Declutter Your Mind and Feel Lazer Sharp Again | Eunice Chan | Skillshare

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Declutter Your Mind and Feel Lazer Sharp Again


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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Declutter Your Mind


    • 2.

      Creating Space & Availability


    • 3.

      Grab A Journal - Setting the Container Apart


    • 4.

      Inner Investigation


    • 5.

      Release Restrictions and Confinements


    • 6.

      Listening to your Feedback Mechanism


    • 7.

      Openness creates Clarity


    • 8.

      Shifting and Building Momentum


    • 9.

      Propel Yourself Forward + Next Steps


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About This Class

We've all been there...

Sometimes an event, a thing, a person, a circumstance... can snowball into something much greater.

You're far too overwhelmed to focus and there's too much piled on top of you and you can't even think straight.

Deadline are near, time is ticking, you're starting to feel the tension, and your stress level is through the roof.

Here is where you could SERIOUSLY use some decluttering.

My favorite go-to method of pressure release. And you can do this anywhere, for as long as you have your notebook and a pen.

Get yourself ready for a nice, relieving brain dumping, tension relieving exercise that will sooth your racing thoughts and bring you back into a state of lazer sharpness.

Gone are the days of wrangling your thoughts to the ground, or just try to "think positive"... only to find your mind interrupting yourself before you could even finish your thought.

Kick the habit of overthinking and find true peace that is actually here to STAY.

Grab a journal and a pen. and let's get decluttering!


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Eunice Chan


Level: Beginner

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1. Declutter Your Mind: Hello and welcome. I am so happy that you are here in this course today, we are going to talk about how to declutter your thoughts. Let out the inner emotions that are weighing you down, and learn to come back to feeling laser sharp again. So this is for you. If you feel like There's just some feelings that are running in your programming, your background that is distracting you from processing the things that actually matter. That is holding you back from productivity, that is holding you back from making important decisions. You are going to love this class because we're going to move you from that place to a place of feeling. So crystal clear, light and liberated from all the junk that you've been feeling so that you can power through your day forward. My name is Eunice, and I am so excited to be on this journey with you. 2. Creating Space & Availability: So one of the things that actually happen a lot of the times when we start feeling the clutter come up and we start feeling overwhelmed with emotions. We start feeling overwhelmed with feelings, is that our body goes to coping mode. And what that looks like when we get into coping mode is that sometimes we will distract ourselves from actually processing the feelings. We will, we may screw on our phones. We may just watch TV, we may just lounge around, we may just distract ourselves. Maybe gossip and all the things that take our attention away from the things that actually matter, the things that we actually need to look at. So the first thing to really do is acknowledged when you start to cope. And coping could look very different for every single person. So my personal way of coping is online shopping. When I feel stressed, when I'm under a lot of pressure and when I feel a lot of like self judgment, I start inter like I start online shopping. So this is my way of coping. And I've already identified that when I feel stress, this is what I tend to do. So it's very important to recognize, Oh, you have a certain coping method and mechanism that distracts you from taking care of your emotions. And once you identify that, it's important to open yourself up to feeling safe, to actually processing those feelings. Instead of making yourself feel guilty afterwards, instead of punishing yourself, instead of tell yourself, oh, I shouldn't have watched TV for so long, or I've been scrolling for the past half an hour. Oh, I've been Internet I've been online shopping for the past like two hours and so on, so forth. Instead of feeling guilty about that, really have the curiosity to dive deeper and look into, All right, what is available for me here? What am I being invited to look into? And with that level of curiosity, we can actually open ourselves up to understanding what is underneath the surface instead of punishing ourselves because that tends to repeat the pattern. And so what we wanna do is have a lot of grace, have a lot of compassion for ourselves, have a lot of love and encourage ourselves to just let go of those coping mechanisms and come to a space where I am ready to process this now. 3. Grab A Journal - Setting the Container Apart: One thing that I also really like to highlight on is the fact that I use one journal for de-cluttering only. Now why do I not use other journals to do this? Why don't I use other notebooks and blended with other materials and thoughts and my other notebooks to do this, will I do this for a very specific reason? The reason why I make sure that I just have one notebook or one journal to contain all my decluttering is that I kinda see it as a container. And this container contains very heavy emotions. Sometimes it contains your anger, your frustration, all the things that you're processing, all the things that you feel like are weighing you down. So it's going to feel very different from when you are writing about your ideas and your inspirations or your bucket list are the things that you want to do. So the nature of the content is very different, and therefore the experience of writing is also very different as well. So I want to make sure that when I am brain dumping and decluttering all my emotions onto, onto handwriting. I want to make sure that is contained in a place where the energy and the emotions of that will not spill into other work that I do. It will not spill into the ideas that I have for my business or the ideals that I want to do in life, it will not sort of contaminate my other areas in life. And so I just really like to keep a contained in one notebook. And every single time I close the journal, I finished it cluttering. I actually feel really good like closing it and putting it away because I know I've already done that job for myself. So I encourage you to have just one notebook for that only one journal. And try not to write that material into your other notebooks or containers or folders and mix that up with other kinds of energy. 4. Inner Investigation: What's really important about this process is that we're doing it for the intention of opening ourselves up for investigation and opening ourselves up to get to know ourselves deeper. So the intention is not to just flip a switch and say, I want to feel better immediately. I don't want to feel better right now. And and to give yourself that kind of pressure and time limit to say, I only have 15 minutes to process this emotion. That's not the goal. We want to give ourselves plenty of space to make sure that we allow ourselves to experience it, investigate it, let all the substance come out so that nothing remains suppressed. Nothing is being pushed down. So grab a journal. This is going to be such a fun exercise. Grab a journal, grab a pen, and write down all the things that are coming up for you. And I really identify, this is what I would love for you to do, is identify the emotion. And you can write with the first-person point of view. I feel like I feel or part of me feels like that represents how you feel. Now one thing that is important is that there is no right or wrong way to do this. So if you don't really find the word that accurately describes how you feel, just allow yourself to continue writing a continue your continued to find the words and find the expression until it feels right for you. 5. Release Restrictions and Confinements: So perhaps my favorite part about de-cluttering and my method of doing it this way is that no one's going to read her stuff so you can do it however the heck you want. This is really good news because a lot of times when we feel a lot of emotions, we feel a lot at the same time. And sometimes our thoughts are not even incomplete sentences. So it's important that we allow ourselves to experience our thoughts and the way that they come to us and really stay true to how our thoughts are coming to us and just articulating them and expressing them into writing. So that means if you're not thinking in complete sentences and your thoughts are kind of coming out and fragments. And it's coming out in point forms. It's coming out in words, it's coming out in imaginary. Write it however it comes to you. So this is the part where we are learning to honor our thoughts. And we're learning to honor the nature of our thoughts. Instead of trying to write in complete sentences, instead of trying to write a complete paragraph, just write how ever your eye, your feelings and thoughts are coming to you. And that is going to do so much good. This is going to actually encourage you to open up more because you don't have a gate to grade yourself. You don't have that gate of judgment to say, Oh, I'm writing it correctly or oh, there was a misspelling. Oh, there was a grammatical error in your your brain is like trying to scan for them. So let it go. There are absolutely no rules and just riff about all those feelings and emotions and just unleash all of them. It is safe for you to do so. It is safe for you to do so. And it's important that you remember that. 6. Listening to your Feedback Mechanism: So to answer the question, how long am I supposed to do this for? The answer is there is no definite answer. And the reason I want you to really pay attention to this is because there is a very important feedback mechanism in our bodies. This feedback mechanism is how we feel. So through this exercise, time is actually not the main measurement of how successful this activity was for you and how relieved you feel or how much you have declutter the time is not the measurement. I can't tell you, oh, spend five minutes on this exercise and you will feel completely clear it out. That's not the point. So if time is not the measurement than what is if every single person is going to take a different amount of time to fear field cleared out. Then what we've actually got to look for is the internal feedback that we feel from within our body to let ourselves no, and notify ourselves that okay. I feel like I need to dig a little deeper. I feel like there's still more things to be expressed. I feel like there's still some substance that I need to feel, feel into and I need to write a little more about and give yourself more space and time to do that. And if at any point you feel like, Okay, I feel like all of the things that I can't write about has already been expressed. I feel a lot lighter. I feel clear headed. I feel like I can focus again. I feel energized again. I feel connected to my purpose. Again. Close the book, put it away and you're done for the exercise. So remember, time is not the limit. Time as not the measurement. What we're measuring here is how fulfilled we feel, how satisfied we feel, how much liberated we feel, how much more lighter we feel after this exercise. And once we feel like, okay, I have really taken the time to take care of myself to enclose a book. You're done with the exercise and you can put it away. 7. Openness creates Clarity: One thing that is also really worth mentioning is that as you are carrying yourself into this exercise and you're leading herself through this journey. But it's really important to remember. It's not about controlling the outcome. Now, I know that we all have intentions to do something and we all want to come out feeling better. And it's really important to allow ourselves to just hold space to feel the things and feel the feelings and emotions. Instead of going in with an agenda and pressure, putting the pressure on yourself to say a need to feel better, I need this to happen. I need to come to a resolution. I must find an answer. I must put this pressure on myself. What happens when we put this pressure on ourselves is that there's actually more compounded emotions that mold supply on top of the original feelings that you have been feeling, but you have been experiencing that multiplies on top of the pressure and the time limit that you've been giving herself. So just like go, like go and have no expectations, let go of the outcome. And soon after you will feel that there is a sense of clarity that comes through for you. This feeling of clarity can only come when you are not giving pressure to yourself. And you just allow yourself to be open-minded and have an open-ended approach for this exercise. And see just what happened and what is the outcome on the other side. 8. Shifting and Building Momentum: So as you are riffing, writing, letting your heart out, pulling your eyes out, just writing out all the things that you have bottled up within you. You will come to a point where you will feel a tiny shift of energy. Now it's really important to feel and notice the shift of energy and when it happens and how it feels. And it's going to feel very different for everyone. And it's going to be different for every situation because you're going to be writing for different reasons. Every time. You will have different things to declutter, you will have different emotions to, to spill. And so the shift of energy is going to show very differently every time. For some it's going to feel like a sense of relief for some as gone to feel. There's a slight bit of hope. There's more optimism. You'll feel like, Oh my gosh, I can, I can breathe again. Oh my gosh, things are not as bad as they seem. Oh my gosh, I am safe. All right. So as you notice these feelings allowing yourself to just spend a little more time there, right? And really move into, move into the different energy, move into that different space, and follow that train of thought. Don't just declutter and close the book and just allow yourself to expand a little more into the shift in energy so that, that momentum of thought is going to carry you into your day. 9. Propel Yourself Forward + Next Steps: The last and final step of this exercise, we are wrapping this all up and we wanna make sure that we are doing this and the most powerful way. So what I would love to ask you to do right now is ask yourself and write down anything that's coming through for you. What are the inspired steps that I'm ready to take? What are the decisions that I have made? What are some of the new ideas that have been brought forth for me through this thought process. What are the new perspectives that have shifted for me through this exercise? How do I feel differently now? How do I see the situation differently now? What am I ready to do? What am I prepared to do? And allow yourself to just write about this, elaborate a little bit on it. And this is going to be such a powerful closure piece for you to wrap up the energy in this exercise and in this notebook before you send yourself into the next thing you're about to do, the next activity, the next plan and act stage in your life. And it's going to give you the momentum to send you off because you're ready spinning in those, in those quality and the quality of those thoughts. So enjoy this exercise. Let me know what is your outcome. Let me know what was your favorite part about this exercise? And grab yourself a journal and really allow yourself to start doing this today. This has changed my life and I'm sure that it is going to change yours. My name is Eunice and it was a pleasure to be honest journey with you.