Develop Super Focus and Boost Your Productivity! | Peter Cook | Skillshare

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Develop Super Focus and Boost Your Productivity!

teacher avatar Peter Cook, Passionate Online Entrepreneur and Teacher

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Welcome To This Focus and Productivity Series!


    • 3.

      Series Overview: What Can You Expect?


    • 4.

      Let's Start With A Riddle!


    • 5.

      Ping Pong Ball Exercise - Introduction. Train your Focus and Productivity


    • 6.

      Ping Pong Ball Exercise - Benefits


    • 7.

      Ping Pong Ball Exercise - How To Perform


    • 8.

      Ping Pong Ball Exercise - How Long To Practice


    • 9.

      Project Assignment for this Focus and Productivity Class


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About This Class

Welcome to the 8-class series Develop Super Focus and Boost Your Productivity!

You can find all classes here:

  1. Develop Super Focus and Boost Your Productivity (Class 1)
  2. Develop Super Focus and Boost Your Productivity (Class 2) 
  3. Develop Super Focus and Boost Your Productivity (Class 3) 
  4. Develop Super Focus and Boost Your Productivity (Class 4) 
  5. Develop Super Focus and Boost Your Productivity (Class 5) 
  6. Develop Super Focus and Boost Your Productivity (Class 6) 
  7. Develop Super Focus and Boost Your Productivity (Class 7)
  8. Develop Super Focus and Boost Your Productivity (Class 8)

Ask yourself:

  • Does your mind often wander in the middle of conversations?
  • Do you go to Facebook for just 5 minutes, but find yourself still on it 2 hours later?

If your answer to these questions is yes, then this is the course for you!

What if I told you that you could radically change all of this TODAY?!

  • You could have a razor sharp focus
  • You could be highly productive every single day
  • And most important of all: ACHIEVE ALL YOUR GOALS.

Imagine: how great would you feel at the end of a day during which you were super focused and productive?

You can make this change RIGHT NOW, by enrolling in this class.

By taking this class series, you will:

  • develop a good understanding of what focus is, and why it's so important.
  • And the meat and potatoes: learn a lot of amazing focus techniques that you can use to boost your productivity, save time and get more done!

Over the past years, I have personally tested all the focus and productivity techniques that you will be learning in this course. And I can tell you that each of them is a jewel in its own right!

In class 1, we will lay the foundation for this series. All the productivity techniques will be briefly introduced to you, and by the end of this class, you will already have learned the first awesome technique! The ping pong ball exercise.

So don’t wait any longer. Click on the Enroll button and Take This First Class. Let’s get started. I will see you inside!


Meet Your Teacher

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Peter Cook

Passionate Online Entrepreneur and Teacher



My name is Peter Cook and I've been an online entrepreneur since 2013. 

After having worked as a lawyer for 8 years, I decided to quit in order to pursue a more meaningful life, working remotely. This has been one of the best decisions I have ever made!

In all my online ventures, I have a strong focus on productivity: how can I get things done effectively? I am a strong believer in the power habits, in routine. And I'm always on the lookout for tools that can make life easier.    

And I also love teaching! So it feels only natural to share what works for me with you in my classes.  

Here Is What Skillshare Students Who Have Reviewed My Classes Say About Me:

"This is such a wonderful course that can help anyone. Especial... See full profile

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1. Teaser: I welcome to this course on how to become super focused and highly productive in no time. My name is Peter Cook, and I'm super excited to share the best techniques that I know to build. Your focus at becomes super productive. This serious consists of eight classes. In this serious, you will develop a good understanding of what focus is and the media. But Data's are a number of really cool techniques that you can use to make your focus superstrong. Some of the techniques that you will learn in this series are tipping point ball exercise, meditation and the triangle saving mast. This serious really is jam packed with tons of awesome techniques to develop killer focus and boost your productivity. The tools that you will be learning in this course made a big difference in terms of focus and productivity in my life, and I hope that they will have the same effect for you. I am very much looking forward to teaching this class to you. So please click on the enroll button to take this class and start learning straight away 2. Welcome To This Focus and Productivity Series!: I welcome to this course on how to become super focused and highly productive in no time. My name is Peter Cook, and I'm super excited to share the best techniques that I know to build your focus at to become super productive Before we get started, I want to congratulate you and honor you from taking this course and making the decision to increase the quality off your life. The tools that you will be learning in this course made a big difference in terms of focus and productivity in my life, and I hope that they will have the same effect for you. At the end of this course, you will have learned all the tools you need to develop an incredibly sharp focus to become highly efficient and super productive and most important of all to get stuff done. There are many techniques out there that you can use to train your focus. Some examples are follow a Dichter clock for a couple of minutes and try to exert your will power to not hear it anymore. Another technique could be to ignore an interesting TV or radio show and instead focus on another object like a plant on the table, but we won't be covering these techniques in this course. Over the past years, I've experimented with many different focus techniques, and the ones that I found to work the best are the ones that I will be sharing with you. In this course, you will find that a number of these techniques originate in traditional yoga. But it would one exception. We won't be covering any arsenals or physical postures. In Western countries, the practice of yoga is often reduced to a practice of us and us. However, the catalogue of yoga is much bigger. Traditional yoga aims to transcend. It aims to overcome the limitations off the mind in its classical texts. Yoga sutras, potentially even the fine show guys stopping the movements off the mind. Traditional yoga aims to build awareness, not fitness, To overcome the limitations off the minds, one must first know to might, and for this strong focus is indispensable. And this is why traditional yoga knows some really great focus techniques 3. Series Overview: What Can You Expect? : this serious consists of eight glasses. You are now watching the first class, and this serious you will develop a good understanding off. What focus is and immediate potatoes off the scores are a number of really cool techniques that you can use to make your focus superstrong. In Class one, we will lay the foundation for this. Siri's all the productivity techniques will be briefly introduced to you, and by the end of this class, you already have learned the first awesome technique. Shamba, the Mudra in which you first look at a ping pong ball and then try to visualize it with your eyes closed in the second glass will go a bit or in death and start defining folks. What is focus. You will also learn the second technique, which I called the Triangle Sailing Mass. It looks like this. That's pretty cool, huh? Now that you've learned with focus is we're going to build on that in 1/3 class by answering the question. Why do you need focus after you have a good understanding of this will continue with two more focus techniques. Shoulder Stand is one of the best yoga. As soon as you can perform, and it's also a perfect preparation for all the other techniques you will learn in this series. I will discuss how to mindfulness Bell can be a digital watch start when your attention drifts away in class for real, go one level deeper again, and then you will have learned what focuses and why you needed this class. You will learn how focus can be trained like a muscle, and you will learn four simple steps to developing a razor sharp focus technique you will learn in this class is one of the most powerful techniques in this entire Siri's. It's called the other car. It is set Rasputin, the controversial Russian mystic and trusted friend of the last star. Russia was able to develop shining steel like ice by performing Pratica every day. Focus isn't just a mental thing. A class five. You will learn how healthy diet, regular exercise and enough sleep are really the foundation of focus that we will discuss. Meditation because this is a very important technique, will spend three classes discussing it. In class five. You will learn what meditation is and how it can help you boost your productivity are many scientific studies that have shown that a regular meditation practice improves focus learning and memory and also develops cognitive skills. The six class were turning to the practice. You will learn how to meditate, to sit, what to do along, to meditate and when to do it, and to get a head start in class seven. You're actually going to meditate. If this is your first time meditating, don't worry. I will guided through every step, and it's going to be really simple. You can either sit in the chair or lie down. All we have to do is follow my lead. Any class eight last one off this series, we will not only wrap things up, what you will learn not just one, but two bonus techniques. But there will be a surprise. I'm not going to disclose them to you yet, so that's what you will be learning in this series. Combined these techniques and tools, you will be able to achieve any goal you set for yourself. So let's get started. Shall we 4. Let's Start With A Riddle!: Let's start with a real rearranged the letters in new door to make one word Ready? Go. Did you get it? The answer was in the question. If you re arrange the letters in new door, you get one word. Why do we start with these riddles? The purpose of these riddles is to show that we often think inside the box. However, our brain thrives in thinking an unconventional, different ways. In this course, you will learn how to develop a burning focus. 5. Ping Pong Ball Exercise - Introduction. Train your Focus and Productivity: a welcome back. I hope you're excited because we had just arrived at the first focus technique that you'll be learning in this course, and it involves this little Lawrence Ping pong ball yogis. Call it Shamba. The movie You can forget that name. What it basically means is a visualization technique in which you visualize an object. So with a ping pong ball, it works like this. You look at the ping Pong ball, close your eyes and try to visualize the ping pong ball. That looks pretty simple, right? Wait a minute. What does a Ping Pong ball have to do with yoga? Nothing. It just happens to be an ideal object for samba vey Mudra. Really, you can use any other object, but it would be best to to use an object that is simple. One color it doesn't have, like a lot of different shapes, like squares and circles and triangles, all in one. Now something simple, like a ping pong ball. And also it's very important. One should choose your object. Stick with it 6. Ping Pong Ball Exercise - Benefits: according to the yoga tradition. Shamba the moonrise Three stages. I just described the first states. You look at the Ping Pong bowl, close your eyes and you visualize it. Once you've mastered this states, you can go to the next states. In the second states, you don't use the ping pong ball anymore. You simply close your eyes and see the pink combo you manifested what you might the third States is really mind blowing. The yoga tradition tells us that in Thursday's shamba removed that you can actually manifest object with the mere power of your mind. Sit like this. Focus on your third eye chakra, which is located in the middle of your forehead. You're actually able to manifest this little ping pong ball. Imagine the power is deceptively simple looking exercise as even if you're never going to be able to reach the third states. A manifest the ping pong ball with the power off your minds. If you practice Schambach remover regularly, you will be able to supercharge your focus in no time. 7. Ping Pong Ball Exercise - How To Perform : So let's go over the details of performing Sham Bobby Madre. Sit in a comfortable position. It's perfectly fine if you sit on the chair, Place the ping pong ball in your right hand and place there's a little bit above your eye level at the level of your forehead. Keep the ball away at a distance off somewhere between four inches, 10 centimeters and two feet 60 centimeters. Once you've observed the ping Pong ball, close your eyes and lower your hands. Now try to visualize the ping Pong ball. If the image starts to fade where you don't see anything at all, you start over again and again. Practice makes perfect. When you look at a ball, don't just look. Instead, observe the ball taking in shape. How does the lighting reflect on a surface? In the notebook, the Portuguese author Jose Saramago, who was awarded the 1998 Nobel Prize in literature, writes about his uncle. His uncle described a bull to him facing a bullfighter. He sees you, and then when he sees you, he looks at you, and this time there's something different about it. It is because he observes you, but this is how you should look at the Ping Pong ball when you finish the practice, put the ping Pong ball away, stay with rice close for a while and observed the effects. 8. Ping Pong Ball Exercise - How Long To Practice: So how long should you practice Jamboree Madre? Obviously, the more you practice, the bigger the benefits. Start with performing Shamba, the mother of five minutes per day. If you really want to see great effects, I encourage you to try it out for 20 minutes per day for a couple of weeks. 9. Project Assignment for this Focus and Productivity Class: as an assignment, I want you to practice the Ping Pong ball, exercise some Bobby Muga and to project for this class is really simple. Tell me and your fellow students in a couple of sentences, why do you want to increase your focus and productivity? You can create a project by going to your project just below this video, as scrolling down, you can fill in the Bridget title on Below that you can share your experience in learning the triangle saving mast. If you like this class, please leave a review. This will have to boost the ranking off this class and get it in front of the eyes of other students who could also benefit from taking this course believer of you by clicking on the bar above this video or to leave review button just below the video. Thank you very much in advance. This is the end of class one and this class. We laid the foundation for this Siri's and you learn the first technique to boost your productivity and get more done in the second class will go once that deeper and answer the question. What is focus? We will also learn the second technique to triangle sailing. Master, It looks like this everything. This technique is impossible. You definitely want to take the next class. If I can do it, you can do it too. The key is focused. I will explain every step of the triangle sailing last exercise In the next class, you could find the next class and all the other classes in this Siri's by going to my teacher profile to get there. Click on my name just above this video. When you're on my teacher profile, click on teaching. Here you will see an overview of all the classes I'm teaching our scale share. I hope you're excited. Thank you again for enrolling in this class. Police created project and leave a review and I hope to see you in the next class and continue our learning time together.