1. Cryptocurrency · Digital Assets · Blockchains · NFT's · Literacy For The True Crypto Verse Beginner: Hello, good morning, good
afternoon, good evening. Wherever you are in the world, I want to welcome you. My name is Thomas seen
as Healy and I have created this course
on crypto currencies, blockchains, and
FFT's digital assets. Just for you, the
beginner, beginner, beginner crypto, verse Explorer, you know, Bitcoin
dropped in 2009. I don't know where I was
but I didn't pick up on it. They in 2015 rolled around mere cubs each theory
them, you know, these words, this language, this crypto speak
that's out there. It was an actual barrier to me absorbing what was
really going on. In 2000 AD app finally
woke up thinking, what is, this is like learning a second
or third language. And I think I've blocked it out. So for the last three years, I've been spending my time
trying to understand exactly where all this bits in my life and my
investment portfolio. And I've come to realize
this is important stuff. And although as an economics
major and an MBA in finance and I'm used to doing the quantitative versus
qualitative analysis. And that's just not
possible really when you have cryptocurrency with
no numbers to crunch, you truly have to dive
into the product. And so that's what I did. And so I want to bring
all this information at all this knowledge to you
and let you know that it is the vocabulary
of cryptocurrency that stopping you probably
from moving forward. I mean, think about it. See praise, gas
fees, market cap, digital asset, while it
4k saw board, hard fork. Who created these words? What is this all about? So all of them by a
goal of this course, is to demystify all
of this for you. You are going to be fluent
in cryptocurrency, NFT, these digital assets,
block chains, and know exactly
what all this means. Because of that,
it's the foundation that you need if
you are going to explore this asset universe. So strap yourself
in a promise you, by the time you've
finished this course, you will be able to
hold a conversation with hands down on
cryptocurrency. You will understand when
you open up that newspaper, open up those
financial magazines, you will know now
what's going on. You're going to understand
the various segments of cryptocurrency and
you're going to understand the role of it. It potentially is about
to play and is currently playing out in America
and around the globe. So thank you very
much for joining me. And this is definitely for
that beginner student. You are going to
learn all you need to know in terms of
having a conversation. And I can't wait to
quiz you through the, you know, the length. Of course, as you can see, I mean, I just gotta
get some water. I'm so excited that I don't even know
what to say anymore. So jump in, jump in and
join me on this journey. See you in the next lecture.
2. Part I · Vocabulary and Concepts · Cryptocurrency · Digital Assets · Blockchains · NFT's: Hey, welcome back,
it's time, Athena, and Yup, I got my
water and that's true. I'm sweating like this
has really been excited. Anyway. I've got my notes,
so let's get started. This is the section where
you're going to learn all of your core terminology for cryptocurrency digital assets
in FTEs and blockchains. All right, Let's get gone. A digital asset. And again, I like
to create triggers. Digital, simplest
term, cane touch it. And now it's going to be
a little untraditional. But this is the way that you're going to remember these terms. So as you're opening up your
financial trades, Forbes, Fortune Magazine,
Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, and
you see digital asset. It can be a digital asset. You'll bank statement when you receive it electronically
is a digital asset. So digital asset is just something that's
stored digitally. How about that? That's it. Digital money. There's that term
again, digital. That means you can't touch
it. That's your trigger. What's a digital asset? Became touch it. It's anything that's
thought digitally in air. What's digital? Money? Can't touch
it. It's there. It exists. Cash. You can touch it. Dollar, touch it. Euro, you can touch it. Real estate, you can touch it. Those are all assets. You can touch. Digital asset. You can't touch it
stored somewhere. Next, What's a wallet? Well, while it is exactly what
it is in real life, okay, and cryptocurrency
language, while it is where you store your cryptocurrency. In real life, your wallet is
where you store your money. See how either this
is going to be. So wallet, a digital one, but it's where you store
your cryptocurrency. That's all. Okay. You have no physical
access to it. What's cryptocurrency? Clo repetition here. Cryptocurrency is
a digital asset. Where do you store
your cryptocurrency in your digital wallet? Too easy, right? It's a digital currency used
to buy goods and services. And that's where you're
going to be doing your research because
later on you're going to now be taking
this information and digging deeper. So now you know digital asset. What's a digital asset? It came to touch it name a
digital asset, cryptocurrency, electronic bank
statements, anything you can't touch
was digital money. Cryptocurrency is digital money. What's a wallet? A place where you store
your cryptocurrency. What's cryptocurrency? A digital asset. Let's move on. What's a crypto asset? The same as a digital asset. What's the digital asset? Crypto currency like,
Okay, what's a token? A token is just another
word for crypto currency. See how they try to compare. Because obviously I've
also did the same thing. They come up with
all these words allowable me the same things, but they say it different ways. And then you'd have to seek
out an expert to figure it out then and now you're turning over your money
two minutes part. Not doing that. You're going to understand
the language of a Feizi. Oh, I have 20 tokens.
What are tokens? Digital assets. Did US cryptocurrency. Token cryptocurrency
saying, okay, what is a polling? What's a coin? What's a coin? And
in real life, yeah, $0.10 or 10000 team in France, a euro, a cooling hard currency. You can catch it. What are the digital
value of a polling? Where does the coin live? Some blockchains have
different names for coins, bit coin. Mostly. A point in that
crypto universe is just that unit of
currency, Bitcoin. It's a coin. Ethereum
is a cooling. That's what the token. Cryptocurrency. What is cryptocurrency? It's a type of coin. What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin as a cryptocurrency, it's also a digital ask that
he exists not in your hands, but up there somewhere. Okay. What's the block chain? And I love this one. I had a group of 13
year-olds I was talking to about cryptocurrency
and this new thing. And they were struggle
in trying to understand. And I said, You know
what, a blockchain, that's where digital currency sleeps while it's
waiting to be treated. After it's created. It's gotta live somewhere. A digital current that their house is called
the block chain. That's their home,
That's where they live. So I want to thank
the same thing to you because when I
gave them a quiz, those 13-year-old, I said, where does Bitcoin live? And they set. 13 years old. Well, because you got the image. So that's all about
chaining is I'm going to read it to
you specifically if a network of independent but
connected blocks of a D, centralized computer
network, block chain, one Bitcoin transaction is added to the block
and then verify on the block chain and then he just sit there waiting to be treated. Block chain where they live.
It's where they sleep. Cryptocurrency. Every cryptocurrency
that's created has to live somewhere. So I guess what
each cryptocurrency out there all 15
thousand of them. They all live on a where
where do they sleep? On the block chain,
that's really sleep. And that's where
they get verified. That the block thing,
What's a block? The block is just one
of those sections. A computer file on
the blockchain. Do you need to know
all these terms? No. But I'm sharing them with you because it's the language and it's a language you
will now be able to have with your
financial advisor, whoever is helping you manage your money or in your
own personal life, block, little section
of that block chain. Listen to this. A block as a computer
file that keeps a record or ledger of crypto currency transactions
during a given period. One block in the Bitcoin on
the blockchain, see, a block, block chain is worth X, Y, Z of a cryptocurrency nap or
you can fuse at this point, no, I haven't done
anything to confuse you. Digital assets, sleep
wear on blockchains, cryptocurrencies, sleep
wear on blockchains. What's the BOP, one
little segment of that digital currency
sleeping on the block saying, Okay, Now take
that word bitcoin. What's Bitcoin? A
cryptocurrency. What's eat theory,
and a cryptocurrency, where do they sleep on their
individual block chains? You already know more now
than 50 percent of America. Let's go distributed ledger. What's that had distributed as just another name
for block chain. You can check that on. You may never need it. But just in case you hear
about a distributed ledger, you see how they
tried to confuse us. This is why APA, it cost me money in 2018
and wanna do all this, but I should have
it cost me money. All right, What's
the block height? Block height, the total number of connected blocks
in the block chain. And I'm going to put
these in your notes. You're going to see these
in the resource section. What's decentralization? Well, you know what
centralization is? Governance? Centralized system, air by again their
hands and everything. So what is de-centralized? Guess the road money
de-centralized. The principle of distributing power away from a central point. Centralized. You're bringing Bower
to a central point. When you have a
de-centralized block chain that is an oxymoron because
blockchains are designed, crypto currency is
designed to be D, centralized away from
us Center, okay? Beer to beer. Well, that's the
same as network. And in the United
States, I'm having a peer to peer network
based payment. Well, think about that
and cryptocurrency, that's direct networking
between two computers, each one of them
without a cent dry. Last third party with
that goes without saying because cryptocurrency
is what de-centralized. Okay? Peer to peer decentralized networks
talking to each other. What's a protocol?
Well, you know, if you're participating in a protocol and National
Institutes of Health, or they're doing a protocol and a new steady COVID
vaccination protocol, setting up rules
and regulations. Same in cryptocurrency. What's the protocol and
cryptocurrency there? They're creating, they're
creating new, new, new blocks, new decentralized a div, creating something new. They're studying something new. Protocol algorithm you learned in seventh grade, a
mathematics term. What do you think it is? Is it's a recipe,
it's a formula. So our algorithm, even in the real world, is
easy to understand. Oh, what does the algorithm for? Blah, blah, blah. Same in
cryptocurrency algorithm, a formula used to generate
keys crypto currencies rely on algorithms formulas so that they can work well on the block. Hey, encryption, same as
an everyday conversation. You know, that's
something that's tight. So when you encrypt something, you can't get into it. Okay? So encryption is just
a type of legible texts. They put an embed into that cryptocurrency so that
you can get it in there. It's also known as cryptography. Okay? The origin of cryptocurrencies begin
with cryptography. Cryptography, cryptography. Then they do a number on it. This vocabulary. What's a hash? We all know it has hashtags are, take it a little further. So I hash is just a
string of numbers and letters to verify a submitted transaction
on the Blockchain. Thomasine is
guaranteed by theorem. So by Theorem, boom, my hash is created and now he has to verify my transaction. Hash is what's a hash rate
where you know what right is. Where does the rate of
speed, rate of lightning, the rate at which a rate of nothing but a
measurement of speed. So a hash rate is going to
be the rate of speed at which this transaction
is processed. Rate go with the context clues. T's. And you then I gave you four
multiple choice answers. You had to eliminate tooth because they weren't
going to work. The other two youth
use context clues. Well, that's how I got through all mine literacy
for cryptocurrency. I use context clues. A rate is a rate is a rate. It's something you
can measure, okay? What is a public key? As it relates to cryptocurrency? That is a string of letters and numbers that identified
your wallet. What's a wallet where you store your group do occur
on the blockchain. So i, public key is
your less like a word. Just like your address on your bank's Daimyo
rubbing numbers, public key, routing numbers to your wallet on the blockchain. Yeah, I was just getting
repetitious here. What's a private key? That's the password.
With your debit card. Use that password.
That's a public key and cryptocurrency speak
that is a private key, a string of letters and numbers that lock your wallet
when you're reading, you never share
your private key. Just like good, never
share your pin. Now you can see
why duct in 2018, we must then brought
all this to make. My brain was not ready for this. And he's reading that what the seed phrase SegPhrase
a bizarre term, but it's a 12, 18, or 24 word phrase that
you only have access to, which act as a backup
to your private key. Now you know, you know, Google
makes you do all these. Give us some
different phrases in keys in case you lose
your first bath words, we can come in and authenticate
you use and someone else. Same in cryptocurrency, Yossi, That's that private
praise is going to unblock that account for you. You never shared and you'd
never share your private key. These are all terms you
learn a new language. Get on board. I'm going to be quizzing you. What's a wallet? Again, use your quiz while
I do the file in the blog saying that receives or cryptocurrency what's
in your wallet. You know that V is
a commercial law that nothing significant here. That's just where your brand is, that's where your money is. That's where your
cryptocurrency is. Can you touch cryptocurrency? Know why? It's a digital ads that it leaves the outside
in the universe. What's a hot wallet? Well, just the term
alone should tell you something, hot versus cold. While I don't hot wallet, you connect it to the Internet. You get it's
convenient, it's quick. Uh, you know, there are more
susceptible to hacking. It's hot, it's open,
it's connected. What's the code while
it is all VLAN? It's offline. So this is the kind of law that protects your crypto hacking. You're gonna keep your
wallet hot or cold. Now you know, if you
turn on the hot water, you stick your hand and
you can pull it out quick. So think about that in
terms of your wallet. You don't want your
while it would be hot. Don't connect your wallet, your crypto wallet
to the Internet. Keep your wallet, coal, keep it on ice. Because this fun mining, there's a turn mining. Well, that's like the
gold rush in California. When you imagine if a goal, a man at the diamonds, you look up a sum num, well, guess what it needs and
cryptocurrency mining, you are creating new
cryptocurrency coins, coins. What's that big going? Ethereum, they're all
coins, tokens, um, mine at the new tokens, if somebody tells you that
there it is, look up the new. Here we go. Transactions that
are being verified. Groups of computers. I'm going to read this to you
when all the computers on the network except the
transactions, two things happen. A new block is
added to the chain. Oh, what's a block? We talked about it
as a section on the blockchain and a new coins are created and add
it to the block. That's what mining is, new coins and created
new coins are verified, new coins are added
to the blockchain. Every cryptocurrency and
its own private blockchain. So when you need go mining for
a specific cryptocurrency, they're creating new coins. What's the consensus? And that's the same
thing with here, a PTA or run if all bits are just talk into your friends and you're
looking for consensus, you have a component
of agreement. So that's the same thing. The consensus is an
algorithm that's in your cryptocurrency
that's looking for an agreement
of verification. You must make sure what's
happening is real. That's all consensus is. What's a mm, pull ME M POL, I don't even like this word. That means sound good. But it's a collection of verified and
submitted transaction sitting there waiting waiting to be confirmed and verify and then added as valid blocks. Look technical rank. You don't really
need to know that to start trading cryptocurrency, but at least you know
the word proof of work. You're going to need to
know that proof of work. Well, that's anything I need proof that something is true. How are you going to prove
it in a digital asset? Maintenance, it gotta
go to that computer, is going to prove
something for you. A protocol or algorithm. That algorithm is going to think about him banking at the end of the day when they
have to count that much. Some type of algorithm is confirming the amount
of dollars that were deposited that think that they same with cryptocurrency,
proof of work. This enables multiple
computers in the blockchain to compete to
mine blocks proof of work, the first community, the first computer, Mine's the block. He must prove that it used a certain amount
of energy before the new block can be
accepted on what blockchain. And that gets a
little complicated. That's not to put you to sleep. Let's go to proof of authority. Another algorithm,
proof of work, algorithm, proof of
authority and algorithm. What's authority?
A trusted source. What do you think that is with cryptocurrency, a
Trusted Computer. Context clues, proof
of stake algorithm. You now know three algorithms. Proof of work, proof of
authority, proof of state. Here's another one for
proof of activity. All of this is verification,
verification, verification. That's all you need
to remember them. Proof verification. What is an NFT? Here we go, non-fungible token. They have name this something else that they
really have to do. Non-fungible token. Here we go, pure definition, a file that
is stored within a block. A block is section on the block chain which cannot
be copied or replaced. Every NFT non-fungible token is unique like a fingerprint. You hearing a lot about
NMT is right now. In terms of digital art, was digital art something
you came to delegate digital asked that what's a
non-fungible token. Okay. Here we go. It's like a fingerprint. It's a unique
identification to something non-fungible tokens are
a kind of crypto asset. Remember, we got
crypto currencies. Now in a T's are crypto set, which is also a Digital and set. You will never touch it. You will never see it. Every time you'd say the word digital Udot is floating
around in the universe. So an NFT most often are
held on which block chain? What's a blockchain? That's where cryptocurrency
list most enacting these non-fungible tokens are held on the Ethereum
blockchain. Why? Because instead of, because they only want a
few people we sit in on their Blockchain
and guess what? It's Party of one, only one person go sit on
the block chain for Bitcoin. And that's bitcoin. If I'm on the other hand, they're like, Come on, come on. If you create any type
of digital asset, we can try to make it compatible with our
Ethereum network, which is why there are a
lot of people out there, say within a very
short period of time, I don't know how many years. But they think Ethereum, the price of it
Theorem is going to surpass the price
of Bitcoin because Ethereum has opened
its doors for so many more applications. Bitcoin, the doors closed, upgrade on our platform or you don't barium the doors open. Where you think I'm invest in a few dominance and
Bitcoin or Ethereum, mostly theorem and the
theorem type products because I think they are
indeed that then next future. Okay, what's the stablecoin? Well, the word stable, that just means steady. So stablecoin is something that's TI, because
something's steady. Us dollar, the euro goal, a stable coin means it's stable. It's not going to go up,
it's not going to go down. So you can research more
about stable coins. What does a node that's uptake term are known as the computer that's part
of the block chain. How many nodes are
on a block chain? Who knows there's
a whole network. Every block chain is
different numbers of nodes, but that's a word for you. What's a faucet? Think about water.
When crypto universe, a faucet is a reward system for you holding that cryptocurrency. So it's a reward system. So some cryptocurrency saying, Hey, if you buy us, if you hold us,
we'll give you x, y, and z of
cryptocurrency extra. Just return us.
That's the faucet. Okay. What's a whale? And cryptocurrency universe? The famous Vegas was
a whale allows Vegas. A whale is somebody I've
got a lot of money. They do a lot of gambling. They went on a lot of
money away in big, same in the crypto universe, a whale is a person who has a significant chunk of digital assets, specifically
Crystal. Crystal.
3. Part II · Vocabulary and Concepts · Cryptocurrency · Digital Assets · Blockchains · NFT's: Whale as a person who has a significant chunk
of digital assets, specifically crystal correctly
crystal crypto currency, that's a way of what's a nonce, a random number it has used
only wants to verify a block. Oops, what's the block? Little section on the black
chain, that new unit. So a nonce, random number generated only one time
just to verify block. When a block is submitted, a nonce is a dashed. Once it's confirm boat, that's a new block, then
it's added to the chain. Smart Contracts need noticed. That's a piece of code
that lives inside. It's like your heartbeat,
lives and sad. This inside the block chain whose purpose is to
execute that logic. The developer who created
that blockchain has put that smart contract in there and it can do
whatever it needs to do. It can be it can
be programmed to make a payout at a
specific trigger. It can be programmed to do
this, that this blockchains, smart contracts know
those words because that is the foundation
of cryptocurrency. Smart contracts or the wave, that's the wave of this whole
digital asset universe. Study up on smart contracts. It's essential that is such
a piece of code that you are going to want imbedded in your cryptocurrency to
control what it does. Smart contracts, you've got
big companies like Stripe and sway at how they're creating
block chains of their own. They're embedding smart
contracts to process payments. So we'll smart contract
versus weren't dumb contract. But a smart contract. That was the word baby
that till that code. What to do with your currency on its way
to the sleep block chain. Next, Solidity
programming language that's used to create. In theory, I'm smart
contracts, solidity. You don't need to
know that Oracle, a piece of code that takes this data from multiple sources, didn't know that Shane linking the process of linking two different
bit BAB block chains. For example, Bitcoin, any
theory and how you got to link them to
different blockchains. The Bitcoin block chain got
the theory and block chain. Every cryptocurrency is sleeps on a different block chain. How are you going to connect 15 different blockchains
by chain linking, what's a block explorer
or what's an explorer? Context clues. They go out there seeking, searching at the search engine. I think there's just a Serge and Nicole Explorer or the nip networks often explore. There you go. Explore a block explorer
Search Engine enables you to participate in
blockchain transactions. Okay, what's an Altcoin? You'll hear this a lot. Altcoin where you know, bitcoins a bit of a snob and
he barium, seconds knob. So they call everything else
after Bitcoin and Ethereum. Altcoins alternative, just like when you're
thinking about music. So I'm into alternative music. That's what an alt coin is. Now, Come on. Why would you give all
everybody's cryptocurrency, but why would Bitcoin
and Ethereum take the crown and let them
be the number 10. We're just so cool. We're the ones that's
goal of a major coins. Everybody else's an alternative
coin or an alt coin. So now you're going to know Bitcoin Ethereum coin, Altcoins, that's the name of
law, the others, auto car data and you've got thousands and
thousands of altcoins. What's that stable coin? Stable round peg in that coin to something
stable like what? The US dollar. And recently people
talking about gold, they're creating stable coins. Gold, UK. So Bitcoin, Ethereum, alt coin
is all the rest. And what's a stable coin? It's picked as something staple. Next, what do we got here? Decentralized finance. All right, That's
speaks for itself. Centralized finance,
somebody is overseeing it. Decentralized finance know
about is watching the game. Get ready because that is
the whole universe there. Crypto universe is a
decentralized market. So decentralized finance, think about that is based
on blockchains that getting verification from
outside sources de centralized. Let me read you specific
a financial service that is based on blockchain and
relies on smart contracts. What are smart contracts? That's code that's written in the blockchain to facilitate access to financial
and banking services, smart contracts,
de-centralized financing. What am I hearing here? I think banking, go start
getting worried a little bit. Yeah, you're going to be
hearing this. In banking. Big banks are getting
a little nervous with these decentralized
financial transactions. But guess what? They're common, they're here and
they're about to grow. Search crypto currencies. Google that crypto currencies
that were created for D, D hyphenated five, D,
centralized finance. See what comes up. They
might be the ones to watch, put them on your watch list. I'm never going to recommend anybody overly invest
in cryptocurrency. I just can't in good conscience. Bob and I recommend
you invest in an unregulated industry and
that's just crazy, you know? But if you're of that elk, where you want to do a little
bit more but your money, don't erase an edge
and figure it out. D Phi big industry, I think it's going to just blow up over the next few years. So I'm definitely interested
in that exchange. That's the same, that ending at the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, the Nasdaq and exchange of
money between two people. That's all it has is a
website that enables you to exchange
cryptocurrency for something like
dollars or euros or Coinbase at CSU I have that's one of the
popular centrally. It's Cryptocurrency exchange,
coin-based made history. It's the first cryptocurrency
exchange to go public. They are traded
now on the nasdaq. Can you believe it? Nobody
would have believed, not even six months ago, a year ago, two years ago. Can you imagine a crypto
currency exchange is traded on the nasdaq current price
today, $255 a share. Who would have thought
the normalization of cryptocurrency has begun and that we're going to end and y as my
nose itching so much, somebody must be coming. I think that's what my
grandmother would say. Coin. Let's talk about this. I'm
just going to read it to you. It was the first cryptocurrency
launched in 2009, the first ever crypto
coin, creative, if the most valuable, the largest market value Bitcoin is the elephant in the
room at this point. Okay, created
January third, 2009. So there you go. Bitcoin is the mother lode. Everybody else is
chasten. Bitcoin. Does Bitcoin her footsteps? Not yet, but I think soon. Okay. What's having HA
ALVINN g having two? Well, that was code that
was written into Bitcoin. Bitcoin has a limited
distribution of coins. And so they decided, hey, we are going to cut our number of coins is out there in the universe
every four years. To keep the value
high. Think about it. Limited supply had
become a smile. So they do this thing called
having every four years, it's just built into the block. So it's automatic. So, you know, bitcoins
going to stay mounted up next SATs, and that's not an exam, SEX, that's the smallest
unit of Bitcoin. It was named after
the image and creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto. So whether that's true, that we don't know, Bitcoin cash, that's a
peer to peer groups. You've heard that. What's peer to peer? Person to person. So Bitcoin cash, but
let's get going. That's an electronic cash
system that was bomb ever 4k. Uhd. We're going to talk
about that later. What's a book? Or you already know something
split in Bork in a row. Context clues What's a fork
with cryptocurrency self and split off bitcoin cash
split off from Bitcoin. What's a theorem? That second largest
cryptocurrency, I think they've
popped out in 2015. Barium is a crypto network,
a software platform. It can be used for
new applications. It goes beyond the basic
functions of a Bitcoin. That's why you,
barium appears to be the one to get cryptocurrency. What is Bitcoin a
cryptocurrency? What does bitcoin
a digital asset? What's a digital asset? An asset that exists
on the block chain. You're getting it. What? Iit there. Oh,
that's the unit. I'll be Theorem, an IEP, but the native cryptocurrency, what the smallest unit,
unit of ethereal? You don't really
need to know that, but it's called a G W. I greet the smallest
unit of ether. What's a smart contract? Contract? Here's your quiz and
algorithm program that NX the terms of the
contract automatically. It's programmed into the
cryptocurrency blockchain. It's programmed in
that automatically reacts to what it
is required to do. Smart contract. What's it? I see oh, well, you know what IPO is? Stock market initial
public offering. What's an ISP of Initial Coin
Offering? What's a coin? Cryptocurrency? So an I C, O is an
Initial Coin Offering. And yeah, I remember, you know, the stock market,
cryptocurrency market, although they operate
very similar, very different thing
about the stock market. Monday through Friday. The stock market
opens in the morning and closes at the closing
bell at the end of the day. Cryptocurrency market? Yeah, I'll sleep. He operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This is why the volatility is so much greater and the
risk is so much greater, at least the stock market has a beginning of the day
and the end of the day. Cryptocurrency, all day
loan currency is turned in. All right? What if the gas B, you're going to be hearing
a lot about these, what do you know if you go to
the pump, you pay for gas. So I'm going to
read this to you. The gas B is a B that the
miner, what does a minor? A person looking and
creating new coins. What's the Coin? Bitcoin Ethereum. Be the minor errors for
verifying and submitting transactions on the theorem
network to gas fees. You're going hear a lot about that because people complain. Gas B is do well in real life, the gas is to have it same
on the crypto universe. When you trade with the
theory and cryptocurrency, sometimes you get
a pig as the AFB. Be aware they do more
research on that. You want to try to find platforms
that have low gas fees. All right, What's digital goal? Bitcoin is commonly referred
to as digital code, is just a term they gave Bitcoin because they still had matted. They call them digital goal. What's a decentralized app? These are apps or
programs that run on a block chain outside the
control of a central authority? Did we really have to say that
we kind of know what these centralized me now
you've gone rogue. So a dApp or decentralized app, you're going to
read about these, you know, think about
it like synchronous. You make a post on Twitter. In it. Twitter was a dApp what the message was posted,
it couldn't be deleted. But Twitters and out of the app, Twitter can delete Joe
post with the dApp. You can't delete the post. So df decentralized
finance activities, they are complete
it using the apps. You cannot delete a transaction. It's like, you know,
like good or bad. With finance, That was good. It wasn't my delete in a
transaction, I just did. I got it. What I've done. Dx, Google them, study them. There are cryptocurrencies
that create the apps. They're going to be
something that's going to be needed for smart contracts. De facto as come on, You're getting there, look
at all of these segments. Of course, here we are. A fork is a split. For example, it is a
split that occurs and the blockchains algorithm with
an algorithm that formula. So now here's the block chain. Here comes a fork. You got a hard fork and
you got a soft fork. The fork and the
permanent update to the block chain bone
change, permanent. The blockchain has changed. Soft fork. That's a permanent
change in the protocol, the protocol, the phone. So a requires the computers up their stuff where it does
not change the block T, a heart Borg changed
the block chain. Completely different. Now everybody's got
to get on board. Now, the old block chain has gone and got a new blockchain, hard bore, sock or it just changes the
software, you gotta update. In that market capitalisation. We know that market cap where there's thought
bond mutual fund, how much does that baby worth? Same cryptocurrency. You're going to look
at the market cap. So I'm just seeing billions
of times, you see millions. We've been looking at, look at, look at bitcoins market can look at the theory
as Margaret Camp, compare some of the others. Huge. Okay, The flip running, you may hear that is
that such a bizarre turn the clipping and
all that means is the expected date
when it thorium overtakes Bitcoin in terms
of market capitalisation, there are people out there with their crystal ball saying
he theorem is going to overtake Bitcoin with the lipid and that's going to be the date. The weather is 2022, 2023, 2024, January 11th, 2020, and six, that may be the day of
eliminating when the two. Flip places from the
market cap or value. What's an exchange here? The quick way is
exactly a website where you buy and
trade cryptocurrency. What's an arbitrage? Yeah, buying cryptocurrency
on one exchange and selling it for a higher
price in another exchange. They got that going on in
Wall Street to arbitrage. What's a stable coin quiz? What does the peg
to? 32 seconds? The US dollar,
they will collide. Stable, stable, picked a goal ED crypto currency that's paid to
Bitcoin, a stablecoin. Is it theory I'm unstable. Go ahead and look. They're
not pegged to the US dollar. They go and rock and enroll and you've got
designated stable coins. Google it, which
cryptocurrencies are the best stable
coins to invest. And you'll have some expert, give you an idea and the
new research it from there. All right, what's a main coin was the biggest mean
going out there. And doggie, doggie
though he mean, I don't even know
why they created. It was created as a joke, but it does have a
high market cap. People still invest in it. I don't really see the
point in me. I don't know. I have come to realize
I'm investing in cryptocurrencies that have an underlying
fundamental purpose. I don't want to invest in
crypto currency trading, blah, blah, blah button. No. I need to know, is
there a product embedded in that cryptocurrency? Is this a product then enables you to create
better smart contracts? Is there a product involved
in this block chain, this crystal currency
cryptocurrency that helps me create
decentralized apps. Is there a product embedded in this block take
that helps me use this cryptocurrency for
gaming, sports gaming, buying. And in FTEs,
non-fungible tokens, I have come to the realization that
there is not a product embedded in the block
chain sleepin currency, not investing in you. You can do your own research. Dollar cost averaging. Yeah, that's buying a little here we have the price change by a little care averaging
the price she paid by a little by little. It's just averaging
your investment staking and that's
a good thing to do. By a little bit at
a time when there's cryptocurrency and see where it's going to keep a close eye. Don't do like me go to
sleep. Three years. Keep an eye on staking. That's a way to earn rewards
for holding cryptocurrency. I think staking, I'd
subbed out this. I hope you take this quiz. You can earn 10 Bitcoins
that take the quiz. Oh, if you do this, you're going to three. The pairing when
I take the quiz, staking is just earning, earning points is like getting points for
using your credit card. All right, what's the
candlestick chart? That's just the type of
chart they use to show you positive or negative
market movement of a cryptocurrency
candlestick almost at Candlestick Park.
That's Alexandra. Let's go candlestick charts. Okay, that's what that is. What's a coin mixer? Contexts, clues come up. A software that makes Bitcoin transactions
anonymous and untraceable. It achieves this by taking
one and transaction, mixing it up with
others than sending it back to the owner on
a different address. That this sound a
little shady going mix. I don't know if I like that, but that's a term quiz. What's an ICO? Initial Coin Offering? Yeah, that was when
new cryptocurrency is a cryptocurrency is
about to come to market. What is Anti Money-Laundering? That's not just cryptocurrency, that's policies and
legislation created. Do I do next with banks? All three. At some point, it's going to apply
to cryptocurrency. We got to figure out a way so that you don't
have money laundry going on with these
digital assets. And how easy is that for a digital asset to be used
for money laundering? Wow, so you know, that's going to be regulated. All right. Know your customer k
was the not KFC KYC. Know your customer as just
a procedure to verify the identity of the crypto user that's linked to their wallet. What's a while it where you
keep your cryptocurrency, KYC, know your
customer verification. Are you the person that
belongs to this wallet? What's your private key? Who were just see phrase, these are all things. Is there going to be asking you, I need to get back
into my crypto watch. What's your private key? What's your seed? Praise that show
back-up off at that, I'll put boot off the patient authenticate
to mount that was enough to
authenticate see phrase. You got it. Now, what's double spin? And attempt to send the same
payment of cryptocurrency to two different wallets.
So I know it's criminal. What's escrow? As just like a real thing. That's when a third
party blockchain holes the funds while you are doing something and making
a payment was easy. Everybody. It's like when you buy a house you need a closing attorney. Was HOD ALL hold. Stay is hold on for dear
life and cryptocurrency. Pay on. It has a history where it
was a misspelled word. Wanted me to just took
hold in the industry. He meant to write HO LD hold, but as David he reached a 20, wrote h focal DL. He created this funny thing, hold on for dear life. Well, it's applicable if you're going to invest
in crypto currency, hold on, daily life because
it's going to be arrived. We already talked about FOMO, fear of missing out. You can let that go
now look at you, look at you, you've
got terminology. You can talk about what are
the bull markets same and the stock market even roaring,
what's a bear market? Same in the stock
market, not so good. It's exactly the same
in crypto currency. You're going to
have bull markets, you're going to
have bear markets. I still am from the old school. By on the bear. I sell on the blue. So, you know, I kind of liked it when I see reading, I buy more. I don't run away from it. All right. What's pump and dump? That's the practice of buying a cryptocurrency
enlarge quantities just to drive up the
price and then sell. They do that on Wall
Street with stocks all the time, especially
penny stocks. Same concept. What's the shill? Anybody who had been allows
Vegas know what issue is, but that's a cryptocurrency
terminology. Someone who promotes
an alt coin. Notice I didn't say
bitcoin or theory him, but one of those good
Oh, Jen eric Altcoins, one of those 15 thousand
other currencies so that they can personally benefit from
it when the price rises. So the, she'll die that up. Don't bit and that's
another term, the pump and dump. Okay. You pump up the price
and then you dump it. You see how some of this is
parallel to Wall Street, some of this is
parallel to stop. What's a bear market? Again? That's a market that's,
prices are falling. What's a bull market? Prices are going up. Don't chase the stop. Don't chase a cryptocurrency by with dollar cost averaging,
What's that called? What is that? Buying
a little at a time? What's a bag holder? I think that's a nasty turn. And investor that holds
a coin that's worth significantly less
than they paid for it. Well, you know the term, he
was left holding the bag. Same thing. That's a bag holder. What's cut tip capitulation? Well, think about it.
You're up on trial, you can relate it
in front of it. Then the attorney, the
prosecutor saying things selling a crypto currency at a significant loss due
to the loss of hope, I've lost all hope. You've capitulated of Moscow. Hope I'm selling
my cryptocurrency. Well, not me. I'm going to stay in it. Like I said, I'm 64 about
to turn 65 January 2022. So I've got a three
to five-year window where it will keep an eye
on my cryptocurrency. After that, I'm
hoping for the best. What's whitepaper? Like a thesis, that's
a document that potential users, blockchains
and cryptocurrencies. Are you going to want to
study the white paper and every single cryptocurrency as a white paper
associated with it. And that's just an
overview of the company, how we started, who
the founders are, what we're doing,
what we're building. Who are investors
are the white paper. What's the market
cap again quiz. That's the value, the
value of cryptocurrency. Okay, what's a genesis block? Genesis, we'll think
about the Bible, Genesis, that's the first
verse of the Bible. Well, if the first block of a block chain, and
that's helped them, genesis block, the first block. And what's 51%? Attack refers to a computer or a group of
computers that have the ability to verify more than 50 percent of all
transactions on the network. As a big network, this enables them to
reverse transactions, spin coins at once, manipulate blocks
with added and not, That's called the 1%. I don't know. You like that. That's a lot of controls starting to sound
kinda centralized. But once you get
busy wherever that. And then just a
little bit of trivia. So butyrate is the
program or who invented Ethereum in 2015 and M, creator of Bitcoin,
Satoshi Nakamoto. No one knows their
true identity. No, we'll come forward and
say they created Bitcoin. It has been a mystery
and an enigma. Everything that's
the day it launched. So wherever this
man or woman is, they have truly change the way the world will be
functioning in decades to come. In on that note, you have a whore core
literacy of cryptocurrency. Again, I've put this in
the resource section so you'd be able
to reference it. And now let's go onto the next lecture because I'm
equation a little bit now. See you there.
4. Verbal Q & A · Quiz · Rentention · Cryptocurrency · Digital Assets · Blockchains · NFT's: Hey, welcome back. With that now pond or what? So this is that Q and
a buck with Ubuntu. Boom, just want to see what
your retention rate was. Easy quiz, I think you get it. You can connect the
dots at this point and figure out
where crypto assets sits in your vision for your future
investments or however you're going to be growing
your financial portfolio. So here's the quiz. All right, we'll
start from the top. Let's a digital asset. What's the trigger? Content
that's stored digitally? The right digital asset content
that's stored digitally, not just cryptocurrency,
but content. Grass, images, bank statements, and digital asset is just that. It's stored digitally. What's a while at
a digital wallet, what do you store there? That's it. Your cryptocurrency. What's cryptocurrency? That's it. A digital asset. What's a token? Dad's it up Digital Asset. Name two tokens,
Bitcoin, Ethereum. Good job. Okay, token,
I love that word. What's a choline? That's what's meant
it and copied it. That's a crypto
currency of coins. What's the blockchain comma? Let's just call that a bit. And that's where crypto
currency sleeps. And that's what a blockchain is. That's where it's six till
its trade it block chain. What's the box height? You'll need to know that this is the number of
blocks and unblock G. What's Decentralization? You need to know
that centralization. Decentralization. I read it to you. Okay? That's the principle,
distributing power away from the source. Centralized, decentralized. We got some government
structured like that. What's peer to peer exactly versus deposit
or computer to computer. What's an algorithm? One more, give me two. Formula or recipe. Algorithm. It's all, what's a hatch
straying about are the numbers that verifies a
crypto currency transaction. What the public key? Public key. Private key with the property. That's just your account number, like your routing
number at the bank. But what's a private key? Exactly. That's like yo pin
at your pin number. What's the seed phrase? That's that next level
of authentication. See Fridays, what's a while? It was two types of
wallets, crypto rods, and now connected to the
Internet Coke offline. You get it there. What's the proof of work, proof of authority,
proof of stake, proof of Activity 1, wearing one of those algorithms. Basically, the agent needs to know the detail,
detail, detail. You can Google that
if you want to. But those are all just
fabrication, fabrication, fabrication as you
are finding for what system to be so de-centralized, they certainly do a lion's
share of verification. What's mining? Mining is the process where new cryptocurrency coins
or may made available, just like the gold
rush in California. What that NFT, that crazy
term, non-fungible token. What's the core essence
of that fingerprint? That's just the registration
of homeownership. Just like remember, we
used that to register our websites and we go to
several different places. All I want to read your www
dot blah-blah-blah dot com. In empty fingerprint, you
are registering your foot. You're registering your what your digital and
digital assets can be, what are or paintings can
be allow things, tokens. But NFT, you are registering
your digital fingerprint. That's it. So when you hear that term
now, non-fungible token, it trying to trip
you up, you know, honest SR registration service
had to shows ownership. You got this. Now what's a stable coin? Context clues, stable, but
they take it to two things. What's the stable coins? What's a crypto currency that's
a stablecoin going to be pegged to the US dollar or euro, or go, good, good, good, good, good.
What's a whale? That one, That's just not a
person that owns that time, a time of cryptocurrency. What smart contracts,
what were its code? Its code that's built
into the block chain. It tells it what to do. You'll hear a lot about that. Smart contracts, just
the honest, just code. It's just programmed into the block chain
people and be like, well, you know that because you now are literate
in crypto speech. Okay? What's chain ligand? Exactly. Linking multiple
block chains together. All right, What's the Altcoin? Anything other than
what it going but for barium Snopes,
the two Snopes. I wasn't deep back to Bob. This is important. De-centralized last finance who will be using that in a future? Amount? Banks, Wall Street
lending, deeper finance, what does these damp or DBA D, centralis, which means what? You, there's nobody
in the middle baby. There's no centralized
situation, is de-centralized,
no intermediary. Nobody is in the middle. What? Coinbase? Coinbase is exchanged at a place where you can buy
and sell cryptocurrencies. There are other
exchanges as well after that one in there
because they're the big dog on the Nasdaq. You're a publicly
traded company. And now that's the one
you'll be hearing about. Okay, what's happening? Having good does that Bitcoin, what do they do with having? They get rid of some
of their coins? You don't have to
be all technical. You can just say every
four years bitcoin gets rid of a pull some of
their coins on the market. You don't need to know
the precise term. You just need to know it exists. Now, why did they do it? Keep that price amount and high. Okay, What's that? I feel I already
know what's IPO? Initial public
offering, what's an I feel Initial Coin Offering? What's the fork? And the split? Hard forks off cork. When you do a bark, that's hard, what do you do when
you completely changing the block chain? What does the blockchain? It's where
cryptocurrency sleeps. When you do a soft fork,
what are you changing? Just the software. You're not changing
the whole block chain. So everybody's got to update their software when
there's a soft fork, look into what's happening. You know that now as to
race bit going out ahead. But it there I'm
trying to close. So that's that day that
they swear One day he theorem will out
Pace market value, market cap value for Bitcoin. What happened in
up, I don't know. Dollar cost averaging. You're already doing this maybe with your stock
brokerage account that's investing when the market is up on the market hands down. So over time, you paid an
average price for your stock. In this case, you've paid an average price for
your cryptocurrency. I love that. All right. What's escrow say
even real estate. Third party holding him
money to you can close. Easy. What's FOMO? Fear of missing out. These still have that. That's what 2018. I didn't even have alma. I add a worse condition. My condition was
called avoidance. Now that you haven't
missed anything, get on into it at whatever
level you want to invest in. Okay. And what's white paper? You know what a white paper is. I put that in terms
of the thesis that you get your
PhD or white papers, just information than
a cryptocurrency throws out there to let you know who's run in the show and what
they're trying to do. And that's it. The genesis block, genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
Genesis first. That's just the first block
of code in the block chain. How about that? Easy quiz? See you in the summary.
5. Summary · What's Next?: Okay, everybody, I
guess why you are done? So let's next. Exactly. What's next is whatever
you want to make it. Am I going to fully endorse you investing in cryptocurrency, I think is something
you should explore. I don't want you to
be left behind now. You're out of 2018 is 2021. This is the time to at least
move from exploration, curiosity to
discovering a bit more. You've got the terminology
now and you can always go back and
check your notes. You can go back and
review the terminology. That's what you need it, the base is like any
good architecture. This is the real term me talk. And now, you know, when you're going to
build a new house, before they can
even break ground, they gotta do a soils that a. So for me learning the
vocabulary of cryptocurrency, that's like doing the soils that he reckon up with the pool. Recognize. Foundation. Where's the best way
to position the home? Now you've got the foundation. You've got that
layer of vocabulary. Now you can pour the concrete because
she got the blueprint. And as you start to discover more and more and more of that, I recommend that you say, you know, some of these
blogs they're easy to find. Listen to some of what
the guys are saying that women are saying,
that people are saying, I would bolster the same and then process it for
your own level. You can write me anytime. I'd be delighted
to hear from you, to hear how your
journeys coming. So, you know, on that note, much success with growing your portfolio of
cryptocurrencies that, that create DeFi,
decentralized finance, financing, crypto currencies
that are used in gaming, sports, tokens, fan engagement, crypto currency
that's going to be used for lending and baking. Crypto currencies that
are going to be used for payments and online shopping. Crypto currencies that
are going to use for all kinds of applications. And I'm telling you, even though bitcoins been around forever and a day it seems. And the theorem since 2015, we are in the early
days of this. And so embrace it if you want
or live on her AAC like me. That's what I did
for three years. It's your choice, but at least now you have the choice
to move forward. So good luck. Stay intact, right? Maybe you have any questions. I'd be delighted to chat with. You. Have a super day
and happy investing.