1. Introduction to Writing Science Fiction for Beginners: way. Hello and welcome to the course introduction. My name is Matthew doing, and I am Arata. I've been writing for many years now, having also self published several novels America, Korea from rotting. On top of that, I provide you with podcasts, articles and courses such as this to help you tackle those writing challenges with ease. Now, let me discuss this course, having received many questions from our students. There is an occasion, a question too broad for me to answer. Or perhaps Mansour too broad not to make a cost. But it so happens that this course was created from a question on my last course writing fantasy novels for beginners, I was asked, What are the differences between fantasy and science fiction? And with that, we must now focus on writing a science fiction novel. With these questions in mind, I'm here to answer them and many more writing a science fiction novel for beginners. If you decided to join me in this course, be sure to ask me any questions you are having trouble with as it may lead to the creation of a course such as this where I cover all you need to know. Now let me discuss what you will learn. The first part of this course is going to be focused on the different world, tops in science fiction that are quite popular and the different plots that seem to do well for the genre. I'll be discussing how you can write these popular plots, and more than that, help you write some sequences better. There is always room for improvement in writing and my research from various experts and my experience. Of course, I can give you some general advice on improving your writing for better impact off discussing the different plots and roll tops when we want to. Discussing science fiction in general, going from futuristic, too bizarre sittings as well as how to write about technology that you invented in your unmanned. Writing about technology in itself is a difficult subject, so if you're having trouble, I got you covered. What comes next is characters good and bad. Science fiction could host a wide range of interesting and unique characters specific to the genre. I'll give you many of the most popular examples and show you how to write these types of characters into your novel. Finally, we end off on a favorite of science fiction, the endings often the ambiguous or twist endings that are truly science fiction and thus makes the book, film or play more memorable. No matter what ambience you're going for. From interstellar to alien to our robot, thes endings are usually what stick in the mind most Now that is a lot of ground to cover, but I bring you this course with enjoyable short listens and discussions that will help. You better understand, Gina, was that I shall conclude this introduction. Thank you for joining me in this course, and I'll see you in our first lecture, where we discuss popular science fiction world tops, uh
2. Sci-Fi World Types | Writing Science Fiction for Beginners: the way writers and welcome to the first Listen off the course in this lecture, I'll be going over the world. Tops was science fiction, and after this list and I'll get straight into the plot, I keep these two lectures next to each other, as they are often closely related. Before I begin, allow me to remind all students that discussions can be held with each lesson, so be sure to share any thoughts and opinions with me and other writers in this community. Any questions you have will be answered, if not by me straightaway, definitely by the creative months, joining me in this course now with that out of the way, let me start with a quick definition off science fiction first, Google, the fine science fiction as and I quote, a genre of fiction in which scientific and technological issues feature prominently, especially including scenarios in which speculative but unproven scientific advances are accepted as fact and usually sit at sometime in the future or on some distant region of the universe. Now, breaking this definition down, science fiction is essentially a novel that a set in a world with incredible advance science or extraterrestrial laugh and they play an important role in the story. It was right to say that science fiction is often set in the future, but as of recently, most science fiction in books and movies arm or less sit around the same time as we live in mouth algo over why that is so important soon. But let us get straight into the world, tops of all the different worlds I have researched in media, from books to movies to obscure theories on the coming Tom's. I've divided settings for science fiction into three broad categories. Modern, past and future. I wasn't kidding when I said Rolled, but already this is no doubt give any idea of what we will be talking about next. I'll start with discussing the modern category the modern world of science fiction has labeled. It is sit in the world fairly similar to ours, but with key differences calling back on the science fiction's definition the modern suffer world, we have other advanced science or extraterrestrial laugh. A classic example of this is War Off World's a popular novel for its time, and it eventually did well enough for movie to be created based on the book starring Tom Cruise. This world top can also be a form of alternative reality students from our previous course on writing a fantasy novel. Know what this is? But allow me to give a brief explanation. Alternative reality is the what if world where history is changed in a large way. Perhaps the Cold War never ended and grew to become another world war. Perhaps aliens joined the Earth in the eighties, and recently one was elected president, etcetera. Modern worlds are more relatable to the reader and have the decided benefit of not needing much world building. The next category is the past world top. Now these are more obscure, are not necessarily popular world tops. These are world sit in a past error, Let's say Elizabethan, for example. And it has a science fiction quality such as knots royal. God's armed with laser rifles. Or perhaps Queen Elizabeth is a Martian. Ridiculous examples are no. But believe it or not, these bull tops can turn out rather well in many Star Trek episodes. There being cases of Tom Travel, there is cowboys versus aliens and, of course, back to the future. All these are popular, although some critically bashed examples of science fiction sit in the past. A difficult world top to build. True but more enjoyable. Unbelievable. If your plot involves Tom Farrell, lack back to the future. Does we'll discuss Tom Travel more in another lecture. Nevertheless, you can still easily create a past world from your imagination and incorporate science fiction if you wish. But personally, I don't recommend it if you plan on being serious. Often these world tops are best left to comedy and tongue in cheek humor, but not for the more serious science fiction level moving on. We arrive at the world top you will be waiting for, yes, the future A brought wonderful ideal with such potential when you use a bit of imagination in the future category, we have many options we to choose from from utopia and dystopia if you are more grounded on Earth with your world. However, if you plan to include space trouble, you're in for some difficult but classic science fiction writing. There are many successful science fiction with this world top in this game being the highest rated, and on a personal note, it's quite an enjoyable, easy read for science fiction Hey, Jack is God for the Galaxy 2001 Space Odyssey. Many of these novels Safer Space Odyssey went on to become rather mediocre films. But as novels, they are still popular and beloved. When writing about a utopian future, you have to rely heavily on the idea that the world will be clean, bright and safe. All call me a pessimist, but this kind of future is hard to imagine, especially if you want to have a gripping read. But that is a personal opinion. Dystopian worlds are more believable, more terrifying and really add to the grim feeling that science fiction has often given its readers and audience. Most science fiction is usually surrounding the extension off laugh beer to robotics or heads and jaws, and nothing fits mobile developments like that more than dystopias. Finally, a futuristic world with space travel, perhaps even aliens. If this is the world, you want to set your story in your eye and for difficult journey, you need to develop societies, factions, races, worlds and so on. If you want this or to exist in peace. But if you wish, fear mystery about possible other worlds and races, you might make them work load a little easier. However, the rewards for writing an interesting original story set in this world top amazing. The reason science fiction grew to be famous and loved by all people is because of interesting books and movies. Sit in this will top. You need to push your imagination to create an explain technology, which is something we will also cover in this course. Push yourself to explain societies and people that can only be thought up in our imagination. Writing like this gave birth to stalls. Star Trek and other famous science fiction Arkan's cycle early encourage those ready to push themselves to the limit with this one. But of course, it all depends on what you wish to write. Any will top you. Choose Canal a fall flat or be fantastic for your novel. So choose what you feel best suits the plateau characters you have in mind, or whichever you find a lot more enjoyable to write about because, after all, writing is for your enjoyment as well. However, if you are starting off without any idea of where to begin, I'm sure this overview on the world tops has given you a good idea of which world might suit your style best. Now that brings this lecture to a close. Thank you for joining me. And if you wish to discuss the world tubs further, be sure to do so. I would be more than happy to join in with other avid students in this course and something great to make come of it. With that, I will see you in the next video. No.
3. Sci-Fi Plots Types | Writing Science Fiction for Beginners: way. Hello, writers, and welcome to the second. Listen off the course in this lecture. I'll be going over the pluck tops for science fiction and after this list, and I'll be discussing technology and other bizarre differences in a science fiction world . Now that we are finished our first lessons on world tops, it makes sense to get straight into our popular science fiction plants as the world and plot are often closely related in science fiction. Before I begin, allow me to remind all students that the discussions can be held with each lesson, so be sure to share any thoughts and opinions with me and other writers in this community. Any questions you have will be answered, if not by me straightaway, definitely by the creative months. Joining me in this course now. With that said Late, does list off some popular plants in science fiction. Robot, Apocalypse, Tom Travels, spatial anomalies, sob, Apocalypse and Space Military. They are plenty to choose from Before you turn away now and say that's quite a lot of laptops. I'm sure one has your interest. Let us not waste any time and get on with one of the most popular Robot Apocalypse, quite a fascinating book in the forties and fifties, was a Siris of science. Fiction's short stories are as IQ asthma. The book was called I Robot, and it is Asthma View Crate to the three laws of robotics mentioned and most science fiction today, anything that is robotic related now in science fiction always makes mention off Asimov's three laws of robotics. Thes laws were created in order to protect robots and, more importantly, protect the world and people from robots. However, the plot top isn't called robot Apocalypse for Nothing. It often involves robots becoming far more sentiment than humans expected, all finding loopholes in their three laws in order to benefit them more than humans or do benefit humans in a gross and often disturbing way, such as restricting them to protect them from themselves. Many philosophical comparisons have been made, for example, man turning on its own religion ever since In books and movies love to write stories of robots taking over and in our modern age, it is appearing to be a real threat. Not long off robot apocalypse plots involved humans. 14 robots are there destroying them or giving hope that they may co exist. It is up to you to decide on your Indian, but I will help you in another lecture with that. That's one down on this list. Now let us pay attention to Tom Travel Tom Travel. Very interesting to read, filled with many twists and disturbances. People going into the past to change events, perhaps stop other time travelers who changed it already. Some choose to go into the future, discover the world as it is and the technology or horrors it may contain. Jumping from time to Tom often presents problems for the characters, and it is up to them to use their knowledge of the past to benefit them and escaped the time that they are now trapped in. Many scientific questions are brought up when discussing what will happen to you in the future if you complete the task in the past, as you now have no reason to go back in the past in the first place. But one small that better fiction is up to you often. The conclusion for these time travel levels is that you should never miss with Tom Travel to begin with, however, what comes from this situation is really up to you as a rata. Often the characters learn from mistakes in the past, or they learned from stuff they encounter in the future. As a result, it does affect them. In some bizarre to horrific ways. However, you can easily in the time travel novel the happy ending, where nothing is really changed because perhaps Tom Travel was always a part of the past and the future. Next on the list is spatial anomalies. These plots explore the more strange part of science fiction, such as going through portal, seen different universes, bizarre energies and mind bending a counters thes cereal. Scientific dream sequences are certainly interesting to read and now presented quite fantastically in film and plays as well. Better often needs more direction. Perhaps your characters go through a portal and want to return home when they find themselves in hostile territory. Perhaps they experienced terrible mind crushing anomalies and become a different person. 2001 Space, honestly, is a great example of this, followed by into Stella, where science meets bizarre theories and as such things are not purely counted as fact. However, a lot of it is based on fact that is the purpose behind spatial anomalies to present these theories of what could happen when you encounter these abnormalities that we've yet to learn about. Sabah. Apocalypse is next up. Now. Any apocalypse is, in fact, science fiction. Most apocalypses are caused by a scientific disaster that put the world in a dark predicament. Perhaps a futuristic city is infested with violence. Super elements and experiment gone wrong. Perhaps extraterrestrial laugh cause the apocalypse, and people are trying to survive. And many apocalypses the main characters, often alone, trapped in a broken empty world. Trying to survive these pluck tops often interest readers, as people often wonder what would be like to be in such solitude. Perhaps people crave it or feared. In the end, it makes for enjoyable and interesting Read finally, the plot that involves the perspective of a soldier cop. Poor explora, thes plots. I've come to be called space military in a general term, as they often centered around politics and other such futuristic war fee. This part ranges from a detective in the future tracking down criminals in a service city to a group of space, traveling soldiers visiting another planet and discovery and hostile alien laugh. These characters are professional, the horrors they encounter Pierre science fiction and the means just evolve or complete their tasks are done in interesting ways, using technology that doesn't exist, at least not yet. Now there are many more plucked ups. I wish I could discuss mourn such as clones, memory replacements, 20 oneself into a robot or computer. And so on. However, these plots aren't is widely known in science fiction. Often these are still used, but very rarely, as they are very difficult to make a call plot center on them. But that being said, it comes down to choosing which plot goes with which world well, there are some that will clash rather poorly. For example, a medieval Saba Apocalypse makes no sense and comes offers utter rubbish. Unless you have the skilled imagination and writing deploy oil, it's something you would avoid In science fiction. However, you can certainly take something like a futuristic detective story and sitting in a futuristic city. Some plots are certainly made to fit certain worlds. That being said, it also comes down to the level of technology you're using in your novel, as is also decides the error you set your lovely Be sure to pay close attention to this as heavy. The novel sit so far into the future, and not having many gadgets and take makes things a little unbelievable. And the same can be said by having too many advances in signs it is world breaking and the conjectured as your chosen plot. However, I'm sure I don't need to tell you this. Choose your pop top if any of these decide on your world, and you should already be designing the skeleton of the story in your head in the next lists and will be discussing the technology off. Science fiction will be discussing the predictable technology as well as the bazaar cereal technology off the future and importantly, center note is that cans of technology also help shape the world, so knowing how to write about them is important when it comes to immerse senorita in the story. In the next lesson, I'll be showing you had to bring that amazing invention from your mind into your novel, and I'll show you where to be specific as well as way to be vague, to maintain the wonder within your novel for your world and its creation was that I will see you in the next video
4. Sci-Fi Tech and Creatures | Writing Science Fiction for Beginners: we owe Hannah writers and welcome to the third. Listen off the course in this lecture. I'll be going over the technology in the science fiction genre how to write about it in your novel. In order for the reader to understand after this lesson, we will then move on to discussing the characters in a science fiction. Long technology can often be an incredibly complex feature to a science fiction novel, But what helps Arata and reader is the ability to describe technology as simply as possible but also as scientifically as possible. Luckily, there are many ways to do this, and I'll be showing you how in this lecture before I begin this lesson, allow me to remind all students that discussions can be held with each lesson, so be sure to share any thoughts and opinions with me and other writers in this community. Any questions you have will be answered if not by me straightaway, definitely by the credit months, joining me in the schools now with that said, let us learn how to describe science fiction technology. Science fiction, as defined in a previous listen, will include advanced science, and with that usually comes advanced technology. Some advanced technologies such as holograms, virtual reality robots, lasers and so on are in fact, commonly discussed today. So if your novel plans on including a lot off, uh, this you needn't discuss it too much. However, I will give you some excellent examples of these gadgets and ticks that have been described with that. I would like to know that a notable method when it comes to describing science fiction technology is to approach it with scientific terms. While you can just throw a special scientific jargon at your Rita, I'm afraid none of it will stick. Your Rita wants to understand what you're talking about, especially if they are science fiction fans, so it helps to describe technology as simply as possible. This way, you meet standards for your readers enjoyment as well, because they want to be emerged. But they don't want to be confused. Often, I find the best way to describe technologies is to take note from documentaries. Documentaries are meant for the common man. For them to enjoy and understand, learn a thing or two as well, and science fiction needs to talk the same way. While you can go and compare different conversations between scientists as something overly complex and difficult for the reader to follow. However, when you describing or narrating something like technology, all the world, you need to pay special care to the reader, otherwise they will be left behind and the loose enjoyment in reading now moving on to the technology and how to describe it today Holograms was a difficult concept for the time to describe and passed. But nowadays description that I found some point immersive was this. Holograms are three D images projected fire this Davis. They're not solid. So think of these projections as ghosts, a simple description but brilliant as it gives all the right keywords. And it brings the idea of a hologram to laugh for reader inexperience or the concept. Often you'll find that by comparing something that is known today was something that will be known in the future, you'll read. I have a bit understanding in because they have something to compare to. A definition for virtual reality would be. Imagine seeing through this avatars are Spain in that space able to move the way you do now inside this virtual world. With these glasses, you can do just that and accept. Taken from a short story I wrote a few months back, but quite apt in describing what VR is now. I'm going to skip robots as that is far too simple. But lasers has been a strange one, every descriptions that describe blazes as solids, much like bullets or incredibly hot metal, which simply isn't the case. In reality, lasers are something different. Have a look at this description here. A laser is energy and energy is hot and fast. A laser can shoot through metal in an instant. If the energy is great enough. Now imagine if it hit you, you to leave a perfect hole in you and cauterize the wound as well. This is a excerpt taken from a short story called Dangerous Tom's by Stephen Green, and I found it perfectly accurate in describing a laser. Now let us move on from common technology and onto something more interesting as well as bizarre. Science fiction is often offered strange technology from the writer's imagination, describing machines that are manufacturing clones off people, growing them in vets of strange green liquid or perhaps describing creatures created by mad scientists or even alien races. and their wondrous, too horrible differences. While we're on the subject on alien races and rejects from a mad scientist, allow me to explain how to describe these life forms. First thing that makes you out as being a competent signs fiction. Rata is describing your alien creature. You can spend a whole page describing how your alien creature looks, but you shouldn't. The reader wants to be gripped by your novel and spending too much time describing a new life form or only boredom. When describing these alien races, you can't go into too much detail straight away. You have to give face value descriptions as if you were your character's first. Meeting them or discovering the creature is that humanoid doesn't have brought or dark Oz. What kind of teeth does it have? Finally, isn't menacing, terrifying Good Tesco cute. How many legs or arms doesn't have and so on? Anything more than that should be observed later in your novel if your characters have a chance to study it or deserve it from a distance. From there, you can describe the creatures, smell the way it sounds, or text Harvard skin or scales or shell, or for the way it acts, the way it behaves in certain situations. If it is humanoid, give it some human characteristics. All movements, which will help enforce the idea in the reader's hit, compare the creature to something that exists. It really gives the reader something toe work off. For example, the creature hopped around, reinforcing its rabbit lack appearance. If it weren't for the fact that it was twice the size of a man and covered in black sparks instead of for, I might imagine adopting one as a pit, a two sentence description and not much information given on detail in the creature, but enough for the reader to picture the creature in their head. On that same point, you need to approach the reader with the same tactic when describing technology, compay work of science pictures something common, and it makes purpose easy to understand. For example, the device was no bigger than a marble, but without hard enough throw, you could crack the blue exterior, and a blue mist would fill the room that must will neutralize the criminals, knocking them unconscious and saving a lot of bloodshed on both sides. One small two senators, but already you can picture the device in your hand by comparing it to a model. You know it's round, you know it's smooth, you know it's small. The device has its purpose, its advance but not so cryptic in its purpose that the reader can't follow and lack describing the creatures in an extraterrestrial life in your novel. You can take a moment later to go into more detail. However, when introducing anything complex in your design and purpose, approaching it simply and the reader will flow where you're going. You can then take a moment to build up on this later, and the reader was still be invested. And that brings us to the conclusion off this lesson. I hope you enjoyed and found this information useful describing science fiction, technology and creatures. If you're still struggling with finding the right words, I would write a long description to see if you could find anything today that you can compare it with. If further help opinion is needed, you can contribute to the course discussions and the special I and many of the writers watching will be happy to help in any way. In the next lecture, I'll be discussing science fiction characters, exploring their purpose in the level and how you can make them appear as if they belong in science fiction. And not just in any other novel with that, Thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next video.
5. Sci-Fi Characters | Writing Science Fiction for Beginners: the way writers and welcome to the fourth lesson off the course in this listen, we'll be discussing science fiction characters now. Characters are certainly an important part off any novel just as important as the plot itself as they are actors. For your play, I'll be going of what makes a science fiction character different from any other. Before I begin, allow me to remind all students that discussions can behold with each lesson it's ever shorter share any thoughts and opinions with me and other writers in this community. Any questions you have will be answered, if not barmy straightaway, certainly by the brilliant minds joining me in this course. There are many ways you can create an ideal character for science fiction and will be going over them now. First, let us discuss the ever popular science fiction character, the fiercely intelligence scientist who always seems to have things under control. The first character trip has often been used in books, Siri's comics, movies and other media because it, quite frankly, is the character that is meant to represent the rata. The intelligent man who knows what is going on in an essence lends this knowledge to the scientist and uses it to their advantage. I'm sure certain Tom Traveler comes to mind when you think of this character top The brilliance Byron is character, however, is that it fits the science fiction genre perfectly. The character is knowledgeable enough to explain points to the reader but talking with other characters and explaining it to them. It is often because of this purpose at the science. Fiction writers, when they write in the science fiction novel, tend to write this character into the story, especially if they plan on writing something hard to follow. The scientists will then be able to explain it more plainly where the right to cannot through narration but better through characters. The next popular character is one that appears often in any Sabah punk and futuristic world . The cyborg. Yes, a combination of man and machine with an array of abilities to make the more useful in the story and in their day to day laugh. Often this character has been used in science fiction, as it can often be the character with the most depth. It also adds to the character's back story. If they're cyborg, feature is replacing a machine LEM, be it an arm or leg. You, as a rata have now the chance to creating backstory as Dzhokhar. They lost their limb, which not only reinforces the character but also makes them far more interesting in character development later in your novel. Defining personality is an essential part of any character development in your novel, no matter what genre. Personally, I know to cybernetic enhanced characters will require you to describe sapphire technology of one small. After all, this character is a part of it now. So if this character is something you consider having in your novel, be sure to follow the advice from the previous lecture as well and compare their gadgets to something in real life. For example, yes, this hand is made out of metal and has flashing lots. But do you know in two quick movements it can slash and dust onions for your pizza toppings ? Something to add inside your novel if you're feeling a bit humorous. Next, we have the alien opinion on how humanoid you want your character. That alien will require a lot of strange backstory and information that puts their race if it is simply a person painted blue of glowing ours, and it grew up in a civilized society. The back story won't be any different from any other human you have in your novel. However, if this alien characters any special features, let's say two extra arms and a beak. Some special backstory may be required as to their upbringing, or perhaps leave it out entirely to have something vague and mysterious. And it also makes it a bit easier for you to talk about such a character, non humanoid alien characters of formal, complex to rot. And it is often based to exclude going into too much detail as you might pull the reader again. A popular tactic for handling these creatures and characters is to give the race a funny name or way of speaking to point out the biggest difference between this character and any humanly character. For example, Hey, do you see that huge Inamori? And over the Can you believe they all have 12 nostrils inside the years. Something like that. Finally, let us discuss the most common and ever popular character in any science fiction, often taking the leading role in your sign story is Theis Explorer, all newbie to level. The character is discovering the South for world as much as the reader is such, the reader places themselves inside the characters. Shoes these characters often fund to rot and useful in explaining your story to the reader , working hand in hand of the first character trope with scientist who explained something to the newbie as well as explains it to the reader. Any question you believes readable have about your novel. You could have this character ask, and the other characters explained to them, as this Explorer learns the reader loans and everyone can enjoy the story as it develops. Science fiction often involves a lot of discovery, a lot of new developments and while moments where something new and interesting is introduced. So if the genre it can be difficult for reader to follow your train of thought as science fiction is quite a difficult subject to talk about. This is unlike any mystery novel who potentially hards clues sometimes in plain sight from the reader. In Sapphire, you want the reader to know what is going on to root for the hero and have them on injured a seat when a threat is introduced and that is an effect that you can't have. If your reader is confused throughout most of the novel, the right emotions won't be conveyed. The right feelings about characters and technology won't be they and, quite frankly, your proper for flat as your reader is hanging onto it quite deeply. But without anything to hold it up, it's gonna fall with the reader as well. It is in this way that the Explorer character Trump can help guarantee that the reader follows what is happening in your novel. Any not have them as the main character, but they certainly need to be prison to ask questions when something new or overly complex is introduced. Now, with that, this listen comes to an end. Characters in science fiction need to be relatable and enjoyable, just like in any genre, but it also helps to make them unique and stand out in your world, especially if you build is bizarre and out of the ordinary. Futuristic rules require futuristic characters, so be sure to afford there's design and language, the same amount of attention as you give the world. In doing so, you make them fit in their story nicely, like a puzzle piece, bringing the picture to laugh. If you're struggling with your creating your science fiction character, be sure to join the discussions for this lecture, and we can see any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from those happy in trouble, and with that in the next lecture will be discussing endings to science fiction novels. So it was that for the do I'll See you in next video.
6. Sci-Fi Endings | Writing Science Fiction for Beginners: the way writers and welcome to the finalists in off the course in this lesson will be discussing science fiction endings. The ending to any popular science fiction novel is often shocking and sometimes ambiguous. The reason being is that science fiction in itself is a shocking genre. It can involve many strange phenomenon. Philosophical questions twist. Endings are usually secures. A science fiction novel is the phrase which perfectly sums up the ending. They're aimed question mark before I begin, allow me to remind all students that discussions can be held with each lesson, so be sure to share any thoughts and opinions of me and other writers in this community. Any questions you have will be answered, if not by me straightaway, certainly by the Bradman's joining me in this course now was that out of the way leaders discussed the endings to science fiction in popular science fiction? Today, this story often ends and vigorously or with a lot of information left hanging in the A. In the past, these Indians were considered lazy writing a story that wasn't go through effortless. But in reality, these endings are lot more delicately crafted than the traditional conclusive ending science fiction is based on science that has been hinted at but not fully researched, all established to such length, and as such, it hasn't been made into pure fact just yet. Yes, we've established in our lifetime there that there is life on other planets in the universe . But we have not yet established something like a monstrous alien that has acid for blood and predatory Elin tent painted all over it. No, but that hasn't stopped many science fiction writers from throwing a few into the novel. The same applies for technology space travel. Israel colonizing other planets is being put into development. But eventually we will certainly develop a fast learning A R and even robots. Of course, with this prospect in Mount On, too far ahead of us, science fiction has taken it upon itself to show us the future. Through the hours of an imaginative Ratta, the most popular science fiction has often being presented as the future being brought but dark, warm but cold. With all these advantages and tools at our disposal, we soon become our own greatest threat. In that way, science fiction can be considered pessimistic about development, but it goes to be warning us about what is to come so we may just move. But closer to Utopia and a bit father from dystopia, it is for this reason that the endings can be vague, will simply abrupt. It has meant to leave you with a widened version on what the future holds, the moral questions that gives us and to leave in an existential feeling in your chest as you wonder about the future herself. Now, allow me to give a few tips on crafting such an ending in your novel. Step one is to find what is the core feature of your science fiction novel space phenomenon . Aliens, Tom, Travel clones, Robots, A R and so on. What would you say plays the biggest part in your novel? What effect your characters and effects the world With that amount, you need to take this cool feature and make it the reason behind your vague and question raising ending step to establish what will happen to your hero if anything happens at all, the main character has to be largely affected by this core feature, either negatively or positively all simply leave that decision up in the A with that amount , you need to decide if you're going to kill them and end with another character or have them live and faces cool feature with a brave or cowardly heart. Step three. The final and most difficult Step Croft. A transition. A Story that Is Going from A to B Most stories are gonna be from a character of all set of circumstances reaching from A to B the journey from beginning to end. Once you reach the end of your novel, you need to decide if you finally reach be, because if they do, they need to start a new journey. Allow me to explain steeply further as it is the biggest and most difficult, so I'll give you some examples. Example. One. Here's a plot idea your character is up against an alien point. B is the death of an alien that wants your character did or used for some nefarious purpose . If the alien does, a new greater threat should be presented just as the novel ends, leaving the reader to Rhonda. What happens next if the alien doesn't are the best way to present this enemy is to seem as if the alien did die then write the twist. For example, the alien is still alive and is coming for the rest of humanity. Or better yet, the alien is now your character, having taken their form or taking control of their mind club, too. The character and space trip. Whatever the plot may be, for example, stopping bad people saving good people, etcetera. If space travel is the cool feature, it should be what raises the questions. In the end, perhaps a character enters a black hole. Perhaps an anomaly sends them into a different dimension. These old quite twist endings that are often common in this top of pot. And as such, it has made these stories quite popular. Clutch three, The character and Tom Travel Time travel already can raise a lot of questions going into the past on some sort of adventure early to return to the present and find a different in a negative way. Or perhaps this venture into the past was supposed to happen, and it caused the future of the character knows many twists can be made and leave the re down the edge of the seat. Trying travel just has that effect. All these plots are interesting and memorable. But what makes them even better is the right subtle hints towards this ending small, insignificant clues made significant when the ending comes to fruition. Otherwise, the twisters hollow purely to create shock factor and thus it can awful flecked. This is why science fiction innings are so famous and yet so difficult to craft, because the right to needs to have some knowledge on the subject and must have this ending planned from the very beginning, so that where it can suddenly him towards it throughout the novel. Otherwise it was all for naught and at the best of science fiction ends well enough. But science fiction elements are simply sitting for fantasy and up the genre itself. On that thought, this lecture comes to an end. I'd like to thank you for joining me in the schools and seen as this is the last lecture you need not continue to conclusion. But I recommend you do is I give my final thoughts and advice on the subject. With that, I'd like you to know that I enjoy giving my input on the discussions of these courses. The community is incredibly inspiring. So could give any import tratos course in the discussions or helped anyone lost, Thank you very much on behalf of everyone. I hope you found this insight into science fiction and how it will works. Helpful. If you have a more questions, be sure to ask away now the video ends and I'll see you in the next one bathroom.
7. Conclusion | Writing Science Fiction for Beginners: the way writers and welcome to the end of the course. This is the conclusions. I'll be giving you my final and more personal thoughts on science fiction and some advice island from experience. But professionally, I cannot say these are tried and true. Miss. It's first. You are familiar with you. I am. My name is messy, Dewey. I am Arata and writing instructor. I have a podcast. An array, of course, is for you to check out the website of the pained salute dot com. As you see on screen now, I was too started a personal challenge nearly a year ago. Today we are at 1000 word story every day. So if you're looking for ideas, are a little bit of inspiration. I have hundreds of short stories on our website. Was that our call back to the story of day challenge? Because I often write science fiction short stories as well. From this practice, I learned that the worst thing you can do when writing science fiction, as often made these mistakes is Libya Reader to figure out important parts of the story. I can understand there being many complex details or wanting to have a air of mystery with your novel, especially since technology even today confused most readers. However, I also learned that you can leave smaller in this important details alone. You need not explain every little device or facet of yourself our world. However, when it comes to important story elements, your reader needs to build idea in their head with your help and your consciously them behind. Often, this is the case when describing politics in SAFA, with different parties and political faces, you are in for challenge. However, I find that personally introducing the main character to an official or even ahead of the political party, your reader will get a better idea of who they are and what they are about. Another personal pain I kept out of the lectures is my love for science fiction. I love overly complex systems in depth and slow storytelling and especially dark sittings. It is because off this avid reading into scientific Shin that I'm also overly critical about south. Yes, like any passion, we as humans have come to protect it and being rather strict with it as well. While I thoroughly enjoyed in this game, which is one of the leading science fiction novels today. It is certainly not my favorite of the genre. If you're interested in reading some brilliant works and science fiction, I'd recommend PT of Hamilton, whose books aren't so recent but certainly hold up even after these couple of decades. But that being said, the average reader today is more interested in fast paced, punchy and simple writing. If you're looking for sales, you need to be able to write shorter and simpler novels. However, if you wish to out larger and complex books, you're certainly build a stronger fan base. My opinion on this last point is that you write what you wish to write for science fiction , long or short, and enjoy as much of it as you can. You can be a beautiful Gina. I'm sure you have a great story joining in your mind now as well. I wish you luck with writing it. I'm going to end this conclusion video here with a short gabbar. If you enjoyed, police consider becoming a patron. Every dollar helps me continue my work and provide you with better courses. They can find my patron at patriot dot com upend sleuth or, as you see it on the screen now, was that I wish you happy rotting today Cannot and