CROCHET 101 | How To Crochet For Beginners | Charity Limbithu | Skillshare

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CROCHET 101 | How To Crochet For Beginners

teacher avatar Charity Limbithu, Modern Crochet Designer

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      1. Introduction


    • 2.

      2. Best crochet hooks for beginners


    • 3.

      3. Best Yarn For Beginners


    • 4.

      4. How to hold the yarn and crochet hook


    • 5.

      5. How to make a slip knot


    • 6.

      6. How to make a chain


    • 7.

      7. How to count a chain


    • 8.

      8. How to single crochet


    • 9.

      9. Finishing single crochet row


    • 10.

      10. How to start a new crochet row


    • 11.

      11. How to count rows


    • 12.

      12. How to start a half double crochet stitch


    • 13.

      13. How to half double crochet


    • 14.

      14. How to measure the finished swatch


    • 15.

      15. How to weave in ends


    • 16.

      16. Outro


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About This Class


Learning how to crochet as a beginner can be very stressing. I would know since i learnt to crochet with the help of vidoes. I had no idea what i was doing so i know all the questions you, as a beginner have. I plan on making an easy flow how to crochet for beginners class to get you right on your way. 


When doing my research to put this class together, i learnt a few more new things myself. So i made sure to add all that in here to make your crochet learning journey smooth.

In this crochet class you will learnn:

  • How to hold a crochet hook
  • Different types of crochet hooks
  • How to hold yarn
  • Different types of yarn
  • How to make a slip knot
  • How to chain
  • How to count a chain
  • How to single crochet
  • How to half double crochet
  • How to double crochet
  • How to count rows
  • How to fasten off
  • How to weave in ends

These are all concepts and terms you tend to hear in crochet tutorials, i plan to simplify everything for you.


Taking this crochet class will give you a great foundation to crocheting, by the end of this class you would have made your very first crochet project and you will be ready to start on your next. 

Reasons you should take this class:

  • Beginner friendly 
  • All materials needed are explained and linked
  • Very interactive
  • Learning has to be fun

This crochet class is geared towards anyone who has an interest on craft, crocheting to be exact.

Crocheting has proven to reduce stress and can be very enjoyable. Whether you decided to learn to crochet to make your own clothes, or for fun, or to go into business, is all up to you. All i know is, you will lose nothing in learning. 


To take this course, the materials i would recommend you have are a crochet hook ( any size) and some yarn. If you do not have either, that is no problem, the class comes with aa document that better explains all the crochet materials (most), and with it are links to where you could get some crocheting supplies. 

Meet Your Teacher

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Charity Limbithu

Modern Crochet Designer


Hi, I'm AlenaCharity Limbithu, the crochet artist behind

I come from a family of crocheters even though my crochet hobby was self taught. I live in Malawi, the warm heart of Africa, when i am not crocheting, you can be assured to find me to be looking into my next crochet project.

I have a smile for a resting face, and i hope to put that smile on your face too with these easy crochet classes.

I am obsessed with crochet and making crochet sweaters and cardigans. I love a challenge, and i do not believe crocheting is hard, i figured out how to make anything crochet easy and i plan on teaching you to do the same.

Let's get to know each other better:

- Lear... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. 1. Introduction: Hi, that make us Alina charity here, the makeup designer behind incident crunchy dark club. Over the years, I have learned how to crochet, right crochet patterns with a hope of YouTube. It has been a very, very bumpy road. So I know the struggles that come with learning how to crochet. I know how frustrating it is to not know if this sram can go with this hook. What does this mean? What does this ditch? What is the stitch? Can I do this stitch as a beginner? So I have put together some few tips how to keep your cushy projects straight because I will have my taste struggled with that. As I begin, I'll always have cricket. So in this class, I want to show you how you can keep your cushy protect street which ditches you. I think beginner should be focusing on. I have also attached a PDF document that's going to help you understand better the weights of the different types of crochet hooks in which shot, which crochet hooks? In that the end of this class, there's a little surprise project that I want you guys to do that you'd have going on to your next level of crocheting. At the end of this class, you should be comfortable with multiple stitches and you should be on your way to crush any other sweater. As you know, the cod season is about to be depending on which time you're coming across this cushy class. So why don't you go ahead and click on Enroll and let me see you in class. 2. 2. Best crochet hooks for beginners: So when it comes to the recommended materials, I'm going to recommend that you have access to this set of crochet hooks. They're very smaller ones. These crochet hooks right here. Cool for a fingering weight yarn or thread. If you have seen people using thread to crochet, it requires patients that calls for these very small crochet hooks. Otherwise, this side Costco, thicker yarn. Personally I like to use the file is my favorite crochet hook. But as a beginner, I'm going to recommend that we be using a 5.5, 0.5, since we're gonna be using a champion, but later we'll get on to that later. Besides the crochet hooks, you want to have access to stitch markers. As a beginner, these are very crucial that you have. Make sure you have access to these. If your set of crochet hooks that you got did not come with these, then you can, I'm going to provide a link to where you can get yourself some hooks, scissors, measuring tape, and a yarn needle. This neonatal is after we're done crushing, we're gonna be moving in R n so that it looks all nice and neat. That's where these thick plastic needles coming some call it a dawning need to. I just like to call it a yarn needle. So this is the whole set. Scissors, crochet hooks, stitch markers, tape measure, and a yarn needle. So now that you know what you need to have for beginner, the Crochet said that you need to have a beginner. Let's get onto the next step. 3. 3. Best Yarn For Beginners: The yarn. So the yarn that I would recommend, I mean, this was a ball of yarn, I just finished using it. But for the sake of this class, for the demonstration, I'm gonna be demonstrating using a chunky on, as you know, there are multiple weights or yarn. And in that document that I have linked for you, it's going to explain all of them. This is a chunky on. There is a worsted weight yarn which is quite smaller than this and that usually crossword five millimeter crochet hook. As for this chunk here. And you might be using a 5.5 wave in a six millimeter crochet hook. And this is the one that I recommend for you as a beginner because that means it's going to be easier for you to see the stitches since been under so much bigger. So make sure that you have access to a chunkier. And if you didn't have chunkier, you can just take two strands with worsted weight. And you're going to have yourself a chunkier. 4. 4. How to hold the yarn and crochet hook: The next step I'm gonna be showing you how to hold your yarn and your hook. I'm right-handed, which means I like to hold my crochet hook in my right hand and my yarn is usually my left hand. That's absolutely up to use your left hand and then you just got to do what we're doing here, just in the opposite direction. So for this, I have decided to use that 5.5 millimeter crochet hook. If you don't have a five-point five, you have a six. And access to this chunkier, then be sure to use that. It's absolutely fine. The Smiths multiple method of holding your yarn and your hook. The two very common one known or the folk method where most people hold their yard my disk. So when you see them work in the projects, don't mind this step. I'm going to teach you how to make a slipknot, produce them. When you see them making I'm working that cushy projects. They're usually hotel yarn like this and start to crochet. This is usually called the fork. The knife and fork style. Remember some people, usually myself who like to hold the pen on the crochet hook like a pen just like this. And then you'll see them chain and we're working there, crochet projects, jazz like that. So whichever you're comfortable with, be sure to use that method. So as you can see, when I switched my way of holding the hook by affording the hard switches as well, but that's absolutely fine. Some people will still hold their urine like this. And chain like soap. I like to just hold my yarn like this. Chamber. This is, I probably think I'm the only one who does this because this is just what I am comfortable with. So I'm going to say this again. Make sure you hold your hook in whatever way you're comfortable with. So I'm just going to take this apart so that we can now get started on to the next phase, which is how to make that slipknot. And then we should actually start to crochet. 5. 5. How to make a slip knot: So how to make a slipknot? There are multiple ways of learning how to make a slipknot. I'm going to teach you issue that I have come to know. There is only one way that I personally like to do it. And I'll show you how. So the first one that I see most people are using, they would take that short strand of yarn and later on their finger like so, they'll take the longer end, wrap it around their fingers like so. And now they will take this short strand and bring it over the other one, just like that. And then they will take the other one and pull it now all the way over. Moving this finger in the middle and just tighten that grip. Just like that. So let me show you that again. They'll take that urine just like that. These two fingers. So I'm gonna hold my thumb and pin this, download this, and then they'll wrap it around just like that. So I'm going to use my pinky to secure this longest route. Then they'll take that shorter strand of yarn and pull it over the other strand, just like that. Keeping this in place, they would then I can take this strand and then pulling this drug now underneath, just like so. They were then removed from this fan power of nine. Pull it up and they'll pull onto this short I want, but now I have to hook in here like this, pulled onto the shorter stride. And there you go. You have that slipknot. But this is complicated. So let me show you what I personally just like to do. I like to just take my hug my yard like this. I'm just making an x. So I take that shortest ramping shared like this and then I became x. Just like that. Grab that hook, inserted underneath, loop onto that yarn and pull it down. Just like that. Let me show you that again. You take that short strand of yarn, wrap it around your fingers. So my family securing this right here. My family securing this spread right here. And then I like to just bring it across, like so. So my pinky is not going to secure this. My friend is going to hold on to that longest drought. And then I'll grab that crochet hook inserted underneath, loop that yarn, pull it through like that. And then I'm going to pull these two strands that pull onto that long gone to secure that loop. And there you go, you have made yourself a slipknot. So if it's too tight, you're just going to pull up the shortcut to loosen it. If you want it tied up your poor the longer end to tighten it. Chest legs. 6. 6. How to make a chain: So now that we have our slipknot, we want to go on and start learning how to make a chain. So before you start making that change, and I make sure that the yarn is able to move on the hook. You don't want it to be too loose. Bone is too tight. You won't be able to move properly as you can see, you want to pull into that looks at it, and just make sure that you and is able to freely move in, but it's not too loose and that crochet hook. So now you're not grab on to that yarn. The longest route of Yan. And I'd just like to pull it like this and hold on to with my thumb and middle finger. I like to hold on to that smaller strand so that we can start making cheap. So go ahead and do this. If you have another way that you're comfortable with, be sure to also do that. But right now I'm using about fork, knife and fork method of coding by crochet, hook my finger to hold up my yarn. So now that you've got yourself in that position to make your first shape, you just want to wrap around the hook around with this shot right here, like so let's do that again. You don't want to, I like to have my yarn about this way. Eat up my crochet hook because you don't want it to be all the way down at the base like this. I mean, you can if you want, but I find it easier when the is somewhere around here, then Nick with my hook. So once it's here, I like to just roughly on the hook, like so so now that urine is going to be trapped at the neck of that hug and then I like to pull it through the eye. So this is why I kept saying you want to make sure it's not too tight. So let me get closer up to make it that's your first shape. To make your second you want to secure it at the neck and pull it through wrapper around the neck and pull it through her out to secure it up the leg. Pull it through. And just like that, we have made 2344 chance. I'm going to show you how we kept chains in a bit. But I want you to just practice. Pull it through. And I picked up secure, we got the neck, pull it through. So I'm just going to show you if you were to hold your yarn, in fact, cancelled method, how you would do this? You're stupid and same thing. I hope your yarn around secured at the neck through. So you want to make sure that your attention is not too tight. So that the chains are not too tight because you don't want to make very tight jeans. You want to make them as loose as possible, not to lose, but easy enough for your crochet hook to work into a gap. Because from here remember, we're gonna be going back in working out little project. So far. This is what my chain is looking like. So let me just show you how you're able to count your chains. 7. 7. How to count a chain: So this is the correct, the right side of the chain. And this is the back bump of a chain. You can already tell the differences. The right side of the chain looks like you are braiding hair or hybrid a hair braided. Whereas the other side, it's less Nieto, as you can see. So we're gonna be using the right side. So to counter chain. To count your chain, you're going to be saved these little v's. This is where my crushing hug was. I've just taken it out. Let me just replace it so that we don't confuse each other. So this right here is a chimp, it forms a V is a V-shape. If you can see this right here is a shape. This right here is a cheat. And this right here is it chain? They just form these kind of v's as it were, or little breeds like so this is a chain. This is a chain. So if you were to count, you would be counting these V. So that would be 12344. This was a fourth, 5678910, and so on and so forth. And if we go all the way down, you're gonna see that this view right here. This was the very first chain that you made. I want you to take everything apart and start again by making a chain of 21. So I'm gonna have you make a chain of 21. Take the whole thing apart, quote from King. And then start again for making a slipknot and making a chain of 21. 8. 8. How to single crochet: So after making a chain of 21, this is what my project is looking like. So now, if you have come across a crochet pattern, they usually tell you if you're working, assuming your meat walking a single crochet, which I will show you what that is usually so into the second chain from the hook on to the third chain from the hook onto the fourth chin from the hub. You will rarely see into the first chain from the hook. And that's because if you went into the first chain from the hook, which is this one, your work would just come apart. Let me show you if I was to go into there and pull it. Can you see that? You can didn't work? You can't work anything. It just doesn't make sense. So let me just replace that CI and I just ruined. So they usually say it into the second chain. Because this first chain right here is going to become Tim as support. Or they say a turning chain. So to allow you to, to turn properly and start working into the second one. The third, usually if you're working a single crochet, which is what I'm about to show you now how we do a single crochet. They would tell you to work into the second chain because it's a smaller crochet hook, it's a smallest stitch. It doesn't call for much spacing. Let's start by working a single crochet into that second chain from the hook, which is this one because this is at first chain. And this is the second sheet. We're going to go in and place a single crochet. So to place a single crochet, you just want to insert your hook into that v, v space. So take your yard, insert your hook, insert it into that v space. But Jeff like so. And then secure that yarn on your hook. Like I have done so. And you want to pull it through just like that. So let's do that again together. I want to find that second chain from the hook. Take your hook, insert it into that. I'm just going into that one loop right there. Like this. Some people will go into the two loops like this. That's absolutely fine. As long as you're going into that chain. So insert it right in there and then pull the yarn, pull it through. So now you're going to have two loops on your hook. Yarn over. Pull through two. So let me take everything apart and show you one more time. You are going to insert your hook into that stitch, which is the second shade from the hook. Yarn over. Pull through. You've got two loops on your hook. Yarn over. When you wrap your yarn, I like the yarn up your hook around the young like this. It's called yarn over. Pull through. Just like that. Now I want you to grab your first stitch marker and place it on top of this that you can see right here. This is going to show you that this was a stitch or this was your first stitch. So that when you're counting how many single crochets room that you've made. You won't miss out the first. It's easy to miss out the first and the last, especially for beginners. So you want to make sure you utilize it will stitch markers. And now to go on working the rest, you're going to do what we just did. Insert your hook into that next group, pull it through to looks like your hook. Yarn over. Pull through to find the next treat, this one right here. Insert your hook, loop, pull it through, yarn over. Pull through two. That's your second stitch. Find the third. Insert your hook loop, pull it through yarn over. To find your next chain, and repeat that. Insert your hook. Yarn, pull it through, yarn over, pull through two fragrant next chain and set your hook, loop. Pull it through, yarn over, pull through two. And so far, this is what your single crochets should be look alike. I want you to continue and I'll meet you towards the end so that I can show you how we can finish off and not miss out any stitches. 9. 9. Finishing single crochet row: So I have got three chains left at the end, so that's 12.3. So we're gonna be doing the very same thing. Placing single crochets into those last stitches are those last chance. And this is the last one right here. Into that last one, you don't want to miss it. You can see after that it's just that slipknot we made the last V or decent looking v. That's gonna be your last chain. So insert your hook yarn over, pull through two yarn over, pull through again. And that's your last stitch. So I'm gonna grab your stitch marker again and mark that last one. So far. This is what your project. First row of single crochet as looking like. Remember I told you to chain 21. And then because one chain was used as the turning chain, we should have 20 stitches or 20 single crochet across. So I want you to hold your work just like this. You can see those V's since we know how to come to cheap. I want you to count from this stitch marker to this stitch marker. You should have a total of 20 stitches. I'm just going to cut mine with your camera and then I'll let you can't yours out away from camera. So that's 1 234-567-8910, 1112, 1314, 1516, 1718, 1920. Why do we have 21? Why do we have 21? This means those are mistake. I'd probably change 22 instead of 21. And this is why it's very good that you should double count your shape before you begin working your projects. So they all this means is when I was changing my chain of 21, I added an extra one. I think it's that part where I started to teach you how to do the first gene. And then I went back and added another chain. That's what I added the 22nd. So you should have a total of 20 since the first one was used as a turning chain. So I want to show you how to start a second row using the single crochet stitch. 10. 10. How to start a new crochet row: So to begin a second group of single crochet, you want to change one? So remember to check, we just ran over and pull through just like that. So that's your chain one. And then you want to turn them into that first stitch from the previous row or where your stitch market is. That's where you're going to be placing your single crochet. So you just want to remove it for now. And make sure you note where you remove that stitch and then into that hole down here. Where that first which was just want to insert your hook and make a single crochet. Just like that. After you're done, be sure to replace that stitch marker. And then from here I'm following this. You're going to find these stitches right here in the spaces. That's where we're going to be inserting our hook. Me call second single crochet, chest like so. So you won't have continued to do this all the way to the end of the road. So just to explain again, when you hold your work like this, you're going to see the spaces in-between these little bumps. Because this little bump was your previous row single crochet into that space. The next one would be this one right here. You want to go in there with your single crochet. Go in there with your single crochet. Just like that. So you want to do this all the way to the end of the rope. And I'm gonna go and do this and to approaching the end of the row so that I can show you how we can finish their work. So far, this is what that would work. Should be looking like. Well, those two rows and this is the other side of it. I have got two stitches left. This one right here, and the one with the stitch market is. So into this. I'll go one single crochet. Then remove that stitch marker. And then where that stitch marker was going with my very last single crochet. And then you can just replace it so you do not get lost when we're going back on our third row. So this is your second row. To be killed another room, remember you just chain one. Turn your work. And then into that stage where that stitch markets or just send armies this. And go ahead and place your first single crochet. Just like that. And then you'll put up container just as we did in that second row. Placing your single crochets in those bumps in the middle are in-between. And then let me meet you at the end of the room once again, so that I can show you how we end the row again. And then I'll let you guys continue on by yourselves. So here I am. Two stitches left. Then into that last ditch, remove that stitch marker. Place my last single crochet chain, 1.10. So assuming you did not have your stitch marker there, I will now show you how you're going to identify your first stitch. This was watching, this first V was the chain that you just made. The next week is your first sketch. So that next v is where you want to place your stitch Internet. Go ahead and place your stitch, and then you can replace that stitch marker. So I want you to continue doing this for a total of however many rows you want. And then when we come back, I'm gonna help you see how you can count the rows that you worked. But otherwise, I'm gonna keep on making this tool, this little bundle of you and I have left is out of and I'll meet you again so that I can show you how we can count the stitches, all the rows. And then I'll show you how we can cut off the yarn and how we can move into the ends so that we have a nice chunk of a dishwasher club or whatever predict that you've made. 11. 11. How to count rows: So now after nine rows, this is what my single crocheting rows and look-a-like to count the rules. This ticket. I have got nine rules, so that's 12,345,678.9. The single crochets are quite small. So then we try and turn it around the other way so I can count since it's easier to see in this side. The right side is where if you're right handed, this little starting tail shouldn't be on your right side. So that's one row. This entire row is 12,345,678.9. So this is how we work the single crochets. And if you take a look, because of the stitch markers that we're placing on the ends. It's helped our work to be absolutely straight on the edges, just like that. So we're done with a single crochet. And now let's move on to a half double crochet. If you want, you can continue working more rows until the length of it matches how wide this is. So this is where your mission take transit. As you can see. It measures about eight-and-a-half inches. So you can continue working until it's also 8.5 " long. So far it's just about 3.3 " long. So far, this is how long is it going to continue? Going to have another April and 5 " long. And it can be we'll put holder or placemat, my table mag, your very first crochet project or a washcloth. So I'm just going to put this aside and we're gonna get started on working on next stitch, which is going to be the half double crochet. 12. 12. How to start a half double crochet stitch: Stitch marker. Place it in. Just like that. Like I said, I like to chin want to return to begin in Europe. Other patterns to reaching to, this is what it would look like. But again, personally I see that it tends to confuse me. I have found that you tend to have a Meta edge if you change one. So we're going to turn one. And to remove that stitch marker. First stitch, we're gonna be going that space. So what I mean, I don't like this. Can you see those side v's? These v's. That's what we're going to be inserting our stitch. You can see these fees right here. That's where we'll be inserting that alcohol crochet hook workstation into that first V. This one right here is where we'll be placing our first half double crochet. So bringing back that stitch marker, mark that stitch. So we don't lose it on my way back. And then we'll continue Interact extra half double crochet, half double crochet, double crochet. And you're going to have double crochet all the way until the end of the world. So I'm just going to speed it up a bit since I have already reached the end of my room. Got two more stitches into there. And then I'm going to be removing that stitch marker, that last fee and set that hook and pull through. So as you can see, the half double crochet has a lot more length. The single crochet does. However, it does use slightly more urine than the single crochet dance. So I'm going to show you how we begin to shed roof of your half double crochet just like that. Chain one and tap into that first fee. Right there, please. Your first half double crochet, stitch marker and police it in there. And then you're going to continue policing cough double crochets into every stage. And then that last one. Kinsmen, turn first to the police, your first stitch. Just like that. So, um, for my work, I'm not going to loan rules just like we did for that single crochet. And then I'll show you, I just want to show you the difference in size. So let me walk. I know something I I'll meet you so that I can show you what it looks like at the end. 13. 13. How to half double crochet: So to work the half double crochet, we're going to start as we've been doing slipknot and then making a chain. So this time I just want you to change your life. This time the foundation, she'll be quite smaller. I've got 11. So now personally, I like to skip one shape and then go into the next. But when you watch other tutorials on YouTube, other patterns though to skip two stitches and then go into the next one to start your half double crochet. But I spent me even at the end of a row, I like to just chain one and turn in this course the same for if I'm doing a double crochet or something like that. So I'm going to show you how I do it. But when you watch other tutorials and they're telling you to skip to the chase and going to the third. That's absolutely fine. So for the sake of this class, you could skip that first shape. The next word, go in with a half double crochet. So remember a single crochet, we just went in and did so. This time a half double crochet requires us to yarn over before we can continue your yarn over just like soap into that second chain from the hook. Insert your hook yarn and pull it through. So now you've got 123 loops on your hook. Yarn over. Pull through all of them. Just like that. Insert your stitch into the next loop that you are, then pull it through loops on your hook, yarn over. You're pulling through all of them. Over to that chain. Through loops on my hook and pull through all three. So let's not forget placed in back stitch marker into that first stitch. So it's this first V that we can see right here. And now I'm just going to continue leasing. Have double crochets, fixing a yarn to more stitches left. So remember that last v looking stitches, that last one, the last stitch of the row into there. You're also just going to place half double crochet. 14. 14. How to measure the finished swatch: So after nine rows of working, this is what our work is. Nothing of the half double crochet is. So let me just measure. Have gotten 4.5 " of half double crochets after nine months. Whereas with a single crochets, we got 3 " from the same, same yarn, same crochet, hook, different stitches as you can see when I look at them side-by-side, they have double crochet works at rest. At the same time it uses way more yarn. As you can see, this is what it looks like. Most people like to use this to work sweaters or cry begins. All projects. If they want the project work up quite fast other than the single crochet, this one is a little more softer, has more, it's slightly a bit more loose, if I would say, well, this one is a bit more stiff. And I'm sure you're going to notice as little as you work, the stitches sullied by side-by-side. This is what they look like. This is the half single crochet close by. And this is the halftone crochet close by. So this is what they look like, both of them. So I mentioned that I would like to show you how we can weave in the ends. I don't know what came over me. I take this apart. So let's, let me show you now how we weave in the ends. 15. 15. How to weave in ends: When you're done working and you want to fast enough, you're young. As streaming. This was it. I'm not going to cut it off. So I'm just for the sake of demonstration, when you're done, you just want to make it uniform. Then you would cut off around here. After you cut off, then you just pull the yarn and you tighten it at the tip, just like that. And then once you're done and you're trying to weave in the ends, you want to just take the yarn and insert it through the eye of the needle, just like I have done right here. And then you're just going to act like you're sewing it into the project, but you're not. So I'm just going to go through the top bumps of my work with my needle up with my yard needle, just like that. And as you do that, you just got to pull the yarn through the tail of the yarn through just like that. And you're almost Cadmus, see where it was. Just going to continue doing that for the rest of the work until you can't see it. If this is true visible for you, you can repeat the same thing. On this side, right now. On this side, see, it's a little harder if the tail, the head is quite short leg brightness because I'm scared it right for now. So you can just take it will work it up the sides. Just like I'm doing it right now. After you're done, you just want to read through and pulls that. You'd have to be looking for it for you to see it? I did. Of course, there's a bit of yellow left here. That's where you can always use your scissors. But otherwise, you'd have to be looking for the artist said, otherwise, swap most invisible would pretty much invisible. So yes, that is how you even your end. If you are going to visit other option where you can just cut the unmarried close to the end, but you risk having to work come on ducts. We want to cut it off as far as possible. But a little option is to just leave it as I just showed you how to do that. So there you go. These are your very first beginner, friendly crochet stitches with a single crochet, half double crochet. In this class you have learned how to shade, how to start, how to make a slipknot, how to cheat, and how to work a single crochet as the one as a double crochet. Go ahead and make another chain of 20 like we did here. And work another 20 rolls and then send a picture or post a picture if the discussion areas to show us your little project. After this. 16. 16. Outro: Congrats, You are done by the end of this class. Now your cluster both making a chain. You're comfortable with making the slipknot. You're comfortable with the single crochet, and you're also comfortable with the half double crochet. So be sure to skim through our other classes to know and see what other projects that you might try to attempt after you're comfortable with these few stitches. If you can't find anything that's easier for you, you can always find the link to our website, where you can also attempt other beginner friendly crochet projects. Until next time. I will see you.