Creative Writing: How to Write Descriptive Characters, Scenes and Stories | Matthew Dewey | Skillshare

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Creative Writing: How to Write Descriptive Characters, Scenes and Stories

teacher avatar Matthew Dewey, Writer, Artist

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction to Creative Writing: How to Write Descriptive Characters, Scenes and Stories


    • 2.

      Lengthy Writing: Creative Writing: How to Write Descriptive Characters, Scenes and Stories


    • 3.

      Subtle Writing: Creative Writing: How to Write Descriptive Characters, Scenes and Stories


    • 4.

      Unnecessary Details: Creative Writing: How to Write Descriptive Characters, Scenes and Stories


    • 5.

      Personality In Writing: Creative Writing: How to Write Descriptive Characters, Scenes and Stories


    • 6.

      Analytical Vs Emotional: Creative Writing: How to Write Descriptive Characters, Scenes and Stories


    • 7.

      Conclusion to Creative Writing: How to Write Descriptive Characters, Scenes and Stories


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About This Class

Welcome to the course where I show you the major differences between lengthy and short writing, and how to create descriptions that match your style and genre, keeping the reader interested. Don't make the same mistakes that so many novice authors make and instead learn how to write descriptions that interest a reader, rather than bore them.

My name is Matthew Dewey and I am a writer. It is hard to say when my passion for writing began, but if I can recall it all started back in primary school. A small, pale child with not much to say, but plenty to write, or in most cases scribble, across a page. From there writing became a hobby, moving on to become a part-time job writing articles on various subjects from technology to programming. Suddenly, the spark was ignited and I wrote my first novel. From there I was hooked onto something that was akin to a calling.

Enough monologue, it is time to tell you what this course is worth to you; this course is the fifth in a series of courses that I am creating to tackle the problems that all writers face. If you wish to learn how to create interesting and clear writing then look no further. I do the research and compile them into short, simple courses in which I give you the most important information on the subject. What is more, any questions found fitting of a new course will be accepted and answered.

In this course I will show you:

  • How to write lengthy descriptions

  • How to write short descriptions

  • How to remove unnecessary details

  • How and when to use analytical and emotional writing

  • Along with some additional tips and advice when writing in general!

Welcome to the Descriptive Writing: The Good and the Bad Course! I will show you everything you need to know to create an interesting and enjoyable description that your reader can enjoy by helping you find your writing style! See you soon!

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Matthew Dewey

Writer, Artist

Level: All Levels

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1. Introduction to Creative Writing: How to Write Descriptive Characters, Scenes and Stories: Rogina level is not easy. Each chapter welcomes new difficulties that you cannot pull seat. Perhaps the story goes away that you have no control over. Perhaps the dialogue you rode falls flat or even, perhaps you write the chapter that draws you to tears. All these problems are common enough in the writing community, but what a special is the dedication to improve By learning from advice and courses such as this as Arata, you no doubt desire pride in your work, creating a scene that you can read with a smile mentally patching yourself on the back for your creativity and use over can. My name is Matthew and I have been writing for several years. I would give you a number, but it is hard to pin down when I realized I was so interested in the writing world through practice research and overcoming each mistake with what I learned as able to make a career from writing, I started writing professionally around three years ago at the publication of Mufflers. Not the Four Horsemen today have released several novels and right every chance I get to finish the next adventure. Writing is a passion. I'm sure you and she welcome to the course under script of Rotting the Good and the Vet. In October 2018 I started a challenge for myself to write a short story every day at 1000 words minimum on the day of recording this introduction I virgin of ah, 180 stories and have no intention of stopping. The reason behind this challenge was not only to practice my writing been put in place. A writing haven't over the years of writing every day was one of the biggest challenges I gave myself. However, from this challenge came experience in many aspects of rotting to writing and research. I learned the best forms of descriptive writing and would shooted mass style best. However, a still experiment was each different style, depending on my mod sit and mood are mere to provide relevant advice on descriptive writing and which style was you to best. By the end of this course, I want you to be able to write a paragraph in each town and decide which is your favorite by quality and enjoyment you get from writing that way. I know that sounds like a lot to ask for, but these were. The methods that are found could apply to every rata, and the chances are that they will help you as well. Do not hesitate to take the first step because you'll be surprised how far you get what you do. Is that intra out of the way? Let's approach descriptive writing with pen and paper and end, ready to learn from each time I'll see you in the next lesson. 2. Lengthy Writing: Creative Writing: How to Write Descriptive Characters, Scenes and Stories: hello and welcome to the first lesson off this description course at a side that first listen, I should teach in this course should be surrounding the most controversial descriptions in the writing community. And that would, of course, be the lengthy descriptions. What I just said now was an example of a lengthy description. Lengthy descriptions make use of long, complex sentences. The effects of such descriptions really have to do with what is being sent. Most every readers glance over such writing, taking the pieces information that they found necessary without actually reading it thoroughly. That is not just say that lengthy descriptions are not popular or read thoroughly, completely. It is, in fact, a beloved way of writing to a more patient reader. Lengthy descriptions show the best humor or emphasize the best off an emotion. Allow me to create an example of such rotting. For the few who knew him, none of them was surprised at the ostentatious nous of his death, as often watched the portly man what always way through the parties in the grand home, watching as he grasped anything stable enough to support his weight and keep him from collapsing at every instant, however, they were only a handful. He knew the count, a handful that turned scream or panic when the large man finally fell face first into the punch bowl dead in an instant. From this paragraph, we can see an arrangement of complex rotting, almost condescending and cold towards the death of the count. In the paragraph. However, in this paragraph, the writing clearly shows that there was a character or person who truly cared or even knew the count, and thus the importance of this character to the reader is little to none. However, through such lengthy descriptions, we learned so much interesting facts pertaining to the death. Well, in that account wasn't healthy, that he spoke with few people, and these people, always watching, expect him to die at some point. The choice of words used in such description also lays down and ambience for the story. Rare words such as ostentatious nous and portly are used, hinting that the Rato might be well versed in vocabulary, sure, but also giving the reader a classy a perspective on the situation. I will now recreate the scene using words that are more common so you can see the difference if you were not surprised by the sudden death. These few often watched the count struggle as he made his way through the room, watching as he made use of anything that would help him from one piece of furniture to another. However, there were few who knew the count and, as such, were not so surprised when he died at the party face planting into the punch bowl. The paragraph is much the same, but the writing is ultimately different through such lengthy descriptions. The reader once more is a peak. A to the right is, and as such, they see this situation similar to that of the Ratta. Once more, the situation is presented coldly but with more energy. More common words are easily relatable to the reader, and as such, there read more consciously, brother every treatem. Personally, I found the best lengthy descriptions to be humorous, such as the writing you'll find in Terry Pressure doubles. Very rarely do I ever read a lengthy description that doesn't contain a hint of humor, especially when reading room Warren books. All the books are different story, lengthy descriptions being the norm, and as such, you cannot expect such nuggets off humor amongst the rotting. However, even in classical writings such as that, they are wonderfully written sentences and descriptions that could be truly inspiring to any writer reading them. When it comes to which level of rata recommend lengthy descriptions, I cannot give an answer, such as a beginner or advanced or experience. Rata brought in such as this requires patience, molded skill. Each paragraph means tree crafted, one sentence flowing into another. I recommend writing such paragraphs as I mentioned earlier. If you're considering the style of rotting, it requires more time and effort. But if you enjoy writing and reading such descriptions, it may be the perfect style for you. With that. This listen comes doing, I hope you enjoyed in the next video. We'll be discussing short and subtle writing. I'll see you then. 3. Subtle Writing: Creative Writing: How to Write Descriptive Characters, Scenes and Stories: Hello, writers. And welcome to this. Listen on, simplistic ratting. After the last listen, we discussed complex and lengthy rotting. We are now moving on to something more common, but in its own way, more difficult, lengthy A rotting Has the decided benefit of allowing the writer to work in an ever difficult third person and narrate this story as it goes as often being the easiest form of writing, as most novels we read in our early years were written in the third person. And no, I'm not referring to basic stories and Children books that helped us learn to speak. Fairy tales are the first, most common stories we heard, and as such they were written in the third person. We're more used to this righty now. Even later years we begin to read books written in the first person, and it is often the first top of novel will begin to rot. The reasons so many beginning also has found it difficult to rot in the third person is because it is frustrating to write simply, you as a rata have the imagination to know what is happening in the story, and you want to convey that information to the reader in order to not lose them. However, you can't switch from first to third person whenever you feel like. Of course, there are ways to do, sir, but the traditional first person doesn't allow that to all beginners discouraged by your writing when working in the first person dumpy, it is something that all writers go through. What you need to do in this situation is learn how to pace your novel and tell the story in a small and consistent way. But only really necessary information allow the reader to fill in the gaps That narration would normally fall. Let us work with an example of such simplistic writing. I always knew the store to have its faults, but seeing that rat disgusted me as fast as I could, I left the store and out onto the empty Salberg. After all these years, I had no idea I was eating take away food from such a place. Still, I should have realized it was that way when I was the only customer they ever served from this piece. We learned so much, and so much is yet lift up. What kind of take away places at what did it look like? What was the time of day? Anyone reading this piece can picture the store and what it looks like. What is the time of day and what kind of food was even being served personally? Our pictures something like a Chinese take away stool whitewalls on the inside and the Tom would be some way in the late evening or even middle, not a picture. All these things, because of experiences and subtle hints with simplistic writing, a picture Chinese take away store because I had a similar experience at picture white walls and cheap tiling, because I would assume such simple decoration from a filthy store on a picture. It was late in the day because getting a take away to me is more common for late evening or not than any other time of the day. Some of you may picture it the same way you're completely different, but those details are assumed by the reader unnecessary details that won't be bought, oblate er, but the rotting is easy and quick to read for the rotting is quick and easy to read. It works well for any genre of story as well and all it takes is providing the right information to the reader rat Take away discussed Street four words and so much of the sitting is revealed when it comes to moving on from writing lengthy too simplistically, I can give you some advice on this in the next lesson for this. Listen, you need to know that simplistic writing is written commonly from the first person it is written with the man set off the character. The words reflect the character, and with that, place yourself in the shoes of that character and imagine what would spring to your mind and choose the first ones that appear next. What actions spring Two months, The average person lives Most do they laugh on instinct, show shock, your character shock yourself and your struck arena as well. Learning how to leave the unnecessary details behind is a border topic and a subject for the next. Listen with that. This listen comes tune in and I'll see you in the next video 4. Unnecessary Details: Creative Writing: How to Write Descriptive Characters, Scenes and Stories: Hello, writers, and welcome to another. Listen in this video, we'll be discussing the unnecessary details in a novel. Now for beginners you're writing. This may come as a surprise. It is very ring in a great level. That detail is unnecessary, even though it may seem that way. There has been a number of famous authors who have made use off supposed unnecessary details, but in reality every word has a purpose in a well written book. If we were to be pedantic about this, our argument, we could say that a details unnecessary to the plot. But that was never the details Purpose, in which case it would add to the novel in some way, often in my teenage years are rated sentence in a book that raised in OBRA a sentence that didn't add to the scene nor to the plot and are simply glanced over it as if it weren't they. However, that sentence wasn't Patty nor mindless thought on the writer's part after reading various novels by different writers and soon came to realize that the classics and prize winners all have the same sentences that served a purpose. No matter how slot. When you are editing a novel, you cut unnecessary details out that much is clear. You remove the padding, you re praise things, or you describe situations differently. However, I can guarantee that the moment you finish your editing, there'll be plenty of details and descriptions that are worth more to you than the reader. These details are what help the reader into. The authors manned seen things from their perspective following the same train off thought , however. Suppose you're writing some lengthy paragraphs and find that you need to remove unnecessary details. Asked the beginner, who has hit the bump along the road to truly consider if the land is unnecessary. I can understand reading from a reader's perspective, but there is a thin line between what is necessary and unnecessary. So often in these cases, if there is any information or details, you feel need to be drummed, remove such details and re read the sentence. If it still makes sense in the context and has the same effect on the novel, then you have removed on unnecessary detail. However, chances are that when you removing such sentences or words, you may find that it loses the same effect and that could be jeopardizing the scene. Let us take an early paragraph from running theory. Otti. Listen and simplify it this way. Try and bring this paragraph down from lengthy into simplistic writing. I remove anything that has really been hinted out of reference. No need to repeat what was already Bean stated. However, a stone clue details such as parties in the Grand Hall. I want to read it to know that these are informal gatherings, even though they take place in a vineyard described as a grand home. I just don't include some details about the size of the count is it adds to the image of these collapse, and in this case, the phrase in an instant can be removed and still have the same effect. All these adjustments made to what once was a lengthy paragraph to make it into simplistic , ratty and don't mention anything twice that is unnecessary to those from the previous Listen, you're wanting how to change their style to something simplistic. You must practice with examples like this. Be it with your own writing or writing from a book of your choice. Find out how you can simple for writing to meet your standards was that this lesson comes to an end and I hope you enjoyed. I'll see you in the next video. Will we discuss placing personality in rotting? 5. Personality In Writing: Creative Writing: How to Write Descriptive Characters, Scenes and Stories: Hello, writers, and welcome to the next listen. In the course for this video, I decided to discuss personality in rotting as it pertains directly to lengthy writing in the first lesson in the previous lists, and I showed you how to identify and remove unnecessary details in order to help better shorten and make simplistic sentences. This video will help yours a right to present your personality through narration in lengthy , descriptive rotting. Now to start off with, I believe that the best way to approach level through narration is by including as much personality to the narration itself. It works well to be neutral and show little if you're telling a fairy tale, but in some cases all positives honors such as comedy or romance, it is based to put your passion into your rotting. Often in comedic novels, the narration is as comedic as this story in its own way. It is for this reason that I mention Terry Pratchett, and he's writing in the first listen. Another example would be John Kennedy Toole's Pulitzer Prize winning novel, Confederacy of Dunces. The writing is famously descriptive and condescending, but done this way on purpose and makes a rotting for more comedic in the way describes what appears to be a normal or even slightly humor situation and makes it even more comedic as such. To place your personality into rotting, one must consider the best personality, trade and how it can affect the novel. You don't need to write a romance or comedy to show personality. There are often more cold and practical personalities shone through action or adventure novels. Having this outlook on the world can largely affect the way the story is presented to the reader now that covers some genres a rotting, which you may be interested in writing yourself. But really, this method can apply to any genre. All it takes is the right man. Sit and delivery. Now let us take a look at how you can right this way. Once you've chosen the part of your personality to show more Priven Lee, the best way to right this way is to write a ziff. You are telling the story to someone who wants that personality. If you're telling someone a joke, the way you speak changes, the words you have chosen are specifically chosen to hard. The punch run until it has said, for the best chance off the joke being funny. If you are to take things more seriously in discussion and actionable was a cold personality, you will have to talk. Is if you are someone in that situation who is more experienced. Often in these cases, they are more blunt and not sensationalist. When I feel like writing this way, I try to get in the right months it. So if I'm writing something that is action packed, I try to write something that is cold as well for a perspective of someone who's been through it all before. For example, a military man discussing a military situation is quick to the point and cuts out the unnecessary details. Let's have a look in an example and see it from a different perspective. Later on, he pulled the trigger, hammer falling and an explosion sounding soon after, the bullet entered my shoulder pain pulsing through my body. And with that, I yelled in agony. Very sensational, but unrealistic. If this is a soldier recounting their experience, here's what they would say. Instead, he shot at me and the bullet hit my shoulder. It hurt like hell. Simple to the point that he can easily picture a soldier saying something like that second piece rather than the 1st 1 Try to bear this myth that in mind when writing with your personality clear on paper, try to speak as if you were they or use the words that you would telling that story, not the words you think you should use the professional sentences that can be said by any rata. Try to be unique with your writing in that sense, and you should develop a style that stands up. However, you still need to pay attention to some writing rules. If you're going to compare your story clearly, it all comes down to that balance. But I'm sure that you get the idea to have the right amount of personality. Yet show your skill on Rati, and this does not mean you have to cut out your personality and put something that is cold , even though it is quite well written on paper, it is better to have a great balance between us, too, especially and narration. Having personality and any narrative writing often does well, so it is best to try and do so when you are writing your own noble was that this listen comes to in in the next video, we're going to compete. Analytical, too. Emotional writing. I'll see you then. 6. Analytical Vs Emotional: Creative Writing: How to Write Descriptive Characters, Scenes and Stories: HeLa writers and welcome to the final listen off the course in this list and will be discussing what I've touched upon in the previous listen. In the previous lesson, we covered personality in rotting and how you can convey yours through your story. In this Listen, I'll be comparing analytically and emotionally descriptive, rotting. Now I will talk about analytical. First, This rotting can have its pros and cons like emotionally descriptive writing as well. Analytical writing is often cold and overly descriptive. Some details are completely unnecessary and had nothing to a novel in any shape or form. Analytical writing is present and in some amateurish writing with a writer believes by including so much detail and long, winding sentences. There are art in a great book, however. One can write an analytical book, which is actually enjoyable, but usually the sister tie into the theme of the book. If it is a story written from the perspective of someone who is analytical, it is more than founded if it is necessary to keep the integrity of the part. Of course, Pepto analytical writing is used to add humor to the novel, then, by all means, do so to move on from being an amateur rata. You need to have purpose, bond everything. Your characters have a purpose to the plot. The world has its purpose. The decisions are made with reasons back in. And so the way you're writing should come into play as well. Now, don't be intimidated and concerned through the writing of your novel. Don't spend every second wondering if you're doing things right. Are writing off the cuff, taking your thoughts directly from your mind and putting them on paper. You are doing it perfectly right. You're telling a story the way it is mean to be told. And this applies even if you are being analytical. As a writer, you know there is a reason by on the way you're writing. You just need to keep that reason present in mind. With that, let us discuss emotional writing. Emotional writing has often being popular when it comes to novels centered around person and their last decisions. This rotting styles often impactful wind done rot, but if done poorly, it can result in something that is known as a fluff piece or sensationalistic. Writing. Sensationalism isn't necessarily a bad thing, but you cannot fill your novel with it. It is considered padding to your novel. Adding an emotion to every interaction and event in the novel will desensitize your reader to emotion and in the end, your crate. Poor reading. It is all well and good to be dramatic, to be emotional. In any genre, there's some more than others, but you cannot have each page of your novel train strip that rotting. It ties the reader, and very soon you will have them scanning a rotting, skipping over any flowery language to found the next plot point. Both analytical and emotional writing in their extreme scents are difficult to rut, however, in both cases, if they are handed carefully and in moderation, depending on the plot and genre, that can be fantastic. Reading to begin is watching. You need to establish how you're going to write your first novel as soon as possible. Consistency is needed when writing a novel, so pace you descriptions don't bore your reader with one complex paragraph after another. But don't leave them lost with simple and vague ratting. Use Arata know now how you want to write by the end of this course, and no doubt you have written a few pages with writing that you could be happy with. Your goal is to turn those pages into a novel, and now you have the tools at your disposal. Try to be consistent with the description style you have chosen from this course, and I'm sure you'll be more than happy of. The final result was that this course comes to an end, and I hope you enjoyed. The next video will be a conclusion to what you learned in this course, but you can skip it if you wish before you go back to your topping. How about visiting my profile and giving me a follow? So if you have any problems on your mind, be shortly but comment on the listen and I'll see about helping you in the next course if you wish to further support these courses and tutorials, I have a patron at Patria on dot com ford slash the pin sleuth or as you see it on the screen now every little bit helps was that good day. Do not unhappy rotting 7. Conclusion to Creative Writing: How to Write Descriptive Characters, Scenes and Stories: and thus the course comes to an end to all writers. And interested viewers are, say thank you for watching our plan and creating more videos such as this one to tackle the issues that hit writers most and discussing writing styles and descriptive writing was a well requested one. I believe it has to do with the beginner authors trying to find their style writing much like an artist funds their style of painting or medium. Nevertheless, it was something I decided about mile Writeem rather early in my career, and I would say to help me a lot and writing my stories and novels personally, My style is similar throughout all novels, but depending on what genre do make subtle changes for any action. Adventures are tried to incorporate more energy into the writing, more punching indirect praises, however, with more tame and fairytale like stories adding to be less energetic and more fantastical . Of course, developing my style was easy enough. After all, the books of Red and the stories are wrote, you is a beginner. Do you have a rough idea of how you'll be writing a book? But beans show off these things never hurts as well. I hope this course did just that in helping you decide on some techniques or help reinforce your style of writing in your heart. I hope you enjoyed the Siri's. But before you don't back into writing, how about checking my profile and giving me a follow? I will be releasing videos such as these regularly and you're watching and enjoying them means a lot, and it supports me in creating more courses to answer those questions. Play in your mind if you wish to support me further in producing better content. I have a patron at patri on dot com forward slash the pain Sleuth What should appear across the screen now? One small thank you for watching and I hope you enjoyed was that Good day Good night and happy Rati.