1. Welcome: Success doesn't
happen overnight, but with the right
tools, methods, and techniques, it's not rocket science to really build a successful freelance career. Hi, my name is
Leslie said Linus, and I run my own business as a freelance designer
here in Mullen. I canceled and design digital solutions for my
clients all around the world. Some of the bigger
corporates like Adobe, Google or BMW, but also some smaller companies and
startups and agencies. I am also a speaker, podcasts, and an educator. I love to give workshops
and talk to people about business freelancing
and user experience design. Developing my own personal
branding helped me so much to attract the right client and build business
that is growing. This class will
guide you through all the basics of
business design. So we're going to cover defining your business
values and your vision, setting up your finances, your target audience,
and where to find them. We're going to talk about
different income streams and also how to build
passive income. We're going to talk
about how to start a project from beginning to end. And we're going to talk about different legal aspects that are very important to start your
business or in project. Legally. This class
is ideal for you if you're either
already freelancing or if you're thinking about
freelancing and if you're not so sure if this
is the right thing for you. I created this class
on the one hand to really give you
the confidence to start your own business
and your own career. And on the other hand, really to provide you all the tools and the business strategies
to be successful. This class also comes with a digital work sheet that will guide you
through all the exercises, all the tasks that
we're going to go through together
in this class. So I can't wait to
see you in class. So let's get started.
2. Getting Started: Hello and welcome
to this class about creating a business strategy
for your freelance career. My name is possibly
is that ins and I'm going to be your instructor for this class and will
guide you through all the different steps and all the exercises
to really come up, which have profound
strategy for your business. In this class, we're going to talking about a
business mindset. And from my experience, most creatives and
I would definitely include myself until
that when I was younger. Don't really have the
best business knowledge. But this is very
important to have a successful freelance career
because you will need this, need to learn this
anyway at some point. So the sooner the better. So in this class
we are going to go through different
exercises together. I'm going to guide you
through everything. And in the end you
will come up with your own business plan and a guideline for your
freelance career. One thing that I really
want to emphasize from the very beginning is that you are unique and you
are your own superpowers. So all the skills that you
already bring to the table are like your, your
biggest treasurer. And you can look at other designers or other people for inspiration of our guidance. But never really
comparable of them, right? So use them as
inspiration but don't copy them or just follow
what they're doing. Because otherwise you will
never really find your niche. So rather really
embrace what makes you unique and don't look
too much on others. So when I decided to quit my full-time job many years ago and start my freelance career. I felt that I'm definitely lacking some business knowledge. And that also was comparing myself to other people who are presenting
themselves online. And from my
experience back then, you know, who were
super successful. So this course is
on the one hand for you to really give
you the confidence to believe in your
strings and to really know your worth
and what you stand for. And on the other hand, very much to learn about all
the essential business parts that will help you to build a successful
freelance career. So before we get started, I just wanted to say that I
prepared a worksheet for you, a workbook that will
guide you through all the exercises and where
all the chips are included. And you can either use
the printed out version, the print out a workbook, and print it out at home. It's a black and white version. Or if you have an
iPad or a tablet or a tablet with an apple
pen, something like that. You can just add drop or send
it via email to your iPad, can use the digital version, and then you can use the
Apple pen to write on it. My favorite note-taking
app where I'm importing it is not
ability but feel free to use the note-taking
app that is the most helpful for you or that
you would like to use. I'm going to use
the iPad version, but feel free to use the
version that works for you. If you don't want to
print out the worksheet, worksheet, that's totally fine. You can also use pen and paper because I am
going to guide you through all the exercises so you don't need the
worksheet or workbook. This is just an additional
resource for you. Okay, So let's kick
start this course with a few important tips
in the very beginning. So my very first tip
is, don't compare. This is easier said
than done. I would say. Not comparing yourself
to others isn't a very important part of keeping a healthy
mindset and business, one of the most important tools. So everyone is on a very
different path and you cannot compare your own goals or your own successes
to someone else's. They might be on a
very different page and might have also
very different goals. So use other people as inspiration and never
as competition, right? Because this is
definitely not good for your mental health to compare
yourself with others. And another really
important thing is everything you put out there, how you treat other people
would get back to you. So if you rise of the people, if you support other
people in the industry, they're going to a hub, your rights as well. This is a community thing. And although you
are a freelancer and you are all by your own, it's very much about supporting others and being an active, a positive part of the
community you're in. The second very important
for me is this takes a totally okay and it's totally normal to make
mistakes someday. And that you don't know everything perfectly
from the start. Use your mistakes and
your failures really true reflect and to learn from them. Don't really be ashamed
of say the you can do it. It's totally normal
to make mistakes, especially in the
beginning, totally normal. Everyone went through that. In the beginning of
my freelance career, I used to take everything
very personal. And since I started to not judge myself from the mistakes
and from the failures, I feel much better and the quality of my work
also has horizon. So working as a
freelancer than I can teach you many, many things. I didn't. Number three is
you are the expert and especially when
you're working alone, you don't need to ask anyone. Is that okay? When you're working
at an agency, it's very different because
you always have someone you need to align roof or
your manager or wherever. But if you're all by your own, you need to be confident
in your skills. You need to know what you know, and you really need to
know your superpower. So confidence is key. Don't forget, you
are the expert. This the reason why
people hire you, why they want to have you as a part of their team when they integrate you
as a freelance designer. So really trust in yourself. My next tip is try to set goals. So goals or some kind of your
compass and help you make the right decisions to not
get lost on the way we live. Setting goals for your
year, for your month, for your week really
helps you to be inspired and to know where
you want to go on the end. Also, get out of
your comfort zone. And this is not that easy. I totally understand that. But it's essential
to really challenge yourself and to start doing
things that might scare you. Write. For me to be totally honest and I like presenting
myself online, was like My biggest fear, even talking to the camera when I started my
freelance career, I couldn't imagine
that like sharing on my personal life online like I'm doing right now on Instagram. But I realized that I need to do that at some point
where certain amount, although I'm scared of it. So just try it out
and see what happens. So this was definitely
out of my comfort zone, but this was like the
biggest career push for me that I could hope for. Really be honest about my
process, sharing myself online. Also like doing
these courses, e.g. I'd definitely out
of my comfort zone, but a really important step. So you can think
about what might be things for you that are
out of your comfort zone, but that you would actually like to do but are a
little bit scared. So think about them, use them as inspiration and
just try them out. Don't be too scared that
people are judging. That's not important. Your goals are important
and that you reach them. So let's get started. I really hope that
this course will be the guide that is helpful for you or that
you need right now. So my goal is definitely
a bad at this course is the guy that I needed
when I was younger, when I was, when I
were starting out. So through this course, I will be sharing my own
experiences, my own learning, but also a lot of
resources with you that will guide you and
hopefully also inspire you. In the next lesson,
we're going to talk about the business mindset. Really defining your ideas, your vision, and your
business values.
3. Business Mindset: Hello and welcome back
to the next lesson. In this lesson,
we're going to talk about the business mindset, about your mission vision,
your business values. Because they clear they
are the better you know, where you want to go. Regarding the mission statement, a mission statement related
to finance your business. It's about who you are, what you do, why
your business exist. So really keep it simple and always adjust and iterate on it. But I want to say
is that I already defined the mission statement and what you can do with it, a whole task about it. And the first part
of this course, as you can see in my
Skillshare profile, because there's the first
part of this course which is very much about the
basic strategy and also the visual part of
your personal branding drove right now you are in the
second part of this class, but feel free to check out the first part of this class after you've watched this
course or even before, stop this one here and then
continue on the first one. And really do the
mission statement and everything you want to
learn there in this class. So the next really
important thing besides the mission statement are your values and also
your business volumes. Generally your values should be a really cool thing
of every business. And they all watch
your business stands for your principles,
your philosophy, your reason of being your business values will
help you to really steer your business
management and maybe at some point also employees
in the right direction. So what we're going to do
is we're going to come up with our own business values. Yes, you can see here, and this will also be
your very first task is you see different areas, different sections
here in this circle. And what you can do is
we need to think about how important these
things are for you. There's the first exercise
you can find that in your worksheet are also
in your digital e-book. And you can just go step-by-step through
the different areas which are your business values. And then really underline or think about how
important they are. So here in my digital
e-book worksheet, I'm going to take a pen first. Then really think about on each of the different
sections here, think how important they are. Example education. So you can see is pretty, pretty important to me. I'm doing a lot of online
courses, I'm doing teaching. I am doing a lot of things
to really educate people. I'm also teaching
at a university. Growth as well as transparency
is important to me. So the more important that is, the bigger is just
this little area here. Inspiration is also
very important to me. Tolerance little bit more
difficult for me to answer. So I'll just leave
it out for now and we'll continue later on. Self-improvement is
very important to me in the supporting
others as well. And then kindness, of course,
it's important to me. And I'd might be difficult for us to
really think what is more important if things are just equally important to
you, that's totally fine. But think about like,
what is a little bit more important than others. So just go through
the different areas. And this helps you
to also reflect on your own business goals
or your own values. What is important
for you and what, not so much as you can see e.g. spirituality, it's
not that important to me in my business or my
editor to day tasks. Same with money. Of course we need money
there versus very important, but this is not one of
the biggest goals for me to have a certain amount of money or to make a lot of money. I have other goals that might
be for you, very similar. So take your time. You can stop the video if you want to do the
exercise right now. Or you can just fill out the sections later and
continue with the video, maybe after the course
when you find the time on, whenever it is so
good time for you. Then there is the
vision statement. And I think it really gets
interesting because this focuses on the future of your business and your
freelance career. The vision statement is more than vision about the future. This is how you are imagining
your business future. And this might be pretty
difficult to really think about the vision for
more than ten years if you're just getting started. So just think about the
next two years, e.g. how do you imagine your future and this vision
statement that will help you. Um, yeah, to use some kind of like a guideline
for your business. And my tip is to start with some questions that
we really should help you to define how you
want your business to be. So to really come up
with your vision that it helps you to ask some
really good questions. Like, what kind of impact do you want your business to have? What problems are you
solving for your clients? Do you? How do you solve them? How do you differentiate
yourself from others? And what is your desired future? Difficult questions, but very, very helpful for
you to understand and help you to find your way. So for me, e.g. what kind of impact
do I want to have? I really want to create lasting user-friendly
experiences. This is super important for me. This is last thing that this has a long-term impact and
it's not short-term. That'll be important for me, very important for my business
and things like that. Also, what problems are you
solving for your clients? Of course, most
of the times it's very much research and
prioritizing understanding how they want to implement and when they want to implement certain features in
their digital products. Those are really big topic
and there's a lot of money behind it to make a good
decision, of course, right? So building prototypes and
all those kind of things. So in the end, when I
summarize my own answers, I come up with a vision
statement that sounds like that. So I want to create user
centered content that make long, long-term impact for business
end-users and help also UX designers or
other freelancers really learn the skills for
a successful design career. This is very important for me. This is my own vision, my own very personal vision
that might sound very, very different for you. So now it's your turn. And here comes the
second task of this lesson and answer the
questions on the right side. You can do that in your
workbook or just use some pen and paper or the
printed out version. So how do you want
your business to be in the future?
What's your vision? And the questions on the side really help you
to frame your vision. Just ampere them one-by-one. And then the end really tried to combine the answers
in one statement, which is usually around
one or two sentences. You can find my example. And yeah, feel
free to just pause the video and take around. I would say ten to 15 min
to complete the sections. And if you want to do the access layer,
that's totally fine. You can just continue
with the video. Okay, so now we're going to talk about your niche and how
do you present yourself? What do you, what
kind of services do you really want to
offer to your clients? So generally, if you can really decide if you want to niche down and really focus
on one service, become better at it and
eventually become an expert. So e.g. if you are a photographer and you do
many kind of photography's, you do wedding photography, you do portrait photography, you do event photography. Initialing down would be e.g. focusing on one certain topic like wedding photography and
you really become an expert. You only do wedding
photography and you are in the expert to
that certain topic. Or if you are an illustrator and do certain kinds of
styles of illustration, you could say, I only do illustrations for
a kids book, e.g. so the other idea is also to be a
journalist that you offer multiple services and have
bigger variety of projects and skulls that even go that far that you are a
graphic designer, e.g. and you do photography,
illustration, you do web design, maybe you do editorial
design, right? So this would be
really a generalist, general skills, and you
offer a general service. And there are some pros and
cons and everyone should really decide on their own if they want to
niche down or not. So there's some
pros and cons, e.g. if you are a journalist, so like I said, e.g. a. Graphic designer or
an illustration, we'll offers multiple
services to the client. So being a generalist
really means that you have a really great variety, but also a lot of
competitions, right? So you need to build
more different skulls, which is exciting,
helps you to crawl. But also you have
less guidance and it will be much more work, right? So it doesn't get someone so boring because you do
different things each day. Usually you don't do
just the one thing, but they are also a lot of people who are
doing similar things. So like I said, a lot of competition if you
are a specialist. So if you really
niche thing down on one topic or one service, you really focus on a very specific topic that can be a certain service
or a certain industry. Like as a photography
like I mentioned, you can focus on portrait
photography only, e.g. the advantages are that over
time you become better at this certain service
because you do it over and over and over again. So really you become an expert, which means that you
can charge more. But you also need to
keep in mind that it limits you to
certain clients. And this definitely don't
might be for all of you, but it can get also boring, especially if you have a lot of interests and just
want some variety. So you can just think about
yourself and your skills. What it makes sense for
you to really niche down and focus on
a certain service. Can just keep that in your
head and think about it. For me. E.g. I decided to niche
down a little bit. So as I am doing UX UI design, I am usually doing projects for future
innovation clients. I'm doing a lot of AR
VR and future topics, which is definitely,
I would say niche, but it's still big enough that I feel there's
lot of variety and I'm not doing other things over
and over again that there are many different things
to do and to learn, which is very important to me, but it might be very
different for you. So just really think about
yourself and your own skills. So in the next lesson, we're going to talk about your target audience
and how to find them.
4. Your Target Audience: Welcome back to this lesson. We're going to talk about your target audience
and your ideal clients. And most importantly,
where to find them will make your life so much easier
for you to really know your target audience and
what you can do for them. If you are a
freelancer right now, or if you're thinking
about going to freelance. And if you're
looking for clients, if you are e.g. if you are a photographer
who really want to work with companies from
the e-commerce sector. Really think about what clients, especially you want to work
with and where to find them. What might help is
to really talk to other photographers,
other designers, other freelancers who've
worked in that sector and ask them how they
met their clients. So this isn't important to think about who you
want to address. Who are your dream clients? Where they're spending time with social media networks,
they use Instagram, maybe they're in-person events or where can you actually find
them and how do you find, you know, how do they usually find designers
to work with? And how can you make
their life much easier? Those questions really help you. So, so, so much, right? So it's really helpful
to ask yourself some questions and we need to think about
how that up for you. I am as a freelance
UX UI designer, I am looking for clients
and the area of XR, which is extended reality, augmented reality
and virtual reality. So basically topics around
the future innovation. So how do I find my clients are usually
how do they find me? I never really reach
out to clients, so they always reach out to me. So how do they find me? They usually find me
through LinkedIn. I react to different articles or when I share my own content. Or people find me
on Instagram and then recommend me when the
team's needs support with you. I actually did a little analysis because each time a
client reached out to me, I asked them how they
found me and this is how I realized, okay, this is definitely the way how they are reaching out to me. What's really helpful is make a list of your
dream clients, the clients you really
want to work with. And in the next steps on there
right side of the columns. You can also write down
why you can find them and maybe also what
kind of problem you can solve for them. So e.g. Samsung and there are
other people that out would definitely
find in in-person events that I could look a few events up
where they are and then contact those people
are probably on LinkedIn and see what kind
of content they pose, react to the
articles they share, and some kind of start
building a relationship that they maybe check you out and see what kind
of content you share. Start by building
up some kind of a long-term relationship
with the people. This is so helpful, so really reach out to them. And also on LinkedIn you'll
see if you have maybe some mutual friends are
some mutual connections. You can, they might be
able to introduce you. Take around 10 min or so. You can either do the task
right now if you want, or you can just do
it a little bit later after you've
finished this class. And you can find all the information in your workbook or in
your printout sheets. So in the next lesson, we're going to talk about how
to cure it, your portfolio. So really how to
present yourself online to attract
these clients, right? So once they got to know you, they may be saw your
profile on LinkedIn, on Instagram because
your reacted to a post. They're going to check
out your portfolio. How do you present yourself
in a way that these clients, when you want to work with you.
5. Curate Your Portfolio: Welcome back. In this lesson we're going
to talk about how to curate your portfolio to attract the right clients
that work for you. So curating your portfolio, a portfolio in the end is everything clients can
find about you, right? So what's the office, the articles that you
share on your blogs, social media feed that you have, the tweets that you
share on Twitter. Also your projects. And right, so we need to think about your portfolio as some kind
of your personal brand. So everything you put out there, everything that people,
clients, stakeholders, whoever can find
about you when they Google your name
is your portfolio, then only your projects, but also, like I said, the articles that tweet, etc. But people really
see your expertise. This changed so
much in the legs. Next, in the last couple
of decades, right? So a few years ago, people just printed out their portfolio and
send it to agencies. This is very different. Now, people are googling
your name and then they're seeing what they
watch, things come up. My very first recommendation is to only put work out there that you're
really proud of, that you also want
people to see because you can be very strategic about the content
that you put out there. E.g. for me, when
I want to attract more clients that are the
XR augmented reality area. Of course, I'm going to write articles about that topic on my block or that I am going to share my content about that
in my newsletter, e.g. I'm going to share more content on social media
about that topic. So the same point,
you will be very, very strategic about things
that you put out there. And here's the awesome
quote from entrance and diarrhea and design
agency from New York. Don't put crap in
your portfolio. Otherwise, people will
hire you for crap. Same roof projects that you are the work or the case studies
that you worked with. We think about the
quality that they have. And I would rather
recommend you to have like two to three really great
project that you are proud of, that you think are really great. I'm going in that direction
that you want to go. Then ten mediocre projects. So what's really helpful
is to have projects online that are already showing the skills
that you would like to use for the
upcoming projects. And it can look like this. Although I have my own website, I still upload a curated version of my portfolio to Behance. I make sure to upload only
the best work of course. And, and in the case studies are in the case
studies even more. So what I realized this, that when clients hire you, they usually hire you or ask you to join a certain
project B because they saw something very
similar worked on. So there are thinking about them is that they
had outcome for their project and they saw
something very similar in your portfolio and they're
going to ask you to join you. E.g. this product
that you are seeing there right now is
a personal project. I was redesigning the jump up of some future innovation
thoughts in mind. And I actually had several clients only
from this project. So they reached out to me and they said they are looking for a very similar approach for
an automatic motor version, offer a different kind of for
different kinds of topics. But they saw this
and they were like, okay, she knows what she does. I want something similar. I can already imagine how
this should look like. And that's the reason why
personal projects or so, so, so important
for many clients. It's not, it's not super important that
all of the clients are, all of the projects
are real projects, but more how you
think, how you design. They really want to
understand how you work. And there are some different
areas, are some different. I would say social
media platforms are different ways how to
design those portfolios. So one is definitely, you can code a portfolio
or your website yourself if you really
want to do that. We always said that the
industry has changed so much. And the website is a
really great way to have your portfolio accessible
for everyone online. You can also include
any kind of content. Maybe you're on sharp,
you're on block, but you don't necessarily
need the website. You can also use any kind of web pages like be hands, e.g. but I would actually
recommend you to have a website where people can
find all the kind of content. I, myself use WordPress for my own website because I feel it's very easy,
it's very usable. You can buy different
templates and then adjust and change
things whenever you want. Of course, behind all kinds of social media platforms are great way to show your portfolio
or your work behind us. An awesome tool, I would say, for attracting clients because a lot of clients are
looking through Behance, forefoot and designers
and then they're going to reach out. And they have Squarespace, WIX, and also Editor X, which is very similar to this kind of like
WordPress approach. You have some kind of template
and you can adjust them. They are a little bit more
expensive because you pay some kind of a monthly
fee, which is €10-20. But the templates look really great and very professional. And of course, social media
at some kind of a portfolio. So your Instagram page
at dribble as well. Twitter, like I
already mentioned. And this depends also very
much on your industry. I know that for
photographers, e.g. Instagram is definitely a super bored part
of your portfolio. Your ex designers like
me, not that much. For me. Instagram is more about
like showing my expertise and my personal brand and
showing what I am doing, what I'm up to an hour. I work little bit more
about my own personality. So how do you present this work, this work now unlike these
different case studies, right? I can say for UX UI design, and this is very similar for all the other
design disciplines. It's very important
that you show the process and that you show the different stages you went through to come up
with the final result. So don't only show
the perfect mock up, the perfect design and the end, but really guide the viewer
a little bit through your process so they
understand how you work. You know, imagine that you are the clients and
you're not really sure if you want
this person to hire, the more they help
you understand how awesome their design process is. Hello, thought through it is, the better is that
in the end for the client to feel
confident and to hire you. What I am usually
doing or what I really love for those case studies
is creating a lot of content. My top tip is really
to tell a story. Guide the viewer, which is
your client or potential. Yeah, maybe also recruiter
if you're looking for a job, guide them through
your thought process. And do not only show the
glossy final product, but by it, but also the
way how you design. So Wally, show them how
you did the research, first concepts and
also talking about the learnings you gathered
about testing e.g. which methods, which style to
chose and why which colors. And really make sure to add some text here and
there so that the user can read about your
thought process, but makes sure that
it's not too long, otherwise, no one is
going to read it. So in the next chapter
we're going to talk about social media and how to
use it in the right way. How to build up a
strategy to really be successful and get the
most out of social media.
6. Social Media: In this lesson, we're going
to talk about social media. So what kind of content is helpful for you
and your business? What platform to use, and really where to focus to keep the mental balance
and a great mental health. Like already mentioned, social media is a part
of your portfolio to, and it is really
an awesome way to present yourself in a
very strategic way. A few things to
think about before you develop a social
media strategy for your business is really thinking about where are your potential
clients and customers. Think about a typical
day in their life. Which social media
platforms do they use to find designers
are creatives, freelancers to work with. And also thinking
about what kind of content will really attract
these kind of clients. How can you really help people to get this
peek behind the curtain? And how can you share your process and your
personal liability. Very important, and I want to emphasize that before we
really get into the topic, is you don't need
to be present on all social media platforms
and post every day. From my experience,
it's much better to really choose the
platforms wisely. And yet only choose the
platforms that make sense to you and stay to be
very, very consistent. So choose the channels wisely. It really goes back to
your mission statement. We are target audience
and also to your vision. E.g. if you are a UX
designer like me, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram are super important for you. If you are a little
bit more visual like a photographer, e.g. then Instagram and Pinterest might be the right
platforms for you. But before we talk too much, Let's have a quick look on the different social
media platforms. The first and probably most, most common social media
platform is probably Instagram. Instagram is great for high
resolution photos, for, for videos like shot reveals that like TikTok
style for corrodes, but also for
educational content. But it's important
to emphasize that the focus is really on
the visual contents. So it needs to be appealing, needs to be engaging. We have Pinterest,
which is some kind of like a platform where you can
create your own moodboard. It's very much
about inspiration. And it's a little bit
similar to Instagram because the focus here
is also on images, on the visual part, like people want to
create a mood board. They want to save recipes, etc. So again, a very visual focus, but also great for ads
and also to promote your own work and you're on visual elements of
your creative business. Yeah, we have Twitter, which is much more about short texts. You can integrate
visuals as well, but the focus is really
on short and crisp text, not visual, but interesting discussions and content sharing. So really being part
of a community, they're sharing
opinions, sharing interesting things to spark
inspiration from others. A lot about technology and things that are
going on right now. We have TikTok, which is
focusing on video content. You started out with dancers, but now it goes into educational content
behind the scenes. There a lot of trends, all focusing on
different kind of audio that you can use
for your own videos and create your own content that can be educational
like mine TikTok, e.g. can be expiring,
can be edutainment. So basically anything and target audience there
is much, much younger. We have LinkedIn, which
is more professional. There you can share a long post. Copy text, can share events, you can connect
with other people and also other professionals. So a lot of the
clients who might be interested in hiring you
are probably on LinkedIn, especially if you're working in the tech industry like me. So building a LinkedIn
profile that is professional, helpful anyway, but
how much content you put out there really depends
on your target audience. We also have dribble, which is, I think a little
bit like Instagram, but focusing on
work projects with high-end shots, videos,
and animations. It's pretty new that
you can also upload your own case studies
like Behance, because it's also
a platform where clients look for designers. So if you have the
final project, are really nice mock-up
of your design, of your illustration of
your animation, e.g. you can upload it on durable
than we have Behance. Which is kind of like a
social media platforms, but for your work projects will upload these case studies. They're like the
whole project or you worked on and really
show the process. We already talked about that as some kind of like
a separate part of your website as a portfolio
presentation platform. We also have Facebook, which might sound a little
bit outdated for us. But we need to keep in mind
that there are a lot of, especially like
older generations were still spending time on Facebook and then specially
in Facebook groups. So depends on your
target audience, but still very important
for some target audience. And he has some
tips when it comes to really be present
on social media. So share behind the scenes. That means that you
can be very open and a little bit more transparent
about how you work. Instagram, e.g. you can take people little bit in
your story is how our day-to-day life look like. How do you organize yourself and all those kind of things. Social media is very
much about connecting, connecting to your clients, connecting to other
people, build a community, and engaging with
other people, right? So it's not about just
expecting that people like your powers, but
really interacting, engaging with other people's
content, asking questions, sharing your opinion on things as erecting to their
stories, their power. So it's a two-way street. Also show your process, like how you work. That's the reason
why people they want to connect also with
few and this is much, much easier if you
shot a little bit more about the way how you work, some tips and tricks, and also your personality. What kind of person are you? People are always
very interested. Also clients. What do you do in
your free time? How do you spend your time? What Who are you Like the
package when they hire you? Who are you? And of course, and educated, help and be kind, especially if you are
successful in a certain area. Share content about that, really help others
have other people to rise as well and be kind. So if people ask you questions, if they send you messages, if they react to your post, if they ask any questions
in the comments, don't forget to respond. That's super, super, super important and respond
in a nice way. I think it's always very, very interesting and
makes such a difference how you also read to
private messages, I e.g. always try to answer
in full sentence. Add some emojis really
make the other people feel valued about if they ask a question or something
like that and try to be really mindful about having
a proper conversations. I have seen this
with other creators, are people who I reached out to and they just responded
with one word, e.g. so now if I ask like, where's
this software from Apple? So this doesn't seem very nice. And for people it's very
difficult to connect band. So always try to respond
in a full sentence. Be nice at some emojis, maybe ask a question afterwards if you really want to connect
with that person, do you think it's interesting? Another really important thing, and I also mentioned that in the very beginning is
after you have chosen your social media platform and it's right for you based
on your target audience, if you were thinking about the content, consistency is key. So rather, post two times per week or one
time per week and be very consistent about it
then starting every day and then stopping
because it's too much work. So social media is
actually about engagement. And this means it's a two-way street like
I already mentioned. Interacting with other cons, commenting, liking their
posts and stories, asking questions, re-posting their content and other posts. Other content creators is super important because this is, this shows that you are part
of a community that you're willing to give
and not only get. So social media is all
about building a community. And this community will be a game changer for you
also for your business because they are going to
support you and open up opportunities that you can't
even think about today. So I'll try to create
a community by sharing valuable content and
support your community. But freebies with content, with education, with help. Even a Q&A where you
ask questions in your Instagram stories can
be very helpful for people. Engage with your community. There might be potential
clients as well. Like in my case, I found a lot of the
clients are a lot of the big projects I
was working with in the past through Instagram, that someone from
their team kind of found my Instagram
profile, like my content. We connected the road a few personal messages
back and forth. And at some point they
reached out and said, By the way, we're actually
looking for UX design. I think it would be an
awesome, awesome fit. And they've got
me on their team. The beginning. I didn't really expect that. I didn't really know
who this person is. I just started actually, they started a conversation and we were talking and it
was pretty interesting. And then this came out of it. So this is always possible. Yes. And also when it comes
to social media, and especially nowadays, it's so important to really
stay mindful, not only being kind, but to set yourself
limits to not scroll through Instagram
and TikTok for hours, but try to really set yourself time limits that can be ten
or 20 min when you boil, you want to engage
with other users, not just scroll around, but really engage and make
the most out of this time. Social media is not about
building a large following, but really to attract
the right people, a lawyer, community, and lead clients or potential clients, have a look behind the
curtain, behind the scenes. I think this is super,
super, super important. I'm e.g. doing is
when I'm working, I switching my phone
or flight mode, I have these
dedicated focus times where I am not
looking on my phone. So I hope this was helpful. Think about your own social media platforms that
are red for you. And if you want to know more about what kind of
contents right for you, go back to the first
part of this course, the creative personal
branding course, and check out the lessons
about content creation there. So in the next lesson
of this course, we're going to talk
about different ways how to find clients or even better, how can they find you? Social media, of course, we
already talked about it. It is one way, but there
are many, many others.
7. Finding Clients: Welcome back. In this lesson, we're
going to talk about how to find clients
or even better, how they can find you. So finding clients is important
for every freelancer, for every creative business, because without clients,
you are not profitable. So they are essential. And I wanted to share
with you how I am getting my clients and also my
own experiences and tips. So I'm getting most of my
clients through referrals. So this usually works when
I worked with a client or a company and they refer me to the friends or colleagues
or other companies. So someone I know refers
me to someone in neat. Also social media. I would say like
hop off the client or the people I work with are coming from social media
because they see my posts. I'm putting a lot of effort in presenting myself
on social media. So there are also
a lot of clients coming through that although
they never really met me, but they only saw my post
or my presence online. And the last area
that works for me. So what is my network? So my network or all
the people I know, all the people I have spoken to. And my tip here is always makes sure that people really know
what you're doing. With my network. It works so well because
I always tried to explain to people what I'm
doing then also my services. You never really know
who can recommend you to a job or whatever. So they always need to know what you're
actually offering. So getting clients through
these three ways is actually absolutely perfect for me and it makes my life very, very easily because
these clients already heard about me and
through the recommendation, they already saw my
work on social media. So it's very easy, especially if someone
refers you, right? So client already
has some trust. But what I experience, or actually to get these
three ways to get clients, you need to build your
business very practically. So you need to make sure that
clients are coming to us. For that, we really need to proactively present
ourselves online. We need to talk to people
about our offerings. And then the beginning are
I remember when I started, it was much more difficult to find clients
because I haven't built up my social media presence and my network and all
those kind of things. So especially in the beginning, it was very important
for me to have the website so that even
when someone referred me, they could look me up and find my website and all
my projects there. But keep in mind, you need to
be very proactive for that. And I think what's also
really important to highlight here is that there will
always be slow seasons, always be times where they
don't have any clients, where you don't work with anyone or where you only
have a few clients. So it's totally normal also that you have month
that are very slow. I can recommend you to
use the time to pitch your services to clients or
keep your website up-to-date. Show you a recent projects
on social media, etc. Because this is very, very important to not just relax or be frustrated
that nothing gotten, that nothing is coming. But really be very
proactive and work on other things that you have in the bank and write articles, be really strategic
about that time. Now I want to share a few ways to find clients or to
connect with clients. And the first or ofcourse
in-person events that can be meetups, that can be conferences. I met a lot of people throw
meet-ups and conferences. And I also think like the
first small drug is difficult, but usually you get started
with people in the know, in the beginning or when
there's an after party, or the people you
sit next to try to make as many
connections as you can, really connect with them and be interested and use that
time to meet new people, maybe also new friends nucleus, you never really know who you
meet at one of them, e.g. it was pretty interesting. I'm at crystal, like the designer or the head
of design at the future. And after that, we did an
Instagram live stream together. And this was so, so, so nicely. Never know who you meet. Disconnect np Nice. Yes. And also check out the local events in your
community where you live. There might be some meet-ups. There might be any
kind of events, any kind of things where
you could be a part of. Then of course, through
your own network. Those are the people you know, and also your
friends, your family. And forbad need to
make sure that they know what kind of
service you offer. I feel, especially
with creatives, it's very difficult
sometimes for people outside to know what
kind of service you offer it for me, e.g. some of my friends
thought that I am doing some kind of graphic
design and logo design. Although I'm doing web design, which is very
difficult, a different. And I think it's actually
all it has to explain. Our friends. People are on that drug, the people we need,
what do we do? And maybe it's helpful
to take some pen and paper and write down what is actually at the service
that you are offering. Then we already talked
about that is social media. To really present your work, connect with people also to clients and the people
you want to work with. He also have the option
of cold outreaching. And this basically
means that you are reaching out to
clients that are cold, that haven't been
warmed up in the past. They are not yet clients of you, have probably never
heard of you and they don't know what
you're offering. So what you can do is you
can grab them. A mayor, e.g. like a cold email with your services and
introduce yourself. Maybe even asked for an intro call where you would talk more about your services. Then there are
different platforms where you can present yourself. I'm not only talking about
social media platforms, but business or
freelance platforms. Here are few. You can decide if this is
the right way for you. This depends very much on your business and also
your personality. I am not on these platforms. I haven't presented
myself there, but I heard from other
freelancers that they're getting a lot
of offers from that. So that might be
interesting for you. Just check it out. So in the next lesson, I'm going to walk you through the financial side of
running your business. You will learn how to
organize your money, create a budget that
will allow you to pay yourself and have a
sustainable freelance career.
8. Finances: In this lesson, I
will walk you through the financial side of
running your own business. You will learn how to organize your money, create a budget, and also how to build a
sustainable freelance career. My very first tip is to create a separate bank account
only for your business. This is going to make
your life so much easier because in case you need
to do a tax audit Sunday, you have everything organized, but also in your
day-to-day life, you keep track of
all your expenses, your income, and
everything that goes out. There are many great banks that provide low fees
or even no fees. Like n 26, e.g. this the bank I'm using. One thing to check is if the
bank account can be added to your account with things
sub-brand case you're using one. But I'm going to talk about
that a little bit later. Generally, it's very important that you track your expensive, which means to keep
all the receipts. So I'm buying most of the
things online for my business, which makes it very easy
to keep track of receipts. E.g. if you buy all your office supply at Amazon who have all your
receipts digitally. One thing that's super
helpful is three, to start tracking your expenses. You can write them down all
the expense of the month. You can do that in
the Google Sheet or you can use a tool
like QuickBooks, e.g. we lead your business bank
account at least a month, a month and see where
all the money is going. So as a freelancer, it's pretty difficult to keep track of all the
different budgets for different areas like
marketing education or even new equipment. And I'm going to talk about the different budgets are the different buckets for
the budgets in the section. Before it is clarify one thing that I think
is very important. So profit is actually the
sales minus the expenses. So everything like
all the income you have minus the expenses. So all the things
that you need to pay your office supplies, all the subscriptions, maybe your and employees, everything. This is the profit. So this is like what
you actually gain. Usually, the more
sales you have, the bigger your business gets, the more expensive You also has. Expenses may vary. There are 1 million
sidenote subscriptions, American tech equipment, etc. So it's very easy to overspend, especially on that area. What I do, usually, when this is all my income, are you really pay myself 25 per cent of their
monthly income directly? I live 50 per cent on my business account for
Texas or for other cost. And I use the other 25% for business expenses like subscription rent
and tech equipment. Paying yourself as an important
part of really feeling appreciated by yourself and
all the work you are doing. So you're seeing
the different areas and the percentage I use, but feel free to customize them and adjust them based
on your business, your needs, and also adjust them when the
income may rise. I usually sit down
once a month or two months for a few hours and go through all
the transactions, all the invoices and expense and really calculate
percentages. Another thing that I
found extremely helpful was having a three to
six months cash reserve. I can pay all my expensive
myself and all the Texas. This really helps you to be able to pay for everything
that is essential. You think. Also think about
yourself as essential. Having this cash
reserves really made the biggest difference for
me mentally to be honest. Because it really helped
me to feel very calm and maybe more confident
saying no to projects. I didn't believe
in 100 per cent. So in the beginning
when you get started, the percentage of
your buckets may sound or may look like this. You add a ten per cent
cash reserve in it and your salary and your
expenses are little bit lower. My recommendation
is to make a list of all your expensive and then set up a budget to keep track of how much you have left in
each category each month. You can either do that
in your workbook, used to print out
version or an e-book. Or I can recommend
you to use like an Excel sheet or an
Excel spreadsheet. Write down all your
business expensive. That might be your internet, not be your Zoom license, other licenses you're using
your wife or your phone. All subscriptions, all the rent, and of course, these
expenses very bad. Well, I can recommend
you is to write down an average expense, e.g. IS sometimes by mockup images
for personal projects, for presentations
and my website. This varies a lot. There are few months
where I'm buying a lot. They're also someone
who don't buy anything. But I can give myself
some the budget of €50 per month for
all kinds of mockups, visualizations,
illustrations that I buy on different websites. So this would be
one thing that I would write down in
this little sheet. So now it's your turn. Make a list of the expensive. This really helps you to
know how much money you need are in each month and
how much money you have left for additional purchases
in case you decide to go with the 25 per cent
bucket for your expensive. So you can either do the task right now and stop the video, or you can do that
a little bit later and do it after you've
finished this class. In case you wanted
to go forward. Let's talk real briefly
about inverses. Generally, an invoice is the timestamp
commercial document, itemize and records
a transaction between a buyer and a seller. So when you do work
for your client, they're going to ask
you for an invoice for being able to pay you for
you and your clients. Invoices will help to keep
track of the cashflow. Invoices are super
important in case you ever need to do a tax audit. The auditor asked you where all the money
is coming from and you can show them all
your invoices and the Texas you paid
with each noise. Now I'm going to talk
about a few things that each invoice really
need to have. The first thing is
the invoice number. This is important because each invoice has
a unique number. For me, e.g. I. Use use the letter R for rational because it's like a German word for for invoice. So it's like our E as
all national invoice and then the year 22 and
then the number. So I would start the year
of the very first invoice. I would write it in this year. So in the year 2022 would be minus and then 22 for
the yen, then number one. So the next inwards would be 22 -22 and then two
and so on and so on. You also need a date. This is the day to send out
the invoice to the client. It's important because most of the times we have a
due date which is 14 days or 30 days after the day you
send out the invoice? Yeah. For the bidders
inflammation. This is your business
address, name, texts, inflammation, email, and
also your phone number. Then you have to offer services, the services you want to build. I just wrote your extra time, but this could also
be a workshop. And underneath you'll write
down what you have done, e.g. different analogies
that you charged, like the workshops setup,
etcetera, etcetera. Then you have taxes
and tax rate. This is different from region
and country to country. In Germany, we need to pay 90% texts on top of the amount. In this case, I
didn't add any Texas because the client
I charged here. It's not based in the UK. Also, they need
to pay the taxes. Then the due date
or how many days the client has to
pay the invoice. One tip in Germany that might be very different
for the reason you are based designing invoices with Word or InDesign is
not illegally arrived. So in case you have an audit, those invoices are
not valid because you can change the amount
afterwards as well. What I would recommend you
is to use a software for it. I personally use Ceph desk, which is around $20 per month. You can write all invoices and those two keep
track of which are already pay connect the software and your bank account directly. So this saves a lot of time. Here are a few tools
that you can use. Freshbooks, best of all,
purpose invoicing software. We have QuickBooks. It's also really great tool, wave, best free invoicing tool. We have pay a pore. We have self-test the
tool that I'm using, and we have lexoffice. Make sure to set a tool to
really track those finances. This could also be google
or an Excel spreadsheet, or you use a program like QuickBooks or FreshBooks
or hello bonsai. If you have a small
number of expenses, I really recommend to start with a spreadsheet to really
keep everything. Yeah, obvious. So in the next lesson
we're going to talk about the difference of hourly
and project-based prices. What way is to find out
what is right for you.
9. Hourly- vs. Project Based Pricing: In this lesson, I will be
talking about the difference of hourly versus
project-based prices. And one way is to find out
what is right for you. So we have hourly based pricing and we have
project-based prices. I'm usually, you can say that
Ali phase pricing is when, imagine that you have a certain weight per
hour or per day, that could be €100
per hour, e.g. and if you work for 100
h than what you have, you have 10,000, right? So you may also use the hourly prices when
the scalp is very unclear. So imagine a client comes to you and you don't really
know what the scope are, not 100% sure what they want. They didn't know what they want. And it's very, very difficult to say in the end we have
a certain result. So that could also happen if you don't really know how many changes
the client wants. If the scope and
gentle is like very, very unclear, then you can
boot by our lipase pricing. Another really
important thing about hourly based pricing is that he usually bill for your time. You work the hour for you. So usually you submit your invoice at the
end of the month and the client will take anywhere
between like I would say, yeah, 30 to 90 days to
really pay the invoice. This means that you
often need to wait a month before getting paid for the Alice
that you've worked? Yeah. But I think it always depends very much on the project and on your goals about
that project and also the setup of the project. Then we have the project-based
pricing and this look, it looks very different. This looks like if we can come through and
one something e.g. a. Logo design, then you don't
charge them by the hours. You charge them for the service. So e.g. one logo
would be €1,000. How long you take this
really depends on you, but you don't pay any, you don't get any
additional payment. So a project-based
pricing strategy is definitely the upper side of
the hourly based pricing. And does approach
charges a flat fee per project instead of a direct
exchange of money for time. And it's also used
by consultants, freelancers, contractors, and other individuals are laborers who provide
business services. In my experience, I usually switch a little
bit between both. So when I'm working on longer projects who are
very time-intensive, well, I don't know for how
long I'm going to work with them where the scalp
is very unclear. And yeah, whereas there's just
a lot of work to get done, I usually charge per day, so I don't charge per hour. So for me, I charged per day. Because then your x It's things
just take a lot of time. Usually, it's much easier
if you charge the whole day and really get a lot of things done doing that day in 1 h. You don't know, you can actually
finish anything I feel. And the same with
project-based pricing. I usually do that when the
project is pretty clear, when the scope is pretty
clear when we have a briefing and I feel that I know
exactly what I need to do. And when there's a really high
value that I'm delivering, then I may only take two
days or something like that. But I would charge like all
the amount would be much, much higher than
today roads because the value is so high. Here's an example. E.g. think about a man who is having any plumbing
issues in his home. So we call the plumber. And the plumber goes
into the basement and spend a few minutes
looking at all the pipes. And soon after he hits on one of the pipes a few
times with his hammer, he says, Your problem is solved. That will be $1,000,
says the plumber. So the man who owns the
house is a little bit angry and says $1,000 to hit a pipe a few
times over hammer. That's ridiculous. And I demand an itemized bill, and the plumber quickly
writes an itemized invoice, hitting the pie
Prof. the hammer, $2, knowing where
to hit, $9,908. This story exists in
many different form, but the message is very clear. Value doesn't come from
performing the action. It also comes from the hundreds of thousands of hours of training
that helped you perform the action and that helped you to know what exactly needs to be done and don't waste any time on the wrong things. So for my experience, the more advanced you are, the more professional you get, the more hours of training experience or having something, the better is the project-based
or value-based pricing. Because the less
you can actually work as an exchange
for time as money, the more freedom
you actually have. So really determining how much to charge is the other way. Big challenge with
project pricing, I'll also with hourly pricing. If you price too low, then you may be working or even less than you would have if you
were charging hourly. So if you press too higher than us really losing the project. I can talk a little bit about my own experience when
I charge per project. So first, I calculate
the time that I would need to really
finished this project, e.g. it's two days,
just working time. So I would just write
my day rate two times. And then I would add
additional fields, e.g. if it's used for promotion, e.g. how much value that
I get if I can use the project in my own
portfolio, etc, etc. So all those
different pyramid has really lead to the final price. And most of the times the
pencil a bit on the clients. There's also a back and forth where you talk about the price. So sometimes there is a little bit of discussion
and back-and-forth included, which is also totally fine. You really need to know what is the good price
for your service. And there is really helpful to be transparent brief prices. Talk to other freelancers and see what you can find online. The same with day rates or
hourly or yeah, daily rates. You can just look up online what is a very common day rate or hourly rate that you can charge as a freelance
designer in your region. There are a lot of tools, a lot of platforms where you can find other freelancers
and see their day, right? So it's, it's usually
very helpful. It also depends a lot on
supply and demand displays a very big role in all of
your pricing negotiation. But this pricing and
post is titled directly. It's actually quite
simple as you get more leads and more
scheduled fluids up, you continue rising your prices. And of course, each
project there'll be very different and the
scope will impact price. Using the supply and
demand approach, you will let the market
decide how much to charge. You use price as a way to
narrow down your client list. This gives you time to produce higher-quality work
for your clients. You need to do as
well as more time for professional development and also growing your business. In the next lesson, I'm
going to talk about passive income and
different ways to build them up to create a more sustainable and secure
business for yourself.
10. Create Passive Income: In this lesson, I'm
going to show you a few ways to create
passive income. What I realized pretty early
in my freelance career is that freelancing is
absolutely unpredictable. Which can easily stress you out, especially in low
seasons where you don't have a lot of projects
or a lot of income. Passive income really stabilizes your income in the long term. Some of the streams
that I'm going to share with you are
not 100% passive, but still worth mentioning, 58 streams of income are great. They don't need to be truly
passive with passive income. It's not that easy to
Alex as it may sound, because you need some
effort and time to really set it up first
and then maintain it. Because every person
is different. You can also choose different passive
income streams and they will work
better for others. Other streams will work better
for you most of the time. It takes some time to
make them profitable. I'm going to share my personal
streams with you now. The first is
educational content. Like the content on skill
share, for example, the content that you're
seeing here right now, It takes time and
money to set up. The good thing about
that is that you only do it once and then
you put it out there. It's definitely 100, 100% path, but 99% because
there will always be some maintenance
when we do need to adjust the courses
or the content. Students will have questions, want feedback here and there, There's still things
that you need to do. Another thing are
downloads and templates. They only has to be made once it takes some
time to create them. I, for example, offer a few templates that you
can purchase on my website. This is a Focus Time
Time blocker template that you can download. Another stream is renting out equipment or your office if
you have an office space. If you are on vacation
for some time or if you are not
there on the weekend, there might be either
freelancers or businesses who would like to rent it out for either like
shootings for example. Depends on how it looks, the interior and everything or if they need
some place to work. The same with your equipment. It's mostly passive, but you definitely need an insurance or something who covers it. Yeah. Ensures it in
case anything happens. I would definitely recommend you to use a platform for that. Another way is podcasting. I have my own podcast
future of your podcast. And you actually
can monetize that by adding sponsors, for example. By adding any paid content you need to buy equipment
which is expensive, but you don't need
a fancy studio. You can just use
the things that you have at home and just
buy a microphone. It's not passive and
it's time intensive. It definitely takes a lot of
time to build an audience, but it's also a really great way for your personal branding. I think especially podcasting is not only about making money, but also about getting
clients or getting seen. Then another way is patron. I'm personally not on patron, but a lot of my colleagues are, there are a lot of
other creatives. There's a variety of
uses you can share. For example, behind the scenes, additional content, educational
content, or lifestyle. This really builds a very
loyal community and you earn money from each subscriber
and they're very loyal. Very similar to Youtube, there are a variety of uses. You can share any kind of content that's
interesting for you. You also build a very
loyal community and you usually get money from
brand collaborations. Generally, it takes time, any passive income stream, take time and effort to develop. Make sure that the
education you share and teach have quality that
people really trust you. Because especially when it comes to sharing educational content, it comes with a great
responsibility. What I realized is that really
trying different things out and seeing what you're truly enjoying makes
the most sense. Because you need a lot of time to build up, like
I already mentioned. And the more passion you have, the easier will it be for you. I personally realize
that I'm really enjoying making courses and
sharing educational content. The whole process is
nothing but fun for me, and I'm always looking
forward to create new courses and content
for my community. For me, it's a win win because
I absolutely enjoy it, also earn money with it. Now, make a task of all the
income streams that sound interesting to you and
write down how you especially implement
them into your business. You can use either
the digital workbook that I prepared for
you or the worksheet, or you just use pen and paper. Make a list of your passive
income streams that sounds interesting to
you and write it down. Take around 10 minutes
or so for that exercise. The next lesson we're
going to talk about the legal aspect of your
business and what kind of people you rather include or ask for advice
when necessary.
11. Legal Aspects: The business structure
you choose mainly different the way you
will be taxed for protection you have and what
forms you need to submit an order to start your business to really set everything up, I would recommend you to
work with these people. First an accountant. And I count them can
really consolidate you based on the country
specifications. They can help you with that, with your taxes, but also
with financial advice. The second person is
definitely a lawyer. He can review your contract and wide your AGI base
and classroom, all those kind of things. It can also help you with difficult situations like when a client doesn't pay an invoice, a lawyer can write a letter
and usually this hubs. There's also like
legal insurance for any cases like that. In case you don't want to
pay a lawyer for that. You can also have an
insurance which covers I'm getting a lawyer in
there if it's necessary. Also a business card, this is definitely
not necessary, but something I would recommend. A business coach
can help you with your strategic approach and really help you if
you feel stuck. I had several coaching sessions throughout my
freelance career and found them very, very helpful. We went through my
strengths, my weaknesses, my strategic way of
working with clients, of course, and also my goal is and the things
that really make me happy. So it was awesome to
have this kind of like sparing partner who ask the right questions and
Willie helped me to plan the best thoughts
for my business. The next person is a mentor, and this is usually someone who is three to ten
years ahead of you, who are generally
where you want to be. So someone you can ask for advice and someone you
can ask for feedback. You usually meet
that person on a weekly or a monthly basis, depends of course, on
you and your mentor. But a mentor is much more for guidance from motivations,
for feedback. And super helpful. Also not necessary, but
definitely recommendable. The next lesson we're going
to talk about your contract. So when do you actually need a contract and what does
it need to include?
12. Contract : Welcome back. In this
lesson we're going to talk about some
more legal aspects. So we're going to talk
about the contract. Again before we get
started this chapter, I quickly want to emphasize
again that I am not a lawyer and I don't
offer any legal advice. So everything I'm going to
tell you as my own experience, please consult a lawyer to get a recommendations for
your business structure. And another thing that I
also wanted to mention is that usually when
I work with clients, at least for your x y, my clients provide the contract. So especially with
bigger client, they usually have a contract
in hand that they're sending me that I just
need to sign and to check. But the smaller clients, they don't usually
have a client, so you need to provide it. And from my own experience, these topics that I'm
going to mention are great to include in your surface. So first, the
services, of course. So what are you responsible
for and also the specifics of exactly what kind of
deliverables you will be providing and what the
client is responsible for, then also any kind of fee. So the amount of time and
the method of payment does include details
about the retainer or deposit or if
it's refundable, as well as late fees. And when they kick in, I usually never do a deposit or some kind of
like an upfront payment, but that might be very
different for your business. Then the project timeline
is also very important. Include a full timeline of
when you were week re uh, things from the clients as well as all the delivery dates, the way visions and of
course c iterations. Do you allow for any
revisions or iterations? Is there specific timeframe
for these requests? And are there any
additional costs? Also include what happens if the client request
additional work or wants to change
the scope of work? This usually requires
some extra payment. Intellectual property. So who owns the final assets? If you are licensed
thing the work, make sure to outline the exact
lysis and it's given what happens if the licenses
are violated and how the client or in
renew the license. And so in my case, I usually
give all the licenses and all his intellectual
properties to the client, promotional rights. So I'll make sure to include
that you are allowed to use the final deliveries as
well as samples, etc. In your portfolio to
advertise your services, you need to ask bed or I
think this is optional, but also an interesting part. So if the client doesn't want you to be able to
share the work, then you should charge
a higher rate to make sure that the
potential loss of business, of course, also cancellation. So what happens if the
client canceled and what happens if you
can't include that? If the client cancers
after work has begun, you will keep the retain as
well as require payment for any demonstrable work
done to that point. The independent contractor. So you will want to
say that you are an independent contractor
and not an employee. It's also very important
when it comes to tax audits. Non-exclusive state that you can work with other companies and the client doesn't have exclusive rights
to your services. Also, mutual confidentiality. You and the client
acknowledged that each of you may have access to confidential info and agreed to protect that inflammation
for you and the client. And also identification. This really ensures
that any potential loss to your business will be
compensated by the client. E.g. attorney fees from a third pardon suing here
because of the project. I think this is also optional. I've also the government Laura, so states were any legal
disputes would be arbitrated. You want this to be where
you live so you don't have to pay to travel in
case you get sued. You also want to include
that the client will pay for all legal costs
if you win the case. This is also optional and
nothing like very specific. Definitely talk to your
lawyer about these things. Many designers really make it
a rule for themselves that they never start any work without a signed
contract in place. Make this clear to the client from the very first
point of contract. Let them know that you
that you need to sign that contract at some point before you really get started. Like I said, I usually get a contract for
my clients and most cases, so I don't need to write one. But in the next
lessons I'm going to talk about how to really become profitable and how travel a financially
successful business.
13. Becoming Profitable: Welcome back. In this
lesson we're going to talk about how to
become profitable. So I'm going to share different types of few
that really help you to be successful in a long-term way and great financial success. So becoming profitable is an important part of a
very successful business. It's not rocket science, but building a
profound structure is essential for
successful business. Number one tip is to radius set up a
separate bank account. I already talked about that. Milk for a bank that
will have low fees, set up an account, put any business money you have in your personal
account into that new account and yeah. Invoices. So the form of your
invoices and the tool you will use to keep track
of these are very important. The side, if you will, be sending a PDF invoice or if you're using a program
to send invoices. If you will be using a PDF, make a template for yourself. If you will be using a program, get the invoicing
tools setup with all your business information. The first profit method. So decide what percentage of your income will be delegated
to your different buckets. If you'll remember
a few lessons back, we talked about the different
profit back buckets. Set up accounts within
your bank account. For each of these buckets, create a list of the ways
your money will be divided. This depends, of course, very much on your income
and your structure. So omega list of all the expense and
then set up the budget to keep track of how much you have left in each
category each month. Then you can print out the budget and put it
in your worksheet, e.g. track them digitally,
but it can be very helpful to also have them printed out and see
them every day. Define your pricing structure by really choosing
whether you will be charging on an hourly
or project basis, might be different for
different services. Also, 3D data mine, if it would make sense
for you to have packages. And if so, we develop
those and create a PDF that you can send
to a potential client. This could be like if you're a photographer like
wedding package, where you offer like
wedding photography and photographers at the event. And maybe also some editing. Or if you are in Illustrator, then you offer different
kinds of packages like e.g. and three illustrations and
one round of revisions. Or a package where
you offer a pack of five illustrations and true
revisions and with a pricing. So this helps you when clients reach out to
you and one something, you already have something
prepared and in PDF. So really print
out that structure and edit to your folder, to your binder wherever
you keep your stuff. And also based on your expenses, goals, and the amount of
work you can do each month, create a minimum rage
that you will stick to for all upcoming project
that really helps you to no. Two which projects to say no to because there's just
not enough bunch it. Also the passive income streams. You already made a list of all the passive income streams that sound interesting to you. So you wrote down where you specifically can implement
them in your business. It's helpful to
just pick your top three with which
you want to start, break down the steps needed
to implement them at them to your business goals
with due dates for yourself. So in the next lesson, we're going to talk about how to Kickstarter projects and how to how it looks like in my freelance career when
I start a new project.
14. Resources & last words: So welcome back to the last
lesson of this course. Before we finish with
all the content, I wanted to share some
additional resources with you. So when you're freelancing or I think when you're working
in the creative industry, you need to live a
life with a long life, all life learning approach. So you're always learning. I just wanted to share
some books with you, some resources that I find very, very helpful to become
better every day and to become even
better freelancer and to learn a little bit more. So the first thing I'd different books that I
can highly recommend that are super helpful and
where I learned so much. One is freelancing
business and stuff. That's a really awesome book. Also be brutally honest
book is the Bible, I think are freelancing
super awesome. The profit first book about
paying yourself first and all the different
kinds of content and profit buckets that I talked
about in the financial part. And also deep work. There are some other books, but I think these are essential
for every freelancer. Another really great
thing that I wanted to share with you is Legal Zoom. This is awesome platform if
you want to legalize surname. So in case that you're
a freelance brand, has a certain name, e.g. imagined that I would legalize my name like x dot
Patricia, e.g. as a brand name,
then you can do that with this kind of company if
you want to do with that. I'm actually naming
myself Patricia Ryan us, which is my first
and my second name. So I don't need to do that. But in case interesting for you, here's an interesting tool that helps you with your contracts. It's the freelance
contract software. So in case you need
some inspiration, graduate and how to write contracts just as
an inspiration. And please don't forget to
upload your final project. Please upload your worksheets
and make some copies. Upload them. I would
absolutely love to see them. I would love to
give you feedback. And I really can't wait to see your creative business grow, and I can't wait to
see you succeed. I really hope that you
enjoyed this class. I hope that you'll
learn a lot of new things and I feel
a little bit more confident in your self and with your crude
freelance career. If you have any questions, anything you want to ask me, or just to reach out and say hello or
something like that. Feel free to just reach
out to me on Instagram, on Twitter and say,
hi, Let's connect. And yeah, can't wait to
see your final project and you're successful
freelance business. Thank you so much for taking this class and see
you on the next one.