Creating Seamless Marble Textures In Adobe Photoshop | Serena Avril Archetti | Skillshare

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Creating Seamless Marble Textures In Adobe Photoshop

teacher avatar Serena Avril Archetti, Artist and Creative Entrepreneur

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      1. Welcome


    • 2.

      2. Base Texture


    • 3.

      3. Applying Colour


    • 4.

      4. Making Patterns


    • 5.

      5. Testing Patterns


    • 6.

      6. More Testing


    • 7.

      7. Modifying Colour


    • 8.

      8. Hue/Saturation Method


    • 9.

      9. Save and Export


    • 10.

      10. Your Project


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About This Class

Creating Seamless Marble Textures In Adobe Photoshop

In this class I will take you through the step by step process of creating modern marble textures directly in Adobe Photoshop. We will then explore the best ways to re color our textures and finally create a beautiful marble seamless pattern.

What you will learn from the class:

  • How to create marble textures using Layer Styles, Photoshop Filters and Adjustment Levels.
  • How to create detailed textures with the help of Layer Styles.
  • How to apply color to a texture and maintain image quality using Gradient Maps.
  • How to easily create a seamless pattern in Photoshop.
  • How to retouch color and create color variations for your textures.
  • How to save and export Photoshop Patterns.

What you will need to follow along:

All you will need to follow along with the class will be access to Adobe Photoshop. If you don't already have the software you can download a 30 days free trial from the Adobe website here.

Class Level:

This class is suitable for both beginners and expert alike! :)

What can I do with this knowledge?

Marble textures are incredibly trendy, classic and inspire a sense of luxury and elegance. They are perfect for Minimalist Graphic Design, wedding invitation, blog backgrounds, print on demand websites and so much more.

Seamless patterns are also incredibly easy to integrate in any design projects, enhance your surface pattern design portfolio and you can even choose to just sell your textures on websites like Etsy!

Meet Your Teacher

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Serena Avril Archetti

Artist and Creative Entrepreneur


Hi, my name is Serena, I am an illustrator, surface pattern designer and creative entrepreneur from Italy. I create artwork inspired by the beauty of the natural world, my travels, and art history.

I love to share everything I learned in my journey in becoming a professional artist here on skillshare and on my website. There you can find free resources like Photoshop and Procreate brushes, tutorials, a blog full of mindset tips and fun colouring pages.

You can also access my FREE surface pattern design mini-course here.

Lets Connect

If you use any of the coloring pages or free resources, I'd love to see what you make! Tag me on Instagram, and I will give you a shout-out.

See full profile

Related Skills

Design Graphic Design
Level: Beginner

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1. 1. Welcome: Hello, everyone, and welcome to creating marble textures in a double for shop. In this course, I'm going to guide you through the step by step process of creating a modern marble texture directly in model. Be Photoshopped. Have a walk you through the process of creating a texture. Using photo filters, layer styles and adjustment levels, I will show you the best way to recover it by using reading maps in color bonds. Finally, we will turn the texture into a beautiful, seamless pattern. Made the end of this class, they were creates four beautiful modern textures that you will be able to integrate in your own designs, artwork and even products to sell as we walk you through the whole process. No previous experience is required. Let's get started. 2. 2. Base Texture: in this video, we're going to create a black and white texture, which will use as a base for Marble Parton's. The first thing we're going to do is to create a new document. We're going to never get to the top of the screen and select file new. We want to make sure document is set up to 1000 by 1000 pixels and has a resolution of state under DP I. This step is very important if you plan to print your texture in the future of two high quality what's your document and set ups and conclude grit? Nothing. They have created their documents. We have to make sure that our foreground and background colors accepted black and white. You can do this by clicking on this little icon next to the color selection to we can then go to top menu and just filter render clothes. This will create a random coat pattern under canvas that we can start shaping into our texture on the same layer. Never get to the top of the screen and select filter render difference clouds. This will add a bit more complexity to our image removal texture is now hiding in here somewhere, But it's too dark for us to see, so we will need to bring it out by adjusting the contrast of the image. To do this, we need to open the level panel by pressing command l on a Mac and control L on Windows or by never get into the top menu. Choose an image. Adjustments the levels we can set our great points to around four and they're white points to about 100. Does it consider tech stories that are just starting to look like marble? Those were happy with this. You can click. OK, we will need to repeat this whole process for two more times, So that's great on your layer. By clicking on the new layer, I come right here. Go back to the top menu and select filter. Render klutz on the same layer. Select again filter Render In this time, cultures difference. Clouds and again we open up levels panels. We're gonna bring a great point up to around four. They're white points to around 200. Let's repeat this process one more time, So again, filter bender. It's filter Brenda. Different sconce. Open up to love a menu control L on Windows and come on sale on a Mac set your A great points to about four in your work point to burned out. It's like, OK, no in your layer panel. You should have three layers background layer, layer one and lay your to. What we want to do now is to switch layer. Want to scream blending mode so we could slightly a one and and this drop their menu. We select screen so, like, clear to and select stuff light. You can play around with different blending modes to get different effects as well. But for this type of texture, self light since came sister work best. The base for marble texture is now complete, and it's really to be re colored. 3. 3. Applying Colour: in this video, we're going to re color or texture, given it a natural and realistic look by plane ingredient maps. Great maps are incredibly useful to allow us to apply colors your image without changing our base texture, which means that we can edit and change the colors at any time. We don't lose in texture quality. We can create grading maps in two ways by clicking on the icon in the layer menu and then select ingredient map from the top menu. Click clear new adjustment level. Dryden to greet him up always defaults to black and white, so I might look a little strange until we're signed the correct colors. Now the gritty map will apply again. Didn't off color toe all layers below itself. In this case, we want to greet him up to only affect one layer at a time so that we can assign each layer different ingredients and mix the colors naturally. To do this money to add a clipping mask, hover over two trillion mask layer, which should be right above the background there and click on it. We're holding option gonna Mac Ault on windows as you can see a little arrow s appeared, letting us know that the two layers are now locked together. You ever want to release a clipping mask? You can option for all to click the lower our between the layers. Let's get to more one for each layer. That's create another greedy map for level one, but never get into layer. No adjustment level ingredient up and click. OK, that's lock the second reading mapped earlier, too, hovered in between the layers and holding, alter or option and cooking and repeat the same process for layer three. Now let's switch layer one until off by clicking yellow. I I can't next dealer your time now and start choosing the colors. I will talk more in depth about beauty maps, work in another class. But for now, all you need to know is that the left side of the radiant is going to be recovering. Darker pixels in our texture could from 100% black, starting here on the left, all the way to bite on the right side of ingredient. Keeping this in mind, we can start to reassign colors. Let's double click on the left color I couldn't hear and picking a medium dark brown color . All right. Now let's pick a lighter, more dis saturated brown for the right side of the radiant. We don't want this color to be too light, because this will be debates, color for texture, and the other two layers will make the texture much brighter as we switch them on later. Now let's which player? One. And it scared him up to visit boat by clicking on the little Iike on Let's Open ingredient editor, just as we did before. For this layer, I'm going to choose to reddish colors. The letter color should be white or very close to white. As you can see, the texture is much brighter. No, I'm going to switch on Layer two, and it's good him up. I'm going to double click degrading from the Property Channel and select two colors. You can play around with the colors here until you get the fact you're very happy with. By changing how dark or saturated color is in your greedy a map, you will get very different textures for at least one of the textures. For your assignments, you should try to pick realistic marble colors. The best way to do This is to look at riel images of marble and try to make the colors a similar as possible. Nature is the best designer, and it's always good to work from reference because it is a great and map. We can always go back and change it again. So now I'm trying to get a bit of a softer texture, so we'll go back into my greedy, um, up just like we did before. Double clicking ingredient. And I'm going to choose the darker prone and make it just a little bit lighter and more saturated. As you can see, this made the texture much softer while keeping all the details intact. Play around with this and try to get the perfect marble texture for your project. 4. 4. Making Patterns: Now that we have our base texture made, we're finally ready to create some patterns. The technique we're going to use can be applied to tow any type of intricate organic texture, like watercolor Clinton paper textures or, in this case, marble. When you're happy with the color scarce a new layer By clicking on the new layer, I can handle your panel. Make sure is it to talk well selected on a new layer? Let's click command option Shift E on a Mac or control alter shifty on Windows. This will create a flattened copy over image, which we will use to create our sinless pattern. The first thing we want to do is to select the layer before flat texture, then navigate to filter in the top menu and other and then offset. The offset filter allows us to move her image so that the pixel, which are now on the edges, will slide to the mental. Since we made our file of 1000 by affairs and pixels weaken type five under two movable or is until the end vertically. If you trust to make your document a different size of the stuff you can calculate, have to fix a dimension off your document to get the same result. Once we're done, we can click. OK, I'm great ism in a little so you can see here well offset or image so that the edges are square. Now meet exactly in the middle, getting those too harsh lines. It should look like your texture is no splitting for smaller squares. Or next step would be to use the clone stamp tool to blend it those lines away. So let's select a constant two from two menu or by clicking s on the keyboard. As the name suggests, this tool allows us to clone any area and stamp it in any other area off the same image. So if you want to blend to spot, for example, we're just need to find a near with similar color and texture possible. Not too close to avoid having very obvious repeats in our pattern. I think this spot is pretty good, so I will old Alden click, and this area that I want to copy, as you can see as we start blending Photoshopped, is sampling the pixels from the area we chose by alter, Clicking and then moving them were repaint when you have to a different area, make sure to alter or option click on the part of the image with similar texture and color off area you want to blend. Also turned out to sample pixels that are too close to the edge of the campus, as this can create more unwanted straight lines on your texture that you will have to remember later. Does this starting to look pretty good? So I will finish with the coldest time to and get back to you for the next step. 5. 5. Testing Patterns: okay, now that we've finished blending, going to make sure we didn't live any areas and meditate and that there is no mistakes, let's on this pattern to her swatches by going to edit and defined pattern. Let's name it marble one and click OK, now our pattern is saved as a parents watching photo shop, and we can access it from any documents whenever we like. Since we know that our pattern is a fastened by 1000 pixel, which was the size of our campus, let's get a new for two should document double the size by going to file and you and let's make her document 2000 by 2000 pixels and could create now that we have created our documents. Let's go to edit and feel this will open up the film menu where we compress shift enough five on the keyboard. In the film. In you make sure to pick pattern from the contents panel at the top. An option. Select the pattern we just made like this and then click OK to a flight apparent. Once the pattern is applied to the new canvas, make sure to summon Inspector Potter for enemy stakes and my kids, I think the party and Kim of perfectly, which means it's ready to be saved 6. 6. More Testing: another way to test your partner. Fix any mistakes in the original image is to open offset panel and keep moving the pixels around. If you notice any area that might need some work done, just click OK, and there's some more blending with the clone stamp, too. It can repeat this process until you're happy with the result and your tech stories who blended. 7. 7. Modifying Colour: in this video, I'm going to show you a couple of tools we can use to make adjustment to the colors, and we're also going to create a couple of color variations for our parents. The first technique we will explore is using the color balance, too. That's Kate, a copy over texture and opened the color balance, too. We can do this by never getting to layer new adjustment layer and color balance and took okay within the color balance. Controls would be able to modify with shudders, mitt tones and highlights. Separately. We're first going to modify the shadows by picking shutters and dr Menu. This was affected colors in the dark hair areas of her image, which in this case will be debates over marble textures. I want to clear to pink you, so I'm going to add some blue here in the shadows. Then I will switch to mittens up in adopting menu here. Since we want to create a pink color, I would add quite a bit of magenta and red. I'm also going to add some yellow to create a nice color contrast with the blue in the shadows. Must were happy with the result, we can merge the color balance layer with the texture by selecting both layers and pressing . Command E on a Mac or control eight on Windows. Now let's save this image is a pattern beginning to edit the fact pattern, and we're done with our first color variation. 8. 8. Hue/Saturation Method: Another useful tool we can use is the U. N. Situation controls. That's Kate. Another copy off our regional texture. Let's move it to the top and making sure this layer is selected. Press command you on Mark or control you on windows. You and situation is very good for small and quick edits. Here in the menu, we have the use slider, which effects colors saturation, which effects of intense or muted your colors will be and lightness. These used to brighten and darkened image for dis variation. I'm going to make the texture very subtle. I'll do this by moving the likeness later up, lowering the saturation and moving the color. Use lighter along until the colors are nice. Cool tone. I'm quite happy with this. I'm going to click OK, and the next thing we're going to want to do is to savor textures. Apartments, watch. We can do this by going to edit the find pattern. You can keep the new Swatch name and then we're done 9. 9. Save and Export: in this video, we're going to save her passion as a backup by exporting Emma's Photoshopped pattern files to save patterns. Money to open up the preset manager. We can do this but never get into the top menu, which is an edit presets and piece it manager. The pace of men you are loves is to save an import, brushes, radiance, custom shapes, styles and, in our case, the marble patterns we've just created. It is essential to export any presets we make as a backup in case we want to use them on a different PC, or even if we plan to sell the patterns or just in case we need to train still full to shop again in the future. So what we want to do now is to open up destructor menu interest patterns, select the part temps we want to save on. Just it'll tape here, Make sure you do know I'll click the patterns because that will delete this watch permanently. So I'm going to shift, click and select all apartments that I want to save. It saved him a set friend. The location. You want to save your backup name your burns and click, save house Cook, save. And we're done our patterns and now saved as a Photoshopped Broten file, which we will be able to import back in photo shop through the preset manager if we ever need them again in the future. 10. 10. Your Project: Now that you have all the knowledge you need to make some beautiful patterns, it's time to put it to practice. For your class project, you should create a minimum of four patterns. They should be to original textures in one color variation for each one of them. You can upload your work in progress and final images to your project page to receive feedback and ask questions. Contrary to see all of your projects. If you have enjoyed this class, I would greatly appreciate it if you give it a thumbs up. And also don't forget to follow me on skill share for more future classes. You can do this by clicking the follow button above or below this video. I really hope you have enjoyed this course and I will see you in the next fast.