Design the Wonder Woman Tiara - Fusion 360 for 3D Printing - Creating Curved Bodies | Vladimir Mariano | Skillshare

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Design the Wonder Woman Tiara - Fusion 360 for 3D Printing - Creating Curved Bodies

teacher avatar Vladimir Mariano, I'd rather be 3D Printing

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      01 Introduction


    • 2.

      02 Import Canvas & Sketch


    • 3.

      03 Extrude Curved Shape


    • 4.

      04 Sketching the Star


    • 5.

      05 Extrude Star


    • 6.

      06 Draw Splines for Costum Curves


    • 7.

      07 Patch Environment to Create a Surface


    • 8.

      08 Fixing Star Overhangs


    • 9.

      09 Optimizing for 3D Printing


    • 10.

      10 Adding Chamfers & Simulation


    • 11.

      11 Fixing Shallow Angles


    • 12.

      12 Adding Curved Text


    • 13.

      13 Export Model with Correct Orientation


    • 14.

      14 Post Processing


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About This Class

In this course we cover some useful methods for creating curved bodies.  We learn how to reference a sphere in order to create a curved extrusion.  We briefly jump into the Patch environment and learn how to make a custom surface from two spline curves.  We also cover how to add curved text to your model.  Apply these methods while modeling a beautiful fully ready to 3D print Wonder Woman Tiara.  

The second part of the course we will review our model and look at what design changes we need to make in order to optimize it for 3D printing.  

By the end of the course students will have learned the skills necessary to design custom curved geometry in their models.  Students will also have learned useful skills in preparing their prints for 3D printing.

Meet Your Teacher

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Vladimir Mariano

I'd rather be 3D Printing


Vladimir Mariano is the instructor of the course 3D Designing for 3D Printing with Fusion 360. He is cofounder and president of the Fairfield County Makers' Guild, an independent makerspace in Norwalk, CT and founder of CT Robotics Academy. He teaches 3D printing and design at the makerspace as well as electronics and programming classes. Vladimir also teaches several maker related classes at local libraries and schools and was the coach for a local robotics team. He has a degree in Geology from West Virginia University and a RobotC Programming Instructor Certification from Carnegie Mellon Robotics Academy.

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1. 01 Introduction: hi and welcome to Fusion 3 60 for three D printing creating curve bodies. I often see questions posted in forums and other online communities that have to do with extruding to or from a curved surface. Therefore, I put together this course to give you some useful techniques to use when you have to create curved models. In this course, we're going to examine a couple different ways to go about. This in our first example, will look at extruding a curved shape by referencing another object, such as a sphere. In another example, we'll look at briefly going into the patch environment to create our own custom curves, which will use to split our geometry to give it a unique shape. We'll also learn how to extrude text to follow a curved path. Now, if you're familiar with my teaching style, you know that I'm not simply going to teach these methods by having you create some useless models. No, we're gonna learn these techniques by creating this beautiful, ready to print three D model of ah Wonder Woman tiara. Since all my courses, all focus on three D printing will cover some techniques in optimizing our models for three D printing. So after we create, our model will take a step back to analyze and fix the areas that may give us trouble. When. Three D printing with and desktop printer as a bonus, I'm also going to cover some post processing techniques I use when the end goal is to get a really looking model instead of something that looks like it was made out of plastic. This course assumes you have some basic working knowledge with using auto desk fusion. 3 60 If you're a complete beginner, then I'm going to recommend you check out my best selling intro course designing for three D Printing with Fusion 3 60 My name is Vladimir Mariano and I teach three D printing and design at several local schools, libraries and maker spaces. I'm also the author of several online courses and teaching designing for three D printing. I look forward to having you join my course 2. 02 Import Canvas & Sketch: we'll begin by bringing in an image of the Wonder woman Tierra into fusion 3 60 so that we can go ahead and trace. It s so the easiest way to do that is just to go into Google, and we'll go ahead and type Wonder Woman on the search bar and click on images. And what we're looking for is ah, close up of a straight on view of the Tierra from the new movie. So scroll down to see what we can get. This looks like a pretty good one. Um and that's perfect. So we'll go ahead and go with the sole right click and just go ahead and save this image and then go back into fusion and we're gonna go to insert that's hatch canvas will get this dialog box where as far as our face weakened, go ahead and select the face or the playing. We want to throw that in my john, so we'll choose that z explain here, and then we're gonna click on Select Image, and this is going to bring up my downloads folder. So you want to go ahead and navigate to the folder you have it on and then find your image . Double click on it and it will bring it in. Bring the opacity down a bit and then make sure to click on this. Play through and and click. OK, so we'll click on Goto our front of you and we have our image there and we're gonna have to do a few things here. The first thing will be to calibrate this So we want to make sure we're working with the right dimensions here. So we'll go ahead and expand canvas here. Know that when we did throw in that campus, we get a new black here with a little folder icon that says canvas and we can expand it by clicking and a little triangle. And there's our wonder woman So we can right click on that Go to calibrate And what I want is the point between the bottom and the top here to be 50 millimeters apart. So I'm gonna go ahead and click on select both points and then type in 50 in head Answer. I'm gonna go ahead and double click on my scroll wheel to zoom out because it didn't go ahead and resize it. So now that that's resized. We have that to the dimensions we wanted to be. Um, I can see that this is a bit cricket. So I'm gonna straighten it out a bit by again, right clicking in this time, going to edit canvas, and we get this little on screen widget that we can use to rotate. So I just try to rotate it to get it as best as we can to a straight view. Um, And if you if you have a hard time getting into the right angle, you can just go ahead and type the angle right into this box. So maybe, like a 2.5 or two point three looks good to me. So I'm gonna hit enter and I'm ready to begin sketching. I'll go to create sketch upon our toolbar and choose the Z explain here. And what I wanted to do before I began sketching is I want to move this so that the bottom point here is lined up to our origin. So to do that again will go to right click on our cannabis and go to edit. Gonna grab this sense or black here and just move that down. What I'm looking for is just get that point right in line there. And so that this green line or that y axis kind of splits that star in the middle of the rest close as we can through that. So it's not a straight on shot. I mean, the shot is not it's it's a little skewed, so you're not gonna get it perfect. But what kind of split? The difference there. And that looks good. Someone like, Okay. And right now, I could begin sketching, So I'm going to begin with. The lying tools will go to sketch lying, and I'm gonna start over here somewhere, just lining it up to the horizontal here and come out to this point. Looks like the check mark. And I'm gonna grab my arc tool. But before I do that, I want to point now the shortcut to your toolbox. So if you click ass on your keyboard, it's gonna bring up the toolbox. And, um, I'm gonna use this because it's just gonna make it a lot faster than trying to keep going back into the sketch menu. So you have to do simply hit s and you can add stuff to your toolbar. So, for example, I want to have my three point arc. So if I just type Arc, you don't get the different types of Mark and I want that three point arc in there. It's already in there. So let me go ahead and remove it so I can show you how to add it. So, um, actually, I'm gonna quick on, Let's go. It's type park and three point and click on the specs to remove it. Now, if I want to add it back on, I just type it in and I can click on this little arrow from the little arrow. We'll add it in there, and then I can position that where I wanted. So normally you're one of position into which ones you use. Um, you know the most often. So I'm gonna keep that arc there. And you can see I have a supplying tool offset toe sensor rectangle, tool mirror in so once. So go ahead. And if you're not using this, go ahead and populated with the most common sketch objects because it's really going to make it a lot more efficient for modeling. So All right, so now when I want to select my three point arc, I'm just gonna click on s key on my keyboard and click on my arc. And I'm gonna have drawn Arc from this point here, down to where about it meets over here and then give that a slight little bulge. And I'm not looking for perfection here. You know, this isn't a model where dimensions are gonna be critical, so don't worry about that. Just try to follow it as close as you can in any point. You want to give it your own little artistic flair. Feel free to do so. So click again here as to grab my arc tool. Do the same thing here with that arc. I'm gonna click l for line draw another line coming across here. Just making sure it's horizontal. And, you know, we can see that this line is horizontal, starting with just the little bit off. But that's all right. And then click again here. Okay, Now, I'm gonna do this center part here. Actually, one thing I should have done prior was I wanna line coming from the origin up, and I'm gonna take that click on it and make it a construction life. Um, because the approach we're gonna take here is to model only half of this or sketch only half of this and then merited over on the other side. I could see that this line is not touching or this point is not touching this line here To do that, I can actually just, um, click it and just drag it in. And I see I have a little extra, and it's coincident to that. Okay, so now that that's looking good, I want to draw this center part here and again. I'm gonna grab my arc tool for that, and I'm gonna reference this line here. So when I kind of come across so I get that dash line and then click ones here and then up here Now, it's not following this exactly, But that's OK. I wanted to have more of an angle because it's actually gonna print better that way. So I'm gonna go ahead and do that, do the same thing for here, come across, come up. He also give this a little bit of an angle there, or give it that bulge. And now I'm gonna help for lying taking this Come across, grab my arc tool and come down to some point here, give it a little bit of, ah, bullets. That looks a little bit too much. So I'm actually gonna bring not be careful. See, As I start moving this, it starts affecting other lines. So that's not the best approach here. So I'm gonna hit control Z to undo that. And I'm actually just gonna re draw this line. Someone to click on it, hit the lead, uh, grab my arc toe click on this click somewhere Here, give a little bit of a bullish there, and that's looking good. So it looks like we've pretty much got just about everything here. One more arc over here and that looks good. Maybe move this up. I want this to be a little more of, ah, of the ark. So I'm gonna redo that again. So don't feel you have to get it in your first time, you know, play around with this. That looks pretty good there. Okay. So now what I'm going to do is I'm gonna draw online coming down here, make sure that line is vertical. If not, go ahead and set vertical constraint to it. That's already has one. So I don't really need to do that. Um, we're going to mention that line from this center line and gonna make that 70 millimeters. And I want these lines to extend out to that line. So I'm gonna go to sketch and go down to extend click on each of these lines, and it'll go ahead and extend it right through. Okay, so now that I have all these in place, I can go ahead and mirror it to the other side. So I'm gonna go to sketch mirror in, select each one of these lines. I can double like to select multiple and just make sure you get every one of these. So I'm showing 12 selected objects, and I'm gonna choose my mirror language is gonna be that center line and then click. OK, And there is our sketch. So let's go ahead and untitled that cannabis so that we can see that, uh, our sketch looks good. And make sure each of these regions are shaded in. And if that's the case, then you're good 3. 03 Extrude Curved Shape: we can go ahead and click on Stop sketch and next we're ready to extrude this. Now, we don't want to simply just give this a regular extrusion. So, for example, I can click he for extrude Bring this out. Can notice that that will give us to sort of straight block extrusion. What we really want is for it to have a curve to it so that, you know, it'll actually sit around your head to do that. There is, ah, sort of any approach we're going to take. So I'm gonna hit Control Z to undo that. And first I'm gonna go in and go ahead and create a sphere. So I'm gonna go down to create and go down to sphere, and at this point, goto a front of you. I can really pick any plane, but I'll choose the Z explain here and started at the origin and give this of the amateur of 1 45 millimeters in him. Answer. Go to a front of you. I'm going to right, click on the sphere and click move. And I'm just gonna move this so that the whole flame does cover my sketch. Now this part is important because if if you're getting errors when you extruded it may be that you have a little part sort of peeking out. We want to make sure groups wrong, but we want to make sure that we are completely engulfed. Here are sketch completely fits inside that sphere. You were gonna click, OK, so if you need to make your spirit a little bit bigger to do that, then go ahead. But this this should work. So now when we extrude, I'm gonna go ahead and untitled bodies for now and then I'm gonna eat for extrude Select. We're gonna do this in multiple sections because we're gonna want to get sort of that, uh, that layered effect to this. So it has multiple. It's not just one dimension. So we'll start with this part here, this big V click on it, and then for our start, we're gonna choose from object. Now, our object is going to be that sphere. So will toggle bodies back out that will choose the spare as our object, and then we're gonna go down to distance. And since the arrow is pointing that way, I want to extrude it this way I'm going to go ahead and type negative going to our box here . We'll start with negative five millimeters click change operation from doing to new body and click. Ok, okay. So now if we get rid of will expand bodies and just get rid of body one. Notice that we got that really nice curved shape that follows that sphere. So very good. Now we can go ahead and pretty much do the same with the rest. So what we'll do is let's go ahead and name these at least this fear. So we know which one it ISS. So I'm gonna just double click on the actual body here and type fare. Okay, so we're gonna apply that same approach to the rest. So let's bring our sketch back here, and our next extrusion is going to be in this shape here, so he e for extreme Select it. Profile is going to be from objects. Will bring back our sphere, click in our spare and everything. We're gonna keep the same the distance. In this case, we're just gonna keep stepping this down one millimeter. So this time I go negative for keep it as nobody and click. OK, let's get rid of Sphere will select. Let's see. This will be our next one. So well, you for experience. Like thes three profiles again. Go back to spare profile plan changed that too. From object. Click on our sphere. Distance in this case is gonna be negative. Three. Change the operation from join. Nobody click. Ok, so All right, let's see, we have Let's get rid of fear. Perhaps that seems let's make sure let's go back into our timeline here to make sure we did these rights. We're gonna click on that last one that says nobody. That looks good. So this one says, Join? You want to be careful here. And he canceled that again. So each of these operation, they have to say new body. So let's go back to that second go to new body. Otherwise, it's gonna join it to your spare. So click. OK, so now when we get rid of Sphere, we should have just the exclusions. All right, let's do another one. Um so next that will do this portion here So we'll do this block in this black here. Uh, true's our start point to be from object grab our spare. Select it. This is going to be negative. Two millimeters. Change it to a new body, like Okay, let's get rid of spare. So all right. And then we've got one more. Which is going to be this Plus. Actually, it's hit you for extrude first, and it will be desk plus this plus this and profile plane. We'll go change that to from object. Bring our spare. Select it. All right. This sense is going to be negative. One millimeters and new body click. OK, and let's get rid of sphere on. There we go. So that spirit of sketch So now that looks good. So we have all our parts. Let's make sure we didn't forget anything by bringing our sketch. So we've got each of these each of these, this and that, so that looks good. So we have all our parts extruded, and we were able to get him into a very nice, curved shape. But because these are all separate bodies and now we can go ahead and combine them so we'll go to a modified combined. We're gonna click on body too, and then shift and then click on by the 11. So basically, we're selecting everything besides our spare and then click OK on the box here, make sure the operation is set to join. And now we can change that body to double click on that, and we'll call that tiara and enter. So now we have two bodies. We have our spare, and we have our TR. So there we go. Now we are ready to go ahead and create our star. So if we bring back our canvas, that's unchecked. Bodies weaken. See, we have our star there. So we're gonna start this the same way that we're gonna go ahead and do a little more tweak to it, too. To get it to be of, ah, have sort of a nice lord. Sort of different curve to with so All right, let's go ahead and model the star now. 4. 04 Sketching the Star: to begin sketching the star. We'll go ahead and create a new sketch on Will choose that same Z explain will bring in our cannabis so we can see it and we'll start by creating a line That's well l for line and we're gonna I'm gonna go sort of next to this axis here with that green line, but not exactly an and I'm going to start it, um, sort of right about here, where toe bottom point of that star starts and then go up, um, to roughly about the midpoint here and click on the check mark. And I'm actually gonna dimension this so d for dimension Make this 40 millimeters. Even if you're having a hard time senior lines through the canvas, you can always just go back to that canvas here So we'll right click on it. It escaped first, right click and go to add a canvas. And we can bring that capacity down even more click OK, we don't need to see that second sketch now your sketches might be labeled different than mine. Don't worry about that. We know that we have three sketches catch our first or second in our third sketch that you should be seen right now, Whether it says 123 or different numbers. Don't worry about it. Um, gonna untangle that, uh, last sketch because I don't need to see that. Okay, so now that we have this line, I'm going to grab my horizontal slash vertical constraint like I'm that bottom point and then click on that origin here, and it's going to snap it to that. And we're going to go ahead and choose that sketch and hit axe to make it a construction. We also don't need to see that body, so let's get rid of that. Okay? Now that we have this line, I'm gonna grab my arc tool from my toolbox, choose the bottom point at the top point and going to give this a bit of a bulge here. So we're just gonna sort of eyeball this and that looks good. And I'm going to repeat that bulge on the other side. But to do that, I'm gonna grab my mirror tool, choose the Ark, and then for my mirror line a minute. Shoes that construction line click. Ok, all right. Now I want to make a line going across here for that, uh, that other arm of the star. So, in a hit l for line I'm gonna reference to roughly about here, come into the middle and let's make this dimension. This one was Make it an even 13. And I'm gonna mirror this lying to the other sites. We have the same length, so we'll go ahead and grab our mirror tool from our toolbox. The merits was also available in their sketch mirror if you want to grab it from there, but easier to grab it from your toolbox. Objects were gonna select are lined. Merrill Line is gonna be our vertical line here and click. OK, and it's, um, Control. Select both of these lines and have X will make that a construction light again. We'll grab our arc tool, choose these two points as our outer points, and then we're going to give this a bold We're gonna try it. I bought it to be about the same bulge as our first our first arm there and click to set it again. We'll grab the mirror tool and mirror that arc about this construction line. Click. Ok, All right. So now we have this sort of star shaped Let's hit t for trim and actually will trim everything on the interior. This will just make it easier to extrude this later so that we just have one profile. So we'll click on each of these segments here at Interior and delete them all. Now we can confirm free. Select this the entire star. Um, your entire cross shape will highlight. Okay, now that we have that, let's go ahead and do the smaller angle sections, so we'll be in the same way I'm gonna hit l for lied. And I'm gonna start at the sensor here and come out to about this point here. Um, actually, let's bring in our actual sketch. So that first sketch, we kind of see where that ends. So we'll head again l for lying, and I don't Actually, actually, I will go ahead and snap it. No, we don't want to snap it to it. Well, and just below it, actually well and just above and click and on the check mark. And so again, it didn't snap to It's just right above it. And we're gonna have d for dimension and dimension. This angle light from our vertical line here. And we should set an angle dimension there of 45 degrees and then choose our line hit X to make it a construction life. All right, let's go back and untitled at for a sketch. Now, we don't need to see that anymore. And when I'm going to do is take this slide, I'm gonna hit control C and Control V, and I'm gonna set my pivot into the center here, and then make sure you come back in and click on this check Mark, and then I'm gonna rotate it 180 degrees. Type that right in to create a copy of it. Rotated. Okay, so now I'm gonna hit s for my toolbox. Grab that arc, and I'm gonna draw that arc. And this time gonna make it. Ah, the bulge is gonna be a little bit smaller, a little bit thinner, and so we'll set that. Grab our mirror tool. Choose that arc. Choose our mirror line here and then click. Ok, All right. Now, let's go ahead and copy this. Do the same thing in rotated 90 degrees, so I'm gonna select one arc control, select the other arc and we're gonna go ahead and do control C and Control V. Choose our pivot, which is gonna be the center. Come back and click on the check mark and then grabbed a little widget and then turn it 90 degrees, like, Okay. All right, let's go back and again. Clean this up. So I want anything on the interior of the to sort of larger arms to be deleted. So I'm gonna have tea for trim and just start trimming thes out. So make sure you get everything all those lines, and then confirm it by selecting. And you can see that this is all selected as one profile and Indy's as their other profile . Okay, now that we have the sketch completed, we can go ahead and extrude our star. So let's go ahead and click, Stop, sketch and will untargeted Oh, with that canvas 5. 05 Extrude Star: to extrude are start. We're gonna follow the same principle as we did with the tiara, So Well, go ahead and hit he for extrude. Select this. The main portion first change our start to from object. We're gonna bring our sphere in and make sure to check the bodies. Light bulb there. Choose this fear as our object in our distance. Let's make that negative six and will change the operation from cut to new body and click. OK, and we see that star came in. Okay, Now for the other part, that's again. Untitled bodies bring in our sketch e for extrude. We're gonna choose each one of these four angled arms. Our star is going to be from object and grab our sphere as our object distance were in new negative five and we're changes from cut to a new body and click. OK, so now we have our sphere, we have our terra and then we have each of these separate bodies for our star. So let's just see how that looks. That's looking pretty good. Um, let's combine all these separate bodies into one. So let's to modify. Combined, we'll click on our first body here right above are below our tr and then control. I'm sorry, Shift and then choose our last body and then make sure the operation is joined and click OK , and we see that collapses down to one body. And let's go ahead and double quick on that and rename it star. Okay, so now we have our sphere, We have our TR, and we have our star. So let's show those two together. And one more thing we're gonna have to do to this star, which is, if you see how that shape is. I mean, if you like the way that is, that's fine, but it's not completely accurate to drawing so or I mean the actual model. So let's bring up that model again, and we can see that what it really does is the star actually has a different little curve to it because it kind of comes in and it goes through this portion here and then comes out and a little tip over here. So, uh, next let's go ahead and try to create that that shape. And in order to do that, we're gonna have to create a couple more sketches and then go into our patch environment to create a surface. So we'll do that next 6. 06 Draw Splines for Costum Curves: okay to create that curve will start with a new sketch. So we'll go to creates catching this time we're gonna be perpendicular to what we've been working with. So we'll choose rz. Why plane here? I'm going to untangle. That s so we just see the star here. And I'm gonna grab my spine tool from the toolbox, and I'm gonna hit control to Ah, in order that so that this doesn't snap into any of these edges. And I'm going to set my first point about down here somewhere. My second point is going to be right on the interior here and in my third point is going to be up here somewhere, so don't worry about getting it exactly. Just kind of roughly mimic my shape, head escape, and then click on understand empty white space. And what we want to make sure here is that this curve comes on the inside of these edges here so we can actually come back, Grab this, move it in a bit, you know, even grabbed the whole thing shifted over. And for this, I'm going to actually click on it to bring the little handles and I'm gonna grab this handle just kind of curve a little bit in. And that looks good. Take this and kind of move it out so it's more towards more towards the middle or more towards the left edge. Okay, that looks good. We can always come back into week that, but I'm gonna click. Stop, sketch For now, I don't need to see this sketch, so I'm gonna untangle that, and I'm going to go ahead and it's create a construction plain and the way we're going approach this is we're gonna go playing a long path. And as far as our path, let's get rid of that body. For now, I'm gonna choose that splint I just created. And bring that all the way down. Click okay? And then I'm gonna create a sketch right on that path. Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and project this point, so I'm gonna pee for Project color. Khanna looks like Okay. And then I'm gonna bring in the body so I could see my star and then I'm gonna again draw another spine When a star and let's restart. That s for my toolbox. Grab my Splain. I'm gonna started about right here. My midpoint is gonna be that projected point. And then I'm gonna come out roughly about that second, actually reference that point so I could come up roughly about that same angle. Click. Ok, Okay. So once we have that again, I'm not gonna tweak this so much here. I'm going to see how it looks, and then we'll come back and do some additional tweaks if we need to. I'm gonna click on stops, catch untitled bodies, and I'm gonna use these two lines to create a curved surface. Now, I can't do that in the modeling environment, so I'm gonna have to jump into the patch environment. So to do that, we're gonna go to we're here where it says model, click on the little drop down arrow and go down to patch 7. 07 Patch Environment to Create a Surface: This is a good time to actually, if you haven't yet to go ahead and save, uh, your model So let's go ahead and click on safe. And I'm just gonna call this I will do tiara wonder a woman. Okay, so now to create that curved surface, I'm gonna create a sweet So I'm gonna go to create, go down to sweep, then choose that bottoms plying as my profile and then my path going to click on that select and shoes this profile as my path and spring bodies so we can see what's going on. And as you can see, we use those two curves to create this surface, and we're gonna use that surface to cut our star. So we're gonna click, OK? And we're all set here in the patch environment. That's all we wanted to generate. So we're gonna go back to our model environment and here we're gonna go to modify split body, choose our star as our body that are splitting two is going to be that patch surface and then we're gonna click. OK, so we'll see. It created an additional body here, and we also have the body of our surface. So let's Monteiro star, um, to seize one in while a title that separate body. And we see we have a nice new curve to our star. So let's see how that looks with our TRS. So we'll click on that, and we clearly see that that's just we cut way too much because we're all the way on the inside. Um, but here's the new part. So we can actually show those to last catch is that we did, and I congrats. If I grab hover over that line, I congratulate and start moving it out, and you can see how it brings it out. And then I can grab that point, bring, get in. If I want to curve this a little more So just in real time, you can update those catches and it will actually update the model. So that's actually looking really good. Um, I'm going to then this portion over here, um, I want to go up a little more. So this is exactly the look I was going for so that it kind of comes in, goes in through this part, and you see it peak up on this portion. I want that to show a little bit more. If you're having trouble selecting, you can always on toggle and grab these points. But usually if you just hover over it, it'll actually will highlight. I'm gonna bring that up a little more. Bring this even higher, little bit higher. And that looks good. Maybe even a little more. Okay, that's looking more like it. Um, and then if you want to even this portion, we can You know, we can tweak that. We can move these and more. You can see that move in. Take a look at this part here so I can give that a little more of a curve here, and that curve is in, So that's looking good. We've got some additional, um, bodies here. If you want to even kind of mess with this a little more. I mean that that looks good. Um, but we can, actually if you go back into the sketch. So let's say, for example, this client curve. If I wanna actually manipulate those handles, I can't do that within the modeling environment after going to this catch. What I mean by that is I'll show you if I go into this catch. Get rid of this body here, Click on that, and I'll get those handles that I can actually tweak to make that curve. You know, adjust that curve even more. I want to get too crazy here. But you see what I mean? So that gives you even more control. So we'll click on Stop sketch there. And these extra bodies here is just showing where cut that even more. So, um, we have some some additional bodies and that you may get that depending on where you position where you're cutting. I'm just gonna untangle these. I'm not gonna worry too much about thes thes angles here. And so I'm gonna that that should print. Fine. But I can go back into week that and give these a little more curve if I wanted to. 8. 08 Fixing Star Overhangs: I'm realizing that it wasn't a good idea to make these smaller arms extend past this portion here because I'm actually gonna print this upside down. And first, they're gonna have a hard time being supported the way they are now. This portion here should be fine. That's only ah, you know, one millimeter overhang and I usually I can get away with one millimeter. Plus, Aiken, do additional things such as put a chance for on here to help it with that print. But this part I'm gonna have to fix, though I want to bring this back in a bit. So to do that, we'll go into that sketch and and make that modification. So if I recall, uh, this is the sketch here where we made the star. So let's go back into our timeline and open up that sketch untitled bodies and take a look at what we have. So I can't simply just start the leading lines or redrawing. I have to be careful here because you can easily start to destroy things. And I want to be able to amend this so that it will actually just reflect on our model. So to do that I'm going to take a few steps here first. Let's Ah, copy this. We have this construction line here that we made, and what I want to do is let's make that make a copy of that and rotated 90 degrees. So we get that same line going across thes arms here. So I'm going to control select both of those control C and Control V set my pivot to the middle, click on the green check mark and grabbed a little widget, and we're gonna turn that in 90 degrees. Okay, now that I've done that many had see for a circle, and I'm gonna create a circle and come out, um, gummy getting 19 uh, millimeters in diameter. And I want to fix that circle in place, cause I wanna lock it. So I'm gonna go to my fix, uh, constraint under and sketch palette. Grabbed a little lock there and click on that portion of the circle on my radius are my diameter of it. And what that does it will turn it into a green color and basically locks into place. So if we tweak other things, the circle we know will not change. So I want Chef Day or change anything else on its location. Uh, next, I'm gonna go to my sketch, uh, tool and go down. Two point grab point. I'm gonna put a point in the middle of the intersection between that, uh, construction line in the circle. So I'm gonna do that too. Each one of these. Okay? And now I'm going to grab my coincident constraint, and I'm going to choose the point of the star And then also that point on the circle that I just created and bring those in. Someone do that for each one of these May have to do it. If you get this where it may do one, and in the other, that's fine. You just may have to do that. So in some cases, it will do them both at the same time, which was nice. So we'll do that to each one of these. So in that case, it didn't do it something Click into him individually and OK, so that should be good with the sketch. So let's hope that that reflected in our models. I'm gonna click, stops, catch and go back to our model, and we can see it brought those, and and it didn't destroy anything. So just a quick little tip there changing our amending your sketch and to be careful about it. You know, Had I drawn that line initially right to that point instead of beyond this arc, I wouldn't have to have worried about that. But that's a learning exercise. Okay, so now that we have, um, that portion all set, this is looking good. Uh, the way I intend this to be used is, you know, this will go around your forehead and thinking you can then apply some sort of rubber band around here to attach it. So let's create a hole here. So we're gonna give people option to put a little rubber band around it. So to do that instead of sketching a whole, I'm just going to go to create in grabbing the whole tool so we'll go down to hole. I'm going to click on this surface here, and I'm gonna change that diameter from 15 down to three. And, um, that looks good where it is, but you can actually, you know, position this movement up or down wherever you want. I'm just gonna actually gonna move it in a little bit more to give a little more play here and just kind of eyeball that to Centerview. That looks good. Something like, Okay. And I'm just gonna mirror that hole to the other side. So I'm gonna go to create a mirror pattern type. I'm going to keep as faces. I'm gonna select that internal face of that whole and in my mirror plane since I constructed this right on the on that in the middle Bear that I know that this mid plane cuts it in half. So I'm gonna click on that. And then I should see a preview of the whole on this side. I can barely see it. They're gonna click, OK? And that gives me my whole there. So All right, that is looking good. The next thing we're going to do is a tweak, a few little options years so that this is able to be printed with no problem 9. 09 Optimizing for 3D Printing: the first issue I see that we're gonna have to address in. Getting this to print successfully has to do with this point here. So let's flip this so it's in the orientation it's going to print. So depending this point, actually, I'm gonna want it to be allied with this line here because if its beauty, if it's above it and when it gets to that point, it'll just start extruding. And if there's nothing to support, it will just get spaghetti. And if it's below it, that means it's going to start printing on that point first. And these are this portion won't be touching the bed and so again will result in the failed print. So let's go back to that first sketch where we made this this drawing here. So I'm gonna rotate this Actually, no, Let's go back to that top orientation here. So I want to go ahead and draw a line from this point, I'll to the opposite corner here, and I'm gonna go ahead and make that a construction line, and I can see if I zoom. Man, that tip is actually above it, so let's just grab it and bring it down then and now I can see that that's in line. So that's good. It still doesn't fix it, though, because, you know, that's gonna be very small instance there that it's gonna be extruding filament to touch the bill plate. So we're gonna have to give it some help here. So what we'll do is I'm going to draw a line here. I'm gonna come up, can come across to draw a triangle here, and then I'm just gonna mirror this to the other side. So grab these two lines and this is my mirror lying and then so will create that, And I'm gonna dimension. She would be for dimensional dimension from this point to that point. And let's make this two millimeters. Okay, I'll stop sketch, and I'm gonna go ahead and let's bring that sketch into view. It's actually the first sketch, and I'm gonna go ahead and extrude that will extruded the same way. So we'll do. Our start will be firm object, which is going to be that fear. And we're gonna go negative one millimeters out. Click. OK, I'm actually go back into that. Okay. Did do it as a new body. So I don't want it to join with this fair. So it's better decided as new body first and then come back and combine it with the rest. So we'll do Modify combined. Choose that body that we just created and combine it with the rest of the terror there and click joined Mixture Operations set the joint and click. OK, All right. So now we have this shape here, which is flying. It's gonna help. It's thick, and it's just one millimeters thick. And then we can just come back. We'll have to do a little bit of post processing just to file that down to, uh, a tip for a point. Okay. So next I'm still not completely satisfied on the prince ability of this because I don't think this being only one millimeter thick is going to be enough to actually help this part here. Adhere to the bed. So, um, to fix this, I'm gonna actually bridge across here a profile which I'm gonna extrude to be just 0.2 millimeters thick. Just so we have some film in here that will help this part actually be built up and it will be at 0.2 millimeters will be very easy to remove. So to do that, I'm gonna create a sketch created under the surface here. And let's go ahead and will draw on arc. So I'm gonna grab my arc tool and we'll start. We have to project these in these surfaces. So I'm gonna pee for project Grab that surface. And also the center thing with this surface here click. OK, and let's get rid of the bodies. We don't need to see that. So what I'm going to do is grabbed our tool and just go ahead and connect these two pieces here did the same thing with this. Okay, so now I'm gonna stop sketch, bring that sketch back. Um, And what I'll do is hit e for extrude. Select each of these profiles. Still forget that little square in the middle, bring bodies back, and I'm gonna extrude this up. Um, so I don't want to Don actually wanted to go up, and I wanted to be at a distance of just 0.2 millimeters and I wanted to join click Ok, All right. So that's making me feel better. That will actually get all this just thick. Um, but I actually want to be even extra careful. And what I'm going to do is actually model a brim into this. Um, you can, actually, in your slicer, you can go ahead and choose the brim option, but I'm gonna choose to model it. And so And to do that, I'm gonna create another sketch on top of that sketch that I just made. And then I'm gonna hit um, my s for my toolbox. I'm gonna grab the offset tool. You can also find your offsets who? Under sketch offset, and I'm gonna click. And it will select this entire profile. And I'm gonna do a brim of two millimeters Click, OK, and then click. Stop sketch he for extrude select. Make sure he's like the inner and the outer profile. I'm gonna do the same thing. Actually, I'm gonna go up at 0.2 millimeters, and instead of nobody, I'm a click join and then click. OK, And we should see a nice brim all around of 0.2 millimeters. Um, seeing a problem here too. Why do I have two steps? Uh, that's not good. So let's make sure, Okay? I went down instead of up not what I wanted. I wanted negative 0.2. Oops. Let's try that again. Negative 0.2 and joined. And then click. Ok, All right. Now, let's take a look at that. Yeah, that should be just one piece. Okay, so that's looks good. We have a brim all the way around. 10. 10 Adding Chamfers & Simulation: next. Let's go ahead and apply some champers here just to make this, uh, little bit easier to print. So we're gonna go to a modify Shafir. I will do this. Uh, let's try one millimeter chance for that. Looks pretty good. Um, click. OK, we can do all these together, but they may not all work under one, so I'm gonna actually do them separately, because I'm just a test. See what works. So if I click these edges, try one. Um, see, it gives me an air, so we'll try. Let's try 0.5 that works. And then maybe 0.7 0.7. Works 0.8 by nine point that works. Okay, so, um, Thies to work would see what else? Um, maybe try Philip around the star here just to give it a little more of around it. Look again. I'll start with the one millimeter fill it, see how that works. Looks like I forgot to select this edge, so select it. Uh, one millimeters. Not gonna works. Let's try 0.5 for to, All right? We could only get, like, a 0.2 millimeter there. Um, which may 0.3 is not even gonna work. Um, I don't think point is even gonna be worth doing. Um, I can't hurt. I'll just leave it. And so okay with the champ for is gonna help, um, with this. So let's try. Will also do a chance for over here will select. Actually, we'll do modified chance for and will select thes edges here. I think we can get away with a one millimetre champ for their, Um I can't even go do it too. Who is going to give this problem? 1 25 fours. Uh, you know what? I'm happy with the one We'll just do it. One millimeter chance for their. So that should work. I'm just trying toe. See if there's any problems, you kind of have to visualize this printing. Um, you know, this will pretty flying. This will go up. Um, and then we have a little chance for here helping the that overhang along with these as well. So I think we're looking good. So the final thing I'm going to do is simulate this. So we're gonna go to make three d prints like this, and I'm gonna bring it to simplify three D, which I have on their custom here, so I'm going to click. OK, bring it in to simplify me to get rid of this old one that I had here. I'm gonna go to add it, place service on bed and place this on the bad double click it, rotate my Z orientation to 1 80 and so I can see what's going on. Prepared a print, and I'm just gonna run the simulation here and see what happens. I'm gonna speed this up by dragging this. Okay? Everything looks good, except one problem. I see. And it has to do. See how it didn't print this part here. Well, that's because if I go back into my actual model, this just gets thinner and thinner. It's just the way you know, the result of extruding from us fear. Uh, this that gets really thin, thin, thin, where it actually gets so thin that it starts, you know, to be thinner and what the nozzle can extrude. So the simulation shows shows us. Um, uh, you know, does a good job of showing this when that becomes a problem. So we clearly see at this point here, it's just not gonna print so In order to fix that, I'm gonna actually click on I'm not gonna do extrude. I'm gonna do press pull. So there's an option here for press pull. I also noticed that the shark is Q So if I click on that's on their modify, actually, this is the sort of toolbar shortcut for it. I'm gonna hit Q select the surface. Let me start with a 0.5 again. It's kind of like the chance for and sometimes where, um, it may not work, so you may have to, um, test the figures. So it's try 0.30 point three seems to be fine. And it just may after the with the geometry that's created. So you can actually, if you go back in your timeline and maybe do the press pull before we did some other operations, it would probably work. But it looks like it's gonna let me get away with 0.3. So I'm going to click OK for that and then re sent this to the slicer, so I'm gonna go to make three prints, select the object, send it back into simplify three d, get rid of our last one and again, I'm gonna do control l to flip this or put it on the bed and then rotate this 1 80 And let's try that print again and see how that works. So play this simulation. Uh, we see there's a nice job with that brim. Okay? We're looking good. So we can see now. It didn't give us that air. It actually printed. So 0.3 was enough to give Ah, thickness. Remember Nazal? Well, my nozzle amusing this point for. So that worked out. Okay, so next let's try a real print and see how this comes out. 11. 11 Fixing Shallow Angles: after printing, I can see that this part over here came out just way too sloppy. And the reason for that is because this angle is just way too shallow for it to support itself. In order to fix that problem, we're gonna need to take this angle and make it a little bit steeper. So let's jump into that sketch. And it's the first sketch on our timeline. So I'll double click on there, and I'm gonna use my view Cube, the little arrows just to rotate it the other way. So I turned it 180 degrees, and what I want to do is take this point and move it up a little bit, too. Go ahead and steep in that angle. So this is a mirror of this side, so I only have to do one of them and you'll see that one will follow the other. So if I take this point and I start moving it up now, you have to be real careful if you kind of stay. If you're careful when you stay in that line, you can get away with moving it and not affecting anything else. But if you get a little careless, you can kind of start seeing your affecting other things. So let's let's fix that in a way that will prevent us from moving, Um, the other geometry. So gonna take control Z to undo and the way I'm going approach this is I'm gonna grab my fix constraint here. Gonna fix this point right in the middle and you'll see like it turns green. And I'm also gonna fix this line in this one. And so now, well hit escape to get out of the constraints. Now, if I move this, let's grab at that point, you know, now I couldn't actually move it and that worry about affecting the other geometry. So what I'm going to do is just moved to suggest a bit just to steep in that angle, and that should give us some better results with the print. So just about here, so looks good, and I'm going to click Stop sketch, and that will reflect right with my model. So that's deeper. And we'll give that a shot on our principal and see how that comes out. I decided that I would like to add a champ for to ah this edge here. This and the other side as well. So, um, let's see how that looks were go to modify Champ for I'll go ahead and select this edge along with this one, and we'll start with a one millimetre champ for I think we can do with two millimeter. Um, that looks good. I think I like that angled look, Um, especially from the side. So in a click, OK? And take a look at that. Let's see him just gonna undo to see how it is without and then redo, See how it is with and I think I really like it with. So I'm gonna go ahead and keep that. So this is what, um designing is all about You just try new things and keep what works and what doesn't. So All right, let's Ah, let's send that to the printer and that's looking a lot better. Will still have to come in into a little bit of clean up, but we're in much better shape 12. 12 Adding Curved Text: Let's now go ahead and add some text toe are tiara. So you may be making this for yourself or maybe a friend or your daughter. Either way, it's a nice touch to be able to customize it by adding their name. To do that, we're gonna go ahead and create a sketch and in bringing some text and extruded and we want that same sort of curved surface for that text. Um, we're gonna go ahead and do it on the back, just so I have a nice big area here, and you want to make sure you have the enough thickness to be able to extrude. For example, Remember, in this thickness here, this is sort of our thin, this part this part here and it's only one millimeter thick. So you want to be careful when you're choosing where you're gonna go ahead and extra debt. Tex, In this case, we want to extruded into our design, so that has a nice engraved look. So let's go ahead and will turn on our origin here, and we're gonna use that sensor plane so that Z X or that blue red plane, so we'll go ahead and choose create sketch and come in and choose that plane. And then we'll go to sketch, go down to text, and we're gonna just drop the text somewhere in here for now. And you can see that it's gonna try to snap to other existing geometry In order to override that, you can just click on control and then you'll have removed. So we'll throw it here for NASA will click here and we can start typing whatever text we want. So in this case, let's say we're giving it to a girl named Amy, So I'm gonna type that in and I can type are changing the height here toe. However, how many millimeters I wanted to be. I'm going to leave it at 10. If you're says something else was, go ahead and enter. 10. Handle will leave at zero. I'm actually gonna boulder this and fundamental truths. Aerial. For now, you'll find that some funds will three D prints better than others on. You can experiment with that, but we'll just keep it simple with Ariel And one more thing before we click. Ok is in my case. You see, here it came in upside down, so we're gonna grab this little ah, onscreen, widget rotator even. Just turn it so that it is right side up. We're gonna just go 1 80 degrees and click. OK, all right. Now I can grab this dragon and place it wherever I want, so I'm just gonna place it sort of right here. Um, sort of in the middle here. Not too high. Um, again, this is you know, this will be sort of are I think part over here. This part here sort of are thickest part. Um, so let's go to that back view and I'm just gonna visually sort of center it there. Okay? Now I can go to stop sketch, and I'm gonna extrude this. So let's go to create extrude and I can just simply click on my sketch. I can treat it as if it's any other shape. And so the same way we're gonna approach this are start is going to be from object in r Object is gonna be that surface of the TR. I'm going to click on that and we're going to go a distance. We're gonna move inside, see how the arrow is pointing this way. So whenever you want to go in the opposite direction of the arrow. That means we're going to add a negative. So I'm going to a negative 0.6 millimeters in words and click. OK, and there we go. We have a nice curved text engraved. You know what the name of the person we want to give it to right on the inside of the TR. So that's Ah, quick and easy way to extrude text in a curved manner. Um, you simply follow that same procedure, draw the, you know, the type, the sketch, and then choose the curve body that you want extruded from or into. 13. 13 Export Model with Correct Orientation: Okay. One other thing I wanna show you in this section is recall that when we went ahead and brought this into a slicer, it kept coming in upside down. For example, Um, let me get rid of that origin, and then I'm gonna go ahead and just go to make three d print and let's say bring it into simplify three D. So I'm gonna close it. Click. OK, so we kept encountering hopes. Let's get rid of this pot. We kept encountering this problem here where, you know, we would have to keep rotating it and flipping it. Um, the reason that's happening is because if I go back into fusion, we noticed that Z is our up down. So let's bring back that origin there. We see RZ is always up down. Um, in this case, this that the way it's oriented, it is the same way it's gonna orient when it goes into our slicer. So, in reality, if he wanted to print it with this area facing down or, you know, turned 100 80 degrees, we simply have to flip it in our cat program in the same way we explored. It will be the same way it will bring it in. So let's go ahead and do that. I'm just gonna, um, go here, click choose our hover on our bodies here, exported, and I'm going to right click where our body is here and choose Move, Copy. And then I'll get this manipulator. We can also just right click on the body itself and go to move. Copy. And I'm just gonna actually go ahead and whips. I always forget to do this. Um, so gonna leave it. I'm not gonna added this. I'm actually gonna just redo it because you'll probably have the same problem. So let's do that again. I'm going to right click, move, copy. And first you have to select the move. Object? Um, because it's always the flop set to faces. And so if you just go and start moving it, nothing happens because it's trying to move a face. So we have to go ahead and change that two bodies, Then it's gonna have us re selected. Okay, Now I can take the widget and actually turning 180 degrees. I'm gonna go negative 1 80 and click. OK, positive. 1 80 would have done the same thing, that sure why it chose negative. Okay, so now that it's lift, I can go ahead and go to make three D print shoes, my tiara, and then click. OK, And then once I remove that other object, now it comes in always facing the right way. So I don't have to worry about constantly trying to rotate it. So just a nice tip there for you, especially if you decide to a blow this to ah three D printing um, three D file sharing site and you want to ensure people aren't printing your files? You know, in the worst possible orientation, it's better to just go ahead and arrange it yourself the way you want it to be printed because other people might not have that expertise on know what they're doing. So, uh, always a good idea to just set it up in your cat program. In that way, when you exported, it's always gonna come in the right way 14. 14 Post Processing: In our previous lesson, we sent our file to the printer, and, as is usually the case, there's a bit of cleanup work that will need to be done. Here's our printed model, and one of the things will need to do is to go in and remove this brim at the other will be to just smooth this area little more. We did improve its prince ability. It does look a lot better, but it could still use a little touch up on the back. We have these little bumps that is a result of stringing that takes place as the nozzle moves back and forth. But this could be easily cleaned up with some light sanding. I use the box cutter to shave away the brim. Now, obviously, you want to be very careful as you do this. I used the same approach to go in and first cut away the course pieces of plastic before coming in with a file to smooth out that curved area. Once I got the course pieces out of the way, I came in with a fine sanding black to achieve smooth finish. These foam type sanding blacks work great for curved surfaces like this. After all that sanding and filing, we are finally ready to apply some paint. I began by applying a couple coats of filler primer and then coming in with a fine sandpaper and smoothing it down. Next, I apply two coats of black pains on top of the primer, and after letting a dry, I came back with the copper paint again applied a couple coats of this, and we're back to some more sanding the look I'm after here. Is that battle weathered? Look, this is Wonder Woman we're talking about. So grab some more sandpaper, and what I'm trying to do here is to scuff it up a bit. So my approach will be to remove some of that top copper layer to reveal the black layer underneath. And here is the results. After sanding, I got to say, I'm very pleased with the way this turned out. This was the exact look I was going for now to make the headband. I simply stole a stretchy had been for my wife, but because it was too thick to fit through the holes and the tiara, I tied it to a shoe string and then threaded the shoes throwing through the hole and made a figure eight knot to keep it from going through and did the same thing to the other side, trimmed away the extra pieces and it's ready to be warned.