1. Introduction: And now, everyone, I'm a rash and I'm au I and graphic designer. And in these scores, I'm gonna show you how to create modern posters like these using Adobe Illustrator, I will guide you to create these two posters step by step. So if you want to learn how to create these kinds of posters using advanced techniques, join the class and and see you, then
2. Tools: Hi, everyone. Welcome to the first video off the scores in the CDO. I'm going to talk about the software that we're going to use for creating the poster together. As a matter of fact, you're going to use Adobe Illustrator for completing our project together. I recommend that he used the latest version of this software. However, if you're using an older version, it's totally fine. You could achieve the same results using each version. As you know, you could insult Adobe illustrator on both Mac OS and Windows, so there is no problem if you are a Mac user or even a Windows user. So if you have the Adobe illustrator suffer installed, you're ready to start the course. Thank you so much for watching this video and I will see you in the next video.
3. Color Palette: Hi, everyone. And welcome back to another video of these course in these video, we're going to start creating our first project together. So first off, all open up the adobe illustrator and here in the welcome page, you could easily choose the's A for art board. If you're using an older version of Adobe Illustrator, probably the interface is somehow difference. However, the rest is the same. So you could easily click an A four. Or you could click and create new. There we go. And I'm going to choose the A four you could go to print. You have letter A four, etcetera. So I'm going to choose a four for our post, sir, you can create. There we go. Pretty good. So first thing spares, I'm gonna create my color palette. Okay, so let's go ahead and create a rectangle. I'm gonna choose it from the tools. So let me hold shift and drag and drop to create a rectangle. Then I'm going to make it round it like this. Pretty good. However, I don't need to have a stroke, so let's remove the struck from that pretty good. And I'm going to choose my first color Okay, so let's go ahead and click. Andy's feel like this. And here I'm going to ride the hex color coat. So let's write D B 25 59 like this. Fantastic. It's our first color. Then I'm gonna hold option key on my keyboard or Ault, and let's duplicate it pretty good. Once again, I'm going to choose another color this time. That's right. 81 to a and 88 like this. Pretty good. Once again, let's duplicate it. Move it down and let's change the color to double F C five and 15 to get these beautiful orange. And for the last time, let's duplicate it. Move it down and I'm gonna change you to one e b A and e the fantastic. So now our color palette is ready. The first thing we need to create is our background. Okay, so in these projects, we're going to design a poster for a graphic design event. OK, so as you can see, I'm going to use some Weibring colors in order to make it fancy and modern. Okay, so the first thing we need to create these are background, so we need to have a shape. So let's go ahead and choose the rectangle from our toolbar. And I'm going to drag and drop two feet. Our art words like this pretty good. Then I'm going to choose the Grady int right over there. Fantastic. However, I'm going to use the radial Grady int rather than leaner Grady int. So let's use this middle one. Fantastic. And I'm gonna choose the white on. Let's select these purple one pretty good, and then choose the black one and choose this one like this. Fantastic. Generally the help of this Snyder, I'm going to make it larger like this. And then that's changed these aspect ratio to 120%. To get something like this, you can easily modify it if you're not happy with that. So it's totally up to you. You can play around with these numbers in order to get the best results possible. Okay, because this is your poster. All right, guys, that's all for D CDO. We have created our color palette and also our background. Thank you so much for watching this video. I hope you enjoyed it. And I will see you in the next video
4. Designing The Background: Hi, everyone. And welcome back to another video of these course in this video, we're going to continue creating our bank run together. So actually, with the help of Adobe illustrator who could create beautiful backgrounds easily, inconveniently. OK, so I'm going to show you a very useful technique in order for you to create your own background using this technique in the future. So, first of all, I'd like to mention that you could achieve the same thing that I'm going to show you in different ways. However, I'm going to show you the simplest way. Okay, so let's go ahead and choose thes rush to our right. So let's go ahead and start drawing from here. I'm gonna paint like this pretty good. And now let me zoom mean now I'm going to choose the pen tool in order to select the starting anchor point. Okay? And connected with our an anchor point. Okay. Like this. And then, as you can see, there is a minus sign right below the Penta like on. So click on the ending point. There we go. Now that you're connected, I'm going to zoom out pretty good off course with the help of thes handles. You could easily modify this shape. However, we're going to keep it simple. And I'm gonna show you how you could make it look much, much better. Okay. The other can see these shape is not that interesting. So how can I make it look more interesting if I go to object? Here? We have different options. One of them is blend. So I'm going to show you how you could use thes tool in order to make stunning bag rounds. First of all, we need to duplicate this shape. So let's go ahead and copy it and paste it's in place like this. Then I'm gonna skelly down so you could hold shift an option or shift and old. And that's scary down like this. Pretty good. And I think it's a good idea to change the brush to this fund. Maybe yachts Much, much better than that. Select both thes shapes. Go to object, blend Anglican make pretty good. Probably you don't see something like this because you have to go to bland options here and you need to change this pacing. Choose specified steps and you could modify this amount as you wish for instance, I can modify to 40 and you could activate thes preview to preview the changes in real time . However, I think 30 is great. I'm gonna kill you can. Okay, Fantastic. Can you see how amazing it is? Our right now I'm gonna enlarge it like this. Then let's align into the center both horizontally and vertically. Pretty good. If you don't see these alignments options, you could open up these drop menu. And if the aligned to selection is selected, you could change you to align to art board like this. Then let's select these shape and then I'm gonna modify its Grady int to something else. So let's click on these grade. Ian's pretty good, and here I can easily modify it. So let's use this color and I'm going to select this purple, OK, and I'm going to choose this color and let's elect this color here. I'm going to double click on that and let's modify it a little bit to get a better result. Something like this. Now it's great, then that me rotated like this by 180 degrees, pretty good, and I'm gonna enlarge it. It's pretty amazing, isn't it? So the next thing we need to do is creating a clip mask here. Okay, so first of all, let's select our background, which is here. I'm going to duplicate it like this. Then move it right above our shape. Pretty good. Then that shoes are duplicated background and also our shape like this. Right? Kill here and choose. Make clipping mask. There we go. An hour object is clipped. Pretty good are right, guys. That's all for these video. We have created our bank round together. I hope you enjoyed it. And I will see you in the next video. So see you then.
5. Adding Text Layers: Hi, everyone. And welcome back to another video of these course in these video we're going to add some tanks are poster. So let's go ahead and add attacks like this. And here I'm going to write graphic design like this. Let me change the fund size to 72 points. Pretty good. I'm gonna move it right here. Then that's change its color to white in order to have a good contrast ratio. It's pretty nice. I'm gonna press enter here to create a new line like this. Then let's change the funds, okay? Actually, I'm going to choose the SF pro display fonds. This is the Apple Fund. You could easily download it and install it. It's free to use. You could also download it from the resource is section of thes course. Okay, so let me look for as a pro displaying like this, and I'm gonna make it bold. Fantastic. After that, I'm gonna cenex this design and let's click on character. And here I'm gonna modify the tracking for these characters. Okay, so let's change you to something like this. It's great. Then I'm gonna align it to the center. Fantastic at Mizzou mean a little bit. Then let's duplicate this layer will be down. And here I'm going to write event like this. However, I'm going to decrease the fund size to 36. Pretty good. Let me move it to the right side. The next thing we need to modify is the line height. Okay, so let's go to paragraph. And here. I'm gonna modify this amount this space after paragraph two, something like 25. It's pretty good. And then let's elect this graphic and make it smaller. Probably forties. Great. Yes, it's pretty good. I'm going to select this event, Hanks, and move it up like this once again, select this group and align them to the center both horizontally and vertically. Pretty good. All right, So what else do we need? Actually, we need to have two more text layers, One for the date and one for the place. Okay, so let's create a text layer here, and I'm going to write February 12 2020. Let's change the character. Tracking 20 pretty good. And I'm gonna make it light And also white like this that misskelley down pretty good. I'm gonna zoom mean and let's duplicate it. Movie down and here I'm going to write the place. Okay, so that's right. Doubletree Hotel San Francisco. Pretty good. However, let's make it regular. Okay, It's great, but we need to decrease their size. I'm going to select both mayors and hold shift on a scale it down now. It's great. I'm gonna move them down a little bit. Fantastic. All right, guys, that's all for these video. We have added our takes to our poster. I hope you enjoyed it. And I will see you in the next video.
6. Adding Shapes: Hi, everyone. And welcome to another video of these course in this video, we're going to add some simple shapes, our poster in order to make it look much nicer. So first of all, let's go and select the ill apps too. Like this. And I'm gonna hold, shift, drag and drop to create a circle. Fantastic. I'm gonna have a stroke here. So I'm going to remove the solid color like this and then increase the stroke amount to 10 like this? Pretty good. And then I'm going to change its color to this orange. So let's select this color. I'm going to copy and paste these hicks scholar code, and that's a like this object. And here I'm gonna paste it like this. Okay, then. That's an make the Caesar tool like this Anglican de snowed and this one delete on your keyboard to times to get something like this. Ok, it's pretty good. However, I'm going to make it look much better, So let's go to stroke. Okay. If you don't have these options, you could go to window section right at the top, and you could look for that specific section that you're missing. Okay, then here in the stroke section. I'm going to change thes round cap like this to make it round it. It's pretty good are right. Now let's select this shape. I'm gonna go to object. Anchalee can expand. Okay, like this. And now let's Kelly down and also rotate it like this and I'm gonna move it down here. Fantastic. And that's duplicate it. And let's change its color to these light blue. So I'm going to select this color. I'm going to copy these hex color code and it's pasted forties shape. Fantastic. This time I'm going to rotate it this way exactly the opposite off the previous one and moved here. Fantastic. It's pretty nice, isn't it? All right. The next thing I'm going to do is selecting Onley shapes eighties to that we just created and also thes text layers. Group them and align them to the center horizontally like this are right. The last thing we need to create is too simple shapes. OK, so let's go and select the rectangle to and here I'm going to create a simple rectangle like this. Let me zoom mean I'm gonna make it round it, however, because this is not a stroke. I cannot go ahead and click. And these round cap here, I can easily hold command key on my keyboard or control key. If you're using windows and you can click and drag on these knowns in order to make it round it like this, that's duplicated. I'm gonna rotate it by 90 degrees. That's move it up. I'm gonna align them both horizontally and vertically. However, now they are repositioned to the center of our art board. Then let's group them. I'm going to move it right here, really good, Fantastic. That's duplicated, will be down. And let's rotate it by 45 degrees to get something like this. And that's all are right, guys, that's all for these video. I hope you enjoyed it. We have designed these modern and beautiful poster together. Please submit your projects. I cannot wait to see your artworks, and I will see you in the next video
7. Second Poster: Hi, everyone. And welcome back to the second project of thes course In these video, we're going to start designing our second poster together with the same technique. However, this time we're going to use the pan tool for creating our lines. OK, so first of all, let's go ahead and quickly create our background. So I'm gonna drag and drop a rectangle here in order to fit thes art board Pretty good. Then let's use a Grady int and I'm going to change the time to radio Fantastic. Let's select the white color and I'm gonna choose something like this. Blue are right that select the second color and it's choose this blue pretty awesome. And now I can easily modify them. OK, so let's use the C slider. Okay. Like this to get something like purple, however dark one. Fantastic. Now it's great. And then they choose the 2nd 1 and I'm gonna use the I drop her and choose the same pair pill Okay, like this. And now let's use the C slider and decrease its amount to get something like this pretty good. Then we can change the aspect ratio to 130% And with the help of thes handle, I can easily make it larger. Fantastic. All right, so we just created on background. Don't worry. If you're not happy with the Connors, you can easily choose your own color. So make sure to play around with color palettes. So if you want to change it, you can easily go ahead and choose whatever colors you want. Okay. All right, guys. Now let's go ahead and create her lines. So I'm going to choose the Pan Tool like this, and it started from here, and I'm gonna add another note here. And this time I'm gonna create some kind of care like this. And it's at another node here. And Dragon drop pretty good. Then let's click on Converse elected anchor Points to Corner like this. Pretty good. Then I'm gonna double click on that because I don't need this feel. So I'm gonna set it to non. And now, as you can see, we've got a line, Okay. Like this. Then let me move it a little bit. Fantastic. Then I'm gonna hold option key or aren't in order to duplicate it moving down and then again hold shift and owned or option key on your keyboard and scary down to get something like this will be down pretty awesome. Then select both off them with the help of Shift and go to object, blend and make like this fantastic. Once again, let's go to object planned. And this time let's click on bland options like this, and I'm going to set it to specified steps and let's increase it to you 30. Pretty good. Then that's double click on that, and I'm gonna add a greedy into it. Okay, so I'm gonna choose Grade Ian's. There we go. It's pretty nice, However. Let's change this color to Blue. Something like this and this fun. I'm going to change it to Blue as well. However a dark blue pay something like this pretty good. Then let's go ahead and change our backgrounds color. I'm going to make it a little bit. Lie there, so to get a bluish background, Okay, so let's go to Grady Int and I'm going to select the first color pretty good. Let's change it to you. This one and I'm going to select the 2nd 1 and let's change it to something lighter now. It's great pretty good, then I'm going to scale these shapes. So let's elect that and scale it a little bit like this pretty good. And after that, you're going to duplicate it. So let's hold option key on your keyboard or on Turkey, and we down fantastic. This time we're going to change the Grady into something like purple or pink. However, we need to keep it Y brint. Okay, so from Grade Ian's, I'm going to select the first color and let's make it this one. It's pretty awesome. And the 2nd 1 to something like this. Fantastic, then that transform it. So I'm going to right click and these shape okay, and from transform that shoes reflect and I'm gonna set it to 180 degrees to get something like this. Fantastic. Let's make it larger, and I'm going to rotate it a little bit. Let's rotate the first shape as well. Pretty good. So we have created our waves, and now it's time to create a clip mask. Okay, so let's open up the layers and I'm going to select the background. Let's duplicate it and move it up right above our shapes. Then I'm going to select our shapes like this and also our duplicated background. Right? Like here, Anglican make clipping mask. Fantastic. The last thing we need to d is adding a text. So I'm gonna add a text and that right design world Fantastic. Let's increase the font size too. 80 points and I'm going to use SF Pro displayed funds. Let's make it bold. And of course, I'm going to make it white. Fantastic. Let's create a line here at some space and then I'm going to select the stakes and go to Parent of Section and let's decrease the space after paragraph like this. I think 34 points is great. And now it's time to move it to the left side, and I'm gonna align it to the center both vertically and horizontally. Fantastic. All right, So what I'm gonna do is selecting these shape this purple one. I'm going to double click on that and I'm gonna move it a little bit to the right side. Okay. To get something like this and move it up pretty good ones. Canady. I think it's a good idea to select our text and let's go to object. Anglican expand like this. Okay? And now we can easily edit our characters. Okay, Because we have an object instead of a text. Okay, so what I'm gonna do is selecting these w So let's double click on that. There we go. I'm gonna cut it. So let's go to edit. Taken. Can't. We can use the shortcut Command X or control X on your keyboard Pretty good. And then, like in our main layer, which is layer one, and I'm gonna go to edit and paste it in place. OK, there we go. And after, Dad, I'm gonna move this layer down like this to create a perspective here. I'm going to do the same thing for the design word. So let's go ahead and double click on G and select N Command X. And I'm gonna pace it here. So if you wanna pay sitting place, you could use command shift and we like this or control shift envy. Then that's like these two layers and move them down like this. There we go. Can you see how easy it is to create beautiful and stunning posters in Adobe? Illustrator are right, guys. That's all for the scores. I hope you enjoyed it. If you're gonna get notified about my future courses, make sure to follow me on skill share. And I would appreciate it if you could write an honest review about the course that I can make it better and better for you. Thank you so much once again and good bye.