1. Introduction!!: Hi, this is Jodi Gravelle. This is the first culture class where you come to my class. I have made this class in the city's off short videos, so that will be easier for you to catch up many a times. We come across the names, legs and tangles toodles, and send oodles to describe any art form. These are no doubt, very much lookalike arts, and hence it's very confusing for us Refree. She ate between these three art forms. So in this class, you will learn the differences between these three art forms in this class will get to know what these art forms are. Do we need different our supplies to design these? Also, in the end, you have a project to summit that will help you understand better about these three art forms. So let's start with our class now.
2. What the Differences are?: Hey, everyone, In this video, we will get to know the difference between then tangles doodles and then doodles. Let us force discuss what's entangles are. It is an art form in which no particular shape and size off any design is fixed like mandalas. You're really assure that the design will be in a circular ship, so nothing like that is fixed incident angles. Also, there are a lot off differences between Zen tangles on doo doos in doodles, wonder freely and can use a ruler or a so called master while drawing. Also, one can be very sure of the end result before even starting. That is one know what he wants to create, but INS entangles. The focus is on each stroke on the end. Result is not known earlier. When focuses on each stroke on keep moving forward without any view off end result, then tangle it 100% off freehand drawing. There also exists and at form that is the combination off the tangles on doodles. This is known as then doodles. Now one can use ruler or any other object to make a particular shape, but filling those spaces and shapes haven't approach off the tankers. This means you are aware off our climate the end result that is, you know what the outcome will look like but not have, ah 100% view off it. It's like having just 20% off the result in your mind. So these were some of the differences that will surely help you to depreciate between these three art forms, then tangles, doodles and then doodles. Now let's wrap up and move on to our next video.
3. Art Supplies: In this video, you will get to know about the art supplies that we need to create these three at one's Falsely, you need a sheet on which you can draw sheet. Must be smooth, aren't clean for just practicing. You can use any sheet, but if you are creating any masterpiece you want to say, let all you want to gift it to someone. You must use a tech shit so that it will not imprint on the backside of the sheet. For example, you can look at the sheet. I was creating this piece. I spent a lot of energy, a lot of time on the sheet, but when I just flipped it up, it was a disappointing moment. Really, really disappointing. So you have to take care of the quality of the sheet. She can be off any Kahlo size shape or whatever. Now, you can also use the ruler protector composed a so called master or anything to draw in doodles and then doodles. But you don't need these things was entangling in all tree. You can use any pen, maybe the normal ball pin or a sketch pen, a little pin on any crayon or pencil colors, you can draw with whatever you like. I mostly use this you nimal pen off black color to draw. It's totally fine to use any underpin. The pain can be off any color, but make sure that you use the color, which is very much visible on your sheet. If you use any color treat, you can simply test your selective pen at the corner off that sheet. Like this, I usually take a small piece off that shit that I want to use and check my pens on it. Then only a select which color I want to drop it. This simply helps me to know not only with color easily visible, but also which color is more glowing on that particular sheet. You can also create colorful designs by using various colors on a single design. You can also draw using one pen and fill it with colors later on. It's totally up to you. So this was all about art supplies. If you still have any confusion or doubt about any off, it, just come and below I will surely try to clear it up. I'm wrapping this up that we want to our next video. No
4. Designing All Three Art Forms !!: in this radio we will try to design all tree than tangles, doodles and then doodles. We'll start with the tanker. After that, we will try doodles on. In the end, we will tries then doodle I've values shoots off different colors for all three so that it would be easier for you to understand how to check the color off pen and type of pen according to the sheet. So let's start with entangles. I'm using a bright yellow glittery sheet for the entangles. I'm cutting out a small strip from the sheet toe test my pens or markers on it. Now I'm firstly gonna check some leader prints. Let me check blue. Okay, I think that's fine. Bubble. Great. My regular black men. Now let me check some color stick pens. Green orange do. Okay, fine. This Jules among these I like black men. Green sketch Been on blue being glitter pins. Let us start with designing. I'm truly Tulis like you about the design right now. Let's divide the sheet into Maybe it will look good of it. A decline. So let me do it. I'm not choose very basic shape, like sudoku. I'm drawing some big circles some small, so called somewhere more closely, bad, some very loosely bagged Okay, that's done on this side of the line, as usual, like to complete the design with single pattern. So I'm drawing circles on the other side of the line to you can draw any other shape do. It's up to you and your design. It's all done now. I would like to fill some big circles by drawing parallel lines, some horizontal somebody to go on a small circles by solid colors. I'm using one single color toe first. Small circles. I like it that way. You can use many colors, too. It's all done. Now let's add some more details to it. I like filling spaces with some random shaking lines and dots. I always try to vary the density off darts, depending upon the space, which I have to fill. This looks like the dealing is done very extensively. Serious. I do suggest radiations in the density off dots and to fill this basis. Okay, so it's done as entangle design is ready. It looks good right now. Let's move to New Orleans. I'm using a black sheet for darling, cutting a small piece from the sheet to Jake. Markers and pens on it. Okay, now let's check. White Been? Yes, it's glowing. Let's check some brush pens this time read. Oh, no, it's not visible at all. No, no, no. It's a big no. Okay. Suitable. Yes, that's glowing. And golden. Yes, Looking nice. I'm choosing Great on golden brush pens, Andi, Obviously by pen. Okay, let's move for dough. It has decide what we want to do. Deal about. Okay, lets students or Africa. I'm using a protector to draw this cup. Andi, I'm using a pencil. Forced to draw this as I don't want to June what I want as my end result. So, yes, I'm using pencil forced. Now I'm drawing other part of this. Its base. It's handle. And most important, it's steam that I love. Drawing the steam victor. Okay. Non drying Cem floor on it. I like floral designs. You can draw a design you like. Now let us user pins to complete this. I'm using a white pen to draw the coffee cup. Andi, I'm making the lines Darko and ticker because it will highlight the world better. Now I'm using golden brush pen on civil Brochman toe color up the flowers. - Okay , let's add some more details to it. I would like to draw circles off different sizes all over the sheet. It's all done. It is more shining because of its Bagram. Right. Let us move on to the Zen doodles. Now for then, darling, I'm using a white sheet on this time. I'm not going to cut a strip from it as I'm gonna design it using the black unit ball pen that I use regularly. So there is no need to test it. But if you're using reuse colors, you can go to the same precision. So let's begin. I'm trying to circle using the lid of the job. You can also use compass for this. Now I'm using a ruler to divide this circle in three parts. Now I will add some more lines to make smaller segments in the circle. Now let's add some details to it. As Endo is ready Now, your project work is in the next radio complete and upload your work. Now
5. Project Work: now here is the project Will It is really for you to draw the entangles doodles and sent to lose now for we have discussed a lot about it. So all you have to do is try designing. These three are forms on three different color shoots. Also applaud the sample strip that you used to test your pens for that sheet and after resigning, share your project. Walk her. I'm so excited to see your designs upload soon. Also, if you upload your walk on instagram, do not forget to tag my account.