heart paste them anymore. Let's go into rough pencils. Oh, by the way, the heartbeat
is the setting for that, is anything that you want. It really doesn't matter. All of these are
default setting, that is the flow
and smoothing was a default on the
size was at 175. It really doesn't matter. Like I said, it's
just coloring it. So going back to brushes, let me go ahead and
click on rough pencil. And yes, this looks good. Now I'm going to go ahead
and make some lines across. So this is where my lights
are going to show up. So like this, like
that, like this, like that and like
this maybe, okay, I think that's enough
of liters of lights. Once you're done, you can do
de-select and you're done. You see all these things
are on a different layer. And we are not using
clipping mask. But because we had
a selection on, it acts like a clipping mask, but not exactly clipping mask. Now you might ask me like, why didn't you just
use clipping mask? So the reason for that
is my bottom most layer, that this layer is
highly textured. So if I use a clipping mask on that limited show you this, it will just draw
on the darker gray. It will not draw on the whites. So it will be again textured. I don't want these
lines to be textured. I wanted to have
its own texture, brush texture, texture the shop. So I don't use clipping mask. That's as simple as that. So this is when your
selection tool can be really, really helpful when
you don't want to use Clipping Mask or on some
highly textured element. Okay, so let's move ahead now and let's make the
base of the tree. So for that you have to come back to the bottom most layer, click on a new layer. And again, you can be on
any brush that you want if you want to be on
the harpist on Soviet. But let's use the
Selection tool for that. So my tree is going
to be like this. It'll have a biz apps. I'm going to undo
two-finger tab. I'm going to redo that, go here. Make like this and like that and close the loop
so that it's closed. Go here and obviously
we want to brown, I'm going to bring this back, okay, there's a brown here. And let me go ahead and
add it and deselect. Your tree has a base as well. Now, this is going
to be a rough, rough version of it. So you're all here to
draw a perfect tree with perfect stuff is going to
be some fun illustration. So feel free to just draw whatever you feel
comfortable about it. So now it's time to make these beautiful lights which are going to slowly
appeal on the tree. So now these things are
nothing but the tree. I just want to group
them because it's nice to be organized. Click, select multiple, click, click, click, click on folder. Now they're all in one
group so you can hide and unhide if you want to
click on a new layer, Let's go ahead and
start choosing colors. I'm going to go ahead
and start with dread. Let's go to brushes now. I'm going to go into
ink and Belgian comics. But before we begin anything, we have to go ahead and select our animation panel on Motion
panel, which is right here. If you don't see this, go
ahead and update your Fresco. So you see this icon,
just click on that. So motion or animation infrastructure works
a different way. So each animation frame is not going to be
a separate layer, is just going to be one layer. So when you open this, you will get this
particular screen. It says one of one, that is this the first frame? And there are only
one frame so far, if you click on one
more NC2 of tool, if you go to the
first 11 of two. So this shows you
which screen you're exactly on going to undo. Undo works for this as well. So let's start. As I have selected red and I have my Belgian Comics brush. It's set to fight with the
nine, which is too much, maybe 60 to two little me be 94. Okay. This looks good.
Rainfall is good. So I'm gonna go ahead and make
a light like this, right? But I want other colors as well. So I'm gonna go ahead
and choose some colors, like I have some, oops, I did that by mistake. So go ahead and add
a bit and color, maybe an pit here as
well, maybe some pings. Now let's go ahead and
make the next layer. So what happens in the next one is that these lights
are going to be turned on and then the
next row appears as well. So what you can do is you can click and click on
duplicate frame. So what this does is it also creates the same
thing in the next one. So this option is
formed by new want to retain the previous frame. And if you don't want
this previous frame, you can just click on this plus and you'll get a blank frame. Now, I'm going to go ahead and draw the same thing over here. And now I want this screen
to duplicate again. So click and then
duplicate frame. And now let's go ahead
and draw some more. And then duplicate
this again and again. And one more. That's it. So let's play this now. Obviously, I know you're
dying to play this thing now. So click on, Play on. And you can see
it's lighting up, but it's so fast, right? We don't want it so
far. So positive. Gloria settings and you
see something called as frames per seconds.
So it set to 15. 15 is too much for us. We have six frames
and it's too much. I usually keep it
at three or four. And it depends on your artwork. Like if you have a lot
of frames than 15 works, otherwise three or four
is like the best thing. Next comes new movements. It's going to play back
and forth again and again. Next is Boomerang
that it is going to go and then come back
and then play once. It's just play
once and finishing our for loop is the best one. Let's skip this onion skin and
document timeline for now. I'll come to it when
you're drawing the 55. One thing you should notice is the number of frames
and that's number 6. So an important thing in Fresco animation is
this frame numbers. Any animation that
you're going to draw in this particular file should
be multiples of six. It can be like two or three because three into two is six
or two into three is six. So that works as well, but it basically you should
have something which is six. You can have another animation which has like seven frames. That's going to be super
difficult to actually work. It won't work well. It will work, but it won't
work where they'll be some glitches or you'll see that some things
don't play completely. So you'll know when you
experiment with it. So go ahead and make some odd number of frames
and see how that works.
9. Using Paths in Animation: Okay, So this is the
frame now when you play all it plays like this. So I have one problem now. So the first frame, it's always like this,
so I don't want that. I want the tree to start
empty without any light. So I'm going to
click on a new layer or the new frame, which
is the empty frame. I'm going to hold it so that it highlights and bring
it to the front. Now, the tree starts without any lights and goes
all the way up, and then that happens. And in the end, I want all
the lights to go off as well. So I'm going to click and
make a blank thing like this and maybe make it
shine once again. Okay, So go to the
previous frame, click and duplicate frame, and let's bring this outside. So now this is full. There's a blank frame and
then LED lights up again. Let's see how it works. That's perfect. Now you can pause this and
know it has nine frames. If you want. Guess what? I'll add one
more and make it blank. The only reason I did
that is so that it's 10. Easy for me to control my other
animation in this alkyne. So now let's just keep a closer eye at the
animation that we are done. You have so many
different frames here. But you see there's
only one, right? There's only one for the tree. If you go up here,
the ninth one. Since there's only
one, if I hide this, all animation gets hidden. So that's pretty convenient. So you don't have so many layers for one single animation, you have only one layer. But there are all
these frames here, which is I think a
super brilliant way to design animation
in any of these apps. So now let's go ahead
and do the fireflies. So click on a new layer here. So every animation should
be on a new layer. Obviously. I mean, you can
make it inside the same layer, but it's going to
get complicated. Why make it complicated? And when you can make
it really, really easy. So let's go ahead and
draw the firefly. I'm going to go into my
Belgian Comics brush. Let's go and choose some
black draw anywhere you want. It doesn't matter.
I'm going to go ahead and draw a black body. I think something like this. And then I'm going to
choose this green. And I'm going to draw like this and maybe go back
to black and make a head. Wait a minute. Okay, if you feel like this
is too big of a brush, go ahead and back. Looks cool. Now click on Transform tool and
doesn't matter, have you have drawn
your five-line, make sure you make it
in this direction. Okay, click on Done. So your fireflies should
be facing up like this. That is going to be
my first screen. Now click on a new layer
on new frame here. And you see something,
it says two of ten. Where does it say too often we don't have ten frames here. That's because this document, the maximum number of frames in this document is actually 10. That is for this Christmas tree. So you can add to
keep it at two, or you can keep it 10 frames or, you know, file,
things like that. So now I'm going
to click on too, but hey, wait a minute, I don't see my five layered or how am I supposed
to draw this thing? So go to your settings and these were onion skin comes
click on onion skin. So then you have
some options here. So what is onion skin? Onion skin is nothing but
you'll see the previous frames, but a lighter version of it so that you know where
to draw exactly, right? So in here it says
frames are three. That means that you can see three frames behind this spring. I don't want three
frames behind. So I'm just going to
click on one because I just wanted to see the previous
frame and nothing else. The opacity, the opacity is
the opacity of this frame. You can keep it dark to light. I would say this, keep
it lighter so that you can see what you're drawing
in this frame as well. And then I said we'll look at this later document timeline. Let's click on
Document timeline. So what this does is it actually shows the timeline for
all the animations here. See as you go here, it will show you where,
what is happening. So you can kind of frame your animation really
well if you're dependent on the animation
in the different layers. But since ours is not
dependent on this layer, we're really no need this. So I'm just going to uncheck
this and let's go back here. Let's concentrate
on a five-line. Let's go to the second frame
here and come back here. This black. So I'm going
to go ahead and draw this. And I'm going to go ahead
and draw this as well, which was black here. And I'm in to some yellow. And I'm going to put
yellow on top of this, like this, all the
way to here, I guess. Okay, that, and I'm going
to choose some gray. Now I want its wings to be
a bit outside like this. Make that an Augustan
go back to yellow. And I wanted to show that
it is kinda brighten. This one. That is,
if you play on, you can see that it
does that, right? That's awesome, isn't
it? So now posit. So now I want this fight flight, move around the screen. So what you're gonna do next is actually going to go ahead
and click on this part. And once you do that, you have this option to use your pencil. And is going to
go ahead and make a simple path like this. And you'll immediately
get this option up here. If you don't get this
click on the fx icon here, and then you'll get
this and you see fireflies moving in a direction. So what you can do now is go ahead and click on this
option here called aligned to part and suddenly
moves in that direction. So that is why we had to draw it facing upwards and now
it's moving there. So let's just quickly
go to every day. So blend mode is normal
because we don't have anything happening
in the background. So I'm just going to
keep it at normal. And opacity is a 100 and
multiples if you want more than 15 flight in this
click and say I want five. So now suddenly five
of them moving around. That's pretty neat, but you don't want them
in one single path, so you can just click on scat and then it will go everywhere. And then you come here and
it's going in uniform speed. That is now they're
going in the same speed. But if you click here
on the original speed, and this is the
speed in which you actually drew the path. By the way, you can draw multiple parts.
This is one part. So I can draw a part heel where I want them to
go just like this. And you see how
fast or slow I drew this makes them go fast or slow. I think that too many, too many of them
right here, right? So if you don't want
so many of them, you can click on this X
and then delete that part. And you have only one. And I do definitely
DO on four or five, maybe three should
be okay, I guess. And so and this one, Let's make it at uniform speed. So everything is moving
in the same speed kinda. And this is a frame. So this is basically determines how fast or slow
your things are moving. I'm going to keep it
here at around 20s so that it kind of matters with everything over there
and the aligned. But again, if you randomize it, it's not going to go
directly in the path, but it will go in
the same direction, but not exactly on the game, but you can just keep it at 0 because I wanted to
go in that part. Once you're done,
you can click on these levels here
and you see your, your fireflies are
moving so nicely. So now you can go to any layer other than that
particular path layer, and that part
disappears by the way. And you can click on play all. And you can see that
these things are moving and basically a Christmas
trees lighting up. Okay, Let's go back here. And I'm going to go into
the background layer, click on a new layer,
and I want to add some color or background to it. So I'm gonna go ahead and
click on this dark green. Click on your film tool, fill vector, and let's make it really dark and
let's see how it looks like. It's too dark. I'm going to go ahead and change the color to a bit lighter. That's a 11077 and 34 and colored like
this and let's play it. That looks good,
that looks good. Maybe we need to put
a star on top, right, so let's go ahead and click on a new layer and let's
make a start now. So you have frame number one, which is going to be empty, and frame number two. And here we'll go into yellow and go back to your
Belgium, russia, anything? And let's make a star. Okay, that's cool. Said keeps flickering and
that's pretty wonderful, right? So next, what it can do
can add some background. So click on a new
layer and then mother shapes that we created
in a previous tutorial. You can use those as well. So I'm going to click
on that and go back to my shape library that I have. And I have some snowflakes
that I created. Or you can use the background image that you have as well. I'm going to use one of the oldest snowflakes
that I created. Maybe make it. Let's see, I use the
green itself vector, but I'm going to go ahead
and experiment with my blend mode screen. And let's see how it looks. Ups. No, redo it. And I'm going to go
ahead and bring it here. Okay, and then go to your brush and go here and turn on
the artboard preview. If you can see all those things. That looks good, but I
don't like the green, so you can change the color of your background very easily. That is, click on a new layer
and tap on clipping mask. And now you can choose
any color that you want. If I want white and click on this fill tool and just click on fill with a vector
and everything is like white, so you
can make it white. So that's how white
would look better. I'll hide it and go back here. I like this color, but I
wanted to be a bit lighter. How about something else? Soft light, you
know, maybe overlay. It looks nice. Let's
keep that overlay. You can keep it at anything that you want. It's
totally up to you. Okay, let's play all the
backgrounds like that. And now you have
all these things. And next is to add text. So click on a new layer here. And I'm going to go ahead
and make a rough idea or write down my texts so that
I know where detection go. So it's Mary. Wait a minute, not itemize Mary. Or you can write any
message that you want. And then you can adjust this
by using the Transform Key, make it bigger or smaller
or whatever. Click on Done. Let's go ahead and reduce the
opacity so that it's just there as a background so that
you can see it really well. And now let's go
ahead and choose this bright brain yellow
that we have. And I want to choose a different
brush that is amber ink. I think I'm going to use
this classic comic snip. It is set to 40. And I think that works really well for me. So let's start doing this. Click on a new layer now. And since there are 14 letters here and we want
to stick to 10 frames, we're going to go
ahead and make some of them with double letters. That is, let me go
ahead and do this. Duplicate. Duplicate. Maybe these two together
because it's only nine. Duplicate. Let's just play all, but wait a minute,
hide this layer. And now you can
just do play all. And you can see that your card or your animation is ready. Okay, so once you have
everything ready to export it, click on Share, Publish
and Export and India, yes, something called motion. So click on that and then you can export it as you can
rename it by the way, exported as an MBA and
before Jeff or PNG sequence. And that means you get a lot of images with each sequence. And then you can click
on Generate frames and it'll give you
a very nice MP4. And yeah, that's basically it for animation or
motion in fresco. There was a very simple one, by the way, I hope you liked it. Um, okay, I'll see you
in the next lesson then.
10. Red Stocking: So in this lesson, we're going
to go ahead and illustrate some Christmas stockings
using mostly vector brushes, will also go ahead and explore this unique
tool right here. That is the appearances
or adjustment layers. So let's just get started then. I'm going to click
on Create New. And let's go to Print and
the cons small postcard. I want this in the
landscape format. So if this is not in
the landscape format, you can click on this tiny arrow here and switch to landscape. And once you do that,
just click on it. I have a color
palette for you, yes. Uh, go ahead and downloaded
from the resources section. Once you have it, Let's
bring it in here. Click on images, go to your
photos and bring it in. Once you have it, click on down. Let's go ahead and
choose these colors and put it into a recent stamp. You should know how
to do this by now if you've watched one
of my previous lessons. So let's go ahead and do it. Okay, I have all my colors. I'm going to hide
it and hide it. Again, go back to a blank layer and lead start illustrating. So I'm going to be using
mostly my vector brush, that is the basic round. And as you know, we only made one change to
the setting, that is, click on the Settings, make sure your turn off the pressure
dynamics. After that. Now we are ready to draw. Let's go ahead and
draw the first one. Now. I'm going to
go ahead and choose this red color because I
think that looks nice. Let's select the size now. I want to make it about 10. You can click and
hold and get this and you can type in 10
and pick outside. Now let's go ahead
and draw a shape of a stocking that looks
good on Maybe not. I'm going to go
ahead and adjust it. It's okay. You can adjust it like this. Go to your fill tool and for and make sure you fill
this part as well. Now it's time to add
some elements to it. So click on a new layer and make sure you click on
this clipping mask here. Now let's go ahead and
choose this light pink. Now go back to your brush. That's got and
make some designs. Maybe a bit here like this. Color it up. Then one line here. Maybe I should have
made this white. So I'm going to go ahead
and click on white, did the fill tool
and fill it in. Now let's go ahead and choose
the vector brush again. And I want to make a
little snowman here. So go ahead and make a snowman bigger
round, smaller, round. And I'm going to go ahead
and draw a line here. Don't worry, we're going to
come back to that. Okay. And I will go into
that pink again. I want to put a little
bit of a halo here. So just do that and
then color it in this. Let's make the elements first
and then come back here. Okay, Now I want to add
things to the snowman. So I'll go here and
choose this green and maybe reduce this to about seven or eight,
something like that. And you can use your
fingers to zoom like this. And let's make a band
that's too thick, great, so we can
reduce it further. And make a band like this. And I'm going to
reduce it further. Maybe keep it one. So then I can put
these eyes on it. And maybe the red. And let's make, who knows. But I think I'm gonna
go ahead and choose black instead of this green. You can select white and
then cover this up first. Now you can select
black and then make these ice and maybe
make some buttons. Okay, That looks nice. Now let's get back here and we need to draw some trees on this. So I don't want to draw
on this surface itself. So I'm going to click again. And now I'm going to make it
into a clipping mask again. So the second layer
of clipping mass does not mean that it's a
clipping mask on this layer, but it just means that
it's a clipping mask on the base layer. That means, for example, you see this part which I color, which was in this clipping
mask layer. Right? Now if I try to draw, it's going to go outside that. Okay, but it won't go
beyond the stocking layer. That's because it's
a clipping mask on this layer and
lock this layer. That is, this is a parent layer. So you can create as many layers as you want as clipping mask. It does not matter. Let's go ahead and
choose the green and maybe increase this now, maybe make it eight
or something. I'm going to draw,
try Nikos mysteries. Oh, this is too big, five. And let's draw some trees. If you've created
shapes earlier, you can use those
shapes as well. Or you have created
custom brushes. You can use them as well. You don't have to draw
each one of these, okay? And since I want
some continuation, I'm going to draw here as well. And since it's clipping mask, it'll make sure that
we don't draw outside. Now let's go ahead and
illustrate the rest. Now I want to go
ahead and choose the light pin that
I chose earlier. I'm going to draw
some hearts here. So feel free to decorate these
things however you want. Just some ideas of what you can draw to create
these things, okay? By the way, you can create
this all in separate layers. You don't have to do
everything in one layer like I'm doing. Okay. Now I'm gonna go ahead
and choose white. And I'm going to go ahead
and draw a line like this. We not exactly like that, like this, but it's going on this layer which I
don't want to happen. So what I'm going to
do is I'm going to go below this clipping mask, select a new layer, and that will be below this
pink layer, by the way. And then I'm going to go ahead and draw our layer like this. I'm going to join these two here edges because I want
to use the fill tool. Now, I can go into green and I could
draw whatever I want. Oops, go back to your brush. And then let's draw. You can use this filter
again over here like that. Maybe this home reduce
the size and draw. Increase the size. Not so much. Okay, have this layer here. There's some white here. Maybe go back to your eraser
tool and try to erase it. And it should go off. Now this few more things here, whatever you draw here should
come below this pink layer. So make sure you create
a new layer that is right below this pink layer. And now let's go ahead
and choose some white. Again, if you're created gene some shapes, you can use that. So let me go here and I have the snowflake
that I've created. I'm going to reduce
the size completely. Go ahead and keep it here
and then produce it. And I'm going to go ahead
and add some of this. Okay, Once you're done, click back on your brush, and now let's go ahead
and make some dots. Make sure you add
some on the edges. Okay, that looks good. And I want to add
some here as well. So I'm going to go ahead and use the same shape that I have. Where is it? It's over here, so
let's bring it here. But I'll go ahead and
click on a new layer. And like this, make it
a clipping mask and now make the snow fix vector field. Okay? And then go back to your brush, and let's go ahead and make
some dots here as well. Okay, In that looks nice. And now we are left with
only the heel part. So I'm going to go
into this layer which has seen heel part. But now if you want to
draw some design on this, and if you tried to use a
clipping mask, like I told you, it will be a clipping mask on the base layer and not on there. So it'll be very hard
to control something so that it does not go
beyond this pink layer. So in such cases, we can use mosques, that is click and click
on Mask layer contents. And now you just swipe. And now let's choose
y to reduce the size, maybe make it 1.53 can
just draw things here. And you can see this
does not go beyond the pink layer because we are using a vector mask
installer for clipping mask. So this is one place where mask is very useful instead
of a clipping mask. Okay, let's go back to the
base layer and I'm going to go ahead and choose that red.
I'm an erect a barrage. I forgot to add a
little handle to it, so I'm just going to
go ahead and make sure I add some thing like this. Okay. That looks good. No
one go ahead and fix anything that
needs to be fixed. That looks very nice. Now let me go to the
bottom most layer, that's the background layer. Click on a new layer, go to my fill tool and I'm
going to choose this really light pink and fill it
with a vector field. I want a background for this. That's because I want to
add shadow to this docking. So I'll go here to
this stocking layer, which is the base layer, click and duplicate layer. Now you can see there are two
of them and go to the layer behind that trick on black, fill it with black. And now let's go
to the Levene's. Here. You can do overlay. And now click on Transform. And you can bring it back
down a little bit so that it creates a little bit
of a shadow like this. And once you're happy with that, click on Done and
you see you have a little shadow happening
over there, right? So first talking is ready. But before we go anywhere, Let's go ahead and
group these into one single elements or that it'll be much easier to edit it later and it won't
be as confusing. So make sure you are
on one of the layers which forms this stocking. Click, Select Multiple. Let's go ahead and
select all these. Click on this folder icon. Now, everything is
in one single layer. Perfect. Now let's go ahead
and do the next one.
11. Green Stocking: Okay, so now let's go ahead
and illustrate the next one. So I'm going to go back
into my vector brush, and let's cut and
choose some white. Let's make the green one. Doesn't matter which
side you're on because it's just
marking out layer. So click on a new layer now and go ahead and draw
another stocking. If you want, you
can go ahead and duplicate this same ship. You know what? Let's just do that. So I'm going to double-click
on this and click here, click and duplicate layer. Now it creates a
middleware layer and go back to this one, click until this
gets highlighted. Go ahead and hold on this arrow, so that goes outside. And now you can go
ahead and place it here and you have the sheep
outside like this. And now click on
Transform tool here. And now you can
bring it this side. And if you want, you
can create it in the same size, like
three of them. But let's go ahead and flip it so that it's in
this direction. Okay, And I'm gonna go
ahead and place it a bit here and I'll make
it a little thicker. Why not? Right? And make it a little twisted like this and
bring it down like this. And once I'm happy, I
will click on Done. Now go to a white girl, your fill tool and then
click to color this void. I hope you can see this. Now let's go ahead and put in some designs to click
on a new layer. And obviously there's going
to be a clipping mask. And I'm going to go ahead
and choose the green. Go back to your vector brush. And I'm going to
go ahead and mark this layer, something like this. You don't know what I've done. I'm going to go
ahead and uncheck the clipping mass to show you that I put this like this. Now I can use my
friend dual easily. And then if I do clipping mask in gestures up on that layer, I'm going to do the
same thing here. That is a mark like this, but go ahead and make
sure you close this loop. So now you can correct this is how it looks
like right now. And now I'm going to
go ahead and choose the brush and just make
one line like this. You can do any fixes that you
want if it's not straight. And then make sure
you draw nicely. All right, Now click on a new layer and
clipping mask again, and we're going to go ahead
and draw some designs. So I'll go into white now. And I want this to, maybe about six of phi
would also be okay. Let's go ahead and draw
some designs like this. And then link, the
link that I like. Then maybe put some
dots here, I guess. Okay, That looks cool. Now let's go ahead and make
some designs over here. So I'm gonna click and go into a new layer, again
clipping mask. You don't have to do
everything on a new layer, but it's good to do
it on new layers so that you can go ahead
and change it later on. Okay, now I'll go ahead
and choose this red and I'm going to draw some berries. I think it's called berries. Maybe one, he just
draw some berries. Make three of them here. Like that. Maybe one, H0 and H1 here. If you want this to
appear below that. So just bring this below these
layers and it'll be fine. And maybe one here. One here. We can add
things later on as well. So don't worry about that. Now click on a new layer. It will be a clipping mask, but I want that to be
below these berries. So click until it gets highlighted and bring
it below like that. Now let's go ahead and
choose this green. And I'm going to go ahead
and add some leaves to it. So my leaves are going
to be like that. And like this and make
sure you join this end. And then you can use
the fin door like this. Go back to your brush
and add some here. You need to join this as well. Now let's go ahead and
click on a new layer, and that'll be a clipping mask. And now let's go ahead and go to your vector brush and reduce the size to about 30 something. I'll go into my layers
here and I'm going to go ahead and select screen, since I don't want to
use a lot of colors, I'm going to be using
just the green, but I wanted to be
a little different. You know, it should look like I'm using a different color, so I'm just going to use that. But since I'm using screen, it'll come up lighter like this. So you see how you can use these blend modes for a
limited color palette. Illustration, you
can just do that. So using different,
different blend modes will give you
different, different effects. So if you do want
this to be lighter, but in steady want
this to be darker. Go ahead and use things like
multiply or sometimes only. Those things weren't
great as well. I'm not being careful. So I'm just gonna go
ahead and do this. And don't forget two
fingers to undo. You also have undo and
redo here as well. I think that looks good. Now click on a new layer and
I want to add some designs, but I want this to be a
little smaller, about 1.5. And I'm going to
go ahead and add a leaf green over
here like that. Thickness to tiny,
but that's okay. No, something like this. So very rough sketch. It's okay. Can go ahead and
fill it in if you feel like there's
a lot of blank. Maybe I'm going to add one here as well because
I'm just trying to fill in the gaps so
that it doesn't look too. There's a lot, a lot of
whitespaces basically. And maybe here as well. All right, that looks good. I'm going to go ahead
and add one more thing. I want more of these red ones, so choose red and you can
increase this a little bit. And let's go ahead and
add some red blobs to fill things in here. Small ones and big
ones like that. Now I want to add something
to the red things over here. So I'm gonna go back into the layer which has
this bigger ones. Take on a new layer norm. It's a clipping mask by the web. And I'm going to go
into my blend modes. And I will choose the
last one, the luminosity. And now we'll go into
the color palette here. I'm going to blue
and then move this here so that it's a
more dark bluish. And now what I'm
going to do is slowly add a bit of color
here like that. See what's happening. And we can go here and use this opacity to make
it a bit darker. So I know it looks
very weird, know, but when you go zoom
back and look at it, it look much better. And you have to do this
only for the bigger ones. I'm not doing it for
the smaller ones. Once you have it, you can
actually reduce the opacity here and then make it
much, much lighter. And if you want to add
shadow to this as well, you can always go
into this layer which has the white base layer, click and Duplicate Layer. And go to the layer below that, make sure you're on black. Click, fill it up. Over here. You can click on
overlay and then click on the transform tool and then bring it a bit down like this. Or if you want to make this and on the shadows don't
make sense, but that's okay. So your second stocking
is ready as well. But first, let's go ahead
and group this again. That's go ahead and
select multiple and select everything that
forms this particular one. Folder. And cropping.
12. Reindeer Stocking: Okay, now let's go ahead
and take on a new layer. And let's go ahead and
illustrate the third one now. So if you want, you can
go ahead and choose the same stocking size
like I told you earlier. So go ahead. You can do this
before you group it as well. That will be much more simpler. So go ahead and click, I'm going to do the black
one, duplicate layer, click and hold, and go
into this arrow here, my listing is bothering. So click here so that it goes back and then bring
it in like this. Now transform tool, and
let's bring it in here. Okay, this isn't the
overlay mode. That's okay. Click on Done that, go here and choose
this as normal. Now let's go ahead and
use the fill tool. And for this one I'm
going to go ahead and use white again and fill it in. Now let's use the
transform tool. And I want to make a
bit of changes to this, maybe meek like that. And tika or however
you want, right? So make it like this and maybe keep it like that and
maybe make it a bit longer. And then keep it
like this, I guess. Okay, click on Done. Now let's click on a new layer, and then let's go into red. I'm going to go into
my vector brush again, and I'm going to go ahead
and make this part read. So, you know, make this like
this and click and Philip, and obviously make this
as a clipping mass or that gets completely covered. Now go back to your
vector brush and maybe make one line
right here. Maybe. Why am I having so much trouble? Okay? And now I want this one
to be read as well. So I'm gonna go ahead and color
this off and color it in. And let's click on a new layer and make this
clipping mask again. And I'm going to
go ahead and color this part here, right? So let's go ahead
and choose white. And I'm going to go ahead and, and now we'll use the brush and go ahead and make
lights like this. That looks good. And now let's go ahead
and add a reindeer. But it's going to be
my own, wash it off. And because I'm not
really good at drawing animals 7-day to go ahead
and I have a brown here. So I'm going to choose that. And let's go and do act a brush, click on a new layer so that if it doesn't turn out great, you can always hide it. So let's go ahead here and
create around that's too big, I guess so make
it a bit smaller. Something no, that's still around like that
and color it up. And now I'm going to go out into my vector brush again and I1 round head like this. And then let's go
ahead and cover it up. Okay, this is really big, right? It's covering everything away as I'm going to undo it using my two-finger tab and
go back into my brush. I'm gonna make it
really small like this. And then maybe small like this. That should be okay, Let's see. Now it should be much,
much, much better. And I'm going to go ahead and
use the lighter brown that I have and use the brush again. And I'm going to go ahead and choose like this pen color it. That looks good. And I want the pink because I wanted to go ahead and add a little bit of a
nose over here. If you have read, go ahead
and add red as well. That looks nice too bad. Let me just add a pink
one for this, okay? And obviously choose black. And we're going to do
I is two this guy. And I want to make
this much smaller and add a bit of whoosh
dash or whatever. Now let's go to Brown and
I forgot to add years. We can increase the size again
up to three or something. Let's go ahead and
add years now. And obviously we
have to add Atlas, so and less like that. Like this. And
maybe here as well. Okay. Does that look like a ranger? I don't know, but yeah, This is going to be RND. Okay. And then obviously now I want
to add some pink cheeks. So click on a new layer and
click on clipping mask again. I'm going to go into pink and add a bit of cheek
here like this. And I'm going to add here as well like this, but
I don't want this. So dark click here, and let's reduce the opacity
to about 50 percent. Now I'm going to go
ahead and click on a new layer because I wanted
to add some lights to this. So you have these orange or
yellow and other colors. I'm just going to go
ahead and dig that and add some lights like that. And maybe some red. Do we have an orange? No, you can go ahead
and choose an orange if you want and add some lights like this,
not blue as well. It's story up to you. So now let's go ahead and
add the rest of the thing. But before that, you can make this clipping mask as
well. It doesn't matter. I'm going to go into the
layer below the reindeer and take on a new layer because I'm going to add some snowflakes. And for that, I want basically
to be behind the reindeer. Go do your shapes now or you can hand draw
everything by the way. So I'm going to go ahead
and go into my library and choose the snowflake
that I created earlier. I'm going to choose the end of the one that I created y-naught, and I'm going to choose
the red color itself. Now where Western
Snowflake of kids here. So I'm going to bring it here. I'm going to increase
the size a little bit, keep it over here and
then fill rectify. And I'm going to
go ahead and make some more here as well, like turnaround and things
like that. And make some more. And now I'll click on my brush. And then it goes back here
and I feel like it's empty. So I'm going to go into
my vector brush and let's see the size.
That looks good. I'm going to go ahead and
add some dots. Boundary. I really like dots. Bad looks nice. And if you want, you can go
ahead and add some texture to this or colors to
this red one as well. But otherwise we
are done with this. Only thing is we have to go
ahead and duplicate layer. Go to the bottom layer, click on black, fill it. Let's go here. Click on overlay Transform tool and bring it back a notch to make it look like it
as some kind of shadow. And then done and all are
three, stockings are done. Now let's go ahead and
group these together. So click and select multiple, group all of these and fold up. Then we have all three
in separate layers. Right? Now, go back to the
layer that is this one here, click on a new layer and
I'm going to go ahead and go into the pink that I have, which I have for the
background by the way. And I'm going to go
into vector brush. And I'll make sure I choose multiply for now because so that I can see what's
happening like this. Now I'll increase the size, make some stars like this. And I'll click Duplicate Layer. And this one, I'm going to
go ahead and do it into screen like that and
unclick transform. I'll actually flip
it and you can see it has created
something like this. You can actually
increase or decrease the size if you want
or mood around. Once you're happy with this
click on done as well, you can add extra
bits, by the way, if it's going outside
the art board, just go here and click on art board preview and it will cut off everything
which is not there. Okay. Your stockings are ready.
13. Colors with Adjustment layers: Okay, and now it's time to
experiment with colors. What if you don't like
these colors at all? And you want to create
your own set of colors, or you want to
experiment with colors. That's why we have something
called as adjustment layers. So I'm going to go on the
topmost stocking layer. Doesn't matter which one. It really doesn't matter. And click on this here. That is, appearances
or adjustment layers. Let's click on hue saturation. Let's move this here. And now you see if you
change this bar here, all your colors actually change. I think I'm liking this
kind of pinkish red wipe, so I'm just going
to keep it at that. And if you want, you can
increase the saturation as well. Like make it more
colorful or less. Just going to keep it at
whatever it was that as 0. You can see the number here. That means you haven't
modified anything, okay? You can also choose
the blend modes here, but we're not gonna
do any of those. And then click on here. So now you've changed
color of all three body. You actually wanted to change the color of just
one stocking that as you just wanted
to change the color of this, this one right here. So I'm just going to click
and move it below here. And now you can see that
the others haven't changed, just this one and the
background has changed. So what this means is when you create
an adjustment layer, this adjustment applies
to everything below that. That means it applies
to this fill layer, the two layers that we
created above that as well. What if you want to apply
this adjustment layer only do dyslexia and
not to these things. There's this option
that has clipping mask. And when you do that, you see automatically it
applied only to this. So by default you can create these adjustment layers
as clipping mask. That is, for example, I'll go to this background here. And when I click here, this
is option called clips. So you just click over here and then you
create this layer, and it automatically creates a clipping mask
adjustment layer. Okay, let's go there. And if you don't want to
use any of those things, it's very, very easy. All you have to do is
hide it or you can actually click and
delete that as well. So I just hide it
and it goes away. So in this way, you can actually work with different colors. For your illustration. You don't really
have to worry about changing every color
in your artwork. And you can just
change color using this hue saturation
and contrast. So there are other
things here as well, brightness and contrast that is nothing but increase
the brightness, decrease the brightness
and such that. And there's something
called as color balance. It is used to actually
control the colors. You can see this green over here when you see this option here. And this, you can see the background changing
and yellow and blue. The green changes because it belongs to the category of yellow and blue or
black families. So anything that belongs to these families will
change colors. And if you don't want,
just hide it, Hide it. And then you are done
with your illustration. I'm just going to click on this here and then you can see this. So basically you can create these things and then
export this like this. Or you can also go ahead and hide your background
layers, by the way. And exactly like how we created a pattern with the cookies. You can create pattern
with this as well. And this is something
I created earlier. And you see you can create a
pattern with this as well. I think that's it
with this lesson, as in the next lesson.
14. Stamp Brush: In this lesson, you
will learn to create a stamp brush using Adobe
Capture and Adobe Fresco. So you can use this
stamp brushes for, not just for decorating things, which we'll use later
on, by the way, but also to create a watermark on any of
your illustrations. Okay, so let's just get started. You can choose any file size
for this particular lesson. But I'm just going to
click on Create New and go into digital
amplicon square. Let's do a very simple,
very simple illustration. So you can use any brush
you want for these terms. But I would highly
recommend using vector brushes so
they're nice and crisp. So I'm going to click
on my vector brush. You can choose any size and
you can use the tape or any, basically any brush
that you want. And I'm going to
go ahead and draws very simple Christmas
tree, very, very simple. So it's just going
to be like this. Oops. And maybe make it like this. And let's go ahead
and fill in them. So my brush, when
I try to stamp it, it's going to look
exactly like this. If you want a brush which
looks like an outline, that is, you go ahead
and draw this like this. So if you want it
to look like this, just make sure you
draw it like this. So anything which is black
will become a brush. Okay, so now once you have this, let's go to this layer below
and uncheck it because we want to export this as a
brush without a background. Now click here, click on
Publish and Export. Export As. And we're going to go
ahead and export it as a PNG and click on Export and Save image
onto this device. And once it's done,
click on Done. Now let's go ahead
and open capture. Once you open capture,
you can able, you'll be in the camera option by the way, or you'll be here. If you are in this screen, you can click on
images here and go to your camera roll and bring that tree that we
created right now. Okay, so once it comes in, it might be in any
one of these things. So obviously look very
different for you guys. But I want you to go ahead
and click on Brushes. And now it's going to come
to the screen right now. As you would have
already guessed, you can create brushes
out of images or using your camera option in
Adobe Capture as well. So it'll just create some
extra things over here. We took an edit later on, but I'm going to go
into that right now. And once you are here, you can click on thick. And now you'll come to
this screen where we have more options to edit your brush. So you can choose any of these brushes that
you want. By the way. These are just things which have a little bit of
settings into them, are modified into them. These are fresco ribbon
brushes, by the way, which I have a little bit
of a different thing. So i'm, I'm gonna
choose any of that. I'll go into the
first one that is a basic one right here, okay, and now let's
go into crop. So if you have a lot
of whitespace, yeah, you might want to reduce
this by doing this, and you can move
this one as well. That looks good. Let's go into settings. You might want to keep this
the highest possible setting, or at least a little bit higher so that you
have a lot of options. When you're trying to set
the size of the brush. If you keep it to load, that would be the maximum size available and minimum size,
you can keep it at 0. Now there's one more thing
here called spacing. So I'm going to increase
that so that I can distinctly see the
trees like this. And in here instead
of directional, directional does is it will draw in whichever
direction you going, I'm going to click on none. So however I draw, I'm going to get
a three which is straight like this, okay? Directional would
make sure that, you know, changes. So
I'll keep it at man. In the eye. You can select
things for pressure. That is, if you choose
size for pressure, if I don't put any
brush, it'll be tiny, but if I put a lot of pressure, it will be bigger. So this is something
which you can decide to do. I'm
going to turn it off. Flow is nothing. Well, if you don't put pressure,
it will be very light. If you put pressure, it's
going to be very dark. I'm going to turn
that off as well. So Jetta, so this
is size jitter. So when you're drawing the line, it might increase or decrease in the size which we
really don't for us. That's the same for angle. It can turn in any direction, but we don't want that as well. Same for the flow. So it'll be like, you know, randomly light and dark, which we don't want as well. And scatter is nothing but
it's scatters everywhere, so it won't be in one
single straight line. It can be scattered. I don't want this as well. So we have selected everything
you click on refined. So here if you want to do fine, you can crop it or whatever. And once you're ready
with everything that you need to
do for your brush, it's time to actually save it. So now you can name
your brush here. I'm going to name it as 3, 2. And it has where you
want to save it. So this, you can save it to any of your creative
cloud library. Or if you want, you can click on this plus to create a new one. Or you can just go
ahead and choose one of these things that you have. And we're going to
go ahead and save it to print me some color. Click here. And it automatically shows about patterns and other
things that you want. I'm just going to click on Save. Or by the way, you can
also save this as a shape. Why not? Let's just save it
in or click on Save. It's easily saved. And it's going to do this so
that this kind of updates. Now let's go ahead
and open fresco. Alright, so now you
are here in Fresco, and now it's time to go
ahead and check your brush. So by the way, all these
brushes that you create, even though you use
the vector brush, it's going to be a pixel brush. So if you click on your pixel
brush here and scroll down, you'll see your library
brushes and go ahead and search for your library. That is print me some column. I'm going to click
on that. And I included something called us 32. So it's already here, right? So click on that. And now I'm just going to
hide this click on new layer. Let me bring this
background back. Now I'm on that
brush and you see I have things like this. I can reduce the size and
make smaller brushes, increase it and
make bigger ones. Now I can go ahead and choose some red color and I
can create a red plush. And this is basically
how you create a stamp brush or how you can
create your own watermark. So for watermark, I just did everything with
the vector brush. I just drew this
thing and exported it and created it as a stamp brush. Okay, so that's it
for this lesson. It's super easy to
create a stamp brush with Adobe Capture
and fresco, isn't it? Okay, I'll see you
in the next lesson.
15. Watercolor Brushes: So in this lesson,
we're going to go ahead and briefly explore the watercolor brushes
in Adobe Fresco. Will also learn about how to add watercolor texture
or any kind of texture to your Outlook using
images or texture images. So let's just get started. I'm going to click on
Create New and go to print and choose a small postcard
in the landscape format. Okay, So let me quickly talk
about the live brushes. Are the watercolor
brushes in this. If you click on this, you'll see something called as
watercolor brushes. These five brushes act exactly like watercolor brushes
would act like that is, if I go out and do
some random color, that's pink and I'm going to be in watercolor wash
flat by the way, and then destroy it. And you see how
nicely it spreads. And I'm going to go
ahead and choose some other color, blue maybe. Then if I add, you see, it kinda gets mixed up here. And I can add more color
and it becomes darker. So this is how
live brushes work. The same works with the
oil paint brushes as well. So if you see they are
very thick and nice. Okay, we'll come to oil paint
brushes a bit later on. Now this one is
going to be mostly about watercolor
brushes, the wash flat. This orbit looks like. Okay, let me go ahead
and clear that layer. So in this, we're gonna
go ahead and drop very simple trees and later converted into
a pattern magazine. We like making
patterns over here. So let me go ahead and
bring in the color palette for this, the economy. So in your watercolor
brush setting, you see a few settings,
few extra settings. Actually, one of them is
nothing but the flow. This is nothing but the amount
of color on your brush. So you can keep it at a 100 and you see that it's very bright. You could keep it lower and you see that it's not so bright. I usually try to keep
it in midways, fifties. I'm in depending on the
project if you want, you can increase the dose 160. So whatever. Next
is the water flow. It's not equal the amount
of water on your brush. So let me just quickly
show this to you. Waterflow 100 would
look like this. So it's like a really nice wash. And then if I change
this to about 0, it would look like this.
You see how it is. It's not mixing that well because there's very less water. And you see these braces, That's actually a
dry brush bristles. So you can get a
dry brush effect by putting this to almost 0. In this setting away. I usually tend to keep
it between like fifties. That's what works for me. Let me clear this layer. So you have few
brushes over here. So if you want some
really dark color, watercolor round
detail is really nice. Otherwise might go to brushes,
watercolor wash flat. I rarely use basic watercolor
because I don't know it. It just doesn't appeal to me. And there's some watercolor
wet spatter that's just, you know, put some
splashes here and there, which is great as well. And now, if you want to use
the watercolor brushes, but you want to use just the
water and not the color. What you can do is you
have this touch taken. If you don't have
it, you can find it under touch shortcut here. So if you turn it off, you'll see it goes
away and then you turn it on and it comes back. So if you double-click, now it turns the inside circle on. And now when you re, put it, it's pure water seeds, ACL, that it's pure water. Let's go test is, so I'm
going to put some water here. Now I'm here, I'm going to
make this completely 0. So the water flow is 0 and double-click so that goes away. Now if I draw it so dry, but you see it spreading
here and not here. That's because there's water
on the canvas already. This is a very nice
thing to know, especially when you're
trying to draw things like skies and you want colors to mix in as you put in the color. This works really, really well. Okay, let me go ahead
and clear layer. Now let me go ahead and use the watercolor wash flat
and let's start drawing. One thing about the
watercolor brush is, let me, let me
change this to 50. Okay, So one thing about
watercolor brushes, It's really hard to
control the edges. You see what happens here. It kinda goes away. The best way to deal with watercolor brushes when you want to be careful about edges, is to use with the lasso
or the selection tool, I usually use the
first option here. So I'm gonna go ahead and
draw some trees right now. So my first one is going
to be something like this. And obviously I'm going to go
ahead and change the color, maybe put this and
I want the wash. So I'm going to cancel muscle. Gurion watercolor brush. I've set it to
watercolor wash flat. And there's about five hundred and four hundred,
something like that. Going to add some color here. And I'm going to go
ahead and choose the darker version
of that same color. I'm going to go ahead and add
some color here like that. Increase this a little bit. And now I'm in deselect
and you can see that there's a very nice gradient
happening here, right? It stopped is later,
mom is darker. That's perfect. Now let's go ahead and draw the next one, again,
selection tool. And you can make this any
way you want the trees. You know, we're just going
to draw some random trees. And we're going to
go ahead and choose that light green that I had, just no watercolor brush. And I'm just going to draw
it like that and a bit more colorful than the
previous one, de-select. Now let's go ahead
and choose again. And this time I want to
make something different. So I'm just going to
go ahead and draw. Something like this. And I'll go ahead and choose this lighter green that I have. Brush. And I'm going to
go ahead and color with the lighter
green in the bottom. Then I'll choose the
darker green that I have. And on the top I'm going
to put the dark tree. Now when I click on a new layer, I'll go to mode and click
on Transform Selection. Now it's going to
transform the selection and not the actual artwork that. So I'm just going
to go ahead and move this up a little bit. Something like that,
and click on Done. And now and go ahead and
put the dark color on top. And choose a lighter color and put it in the bottom like that. And I want to click
on a new layer again, again,
transform selection. I'm going to go ahead and
move this up here again. Maybe reduce the
size a little bit. That looks good. Click on Done light
color all the way to. If you want, you can add
the dark color on top, but the light on the
bottom, click on de-select. And then you kind
of created a tree. Now you can go ahead and click
and click on Merge Down, click and merge down. And now everything is
in one single layer. Now let's go ahead and choose a different color and choose
this color right here. I'm going to draw a tree, but with the
selection tool again, and I want it to be
something like this. And then I'm going
to go ahead and color it completely like that. Then deselect. Let's go ahead and
do one more here on this w0 bit like that. And maybe this yellow want it to be darker in
the bottom deselect. And then again, maybe
this one can be round. I'm going to choose
this light green here. Maybe add a bit color here. Can actually choose
this round detail and add more color if you want. To go back to my
watercolor wash flight, and then de-select,
and then one more, maybe that, and then
choose some colors. Maybe this one, maybe
choose a bit of yellow. And then de-select. All right, Now go to a layer
below that and click on a new layer because we're
going to add some stems to it. So go ahead and click and make one like this so you can go ahead and use the selection
tool continuously like this. It doesn't actually
continue with each other. It would just stop
as soon as you close the lasso, it
stops over them. Like this. Now I'm going to go
ahead and use brown. Go back to my watercolor brush. You can actually choose
a different brush. So I'm going to go ahead and select my dry media
and harpists. Because why not going
to go ahead and draw some like that and maybe
use a darker brown in some. Maybe this light that
doesn't look good. Let's make it light and dark. This one also doc,
then de-select. And your trees are
almost ready, but no, we have to add some stuff
to go back to this layer, pick on a new layer. Now let me go to
watercolor brush anyone and if I try to draw it
kind of mixes in, right? If you want to use
watercolor brush, again, you have to go to the layer
on top and then you can use the watercolor brush
and it works just fine. For this. I'm going to go ahead and use the rough pencil
under dry media. And let me go ahead and
choose some colors. This one, I want something
darker here like that maybe. So I'm just going to go into
the layer on top and go ahead and draw
something like that. And for this one
I'm going to choose really dark purple that I have. And now go to the
layer below this. Click on a new layer and
click on clipping mask. And now I'm going to go
ahead and draw this. And you see how dark it is. So let's go here and
change this to screen. Maybe overlay,
overlay looks better. Okay, let's do that oily. And next one is this one, and I want this to
be Ollie as well. So I'm going to go ahead
and draw this like this. Okay, that looks good. For this one. I will choose the same color, but I'm going to make
some things like that. And for this, let's
choose yellow. I'm going to click
on a new layer, and now I'm just going to go
ahead and draw these things, make this, or this needs
to be a little darker. So I'm going to click on
clipping mask would go here and click on Multiply so that it comes out very nice
and dark like that. Okay? And I think I want this one
to be multiply as well, so I'll just use the same
color and draw it like this. And for this, let me
choose the dark green. And I will choose watercolor
round detail for this. And this.
16. Watercolor Texture & Pattern: Okay, so now if you want to add some watercolor texture to this, go ahead and download
some watercolor texture that you can find online. Or you can scan your
own watercolor paper and you can add that as well. But I'm going to provide
a link to download a free watercolor texture. Go ahead and download it, and let's go ahead
and bring it now. It will be saved to
your gallery or photos. Go ahead and bring it
in as click on images, photos and bring it in. So this is my watercolor paper, so I'm just going to turn it around so that
it's like this and increase the size so that it covers the whole page
and click on Done. You see that I've put it
on top of all the layers. That's because I want this
texture on everything, okay? And now all you
have to do is click here and click on Multiply. And they go, you have your watercolor
texture on everything. If you put in close, I don't think you can
see it on the screen. We can see that this is
a watercolor texture. Now it's time to go ahead and
make this into a pattern. So how do we do
that? To do that, we want the watercolor
texture to our new on the trees and not in
the background because we got to hide the
background anyway, right? You can actually go ahead
and hide the background. And then the watercolor
texture would still be that. So we don't want that on everything else
but just on the tree. So I'm just going to go ahead
and merge all these layers. That is click and merge
layer or merge down, do the same here. Merge Down words down. Milestone. So all
the three things are on one layer right now. And now in this one I'm just going to click on clipping mask. So now this is going to apply to only the watercolor area, wherever the watercolor is and not to the background area. You can also go ahead and
click on Merge Down and NAMI or one single layer and
it's ready to be exported. And that is click, Publish
and Export capture button. No click select
this, click on Done. Once you're here,
you get this option. I'm going to go here
and select the hexagon. That looks nice. And
then free form a grid. And I'm going to go here
and bring this in here. I want one more. Okay, Now, click on this and
click back here. And I increase the size of this and try to place
it somewhere here. Like that. Click on this, reduce
the size and replace it, then I want to look, okay, That looks nice and I think they'd like
this bottom actually. And I'm going to click on Save. I'm going to go
ahead and save this. If you haven't watched
my previous lesson on how to create a pattern, go ahead and mortar,
because they have explained this in a much
better way over there, okay. And click on save. I have created some as well, like this one right
here. They go. And I think I love this one actually I used three
different sizes. This the biggest one, little smaller and
then really tiny, wanted to create this one. And the one that we
created just now is over here. They go. There's the pattern that
we created just now. Okay, you are super
simple, wasn't it? Using watercolor
brushes gives it a very nice look and feel. And I think I really
loved these watercolor brushes other than creating
watercolor landscapes. This is one of my
favorite things to do with these brushes. Okay, I hope you can create
some awesome patterns with this now and I'll see you
in the next lesson then.
17. Gift Tags with Vector Trimming: In this lesson, we're
going to go ahead and draw some gift tags. So we're going to learn
a few things like vector to remain using shapes. I'll paint brushes and
something with that you can do with things that you're
already created in this class. Okay, so let's just go
ahead and get started. I'm going to click
on Create New. And I'm going to go into
print and I will choose a, A4 size, our port for this. So let me first
go ahead and make the shape of a gift tag. But to do that first, let's go ahead and use the
option that has grids. Click here, this will open
up your grid of guides. India. I'm going to click on grids now and show
up very nice grids. You can use your spacing here to either make it
low or make it big. And I'm going to go ahead
and keep it somewhat like this so that it's
easier to understand. You can increase the
opacity or decreases. Let's keep it at here. So
the alignment guides are on. That means that when I
try to move things and show me where the center
of the artboard is. This is nothing but snapping. That is rotation snapping. If I'm turning some object
using the transform tool, I will, for example, if I draw this, if I do this and when I'm turning and
you see the angle there, now it'll snap at 45 degrees. I can change that here by
putting it to 90 or 30 as well. Let me just clear layer. So now I have
everything ready here. I'm just going to click here. Now, if you click here, here, you have something
called as guides. So if you click,
this is the ruler. If you click and hold, you'll see a circle,
square, and polygon. The way these things
work is if I click on square and if I have this, you can resize it. And once you want to draw
something, click here. And now you can just draw like this and it'll
warn, move anywhere. And you will create
a very nice square or rectangle or whatever. You can also use this to fill that is filled
tool and fill, Fill, and then it'll
fill it like this. Okay, I'm going to undo that. And let's clear
that. Let's click. And then I'm selecting ruler now and use
the vector brush for this and basic round and make sure your turn off the
pressure sensitivity. So I'm going to tell you about something called
as vector trimming, which is like an awesome
tool in Adobe Fresco. So I've chosen vector
brush for this, which is really
important and you can choose anything else. I'm going to click
on a new layer because that's a pixel layer. Now we can use the ruler
to rotate it like this, or you can move it
anywhere you want. So I'm just going to
keep this year and I'm going to make a shape of a tag. I will just randomly just draw. And since you are using a ruler, it'll stick to the edges. So it won't go haywire
here and there. So it'll be perfect now
and go ahead and move this ruler up a little bit
so that I have around 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. And I'm going to go ahead and draw another line like this. Now I'm use my two fingers and rotate it so that it's 90
degree or 0 degree as it shows, you can use two
fingers like this. And I'm going to pull it
up here and draw the line. Always make sure
the lines are much longer than what you need.
That's really important. Okay? Now I'm gonna go here and again, 0 degree and I think I need my tag to be
at least this much. And you can go ahead
and draw a line. Now, I can go ahead here
and draw a line as well. Now I'll turn this and
make sure that these two are together like this. And I'm going to draw
a line here like that. And we're going to go ahead
and do the same thing here. That is, I'm going to
make sure these to that. And I'm going to draw a line. Now let's go here and
click on ruler, do remote. Now you have this awesome sheep, which is definitely not
the shape of a tag, gift tag, but that's okay.
We're going to get there. Now you see this here. If you don't have this, again, go here and click on
touch shortcut so that you'll be able to
see it double-click. And now you have
something selected. This is nothing but the eraser. So if you do this,
it'll be an eraser. But if I click again, the
outer ring get selected. And now it is a
vector trimming tool. That means if I go
ahead and do this, the excess lines gets deleted. Look at that. Look at that. Everything that
crosses gets deleted. Like this. Can do this and deleted off. No, I can do this
and that goes off. There was a crossing, so okay. Do this. You can do this as well, is to go away and this as well. Let me I wasn't very careful, so I'm just going
to delete that. Be a bit more careful
with an don't be like me. And then I can do this. And they have a very nice
shape of a gift tag. Right now you can go ahead
and click and select circle. Then we're going to
decrease the size. You can zoom in like this, bring it in here. Let's go ahead and bring it
will make it straight. Okay. It doesn't matter,
it's a circle, but it just looks
nicer when I do that. You can make a whole year
Gloria fill tool to fill. And then click on your brush. Go ahead and there you
have a gift tag ready? This is so simple to make. And if you feel like this
length is a little too much, you can actually
decrease it as well. We're going to go ahead
and click on this. There's an extra strokes here. So I'm going to go
into my eraser tool and just delete them off or increase the size
and delete them off. And now we should
click on Transform. Again, it's selecting
something else. So I'm just going to go
ahead and delete off. Make sure this is Likud
the highest setting so that you can
delete things off. And then, oops, nope,
students, some stuff. Best way to notice is the DAG here will come to the
center of the art board. Okay, now it's fine. Maybe it's something here. Yes, there's
something here. See. Okay, Now it's perfect. So you can click on the
transform tool and reduce the size year or something like that and adjust
this as well. Depending on how you want
your gift actor look like. So the second thing is something that you
can do later on, not right now because
I want to fill the shape so that
I can use it as a base for all my illustration. So I'm going to use
my fill tool here and go ahead and fill
it completely black. Okay, now I'm going to
click and duplicate layer. Now click on your
transform tool and let's move this up a little bit here, like that and click on Done. Now you can click
and merge down. And now click Duplicate Layer and click and bring it down. And click on Done. So we have four shapes here, and let's make four of them. If you want to make
more, go ahead and add and duplicate them, decrease the size we are using the transform tool
if you want to fit more of them here as well.
18. Gift Tags with Shapes & Oil Brushes: First, let's go ahead and check how we can reuse the things that you've already created in this class to
create the effects. Let's go ahead and open up
the Christmas stocking file. So this is the Christmas
stocking file that I have and I want to
export this one here, the one with the reindeer. So what I can do is I can click and click on Copy layer group. I didn't go outside. I can go back into this. And I'll click
paste layer group. And it's going to go
ahead and paste that over here like this for
me very nicely. You can click on Done. Now, you have that element here. You can do the same thing
for other things as well. Now let's go to this layer. One of these layers, which one is at
the bottom layer? And I'm going to put
this so that I can make a very nice
gift tag out of it. So I'm going to go ahead and
probably choose a really, really light pink
that is about here. I think that should be
good Korea film tool. And let's fill this one in. Maybe make this a bit
lighter, even more lighter. So I'm going to go
ahead and put this in. So basically this
is your main color, that is red, orange or whatever. And this one tells you
how strong you want it. So if you keep it here, it will be the reddest
red that you have. And if you move it, it's going to be lighter. Okay, let's color this. And now I'm going to go here, click on Transform tool
and bring those in so that it sits some modeling
this towards the end. And I want this to be clipping mask to this
particular layer. So, but you can't do that
because it is a layer group. So click and click
on Mars layers. But before that, just go inside and make sure
you delete this layer. Now, go back, click and
modulators and grew. And now you can do
a clipping mask, and this is how you get
your stocking overhead. And next, let's go ahead here and you can choose
any brush that you want. By the way, maybe I'm just choose painting and I'll
choose canvas, brush flat. Now let's use white. I'm going to go ahead and
make this a little bigger. Or 190, 200. And I'm going to
go ahead and add some white bit here like that. Wait a minute. Like that. So that it looks like
it's a bit of a painting. And I would go
into my text tool, select the red and click. And I'm in here. It's a textual by the way, we'll never use the text, don't. So this is one opportunity
to learn about it. So in here you can actually set to any text that you want. If I click on an arrow there, it shows me all the texts
that are available. You can click on More Fonts. And this will link to your
Adobe font library so that you can go ahead and pick up any
kind of font that you want. And I'm going to
go ahead and use this chain printer regular. I don't know why, but
I think I like it. And go back here. You can click on
this keyboard audio and type whatever you want. So Mary, return THE RISD MAS, and then you can click on
this keyboard here again, and it gets selected. And you can move this up here. So if you want this centered, you click on here. You want everything
bowl or the uppercase. This one, it doesn't work for this text because it's
already uppercase. And if you want to
increase the size, you can either do
this or you can also do this to increase the size. And this is the spacing
between these two alphabets, um, in these two lines. So you see increase the spacing
or decrease the spacing. And this one tells
you what font it is and different kinds of
strength if it's available. So I'm going to
put that one here. That looks good. Now, I'm done with that now and go and click
on a new layer. And I want to add
some stars, do it. So I'm going to go
ahead and use the white and not text again
and go into my brush. And I can just add bits lasers, but I want it to be too thin. So I'm going to add like that. And then go, that's
one of your gift tags. Ready? Let me go
ahead and uncheck the grid because we
don't need it anymore. It's clean the bothering me. There's your first one. And what I'm going to do now is go back to the layer here. And I will choose some color. And I will fill it in so that I can see mine gift
tax much better. Similarly, you can
also bring in a cookie and create a cookie
gift tag as well. Now let's go back
to this layer here. And I'm going to choose white. And I'm going to fill lesson. And now let's go ahead
and use some shapes. Let's click on shapes. And I'm going to go ahead
and go into floral. This is a shape which is
available in the for free. That is, if you click here, you can discover new shapes. And India, you can go
ahead and add new ships. K and the flower shape, I have something like this. This is the flower shape. I'm going to reduce the
size and add it here. And I want this to
be a nice blue. And, uh, do you have it? Click on Fill and it fills it. Oops, sorry. Click on a new layer and make
sure it's a clipping mask. And then for vector field, cool, That's very nice. I want to add some other shape, may be this one. So I'm going to go
ahead and put this here and put some yellow and
fill it in like that. And I think I'm okay with that. Now let's go to text and click. And obviously I want it
to be a bit red or not. And let's see, maybe we
can keep this as a token. I think I like it. So click here and
let's say be joyful. And let's go ahead. Click on that again. And let's increase the size. Keep it here. And I want to reduce this distance
between the two, right? So you see it's become
like that and be joyful. And I think I'm happy with that, so I'm just going to
leave it at that. Now let's go here
and let's try to use the shapes that we
created earlier for this one. And I'm going to put
this back and go to Fill tool and make
sure you are on a particular layer
which has this. And let's go ahead and
fill it with this pink, but even more lighter. That looks good. Now let's go ahead and
choose a darker red. I'm going to go into ships and go back into shapes
that I created earlier. Or wait a minute, let's
do the brush for this. Let's go here. And remember
you created a brush. Let's go up there
with my library. Here it is. And I created
a brush called tree. And now go to the layer
which has this one, and click on a new layer and make sure it's
a clipping mask. And then let's go ahead
and add some red ones. And now I'll go ahead and
choose the darker pink that I have and add some those as well. And maybe some white. And you have a unique gift tag. Very okay, so let's go
to the next one now. And I think I want to use the
oil paint brushes for this because I think I haven't used them in this
entire class at all. Okay. And I wanted to
cover that as well. So let's go ahead and
fill this one where maybe let's go to yellow and a little lighter
yellow, fill this. Now let's go ahead and click on a new layer so that it's
a clipping mask on this. Let's go ahead and
choose that red there we have gory or oil brushes. And I'm going to use the
oil paint chunky because I like the Tech's Jon
is. Do you see that? That's just amazing, right? So for oil paints that
are few settings that are very different
from watercolor brush. One of them is this one here, which means paint mix. So what paint mix
is, for example, no, I have read, I'm
going to draw that. Now. I'm going to choose this brown and I'm going to draw that. And you see the paint mixes, It's not entirely brown, right? So the amount that mixes
is called the paint mix. So if you keep this
at really low, and if I tried to draw brown
seeds not mixing as much. Now if I keep it really high
and when I tried to draw it, It's mixing so much that
the brown is going away. So this is a melon medium. So I'm going to keep
it low because I wanted to mix but not too much. The next year is the floor. This is again, the flow of the paint on your
brush basically. And then there's
one more setting. If you go into Settings here, there's something
called Reload Color. What does means is now when you're mixing
listings, for example, if I turn this off, now I'm going to mix these
two colors like this. And go here and tried to color this and
this are matching, but means whatever the
column mixture happen, that is going to be on
my brush right now. If I click on Reload Color, now if I go and
mix it like this, so it's a mixed color. But if I go here and draw, it's going to use the
original color on my brush. That means that it reloads
color on my brush. Venom I've lifted up. And these are few important
things you need to know when working with
oil paint brushes. Let me go ahead and clear layer. I'm going to make really
simple ones right now. I'm going to go ahead
and choose this and draw some berries. I'm going to go ahead and choose a darker color to
here like that. Now I'll click on a
new layer where I want this below the berries. And I will choose some
green that is good green, and then choose some
green like that. And then let's do
Olympian detail. And let's go ahead
and make some link that you see when
you fill it and you can see that rich
or had been textural. I absolutely love it. And then you can
do Okay and mines. For these two, I'm
going to go into my eraser, reduce the size. It is it off? And then
let's go into red again. And I'm going to my
brushes and use detail, go back into this layer and I'm going to go ahead and draw this a little bit because I don't like how
that turned out. But obviously it's going to
mix that dark color now. Do you see that
texture is amazing. And they go, you can go ahead and use the
green that you have, make it a bit
darker if you want. Okay, once you're ready, you can go to the topmost layer, click on a new layer circle, and you can bring that
in before like this, and then go to your black or whatever color you
want and fill it in. And then you can do the
same thing here as well. And if only increase the size, click here and you
get the bounding box. And then click, it goes away. And then you have your gift
tax ready and to export it, make sure you go here and uncheck the background,
both of them. And you have just the
tax ready and then click, Publish and Export, Export As, and export it
as a PNG or as a PDF. If you're going to print it out. And then you'll have your
beautiful gift tax ready. So that's it for this lesson. I hope you create awesome gift
tags using these methods.
19. Drawing the Winter Scene : So in this lesson, we're gonna go ahead
and draw on simple, simple winter scene using
Adobe Fresco and animation. We're going to go
ahead and explore it a little bit about how to add these textures and
make a simple, super-simple when the same. So let's just get started. I'm going to click
on Create New and go to digital and click on
current screen size. So I have a color palette for you guys to go ahead
and download it. I'm going to bring
it in here as well. Again, your color palette
might look a little different, so don't worry, I'm
just going to go ahead and add these
colors to my palette. Click on a new layer. So I don't have any
sketch for you guys. So we're going to start
off from scratch. So first we're gonna go ahead
and draw some trees today. So you would want to pick your lasso tool and make sure it's on this
option right here. Let's go and draw some trees. So you just go ahead and
close the loop here like that and draw some random trees like this and make some branches. And let's do some here
as well, some thin ones. And then there's a tick 1 hii. And you would want to
go ahead and draw it like that so that
it has a branch. And then maybe one like this. Okay. I think that's all
one more here. Maybe. That looks good. And now let's go ahead and
choose this really dark color. And I'm going to go ahead
and choose my dry media, heartbeats, toothbrush,
et cetera, 175. The flow is at 40 and
smoothing is at 0. And I'm going to go
ahead and just draw. So I'm not adding
too much pressure and making it completely dark. Know what I'm doing right now is adding a bit
of texture to it. So I'm just mean going and
drawing it in a way that there's some kind of texture
seeing, seeping through. Okay, so I'm just
going to go ahead and draw that like this. And now I'm going to go ahead
and click on a new layer. I am not going to
add everything. Let's see layer since
my selection doulas, since Tim selector, I don't
have to use a clipping mask, which is amazing because if you try to use
clipping masks now, since it's textured, your mass clipping mask
and also the texture, which is not a nice
thing to know. And go ahead and click
on rough pencil. I'm going to go
ahead and add some. Wait a minute, I'm
going to undo that. Choose white. And
let's go ahead and add some lines like
this to our tree. Now I'll click on
a new layer again. And I'm going to go back
into my heartbeat still. I'm going to add
some whites here. This is just to show
that there's a bit of snow here and there
maybe, I don't know, It just add a bit of
white here and there, especially in these
corners here. And let's add some whites. That looks cool. I think I have
enough whites there. And once you're happy
with your trees, you can click on de-select. And I'm going to go ahead
and group these three things together because I wanted
to be more organized. Click, select multiple click, click and click on folder. Now go to the layer below that. And now let's go ahead
and add some snow here. So I'm gonna go here and
click on this lightest, lightest blue there you
have 208 and a 100. And I'm going to go
into my tool here and select some area like
this. Wait a minute. Just select it like this. Go to your heartbeat faster. And obviously click
on a new layer. And let's go ahead and draw this and obviously reading them some texture so that
you can see through it. Now let's go to Y, and now I'm going to
click on a new layer. I'm keeping the selection
by the way, I'll go here, going to Ricks and
that is rate, texture. And I've chosen white. By the way. I'm going to go ahead and add some texture here like this. Can you see it? I'm going to go ahead and add
that or here, okay? And once I'm happy
with that, de-select, now, I'll group these two
together. That's good. Now it's time to add more trees. So I'll go behind that layer
and click on a new layer. And again, go to this
tune right here. And we're gonna make
some trees here. So something like that. And let's go ahead and
choose a light gray, not too light, maybe this one. And go back to your heart paste. And let's just color it in. And now we can go to white
and maybe add some more, can go to a new
layer by the way. And a bit more here and there. Just to make it look
a little nicer. And then obviously
the white lines as well if you want.
Why it is fine. It was rough pencil and you can just bit
of lines as well. And make sure you
do a clipping mask. Bring it down here so that
it's only in Greeley. Okay. And once you're happy, de-select, I'm going to group these things
together as well. And go back to that layer. And one more layer, it should be behind these gray things. And now the darker blue
that I have summit. Let's go ahead and make
one more hard paste. We're going to color this off. I'm going to choose
some white and going to add some white on the top. Just like that. And then I'm going
to go into my rakes. Can add texture grid as well. Nice and greedy staff
to ensure like, Oh, it's no and things. So you can add that as well. And when do you happy de-select and that's okay, that's done. Now you'll go back
here and click on a new layer and add
some green stuff. That is, I'm going to
choose the lighter green. Again, choose the
selection tool. And I'm going to go ahead and
draw some shrubs like this. Me, meaning the drawing some shops, maybe here. And use the heartbeat. And you can, by the way, click on the star and it'll
show up in your favorites. So I'm just going to go ahead
and add this light green. And now I want one
below behind that. So click on bad,
and now click here and make some more shrubs. And then choose the
darker green here. And let's call it a day. And I want some white, and I'm going to go ahead
and add some white to that as if there's
some snow up there. We want to do that here
as one-click and clipping mask and add some snow
up there as well. And then de-select, again, group all these things together. Select multiple,
select slag group, and now go to the layer below. Click, and I'm going to choose the blue color
that I have again, selected door and maybe
make it like that. Color it off. And the summit. And now I'm going to go back here and click on a new layer. I'm going to add more trees
now, but wait a minute. I want to add just a behind
these shrubs actually. So I'm going to go into the
layer which has the blue one, click on a new
layer so that it's sandwiched between the
blue layer and this one. Click. And now let's go ahead
and make some trees now. And then let's go ahead and
choose the lighter one here, not the lightest but
the lighter one. And I'm going to go into
how based on again. And then just coloring. Once you're done, de-select the same as that one is an int. So undo, undo, and I'm going to go ahead and selling the lighter one and then go ahead and call it Sudan
deselect. That's good. And now you can actually
go ahead and go back to that layer that
is below that layer. And now let's make
some more bushes. So I'm going to go
ahead and do that. And then you can choose that lighter green that
you had and use that. And let's color it in. And deselect. I obviously
don't want it so bright, so I'm gonna go here and reduce the opacity
so that it's very, very, very light like that. And now go below that and
click on a new layer. And then let's choose again the selection tool and
make some more trees. A few of them, That's it, okay, and then we choose
the lighter gray. Use the brush to de-select, but we're gonna go
here and reduce the color of that so
that it's much later. And now let's go back to the bottom most layer and click on a new layer and we're going
to add the lighter gray. We're gonna make it move
it up a little bit, and then we're just going to
fill it with a vector field. And obviously that's
too, too soon. So reduce the opacity so that it looks something like this. You know what? I don't like
the color of gray here. So if I go here,
is that the one? No, not that This one. Yeah. This one here. So I'm going to go
ahead and fill it up with a different
color so maybe make it darker gray and then summit. So I'm just going to go ahead
and fill that layer seed. So easy to adjust that. So I'm going to go ahead and
make the next one that is, this one, by the way, can double-click to go
inside a group. Click here. And let's go ahead and
choose the darkest one. And let's just color this dark. Whoops. This, I'm going to go
into my layers and reduce the opacity a
little bit because that's a little too
dark for me, right? So I think I'm happy
with waterway. However it turned out, and now it's time
to go ahead and add some more elements to it.
20. Animating the Winter Scene: So first of all, I want a
bird to be flying across. So I'm going to go ahead and
meet Dan animation first. So what I want to do is
I want the bird to be here that is behind this layer. So I think it is this layer. Now that's over there. That is tao1. Okay? This is this one. So I want
the bird to be about us. So click here. And I wanted it to be behind
these bigger trees, right? So let me go ahead and go
to one of my other brushes. That is, if I going to ink, There's something
called Belgian Comics. And I'm going to use that
brush for this illustration. And I want white. You can also make any
color bone that you want. No problem. So let me just zoom in so that you can see
what's happening. Okay? So my bird is going
to be like this. It has a tail obviously, ahead. And next it has eyes, which is black in color. Okay, I'm not going to draw
the beak signal or the wings. And now I'm click on
the Animation panel. So it will come
like this. Now I'll click and I'll duplicate frame. So I want the same
thing repeated. So now I'll go to the
first one, select red, and I'll make a beak like this. And I'm going to
select some grid, doesn't matter
which gray actually select some gray
and I'm going to make the wings down like this. You see that? And now and go to
the next layer. But I'm going to turn
on the onion skin here so that you can
see what's happening. And I'm going to make
the wings up like this. And then I'm going to make
the beak openly that no, Let's play or it's too fast, go ahead and change this to two or three frames
and then play. And you can see how it
is flapping its wings. Now pause now I'll go here
and I'll choose black. I forgot to make the legs. So I'm going to make
the legs like that. Okay? And go to this layer here. And I made it in bacteria
and come to this layer. And I'll make it like that. It doesn't matter
on the legs on it. Okay, Let's play this. That's perfect. Now I want this
bird to fly away. So I'm just going to pause
this now and take apart. And I'll go ahead and make
it go like this. Perfect. Now once this comes, you're going to
decrease the frames. If you've watched
my previous video on how to create this, you will know what all
these things are against. So let's decrease the frames so that it's flying
uniform speed. Everything looks good. Make sure you're aligned
to part is turned off. And then my bird is flying away. So that looks good. Now let me go here. The bird is done. Now I
want to add some snow day. So I'm gonna go to this layer
and click on new layer. And now I will go
into my brushes. That is basic. And there's something
called soft round opacity. And I'm going to go
ahead and use white. My setting is at 136. This one is set to flow, is that a 23s smoothing is at 0 or one. So now I'm going to go in and
add a white blob like this. Can you see it? I made it here. Okay. And now I'm going
to go ahead and click on Path and just draw a
straight line like that. Now when it comes like this, I'm going to add
multiples like that and I'm going to
scatter them more. So they're very scattered. And now I am going to add multiples of them so that it looks
something like this. You can reduce the frame size so that it's a little bit faster. That looks cool. Now I'm going to click
on a new layer, pastas. Click on a new layer. And now I'm going
to go ahead and use the hard round brush. And I'm going to go ahead
and draw one small snarling. This is just a small dot. And I lose the pop again and then just draw
a straight line. And then obviously add
multiples and scatter them. More. Maybe reduce this. And then you can randomize. So then goes anywhere on those. Decrease the frame size. Add a couple more. Maybe more. If you want more snowboard. I think that's enough.
And then pause. Go here, click somewhere else. And now if I play
all you can see that your bird is flying a VA. There's awesome
snowfall happening. And yeah, it's a very
common peaceful day in the winter wonderland. So once you are ready with this, you can export this, Publish and Export, and
you can export motion. And here MP4 or you have other
options to export as well. And then click on
Generate frames and it'll be ready to
save as a file. You can also do a
time-lapse export. That is, this works
for any artwork. It need not be animation,
whatever you draw, you can do a time-lapse export
that is, click on this. And now you can see
the whole process of how you drew this
thing comeback. So there's a time-lapse
export as well. So once you're done, you
can click on Export. I'm just going to cancel this. Okay, so that's
how you draw snow, you wintry landscape
in Adobe Fresco. So I hope you enjoyed this lesson and then
create something awesome.
21. Bonus: Free Brushes: So I'm quickly show
you how to bring in new brushes into your Fresco. I don't know if you
noticed, but fresco itself has a lot
of free brushes. As establishing warn you though, that this option is available only for
premium fresco uses. As far as I know, there are two ways
in which you can get extra brushes in fresco. One needs to utilize the awesome brush library
that fresco itself provides. And second is if you have any Photoshop brushes
that are bought, you can bring them
into fresco as well. So to bring all the
brushes into Fresco, you have to go into
your pixel brushes and click on this
plus sign over here. And if you want to
discover new brushes, this is where you get
all the Fresco brushes which are provided for free. Import from files is
when you have to import from ABR or the
Photoshop brushes. So let's click on
Discover new brushes. So as soon as you do that, you'll see tons
and tons and tons of brushes which
are available here. To add them into your library, all you have to do is click on this Follow button and then
it says following progress. And once it's done, it shows the button as unfollow, that's Click on Done. You can find them
under pixel brushes. And if you scroll down, you see something called
as a library brushes. And if you scroll down, you'll see that fall 2021 brushes and you'll have all
the brushes listed here. It is a bit slow sometimes, so it takes a few seconds for the brushes to show up here. For example, if I go to guage, you can see all these awesome
quash brushes as well. See if you like some
particular brush, just click on the Start
button here and add it to your favorites so
that when you go into your favorites deal just
immediately show up. And now to add the brushes
that you have downloaded, you can click on import
from files, Goryeo file, or wherever you have
stored your brushes and look for that ABR, ABR file. And then you can just click
on it and bring it in. And the other way to
make extra brushes is to create your own. That is, you can create
stamp brushes which are recovering later in this class. You can also create many
other types of brushes using the same method you will need Adobe Capture for
creating brushes, don't, okay, so that's how
you create new brushes, are bringing new brushes
into Adobe Fresco.