Design a Magazine and Learn InDesign! | Lindsay Marsh | Skillshare

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Design a Magazine and Learn InDesign!

teacher avatar Lindsay Marsh, Over 500,000 Design Students & Counting!

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Class Preview


    • 2.

      File setup and masterpages


    • 3.

      Numbering that will save you tons of time


    • 4.

      Let's do that front cover!


    • 5.

      Finding and editing that cover photo!


    • 6.

      Displaying our main articles on the front cover


    • 7.

      Displaying our main articles on the front cover - Part 2


    • 8.

      Let's fine tune that front cover!


    • 9.

      Cover Photo Directional Feather


    • 10.

      Paragraph and Character styles


    • 11.

      Index page time!


    • 12.

      Finishing up the index page


    • 13.

      First spread - blocking out content


    • 14.

      Let's design the first spread!


    • 15.

      Text wrapping


    • 16.

      First spread - fine tuning


    • 17.

      Next article spread


    • 18.

      Back Cover


    • 19.

      Exporting your file for digital or print


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About This Class

If you always wanted to design your own magazine then this class is for you. You do not have to be an expert in InDesign to follow along with this class. I move at a steady pace and make sure those who have little experience with InDesign feel at home. 

We will start from scratch in InDesign and develop a magazine front cover, the index page, several articles and spreads, and a back page. We will then learn to export our file so we can get it professionally printed or have an online digital version. 

We will learn how to automatically style and number pages using master pages, so we never have to manually number pages again. We will also learn character and paragraph styles, so you can apply the same style of type and alignment across all of your text. 

So get those magazine ideas ready and let's learn together

Meet Your Teacher

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Lindsay Marsh

Over 500,000 Design Students & Counting!


I have had many self-made titles over the years: Brand Manager, Digital Architect, Interactive Designer, Graphic Designer, Web Developer and Social Media Expert, to name a few. My name is Lindsay Marsh and I have been creating brand experiences for my clients for over 12 years. I have worked on a wide variety of projects both digital and print. During those 12 years, I have been a full-time freelancer who made many mistakes along the way, but also realized that there is nothing in the world like being your own boss.

I have had the wonderful opportunity to be able to take classes at some of the top design schools in the world, Parsons at The New School, The Pratt Institute and NYU. I am currently transitioning to coaching and teaching.

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Class Preview: If you've always wanted to design your own magazine in this class is for you. You do not have to be an expert in design to follow along with this class. I'm moving a steady pace and make sure those who have little experience with in design feel right at home. We will start from scratch and in design and develop a magazine front, cover the index page, several articles and spreads and finally, a back page. We will learn how to automatically style and number pages using master pages so we never have to mainly number of pages again, who also learned character and paragraph style so you can apply the same style type and alignment crossed all of pretexts for a magazine. Finally, we will learn how to export a file so we can get it professionally printed or haven't online digital version. So get those magazine ideas ready and let's learn together 2. File setup and masterpages: welcome to the first lesson. We're gonna start off really easy and just work on opening our magazine document. So I'm just gonna go ahead and go to and design and open up a new document. And I am gonna go over here to Units. And, of course, if I'm in the United States, so I'm gonna use inches. But if you're another areas of the world, he'll use other sizes. I'm going to do the standard inches, which is gonna be 8.5 by 11 for a magazine. But you can also do perhaps a different sizing as well, depending on what? Uh, if you're getting this printed, if they have the printer recommends a certain size. We're gonna keep everything default. We're gonna have portrait orientation. We're gonna have facing pages clipped. We're going to a 12 page magazine and here's kind of a quick tip and actually gonna make the 16 pages. Actually, everything has to be divisible by four. So whenever you want to get this professionally printed out and sent out as a magazine, it needs to be divisible by the number four, so you can have four pages, eight pages, 12 pages or 16 pages. Let me actually make it 12 against 12 would fit. And that divisible by four. This is important because a lot of printers make it a lot cheaper if you keep it divisible by four. So that was just a little tip there. And for margins I like usually margins when it's in inches, comes at 1/4 of an inch, and I think that's a little too much. So I just back it off a notch. I don't like to have to think of margins, so I'm gonna go ahead and click create. We have our document. Um, so I like to go ahead and click on pages, so you kind of see how everything looks. I think 12 pages will be enough for this class. And here are the master pages and I go over master pages a little bit and my other creative flip book class. So I'm gonna go over it really briefly here because it's gonna be essential to creating numbering numbering system for a magazine so we don't have the hand number every single pages away. We can automatically number with a look cool style on every one of our pages. eso master pages is gonna be a big benefit to this. And so I could switch back to my actual pages and switch switch back to master pages by this double clicking. So anything I do on my master page list this comes We could do this real briefly. It's gonna create a circle. I will say I want that circle on every page or let's say one we'll accent or bar at the bottom of each page Not gonna toggle the, um w on my keyboard so I can toggle back and forth to show the bleed marks. And I could just show a clean version without the bleed marks. Helps me kind of see with the final well, look like will say when I have a circle at the bottom of each page And this is on my master pages. I want all of my other pages toe have it and look, it's a bit automatically been applied to all of my pages. So I want to remove those psalms. Gotta click and then hold down shift click down here. So I'm just selecting all my pages. Let me actually remove. Apply to mass. I'm gonna remove that Master page. I think it automatically applies your master by default. You open up a new document, so I'm just gonna don't go down here and I'm actually go to go to go down to none. I do not want this applied. Click on none and I click. OK, and there we go back to normal again. So I'm gonna click on the master and let's create a bar for a magazine. We're gonna create a bars. Another this honor master page. I'm just gonna create a colored bar really quickly. It is going to show you master pages. I go over this in my other class, so you might already be familiar. But if you're not, there's a bar on our master page right up here. I'm not gonna go on my other pages. I'm gonna select him all because I want this master page to be applied to all of them. So apply to master pages. I'm gonna select my master, and you can have multiple master pages. So if you want different styles applied different pages, you could do that. Look, okay. And I have that blue bar applied to all of these pages. So if I want my magazine to have a certain brand or styling on every single page. This is the much quicker way than actually copying, pasting and manually setting it up. So that's just a quick overview of master pages. Ah, the next class is gonna conquer. How do we use master pages? Toe automatically number all of our pages so that we don't have toe do that by hand, which is insane if you're going to be creating a magazine that 60 70 80 pages long. 3. Numbering that will save you tons of time: So the first thing we're really going to do with their magazine is gonna be the hardest task. Ah, most technical task of all. Of course I'm throwing the hardest at you right away. But once we get past this, more technical set up as everything is gonna be a lot easier is gonna be a breeze. So bear with me. Feel free to we watch this video, feel free deposit if you want to see what options I'm checking and un checking. So I'm gonna go to my pages and I'm gonna actually go up to master pages again. So I'm back in my master pages and what I'm gonna do right now is I'm gonna set up a system so that I can have ah, cool styled numbering on every single page. So I'm gonna start up with my master pages and I'm gonna go ahead and set up a number. So I'm gonna set up the number one and see what's styling. I know already that I want died out. That's a really cool metallic font. I'm gonna make it 12 points. I think that's a nice, readable size, and I'm gonna shift this down to the bottom left and I want to have kind of a cool triangle . So I just take my pin tool and I'm just gonna draw Little trying was clicking, creating a triangle shape with my pen tool. And I'm gonna make this yellow, so I'm gonna go back to colors. Ah, that's set on black and white. Usually that's default. So sometimes you just have to click on this little option. Take it yourself on the sea and like, a color mood seems good to yellow A nice, bright, vivid yellow And I'm gonna make sure I send this backwards in the layering system. So I'm just gonna right click arrange If a ranges on here, whether it is arranged, send all the way to the back. So they're my number popped up. Okay, so I'm going to kind of adjust this a little bit with the pin tool. Just the angle. Maybe I could just take the selection tool and kind of turn it. Have a cool angle that will be on every page. I want to make sure my number doesn't get too close. If I toggle w, I could see where my safety is. My margin. You don't want to have any text or anything within this little area right here between this pink line and the edge of your document. Printers do not like to see that things too close to the edge. So great. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna select this number of this work. It's a little technical, so I'm gonna go a little bit slower. I'm going to right click, and I'm going to go to insert special character and actually gonna need to zoom in. Good of you, but assuming a little bit, I need to zoom in more than that. Uh, let's double click Rock Shigeta, Highlight the character. Here we go. Let me zoom into 200%. There we go. I can kind of see a little bit better. I'm gonna highlight this character that already like the styling on I'm gonna be inserting a special character. I'm gonna go click on next page number so it's gonna insert an A and this is just gonna insert. This is just a little equation where it's gonna calculate the page number. So just ignore that it's an A that's gonna change. So what's awesome about this when you zoom back out. 100% already have this set up. If I want to have a number on the right side, I could just copy and paste this whole unit. Bring it over. I don't have to do that Step again. And I'm just gonna right click and I am going to transform. I'm just flipping that triangle horizontally. You can have the same style. Great. And I'm gonna select. I'm just clicking and then holding down shift collecting, clicking this other A And I'm just gonna do this top alignment to make sure they're aligned properly across the two pages. Same thing with my triangles. And I want to make sure this is kind of tucked little bit more concise. That's the styling and the numbering. I went for every single page. This is on my master page, so let's go ahead and apply. Let's go and go down here. I'm actually gonna go down. Here's here's kind of the trick. This work, it's a little more technical. This is our front covers is page one, Page two and three is actually gonna be the back part of my front page. And page three is gonna be my index page. I do not need numbers on here, So if I were to apply the master pages toe all pages, it'll actually start to number. Put a number on the front page and put a number on the index page. Well, I don't want that. I want my numbering system start at page four. So I'm gonna go hope go ahead and go down the page for and I'm gonna highlight all of this area, and I'm going to apply my master pages just to those pages. I don't need it. Apply to these pages to apply master pages. I only have one master right now, which is the one we just completed. And you can click all pages if you want to start your numbering system of one. And so here's the issue. It's great, because my numbers, it skipped this. I didn't apply a master page to any of these three, so there's nothing there, but I did apply to all of these, but it starts with number four. We wanted to start with number one. So here's the trick. Their whole number down here. So let's go back up. This is just a little thing you have to memorize. I'm selecting those pages. I'm right clicking and you have to uncheck these two options, allow document pages to shuffle and then allowing selected spreads to shovels. This kind of unlocks all the pages so that steps complete. So there's one other step we have to do and that's going to be going to that same. I'm just right clicking over the page. You're gonna get a numbering and section options and we're gonna turn off automatic page numbering and we're gonna start the page numbering at number one. So now we're on number four and it's going to start the numbering here for number one. Even though it's actually page for in your document, you click. OK, that's fine. And let's see, that's our front cover That has nothing on it. Great. My back cover of my front page and then my index page that doesn't have anything. And boom, Here we go Page one to start to write right here. I wanted to start 345678 and then actually want my back cover to not have a number because that silly So I'm gonna go to master pages and I'm gonna go back to none. Boom, There we go. So all the pages that I want number or great and what's great about this is I can add pages , some adding two pages here and it'll automatically apply so I can have 50 pages. 60 pages. 70 pages is could automatically number with the same style I applied appear. So if I ever want to modify this, let's say I'm sick of blue. So let's kind of zoom out here. We'll do 200. I'm sorry. Look at it. Go zoom out 50%. So let's say I'm sick of this yellow. I think it's ugly or I change my branded colors from my magazine. Let's say I want to do like orange. Once I changed my master pages, it automatically sets it for all the pages that we applied it to. So it's that easy. If he ever wanted to change color and makes life a lot easier 4. Let's do that front cover!: Now it's time for the fun part. We could design the front cover in this front cover design, including the fonts that we set and the colors that we set will set the tone for all of our remaining pages throughout the document. Let's go ahead and get started with some ideas. I went ahead and just inserted a text box for each one of these main elements I want to have on my front cover. I have these three articles that I want to highlight. I have our September 2018 which is gonna be when this is gonna be released. I have our main wealth building that's going to be the title of the magazine as well as my little byline, which is gonna be investing in your future. So let's go ahead and start with any good magazine has a very strong name presence. Let's bring in the wealth building, which is gonna be the title. And let's just go ahead and make this text box much bigger, like a pretty big I wanted to be a go pretty much the length of this top section, and I am just gonna make it as big as I think is necessary. Let's try right here. And I'm gonna do in all caps because I think that's really strong for Headline and let me see. I might need to make it a little strong. Just gonna kind of test some things out here Wealth building. And I might want to I like the spacing the way it ISS. And a lot of times you may want to tell toggled w on your key to kind of see what it would look like without all this extra stuff around it. So actually think since it's the two letter word, I'm gonna cut this out and a little a little trick for your text boxes. It's just double click this bottom right section double click it and will automatically resize to the content that's inside. And I'm just gonna paste pasting this other word in here. I could do the same thing. Bring our text box to let's out all the way in double click. I'm actually gonna make this a two word thing to have a couple of options. I was able to make the text a lot bigger by putting it on two lines. Ta going W because I don't really need all that stuff right now. I'm not focusing on that. I wonder if we can change it up and do italics. Let's do some metallics. It's like this. Let's actually do died out metallic. See how that works. And sometimes when it goes outside of that box, it's double click it. It'll captured again. Let's actually make this a serif font or I'm sorry, a sand Sarah font maker box. A little bigger double click that kind of has a nice difference of type. And then they even make this much smaller and put some more spacing appears where you could add spacing, the little space in between the characters called leading or kern ing. I'm just gonna play around. That might not be the font choice for me, So let me do Railway. That's a really good solid choice. Let's do black, which is the boldest you can get. It's been a double click next book, so that's a good start. We can always mess with it a little bit later. I may not like di dot let me see if I can bold it. I don't think I have died up. I have bowled I don't have bold italics. Well, I like that. It's looking. Okay, let me actually make this skinnier. Make this light, maybe even extra light. There we go. Really accentuate the wealth part. So I think that's nice. Another way to center align is sometimes I grab a box notice, create a shape. I go down here, my toggle, this make that a solid box, and I'll select everything on the page and I'll central line up here. I'm able to kind of line everything to that box. This little trick I do to help with alignment, I need to make sure I don't have any empty characters. Okay, great. Feel problems. Gonna may limbs using the keyboard keys, the up, down left and right arrow keys to kind of manually new. This rally makes traveling of white space around the sides. That's great. Some toddling w I'm gonna go ahead. I definitely want September to be up here. I went investing in your future to be down here. Let's go ahead and play with that. I want to play off these font choices. So this is railway, and actually this is believe this has died out. So let's stick with those two was to die dot for this tagline are actually railway do a sand. Sara, Let's do this black, Maybe black italic. It's in my bowl metallic about that investing in your future. We need this a little bit bigger or we can highlight it by putting it in the yellow box. We may not need a tagline. It just depends on what you need in so September. Let's make that real way. Let's make that pretty bold. It's you railway black and let's keep with the all caps theme. Well, let's not do that. Keep it softer. Let's make it a Talic, though black metallic so we could play around these font choices If we don't like it, I'm actually gonna put this in a yellow bright yellow box similar to our master pages. But go back up to my master page kind of pick this yellow. Let's kind of keep with that yellow. I'm just copying it, going back to my page one pasting it. So I have, like, a sample here I can use the eyedropper tool and just sample that yellow and then I'm going to arrange this block all the way to the back. So it's not so This is not being covered up the back, the back, most layer. So let me drag this down using my arrow keys. Little space here between all of this little breathing room, perfect second kind of sea air cover start to come together. So for the next video, we're gonna conquer bringing an image in here and also working with these other three articles. How can we make this a compelling front page? 5. Finding and editing that cover photo!: So let's bring in our main photo before we start toe. Put all of our articles kind of on the front. I need to have a photo to figure out what's the best placement of the article headings. So I found a photo on pixels dot com p e x e l s where you can find some free stock photography. I'm actually in a pop into Photoshopped. There's not a lot of photo editing abilities and in design you could do some, but I definitely recommend a photo shop program. Are something online to do? That kind of editing I want to do for this front cover photo. Let's go ahead and open up in photo shop and I am going to zoom out a little bit. What I want to do is I would extend the sky because I really want the sky to be up here in the house to be down here. Or I can even cut out the house, have the house here and put on top of a black background and make this white text. So I have two different options. Aiken Dio. So let me try out this 1st 1 Let me dio image size. If you're familiar. If you're starting to become comfortable with in design, there's a good chance you're already starting to come. Ah, little bit comfortable with photo shop. It's hard to do one without the other. It's actually really advantageous for you to learn all three of these programs. Let's go ahead and hop right to it. I'm gonna do canvas size and I'm gonna increase the canvas size to Let's see. Hike. Let's double it. Hey, I'm gonna bring this photo down. I'm gonna layer go ahead and copy it. Actually, just need the sky the copy and paste it. And I'm just I just took a sample of the sky and I'm actually get a expanded out this way. I just really want to sample the colors. Okay. Just doing this kind of quick. I'm combining these two layers. So this is one layer. Now, that should be enough for me to have a headline, but I want to just go in. Since I want to do this correctly, you just take the clone tool. Then I teach a photo shop classes. Well, if anyone's interested in the basics the very basics of Twitter shop, I'm gonna make a little bit bigger, that brush and I'm just cloning certain areas. Let me bring back the opacity just a little bit. This is just extra just to kind of so you don't see the repeat pattern. So I'm taking samples from other areas, so it doesn't look like it's an obvious repeat. So we get through the sky there. That looks different. There we go. There's a little bit of a repeat pattern. Here's let me erase this part of the clouds. So perfect. I think my read on my image is ready to go. Let's go ahead and save that we crop it and then I can export it and get that into in design. Let's go ahead and crop it. I wanna have a much of the sky as I can, and let's do A J. Paige. Go ahead and save it. And since this is a magazine that I want to have digital or print, I'm gonna go ahead and say full size. When you export for print, it'll go ahead and lower the resolution so you don't. It's always best to work with higher resolution, and you can always Export is lower, so I gotta go in place, this image and on here a lot of times I love the dragon drop. So I'm in my folder here. I just saved it. I could drag it in here, pop my photo. In course I can create a frame before I loaded in. I'll do that with other photos here as we continue to work on the magazine. I'm just holding down shift so that I can scale it properly and a way to prevent this. I didn't realize how big this photo waas a better way to do this. We could do that. Or you could add a shape, you know, at a square. It's kind of over the space that I wanted to go and just flip this and they get solid and I should be able to pop that right over the shape, and it automatically populates. And this is the trick. I need to right click and go toe fitting. This is where you can fit this image into the into the frame we just created. Now let's fit the frame to content. We want the content to frame perfect. And of course, we want to make sure we send this to the back. We want this to be the have that text pop out. All that's perfect. It's redubbed perfect amount of sky that stretches all the way to the top. I'm really liking the overall layout of this. I can probably even make this bigger. So I'm just holding down shift so it scales perfectly. And let's go ahead and toggle w so I can see how it'll be cropped. How would look in the final? So now we're ready to start adding our articles so we'll do that in the next video. 6. Displaying our main articles on the front cover: So I had my articles. I'm gonna toggle. W. And I have my articles already written. The main article, which is gonna reference to the photo, is gonna be rental property Boom. So we're gonna work with that one first, it's gonna be the probably the top article we're gonna highlight. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and separate so that these air two different text boxes. So I'm just copying, deleting, and then I'm just having a new text box with this kind of less important text. I'm gonna make this bigger. Let's see, let's make that died out so we can play off the font that we use for wealth died out bold. Sounds good. I wonder if we can make this all caps and go appear and just click on this icon, make it all caps like how that looks. I want to reduce the spacing between the lines, and I also don't like how it hyphenates. So when I go like this, it collapses and hyphenates. So I'm going to get rid of that. But just one checking a box here. I'm gonna highlight all of this and there's a little box right here when you toggle this paragraph. This is character and this is paragraph hyphenate, and I don't have to worry about that anymore. Can't crying to make that bigger. So let's make that a little bit bigger. And let's reduce the height of what I said before where we're gonna reduce the height between the sentences. 12. Well, too much, they would go perfect. So let's go and tackle w kind of see how that looks. And now we're gonna take this less important sub line text. Let's change up the font, Do the railway, which is our other one. Okay. And we'll find tune this a little bit more in the next video. 7. Displaying our main articles on the front cover - Part 2: Okay, so we're gonna continue to finesse this a little bit. I have this sub line that's not quite as important, but I wanted to kind of be in alignment with this a little bit. So I'm gonna reduce this paragraph. I can do the same thing as I did with this top one and go ahead on click Hyphenate, and that's on the character or the paragraph panel. And if this is a digital magazine, I might be able to get away with this light type. Wait, Um, but with prints, I might need to bold it just a little bit. So I'm gonna go up to medium and let's do italic, and sometimes it helps to divide these two elements with just a line. So I'm actually just gonna take a square and make a thin line. Let's have it go out to their Not gonna make that yellow kind of bring out the yellow a little bit. We need to make that little thicker. So sometimes you gotta zoom in quite a bit more us. Go ahead and zoom into 200%. That's probably thick enough. That's perfect when we zoom out. But let me Ah just 250%. I only do 100%. I miss my track pad where I can just do it with my fingers on my laptop. Okay, so I like that. Let's actually make this a little bit bigger. I'm just gonna highlight this. I'm actually going to do command, shift and drag, and I can actually drag all of these elements. Man shipped a drag and that helps keep everything on the right dimension or so might be a little bit different if you're on a Windows. Would be nice to talk this kind of with the photo. That works really nice. So I'm happy with that one. So the next one I went to highlight is five ways to shore up your nest egg with magazines. A lot of times, we'll see the number highlighted on its own. So I'm gonna do that. Go ahead, make a new tep text box with just the number five, make that bigger dragnet over. Uh, probably want to be that size. Go to highlight it. Let's see died dot Continue. Our died dot remain headlines. Let's try a talic. Make it bigger. Now let's try bold. It's making a little bit bigger A fairly large pops out It's gonna double click here So it my bounding box It's the same size everything else This is easy. I'm gonna just take the eyedropper tool And I highlighted this section. I wanted to be just the same size of a typeface. This is so I'm just gonna click on that is the little I dropped tool. I'm able to kind of borrow styles from other text boxes. I'm gonna write a line this I'm just going up to my alignment in my character panel. Write a line. Let's talk that here might even be better if I dio like this because I still have one more article that I want to bring up right here. So now we could start shifting these around. I think I can make this five a lot bigger. Let's make that a lot bigger and we still have this chart science article we need to figure out. So maybe I could put that down here. Actually, I don't like that broken up in too many lines. So let's bring that back to And I wonder if I bring in a circle really highlight. That's I'm just doing the eclipse tool. I hold down shift and I'm able to make a nice, perfectly circular circle. I just hold down shift all the time and I'm ableto if I didn't hold down shift, it would not drag in the right dimensions. So this little trick holding shift on dragging So I'm just gonna do command. I'm gonna do the left bracket. It's just like a little keyboard shortcut. But you can always do this manually. Goto a range of sending this to the back layer. I always send it to the back and then I can actually right click, arrange and bring the front. I'm not just do it manually. Here we go. A highlight. That might be a little too much. So what we could do? Let's do a rectangle and you could actually go toe layers And you could actually create different layers just like photo shop if he wanted to. Let's do that. When you take this image, I'm gonna cut it. So I'm cutting that out I'm gonna create a new layer and I'm gonna pasted back in paste in place it's gonna paste it exactly where I cut it Boom! So now this is the top layer. I'm actually gonna drag layer to below layer one. And what's great about this? I'm gonna go ahead and title this photo, and I know Lockett. I'm gonna go ahead, talk all my lock and what's great about this is now I can kind of select things. I don't have to worry about the photo getting in the way. So when I actually, uh, make this what I wanted to make it, which is gonna be a highlighted yellow box instead of having to do all that going back and layers and everything. I could just do a range and send the back, and it doesn't go beyond the photo, because now the photo is in a separate layer and it's locked, so it just kind of keeps that photo locked in place. You don't have to keep accidentally dragging it everywhere. Saves a lot of time. I'm gonna copy and paste this element copy paste. And now I could just do a range, send it to the back, don't have to worry about it going over the photo, So just want to highlight this a little bit. Have a little division there. It's been a little more line spacing. Well, there it is right there. We're gonna hunt for it. Drag this box. Just so there's a little more space in between the boxes. Let's tried idot metallic, Actually, let's try regular. Perfect. So now I can do like this. I could drag and select all those elements. I don't have to worry about that photo accidentally being selected, which has just saved me a ton of time. So I'm gonna kind of tuck this right here. So it looks like this is all nicely squeezed and tucked into this area similar to how this looks. So now we just have one more to incorporate. Our front cover will be done, and we will have kind of a nice typography picked out and kind of a little bit of branding for the rest of the magazine. 8. Let's fine tune that front cover!: So I have one more article to highlight on the front, and I think it'll probably best to highlight it down here, so there's not too much going on up here. I was gonna center align this last article text. I'm just gonna copy chart science because we could make that a header. So I'm gonna delete it and start a new text box, drag it over here and let's go and take that eyedropper tool and sample this and centralized. We're gonna keep this all center aligned at the bottom. And I would love to get, like, a little graphic of a chart to put here to kind of show up a little bit better. Let's make this white. I knew a little bit more contrast is go to color helps make that white right here. Double click this. Let's make this the same styles. All the other subtext. Uh, what we do? Any due center alignment? You just make that centered. Let's do the same thing we're doing right here with the yellow box Already. Has this some just good copy and paste do the same set up. Arrange. Send that to the back layer and we already have that set up nicely. I wonder if it works. Better to do one line down here or even better. Take these two elements. I'm gonna group thes so I just have toe. Now they're grouped. I don't have separate elements to worry about. I love grouping. Whenever I get a chance to group by group, we don't need a period. And let's see if there's a boulder option. I don't think I have one. I think it's already bold ID. So we're just gonna have to figure out some shadowing, maybe putting another bar here, putting a black bar underneath there, and I'm actually gonna make that a little bit transparent. So let me get my options here. We need to goto appearance. Believe when you right click this box sailboat. There it is effects. So I'm gonna go ahead and go to transparency, and I am just up here. This is all the different effects he could apply layers to. I'm just gonna reduce the opacity a little bit. So it's not a very you could see a little bit of the background of the photo. I think that's nice. Let me double click that. So that box doesn't get in the way when I'm trying to select it. So what Willful Nagel with that A little bit more. I'm not happy with that, but we'll need to move on. You doing our other pages. But I think that's kind of where I want to have it, so can always come back and figure it out later. We believe that just a little bit up could fine tune. When I really like this, I highlight it. Select all of them. I'm gonna group it s analysis. One nice group. I can move around, do the same thing for this one was right clicking and grouping. Perfect. I think this needs to be tucked up and fine tuning this all of a little bit. And I'll spend more time doing that before we get Thea magazine ready for press. Okay, so our front cover I feel like is there. I just need to maybe do something with this top. I don't like this. So maybe we could put that as a top right thing, make it a little bit smaller, then I could feel like I'm happy with it. I just felt that those too many lines of text up there. Used to be nice and clean. Perfect. I love it. So that's my front cover. And so we're ready to do our first page, which is gonna be our index page. 9. Cover Photo Directional Feather: So I decided to take a couple of minutes, maybe about 20 to 30 minutes, and I kind of tweaked the front cover a little bit. Um, what I did is I put this little shape here, and I did a rounded corner up here. I just took a regular rectangle tool, ended around edge and took that to the side and then brought out a little bit of that yellow. And I thought there was a little too much yellow down here. So I decided to do a secondary color that I could use throughout my document for the other pages and layout kind of this nice mint green. So I kind of counter that I did a little drop. Shadow added a couple of bars, just seizing the rectangle tool right here and added a few bars to play off the hold charting and and chart science article name and did a little bit of a drop shadow here. So it pops out against that main photo. There's one thing I want to do real quick. I wanna go ahead and go to my layers panel and I have this photo locked. I'm ready to unlock It is there something I want to do. The photo. I want to add a directional feather. So I haven't selected Right now, I'm gonna have a toggle w so I can call and see everything I'm going to right? Click this image on. I'm gonna goto effects and go down to directional feather. And I'm just gonna faded a little bit on the sides. I'm not sure if I want to do a basic feather which will equally fade it. We'll see. I think I want to do maybe a fading in the top. I might have to do something more dramatic. Maybe two inches or three inches. Yeah, maybe there's try the bottom. See how that looks. Three inches that I like that. Let's do it on the sides as well. Do one inch and one inch. Perfect. Well, actually, I'm gonna leave the sides flush to the edge. I think that looks cleaner. So we're just doing kind of a top and bottom fade. I'm gonna toggle w and see how it looks. What I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna add a shape behind it, a color behind it. I'm gonna add black and see how this looks and they may change it to a dark purple to play off the sky. So what it does instead of the image going all the way to the edge of the top on the bottom and it's at full color, it's kind of gives it a nice feather. Other look to it. Let me actually change that to a dark purple. Me Select a range, Let's see, select. And I'm gonna do the next object below. It should select our black. Okay, so this is our black. I'm actually a changes to kind of the dark purple. Maybe right. Maybe a little bit more purple in that. Okay, see how that looks when that might be too much feather. So let me right click effects. Let's go back into my directional feather. Let's bring that down to two inches for the top and the bottom. So if we like that, actually don't like it for the top. So let's do zero. But I do like it at the bottom a lot because it kind of helps take away that driveway, which wasn't anything too exciting. I can play around with that purple, maybe making a darker purple for me to select next object below that's gonna select are purple box underneath. I'm gonna make that darker. There we go. That's much better. Just has a nice feathered finished look. I'm gonna go ahead and save my document and let's move on. Finally to the index page. 10. Paragraph and Character styles: So now that we have our front cover finalized, let's go ahead and move on to the inside. This is gonna be our first spread. This will be the inside of the front cover. We don't want to put any active content, so that's usually good for promotional materials. I just happen to have an ad that I created in another class right here that I'm just gonna uses a filler. So if I had an actual ad, I would tell the designer to do it on my 8.5 by 11 dimensions with bleed added so they can have magazine. So there's are kind of our fake ad and this is gonna be the index page. So what I want to do is I want to adapt all these styles in these two different colors that I have on the front page to everything else and the continuing spreads and pages. So I do that by creating character and paragraph styles as well as adding swatches. So I can just click around a few times and be able to apply these same fonts and sizes so it's going to get started with color. We're gonna go ahead and select this yellow color. Any object that has this yellow color And on my swatches panel right here, go and drag it back. It's gonna go ahead and show up here, so I'll have to do is highlight it. And then I go down to here to new noose watch. It's gonna add a noose watch. I've already added it on here. So this is just a sample and then I can double click. And I could actually name this, so I'm going to say, um branded yellow Moscow br branded yellow color. I'm going to the same thing with this kind of mint green color. Add new the double click, I'm gonna say branded green. So now I know if I need to recall these colors and highlight other elements in the future, it'll be very easy to do so. All I had to do is create a shape. This is my index page, and I wanted to have a nice big circle that says has a number in it. I don't want that outline, so let me get rid of that. That's just a solid There we go solid shape. I could just go down here, and I have my branded yellow just like that. So are now that her colors air set, we're gonna go ahead and set some paragraph and character styles. So this is a style I want to use for a headline and with the same size I went all caps. So what I'd like to do is have it set. So I go ahead and do it exactly how I want it. So I'm gonna go ahead and highlight the object that I like or the text box that I like. I'm gonna go up to type and it's gonna be paragraph in character styles When you click on character styles first, I'm gonna add We already admitted this, but I'm gonna added just to show you again this is what I want my headlines to look like. So I'm gonna dio headline final and you can double click on this and you can actually set everything that you want but with great about going ahead and styling it and then selecting character styles is gonna go ahead and fill all this information in so to say, it's died out. It's bold, it's all caps and it believe it's has left alignment that should have left the linemen in here, But all this could be set. But what's great? It's already set for you. See Click. Ok, so we had that set. That's the headline I went. This is her byline. So I have to do is go over here, click add. It's gonna be byline or sub line are, Let's say ah subheading and click OK, and then we also like what else do we like? Maybe body body text. We're gonna have to develop that when we do our first article, but so we already have our headlines. We gotta go head down here. I just get a random text box. Well, I'm gonna do header Your headline. What's great about this is I can go ahead and apply that style. I could just talk this over here a plier headlines style and Boom! It's already the same size and fought as the top up here to see how how easy it was to set that and have my byline in the copy and paste and do subheading. Now I have that same subheading. Now I can start to do numbers and go ahead and do our index page. Let's try to get kind of a theme. I know some people do picked orally lead index pages, meaning they use a lot of different pictures and big numbers to tell you where it is, as opposed to just having an a listed kind of a boring traditional layout so that I think I'm gonna go with the more picked or a graphical layout for mine. So I think I'm gonna have about four different sections. I have three articles. Maybe there's another fourth section I can add. So I'm gonna do that. They'll be happen in the next video. 11. Index page time!: Okay, We're doing our index page. Now. Let's go ahead and do kind of a visually visual based index page. I have four different articles that I want a reference with page numbers. So we have to keep in mind that we need to make sure four gonna fit nicely on this page. So I'm gonna do an image driven index page. Let's go and create a box that we think we can make for four of we make sure that's a solid Phil and not doesn't have an outline. There's your box and I'm thinking about creating a box for our number. This will be a box for image and go back and make sure that's a solid Phil and make a little just enough to fit a number. And I got to go back to our swatches and pick our branded yellow for that. And I got a dragon, a sample image. I think my 1st 1 is going to be on. Let me see, Maybe put nest egg first chart science last Q and A. Okay, so we're gonna do nest egg versa. Let me get the image I picked out for a nest egg just dragging in clicking on the box, right clicking and going to fitting and I'm gonna fit, frame proportionally. And so it's gonna kind of size it for me. So I want to put a nice index number in there. So let me draw a number. Our create a number here. I'm Scott one, and I have our character styles and paragraph styles already set up. So I'm gonna go and click on Headline and I'm gonna go on a Talic because I want him to be a tallix. I was gonna drag this up to my yellow box. Let's make it a little bit bigger so it fills out the yellow box a little bit better and let's bring in our title underneath. Let's bring in our title think its nest egg and I'm gonna do the headline type and I don't want to compete within this issue, So I'm gonna make a little bit smaller. We're not stuck with any particular size. I just wanna make sure I'm consistent with my thoughts. Make that a little bit bigger. Okay, so now what we're gonna do is I'm if I'm happy with that, which let me kind of noodle around a little bit more with it. Can I Just using that, selecting and using the arrow tool to adjust and a great way to see if this is gonna work as un selecting all. And I'm grouping them together. Right? Click group. And I'm gonna make four of these to see if I want to commit to the style. There's one two and I may wanna ungroomed this and try a mirror image of this to balance out the design. That would be too. And I would feel all that information in so maybe I would have it on this side, and I can copy and paste these two elements, and so that would be our four articles. So I need to see if I want to commit. And I want to align these twos under selecting this one holding down shift in selecting that one. And then you left a line. Same thing with this. Uh oh, What happened there? Let's copy and paste this one and let's do a right alignment on here, So I like how the numbers are close together. You can kind of read it logically, and in order, your eye doesn't have to dart across the page to see everything. I can't select all and shipped everything down. There we go. So do I want to commit to this? I believe there needs to be something other than white here for this to work. Maybe I can have something like this. Maybe like a really light, Uh, maybe. Really, like Gray. So let's arrange. It's in that to the back just to kind of have something other than the stark white. There's just too much white. So I'm just gonna copy and paces and see if this is gonna work for a background. So maybe not. Maybe that's not working. So I'm gonna take a few minutes and kind of noodle around and see what I end up coming up with. 12. Finishing up the index page: so I decided to noodle around with it a little bit, and I I figured out that Rounded was working a lot better than square. So it has changed all this. I changed this. Just a simple shape that I applied my yellow. This is just a simple circle. And I dragged my photos and and I went ahead and put my titles. So I'm just going to show you I had to drag some of these in. So this is gonna be a photo for my rental booms. I'm just dragging it into this photo right here, and then I can go ahead and change that a little bit so I can actually move the circle this way Or if I want to zoom in on those doors, I could just go appear to the direct selection tool, go back and directly select our photo, and then I can actually go back to the selection tool and hold down shift and kind of zoom around a little bit on that. So it's kind of a going up, back and forth kind of thing, and I'll show you one more time on this next one. What's my other photos? We'll see what use here. This is chart science. I think I have one for charts. There we go to drag that in, and I'm actually do the direct selection tool. Select my image. Anything to go back to the selection tool. Then I'm able to kind of zoom in a little bit more on it. It's a better cropping. Perfect. And I don't have one for that one, so I have to find a picture headshot of somebody to put there. Um, So what else do you need on your index page? You're gonna need kind of your contributors and your authors. We're gonna go ahead and drag this information. I have this nice, handy little area to the right or to the left bottom left. I'm gonna go ahead and apply my subheading text, and that's a little too big for what we need. I would say, let's go all the way down to eight. Eight is kind of a bare minimum size eight points that you want to go for. Let's do that and let me, actually Mm, I think I like that. That's fine. I want to have these headers to stand out a little bit more so I must wonder if I do you black for each one of those headers. It's doing black. I can actually. Once I select something with the eyedropper tool, I could just highlight it and it automatically changes, which is kind of neat. We're gonna zoom in a little bit more for this. It's going zoom in 150%. Let's do some more detail work. I thought I'd be neat and I might be able to make that just a hair smaller. So let's actually make that 7.5 points in size. I thought about putting a little nice dividing line and putting staff next to it. So let's see. Let's take our to a line tool A draw. Simple line Here. We're gonna make sure we have it online. That's Phil, and this is wine. So we have it online. You have it on one point thickness. It could make it thicker, but I like a nice thin line, and I'm actually gonna take a new block of text or even better, go ahead and grab my headline Text up here. What was? I went too far. I grabbed. This is good enough. Scroll back down paste. I'm actually gonna put staff. I could either have it straight like this, or I can even angle it a little bit. Let's turn it and make sure we do. 90 degrees are pretty close. It's double click. Let's drag it back down to their staff. Was kind of a neat way to have it. I can even actually make this line instead of a solid line. I can make it a dotted line which could look cool. That's nice. We'll zoom back out and see if we like it. Let me actually noodle around using my arrow keys. Put a little more white space between this area. Let's zoom out. I think we're almost done. If I can see it all here, I feel like something else needs to be added to the background on this page. And maybe I can maybe source maybe a dollar bill or something. I can fade behind it, or it could take my pen tool and create some shapes. If I wanted to divide this entire page, I just had I'm just with the pin tool and I'm clicking around. I'm making you triangle. I'm gonna make this a very light Grey Triangle. So I'm actually gonna go maybe 10% 10% gray, and then I'm going to send us all the way to the back to the background range, just a way to kind of visually divide it. And this is actually gonna need to be maybe 5% black. So I don't know if I like that or not, but you kind of see where I'm going. Just dividing it up with the Maybe that's all I need to do. Is that Put this over here? You know, we also have that other green that I'm not using yet. Let's do branded green and let's bring that out spring that all the way up to 100% toggle W and see how we like it. There we go. I could even add a pattern to that, too, and see if I like it. But I think that's good. So far. It's a good start, and we can even do every other circle. We could actually do that green color to bring that in a little bit more like that. Well, I kind of like it all yellow, and I like the screen backed actually, so I'm just changing my mind all the time. That's a good way to design. Change your mind, figure out what works, okay? And the spacing here is not the same here. It's just one. This little subtle things I noticed was Could get the eyedropper tool. Yeah, right. Align that. There we go. Now the spacing is the same. Great. So there's our index page when we do one last thing. I think it needs a little drop shadow on these little bubbles. Let's do that. So I'm gonna select this one, hold down shift like that, ones like that one, and select this one right click effects and let's go to drop shadow. It always does a default. Very harsh drop shadows. So I always like to do the opacity very light. Let's do that. Perfect. And let's bring down the distance. Let's make it closer to the circle. Well, but closer maybe a little bit further way, like the size smaller. Make it bigger. There we go. That just adds a little more dimension. A little bit of a three D look to it, so I could noodle around with this after I'm finished with the rest of the magazine. But it's a good start 13. First spread - blocking out content: Okay, so I feel like I wanted to noodle around with this a little bit more, so I was able to kind of get something I really liked. I was actually able to integrate that second green branded color from my magazine. I just highlighted the image and added a stroke a seven point stroke and added the screen stroke around. Each one took the pen tool or are aligned Tool and has created a very skinny line that connected each one of these of these feel like they're one coherent slow. And I also decided to put this box here so you can narrow the eyes, focus toward the center, and I feel like I need a little bit of a pattern or background here. You cannot edit so I can drag this photo. I really like like this pattern. I'm just dragging it to that box. And I really like how this looks, but that red is just too strong and unfortunately, within design, you can't even convert to black and white. You really have to do your photo editing within photo shop. So let's go ahead and drag it into photo shop. And I'm just gonna make it grayscale Save it and then I can drag it back in. So I'm just gonna go to Gray Scale, okay? And I'm going to save image. So now that that image is saved, I could now drag it in and let's see how that works. So if we could do any kind of photo editing when your junior magazine you pretty much need todo Photoshopped, you wanna have some proper editing. So let's scale this back. What's through the transparency? A little less. Let's go toe effects transparency. And let's bring this down a little bit. Just so you kind of see a little bit of texture, they would go perfect. So I feel like I also wanna maybe scale this back. This little white box, let's go to trade, affects transparency and want to reduce the transparency there, too. War. Do I even need that? Uh, yeah, I think it helps guide your eye, so I'm gonna keep it. Okay, so our index pages done, and we're gonna work on the first inside spread. So here we go. And remember, when we automatically dinner page numbers, we don't have to do that. It's already set style of set So our first article let me see what the first article is. And I still need to replace that photo down there for Q and a but nest egg. So let's go ahead. I'm gonna go ahead and copy and paste this since I'm going to use this for my headline on copy and pasted War can create a new box and set my character style to headline one character or paragraph that we haven't set. Really a care of character style is our body copy which is gonna be where articles were gonna be. So let's This is gonna be the headline one and what is our full title? Let me go back to the front five ways to shore up your nest egg. So let's copy this. And let's pace that five ways to short when we make sure that was the right one. Yep. Sorry by making some of you guys dizzy. Okay, so let's go back and do headline. It's gonna apply our headlines character style. You can always do this manually, if that's what you want. And so with the spread, we're really gonna need to start blocking this out. Where's our photo? But ago Where's our headline? How big is our headline? Good to be And how much What's the word count of my article? It was all those factor into how your spread is gonna look Let me I'm just increasing the spacing between the lines and let me go down to paragraph. Okay? Hyphenate is unchecked. That is great. Here's your headline. It's actually five. Let me go up I really like the way I did five up at the front page. So I'm just gonna run group this. I think it's still grouped and I'm gonna isolate this five times. Go to copy it, Scroll down here to five. Paste it. There you go Five ways. So I'm gonna need five different little paragraphs all throughout the spread to really talk about the article. Unless I want to have it pour into two spreads. Or I could do one spread and this left side and haven't add here on the right. And I think that's exactly what I'm gonna do so that I'll leave me a little more space for a photo for the spread cause I don't have to squeeze everything in. I think I know what I'm gonna do So what I like to do you could do a rectangle frame tool where you can do a just a regular rectangle tool to do this. It's good drawl rectangle. And I think I want the photo to be this top half all the way across. I'm gonna have to source my photo to. And so my headline, It either could be down here on this side or could actually be a part of photo. And so we're gonna figure out everything here. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and start getting our article in here cause that's gonna help determine what we can do and how bigger photos could be. So I'm going to do a text box. I'm gonna do a couple of columns. You never want to have text go all the way to the left to right. It's really hard to read. So that's why you always see in magazines columns. So I think we're gonna do a three column or we could do a two column. Doesn't matter. So I finally found this thing. So I'm gonna go over to type, and I'm gonna go down to fill with placeholder text So if you don't really have your article written yet, you could just go ahead and do this and fill it in. So I was a fake article sums could insert in some placeholder text. So now it's time to do a little formatting. We need to find out if, first of all, let's go ahead and do our the style that we want to do. So let's go to character. Let's do you know what font really works? Well, I know we're doing railway. Well, that might not be the best for body copy, but let's just give it a try. Let's do a nice medium. Let's actually do stew Media Railway medium and let's do a 10 point font and I'm gonna add a little bit more spacing. I like to have a nice spacing between my lines, and I'm gonna go over to paragraph, and I'm gonna make sure this hyphenate is not selected. I don't like a lot of my things hyphenated, So Okay, so we're starting to get kind of a style that I like and let's zoom in a little more so it's really kind of look at this little better. That's nice. What I like is a nice flush, left and right alignment. Right now, this is a line to the left, but its ragged They call it ragged on the right. So let's make sure it's flush left and right alignment. But that's gonna be right here in the highlight over its good. Tell me the name of what this is left and right alignment. This is sometimes what people use hyphenation because you're gonna get all these spaces to make sure that each line, although, has a different amount of words in it. They all have to stretch to be the same width. So a lot of times will put extra spacing in here. And sometimes I can look good. Sometimes it looks horrible on. And that's why some people hyphenate actually gonna click on hyphenate again. So maybe it's just the sample tax looks a little off to me, but so what I'm gonna do is gonna highlight a section of this go to my character styles panel, but I'm going to add, and this is gonna be body copies. Could be called body coffee body copy. So now I have a headline, a sub headline subheading and now have body copy. So let's go ahead and zoom out and start blocking this out. Zoom out all the way. Let's do 75. Okay, so now I want characters to spill over. I'm gonna go ahead and move this up. You know, this little addition sign would click on that. It's gonna tell me where to put my next continuing continuation of that copy that's overflowing. It's gonna be right there. I guess that is all the copy that it inserted in there. So I got the copy and paste a lot. Okay, so I'm gonna copy this little small sample, and I'm going to paced a lot of samples so I can have my article's gonna be longer than this. And so this is one of five. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna copy this five number, Actually, I'm gonna go back up already. Have circles exactly the way I want them. Let's copy this element. And that will be our number one for here. So number one and we're gonna need a headline. So this O'Connell be our number one headline. I'm gonna click on headline, but that's gonna be way too big, so I'm going to reduce the size too. Ah, good headline, Size 14. And let's bring in that line spacing a little bit. And one more thing to add more cup complexity. I'm uncheck hyphenate for this nice, bold font, and I'm actually going to do a align left, See how it's doing a ride alignment to it just kind of has this really stretched look. So for a larger text, I like to keep it at just the left alignment. There we go. Much better. Okay, so let's go ahead and keep going here, Scroll this down. And I think we could try three columns, but I'm not sure that's gonna work with this article's. We're gonna stick with two, and we're gonna make sure this is down here. And that's number one. Make this smaller, long as people can see it. That's our number one, and they will have the rest. Have 234 and five so that I will give us a big chance to have a nice opening cover image. So I'm gonna go ahead and source that cover image and find that and I'll be right back 14. Let's design the first spread!: So when I hadn't sourced a couple of photos that I thought would work really well with a spread. So when they have been draggin two options, this is the first option. I already have my box set up something to strike it right into the box. That's one option, and we have Option two, kind of like the one with the dirt that's a little more appealing to me. What's also great. I see opportunity. Put my headline here. Let's go ahead and drag both of these items up here and let's make both of these white. I'm gonna make it white and that will pop out against the dirt. And this is another opportunity to do some content condensing. It's my headline fits there, and I'm actually going to maybe put a little bit some dark boxes here. Let's bring that backwards. The layering system. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna scale back the transparency on this box transparency, scale it back a little bit. It's just there, so we can kind of read it a little bit over. Okay, great. So this gives us an opportunity to put two or three of these different these 1st 5 ways to shore up your nest egg on this page, so that will give us more of a chance to spread content out on the left page. Down the next spread. Any time you can integrate a headline with a photo on a spread great and I may have to think of Ah, little bit better way. I almost wonder if I could make a box appear. I can make this that branded green lips. You do the fill, not the line or stroke. What if I brought that up? This that looks better. Go and take this character. Bring that to another line. Perfect. Sinak and Mika more narrow box actually increase the capacity on here. Little bits when we go right, click transparency and let's increase that a little bit. Increase it all the way now, like it's scaled back. I don't think that's popping up enough, So let's try our yellow No stick with black. We will noodle around with that a little bit, but this gives us a great opportunity. Continue to put this next paragraph over here, and I'm gonna bring this box of paragraph copy and I'm gonna make it the same width as this one. Drag it back. I think that is copied and pasted a ton of this. So I think I can start to do Go ahead and end it right here the very 1st 1 and start my 2nd 1 So I want to apply the same. We take the Eyedropper tool. Same style. Was this one for number two, and somehow this this is not left and right a line. So let me just go back up here and click on body copy. That should fix it. Double click body copy. Goto Alignment. Why, That's not doing Ah, left and right alignment. Let's do that manually. Go back and do this. Justify with less aligned blood. There we go. We don't really need Dad's. Let's delete that. This is our second headline. There we go. Got all that figured out. So this could be number two. This is a copy and paste this element and we'll go back in and re number these once we figure out the placement for all of them. Let's go ahead. And any of the spillover tax, the text that's gonna be here down below. We have a toggle w so I can show you all this extra excess step text. We're gonna bring this up. All that excess test text. It's gonna spill over to this next paragraph to make this paragraph same with right about there and dragged over here. I'm gonna reduce the line here extra spacings. I can align all of these to the top, so I'm selecting all four of these elements and I'm doing a nice line top, So this will be all in the same alignment. I'm going across the top. This will be ungroomed so I can edit this number and make it a two. Perfect. Let me drag this a little bit further and are spread. All must be done. We're gonna have some spillover of the other three articles parts of this article on the next page. So let's go ahead and finish up that headline. I'm gonna toggle w so I can kind of see what it looks like with all this marks. So I wonder what if I made this? If I made that are branded green, I need to make it darker. Let's go ahead, make it a little bit darker. I know how that looks. Well, it's a little better. I don't know could, however, make circles green to better match the money shot and then make these elements white. It's good to go ahead and set the tone for all this before we start replicating them and having to change all these over and over. I think that works better. But when they see what can I do with this headline? Let me move this box away to see if there's a better placement. Maybe back down in the dirt again. Or I think what's bothering me is let's put this five down here. Let's make it really big and we don't do use the same thought all the time for articles and headlines. Sometimes you could be a little more creative news, different stuff. Let's do this. Let's do open Sands bold, our extra bold whatever my boldest option is and let me expand my box because it looks like it was bigger than what the bounding box was. So it disappears. Here we go. It's got a line. A nice dividing line. Is there a line tool? Let's do that one point, and right now it's black who don't want so let's to white. Let's make sure that set on stroke. Any time you do a line, you would make sure it's set on stroke or it's not going to show up. Not happy with this, the way that looks. So let's do semi bold, hard light. Sit down. That looks, uh, was not feeling this one. I'm gonna play around with a headline just a little more, and then I think will be ready. I don't think I need a background now that it's over the dirt, which is dark enough. Let's see. Okay, I'm gonna play around with that five. And once I'm happy, we're gonna move down to the next spread. 15. Text wrapping: So I had a chance to play around with Headline and I decided to shake it up a little bit and do a nice, bold sans serif font. This is just simple railway. And this, I think, is Gu bold Go bold, bold. Um so I went ahead and found something that worked really well over top a photo. And that's not gonna be that skinny font that we established earlier. So that's OK. Different articles could have different feelings and fonts to them as long as your body copy kind of remains consistent and you remain consistent on some some sort of branding throughout. So I went ahead and actually changes back to yellow to kind of match the headline. I had a drop shadow on this, so it shows up even more over the dirt and were kind of ready to work on that next page. So I'm actually get a copy and paste all of this. I don't need the photo or the headline, but I'm gonna use thes samples down here, and I have one more page left because I think I decided to make this an ad page, so we're gonna have to fit three more on here. So we're going to find a way to do three more. Course. There gonna be different links. We don't know that yet, So this could be a way to do 123 where we can have him. Where? It's one due to three down, two columns. It just depends on what we feel might work better. And we're just gonna play around with that. We can even move this down, that the numbers are to the left that will free up a little room vertically and shift this over. Not sure if that's gonna work, but let's do that. I like how that looks. So I'm gonna go ahead and bring this up to the front. Bring this over just a tad. Gonna go ahead. Delete that one. Basically, replicate this three times and go ahead and copy and paste my content. Let's bring this all the way to the top. Okay, so let's go and copy and paste. We're gonna do three of these will see if that's gonna fit. Okay. Course, We could have very varied contents. What might end up fitting? Okay, we'll find out and I want to go ahead and change this 23 for hot, Perfect. So we can think that might be too boring, that this is three, since there's no photo to really break this up. So let's kind of add a little photo here. Let's add a rounded photo. Not sure what's gonna be in this photo, So we're gonna put a filler and there for now, let's grab a filler. How about the other photo I didn't like Let's grab that. Get a right click fitting and fit to frame. And so I want to do a text rap. So I'm gonna go up here wraparound bounding box. There we go. Not abounding bots. Looks actually do the shape wrapped around an object shape. So whenever I stuck that image like this or a shape that has an image in it, go up here and click on wraparound object shape. Not gonna be able to add a cool photo in one of these little sections just to kind of break up them and not me a little bit. I actually think also shifting this over to the right so that the I kind of bounces around a little bit. That kind of shakes up the design a little bit, but then the four is isolated. So let's this is the one layout. You really have to be creative. It's maybe put it up here at the top. Maybe one article is not as long as the other. So let me see if I could go toe window. Okay, so I'm gonna go toe window and I'm gonna bring up my text wrap options, window text, rap and notice how there's a really tight spacing here. I need more breathing room in white space. So this is how you're gonna be able to achieve that option. So window and text box text rap. So I'm gonna go and increase the spacing right here between these elements. So let's go ahead and do that. So it's starting to breathe a little better, and I'm actually going to select this and I do not wanna have the hyphens against that photo, so that's gonna look a little better. Let's go ahead and reduce this a little bit. I just want a little photo to break it up. We could bring it down here and break up two of them woken. Have it over here somewhere, maybe down at the bottom. Maybe we do not need that number shown, since it's obviously page three. So that could be where that ends up. I can play around with it a little bit, but text Rap is your friend. It will really help integrate break up these big blocks of text on these pages. 16. First spread - fine tuning: So went ahead and I loaded my fake ad for this right side. So I can kind of see the best way I can block this out. I had a nice tep text wrap going on here with this photo. I decided to add a nice ah branded green stroke to that to kind of make it look finished. But I don't like its placement here, but it up against this ad. So let me kind of find out what the right play, I think may be splitting these columns like this. I think that looks great. So your eye doesn't look like there's a no overwhelming amount of text, so that works out really well. I'm gonna go up. We're done with our first article. This is our first article. I want to see if an angle might look really good here. So I'm just gonna turn this just a little bit. Just ever so slightly. Have a shake it up. So it's not just a straight across, so we'll see if that works. Let me move it up just a little bit. I can angle it more dramatically, so I don't know. I guess that looks nice. I'm not totally convinced yet. Live it up a little bit, so I might give it back to a straight across. But we'll keep it. I'll keep it like this for now. So there's our first bread and we're going to start. Our second spread is gonna be the one about. I think it's the one about charts. Next. That's the 3rd 1 I think what we'll do. Yeah, let's do the rental boom spread, and that will probably all we can cover in this glasses. We'll do one more spread together and we'll do perhaps the back page, and then we'll be done and ready to export our magazine. 17. Next article spread: Okay, so it's time to do our next and final article that we're gonna do in this class. That's gonna be the rental property boom article. So I really like how this has kind of laid out on the front. So I'm just gonna go ahead and drag, select and copy, and I'm gonna go back down to our next bread, just go ahead and review what we've done so far. And here's where next freedoms could have faced it in and use that as a basis for our next spread style. I think what I'm gonna do since we kind of did a divided in half style in the first. But I like to shake it up and do something totally different. So let's have this entire section. Let's actually have the photo extended to this right page a little bit just to shake it up . I really like this headline as is, so I'm actually going to select and I'm gonna un select this bad. I don't need this background image selected. I just need oh, I know what's going on. There's actually two layers. We have that purple background, we added. Didn't we what's actually select and group, those two. So when I try to grab this here, I'll have to do is hold shift and un select the photo and group this and I have this. Okay, here we go. I'm gonna make this a little bit bigger. Hold down shift. Make that fairly big. Be right here. I could actually go ahead and do a direct selection tool, and I'm gonna directly select this house photo. Then I'm gonna go back to selection Tool. Now that have my selection could hold down shift. I gotta zoom in a little bit more of the house just like that. Perfect. And so I can either make this. I actually feel like I want to make this instead of extending into the other page, make it nice and flush with e center, part of the spread. So since I like this style, I'm gonna go ahead and adopt. I'm just gonna copy this little paragraph right here. I love just copying and pasting. You can also use your character styles that are set, But with a magazine this small, I really don't mind just copying pacing from another article. So this will be our headline, A quote or headline will go right here in this area will be kind of our quote to lead off the article. Let's go ahead and copy and paste a lot of this sample text. Let's make this content box a little longer. Text box. I'm gonna make too long columns. I think that's probably the way to go here. So I'm just gonna copy and paste a lot of this. You bring that up a little bit and then the overflow that little additions I'm gonna click that and I have my overflow column. I'm gonna make this the same width. What's great? If I decide to do two columns that the same with in a future article, I got his copy and paste this and drag it down. Or can you paragraph styles as well? If you want it. If you're doing ah much longer document. It's probably wise to stick with your paragraph styles and let's maybe do another photo here. So let's drag in another photo, which I'm not sure if I have, but I can drag in a filler pronounced keep with our circle theme like that A little bit bigger range to send this to the back okay. It's gonna be covering over. That's from our master, our our style or master sheet up here. So I believe I don't know if I get the master toe pop up above, So that's definitely something I need to look into. Let's go and bring in a filler image. See what we have. Do we have anything that I think would work? I still have this one. Perfect. Let's let me. Ah, I see what happened. So I see how it dragged in. It did not go into the circle. They go back a little couple of steps and show you why that happened. I had this selected. So when I went to go select the circle of accidentally selected this paragraph, so I just could take this excess part that I don't need and just tuck it up here. So now when I select a circle that's gonna stay selected on the circle and I'm gonna drag this do my right click fitting fit. Do one of those options and I got to get my direct click off and then click again. I'm just doing the direct selection tool. I'm able to kind of move this around a little bit. Bring that other one, actually. Good. I'm gonna zoom in a little bit too. So let's zoom in on this on the door. Perfect. We could add a little bit. A framing here. Let's see. It was at a a stroke. Well, let's go. Where's my stroke? There. It iss gonna increase the thickness of it and what's actually hold down shift. I'm gonna make this. Might have to do come manned shift and then move it to move it. There it is. No wonder if going up here might look cool. I could do a text rap. Not sure this is where Who? I know what I'm gonna do but bring I love tax traps. Let's do that again. Let's make this a little bit smaller. Let's have our content be a little longer. There's increasing my content size, dragging us back down. I'm gonna do a text wraps. I'm gonna go up here and select this option Wraparound object shape. You go back to text rap and increase If you can't find this good a window and it's down here. Textract expand that a little bit. Perfect. There we go. Um, these columns could probably stand to be a little bit wider. We can actually even do this. A three column layout if we wanted to. And let's go in toggle or W. So get her margins back. Helps me get a idea of leaving the same spacing on the left and the right side. That's really important. My talk on my W To make sure that happens, I may have to scoot this down. There we go. That works. I don't like. Let's go ahead and select this and get rid of the hyphenation. It's not gonna work. There we go. That's a much smoother look. Let's reduce the thickness of that green stroke. Just a tad that would go were eliminated altogether. I'm not sure we go to zero. I like it. So let me go back to five. I think this needs to be a different color. Let's try Green are, Let's try. Maybe that purple. Let me see if I can grab that purple That's behind here. When the UN group this there's that purple, let me sample this color for my headline just using the eyedropper tool and I'm sampling it perhaps didn't quite samples. Let's drag this photo a little bit bigger over here. Let's try that again. Wonder why it's not sampling properly. Let's go ahead and just create a new box. There it is. Let's figure out why I was going drag this up, highlighting eyedropper tool. That might be because there's a stroke. That's what it is. Ah, OK, so this actually is a stroke on it. So when I applied it to the text, the stroke was adapted to it. Let's see. Is that the purple? I could just go select that purple and I can add it to my swatch and let's see if that helps. I just needed to sample it. Okay, So dragged that back. I wanted to incorporate the purple in there somehow. So I felt like that Green was just not working. So I think we're done with this. Spread the kind of display around, maybe up here, protects for the box, or maybe down here again. Figure out what works the best. Maybe that it's just experimenting. They could make it really big. Forget down here. Make sure all of our content is loaded for this article. I hate how it makes some something's really wide apart, but that's what happens when you have left and right alignment. It'll really stretch it across. So you really have to kind of find really good. That's not bad. But let's have Let's I don't think where we had it before, probably was gonna work best this way. Don't cover up the number of the page. Either Make a little smaller. I still don't like how how that's breaking down. It's making even smaller. Maybe hide it right here. That may be what we need to do or do what we did on the last page. Make it really small If we can't break up these two columns just like that. Ah, beautiful. I wish I would have thought of that earlier. Let's make that a tiny that bigger, as big as we can make it without making these lines of copy too short. Let's actually reduce Thea white space there. Perfect. So I think we're done. I'm gonna mess with that headline a little bit more, but this article was done and I think we're ready to wrap up this magazine Glass 18. Back Cover: Let's do our last and final page that we're gonna do for this class or several other spreads. Think we still have this spread available for another article? There's for the sake of time. Let's go ahead and wrap up and do a back cover. So what I did is I actually went. Let me go ahead and go back up to my front cover. I copy some of these elements and brought them to the back because I want to kind of continue the same thing Theme from the front. So I'm actually take this photo and screen it back a little bit. I have that purple box behind it. So when I do screen it back, it's good. Create a nice little effect there. So I just want a very subtle view of our front cover. This is the back page, and I want to take this kind of I want to put our website here because that's what I really want to promote. And I want to take that this kind of our logo and I want to make it smaller, put it down here or actually want to put it up here. I'm gonna make this white. So I'm gonna make this text white and this underneath white as well. And we're actually gonna make this the website so well, building dot org's or whatever the made up companies website would be. This expanding this box a little bit longer and I'm gonna put that right in the middle. I'm gonna group these two together, select this one and this one group it's I don't have to worry about selecting it. Make this a little bit bigger. That might be a little too big with us to be smaller, maybe appear who may be down here, maybe have a line that goes across that kind of has our green color. I'm just doing a box and clicking are branded green color on a tie it in a little bit wealth building. I like putting it in the middle, so I'll know it's the middle. If I drag this around sizzle lines, that tells me it's aligned center to the page vertically, and when I ship this over, you see that line that means it's perfectly aligned, centered vertically and horizontally. So it's just like a little tricky could do when we actually UN group this you bring this text box down here. There we go. Find that line again. Perfect. So I want to do a different photo since we already used that one more little short on photos. So let's just do the one we did not use before. And I don't want to drag it into the purple cause I wanted to fade back with purple. So I'm actually gonna coffee and taste another version of this purple box so I can drag this in And that will be the frame We're already photo perfect. Now I can arrange and send backward. Are I just arranged Sit in the back And then I'm gonna right click arrange and send it to the front, but not to the front. I'm sorry. Range to the back and I'm gonna right click and bring it forward Bring We're not all the way to the front, but just for one step so that it's above that purple box and I'm gonna screen it back a little bit. So go to transform transparency. Perfect. There we go. That's it. That's the money. No pun intended. Perfect. So there's are back page, I almost wonder, Let make It's kind of experiment just a little bit before we go. Maybe that's a little bit better. Maybe if I leave that up to the top. I really want people to see the website, cause that's where this this magazine is really gonna monetize their company. Uh, so we'll see. I think I like it. Kind of is a box. I think my eye is drawn War toward the box than the big bar. Perfect. So there's or back cover. Let's go ahead and review our magazine. 19. Exporting your file for digital or print: So now that we're done with our magazine, we're ready to export in two different ways that we're gonna go through exporting it digitally and exporting it, doing a flip book, a digital flip book on issue, which is a website you can upload it to. So let's do a print version ready to send this to the printer. I'd go ahead and toggled w and I'm gonna make sure every page has content extended all the way out to this red line. Let me go ahead and zoom in and make sure that's the case for a front cover. And it looks like that is the case that this picture extends all the way out past the bleed line, which is you want to add bleed when you're sending the soft to get printed, and we'll go over that when we export it some amazing back out to 75. I believe I've already done with this this with every page, but you never know. So I'm gonna click on W. That ad does not extend all the way out to the will of the red line there, so I'm gonna have to eventually add bleed on that side this. This object does. That's good. Everything extends down. So you just do this with all your pages. That ad does extend up, but I would need to extend this ad outward, which right now it doesn't have the dimensions for that. So it have to go back to the designer, which would probably be me and extended out to the right a little bit. This is white, so it doesn't have to extend out. But this element does. So now that we know that everything extends out to the bleed, let's go ahead and press w do one last review. Go file Export. And this is what's really important. You need to make sure we export it as a print version. There's two different options. Pdf Interactive and PD. A prince wanted to print magazine print. Okay, we're save it and we're gonna make sure we dio press quality with bleed. If you do not have that, I think this is a preset option that I have already created. So you're gonna have some different options. So, actually, go to press quality, you click on press quality. You're gonna make sure they're on pages. You don't want spreads. Not for the printer, so pages keep everything else, as is 300 dp I That's all great. Everything is great. Just go down and click on. Don't click on all printers marks. Just click on crop marks. That seems to be what they like, and I'm just gonna click up and add Ask him how much bleed they need to add on all the sides. Usually, if you're doing it in inches, it's usually an eighth of an inch. So I do an eighth of an inch all the way around, and that's it. Everything else can pretty much say the same. So I'm gonna go ahead and export, and it's actually export with bleed. And there is a over set text. We know that because this is just fake text. So there was some text that was hidden in the text box, but that's OK, so we're gonna go ahead, export that and go and show the final product. If you want to export as a look book online or a digital version, it's very simple. You just go to Pdf Interactive. We're gonna do digital for this digital save, and you can do spreads, but I think people appreciate reading magazines, online and pages because they consume in a little bit better. But that's up to you. Um, compression. I like to keep it as high as possible, but keep in the file size low. So usually 150 works well. It's a little higher than normal resolution, but it's not 300. So it's not gonna be a super high file size JP quality. You don't need maximum Hi is great and then export, and we know that we would go back and fix that if we were getting ready to actually publish this. So that's how you exports print, and that's how you export as digital.