Creative Writing: How to Write a Short Story Every Day | Matthew Dewey | Skillshare

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Creative Writing: How to Write a Short Story Every Day

teacher avatar Matthew Dewey, Writer, Artist

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction to How to Write a Short Story Every Day


    • 2.

      Finding Limits | How to Write a Short Story Every Day


    • 3.

      Best Start for Your Writing Habit | How to Write a Short Story Every Day


    • 4.

      Prolonging Your Writing Habit | How to Write a Short Story Every Day


    • 5.

      Writing Practicals | How to Write a Short Story Every Day


    • 6.

      Professional Advice | How to Write a Short Story Every Day


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About This Class

Hello Writer!

Welcome to the course where I show you how to write a short story every day!

For a year, I wrote a short story every day, maintaining a level of productive writing that I dreamt of!

My name is Matthew Dewey and I am a writer. It is hard to say when my passion for writing began, but if I can recall it all started back in primary school. A small child with not much to say, but plenty to write, or in most cases scribble, across a page. From there writing became a hobby, moving on to become a part-time job writing articles on various subjects from technology to programming. Suddenly, the spark was ignited and I wrote my first novel. From there I was hooked onto something that was akin to a calling.

Enough monologue, it is time to tell you what this course is worth to you. 

First, this course was created with the express intention to teach you my professional methods for writing more every day and turning it into a fun business venture. 

In addition to the research, I also write from experience, having written several articles on the subject as well, not to mention hundreds of short stories that have been blogged, turned into books and published!

I will show you how to:

  • Find Your Writing Limits and Plan Accordingly

  • Best Start for Your Daily Writing Habit

  • Prolong Your Writing Habit for Max Content

  • Develop Your Writing Knowledge and Style

  • Professionally Use Your Short Stories


Welcome to your writing-every-day course! I will show what you need to know to start a daily, short story writing habit!

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Matthew Dewey

Writer, Artist

Level: All Levels

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1. Introduction to How to Write a Short Story Every Day: Hello everyone and welcome to your writing cause my name is Matthew doing and for the past several years, I've been a writer and writing coach, helping thousands of students finish and publish the novel. Whether you are beginner or veteran. There's always more to learn about our favorite subject. And I hope to shed some light on it. For this course, I address the popular question I have received for a year. I wrote a short story every day. The question was, how do you write a short story every day? I'm here to give you a rundown on how to fund your rotten limits. How to make Tom had to write every day and make it an enjoyable experience. Writing every day isn't erase. It is a marathon. As you will soon find out. You can use the methods I have to start your own series of short stories. But you can apply the same lessons to writing your books, such as writing a chapter every day. Imagine if you were to write a chapter every day, you'd be able to finish a novel every month at that rate. And novel that you feel proud of. A novel at can be edited and published for your future readers. Specifically, our cover, what I went through, but from my experience, I'll provide you with some do's and don'ts throughout this course. I'll also give you some exercises to help get you into the flow of writing every day. And if you were to take full advantage of this course, I recommend sharing your answers and observations and the discussions per loan. I look forward to chatting with you and providing my professional assistance in your writing endeavors. If you are looking for cause that boosts your productivity and creativity, look no further. I helped you achieve all of this and more. With that, I'll see you in the very first lesson. Bye for now. 2. Finding Limits | How to Write a Short Story Every Day: Hello and welcome to your first lecture in your story, a date coals. In this video, I'll be talking about the preparation that I made before my story a day year began. Now the first thing I had to do was find my limits. I believe that every writer, good rot 5 thousand words a day, if that nothing else to occupy their tongue and if the braced to do so. However, that isn't the case. Many of us have jobs and responsibilities that keep us from rotting. And now this isn't a bad thing. These are priorities that are loves. But of course, we would love to have some time to spend on our rotting so we can further express ourselves and perhaps to develop our hobbies a bit further. But with such priorities, there is very little tempo, has to do some writing. And it does put a damper on large word counts or our story a day. However, a word count is key. Now, if we add an hour or two to spend than a 1000 to 2 thousand words seems but more plausible. In the beginning, we have more energy and inspiration. So we can push to fill that quota and the set amount of time a bit easier. However, as Tom gets on, writing becomes a bit more would troll. As you spend more time doing anything, it becomes, the more stressful. It's like holding up a glass of water at, at arm's length away. And it's very easy in the beginning. But over time you'll find that glass of water gets heavier and heavier. The same applies to writing. The more you do it for a longer period of time, the more difficult it becomes. So that's the real trauma about short stories. You can start and finish a short story in an hour or two. So that makes the average word count for short story between 1002 thousand words. If you were to write a short story every day, I find this difficult to do in my first days. Instead, I wrote short stories that were 500 words in length. Now, 500 words is nothing just sniff fat, but it's not exactly a 1000 or 2 thousand at best. Now, the 500 word mark isn't such a bad thing As in the beginning, and gave me the opportunity to build up this routing work ethic. Well variety in every day. And that is the goal of this course outflow. However, wordcount is only one part of writing short stories. The next thing is when to run them. For many people, there isn't much time for you to write. You might only come back from work late in the evening. As such, you have little free time to work with before you have to sleep and go back to work. And are thus becomes even more difficult if you consider other responsibilities that need your attention. We said, said this writing habit now needs to become a part of your day. You need to allocate, you need to make time for it. You need to sacrifice things that you used to do before in order to make sure that you have time to meet your responsibilities. And make room for this new habit. For many people, this means giving up their free time on watching TV or browsing the internet or serve in social media. In this term, you can write. And usually you can find at least an hour in your day to spend on writing. Of course, that has been general, not many people, I have times an evening. As a result, you now need to look to the morning of the day. I've known some students who are in school the tongue. And as such, they tried to arrive during the lessons. Now, already this is not a great idea, as in our spinning town, on your writing instead of on something else that requires your energy, such as your education or your job. The quality of birth would just decrease if you spend your time on writing instead of learning or working. As such, it was no surprise to see the students scrap that idea entirely and instead allocate time after school for the rotting. For me, I found that ideal time for routing was in the morning because I am a morning person that typically roll out of bed and turn on the computer immediately start working. Good, working on my lessons or working with my students. All right, in an article or short story that tomorrow, the day is the most crucial for me. As I have the right mentality and energy to jump straight into work and get quite a lot done before that energy begins to dwindle and by the end of the day I'm exhausted. But I recommend first of all, is creating a timetable, right heart, a set amount of hours or half hours allocate time for your work and your responsibilities. Really just start scheduling when you are working, when you are doing your chores, when you're sleeping and find the gaps. Now the Tm slots that are being presented to you can come in two forms. One might be a more comfortable term for you to work in, as it could be the end of the day or the start to the day whenever you feel most comfortable. However, there's going to be time slots. We I'm not comfortable with it. For example, you may not be a morning person, but you do have a time slot available for routing. Now there are many ways you can make these towns slots that more comfortable. Everyone has their own creature habits. For example, you could have music playing in the background. You can have snacks and other small distractions that make the term a bit more enjoyable. Positive thinking goes a long way as well. But of course, it helps to have more physical things that you can work with. The worst-case scenario when creating a timetable is that there isn't a time slot every day. And which case writing every day has immediately become impossible. However, you do want to write more, which means you need to take advantage of the time slots you do have. For example, if you've made the time to watch this course, you have made the tongue for routing as well. With that said, we now move on to step two, which is finding out what is the ideal would come to work with. For some people, 2 thousand words is easy enough and they'll try and reach for that. However, for others, 2 thousand words is practically impossible, especially if you want to write it in an hour. To find your comfortable word count, what I recommend is for one day, right? As much as you can in a short story. Don't worry about quality, Don't worry about anything making sense. Simply just follow your imagination and instincts and just keep rotting dot bog yourself down. Just try and write as many words as you can't really. And by the end of it, take Italia, that would come. Once you have done that for one day, the next day, you're gonna take your time with it. Aim for quality. Try to move at a very comfortable pace. Don't push yourself to rot so much. You'll end up with most likely two different word_counts, in which case your deal wordcount is between the two. That is what you're aiming for. You don't want to simply bog yourself down with such stressful, intense work to try and create a perfect story that would result in you not finishing the story in town or the story being rather short. And you also don't arrived without a sense of quality in mind. You don't want to write something. There's a slew of words that barely just tasks together. So your ideal wordcount is definitely in between. You are pushing into Roger story and finish it in the allocated time. At the same time, you want to make the story with reading, or at least an enjoyable experience for you. And you won't get an enjoyable experience if you're pushing to write a story and that you're not happy with or you're unable to finish that story in time, you need to find the balance between Sloan relaxed and productive, efficient routing. Personally, I've found that my ideal word limit was 100 words in a two hour time slot. This gave me plenty of time to think of an idea, to work on the story, to do the editing and Google Docs through family and others spell checks as well, which I do recommend as they are free services. And of course COP of a suitable title for the story. If I had even more time on my hands or clean energy, I would see 1000 words as a minimum goal and I've tried to him hide. Now those two steps are your exercise for this lesson. You are to create a time table and find the ideal time of day for you to write. And then next you need to fire that deal wordcount by first writing as much as you can one day and then taking your time and aiming for quality the second day. But of course, there's more to writing every day than just that. The next lessons we'll focus on building this writing habit. Tony, related to experience the benefits US errata and develops your skills as a writer. And then of course, how to make the most of your work at the end of the day, which is essential if you want to make a professional career out of writing. Once you have found your limit, I will see you in the next lecture. We'll be talking about the best way you can start your daily writing habit. I'll see you then. Bye for now. 3. Best Start for Your Writing Habit | How to Write a Short Story Every Day: Hello and welcome back to a story a day cause. In this lecture I'll be discussing the best way to approach the story, a day rotting habit. One might think that the best way to start this writing habit is slow at first, like when finding one's limits and then building up from vain. However, the opposite is actually true. The slow and comfortable was funding. How much you can write in a day and finding the time slots available. However, if you want to start, habit is a measure of dedication, not mount. The slow and comfortable part was finding how much you can run it and when you can run anything become a habit if it's done every day or month. However, it's those 30 days that require the most effort from you. From there it's luckier migrants on autopilot and you just end up rotting naturally every day. Think of it much like exercising. If you visit the gym regularly or your frame does, then you should know that going to start, it requires a burst of energy and inspiration, which is great. But then the next difficulty comes from continuing that process, continuing that habit. This is because it is very easy to stop and take a break. The real problem was starting slow is it doesn't properly prepare you for this sort of writing habit. Yvonne start rotting every third day and then every second day, and then in the first day. But you will find that the jump from 32nd is difficult. And then second to every day becomes the most difficult. It's a consistent habit. That means it becomes a marathon. I would like to stress as well that it's not bad to rot every second day. That is still a great habit to have and it's much bigger than relativity every weekend or worse yet, every month. Spending more time on your hobby or your passion is incredibly important. Not just in the professional sense if you want to make a Korea from writing, but in a personal sense as well, as many of us got into writing because we enjoy it. The next thing I want to discuss in this video is writing ideas. Next, I'd like to discuss the ideas for your short stories. In the beginning, I would recommend with going with what comes naturally. Picking the ideas that immediately pops in your mind, what you're most comfortable with and will perhaps know valence story ideas that you plan to turn it to a novel one day. These are that, is, that'll keep you going for a short while. You'll be working with a genre and theme you're comfortable with. And after all, no one knows your stories as well as you do. So writing the short stories should be a very comfortable and enjoyable experience. Personally, I had no idea what I was going to write every day. I simply chosen a theme or genre that are felt like writing that day. And then start to look for more defined ideas and inspiration. So I'd look at artworks or prompts on Pinterest, for example, you'll find that there's a lot of art out there that you can use to help inspire ideas, or perhaps artworks that will give you a visual idea of what you want to write a bound. Of course, there are various other methods I'll be talking about in future lessons. For now, high of Iraq. I mean, just sticking with what you know based and what do you have ideas for? Open up a document and make the list record as many ideas as you can. I have discussed in the past about writing journals and notebooks to help keep track of your ideas as you come up with them throughout your day. And with those ideas, simply jump into the writing. And when it, as you go along, get into the creative flow, things using your imagination as you go, right? Is if you are writing for the first time again, even when it comes to writing novels, I do place heavy stress and law students to be more creative than to bother themselves down of structure. When it comes to smaller projects like these, it's simply jumping into it that really helps you as a writer when it comes to larger projects like novels, than having some plot structure is a definite help. The next challenge will be maintaining this month's it. Over time, even your favorite subject will grow tiresome. Students may relate to this feeling very well, as this is known as Bernard burnout is when you push yourself too hard. In the beginning, the results are great. But another town, you'll find that your heart, your passion for the project is lacking more and more. That is because we're only human and we cannot be expected to work so hard and consistently for such long periods of time without showing fatigue. Now, while I will be showing you how to prolong your writing habit, everyone does reach burnout eventually. For me it was a challenge just to maintain the writing habit for a year. And then even on the days when I found myself unable to rot due to responsibilities or small measure. Bernard, I'll try to catch up with it. And writers to stories the next day or three in some cases. And of course, that made that day very uncomfortable for me as it pushed me for several hours to write several stories. Now that is not what I want for you, but I want you to do is to develop a comfortable writing habit and habit that you can maintain for several months, perhaps several years, without showing sounds as such, fatigue, you don't want to grow to hate writing after all. So to conclude, what you're gonna do for the first 30 days is simply stick with genres and things that you enjoy the most. You're going to stick with the style that you enjoy rotting wood. And you're going to be writing a story every day. That means you start and finish the story on that day. Don't worry about where your story will go. Just simply routed from beginning to end. Stick with this habit and write what you want to write. Maintain that energy and mindset throughout a month can feel like a long time. So remember, this is an endurance race sprint. And the next three videos, I'll be giving you methods and tips on how to prolong this writing habit. And then finally concluded with professional advice and how you can profit from your work. I'll see you then. Bye for now. 4. Prolonging Your Writing Habit | How to Write a Short Story Every Day: Hello and welcome to a story a day cause. And this lecture will be discussing variety and rotting and how it can help you persist in your daily writing habit, as well as improve your rotten and vocabulary as well. Now I'm going to be discussing variety for two major reasons. The first is variety has helped me in many routers realize the scope of the erotic in prowess. Some discovering that they wrote a genre better than they expected. For example, you might not be taken with writing, comedy writing, but you might have a distinct talent for it. And you can only realize this through exploring other genres. The second major reason is by exploring other genres, you are not only improve your knowledge of them, but of the genre you prefer as well. In the beginning of morality in Korea, decided straight away that I was going to write a genre that up felt most comfortable with and stick with it. By doing that, I would slowly improved and then master the genre in the end. Although I didn't prove and read chapter and storing as I progressed and then found my progression began to plateau. This is because I needed to explore other aspects of writing a novel. And by sticking with the same genre, I cannot explore. Those are the aspect my imagination and knowledge on the genre was exhausted. I looked at my routing and load was good. It wasn't what I was looking for. It wasn't great. So began looking at tightens and their genre to see what they did instead. And found that these popular writers didn't actually stick with the genre. They experimented with different books and plop taps to get a good feel for where they are. In doing so. They're not only explored the depth or they own preferred genre, but they discovered other aspects of rioting that very few consider, especially if they're close minded to other genres to better explain this, take a thriller novel for example. A thriller novel consists of mainly through scenes. The scenes are written by a thriller erato with ease. However, one needs to space out these scenes with other more intriguing scenes that fit the plot. For example, some scenes or more but developing the plot and as such, much beer, crime scene conveying mystery so that a mystery writer would be better suited for IT net scene. In addition to that, many thriller novels will add variety to the story by passing it up with some comedic or lighthearted scenes before dels back into darkness. So then to truly create a great story, you would have a great thriller writer working on a thriller scenes, a great mystery author working on their mystery scenes. Craig, comedic or romance, also working on as lighthearted scenes and so on. Eventually you have all sorts of authors working on a single novel. And that can lead to some bad writing if it's not done carefully. But at the same time, that's what a single author needs to take into account when working on a novel. They need to consider these scenes and practice and develop their own skills so they can deliver them properly. This seems needed flow into each one with ease. And another way to really do that is to have the same author working on them. In short, it pays for a writer to explore other genres to help develop their own works. That's why short stories are such great practice. They're not like writing a novel chapter. You are simply writing a story from beginning to end. So it's a short amount of time spent on practicing a genre, reading other short stories in the same genre that you're looking to learn from helps as well. As it not only shows you how to construct these scenes, but what words to use. So to that extent, exploring other genres, adding variety to your routing can improve your vocabulary as well. It goes without saying that a science fiction writer will most likely be using different words to that other fantasy author. So you can attain the knowledge of a science fiction writer by learning how to build a explain technology. So when I discovered this, I began to explore other genres as well. I found that I was not only a boost to my productivity but to my skill set as well. From this exploration, I learned how to better define characters, how to build a structure, certain plots, how to better deliver drugs or right, enjoyable action sequences. All of this gave me a new outlook on writing through variety each day became a interesting challenge, like crafting a sculpture from a new type of clay or painting with a color that you don't use so often to simply reached the point where I could write a story that was not only enjoyable to me, but enjoyable to others in different genres. This of course brings me to the popular saying that variety is the spice of life. Now normally this is to describe what meals to eat each day. But of course, you'll find that that also is similar to what I'm talking about. If you were to eat your favorite meal every day, he would soon got tired, bored, and even disgusted by it. Which is why you should eat a variety of meals in doing served. And you'll find yourself having more of a taste for that same meal that you initially had. You'll find this works with writing as well. If you were to write the same genre, the one that you felt most comfortable with all the term, your favorite meal. You would find that at some point you reach a stage of burnout. We are no longer interested in that genre at you need to actually explore different genre. Open up your mind to other ideas and plots in routing and experiment with them. Soon you'll have the interest once again to continue with your favorite genre with the knowledge that you have learned from exploring other genres. Of course, when doing the daily writing habit and writing a short story every day. As soon learned that assurance stake of the same genre. And I did sparse things up. Obviously I wouldn't write the same genre again and again and again until I was tired of it. And then switch turn. And the Genres every day was a new journey and a new genre. And of course, I recommend this to every writer watching this. If you find yourself getting bored of your favorite subject, something new, keep changing it up. Don't simply returned to what do you enjoy the most and stick with it until you get bored again. On that note, this lecture has come to an end. The exercise for this video is a bit of a challenge for you. You have to write a short story and the genre that you are the least comfortable with or that have the least knowledge on. For example, if you don't know how to write a science fiction, try writing a science fiction short story and posting it in the discussions below. Look at other works, pictures, and other media to help give you some inspiration and be sure to give it your best shot personally, when I write a short story in a genre that I'm inexperienced with, at least I get a good laugh out of it. Have fun with this exercise, uses many cliches as you want. Mock the story from within, but definitely try to write that story and look forward to seeing some of your work in the discussions below, providing my own sort of opinions on them. And if you are struggling with this, don't be afraid to ask questions. I'll be there to happily answer them. In the next video, I'll be talking about experimentation with your Rocky and style. I'll see you then. Bye for now. 5. Writing Practicals | How to Write a Short Story Every Day: Hello and welcome back to a story a day cause. And this lecture, I'll be talking about changing up your writing style was some experimentation and how I can further increase your progress if your daily writing habit in a previous lesson I was talking about hiking is variety in your writing. To do this, black with variety, experimenting with your rotting can help develop these skills. But without having to resort to changing of ideas and themes that you are comfortable. Instead, these writing experiments are primarily concerned with the way around, the way you deliver information, the way you construct scenes and phrase things for your reader. To explain this, I have a series of exercises for you to complete in this video. Now, I do recommend that you do complete these exercises and post-human discussions below. As this is what you'll be reviewed on, you'll be testing out and experimenting with other writing styles. Job further develop your ideas and also allow for more creativity in your work. Now there are three exercises that I'll be giving you and you can complete them in yarn tongue. But of course, once you are finished, I do recommend personal. I am an active instructor, which means I'll always be laid out any questions you have. And of course, we need to review any work that you publish. So without further ado, let's talk about the first exercise. I will be showing them on the video as well, so you can pause and note them down. First, poetic routing. Poetic writing involves symbolism and flowery language. You have to use the tools that poets employee in their work in order to achieve more emotive or thoughtful rotting. In other words, you will make use of personification whenever possible. Use irony and brought dramatic. You can write a short scene or short story and once you have finished, be sure to share it. Secondly, we have contrast routing. Contrast routing is narration or writing style that contrasts the theme with novel. For example, I happy novel written using Sadie motive language or a horror novel written with flowery language. It is very easy to turn this into committee granting. As contrasting elements tend to evoke laughter. And this is very easy to do if you plan on doing some committee graphene. Because the basis of committee is the subversion of expectations, where reader will expect some rather dark and serious words to describe a crime scene. Using brought Happy language was certainly evoke some laughter. As with the poetic writing exercise, you can write and submit a short scene or short story. Third, and finally, I'm going to talk about the toolbox method. Toolbox method is what I have come to call the right-hand style, where you use so many rotting tools. It might as well be the toolbox during this line of experimentation, errata approaches of familiar scene that makes use of personification, metaphors of iterations, assonance is rounds. The list goes on. Many routers choose derived as if they're telling the story themselves, relating the events, words, and actions simply in plainly, it is not a bad way of writing, but it can be approached with a bit more creativity if any of them mentioned tools were used for this exercise. I want you to take a previous piece that you have written before. It could have been in a previous exercise or your own personal piece of writing and make use of the tools that I mentioned at an astounding alliteration. Make your hands down so personification across the keyboard and sounded so salami, small, signature, civil rights. Now in addition to these exercises and this is purely optional, you can make use of challenge rotting and cooperation to further your writing efforts. Challenge routing is simply collecting prompts that you can find online. I recommend looking on Pinterest for those. Once you do it is when you take these problems and use them to construct a short story. For example, you could base of short story in the prompt that you've found or you can make use of what you have found in a short story. This is very popular with the creative writing community, and it's a great way to get some ideas and inspiration. And of course, collaborative writing is simply working with another router. There are many novels out there written by many famous and amazing authors that I've worked with other writers to develop. So cooperative writing can lead to some amazing results. So be sure to consider it if you haven't already. That concludes this lesson on writing a story a day. I look forward to seeing some of your work. I'm always eager to admire the creativity that must do and showed and yours would definitely make a wonderful addition. In the next lecture, I'll be discussing how you can make good professional use of your work. I'll see you then. Bye for now. 6. Professional Advice | How to Write a Short Story Every Day: Hello and welcome to the final lecture in our story a day corks. In this lecture, I'll be discussing how you can make good professional use of the work that you have written. After all, if you are writing a short story every day, within a month, you have villa that you can publish on Amazon or through draft digital. This is the first method that I'll be discussing with you and how you can profit from your work. Short stories do well on platforms like Amazon, but only if really bundled with similar short stories. The top Short Story genres that you can find on Amazon are good short stories and scary stories. Of course, that is not to say other genres would do well. As discussed in a previous course, that shorter books are the known for today. Novella is back then, are now the books that people enjoying more than any lengthy novel. What is more short stories don't really have a sit wordcount, especially short story books. So you can have 20 and a book or a 100. It all depends on what you want to publish, cause the process for making these books is as follows. First, collect the short stories that work well with each other and arrange them however you wish. Typically play some of the best stories at the beginning and the end and started throughout. Of course, they will rely on your personal opinions of your short stories, but good structure goes along way. Second is to work through the editing process. Now this can be spelling and grammar checks for most of his stories, possible rewrites, others. Then including pages like an introduction, the copyrights page, title page and so on. The third step is piecing this altogether than putting a camera on it and publishing it. Service like Amazon. If done a patient lean up, you can have this published within two months at the most, there are plenty of readers interested in short stories like yours, as well as other writers in search of inspiration. There is a large community of writers that made use of short stories to inspire it in novels. So don't be afraid to do so as well. If you're looking to create a larger story, you can take a short story of yarn and turn it into something much bigger. And of course, if your book Gays reasonably priced, you can garnish a few sales from it as well. Now, that is the first method to make professional use of your work. The second method is to start a blog. There are short story blogs every week on LinkedIn. It, it is a great way for an indie authors to attract attention to the website. And as such, they're novels and other work that they are selling. More people visiting your website means more potential sales of your product or service. The spotter being an easy process to buy and publish a website, then publish your short stories every day. A lot of work goes into this process. A short story once written, immediately doubt into the editing process from the publication to the marketing and various social media websites. And then of course, you have to get involved with all the SEO. Yet once done, that is a story that will consistently receive readers for years to come. If done properly, you could build a following through this kind of work. And all of this will lead to readers that are more eager for your next release. All these methods have served me well over the years and I can highly recommend them. And I don't just recommend them to writers. You'll want to make a career from the writing. Even hobby writers to work at it on the side will reap the rewards. If these all nonprofessional recommendations on what to do with your writing. If you simply want to write a story a day and don't feel like you need to publish it for others to see or to marketed to a general public, then you have all that unique and that brings us to the end of the story today corks. Thank you for watching this course and I do hope you enjoy it. If you want to learn more on how to write your novels and short stories, be sure to check out my profile. I have a host of courses that can help you achieve your goal. Not to mention, I am an active instructor. So if you have any questions now or later, please be sure to ask it in the discussions below. I am more than happy to answer or review any work that you publish in the discussions. But whether you're looking to get help on where to go to next or just an opinion with that, good, they cannot. And happy writing.