Designing with Procreate - Create a custom wood sign with your hand lettering! | Kim Miller | Skillshare

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Designing with Procreate - Create a custom wood sign with your hand lettering!

teacher avatar Kim Miller,

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Preparing, Staining and Sealing


    • 3.

      Create Our Hand Lettered Artwork


    • 4.

      Print settings


    • 5.

      Transferring and Painting our Quote


    • 6.

      Finishing Up


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About This Class

Create a One of a Kind had lettered wood sign for the holidays! Custom wood signs make great gifts, look terrific in the home or office and the best thing about creating your own is that there are no others quite like it!

As you know, these wood signs are EVERYWHERE and in this class I will show you my process of creating the wood signs with your own hand lettering! Of course we will be using the iPad and the Procreate app! 

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Kim Miller



I'm Kim, a Graphic Designer from Michigan and also the owner of Merrie Moore Designs. I create patterns, brushes, textures, wall art and most recently, tutorials! I started using the iPad and Procreate app about a year ago, which is where I create most of my work. This is perfect if you travel often. My background is in photography, which is where I get much of my inspiration. I am also experienced in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and hand lettering. In my spare time I crochet and hang out with my husband and two dogs.

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Level: Intermediate

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1. Introduction: in this class, I'm going to go through my process of creating would signs using your own hand lettering on the iPad. We're gonna go step by step from choosing the wood to correctly setting up our canvas. Appropriate. I'm gonna go over exporting and printing settings with you, and then finally will transfer are lettering to our wooden sign. Where will paint stain and seal it. So our sign could be used indoors or out. I hope you join me. It's a lot of fun. See you there. 2. Preparing, Staining and Sealing: Hi there. In this video, I'm gonna show you how I create the wooden signs using my hand lettering in the iPad. We're gonna use the procreate at, of course in this video, and I used the appropriate at because I feel like I get ah, better look to my hand lettering that I do on paper. If you would rather use paper, that's perfectly fine. You'll just be scanning in your work. But in this class, we're gonna use the iPad pro in the appropriate out. If you would rather not use your own funds for your own hill lettering, you can definitely go ahead and use maybe some funds that you've used or purchased through a bundle. Just make sure that you have the correct licence. If you plan on selling your artwork here, the board's You want to make sure that you have the full commercial license for the funds. Okay, so this is one of them here, and then I'm gonna show you a few more and kind of how you can get different looks here. So this is one that I did is just a Christmas one. And here is the happy fall. This here I used the stencil, and I want to also mention that this here is not my fund. I went ahead and made one up to show you guys that you can use other funds, you know, that are in your computer in your iPad. It doesn't have to be your hand lettering. I prefer to use my hill lettering because when I go to retrace it, I have a better feel of where the lines are and how the lettering actually works because it's mine. So, uh, another one here? I just did a basic fought off my computer. And then there's another one that I did here. It's up to you, however you want to do it. I do recommend trying it with your own hand lettering first to see, because I like I said, I do feel like it's better when I'm going back and retracing my work. If I can't really see part of it, I know where to go from there because it's my lettering. All right, so this is the piece of wood that I'm gonna be using here, and it is 15.5 inches long by 5.5 inches wide um, definitely find whatever would you confined is perfectly fine. It could be old pellet. Would it could be something purchase from the craft store that's already stained or if it's if it's not, you constrain it yourself. Um, first of what you want to do before you do anything with the stain or sealer is you want to make sure that your edges air all sanded down because you don't want to have a piece that has would sticking up in your customer or yourself is getting splinters and hurt that, and it just doesn't look good with would. That's kind of sticking out. So go ahead and give it a light sand. If it was anything like mine, I want ahead with an actual sander and took it all the way around and sanded everything down. So this was purchased from our local hardware store or lumber yard, and this was a 12 foot piece that my husband, uh, kindly cut down for me and then in sizes that I asked him to cut, and then I just sanded them down from there. So each one that I dio, uh, start from scratch with these each one so I did not do anything to the back. Besides, give it a light sand. In the end, I will go ahead and stay in it because I don't want to send it to anybody looking like that . It looks pretty bad, so I will make sure that I sand and coat the back. I will not seal the back unless it is an outdoor sign. It's an outdoor sign. I make sure that I get an outdoor Sihler as well. So once you have your board sanded and it looks pretty good, just kind of go over it a little bit to make sure that there's no edges that are sticking up on it Looks how you looks, the way you want it to look. I also go over it here because this is where lettering is gonna be. So there's anything that's really sticking up badly. Definitely sand it down just a bit. We all know that would is not perfectly straight. So long as you have a semi flat surface, you should be just fine, but you don't want it, really. Course I wanted to mention is, while you do not have to stay in it, if you like the like the bear would look, That's perfectly fine. You do, however, need to seal this first. So before we do anything else, we have to make sure that our would is sealed. Ah, And the reason is on, I'll show you this later on in the class when we go to apply our lettering with our paint. If it's not sealed, it's gonna bleed. And I'm gonna show you this on this piece later on what the difference is Ah, and it makes a huge difference. What I did was, I just used it's called Pickling Wash. And I got this at just a craft store. I think it was like two or $3. Ah, and a little bit actually goes a long way with this as well. But you can also use a regular stain that you get at the hardware store. You could actually paint the board, so if you just wanted up maybe a pink board or blue, and then you could always rough up the edges here and kind of give it are more rustic. Look. All right, so second of all, I'm gonna go over kind of everything that you're gonna need for this project on everything that I use is obviously would I use paint? I use paint pens. I'm gonna get into all this later. I make sure you have really good lighting. A sandpaper or sander. You want some sealer, paintbrushes, some towels, old rags that you don't mind getting ruining, actually, and definitely make sure that when you're doing this, you are wearing clothes that you do not care if they get dirty or paint on. You're gonna need paper, Just computer paper. You're gonna need your iPad, and you're gonna need to procreate. APA's well as a printer, and we cannot use a inkjet. I'm sorry. We cannot use a laser jet printer Has to be an inkjet printer. Otherwise, this war work. All right, so now that we have our board, uh, stained and it's ready to go, we can go ahead and add a coat of sealer to it. Now, make sure that your stain is completely dry. Do not go over the state. The stain with your sealer. If it's not dry, it's not gonna turn out. And it's you're not gonna be happy If you're like me and a little impatient, You can always sit outside where it's obviously not raining, or you can take the blow dryer to it, which is what I dio, All right, so now that this is all dry, there's no tackiness to it. I can go ahead and apply the sealer. And again, this is an important step because, like I mentioned before, we don't want her paint to bleed into the wood. This is the mat sealer that I use. If this is Ford indoor sign, if it's for an outdoor sign, I definitely would use some kind of a sealer that's created for outdoors. And you can pick that up really anywhere. I think craft stores, local hardware stores like Home Depot and A CO. And things like that have those sealers. I've already gone ahead and did a coat of this, and obviously you're not going to really see it because it's a matte finish. There's also a semi gloss or a gloss that you can use. I have used those before and I actually did on my Christmas one, which actually looks pretty good. If you want more of a rustic flat look, definitely go with this here. I think this works really good. But again, if you're gonna be creating for outdoors, they have ah, Matt and semi gloss finish Steelers for outdoors as well. All right, so now that our board is finished, we can go ahead and let this dry in the next class. We're gonna go ahead and grab the iPad, and we're gonna start our lettering, and I'm gonna show you how to set up your canvas so that it fits perfectly on your board, So I'll see you there. 3. Create Our Hand Lettered Artwork: All right. Welcome back in this video, we're gonna go over how to set up our canvas in our iPad. But first, I'm going to measure this one more time. I always measure it more than I need to just to make sure that I have, uh, the correct size. So I've got and it doesn't have to be perfect. Ah, but you wanna make sure that it's close enough, So I'm gonna say 15.5 by 5.5, and then I can go ahead and move my board out of the way and let it dry completely. I'll bring my iPad in. I'm gonna go ahead and I'm going to open up a new canvas, and I'm gonna create a custom size. So I want my wit to be 15.5 and this is gonna be in inches. So make sure that you do. You're doing inches and that our height is 5.5. So if you look at the board, we wanted to look just like this. We don't want to create a canvas like this unless you're going to be creating your words this way like this. But we're going to be using this horizontally. And that's how I want a creator canvas. So we have 15.5 inches wide by 5.5 inches tall. Uh, and that's it. If you want to go ahead and name this, you can I d p I is not too important. You can leave it 300 just to make sure there's no blurriness. Uh, but again, it's we're not using this professionally. I guess you could say eso go ahead and just leave it like that and then click create. So now your canvas is ready and we can go ahead and start our hit lettering. So what I'm gonna do is definitely do this in black. There's no need to do any color one, because if you're gonna be printing this out later, But we don't want to waste ink, well colored ink, we can just use black or white. All right, so now that we have our campus created, we can go ahead and start our lettering. This is where you want to spend some time. So you want to make sure that depending on the quote you've chosen a mine is pretty simple and I know how I want to lay it out. I'm gonna have the word give up here in smaller letters, and I'm gonna have the word thanks. Filling up the space. I want to mention now that if you are going to put any kind of decorations here on the side , you can do that. You can draw them in here. Just make sure everything is in black. But we don't want any color or anything like that. We definitely have to have the core black. But you can like I did in one of my previous science, I used a stencil, and I did that separate. But I also made room for that beforehand. So I knew how big my stencil was. So I kind of left that spot there. I couldn't open left that open so you can go ahead and arrange for that. Make sure that you're doing this just in a basic Penn. There's no need to have any texture to your your brushes or to your, um, brushes here and procreate were just using basic because we're gonna be printing this. The texture really isn't gonna show up. And besides, you're probably not going to want to recreate the texture in your on your sign with paint that would take forever. So pleasure. You're going to get a lot of texture anyway without being out of wood. So don't worry about your brushes. Just use a basic basic brush that you have in your program Brushes Don't worry about is being too perfect either. You know where this is A guide for us. While we're going to be printing this, putting it on our board, we could always make changes as we're applying this to our board. So you can see here. Ah, that I've got some. It just isn't perfect. But this is why I said I like using my own lettering because I know it. I know that when I created this, there was this little kind of messed up area here and I might know that. OK, well, I want this a little bit rounded here, which I could fix here. But once I start my lettering later on on my board, I know that these little things that I created that I can fix later on if you are using somebody else's fund on and it is like a hand lettered one. Definitely kind of look it over before you export it. And you kind of look for these little things that you might want to change when you go to drop these in on your board. So, like, for instance, I'm gonna get rid of this little swash here because it looks like an h here. And I don't like that. So again, Get this exactly how you want it, toe. Look, I'm also going to move this closer, so just like that. All right, so now that we have it, we want to make sure that this is kind of centered. I feel like it's a little off to the right here, so I'm just gonna make sure that I have a magnetic checked and I'm just gonna kind of eyeball this in the center. Okay? So that looks good. And I'm gonna leave it just like that next up, I'm going to create a new layer. And again, I'm just going to eyeball this. I'm gonna draw straight hopes, gonna draw a straight line here. And this is where you want to make sure that things were straight. If you want to go out into another app like assembly or graphic, it's up to you. You can always go into that app and create your words, which is what I'm gonna do right now. I'm gonna go into assembly and I'm gonna create a new project. I'm gonna do my text here and type in the word in all caps give, and then I want to change the fund. So when you're doing this because I want a thin fund when you're transferring this into or onto the board, keep in mind that a really thin light fund, even though it looks a dark on the paper you've printed it on when we transfer it, it may not transfer the greatest. So if you think that it's really too thin, go up a little bit. So this right here is definitely too thick. I don't want it that thick, but this looks pretty good. Right? Here s so that's what I'm gonna dio. Actually, I'm gonna come down here and I'm gonna show you this. This is pretty good. That would we should work this right here. I definitely would not use a font this thin. So this per this would be perfect. So I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna change this color as well. Just to a dark color. I'm going to export as a PNG and making sure that it's transparent. We're gonna go ahead and save our image. We're gonna come back into procreate, and I'm going to go ahead and hopes we're gonna insert a photo. Okay, so there is the word give and I'm gonna turn this layer off for a minute. Ah, and create a new one because I want to show you that you can still create your own If you wanted Teoh. And again, I'm just using the same brush. And I'm gonna go ahead and drawing the letters how I'd want them toe look. So again, it's up to you. However you want this to be, I would just erase your guide, which is right here, and you can leave it like that and you can do it that way to if you feel like all you need is the word Thanks. And when you get to your artwork for your board, if you feel like you're good enough to just write in without having to transfer it, you don't have to put these smaller words. And if you don't want Teoh, but I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna use this one here and I'm going to upsets. Delete that one. And we're gonna resize this here. So for this, I like to keep, uh, the magnetic on it just kind of keeps it snapping into the same spot. Ah, that way I can keep everything kind of proportioned the way I want it. Eso Right now, I think that that looks okay. I do have a problem with the word give. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go back into assembly, and I'm gonna kind of space this out of it. So I'm gonna go back into my text. I'm gonna edit the So what? I'll dio is again all caps, But I'm gonna put a space in between each letter like this, and that looks better for me. That was just a little bit too close together, and it just didn't work. So I'm gonna go ahead and export this again back in to procreate, and I will go ahead and I'm gonna delete this layer. I'm gonna put this other one back in. All right. Good. So now what I'll do is I'm gonna resize this just a bed. And I kind of like the way that looks, even though I might kind of bring this down. Just a touch. All right, so now that we have our words done, we're happy with the way it looks, So we can kind of get an idea of where it's gonna sit on the wooden sign. There's two things that we need to do before we export. And these are very, very, very important to Dio. First up is we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna merge these together if you feel more comfortable keeping copies. But you can definitely copy those layers and then merge them, which is something I suggest, because it's normally what I do. Okay, so what you're gonna do is we're gonna flip this. We need to make a mirror image of our artwork. So come up here and just click on this here. So we're just flipping it horizontally. So it's really just a backwards image of our work. Eso Once you've done that, go ahead and flip your work this way. We want this to export, uh, vertically. We don't want it horizontally. So we should be good here. Um, once you have it like this, we can go ahead and we're going to share. What I share is a pdf. This isn't another important thing as well. So again, Just leave it at good quality. We're not printing this. Profess for professional use is just for a transfer, So good quality is perfect. We're going to export. And I am going to send this to I'm gonna save it to Dropbox for right now. But normally what I do is I will send it right to my Mac or my computer. So you're going to have to open this up in a computer of some sort. I have not figured out how to get this toe work on the iPad because we're gonna be using a the printer setting for a poster us. You're gonna have to open this up on a computer. So I'm gonna go ahead and name this Give thanks. And I'm gonna put this into my new work folder and I'm gonna click. Save Good. All right. So once we have that done, we can move on to the computer, and I'm gonna show you next how we're going to print this and the settings that you're gonna need. It's very simple. You're gonna need some Scotch tape, scissors or paper cutter. If you have one. Sisters will work perfectly fine, though, So don't worry about the paper cutter, and they're gonna need pencils. So make sure that you have, ah, printer, your computer, some pencils, computer paper on things like that. Ready? Also make sure that your board is drying and it'll be ready for you when we go to apply this. So I'll see you next video and we'll meet on the computer. 4. Print settings: Okay, so here we are with our pdf that we sent, I we're gonna do it. This is very simple. We're just gonna print this, so go up to your print and in the settings, The only thing that you should have to change eyes to poster. So this probably looks like this right here. When you open this, go ahead and change this to poster. Make sure that the orientation is portrait and that is going to show two pages. The scale is 100% and that we're at 8.5 by 22 inches. Don't let that threw you off. That is just two sheets of paper regular printer paper together. So it's 8.5 wide by 22 inches of which is 11 twice. So just don't let that throw you off and think that you need different paper because you don't. What's happening is here. You can see that this is where the papers cut off. And this is where we're going to be doing some cutting. And we're gonna be taping this back together so that our words line up properly and that we can transfer this. So that's done just go ahead and click prints, and I've already Prince and mine off. That's it. Go ahead and go back to your printer. Get your printed artwork and I will meet you back at the, uh, the wooden board. 5. Transferring and Painting our Quote: Alright, guys. So I'm back here is the the outcome of our work here? It looks really strange. I know, But anyways, it should look just like this and you're gonna have You may have this little area here, and this is where the scissors come in handy. So I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna cut this out so again gets a nice pair of long scissors . This is helpful if you have a paper cutter like this. So, like a paper trimmer, this also works good as well. This is usually what I use, but I'm just gonna show you with scissors for this video. So again, just cut right up against this line here where it's cut off and you can see that if you kind of but these two up together, you can see where it was cut off. So we don't worry about anything here. You want to make sure that we have a nice straight line here because we don't want our gap between RG and our I to be off from what the rest of the letters are. So again, if you feel more comfortable using a paper trimmer, definitely do that otherwise if you have an Exacto knife in a ruler, that's another way to go as well. And then do the same with this one here. Okay, so that's pretty good. Evidence off a little bit that if you can see that, that's OK. Let's see here. This is what we have. And I know what this is totally backwards. Who want to kind of line this up as best as we can here and kind of just take a look at how it looks and everything looks good. There's no big, huge sections missing here. Everything lines up with our lettering. Pretty good. So now we're gonna do is we're going to flip this over now. We're looking at it the correct waste where it says give thanks. So what, you're gonna dio I'm this up here and then you're gonna grab your tape. So just a regular piece of Scotch tape tape this up here and then wherever your artwork is , you want to line it up and tape right over that lettering. So that way, when we are transferring this onto our wooden board, we're not lifting this up and running the paper, so the tape will actually stop and help that. If you have lettering all the way down, I suggest taping the entire sheet down. Okay, so this is a method one, and I'm gonna I'm gonna show you this way first. What I want to do is bring Van board back, which is now dry. Okay, So the trick to getting this centered that I have found is to kind of bring it in and kind of just fold up so you can see where things were going to end up. So I fold around my board just making an outline with my paper. That C word. It's ending. So I've got pretty much even space on each end, so it looks pretty centered again. I want to do the same up here and just crease around the board the best that I can, and that looks pretty good. So I know that the word give is right here. If I wanted that a little bit more centered, I might move it down. Just a touch. But making sure that this tea and these larger letters don't fall off of my board. We want those to stay on. So again, just kind of crease everything down. Okay, Perfect. So once we have this again, very important to make sure you're holding on to this very, very hard. You do not want this to move. I want this to stay. If you have somebody to help you, that's even better. They can hold down while you're transferring. So this is where your pencils come in. And you want to make sure that you have. If you're gonna be doing a lot of signs, make sure you have a lot of pencils. Okay, so first up, I am working on a pretty light colored wood. So this method here is what I'm gonna use for something that's on a light colored wood. I'm gonna show you next up. After we've transferred this, I'm gonna show you really quick on a darker piece of wood. How to transfer it, if you're would is black or really dark. So what you're gonna do is just simply with not too hard. But you want to make sure you're putting pretty good pressure going around these letters. You may need to sharpen your pencil a couple times throughout this process. So you're kind of using the side of the pencil. You're using it on an angle and just again holding this tight. So if it starts like bunching up, just stop and kind of spread it out. Make sure that it's, uh, you know, not getting away from you. Okay, so here, like I said, remember I mentioned the tape. If it wasn't taped right here, and we were kind of going over this, we had run the risk of kind of tearing the paper. So with the tape, we could go right over it, and it works. Just is fine with the tape over it. So I just helps in the transition from one sheet to the next without us hearing it. All right, So for these smaller, thinner letters, you might want to add a little extra pressure here, just in case they were, like, maybe too thin this way. You know that you can get a good transfer. You definitely want to see where these are underneath. Okay, so what you're gonna dio next is just hold tightly and just slowly lift up and kind of Look what you're getting this is definitely dark enough to where we can see it. Really? What kind of look at our seat can see here that those letters did not show up as good as they could have. So I'm gonna go over this again with a little more pressure, and hopefully they'll show up. So I'm gonna do the same with the V, and then the same with the I and then the Judy. It's like I said, it's better to have a little bit thicker lettering. But I wanted to show you with of the thinner stuff, too. So I think I just moved that. But that looks good. We can definitely get an idea. My a looks like it didn't copy here, so All right, so I'm gonna pull this up, and now you can see kind of what we got here. So from here, really? I guess if you wanted, you could leave it like this, and that would be fine, But I would like to add some color and maybe ah, make it look a little bit darker. It's up to you here. If you want to paint with paint brushes, you can do that. I prefer paint pens. I'm gonna get into that in a minute. But first I want to show you the other way of transferring. All right, So I said I wanted to show you how to transfer. If you're using a darker sheet of wood or a darker piece of wood, this right here is like a white carbon paper. And you can get this at any craft store. You're just gonna lay this down so it's the shiny side, or the kind of the mat side is down. You'll feel the difference. When you get it, you're gonna do the same thing. You're gonna lay it out, and you're just gonna trace over the letters instead of scribbling like we did before. You know how we kind of did this? We are just going to trace our letters like this. Okay, so now that we have that, you can see that we can go ahead and use. This is our France for now, so we can go ahead and paint that and this just washes off with water. So if you make a mistake, just get like a soft washcloth and a tiny bit of water, and this will come right off if you make a mistake. Like I use both methods and they both worked really well. All right, So now that we have this transferred and it looks really good, I like the way it looks. We're gonna go ahead and pick colors. We're gonna paint this. So what I use are painters. And I like these because the paint the paint's good. I've tried other markers or other paint pens, and I honestly didn't like them. These I actually found at Wal Mart for, like a dollar 97 anywhere else there between three and $4. But if you find something else that you like, definitely do it if you want to use just basic, a Croat paints with paintbrushes. But you can also do that. Um, I prefer these, especially with hail lettering, because I have more control over where the paint goes with the paint pens. Ah, there are different tip. Size is to these. You can get like this ones of fine And then I have a medium. So usually what I do is I outlined my work in white or in the Thin Tim, and then I will kind of color in with a thicker tip. Ah, one thing I do want to mention is when you're doing this work on one letter at a time. Don't outline everything and then come back. If you've ever used paint before, once it dries and you kind of go over it again. It kind of move, is it? And kind of makes it look good. Kind of bad. So work all together on this tea and then move on after that. So when you get these pens, they're gonna have nothing in the tip. You're just gonna shake it up and you're just gonna hold it down until the paint starts to flow. And then once that happens, you can go ahead and start painting. So again, like I said, that thin tip for lettering, I think works great. If you're tens are a little watery, by the way. God, well, definitely put the lid on first and then shake it up. If you find that the color is kind of watery, it should makes it better. But you can see hopefully here, uh, that the paint is working really, really well. So just take your time and kind of trace out your lettering. This is also the time that, um that you can fix any of the things that you didn't like about your lettering. So I know that in my initial lettering on this age, it had appointed tip here where the, uh uh, where I swung down on my H and I wanted to kind of round that off. So if you want to fix anything Ah, this is the time to do it. And if you make mistakes here, you can always, uh, it's already dried. You can try just kind of sanding it off if it's that dry. Ah, Once you seal it, though, you're gonna have to sand down the entire piece. These air water based and they should come up with just a little bit of water. All right, so this is mine here after the first coat. So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to let this dry, and I'm gonna add a second coat if yours looks good. Ah, and you like the way it looks with your first coat. And you don't wanna apply another coat. You can go ahead and apply your sealer. If there's and nothing else that you want to add to it, maybe corner decorations or a frame around it. Do all of that Now, don't wait and seal it and then decide You want to add something, Otherwise you're gonna have to seal it again. So which is fine, but it's just another step you don't need to Dio s. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna let this dry and I'm gonna go ahead and give it another coat and I'll see you back in the next video. 6. Finishing Up: All right, So now I'm done, and this is all dry. My paint is a little bit You can see here where we've got, like, the lines and stuff. If I wanted to, I could go over this one more time if I wanted to keep the full color the way it is. But I don't. I want to actually rough this up a bit. I want to make it look more and so not really concerned with the lines that are in the paint here. So what I'm gonna do is I have just a medium grit sandpaper, and I'm gonna use this lightly. I am not going to put hardly any pressure on this. And I'm just going to sand, right, Theo? Top of this. Like I said, I am doing this very lightly. All right, so now that we have this kind of roughed up and we like the way it looks, everything looks feels pretty good. Just check it over and make sure that you have everything that we wanted. Because at this point, if you need to start over, you can always say in this down right now. I'm not saying that you couldn't later Once you put the sealer on, it's gonna be a lot harder to get through and get rid of all this stuff here. So definitely at this point, just take a few minutes. Even if you want to give it a day, come back to it tomorrow morning and take a look at it again just to make sure that you like it. And it's the way you want it. And once you are totally satisfied with that, you're going to once again we're gonna grab our brush here. And this is just an old, uh, old paintbrush. There's nothing like it again. I think this is actually the kids paintbrushes. So, uh, I'm just using those and again, I clean this off really good. And this time I'm gonna apply a pretty thick coat of this sealer, so just brush all the way across the top. You can also get the sides as well get if this is an outdoor sign. Definitely get an outdoor sealer. And if you want to, you can always steal the back as well. Just to make sure that that is sealed too. And once more, I will say this again. When you're applying this. Make sure that you are applying in a smooth fashion. Ah, that There's no thick chunks of sealer sitting there that your paintbrush leave behind. Go ahead and smooth it out is the best you can. This does, um, dry pretty fast. This stuff does anyway, the module podge Matt sealer. This is also a glue in a finish in a water based sealer, So it does dry pretty quickly, so you gotta work as fast as you can. But anyway, once you're done, let this dry. If you feel that it needs on their coat, you could go ahead and apply in their code if you like. OK, guys. So once you're done, uh, go ahead and either attached maybe a jute rope with some staples here, or you can buy these little attachments here. I'm not exactly sure what they're called, but if you can see that it's just your regular hanging bracket for while our wood pieces. I ordered these off Amazon in a huge pack, and it was a lot cheaper to do it that way than it was to get them at the art supply store or even a large like Home Depot or Menards or anything like that. They were quite expensive. Ah, but I found them on Amazon. And I leave a link to these in the notes as well. So that's all you have to dio. All right, that is it. That's the class. If you have any questions, comments, please let me know. Ah, there is a, uh, pdf in the class files that will give you all of the supplies that you need and everything you need to get started with this. Alright, guys, to remember when I said I was gonna show you what happens if you don't seal your work before you apply the paint or the paint pens? You can see that I've done some just messing around here in the back of this piece of wood . Ah, but here in this section and I'm hoping that you can actually, I really see this. But there is bleeding here when I write. So if I come in here and just apply the paint, you can see that it's starting to kind of just bleed out into the wood. Now this section right here where I wrote em err i e is where I applied a little bit of the , uh, this, um sealer. So it's going to stay nice in perfect that there's only no bleeding eso. Anyway, I wanted to show you the difference, and you can really see it here where it's been sitting for a little bit and how it just slowly bled into the wood on. And it's not really crisp looking at all. So, uh, definitely, definitely seal your would first, and you won't have this issue. The longer this actually sits here, the more it's gonna kind of bleed out into the wood eso. Anyway, I highly recommend sealing it first, and you won't have this issue, so All right, anyway, that was it. I just wanted to kind of show you guys that before I forgot. Uh, thanks. Let me know if you have questions. I look forward to seeing your projects. Thanks. Bye.