1. Designing On iPad For 3D Printing: I take my iPad with me everywhere. If I've got a couple of minutes, I can draw practice, even word compliance project. When I'm away from home, by far the best 3D printing, designing, and modeling app available on iPad is Sherpa, 3-D. How long did you said 3D modeling on iPad and not on computer? Yes. 3d modelling on iPad. Not on computer. Your iPad is so much powerful, it can handle anything. Hi, my name is Cyprian, and in this course, we're going to learn each and everything you need to master 3D designing and modeling, right on your iPad. Yes, we're going to learn about 3D designing and modeling techniques on iPad. I think the best way to create 3D modelling designed on iPad is shaper 3D. Well, we are going to go over tools and we are going to go over a lot of basic designing and modeling techniques that anybody can do it well, we are going to learn about the designing per file, the sketches, turning them into 3D models. And we're going to talk about all the features that are packed in shipper 3D app by creating cool models with magic tools, all the examples I use here are simple and easy to use. Anybody can follow along and learn different 3D modeling techniques while learning this program. Whether you are just learning how to draw 3D models for 3D printing, or you are someone who already loves 3D printing but wants to learn how to design on your ipad. This is a great place to start. You can draw with Apple Pencil or any silence. You can have a brand new iPad or your iPad can couple of years old. It doesn't matter. Plus there's so much we are going to be talking about from exporting 3D models to STL files for your 3D printing. We are going to be talking about how to easily draw in 2D geometry and export them into solid objects. So what are you waiting for? Now? Go to the kitchen, get a snack, and then we can start designing for our 3D printing.
2. Overview: Hey guys, welcome. And in this class I'll show you how you can download the app called Sherpa twitchy and what tools and how you can use them in different situations. So I'm gonna give you the overview of all the software is pretty easy and so intuitive, you're going to love it. So get into it. First. You have to go into the app store. And when you Oh, and the App Store, you can go into the source section and you can search for the app called Sherpa 3D. And this is the icon when you open the ship, but really you can click on install and you're good to go. This is a free app. You don't have to pay anything upfront. So let's get into this app and see what's inside. So you can just go straight into the scattering and I'll show you but at the basics in this one. So we're going to solve it, clicking on, start designing and the two options going to come. If you want to import any already made file, or you're going to design your own. So we're going to design our own. So we're going to click here. So when we are here. So as you can see, there is a small cube at the top-right section from where you can select the View, like top view. Then we can move with our hand. We can go into the front view. We can move it over pencil or any stylus go on the right view, everything is where. So over here at the top, you're going to show you our units, like we are working in millimeters, centimeters or inches or anything like that. So here on this hole, this is also left the shortcut for Dow views. We can click on the top one, we're going to click on the bottom front pack. Everything is here. So when you go into bottom right you can see two option. This one is for the section view and the other one is the default settings. You don't have to change anything, just lead them all, turn on and you're good to go. And here on the bottom left you can see the Layer setting. So this is all the layers forever. You will make it going to show up over here. And on the top these icons out for the export. And this phone is to import anything in any forego any document you want to import. So all those things are on the top-left. So our main tools or sketches are here, the middle left section. So these areas are our main areas which we're going to work a lot. So first of all, I'm going to tell you the basics and we're going to have fun. So first of all, we cannot go straight into the sketch and I will show you how easy it is. So you can see here a bunch of options of Foster Wallace, Line and Arc. And it has two settings, automatic line or arc. So if we go into the automatic and we make a straight line and kinda be line. And if we are here in automatic and if we're going to like, make a moment in our line, like instead of going straight, we just make. Angle two over nine, you're gonna make ARC automatically. So this is pretty cool too. So in the rectangle there are a bunch of options. You can select so many from them. So it's diagonal and central, The most common. So in center, you can start it from the center and the box will move with respect to that. And if we go back and select the diagonal, we can select from the one corner and go to the another corner. So there are so many options in that. So in circle, you can select the circle. You can tab and drag it outside. You can see you can control your circle the way you want. So move aside a bit and you're gonna go to elapse. So in this one the same as a circle, but the shape will be like all. So we can click and drag. So you can see it just makes all the things. So in order to change any dimensions, right, like you have already made it and you have to adjust the dimension. Just click on the profile. You will see the dimensions are there. You can just click on one dimension. So instead of 21, you can click 15. So as you can see, you can change anything. Then click again here. If you want to click on the other side, you can click and select five. And as we made earlier, you can click here, change any high, like we're gonna go with only seven MM radius. So you can see it's pretty easy to change it. So in order to move this canvas or this page, you can take your two fingers, put them all together and drag left to right. So in order to move this one's you, you can use your finger and you can go around like this. So if you want to just make the sketch again over here, just double-click or here, I'm gonna go back. So pretty easy steps. So again, there are so much a bunch of options. So if we go into the Offset edge, we can select the offset is going to form a duplicate of the geometry. So you're going to click here and we can drag outside like whatever value we want. So like for example, we can click outside. And we're gonna go with ten m m. So you can see everything is so easy in this one. And now we will go into the tool section. So, so also I just wanted to show you the shortcut. Even if you don't go into the sketch, you can still make a straight line. You can, you still make arc. You can still make circle like this. And if you want to move your circle or any geometry, you just click on the geometry. It will highlight and you just drag the central point and just move it anywhere you want. So we're gonna put it over here. So this is pretty nice and easy process. So like for example, we will make bunch of faults over here. And you can drag, as I told you before, anywhere you want. So there is another tool called trim. When we click on trim, it going to delete only does small entities. So like it will go like this. It's gonna donate 1.1.1 all this hair is. So you can select one entity if you want to delete all of it, you can click the late. So this is pretty easy. Now, a time for another cool stuff. So in order to extrude that things like to make them and turn them into the soil bodies. You can just go take you one finger and drag it at an angle. And when you see this blue box, it means the geometries are ready to extrude. C, You can long tap here. Now you can see the two arrows appear. So one is to rotate a geometry. What we don't want the Rhino and this bigger arrow is for extrusion. So if we drag that outside and you can see, we can select any value, see integrase extrusion. So if we want to make any geometry at the top Rhino, so we can double-tap on this. And we're going to make any viewership right now. So like this is a shape. We made it a writting. Now we can zoom it out, move it at an angle. So as we move it and angles, you can see another. The blue one has appeared. So we can long tap here and now we can take it out to make the extrusion or we can go the other way to make a extrude cut. So we can go to the other way. So you can go to the another way. And now there is a hole. So this software is pretty easy. So you can double-tap again on the plane, as it told you. You can make it circles. And you can go at an angle. You can long-term the area like if I always like to that middle one, it cannot exclude only the middle thing. If I select the other one. And the extruded and going to an extraordinary another one. You can see how easy to make the profile. Even if you are done with the profile, you can still chain it. Just zoom a bit. Slight Dar, surface you want to extrude and you can go up there now is so pretty easy if we go down and it will be hollow, as you can see. So it is pretty easy to, if America circle here. And if I go at an angle and if I extrude it. Now you can see this is a soil body. But if we make a shell, we can just go into the tool, select shell and click on the phase and we can drag in or out. Whatever thickness of inside diameter we want. So if we go to Hermann and click Done, You can't see, No, we see haller from the top and is joined at the bottom. So as you can see, the software is pretty easy and pretty neat. And if we go on the side again, I'll go back into the tool section. And there are a bunch of options for union subtract and see like a Renu selector there, you will see, there will be always an option showing you what to do. So the union means if we have two separate bodies. So like if I go on an angle, phi goes like this, like this, like this. And how we will see that these bodies are R one body or these are three separate bodies. So we can select, double-tap on the bodies. So see, you can see only one body selector. If I go on the other side. You can again see only one body is elected instead of four. So in order to make all of them as a one body. So we can go into the, sorry, we can go into that tool section. Then we can go into the Union. After going into union, we can select this one, like this one. Select this one and click okay. So now when we'll double-tap anywhere on this solid, you can see everything is like to. So now the union is done and all three separate bodies and no one single body. So now what we're gonna do, we're gonna rotate this a bit like at an angle where we can see what together. So I'm going to go into the transplant section. Click on mirror. So now is saying select item two mirror. So i'm going to double-tap here. And the next is selective mirroring plane or the line of center of rotation. So I'm going to click here. So now you can see this body is mirrored to the other side with the respect to this line. So this is a pretty easy, so we're gonna click okay. So now I'm going to show you another tool that called revolve. So what we're gonna do, we're gonna make a straight line. And then the other thing we do is make an arc. So now you can see we have one arc, one straight line. So now we're gonna go into a dot, sorry, y2 section. And we're going to click on, well, so now we're going to select our geometric, and now it says select n axis to rotate around. So we're going to select this line. So we're gonna click. Okay, so now you can see we have made and ball. So this is pretty good. So you can also select this one, one-click at a time. And you can just move it anywhere you want. If you want to move on this track. So you can more readily, if you want to move on this axis is same you can do to the any geometry. You can select this one. You can double-tap to select everything. You can move it up, move it away. We're left to right. And you can also rotate on m, l, this angle, or you want to call it other side and rotated this saying, you want this thing to, these all things are so easy. And I'm going to show you in my project how m doing dat one and how easy they are one and how you can model all of them and export them. Nice and easy for Europe, 3D printers, you can make your own models, say yeah, see you in next lecture.
3. Design - Grocery Bags Holder: Hey guys, welcome to project number one. So in this project we're gonna redesigning our economic grocery bag holder. And we're gonna 3D print right from our iPad to just get into it. So run will start, we will open this app and we're going to click on start designing. And we're gonna go with the new design. So we can see the axis at the top. So we're going to tap on the front axis. So now we are in the front x is, so x axis is our distal red line, and this blue line is the z axis. So we will be designing a grocery bag holder so that we can easily carry over groceries. So here how we do it. So first of all, we're going to pinch it down. So we're gonna make our rectangle foster fall. So we will go right into the catch and we're going to click into rectangle. So at the bottom of rectangle you can see there is certain scent center. So when we click on center, you can see there are different types of rectangle are there. So we can choose center diagonal or three points. So in this case I will go with diagonal software clicking on diagonal. So I'm going to click here at the center and just drag it like this. I'm gonna zoom it out. So for the width we are going with the 120 millimeters decides will be perfect and ergonomic. So we just click on the line is going to show us the value was still went off the line. We're going to click on that and the dialog box appears in this one, we can edit our values So 4A, high twig or going with a 100 MM. So there we go. So now we have a rough box in which we can design our staff. So first of all, we're going to click on line. And I'm going to zoom out a little. And I'm going to go to here, and I'm going to draw the line. And I'm going to leave it over there. So it's going to snap automatically from 1 to other point. So we have to just drag the line and the lines will intersect automatically. Because in this section, we have turned on snap to grid search automatically, goanna, go and snap to the grid. So moving forward, so we were making the handle over here. So here we can grab it and we're gonna make the hooks over here. So let's design it. So this is all our imagination home, we want to make it. So what personally I'm gonna do. So I'm gonna go on. I'm gonna go on sketch and I'm going to click on Offset edge and make sure it loopy zone. After clicking on loop, I'm going to click the outside boundaries and England and just drag it inside ten m. So we, so we roughly made her profile. So this is a pretty easy stuff. So now we're going to design our hooks. So how am I going to design the hoop? So I'm going to be going on sketch. Then I'm going to make on circle. Then I am going to press and drag. So as you can see, now I have a time MM, circle over here. So you can just hold it from the center and move it wherever you want. So I'm going to click and move it over here. And there is a plus sign. You can see I can make a plus sign. So by clicking on upload saying, now if we move anything from the circle is going to copy, the circle is going to not move. The original circle is gonna start coping. So now it's turned off and is not highlighted. I'm going to turn it on now. The blue light is there, is highlighted, so I'm going to drag it. And I'm going to leave it over here and I'm gonna make another copy. And I'm going to leave it over here. So after this is done. So what are we going to do? So I'm gonna make a line over here. So it automatically intersect somewhere. Sorry my bad. So we have to go back into line and we're gonna make a line. You're going to intersect automatically. So we are done with the lines. And what we're gonna do next is just make another line from the right at the center. So like this. So once this line is made, so I'm going to go into the trim section and I'm going to trim the upper half. And these lengths to. So as you can see, we roughly mid the hooks. So how we're gonna make this Hooke's bit bigger. So we're gonna go back into offset edge again. Make sure the single is on this time. Yes, we're going to click here, and here we're going to select bought the entities. And we're going to move this one. As you can see. I'm going to move it around six. I'mm, going to select the next 16 MM. And we're gonna select again max2 on and just drag it to six MM. So now you can see a rough, rough profile is made. So we're gonna go again into this sketch section. And I'll zoom over here and we're gonna make our half circle rare. So we're going to round it like this. So there is like no particular options. So in this software is so easy. You just measure the moment of if you move in a straight line, you're gonna make a line, if you make a little bit curve in your line is gonna make an arc or a circle. So pretty easy software to learn. So. So we're going to make the grooves for our hands. So if we have straight, we're gonna get strain in our the ends of the fingers. So we're gonna make some curves so these are comfortable on our fingers. So right now what we're gonna do. So I'm going to make like I'm gonna zoom, zoom a bit. So you're gonna go like this. We're going to, I'm going to make V 12. I made a we. So it'll make a little bit like straight like here. Now, it looks perfect. So I'm going to select Entities, both of them. And then I'm gonna click on copy sign. So the copy is on. And I'm gonna drag one over here and the next one over here. So, so as you can see, so we are just roughing up the sketches. So now we're going to select our trim tool and get rid of all the successive lines. So we don't want this, we don't want this. We don't want inside of this, we don't want this. We don't want this line, this line. You're going to get rid of all the unnecessary lines. So as you can see, no rear hooks are clear. So over here, we don't want this line, this and this. So pretty much our Ravine is done. So now is the time for the excited part. So what I going to do, so we're going to take our finger and just move it on an angle. So now you see the blue lines are highlighted. But do we forgot one thing? So we're gonna go back. We're going to trim these lenses also, 123. So these are done. So as I told you before, you just go at an angle no, the blue boxes and appear. So in this one we can extrude it. So I'm going to select this one. So after selecting, we gotta arrow. So we're going to drag the gyro and pick it out. So see anything you want to do. So we're gonna go with ten MM. So that's pretty good. So now we are done with this. So now is the time for pretty cool part. See, you know, everything is so at D and sharp, we're gonna make it curvy and smoothed. So we're gonna go over here and we're going to select these edges, four fingers. And we're going to select this one. So you see if we go one way it's gonna make figured, if we're gonna go other way, it gonna make gem for so we're gonna go one-way. So visual imagination, this looks pretty much comfortable. So now we're gonna go with the inside edges. So we can zoom in, select this one and move it around. Zoom and select this inside edge. Zoom-out. Unselect this for touch. And we're going to make a film artsy. It looks nice now. So it's up to us how deep in Rigaud or I'm gonna go with 15 millimeters. So this is done. So this is all done. So now we're going to make the outside corners are also a bit smarter. So I'm gonna select fostered second edge. Third, and for touch. So same drug. And we can see visually what looks nice to you. I think 21 is fine over here. So we are pretty good or top. So now for this, the surges, these are, I guess the final edges. And we're gonna make the free. Let's, wow, that looks really nice now. So we can go into this box. And here you can see we have like sketches are over there. We can turn those sketches off. This is a body whose turn it off the board economy off. So now we're going to just leave the visibility of body on. So now you see it's nice and beautiful. We're going to enhance it more by adding the feathered all over the edges. So I'm going to go into it and select these all edges. And we're going to select these edges to. So pretty much as they said in this software. Your imagination is the limit. So whatever you imagine, just draw it, extruded Mac fillers on add. Everything is so cool in the software and you don't have to be like exporting this author is like playing a piano is so easy. Actually piano is difficult, like, it's like playing, having a hobby, and having a good time. So I'm going to take this arrow and I'm going to make a film that I guess two millimeter is fine. So as we can see, this is all nice and car we and this looks amazing. And if we want, we can do the same on the other side also. So let's do it and make everything nice and grit. License mode. If you select by mistake other things, just right-click on that and it will deselect that. And finally the inside ones. And we're almost there. We're gonna zoom a bit, tune the small, tiny urge. And there we go, the last one, now we can drag it. And as you can see, if a goal 1A it makes term for if a gone the other way. It makes valid. And we're going to go here too as well. So that's it. We are pretty much done. We are almost we're done. So now our drawing is nice and small oil or if you want to add another touch into it, just double-click on that. Just go on color section and you choose any color you want. I'm gonna go with this blue colour and you can just end in like the lightness to darkness of the color. So there we go. We're going to click a talker and our model is ready. So the next step is to export this part as an STL file for a 3D printer. So we didn't click over the exploit icon. And you can see there are a bunch of options and at the end there is a 3D print export for slicer and 3D printer STL file. So I'm going to click over here. So I'm gonna make it, you're gonna write jatropha or economic grocery bags holder. And make sure you include mesh bodies. You don't have to exactly same whatever it's here and continue. And it's going to ask for where you have to save the files. So you just save two files and it cannot be done in my iCloud economical folder. What 3D printing. So now we can close it. Now we're file is saved. So now we can go into the Internet Explorer or Safari, anything you have an iPad and just search for SDL. Two G code converter, there will be a bunch of them free and paired it just upload this file and generate the G-code, download that file and just hook it in here, 3D printer, and you are done. Now I'm going to show you how it looks like after we 3D print. So there we go.
4. Design - Bear Toothpaste Squeezer: Hey guys, welcome to the new font project. So in this project we will be designing a beer toothpaste, squeezed her, and now we will get into it and had some fun time. So first of all, we're gonna go into start designing. Click this icon and when then we have to go in new design software, we open this page. We will go straight into the front axis. So you can move this cube and you can click on the front. So now we are on the front axis. Now we are going to design the toothpaste squeeze of. So first of all, we're going to make a straight line and going to go around 65 millimeters. And what I'm gonna do, I'm going to go into the Offset edge in single icon and click on the line who withdraw. And we're going to drag it up. So we are going with one level. So there's a pretty good Nan, tight space so that our The End of toothpaste can go from inside. And when we squeeze this part, the toothpaste gonna come from the other side. We're going to have fun. So once we are, we are done with that. We're gonna go to the site and you just select the line and ARC Automatic. So we're going to come here and make our arc. So here are some arc. So we're pretty much done with the amount. So there's amount. So now we're going to go and design the beer. So in this one we're going to go in at the lips. And I select that. And you can click on 1 and just drag it outside.
5. Design - Vase: So welcome guys to the new project. So in this cool project, we're gonna be making the flower VS. And let's get into the designing so that we can have a great burning. But so we're gonna start with designing and click on new design. So we're gonna go into the top section this time. So I will just make one line straight. That's going to be around 75 MM. So after that, I'm going to make a circle. I'm going to read from the middle and it goes here. Yet they're trim the boredom one. So now we have outlined for our Who asked diameter. So what are we going to do? Now? We can use our imagination, our ideas, and we can make all the curves or edges we want to make within this radius. So I'll show you how I'll do it. We're gonna zoom it. So I'm going to start making smaller lines. So you can do like that. Within the radius. It doesn't matter. The output gonna come nice and good. I'm going to meet, continue making some crazy lines. Just keep on making those crazy lines. So, so as you can see, you don't have to be exporting it. And there we go. So we made a pretty crazy Corey profile. So I'm gonna go and lead the outside one. So there we go. So we have this one. So what we're gonna do, I'm gonna go into the transformed section and I'm going to go and mirror. So I'm gonna mirror Destin around. Sorry, you're going to select the tough one along this edge. So now a profile is done. So I'm going to click okay. So now the new thing we're gonna learn over here, and we're going to be the central line. And the Newton weaned. And we're here to copy this and move into the air and rotating that part. So when we loved it, and we're gonna make grazie per file. So I'm going to show you what I mean. So I'm going to put this at an angle, are going to double-click on the edge now is going to select everything. So after that, you can go into a transform. And I'm going to click on Move or did and click that. And I will select that. And now I'm going to click on the plus sign after clicking on placenta copy is on. So now I can drag this one up to make this 75 MM. And again another 175 plus 75150 mm. So an r here. So we're going to click okay. So now I'm going to use a new command. Does, is then transformed section is called scale. Scale gonna meet the profile two times, three times or 50% only whatever you choose to. So I'm going to click this profile, and I am going to expand this. I'm going to go around 150. So this looks pretty big rhino. And I'm going to select this one. Then. I'm going to select that individually. In a goal into transform. Can scare, then click on the top one. And I'm going this like 25 or maybe less, I guess 120 CE. Yeah, so this is done. So the, another cool thing we can do is just go and transform, click on move and clicker. And you can move into certain angle. You don't have to be precise. Then you can do this again to the top one and you can just rotate it, rotate it to this side. So now we made the same profile Mu up to here, then up to here. So we'll copy the same profile. We made it bigger and we just rotated. So now profile is done. So now it's time for the cool part. We're going to go into section and click on the left. So I'm going to click here, here, and here, and click okay. So as you can see, it looks so nice. And the only thing left is there is no opening on the top. So, so now we're gonna go into the tool section and select shell. And we're going to select the top and we can move the edges. So I'm gonna go with around four MM. So as you can see, everything is four m, m. I'm going to click okay. So you can see now it is a beautiful, beautiful wars. So now let's put some colours to it. Tonight. I'm going to double-click care. Go on color. And as you can see, you can choose pretty much any color. I'm gonna go with this. And it will go and click. Okay, so there we go. So we have lies walls. And it's pretty cool-looking as you can see, is all your imagination, as I told you before, you don't have to master, just play with this software is pretty good, although I got to see you on the other side how this part looks like after 3D printing.
7. Design - Ring: Hey guys, welcome to the new project. So in this particular project we will making a cool thing. So we're going to make something so that you can impress your partner, your spouse, or your loving ones. So that's why we are making our ring. So we're gonna go straight into start designing thing and we're gonna go into new design. And over this cube, we are going to go and click confront x's. And after going into front axis. So first of all, we're gonna make three folders. So we're gonna click on the second and create three folders. 123. So I'm going to long tap over here and rename it as bottom circle. I'm gonna go in green and the other one at the top circle. And I'm going to go at the last one and I'm going to rename it has cut and design cut. So I'll show you what we're gonna do with these folders in awhile to skip watching. So first of all, I'm going to go into Sketch and make a straight line. And I'm going to go around 19.5 MM. After we've done that, we're going to make top arc. So we may then arc. So I'm going to go into the transform tool and click the mirror. So in this mirror phosphorus like the entity this outside, and then we select the center of rotation that's like this one. So now or a circle is done, we're going to click okay. So now we're going to select how tick we want our ring to be. So for that reason, I'm going to go into the sketch and I'm going to go into the Offset edge and select single. I'm going to select this one. I'm going to move up. So I'm going with one minimum thickness and I'm gonna drag inside. So now we're done with the overall profile. So now we're going to trim this middle line. So we're gonna go into trim and clicker. So now this is done. So now we're going to extrude these profiles. So I'm gonna drag the circle at an angle so we can see the blue circles. I'm gonna zoom a bit and click at the top. So as you can see, now we're gonna drag in the both direction. So I'm going to drag over here. I'm gonna go with their own Tanenbaum. We're done here. And I'm going to do and drag to the other side also Qur'an, ten m, m, sorry. So ten plus 1020. So now I'm going to go into the bottom one and select this one, bullet out. One MM. And we're going to do the same to the other side. So one plus one is equal to two, so two, MM. So we are done here. So now what we're gonna do, we're gonna go and see v or v geometries are. So body one is in the top and what it results in the top. So what we're gonna do, we're gonna long-term here, the Press back. And we drop this one into the boredom circle. So there we go. We're gonna include this extra one here. So as you can see, the top circle is test one and the bottom circle was Taiwan. So now we're good to go. So we're, profiling is done. So now we're going to go into the co-design. So now our rough top thicknesses done, rough bottom thicknesses, don't know. We're going to design the part on the top and then we're going to extrude it so that it looks good. So make sure you are in design curved in the third and final folder. And we're going to tap on the side. So now we're going to go into this phone and hide the top geometric before we proceed into design cut folder. So we're going to hide the top geometry. We're gonna go back into Design cut. And that's it. So now we're gonna make up plane. I'm going to go into the ad icon. Then I'm going to click into construction plane. Now, make sure you select the offset. You have a bunch of them, but we're going to select the offset from phase. So I'm going to select this face. So I'm going to click Next. Says you can see the plane is male, so we're going to moreover it outside. Like over here. It looks good. We can double-tap known display. So everything will be made now will be on this plane. So if you want to, you can select this plane and you can move it wherever you want. The box looks small, but whatever you made on this whole area will be on this plane. So, so as I told you, just double-tap on the new plane. This is zoom out a bit. So now all we're gonna do is design the profile. I'm just making the ARAF file. And I'm gonna go this way to. So as you can see, I just made a rough profile, whatever was at the bottom. So now what we're gonna do, so we're going to zoom a bit and we're gonna make a profile for our ring, what design we want. So I'm gonna click care and make our arc from here to the center. So I'm going to do that. So it snaps to the mid point. I'm going to select on this arc and I'm going to squeeze it in. Yeah, so this, see, this is not straight and decision or completely round. So this just an angle to make a nice profile. We can proceed bit more. Begin design from here to up to here. It looks good. What they're going to do. And just offset this line. Then select here and click on Offset edge. And as you can see, I offset it. So I can select over here, move it at any angle. I'm going to go with the single. Again, drag it anywhere I can extend the line. And so I think up to here, it looks good. So I'm going to make another design and they're gonna make a straight line and joining both the entities. So now our entities are done. What I going to do is make a nice design. So before doing that, I am going to divide this thing. I'm going to divide this into half. And the design i'm gonna make. So I'm going to slay and lead these all the boundary lines we made earlier. You can select 1234 and the central line. So now we're left just with a profile. So I'm going to select don't offset edge and select the loop this time. And you can select this one. Does you can see they come inside and outside. 0.5 mm is good. So as you can see, we cannot make a loop over here because this end is open. So we're going to close it down. So now we will try again and then go into Sketch. Click into the offset edge and pick the bottom one and not the same. So 0.5 minimum. So now it looks good. So what they're gonna do it, you can use your imagination, anything you can design over here. So I'm going to start designing like this line. Does everything. Whatever you like you can make it. I just like. Going on these angles, I'm going to make a ticker line. And this looks good. And I'm gonna make a simple design at the bottom. Like I'm gonna make a circle. Going to tab over here and take wherever you want. And now I'm going to make a smaller circle and fit right over here. So this looks good. So now the next step is to dream the unnecessary lines. So I'm gonna zoom here and click can trim. And we're going to trim all the unassessed reliant. And this lane is nor join. We can click over here and we can drag and it snaps automatically. So you're gonna go back into trim again and trim this off. So not roughing is done. So now here we come for the magic part. So we're going to click over here and go back and turn on the top circle. So now we're going to select this profile and extruded onto this top circle. So I'm gonna long tab over here and select everything. We are selecting each and everything. And now what we're gonna do, we're gonna drag it down here. So as you can see, this profile, and these profiles are like mixed together. So here we're going to use a cool tool that's called, we're gonna go into tools and it's called intersect. So first of all, we're going to select top circle than winos liked our extruder geometry. And click OK. Now you can see it looks pretty good. So now we can go back again and select these small individual profiles for a minute and we're going to extrude, cut it. And there we go. So this looks just beautiful. So now we're going to go and rotate this dough profile to the underside. In order to do that, what we're gonna do, we're gonna go into the transformed section when they click when to move Andrew Tate option. And it's gonna ask us to select item two transform. So you're gonna double-click here. See Everything is blue. Now the main thing is over here is center of rotation. So we're gonna grab this point and we are going to snap into this circle. That's it. So now we're good to go and make sure you press this plus sign so that copy is on. We want to copy this same per file. And we're gonna rotate from this one. We're gonna do it to 180 degree. As you can see, we are good. So now we're gonna go and turn off all the sketches. We're gonna go into individual folders and sketch plan. We're going to turn it off. We're gonna go into the bottom. There is no pole sketch plan. We're going to go into Design cut now, there is one plane and one sketch. So tests it. So here we are. We have created a nice profile. So what we're gonna do now, as you can see, when we double-click, this is a separate profile. This is a separate profile. And this is a separate profile. We are going to make these all three paths into one part. So we're gonna go into the tool section and we're going to click on Union. After clicking on union, we're going to select all the bodies, double-tap tabs and tab and click. Okay. So now if we select, you can see everything is in one piece. So now we're good. We're gonna make some curves over here. Let's run this and this. And this looks good. So as you can see, we can give it a color. I'm going to click. Okay. So yeah. So there we go. So this is a ring we made just for you. And you can make the same thing just for your loving ones. And you can blow their minds, see how nice and beautiful it is. So now I'm gonna see you on the other side how districts looked after 3D printing.