Declutter Your Wardrobe Like a Pro | Suzy Kell | Skillshare

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Declutter Your Wardrobe Like a Pro

teacher avatar Suzy Kell, Professional Decluttering Coach

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Class Outline: Declutter Your Wardrobe Like a Pro


    • 2.

      Before and After: Wardrobe Inspiration


    • 3.

      Motivation: Why Declutter Your Wardrobe pt 1


    • 4.

      Motivation: Why Declutter Your Wardrobe pt 2


    • 5.

      Think About it: List Your Occasions


    • 6.

      Think About It: Frequency of Occasions


    • 7.

      Think About It: What Do You Like?


    • 8.

      Think About it: Look for Style Patterns


    • 9.

      Plan it: Pick Your Colours


    • 10.

      Plan it: Find Your Colour Season


    • 11.

      Plan it: A Capsule Wardrobe Example


    • 12.

      Reminder: Wear What You Want


    • 13.

      Crash Course: Declutter Your Wardrobe pt 1


    • 14.

      Crash Course: Declutter Your Wardrobe pt 2


    • 15.

      Pro Tips: Wardrobe Decluttering Questions pt 1


    • 16.

      Pro Tips: Wardrobe Decluttering Questions pt 2


    • 17.

      Pro Tips: Wardrobe Repair pt 1


    • 18.

      Pro Tips: Wardrobe Repair pt 2


    • 19.

      Pro Tips: Magic Missing Pieces?


    • 20.

      Pro Tips: Layering Up and Down


    • 21.

      Pro Tips: Create a Fancy Capsule


    • 22.

      Pep Talk: Pick a Drawer!


    • 23.

      Wardrobe Organisation: Fold or Hang?


    • 24.

      Wardrobe Organisation: 3 Ways to Arrange Clothes


    • 25.

      Wardrobe Organisation: Eliminate the Chair


    • 26.

      Wardrobe Organisation: Divided Laundry Bags


    • 27.

      Wardrobe Organisation: Shave Your Jumpers!


    • 28.

      Class Project: Declutter One Drawer Today!


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About This Class

Do you have a wardrobe stuffed full of clothes but 'nothing to wear'? It's time to get strategic about planning, decluttering and organising your clothes so you feel ready for anything life throws at you.

In this class I will bring my wealth of knowledge as a professional decluttering coach and psychology graduate to show you why wardrobe clutter is causing you major stress, how to take a step back and evaluate what you need your clothes to do for you, how to get decluttering right away (without the hassle!) and how to keep it all looking good and ready to wear!

Complete the class with a fully decluttered drawer of clothes to get control of your closet once more - one step at a time :)

Meet Your Teacher

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Suzy Kell

Professional Decluttering Coach


Hello, I'm Suzy. I live in Dublin City with my husband. Nine years ago I discovered Miss Minimalist and the ‘100 Things Challenge’ by Dave Bruno and was enchanted by the thought of being in control of my space and living lightly. Suzy Kell Decluttering (formally Gentle Decluttering), my business, came about when I asked myself what my dream job would be and I said to myself, ‘it’s Marie Kondo’. My mission is to help people going though tough times - like grieving, moving home or having a baby - by offering a peaceful process for decluttering. Together we’ll create a joyful space for life.


Find me at and get your free guide to reflect and learn ***how to talk to your partner about clutter***

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1. Class Outline: Declutter Your Wardrobe Like a Pro: Welcome to this de-cluttering masterclass. We're going to learn how to declutter your wardrobe like a pro. So here's what we're going to cover in this class. My promise to you by the end of this class, you'll know why clutter is bad news. We're gonna talk about some of the science that's floating around. There's not a lot of it as to why we should pay attention to the effect that clutter is having on our well-being and what we should do better. So I'm going to give you some of the interesting things that I found. Some of the things that we just know instinctually from living with Flutter, it affects us, really does affect us. I have nine plus I've got loads of different tips to help you find your personal style to talk about your lifestyle and what kind of clothes do you need. So that when you go to declutter your wardrobe, you actually feel like you know, what need, what you should keep, what doesn't serve you anymore. And you'll have clarity on that and that'll really help with your decision-making. Also going to inspire you and give you the oomph to start decluttering your wardrobe. If it's something you've been putting off, you're gonna have that little boom. Yeah, if I can do this. And that is always want to, I want to impart to you. And as you watch these classes, you're going to be able to keep your things organized with minimal effort. We want to maintain things. You want to give things at home and have them be easy to find, easy to launder, and to keep nice so that you don't have to keep replacing things that you do feel like you have something to wear. And that it will serve you for very, very long time and you'll get the most out of your clothes. So let's go. 2. Before and After: Wardrobe Inspiration: So here's a little bit of inspiration to help you on your journey. So maybe in the past you've taken everything out of your wardrobe and put it on the bed and went, okay. Today is the day I deal with the wardrobe and it just feels overwhelming. And by the end of the day, you're just left with the huge heap and you can't sleep there and it's impractical. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna take it in chunks. Maybe that's as small as one piece a day. And you just slowly work through your wardrobe so that you can sleep, you can feel organized. By the end of it, you have clothes that you love and where they're organized by color or by season OR function, and that they will really work for you. Have a nice neat shoes and space for more. I'm not just cramming things in. What if you have crazy drawers and you just can't seem to find things or your daughter things are mixed in with your things. And you've got beauty products on things don't seem to have a home. We can find a way to peel back and figure out what we need. Potentially to fold thing in a way that makes sense to us here. These clothes have been common Maori folded so we can see exactly what is on offer and we got rid of all of the different things that didn't fit the daughter anymore. You can see that everything is matching and actually fits her and everything can be easily found. And that's what we want to get to at the end of the decluttering of the wardrobe. And it's something that you can keep up because it looks so beautiful and you want to keep it that way. Maybe you've just got a pile of stuff. You're going with what was handy. When you have a pile of shoes like this or anything, it's really hard to see. Do we even have all of the matching pairs? Are all of these usable? Does anyone have holes or soul problems or do they fit all that kind of stuff? When we declutter what we don't need, you can get to a point where that solution actually does work pretty well for you. That can push underneath the bed and be an easily accessed. And you can see clearly the options you have of clothes and shoes that really fit but really work for you and make you happy. I'm also just seeing them all lined up like that is delightful. It's very, it's encouraging. It makes you feel like you're in control of your life. This is just your wardrobe. So it has that ripple effect. 3. Motivation: Why Declutter Your Wardrobe pt 1: Clutter really that bad. It's fine or getting by. Are you are you coping? But here I'm here to say that there is some actual deep things going on. There's the science to prove that it is causing you stress. And it's something that we should pay attention to. Here is just a small bit of how cluttered is affecting you. When it comes to clothing in particular, say this is you. You might feel like you've nothing to where do you ever just open it up and go? I have so many things, but I have nothing suitable to wear. A season changes. Your season of life changes. I'm suddenly nothing seems to match. Nothing fits, nothing feels good, but you can't prize things apart in your wardrobe. It just feels overwhelming. So I just want to say that sometimes when you fill the last clothing and things go together and things are thoughtful, you won't have that closet full of clothes, nothing to wear. A feeling that seeing that on daily basis can be quite demoralizing and uncomfortable. We don't want you to feel like you've nothing to where I want you to feel empowered and that you close represent you and support your life. And the way that this can impact this is when things feel cluttered, when you can't find what you need when there are closed building up in different parts of your home. This was a study done in LA and they found that people had higher levels of stress hormones if they perceived their home as cluttered. So they took swabs and they measured cortisol levels throughout the day. If you felt like your place was cluttered, you had more stress. That was measurable. It actually is affecting you if you feel yuck. There is stuff going on in the background and we know that stress hormones can make it hard to sleep. They can affect your appetite. They can give you stomach pains and headaches. So this stuff has a real impact on you and we should pay attention to it can also impair your focus. So they did a study where they got people to try and complete a task. And they put lots of different symbols on the screen or they had less symbols on for other people. And they found that the more things your brain has to process, the more time and the harder it was for you to do tasks you're trying to work from home. There were clothes all over the place. You're trying to pick out something to where it's going to take up mental energy to look through all those things onto side and to figure them out just because they're there in your visual field. So they will make it harder for you to focus on things to get done, what you need to get done. You may find that the laundry it is never ends. You're constantly wearing things and tossing them into laundry. But the more close you have to wash, the more you have to remember to take out of the machine and to hang up and fold and iron. It just, it just keeps going. And the more you have, the less likely you are to sift through it and move it. Also, because you aren't going to run out either laundry will continue to build up. Whereas if you have a smaller selection of clothes, you're going to prioritize doing that laundry. It won't be overwhelming. And you will get through it faster because it seems more achievable. And there is science to say that when we believe we can complete and fulfill a task, we're more likely to engage with it. If you feel like it's endless laundry, having fewer channels just makes that process simpler. It makes it more streamlined because it doesn't build up in the same way. 4. Motivation: Why Declutter Your Wardrobe pt 2: And the great minimalist at foo meiosis psyche, who's the author of goodbye things talks about how things don't just take up physical space but mental space. It's not even just that they're a million things to do. And you can see in front of you or they're taking up mental space just by seeing them, you know, it's like the unseen to-do list. Oh, I should repair that and bring that back to the shop. More than that in a while or Oh, look at this, I forgot about this or I'll let you bring that upstairs or I should fold that and it's just this constant loop in your heads. So it's not just in the chair and you can't sit on the chair. It's like taking up space in your brain. It's taking up willpower, energy and all of these things that are depleted in a busy lifestyle. We need to cherish that and take back our mental space for other things and maybe make clothing something that just is not occupying so much of our minds and our time. The other thing is you might be putting off plans. Hear me out. If you have loads and loads of extra clothes in the spare room, maybe your kid can't move in there and have that as their bedroom because there's no wardrobe space. You can't have someone at stay there. You can't move house because there were so many closed deal with before you do that. Maybe you just don't feel like you have anything to wear so you put off plans with people. You can't redecorate because there's just mountains of clothes around the place. It is actually having a physical impact on you progressing with your life and enjoying things. Because you can't take on those projects because you first have to overcome the obstacle of all the clothes in your way. Lastly, survey done by at national cleaning and association in the States. The National think the American Cleaning Institute, they found in a survey of many, many thousands people, 69% of people avoided cleaning areas. They felt that they should. If there are things in the way, hiring a cleaner is only going to do so much. It's going to waste time. It's going to make you feel embarrassed and it's stressful because there are things to move to clean. You put off cleaning. It affects your health and there's dust, maybe there's moles and things that build up because there are things in the way and cleaning is a hard thing to do. Here are just some of the ways that clutter can get in the way of you living a healthy, happy life. There's plenty more. But let's think about doing something about it. Let's think about tackling the clothes and building a wardrobe that works for your lifestyle, your real one, not your fantasy. What makes you feel good? Removes all of these obstacles, gives you more space, helps you focus better. It gives you less household tasks to do and makes those easier and lets you move on with your life. Happy about what you're wearing and how organized your home. It's so let's talk about that next. 5. Think About it: List Your Occasions: So let's first think, let's take a step back and think about what are you dressing for? How do we approach? Planning out a wardrobe? Some of these things you figure out you need, you might already own and some of you might need to buy. But let's think about it from a top down perspective. What's happening in your life, and using that information to make good decisions about your wardrobe as your decluttering. The first thing I want you to do is to list out the occasions. What are you dressing for in your life, and how many outfits do you actually need? Sometimes you have to experience that. Maybe track it for a period of time and that's fine. And others you'll know instinctually how many you need. And considering laundry in that, we can figure out exactly what would work for your situation. What do you do? You live in your life? Let's think about that. Okay. So perhaps you are working. Are you working from home? I on your feet all day. Are you in an office or are you working one-on-one with people? For example, I used to work in an office and I had dresses and skirts and nice bags and things. But now as a decluttering coach, I worked people in their homes and I have to both look smart but also be very bendy. I have to get down under beds, I have to get into Alex. I have to be able to stretch and reach, be safe and be comfortable. So my clothes look a lot different. I don't really have any. I have just a handful of skirts and dresses for special occasions, but that's no longer part of my work. Where how are you working right now? And how can you support that lifestyle? How do you relax? D snuggle up on the couch with a hobby, hot drink and Netflix. You gardening or you skiing? Are you a part of a football team? So think about how you relax and what are you doing, not what you would like to be doing, but like what are you actually doing? An investigation, those things, not aspirationally buying things, ski equipment, and you won't even skiing once in your life ten years ago. Let's think about how we're actually relaxing and honor that I'm give ourselves nice clothes, relax and not just our cast off and our old Yorkie pajamas that we don't want anyone else to see. Cleaning. Are you heavy in the bleach painting walls doing really heavy duty work. I need special cleaning clothes or is it just kind of dusting and the dishes the odd time and maybe you don't need such a specialized cleaning clothes. For example, you could just keep 11 simple outfit. I have a pair of leggings and a shirt that I wear whenever I'm painting and those are my painting clothes and I need one set of them. So think about, do you actually need loads of extra things for in the garden or to get just keep it simple. You just have that one messy coat and you can wear your normal clothes underneath. So let's think a little bit more critically about what are you doing. Other things you might be doing socializing that cozy at home or if that I'd fancy for dinners or Mike clubs. Don't know about you. I'm not unlike clip person. Are you walking dogs? Are you hi kings and think about how are you socializing? How often are special occasions happening? So you might have a beautiful Wardrobe full of dresses and sparky bags and things, but actually, you've won wedding a year. Maybe a smaller special occasion. Capsule border would work really well for you. Do you have Hollywood ambitions of wearing really sparkly beautiful things at Christmas time, but all of your family where just cozy clothes, you know, and you feel out of place. Maybe you don't need fancy, fancy Christmas where you compare that down to just one or two really special pieces. Exercising. How are you exercising? Do you have a lot of equipment for sports and things that you don't really do. And mostly you just do yoga or you go to the gym or you just like to go on walks and you don't really need anything special or do certain kinds of ligands like write-up or move around and you actually prefer other ones. So make a list of all the different activities you're doing. What's working and what's not working. Pen and paper can do wonders. 6. Think About It: Frequency of Occasions: Then I want you to think about your schedule. How often are those things happening? And this can be a bit interesting to think about because you might assume that I'm home the odd time, but I'm always doing stuff. But when you actually map it out or see what did I do in the last month? You've been at home. Maybe you should honor that at home time with some nicer fold spend then you realized. So say you work five days a week, that's fine. That's similar kind of stuff that's ground. So that'll take up a chunk of, of your life and then the kinds of clothes you're gonna wear. Maybe you do a deep clean twice a week. So you want something comfortable for that and you go to exercise classes three times a week. Woohoo, look at you exercising. How often are you doing laundry? Do you need four sets of exercise clothes and that's just enough. Maybe you don't need 20 different tanktops it take to the gym. You're relaxing. Most evenings. Perhaps. You're happy to stay in your workflows or you want to get into comfy clothes and you want to invest a little bit more on those. And you maybe have one special occasion a week or a month or two every half a year to figure out what that looks like for you. Then you're socializing maybe twice a week and that was that on Zoom. Do you need to get fancy and or are your workflows or your cozy clothes just as fine for that. So some of these occasions may combine and be the same kind of close. Then I want you to think about how many outfits you need during the weekend. You can easily just tell you block sort of percentage of the outfits you're wearing. This doesn't have to be hard science, but how often do you at home? When I did this for myself, I was shocked by how much time I actually spend at home. I've learned to be more comfortable and to not just where cast-off, some things that I can't leave the house and that actually if I wear clothes for at home that I feel good in, I'm much more likely to go on a Zoom call to pop up to the shops to run errands. An honor, both the need to be presentable and comfortable. If you map it out like this, is reflective of the clothes that you have in your wardrobe? Or do you just have 80% workflows and you're really only have one socializing top. Maybe you need to invest a little bit more on some of these categories. Similarly, as I said, if you've a lot of cocktail dresses and you're only going on the occasional special outing. Maybe you just need a very simple, fancy capsule of clothing. A few pieces that all go together that are in more versatile colors. You can dress up and dress down, then tons of different dresses. So think about how your life is lived and what are you doing. That will indicate what kind of clothing we need to keep or BI to build that wardrobe so it suits you. 7. Think About It: What Do You Like?: Now I want you to think about your style. Have you ever thought about your personal style? And that can sometimes be something fashionable. Could be, I'm into a very kind of academic look with shirts and things. Or like a classic style or I'm a bit Rock and Roll, or it can just be you. It can be the things that you're drawn to and I fully support them. Sometimes it's not always obvious what our style is. As we get older, we transition into different phases of life. We can be caught in those moments where we don't really know, what do I like anymore? Or I'm always just wearing comfy things and I don't really feel like good or I don't feel like myself. Is there a way to put a twist on that and figure out what is u? Here are some ways you can tease that. I've worked on this for many, many years myself. It may not be something that jumps out immediately. What do you like? They'd like to wear? One exercise you can do is think about taking pictures of your outfits for two weeks. Get someone else to do it, do it in the mirror. Take a picture of it laying on the bed or just jot down what you're wearing on a notebook, piece of paper and then reviewing it and seeing what do I actually wear, what colors, what shapes on my wedding dresses I'm wearing certain things. Am I wearing? The shoes that I always thought that I would wear loads of? It can be very revealing to actually document what you're wearing. And think about why you chose them. Is it because of the weather? Is it because I wouldn't wear that one because itches or it's not the right color or it doesn't match. So looking at all those little details can really help you figure this out. I must give credit to a new Sharif who wrote the curated closet. This is a method that is in her book and it is an excellent book if you would like to dig into that a little bit more. Also, think about who do you notice you're on the bus and you're like, I love her dress. I love his jacket. They've great shoes or great hairstyle. A cutie with Meyer. He liked my AMT is so stylish or that celebrity who is standing out to you? Who are you complementing? Who are you taken screenshots of our saving or following on Instagram or whatever. Think about who you notice. Because that will tell you a little bit about maybe who you aspire to dress like. And perhaps you can bring a little bit of that into your style. You don't have to be them, but you can figure out why. Why is it that they stand out to you? One example from, uh, from what I like is I love when people wear things that are more daring, that's a bright color or something a bit more unusual. Because I think expressing yourself and standing it and being different is really inspiring. And it's something I aspire to. So when I look at that, I go, how can I be just a smidge more daring? Maybe that's wearing multiple rings on your fingers or eyeliner or a bright color once in awhile. And realizing that's something that you want to dig into a bit more and then pursue. That's different for everybody. Also, think about starting a Pinterest board. You might already be someone who is knee deep in Pinterest. But when you start to pin things, I'm looking for what do these, these, these pictures have in common? Is it colors, is it styles, textures isn't the mood. I like the dark and moody and mysterious are like bright and fun and friendly and approachable. Start to look at the trends. What are the things that are coming up again and again. Then realizing that's what you're drawn to. And if you have things in your wardrobe that aren't just what you feel you should wear, but what you want to wear. You're much more likely to get youth side of them and to have fewer things that do more for you. And we can avoid that clutter. 8. Think About it: Look for Style Patterns: So let's pick out some of those trends. This can be shapes and styles. Do you like a high waist of trouser or a wide leg or a skinny leg or elastic aided or a certain fabric or a color. You may have noticed I quite like a turtleneck. They make me feel safe. They made me feel comfortable and smart. Oh, something looking smart and polished is something I really like. I also like being covered. I like being warm. That can be a jumper or an undershirt. So for me I noticed, I thought that this was a timeless and interesting look that I was going to adopt. Okay, So is there a certain kind of fabric or style or piece of clothing that you read it up. Maybe it's a hat, a kind of shoe. Think about that. It's the Recolor that's coming to the forefront. This is when we start to build a color palette for our wardrobes, it can be very, very useful to figure out what works for us. Is it the color blue as it pink? Is it black? And you're just like just the most chic color iin into that. Why are you drawn to that color? It doesn't look good on you. Does it remind you of something? Does it feel comforting to you? Is it, you know, muted enough that it feels sensible and professional? Does it feel fun? So maybe it's a color that you're drawn to that becomes a unifying factor. Out. Your clothes make you feel, do you want to? Do you always feel cold? Is it important for you to be warm and to be happy and comfortable? Perhaps you're like me and you need to have layers that you get hot and cold easily and you want to be able to add layers. So I want to add a scarf and a jacket and a coat and be able to take those off rather than having one sheepskin jacket that's extremely warm, but when you take it off, you just would t-shirt underneath. So think about the fit. Elastic waist bands, non itchy fabrics, a bit of stretch. Genes that don't pinch it the waste. What are the qualities of those clothes that you read like maybe it's that they wash really easily and they don't need ironing. Maybe that's something that you really, really like gonna be as clothing. So these are some of the trends you should start to pick out circling things and make yourself a bit of a mood board or a list or a lead on paper, and figure it out. Okay, here are some of the things that come up again and again if I put them all together, what does that say? All of this blue turtlenecks that are layered, It's like, Oh, cozy, smart and professional looking close. Think about what your trends come together to signify about your style. 9. Plan it: Pick Your Colours: At that point, we want to think about, okay, can we build a color palette? Because this is something that's extremely helpful. You're not moving from seventies beau ** browns, too. Futuristic, silver sparkles to frilly dresses that you can run in a field. Or maybe you do and you'd like, your style is clashing those things together and having fun with that. But whatever it is, if you can narrow it down, it's going to make things match so much easier. So maybe you are, if you'd like cool colors, blacks and grays, and I'm blues. And those are great base colors for you, but you're not going to invest in khaki, green and cream and brown. Maybe those aren't your bet your colors because those are going to clash with the signature colors that you choose. I do love a pink. I have some red, purple, blue, some even teal. Those are colors that I really enjoy and look good on me. I'm gonna avoid yellows and greens. They're just not my thing, but if you had low two yellows and greens, they may come together beautifully. Once you start picking those neutrals, It's amazing how things start to match together. For example, I bought a beige coat and I have kind of a camel colored hat. I've just gotten a beige backpack. It's amazing how Sheikh they look when they all go together. I don't have clashing different things that individually are nice, but they just don't work together. And I've decided that the color is going for either black or beige for essential pieces like that. Because then no matter what, they pair together and it makes even traveling much more easy because then everything matches and it looks good and you look sheikh and professional and that is something I'm definitely going for. If you're someone who loves all the colors in the rainbow and you want to go for and flash them all together. You do you. But I want you to look at the pictures that you've chosen in the previous video and think, okay, how do I want to feel come professional, smart, quirky like water, those words and how can I build a color palette that makes it easier for me to put outfits together and embody that feeling. All right, So picking a color palette, I wish you well on this quest. 10. Plan it: Find Your Colour Season: You might consider finding what your color type is and there are different systems. But the classic one is the four seasons. If you've ever done, color me beautiful. I personally am a summer. I should avoid oranges and, and warm browns and things and even colors that are far too dark like, I do love wearing black, but black is not going to make me look my best. It's not going to smooth my skin and make my eyes pop. I'm make you look at me rather than the clothing. Whereas a light pink, green, purple literally make my eyes shine. If you don't want to go and do that service yourself. One thing you can do is go around your house and find colors. It can be cushions, it can be pieces of clothing. You have already pieces of paper, even hold them up to your face. Doesn't make your skin look really clear. What does it show up? The bags under your eyes and your veins and your imperfections doesn't make your eyes sparkled. And especially if you do that without makeup on, it's amazing. How quickly you can kind of be like, Oh, that does look really good. And 0 in on the end, if you look up some of the guides online, eye color, hair color, and obviously if you like me, have changed your hair color, that can affect it too. And the depth of your skin, whether you've warm or cool undertones, spend some time and dig into that. And it can be something that can be a real asset. But at the end of the day, if you love the color orange and orange isn't your color. You can wear it if you want to. There are no rules. But if you really want it to compliment your skin tone and make you look really fresh and alive. Maybe keep that orange to a bag or a pair of socks or something that's not by your face and by your face you have a lovely green scarf that brings out your eyes. Have some fun with it. Use it as a jumping off point and find your color season that makes you look like you. 11. Plan it: A Capsule Wardrobe Example: At the end of the day, what do we want to get to? We want to build a cohesive capsule. Now this is an extremely minimal capsule by Ms. Minimalist at one of the first bloggers that I ever got into minimalism through an amazing woman. And she lived with just this one pair of shoes bag. And she found that across work, travel, socializing, this was enough for her. Personally, I don't think I could live with this few clothing them unless it was just for like a long weekend or something. If you get to the point where you can have just 5000 pieces of clothing that all go together in here. How she has a base color, that's black, she's a bit of then she's got some jewel tones in there that's suit her. She's quite dark hair. He or she would have been a winter. All of the clothes go with all of the other clothes. They all have a similar smart styles and that there's no frills on one and then a sleek simple style on the other. Like everything is cohesive. If you can get to the point where you can literally grab a jumper and grabbed a pair of trousers and they go without looking. I have not got to this point myself. That pretty much all of your tops go with almost all of your bottoms. You're gonna have a much more functional wardrobe. Then if you have one of everything, you'll learn to start to buy things that go with what you have and commit to that style. Even if you love loads of other things, you can still enjoy them out there, but maybe they don't need to live in your wardrobe and be worn by you. Consider building a capsule wardrobe that's cohesive color, palette and style, where everything goes together and can be easily paired and make just getting dressed so much easier. At the end of the day. If you want to wear something a bit funky and have a bit of fun, and that's a priority for you. Go for it. A fun example, I bought this rap top when I Boris, I kind of felt a bit like a Jedi. And my husband said, You literally looked like Obi-Wan Kenobi. So what do we do? I took a picture of myself, put it on Instagram. I had a bit of fun and I, whenever I wear it, I do feel a bit like a Jedi, but I'm at home in that I enjoy wearing things and feeling a bit playful with them. I want you to choose things that you enjoy. If you want to dress as a sci-fi character. If you want to dress somebody who lives in 1950s in a cottage or black with all studies and piercings and that's who you are. I want you to embrace that at the end of the day, there is no formula. Nobody can tell you how you should dress. If you want to dress like a Jedi. You should dress like a Jedi and just be playful and enjoy your clothes. If that feeling leaves you and you go, You know what? I always feel a bit silly when I wear this and I want to be smarter. That's also fine. Dress to make yourself feel alive and feel supported and don't follow the rules the arbitrarily somebody has said, you must own these 12 essential pieces of clothing. If you don't end up wearing a black blazer, maybe that's not essential. So your clothes are as unique as you and you should wear. It makes you happy. 12. Reminder: Wear What You Want: And at the end of the day, if you want to wear something a bit funky and have a bit of fun, and that's a priority for you. Go for it. Here's a fun example. I bought this ROP top when I Boris, I kinda felt a bit like a Jedi. And my husband said You literally looked like Obi-Wan Kenobi. So what do we do? I took a picture of myself, put it on Instagram. I had a bit of fun and I, whenever I wear it, I do feel a bit like a Jedi, but I'm at home in that I enjoy wearing things and feeling a bit playful with them. I want you to choose things that you enjoy. If you want to dress as a sci-fi character, if you want to dress a somebody who lives in 1950s in a cottage or black with old studies and piercings and that's who you are. I want you to embrace that at the end of the day, there is no formula. Nobody can tell you how you should dress. And if you want to dress like a Jedi, you should dress like a Jedi. And just be playful and enjoy your clothes. If that feeling leaves you when you go, You know what? I always feel a bit silly when I wear this and I want to be smarter. That's also fine. Dress to make yourself feel alive and feel supported and don't follow the rules the arbitrarily somebody has said, you must own these 12 essential pieces of clothing. You don't end up wearing a black blazer, maybe that's not essential. Your clothes are as unique as you and you should wear. It makes you happy. 13. Crash Course: Declutter Your Wardrobe pt 1: Let's talk about how I like to disclosure. I take an approach where I want people to feel comfortable. I want them to feel empowered and not overwhelmed. So here is how I would approach decluttering your clothes. I basically use this method with all of my clients for lots of different use cases. But here's how I would approach it for closed specifically. Alright, so here's your gentle de-cluttering crash course. The first thing is you don't want to just launch in unprepared. I suggest you gather your supplies. You're going to need bags. They can be big black sex, they can be shopping bags that you reuse, or they can be compostable bags or any boxes that you have lying around just so that you can gather things that you can donate them, dispose of them correctly. Basically anything that can be labeled, it's going to be very useful for you creating piles and helping you remember where different things are meant to go at the end of your session. I always also recommend that you keep a notebook and pen handy or some kind of piece of paper or even just your phone. Because as you go through, you're going to realize that there are to-dos, there are tasks to do that aren't just de-cluttering. You. Find some odd socks, you go. Okay. I've got to maybe make a note for myself, maybe put a post-it up beside the laundry to say, okay, pair without socks or a PEG, where you can click them up somewhere. Maybe you need to tailor something. You need to put that on the list and each tailored this or you've something that belongs to someone, or someone has something that belongs to you and you remember, put that on the list as well. So anything that you noticed that you have to do, I need another time to talk or I need needle and thread that goes on that list so you don't have to hold it in your mind. Then I always say have some cleaning supplies handy. I've just simple spray and a dusting cloths. Because when you pull things out, even in a ward or with closed doors, you'll be amazed how much dust gets in there. And, or other GUI things. Who knows? As you're taking things out, give yourself a clean slate, fresh and it all up with a cleaning. Have that on hand. And your phone can be used for a lot of different things. It can be for setting timers, for texting people, for reminding yourself. Googling things. What do I do with a certain thing that I found in my wardrobe? Usually great to have on hand as long as it doesn't distract you with social media and that kind of thing. Also taking before and after pictures can be very motivating. Your phone is a pretty essential piece of kit. What I often say to people is if you feel overwhelmed, you know, set a timer. I said, I'm going to decode art for ten minutes and then take a break, walkaway, breathe. Or rather than taking every piece of clothing you have out onto the bed, select just a drawer, just one category. Say I'm just gonna do my evening where I'm just gonna do my socks. Don't do it all and complete one thing from start to finish and feel a sense of accomplishment. Also, I would say, take it out of where you are, usually seeing your clothes. So instead of just browsing through what you've got, hung up and pulling it things you don't want anymore. Give yourself a fresh perspective. This is something that Marie Kondo does that I think is great, is taking that cash green, maybe not all your clothes, don't put them all on the bed and then get overwhelmed. Go have a break and then come back and you can't sleep in your bed, but dumped the socks out on a table on your bed, on a clean floor and work on them there because it'll kind of shake you out of the norm and also gives you an opportunity to clean out where they were being stored. 14. Crash Course: Declutter Your Wardrobe pt 2: Okay, once you have your category, your selection of clothing and wardrobe items that you want to declare. We're going to divide them into piles. This can be done in a number of ways. Either you go item by item and you decide, okay, I'm gonna keep this too. I love it. Does it belong in another room? Actually, this isn't mine. It belongs to my sister or belongs to my daughter and it should be somewhere else. Do I been to donations? I do. I want to give it to somebody. Does it belong to somebody else? It needs to go back. Or is this rubbish recycle as many piles as you need? If you find that that's a bit overwhelming. One thing I do recommend to a lot of people is if there's a large amount of socks or dresses or something, first put them in their categories. For socks as an example, this could be okay, I'm going to gather up all the odd socks. I'm going to gather up all the sport socks, the ankle socks, the big fluffy ones, the colored ones are the black ones. So that you can see how many you have in each category. And it might be that you have way, way more black socks that you bought for work or something more formal than you actually need. Seeing them in those categories can help you make a more global decision about a whole group of things rather than one at a time. And then take this step C, you get older black socks and you go, okay, which of these will I keep? Which will I recycle? Which which belonged to someone else or which are odd and even. Take it a step further in making the task smaller and go pile by Pilate by category. Then what you'll have is, hopefully if you've chosen a small amount of things to disclosure and you've got all these things in their bags, their boxes labeled, then you have to deal with the piles. Now, if you want to keep decluttering, you can just add things to these piles. But what I recommend is you do only as much details as you can completely finish with the energy and time that you have. What I want you to do is to tie up that rubbish bag, take the things and put them in recycling. Whether that's going right, that has to go out to a textile recycling band. There are there are options available all over depending on where you're from in Ireland, we have a great company called clothes pod. I'll put a picture up here. There they are. They're all over Ireland and they are fantastic for recycling, but also selling on giving clothes. Second Life, if there to donate to charity shops, sometimes if I have a big black sack, I will tie a knot in it. I'll write men's clothes, ladies clothes, children's shoes, whatever it is just to help the person. And another top tip for donating is if you bring things down in your own bags rather than handing over the bag, say actually I'd like to keep this bag. They can empty that usually into a big pile in the back. Then they can give you back the bag to reuse, which is very helpful because I have certain ones that are really heavy duty and I love and are easy for me to walk down to my local charity shop. You don't actually have to give the way the bag, you can reuse them. But the principle is deal with those glows. If you have clothes that are needing to be repaired, that's a pile. Maybe you need to put something in your calendar to say, okay, I'm gonna do that oriented Google, whereas my local tailor or I need to buy needle and thread, add that to your to-do list. And then the things you're gonna keep, put them back on hangers, put them in drawers, and maybe you want to wait till the rest of it's done to start organizing and deciding where things live. But what I want at the end of this is that you have a blank slate, you're back to normal. The piles are dealt with whether they are by the door and the utility room. They are on their way, maybe putting them in the boot of your car. That could be really, really helpful. But that you leave the space usable and ready for more details during and also just for life. Because we don't want to associate pleasure. Decluttering with more stress. Take a chunk, detailed flourish, organize it into where things are going, label them really well. That can be with a sticky note, a marker, or a sticky label. And off you go, deal with them and make it your priority to get those things out of the house as soon as possible? 15. Pro Tips: Wardrobe Decluttering Questions pt 1: Alright, so you say, great. While I am going to disclose her my wardrobe, I'm gonna take it bit by bit and whatever. But I find the decision-making process of what to keep and what to give away. Really hard. Clothing can be emotional clothing is an expression of who we are. And if it's something that you feel like, you don't quite feel at home in your clothes or you don't quite know what you want to wear. It can be quite overwhelming to say, okay, I'm gonna keep this and not keep this, but I spent a lot of money on it and it can become a big thing I want, I want to do now is give you questions and frameworks and things that will help nudge you a little bit more in the direction of decluttering and making decisions easier and wiser. And these are the kinds of things that I tell my clients all the time to help take the pressure off them, to help them think a little bit different. And this is where the role of a professional organizer and professionals each other or comes in. Because we take you that extra step in the right direction. Here are some good questions to ask. Things you should ask yourself as you're looking through something. Now obviously, if you hold up something and you love it or you hate, an extreme reaction is something that's a lot easier for you to deal with. However, if it's something that you're not sure you're on the fence about your nervous about getting rid of. Here's some questions you can ask. Here's something that I often challenge myself with when I'm buying something. Because often when you're out shopping, if you'd like shopping, you're having a great day, you're feeling amazing. You might feel good about your body. You might feel energetic. When you're buying clothes in a good mood. You might be thinking of scenarios when you're at your best. But what about those bad days? Is this the kind of clothing that is a very avant-garde, bold color and I do have a purple jumper. You'll see from other classes that I've given. Would I wear that on a bad day? Is it comfortable? Does it match a lot of things? Do I feel like myself in it? Or is it something that's only once in a blue moon when I'm brave enough to where fish or is it, HE isn't uncomfortable and I'd really be suffering for the sake of fashion. Think for me on a rainy Tuesday morning commuting to work, would I wear this? Would IT support me doing what I want to do? So think about what do you wear it on a particularly bad day. So along those lines, does it does it pinch, doesn't move around on you. Do you find that you're wearing shoes and they make your ankles bleed? They rub, they pinch your toes. They make a loud noise. I have a pair of sandals with the straps come loose really, really easily and they flop about, you know, it might be that, okay, fine. I'll wear it. It is what it is. But if it bothers you, if if you're adjusting your clothes all day long, you're not going to feel it your best. On a bad day, as I said, you're going to look in your wardrobe and you're gonna pick something else over this. I would say raise your standards and make your clothes work for you. And if you need supportive flows, if you have digestive issues, if you have been struggling over the pandemic and your weight is going up and down. Pick the clothes that make you feel your best, make you feel like you could do anything. On your Taylor Joy is the actress in the Queen's gambit. She was asked one time at which dress would you pick? And she said, Well, usually I would ask myself, can I climb a tree in my outfit? I felt that was really interesting. So if you're someone who likes gardening, who walks a lot in this city, whose cycles, who's more active? Perhaps your choice of handbags of clothing needs to be more practical. However, if you're in a big city and you are getting everywhere on public transport and you don't have to walk as much or you have a car, you can wear high heels and fancy handbags. But yeah, just consider your lifestyle and what you're willing to tolerate from your clothes. Often, my clients will hold up a piece of clothing and go, Oh, this would be great for a wedding at christening. This would be great for work when we go back to the office and it's a bit theoretical. Even you might not have even tried it on. But you just have an image in your head. Oh, yeah, that'd be perfect for that. But isn't really the way that you can find out is saying, okay, well, if there was a wedding happening next week, there was a wedding happening tomorrow, would you bearish something about bringing it into the present? Bringing it into the immediate, makes it seem more real. You have much more of a visceral reaction to it. You go, Oh, well, I don't really have shoes that would match or do I have a cardigan or it's a bit stiff and it's not very comfortable and it's not great for the weather. It makes it seem more real. I would say think Would you wear it tomorrow? And that goes for buying clothes as well. And this feeds into something called the planning fallacy, where the future looks very rosy and we go, of course all, yeah, I'd love to wear it in the future. That'd be great. But we forget our current concerns that were tired and we don't want to wear something that you have to suck in for all day. That we up to where uncomfortable shoes for because it's too long, that kind of thing. So think would I wear it next week? 16. Pro Tips: Wardrobe Decluttering Questions pt 2: Do I need all three? As you can see, I have a modelling. The example here. Do I need all three gray turtlenecks that I have? Is there one that's a little bit thicker, a little bit better quality. But if I was to pick the best of the bunch, I would pick that one. Or is this my signature look? And actually I do need three or 12 of a certain item. This is a great, There's a great principle of bringing everything together. My cousin actually said she got all of her tank tops together. And she saw, I have like 30 tank tops. I don't need this money by actually gathering them from her car, from different rooms and from different drawers. She was able to see the collection G hat and pick the best ones that didn't have holes that were colors that suit it hurt and all them. If you have a large collection of something, think do I need all of these? Or is there a subset of the best of the best that I can keep? And then you kinda get the best of both worlds. There's this really strange phenomenon. When you declare, say you were looking through different things and you go, I'll use a pair of shorts, haven't worn them in a few years. Ld child her those. Then a few weeks later it's summertime and you go What's really warm? I have a pair of shorts. If you go to your drawer and you're like, oh, I got rid of those. Now the thing is if you hadn't been decluttering, you wouldn't have known that you even had those shorts. And so it's kind of a weird catch-22. But what I want to say to you is to be brave. What would you wear if you didn't have those shorts? Oh, well, I have another pair of shorts I could where I have some addresses. I have skirts, I have loose trousers. I can buy a better pair of shorts and a color I would actually, where I could borrow some shorts. I could buy some secondhand, like we have the ability to solve our own problems. We're quite resourceful. If you were on holidays, you can source a pair of shorts if you needed them. Unless it's a very specialized piece of clothing. You're going to be okay. And it's not gonna be the end of the world unless it's something that is one of a kind or is extremely expensive, it's going to be okay. Brainstorm and think, well, what would I do if I didn't have this and be brave and take a chance, most of the time. You won't even remember and you won't be bothered that you got rid of something. And it's actually quite a sort of freeing experience to get rid of something and go, Oh, I got rid of that. And then realizing it's not the end of the world. So be brave. 17. Pro Tips: Wardrobe Repair pt 1: I also want to talk about another kind of category of things. So you want to eat decided you want to get rid of something or you're kind of on the fence about it. What are some things that we can do to decide where the destination of this thing should be. Because often we hold ourselves to a very high standard. I must wear all of this. All I have to, even here the example is to tailor or two, so a poles, but we have to be discerning about how much time we actually have if something is important to you. If you have, like I used to have a jacket that was kind of my job interview jacket. Over time, maybe the lining out a bit pulled and stretched. It just needed to be refreshed. Something like that, sewing up the holes, maybe putting a patch on the elbows. Or if I happen to lose a lot of weight and it was too big for me, getting something taken in our nipped in can be amazing. I have a fantastic kind of stretchy fabric Navy dress with a v initial. I actually wear it to every wedding because I got the shoulders taken up on it. It's not revealing it fits me really well. And I almost, it's like getting a new piece of clothing from an old one for the price of some tailoring. But I'm saying is sometimes tailoring everything can be very expensive. It can be a hassle. So be discerning about where things should go. But a good first step is to give something new life. You might decide that you have something that's really nice, like Mecca designer handbag or just some really nice clothing. One of the things that's actually much more eco-friendly is to sell something rather than donate it, because then you're guaranteed that someone wants it and they're going to use it rather than having the potential for it to just be sent to landfill if it doesn't sell. This is De pop, eBay and all wherever you are in the worlds that are different ways that you can sell things. And in Ireland here we have adverts. They thought there's tons of them. There are also things called consignment shops. If you don't know what that means, you can go in and say, Hey, I've got this expensive thing, whether it's a nice handbag, they will sell it and you get a cut of the profits of which can be amazing. There are lots of fantastic digital independent places that we'll do that in Ireland and all around the world. Maybe you're having a tough time parsing with something special to you. Oh, you had address that you used to wear, but you still feel a great nostalgia for things. I used to bring them on holidays a lot. What if you gave that piece of clothing one more where it's last hurrah. You had a picnic in the park or a nice sunny day out and you wore that dress one more time. Then you remember? Yeah, actually it is a little bit stiff for them. It's a bit worn or lose some sweat stains on it or whatever, whatever it is about the dress. That means that you don't always wear it. But just giving it one last time, take a picture and and keep that picture. And then letting the dress go. 18. Pro Tips: Wardrobe Repair pt 2: Another thing that's quite important is knowing when it's something good enough to donate. I often ask my clients, well, would you this in the stages in a pair of shoes, are they a bit warm? Would you actually pay for money for those? Other stains are the things because if M there's holes or stains, there could be a quick fix or it might just be better being chopped up into cleaning rags, pajamas, old towels, things like that can make wonderful cleaning rags. And often you don't even have to end off the ends, just chop them up, use them a few times, especially for cleaning a bike, are doing really dirty jobs. Then when they're done and finished, they've had a second life and then you can throw them away rather than donating them and them not being good enough to sell, and they'll just get put in landfill. So you can give them that second life. Now, if you have a lot of lot of lateral close, there is a limit to the number of cleaning rags that you can keep because you'd be overwhelmed with them and you have to wash them and unfold them and all that. So be discerning, but it is a nice way to give something another use before it's finished its life cycle. As I said, clothes pot is one in Ireland that's very, very useful. And big orange containers where I live, there's like ten of them in a row, so there is always space and they take most kinds of clothing and will either recycle them or resell them for charity. They have a map on their website where you can see all the places around Ireland. Where, wherever you are in the world, Look at your local recycling centers and see what the rules are. Or see if there's any places that will take in rags or clothing by the pound and maybe by waste and give you some money back for them. But see if there's a way that you can donate, recycle, reuse clothing rather than going straight into the bin because then that's its final destination. 19. Pro Tips: Magic Missing Pieces?: So another thing that's interesting is considering if you have items in your wardrobe that you love, that you want to keep but you don't wear. Sometimes this is because there is just something missing from your wardrobe. It's almost like there can be pieces of clothing that unlock other ones. This can be shoes, this can be jewelry. I often find a good card again or something like I might not wear a dress or a small little Kamei or something. If I'm afraid I'm going to be cold if I don't have the right thing to go over it. Or maybe something is to addressee or into casual. But if you added a bit of jewelry to it, suddenly it becomes useful. Or you have a beautiful dress or skirt or something. But the kinds of shoes you have are just not right. Like they're uncomfortable or they're not smart enough or they don't match this style. It's, these are the kinds of clothing you go. What did I do before I own this? You're so grateful for them. So often these pieces can be, maybe it's a neutral tone. So like a simple pair of black beige kind of shoes can unlock a lot of different colors. And this is where knowing your color palette really helps. Then also something like a card. Again, for me, it's very important that it's not itchy, that it's not too chunky. You, Granny is true whenever. B, when you go and you say, I love that piece, but dig a little deeper into the why you're saying, but I'm not going to wear it. It might, it might be that you just need to unlock it with a complimentary piece of clothing, jewelry, shoes, the right bag, and give it a go. If something's too cold, maybe it needs some tights, then you'd be amazed by how much you actually wear it. Once you have what you need. 20. Pro Tips: Layering Up and Down: Layering. I loved layering both for comfort and for utility. If you can manage it, find some magic pieces of clothing. Whether that's shirts, dresses, trousers that you can wear fancy, or you can wear really casual. But you can wear in cold weather and in warm weather by adding and subtracting things in colors that look good on you all year round. So say this dress. You could layer nice turtleneck, feel like me. I'm under it, put some warm boots on, some tights and a card again. And you've got a very smart looking wintery outfit. But maybe that same dress because it's in a cotton, it's not in a heavy wool or a real shiny fabric. It'll be light enough to wear in the summer. Flip-flops and a hat and off you go. And it's a magic dress that can be worn in multiple occasions. Perhaps you have a special occasion coming up quite a few high heels with it do your hair and ice and put on some jewelry. It's suddenly becomes something you can wear fancy. If you want to get a really, really crazy with it. You can layer a jumper over and make it look like you're wearing a skirt. Or if it's a very sheer fabric, very, very light. You could put trousers over it or even a skirt over it and turn the top part of the address into just a top. Find those magic pieces that mean that you can own one dress that can do many, many different jobs in a color that really suits you. Then off you go, you don't need 17 dresses. Maybe you can have a handful that are very, very versatile. 21. Pro Tips: Create a Fancy Capsule: One of the things I really love is capsule wardrobe. So this is a whole set of clothing that goes together. Everything matches. And it's like the whole thing we talked about before. And all of the clothing can be unlocked and warn that you're not struggling to find a cohesive outfit because you've planned it in advance. One thing that can be very helpful unless you are on a weekly basis wearing bowl gums and have a whole team to address you. You might want what's I'm gonna call a fancy capsule. This is items of clothing in your color, in your style. And that can be kind of dressed up in different ways. For me, I have an a few kind of darker winter friendly addresses and some summer brighter colors. So I've got the Christmas party, but also the summer wedding covered. This doesn't even have to end if you're, if you're a man, it's even easier. Just stick on a suit and wear a tie or don't blazer or something like that. A jumpsuit, fancy skirt. But as you can see, all of these Alphas similar color palette, There's purples and neutrals. Then what you need to do is gather selection of accessories. Now this is picking a color palette. This can either be different brightly colored scarves and shawls and simple jewelry bags, winter and summer shoes. So I have a pair of sparkly heels for summer occasions and I have a vector of these actually exact black high heel, warmer, but also easy to wear at winter fancy shoes. And they do mean they're perfect with tights and things like that. But what we have here is a lot of different combinations that we can wear. By having a simple base and outfit. You can decide to wear different jewelry way your hair different. Have a bag that is purposefully neutral color, that's big enough to hold maybe a flat pair of shoes and a few snacks for at a wedding, a bottle of water or something like that, but looks fancy, but goes with every single one of these outfits. What you'll find is that even if something pops up at the last minute, collector know what awards ceremony or an engagement party or anything like that. You have a whole array of things to choose from, but it's actually only a amount. So you don't have a lot to store. But you know that everything goes and you're covered. If you wanted to have a bit of fun and add some new pair of earrings or something like that. No big deal. You're not gonna be struggling. You're not gonna be spending hundreds of euros or dollars trying to find something to wear because you've already got it covered. And re-wiring is super sexy. Don't let anyone say you have to wear the same outfit for every occasion. Try a fancy capsule and see that you don't need to store as many clothes. And you can just take really good care of a small, well-curated selection. 22. Pep Talk: Pick a Drawer!: So my best best advice, just go for it. Choose a drawer and get decluttering. Don't put it off. Don't try and be perfect about it. Get your underwear drawer, get all of your belts, get all of your hats, and declared her them, put them into piles and just get started and finish something. Really. We can put things off for as long as we want, but we have to take that first step. So just keep it simple. Choose something and just get started. If you end up getting rid of nothing but organizing it nicely, at least you started a new tried and you practiced your new skill of de-cluttering. Next time you can be a little bit braver. You're never going to waste your time decluttering. If you find that you get emotional, you get stressed out. Observe yourself and say, what is it about this that so triggering, what is it about this? It's a scary. Does it remind me of a parent that said, Oh, no, you can't get rid of that. That's so irresponsible or water fight need this next week suddenly when an event comes up, think about what are those things that are coming up? And is there something you can do to alleviate that stress? As we talked about writing down, well, what's the worst-case scenario and how can I prepare for them? How can I adapt to that situation? And also giving yourself permission to fail, giving yourself permission to rebuy things. It won't be the end of the world, but just pick a drawer, pick a shelf, grab a selection of hangers, declutter. I'll give yourself a pat on the back because I'm cheering for you and I promise it will make such a difference. 23. Wardrobe Organisation: Fold or Hang?: I want to talk about organizing your wardrobe to make it last. It's very, very important that we care for our clothes. Because if we have a smaller selection of them, they're gonna be warned more. They need care. They need to be kept in the right condition and in the right way so that you can find them. You can enjoy them. And we do our best. We are loyal and careful with our resources on our clothes, and we can just enjoy them more. So let's talk about organizing your wardrobe. Should I hang or should I follow up, dude, I won't be I won't be dorky about it. Have you ever been like, oh, it's like, do I even like, is there even space in my wardrobe or what should I do, or what should be folded. As you can see here, I'm a fan of the kahn Murray method of folding where you can see everything but not everything is appropriate to fold like this. Some things are chunky and they just won't fit. Or sometimes if you have a lot of black t-shirts and some of them have long sleeves and some of short sleeves. It's hard to say. Which one is this, but completely unfolding everything. Here's what I suggest. Once you to hang things that needs to hold a shape that maybe you would need to iron. So dresses, so they don't crumble. Shirts with a stiffer fabric and some nice blazers and jackets, things that need to be kept smart. Good idea to hang them. You can imagine they're not going to do very well folded up. You've probably tried bringing them on holidays and then you have a nice crumpled shirt that you want to wear. Fun fact, I am generally iron all my clothing as soon as I get into my hotel room, I find it one of my little rituals that settles me into my new environment. And then I'm ready to go, but not everybody wants to be ironing on holidays. What should you fold? Well, there are a few different things. It's a good idea to life flat unfold things that are made of stretchy fabrics or heavy that have wool. Because what will happen is they will stretch, they will pull and they won't be as nice and kept in shapes. So keep them tenderly. Depending on how chunky there, you might just need to fold them in half and stuck them on top of each other. But if you can, I do enjoy having things folded. The QALMRI method. Then also think about things that might be difficult for you to hang. So short. Sportswear, things like that. You can have clip hangers. But what is going to encourage you to grab that and to put it away the easiest. As you can see in the picture here, I have some drawer dividers. These ones are from ikea. They were about €8. I really like them putting things by category and putting them in a way that you can easily see them and easily grab them. Or if you just find you hate hanging things like I actually filled a lot more than I hang. Take that option as long as it won't compromise the fabric and cause any wrinkles and things like that. The other thing I suggest is, as I said before, if you've got things that are short sleeved, long-sleeved, maybe have a box that is for long-sleeved only and short sleeved only or even tank tops and have them separated. Sometimes folding is too much. So I used to fold my underwear and now I just have one big box about this size. On one side I keep light ones and then dataset to keep dark ones. And that's perfect for me. I have a small one that I keep my sport socks and ankle socks and then another one for big chunky socks that I can see what I need, that I can put them away easy. Because if you have a barrier to putting things in, where do they land? They land on the chair, they land on the floor. They go places that are not your dedicated Cloud Storage. I hope that helps. Do what makes sense to you and take care of your clothes so they will last longer. Lastly, on that note, as I said, there are some wonderful drawer dividers and divide it by category or by function available All, in all sorts of places. You can see over the opposite way to you. Over on the left there, we have a tie is belt, socks, indifferent drawers, and things stacked vertically. You don't want things on top of each other because then you can't see what you have at a glance and also don't overfill because then you can't add anymore and that defeats the purpose. Then over on the right you can see we've got our nice little sunglasses lined up. We've got belts and things. Divided by category. Let's say you wanted to do sportswear. You could decide either to put your sport socks with your socks, or you could decide that you want to keep all of your sports things together. So you have all your sports t-shirts, leggings, things. It's up to you. Whatever reduces the barrier to you getting dressed is what you should do. Go forth, unfold and hang. 24. Wardrobe Organisation: 3 Ways to Arrange Clothes: How should we organize things in our wardrobe? This could be something that comes to you very intuitively and you know exactly how you want things organized or it might be something you want to think about it a bit more. As I said before, if it helps you get dressed, that is the best system. But here are a few options if you want to think about it in a different way. Firstly, maybe you want to organize things by clothing type. Maybe you have drawers, shelves, whatever it is that you're using. And you put all of your trousers together regardless of function. You put your t-shirts together, you put your dresses together. And so you can browse them by type. And you always know if you're looking for a top, that's where a top will be. It might be that you'd like to color coordinate and to organize things by color. Well, that's just perfectly fine. So here we've got all our gray are blue and red together and maybe you can have them in graduation, whatever, or maybe you put all the tops to one side of the color category and the shoes by the trousers to the other. Doing it by color can be good as well. So if that's something that we'll draw your eye and go, Yeah, I want to wear my purple jumper. You know exactly where to look because you can see the purple popping out in front of you. Or as I said before, maybe you want to arrange by occasion. Maybe you want to keep your formal wear over to the right. You're more summary things at your sport, He things somewhere else. Because when you're getting dressed for work, you're looking at work stuff and when you're getting dressed for other occasions, up at other things and that's perfectly fine. It might be that you have a very versatile wardrobe as we talked about before. You want to have clothing that can be worn casually as well as at work, as well as out to dinner and things like that. So it might be that because they're so hybrid in nature, you don't want them by occasion really is up to you in deciding if it's a site of a wardrobe or if it's all of the things are folded our first certain purpose and all of the things that are hung up or for a different purpose. That's absolutely fine as well. But here are just three ways that you can organize things. And my best advice to you is to experiment, try something out. And if you find, you're just like can't find things. It's frustrating after a few weeks. Try something different. Because sometimes we have the best intentions, but our inner selves as we're going about our day will tell us what's working and what isn't working. But if in doubt, give it a go, try it out and you might find that you really enjoy getting dressed because you've arranged your clothes in a different way. 25. Wardrobe Organisation: Eliminate the Chair: Now here is my advanced scary bravest tip yet is to eliminate the chair. Do you have a chair? Do you have somewhere in your in your bedroom, your spare room scene? The chair in bathrooms, even in living rooms. The things that are not quite dirty but not quite clean. So they aren't ready for laundry. You don't want to hang them up. I want you to think about how the chair makes you feel. Because a few things are happening here. One, this is visual clutter and we know that things in our visual field causes stress. They make it harder for us to do things. It's the mental to-do list. Seeing things out might be causing you to have a visit. A physical reaction of stress. Cluster also attracts more clutter. So if you see things, you're more likely to put things down and they will accumulate the purpose of them being there so you can grab them. When there are so many things on the chair, you don't even know what's there and you won't wear them in the way that you think you will. So my suggestion if you're feeling like being brave, is to eliminate the chair, is to take off pieces of clothing instead of do a sniff test, have a look for stains, whatever it is, spot clean, fresh in them up and put them back in the wardrobe. Or say that they are ready for laundry, caught out the middleman. If you want, you could hang them up and put them in a separate section of your wardrobe. But if they are out of sight, you don't have the chair that room, that space is going to be so much calmer for you to deal with. I promise. So be brave and eliminate virtue. 26. Wardrobe Organisation: Divided Laundry Bags: One of my favorite favorite systems that we have implemented in my home is divided laundry bags. We keep it as simple as this and we do light and dark. The good news is that when one of these is full, it's about the same size as our washing machine. The drum is this size, so we know that if it's full, we can put on a load and then there is no sorting. There was no accidental red sock in with the whites because we have done this on a case-by-case basis. When we get undressed, things go directly into the right one. Now unless we are throwing them across the room and they accidentally go in the wrong one. It's a pretty good system for cutting out a step in the laundry process. If you find sourcing a pain and stressful on your running around looking for whites. This will help. So if you want, you can stick with the two or you can add a delicate basket. You could add whites up to you. But systems like this, we've got one from ikea and it actually comes with bags that can go on and off the frame. You can get fancy ones. You can even just get to laundry baskets. It doesn't have to be divided like this. But what I'll say is eliminating that step. As you take the clothes off, you sort them, it makes a huge difference. And it makes it so that laundry is just a grab and go. Pop it in the thing and you don't have to sort them. So try this and I promise you it will have a huge impact on your laundry. Building up in a way that is stressful for you and hard to make. 27. Wardrobe Organisation: Shave Your Jumpers!: Lastly, I want to talk a little bit about ways that you can save money and save the environment with your jumpers. So sometimes you have your favourite jumper and overtime it gets a bit bully or what is called pilling. Now, I am not a particular fan of itchy jumpers. Some minor synthetic and they are more prone to it. And often it's under the armpit, it's places that are getting rubbed more. What you can do is you can shave your clothing. I have a deep pillar. I don't have the best It's not the best thing ever. It gets a bit tired. But if you sit down, stick on your favorite TV show and some headphones and you just spend a bit of time shaving and detailing your clothes. For the price of 20 minutes of work on a few year jumpers, you get a whole brand new looking jumper. You don't have to go and read bias because sometimes I find them like, Oh, I have to go get another base jumper. I would encourage you to do what you can't soak up the whole patch detail. Just even use eraser. And you'd be amazed by how fresh or clothes look and you can give them new life. 28. Class Project: Declutter One Drawer Today!: See your assignment for this class is to go and find one drawer, one section of hung clothing and declutter them. Just one small chunk. So take a selection of clothes bringing to the bed, sort them into piles. Or maybe take the contents of one drawer, sort them into piles, keep keep throwaway, and then deal with those piles. At the end of the day, I wanted to see a nice clear bed. Some things that are going out to be donated and given away. Best of luck.