Crochet a Granny Square: They're not just for grannies! | Colleen Elliott | Skillshare

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Crochet a Granny Square: They're not just for grannies!

teacher avatar Colleen Elliott, Production Artist

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Crochet a Granny Square: Intro


    • 2.

      Crochet a Granny Square: Supplies & pattern


    • 3.

      Crochet a Granny Square: Round 1


    • 4.

      Crochet a Granny Square: Round 2


    • 5.

      Crochet a Granny Square: Round 3 and Finishing


    • 6.

      Crochet a Granny Square: changing colors


    • 7.

      Finishing : Single and Double crochet borders


    • 8.

      Joining Granny squares


    • 9.

      Project #1: Gift card holder


    • 10.

      Project #2: Pillow Cover


    • 11.

      Crochet a Granny Square: Inspiration and thank you!


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About This Class

Granny squares aren't just for grannies...they're for everyone! This class will teach you how to crochet a simple, basic granny square. I'll show you how to choose yarn and an appropriately sized hook, how to start with a "magic circle," how to chain, do double and single crochet stitches, and how to change colors. In no time at all you'll have completed your very own granny square.

What can you do with your granny square when you're done? Use one as a trivet or sew one or two together to make a decorative pillow cover. Make a bunch of little ones and sew them together into a blanket, poncho, or slippers! Crochet a 36" square and you have an easy baby blanket to give to a friend who is expecting, or keep going and make a big blanket for yourself! Whatever you decide to make, granny squares are super versatile and I'm sure you'll think of 1000 uses for them. (I've even made a dog sweater!)

As a bonus, I'll show you two easy projects you can make with your granny squares. Once you've learned the basics, it's easy to find lots of free patterns and tutorials online. I'll tell you about a few of my favorite places to look for patterns and inspiration. If you have any questions along the way, please ask!

The only equipment you'll need for this class is:

  1. yarn - I recommend worsted weight/medium/#4
  2. a crochet hook- I recommend sizing up slightly from the size recommended on your yarn label
  3. a yarn or darning needle
  4. scissors

If you choose to complete the pillow bonus project, you will also need a square pillow form or throw pillow that you can cover.

I taught myself to crochet when I was living out of the country without access to my normal crafting supplies. My friend was expecting and I didn't have access to a sewing machine to make her a quilt. Crochet hooks and yarn can be very cheap, so I decided to try to crochet a blanket for her since I wouldn't be out much if it didn't come together the way I wanted it to. Crochet was so easy and relaxing that I was immediately hooked! I hope you'll love crochet as much as I do.

I've created a Pinterest board to help inspire you, you can check it out here.

Meet Your Teacher

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Colleen Elliott

Production Artist


Hi! I'm Colleen, a maker with a passion for crafting. By day I'm a graphic designer at a children's craft kit company, and I craft for myself on the nights and weekends. I love giving (and receiving!) handmade gifts and showing others how to craft.

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Crochet a Granny Square: Intro: Hi, I'm coming. I hope that crash a few years ago when I wanted to make a baby blanket for a friend but didn't have access to a song machine. I love Cochet because you can take your project with you and work on it when you have a few spare moments. Granny squares are really versatile, and they can look totally different, depending on your new use. Besides, you make them and what colors you choose. Also, you can put it together in so many different ways. That's why Granny squares a great first project in this class. I'm gonna teach you how to start with the magic circle, how to do single and double Cochet and how to do a slip stitch. I'll go over how to read a written patter and a chart. I'll also give you some pointers on picking out colors and some ideas of what you can do with the Granny Square that go beyond the basic blanket. My thinking, a pillow covering or a dog sweater. Thanks for checking out my glass 2. Crochet a Granny Square: Supplies & pattern: Hi. Welcome to class for this class. Still me. Just a few things. Yarn Cochet Hook in the appropriate size for your yarn, A large needle and scissors. Although you can use any size yarn, I recommend starting out with a worsted weight urine, also known as medium or four. The label in the urine will tell you the weight of the yarn and also the size. Crush a hook that you'll need, So the yarn label will also tell you how toe wash and dry the yarn, what it's made out off and what the color is. Here's another label that shows worsted number four medium with the size 5.5 millimeter hook and machine wash and dry. Some yarns have a dialogue, which means you'll have to buy enough of that dialogue to complete your project. Some yarns are no die a lot, which means you can buy any of them, and they will all match perfectly fine. For this project, you probably won't be able to tell the difference between two dia Lots of yarn read hurt. Carry on and Burnett are some of the choices of yarn that are relatively inexpensive that you could get For this project, you can use one color of yarn or many if you want the look off a bunch of different colors . You can always use a variegated yarn like this one. When you crash A with this, it'll change colors as you go. Croce hooks are marked on the side with both the letter and millimeter number. This one is a J 5.75 millimeter. You can buy a pack of hooks like this that has multiple sizes or you provide them singly Hoax range in size from very, very small to very large. As you can see for our class, I recommend a slightly larger size hook because it will be a little bit easier on you. So maybe try a 5.25 or 5.5 if your urine recommends a size five hook. This is a three round granny square. This is the first round. This is the second round, and this is the third round. This is what I'm gonna show you how to make right now. Now I start with a magic circle in the center because once I'm done, I can take in it and there will be a hole there anymore. Some patterns start with a chain for, and that leaves that whole. But I like being able to close that hole up. I like that Look better. You can see that's what it looks like with the Magic circle. This is how it would look with chain for the written pattern for this three round Granny Square looks like this C H stands for Chain D. C stands for double Cochet SLS T stands for slip Stitch. I'll show you exactly what all of those stitches are in just a minute. You may also see a chart that looks like this. The markings on the chart mean the same thing. Asked the written directions. Now that you've had a closer look at the supplies and the pattern, grab your supplies and let's get started. 3. Crochet a Granny Square: Round 1: Now that you've got your supplies, you're ready to start. Get your even ready by reaching into the center and pulling out the end. Some will already have the end hanging out like this, and when that happens, you just need to pull on it. You do not want to use this loose yarn that's wrapped around your Skane. You always want to start from the center. It will make it a lot easier on you when you actually start crashing. Now, sometimes the center might be buried up inside the ball, and when that happens, you just need to push your fingers in and pull, and you will pull out a big ball of yarn. But then it will unravel and you'll find the end. This one already has this the center start, so I don't need to do that to begin cashing. I'm gonna wrap their own once around my pinky finger. This helps me keep tension and then twice around my pointer finger. This is how you begin the magic circle. Insert your course a hook under the two wraps that you did hook the yarn that's coming off of the ball from your pinky finger and pull it through. Now take the magic ring off your finger and hold it with your thumb and your middle finger , and you're going to change. Five. To complete a chain, you yarn over, hook the yarn with your Cochet hook and pull it through. That's one to three four five. The next step in our pattern is three double co shays into the center of the magic circle. This is the center of the magic circle right here. So I'm gonna change time holding everything so that I can work into the center to complete a double Cochet. You yearn over. Insert your hook through the center of the magic circle here and over again and pull back, and you can see that there are three loops on the hook, so you need to urinate over once more. Pull through two. Hoops will be two loops left, urine over again. Pull through the last two loops. It's a little bit easier to see on the next one, so I'll go slow. You're in over through the center of the magic circle. You're an over and back. Three loops on the hook. You're in over. Pull through two loops. You're in over. Pull through two loops. So we have done to double Co Shay's. Let's just do the third you're in over. Insert into the center of the ring, urine over and pull through. Three moves. Urine over. Pull through the 1st 2 loops here in over. Pull through the 2nd 2 loops. So now you can see our chain and then the three double Chris Shays. The next part of our pattern says to chain, too. This makes the corner. So I'm just gonna change, too. And then complete. Three. Double Crow Shay's. It's one. Here's to There's three again chain to to make a corner and do three double cliches, one to three. So now you can see we have three parts of the centre done three sets of three Double Crow Shay's and we need to complete the fourth edge. Now, this first chain find that you did counts as a double Cochet in a chain, too. So to get the corner, you're going to chain, too, and then you're going to complete too Double co Shays, you might need to wrap your hand again a few times. I do that as I'm going. Sometimes I need to pull more yarn out of the ball when you're first starting, it's a little tight. So if you need to, you can just drop everything and re wrapped. And that gives you the crap attention again so that your work looks the same the whole time you're crashing. So once again, let's complete this last motif. So I already chained to from this last set of three and I'm gonna change, um, double Cochet two more. So here's the 1st 1 and here's the 2nd 1 and now you can see that it's starting to look like the Granny Square. We just need to attach it to the top here. So we're gonna count up to the third chain up. And the way that you do that is you look for the V's on the crow Shea. So here's the first. Be second, be third B we're gonna insert are hook rate through those two top parts of the V, and you can see that the bottom part of the V will stay behind the hook. We're gonna urine over and pull it through and then pull it through again. And that's called a slip stitch. And that's how you attach the and, um, the rounds and you can see that the square is starting to make a shape of the granny square . And at this point, you can take in the center of the magic circle, and it will really look like the Granny Square. The first round of the Granny Square has three double Chris Shays on each side and a chain to in each corner. So we've been working this way around. I'm gonna pick the Cochet back up again, but my finger, like so And to start on the next round, you need to chain for one to three. Before now I'm going to flip my work over. The reason I do this is if you are making a giant granny square and you keep going the same way around and around and around you're John. Your Granny Square is going toe look twisted. And here's a picture that shows what I mean. So if you do this and you flip it every single time you do in the next round, your granny score will stay nice and square and even 4. Crochet a Granny Square: Round 2: So now to start round two going to pick the work back up again Rep. The your honor on my finger for attention. And the first thing that pattern says to do is to change for so in a wrap the end under one to three. For now, I'm gonna put my work. And the reason I do this is it keeps the granny Square Square looking And here's a picture that shows what I mean. If you do not flip your work at every round, your Granny Square will start to twist. So I flip my work and then we're going to dio three double Co shays into the corner. So one round under, pull through call through two loops hole through two loops We've done the first double Cochet. There's number two. There's number three. Since we're in the corner, we're gonna chain twice. You always chain to at a corner and then you're going to do three more double cliches into the same corner, one to three. Now we're on a straight side sewing a chain one turn it so we can see the next corner and you're gonna do three double co Shays chain two and then three double koshis to complete that corner change too. On three double crashes. Now you have two corners done. You're gonna chain one because you're on the short side. You're gonna do three double car shays into the next corner Chane to to make the corner and then do three more double co Shay's. It's one to three tonight of three corners. Done. You're gonna chain one, do three double car shays into the fourth corner. Why to three chain too. And now you're right back out where the chain is Now remember this chain counts. Ask one single Cochet and one double Cochet. So you're going to do to double Crow Shays into the corner. There's one. There's two, you're almost done. You just need to attach your last corner to the chain that you started with. And just like on the first round, this chain counts s a double Cochet. But then one single Cochet because it's on a side. So what you're gonna do is count up three from the bottom 123 Insert your hook just like you did in the last round. Loop your yard through that and then loop through again now that you've completed Round two , you can really start to see the Granny Square pattern. Forming. Each corner has two sets of three double crow Shays separated by two chains and on the sides, the three double Cochet Zehr separated by one chain only. 5. Crochet a Granny Square: Round 3 and Finishing: now we'll start round three. I'm going to pick up my work. We're at my finger chain for again. One to three for Turned my work going into a corner. So when a double Cochet three I was one to three Chane to to make the corner double Croce three again into the same corner, one to three in a chain one to move to the center. And now you can see this hole here. I'm gonna do a set of a three double cliches into that hole. So one to three. Oh, trap again. Three. Now I'm still on the side, even though I'm going towards the corner. So I'm just going to chain one and then do three double Chris Shays into this corner, one to three since I met a corner and chained to and do three more double crashes into the same corner. Now I'm on a side. Here's the very center of the peace. So this is the side. I'm gonna chain one. Do three double crashes into that hole One to now. If your urine splits like that, you can just go back and put it where it's supposed to be going into the next corner. We're still on the side. So I'm gonna chain one and then three double cliches into that corner chain, too. Because you were at the corner, then three double Chris Shays again. Now we're onto aside, So I'm going to chain one and then do three double Chris Shays into that side Chain one, um, and a corner. So you do. Three double crashes into the corner chane to since I'm at a corner three double Chris Shays into the corner again, Chain one to get to the side And now I'm at the same spot with the chain again. So I'm gonna do to double Crow Shays into this hole and then attach it to that chain for So here's one Here's to Oh, and you see that split right there. It's no big deal. That just means I have to pull everything out Now. Cochet is really easy because you can just pull it gently and the stitches will come undone . If you're gentle enough, you can get back to just where you need to and insert your hook in. But it's pretty easy to count the stitches, so don't worry if you need to pull more than that out. So again, I already did the chain one. So I'm going Teoh due to double CO Shays into this whole There's one here's to So I got to know because she's done and I'm going to attach to this chain with a slip stitch. Okay, so that's three rounds done. Now you can really see the granny square pattern coming together. If you wanted to continue on, you could keep doing the same pattern you would change for flip your work into each space on the side. You would do three double Cochet separated by a single chain on each corner. You would have three double co shays separated by two chains. So in this way, you can make as big of a square issue want for practice. I'd like you to make 13 round square such as this one. If this was all that you were going to dio and you were going to make a bunch of squares the size, you would cut your yarn, pull that loop through and then tighten it. And the last step to complete the square is to weave in the ends. And that's what you need your needle for. So it's ready, Nino, with the end of the yarn and you're going to weave in the ends, is what this is called. So basically, you're just going to try and hide the end as much as possible. But you also want to make it more secure so that it won't come out when, um, the blanket or whatever you're making is used. So I usually just work my way through the piece and I try to go a couple different directions just to make sure that the end is really secure. And once I'm satisfied with what I've done, I'll cut that piece off and you're done. Now you need to weave in the centerpiece to, so I always like to give it one more poll to make sure it's really tight in there. Thread the needle again. Same thing. I'm just going to sew it into place. Cut the ends when you're done. Now, the other nice thing about flipping your work is you don't have a right side and a wrong side. You can look at this on either side, and it looks nice both ways. If you were to keep going around the same way your work would have a right side and a wrong side to it, and I think this is nicer, especially for a blanket. 6. Crochet a Granny Square: changing colors: here are two squares. One was done with a single color of yarn, and one was done with a variegated yearn the barricaded year and changes colors as you go so you don't have to worry about changing colors. However, if you want a very specific pattern of colors, you'll have to add a second color on. So when you get ready to do that, you will we even all your ends and cut them off and take your next color of yarn wrapping around your finger. Pull one loop over, then the other loop over and tighten, and this makes us slip. Not for starting your Cochet. Let me show you one more time. Wrap the threat around your finger, lift one move over than the other loop and pulled to tight end and you have your slipknot. Place the crush a hook through where you want to start and loop your slip not onto the hook . I like to take in it just a little bit more. Get your yarn ready to crush a with. Hold the loop through and then chain one and tightened. You're loop now. This counts as your first chain, so then you do 23 for, um, and this is the wrong side of the work. So I've already flipped it. Now that you've got your chain for, you'll do the same corner pattern that we've been doing, which is three double Cochet separated by two chains in the corner. I don't worry too much about making mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. If it's a really bad mistake, you can pull your work out pretty easily the way I showed you earlier. Um, if it's not something that you think anyone will notice, leave it. I mean, this is a handmade object you really want people to know, but it's handmade in a good way. Not in a bad way. But mistakes aren't bad. I mean, I think they had character to a project, and as long as it's not affecting the final shape, who cares? So you would just continue around the square with your color and remember, you're doing two chains in each corner and one chain on each side. Okay, so now we're back at the chain part again. So we're gonna do to double car Shays and then attached with a slip stitch to the chain. Fun here's to and then attached to the chain with a slip stitch. So at this point, you can keep going. You can change for put your work, go around the other way, or you can pull the yarn through like I showed you. Change colors again. Um, you could pull through, leave it this size and make a bunch of them the size. And so, um, together. So your next practice is to add a color onto your first granny square that you made. So instead of being a three round square, it's a four round square, so there you can see the difference. 7. Finishing : Single and Double crochet borders: Now I'm going to show you a single Cochet. You will use the single Cochet s an edging and also to attach squares together to use It s an edging you'll attach. You're you're in the same way you would for a color change. You could also do this in the same color as your square. You will chain one. Then you will insert your hook through the V at the top of the work year and over and pull through. So there's two loops on your hook. You're in over and pull through, and you completed one single Cochet. So again, insert your hook into the V you're in over and pull through two loops here and over and pull through both loops again through the B turnover. Pull through here in over and pull through. Now, when you get to a chain space in the cluster, you just put your hook into that big hole and do the same thing you're in. Over. Pull through. You're in over pull through. So last one is sometimes a little tricky. When you get to the corner, you will single Cochet three into the corner. But here's one. Here's to Here's three, and then you'll continue on doing the same thing. One single Cochet in the top of each V all the way around, and that just makes a nice finished edge for your work. You can also do a double Cochet edge, and it is executive same. A single Cochet, Um, except when you start, you will chain to. To get up to the height of a double Cochet, you'll yarn over through. You're in over three loops you're in over and pull it through two loops you're in over and pull it through two loops. So it's the same stitch that you're doing here. Only instead of doing three into each hole, you're just doing one into each hole. So again it's you're in over through the top fee, you know, over, pull through. He ran over, pulled through two loops, urine over, pull through two loops, and when you get to the chain space again who just go through the large hole and on a corner, you're going to do to single Cochet air to double cross Shay's a Chain one and then two more double co Shay's and that gives you a square corner. We'll do a couple more so you can see the square corner. You can also see how much thicker that border is compared to the other border. If you wanted a more rounded corner here, you could just do three single Coche A's in a row. 8. Joining Granny squares: Now I'm going to show you how to join two squares. Lay the squares on top of each other in line up the corners and the edges on the side that you're going to join. Now. It might be easier for you if you keep the part that looks like a braid facing out on both squares so that you can easily see where to insert your needle. I've already got a slip stitch on my hook. I am going Teoh. Attach these two pieces together at the corner with my slip stitch and the yarn that I'm using for joining Now. You would probably want to use a yarn that matches the colors that you are working with so that it's less noticeable. Now you're gonna dio a single chain, and then you're going to insert your hook through the top two V's on one square in the top , matching V's on the second square. You're in over and pull through, and then you're in over and pull through those two loops and then you'll go down the whole side like that through the V's. You're in over and pull through, you know, over and pull through, and you're basically treating these two squares as if they were one square. And again. When you get to the chain spot, you can just go through the center. And when you get to the corner, do your last single. Cochet, cut the urn, pull it through that loop and pull it tight, and now you can see that they're joined. And if you had used a yarn, if you were joining two squares that matched and you're used to hearing that matched, you wouldn't be able to see it. You might also prefer this side if you are using a contrast in urine or if you're joining, too, um, differently colored squares. You might want to look at this side instead because it does have a nicer finish to it. 9. Project #1: Gift card holder: here is a quick and easy project to make a gift card holder out of the granny square that you've made for glass. Turn up the bottom edge in turn over the side edges. Attach your urine here in seem it together with a single Cochet up this line and down here . And it makes a little envelope for a gift card. You could find a button that goes through this corner, and so it right here. Or you could tie this corner that corner with some nice ribbon. Okay, get this Even. It's possible going to attach to this chain spot right here. No, I'm at the corner. I'm doing once in Cochet into those two corners when I'm gonna pull this corner over and do a single Cochet into that corner and continue on down the line. Okay. So complete Your last single. Cochet caught your yard. Pull it through, given a little time to take in it so you would weave in these two ends. Here's the completed gift card holder. I put a pack of gum inside and the but and I just tied on with a piece of yarn. You can see that it closes it up nicely and there's the back so you can see the gift cried a little bit through it. It makes a nice present when you want to give someone something in addition to a gift card . 10. Project #2: Pillow Cover: making a Granny Square pillow is easy. All you need to do is Cocheteux Granny Square that will fit a throw pillow when you fold it as shown. Make sure that when you are crashing your large granny square that you're checking often to make sure the pattern is turning out How you want it, Teoh. You will also want to check and make sure that the Granny Square is gonna fit on the pillow cover. You don't want it to gap this much. Um, you wanted to almost meet like it does here. If it's too big, the cover will be loose and it'll look sloppy. You can use any throw pillow that you already have lying around, or you can go buy a new one. I tested my granny square out over a couple different colors to see what I would like before deciding on a throw pillow. You probably don't want to use the cushion that has an obvious pattern underneath it, because it will show through once your granny square is the right size, pull in half, then attach the short sides with single Cochet stitch like you did for the gift card holder from the yarn and weave in the ends. When you're done, then fold the Granny Square so it makes a square, as shown single Cochet along that seam. Until you almost reached the top, you'll need to be able to put your pillow into the hole you make so tested. Often. Insert your pillow into the pillow, cover and continue to single. Cochet the granny Square together until you reach the end. Tie off the yarn, weave in the ends and your granny pillow is done. 11. Crochet a Granny Square: Inspiration and thank you!: I started a Pinterest board with other interesting granny square projects on it like slippers, more pillow covers, purses, ponchos, blankets, basically any granny squares that I found online that I thought were cool. So some of them actually have patterns for it. Even though I've just showed you how to do this pattern, they'll go into more like what you're in. You could use to get the same look that they did. Um, some of them are just inspiration for color. Were for putting the granny squares together. So please feel free to check it out. Show me your completed granny squares. I want to see all your pillow covers and gift card holders and let me know if you like the class. Thanks so much.