1. Intro: Hi everyone Alexander
code here I am in SAS marketing consultant. And in this course I'm
going to show you exactly how you can put together a content calendar
that actually sells. Whether you are a freelance
content consultant or writer, who wants to create a content
calendar for your client. Or maybe you have
just recently joined an in-house team as a
content strategist. I'm going to show
you exactly what are the prerequisites of
creating a content calendar, what resources you need, who you need to talk to. And then I will
actually show you a template of a content calendar
that you can customize. And we're going to discuss why every single
element is there. What you need to consider, how you can customize
it yourself? And of course, I'm also
going through some of the most common mistakes you can make when building
this content calendar. And in the bonus
section for this, I am showing you exactly
how to prioritize the topics that go into the content calendar or how
to choose your content teams, how to structure your
pillar pages, if you will. And I hope you will
enjoy this course. Don't forget there is
a project which is obviously creating your
first content calendar. And I promise this will be a super hands-on
experience for you. And at the end of the scores, you can get started with
your content calendar. In fact, if you do the project, you will already have a content
calendar to begin with. So let's get started
and best of luck.
2. Expectations for creating your first content calendar: Now before we get into
the practical stuff, I really wanted to clarify
what expectations you can have for creating
your first calendar. But first, let's talk about what a content
calendar really is. Generally there's this
confusion between an editorial calendar
and a content calendar. Now, I would say an
editorial calendar is like a list of
ideas essentially. So you probably already
have this and a lot of situations your clients
will already have this deme, integers you work with because every company has the ideas, but you need someone to put
them altogether in one place. If the editorial
calendar is mostly like a general realistic
look of its ideas, it's maybe some titles, some keywords
you're considering. The content calendar,
on the other hand, is a detailed look at
everything you're going to be doing on a daily
or weekly basis. Generally, it's like a
template or whatever where you have one month and then you break it out
every single day. Like what are we
going to post today? Are we only posting on
our blog today or is it like a mix of social like
YouTube and Facebook? Or it can be anything like
you can have reposts today. You can have none. You can just have
like one article per week essentially
or one per day. For instance, when
I was working as a freelance consultant
and the content space, I would do a lot of
these content calendars. What most of my clients needed was essentially
just log content. ****, we're going to talk a bit later about why
that's a mistake because your content calendar
is more than just the blog posts that
you can put together. But generally, I would
put together for den like a content calendar,
like three months, maybe 12 or 24 posts per month, depending on what they needed. So generally, I always
recommend starting with the end goal in mind when
crafting your content strategy. Now, expectations
generally refer to the content goals
that you have. These are the goals
your company has. Maybe you are working
with a client who has certain business
goals and you want to translate those
into content goals. So it's ultimately,
what do you want to get out of putting effort
into content creation. Now, marketing and
business targets in general are closely related. But going with the approach
your competitors have taken isn't always the
best path to opt for. In some ways, you will need to connect the content
that you create, the ones that you're planning
to your business goals. Some business goals might have the goal of
increasing revenue, increasing website
traffic, gaming you leads, and really some other
worthwhile content goals to keep in mind when creating your first
content calendar include strengthening your TA, leadership and position on the market, creating
brand awareness, localizing and
engaging customers, educating, recruiting talent. Employee branding is
assigned goal of yours, depending on what your secondary
goals or the content who create and help you grow a
community gets feedback, learn how prospect's think
and what their needs are. Gaining new partners, strengthen your
websites authority from an SEO perspective
and so much more. So ultimately, what
you want is to have content that really
helps you get to these specific
goals that you have.
3. Getting a full understanding of what you want your content to look like 2: Whether you are creating
this content calendar or for your manager, for your company, if
you work in house, or for your own website
or for a client, you really need to get
a full understanding of what you want this content
strategy to look like. Specifically, there is a couple of things you might
want to clarify, including what your
business goals are, what your expectations
from future content are, how often you would like
to publish that content, who your target prospects are. So this is something that it's a highly collaborative process. If there's any competitor or brand whose content
strategy you alike, if there's anything
you'd like to keep from the current strategy, if you have any. At this stage, it's
really important to understand the
budget that you have because if your
budget is limited at daily publishing schedule
won't work for you and it's just not realistic to
expect something like that. Similarly, if you are tackling topics that are too specific, you want, Get on Google's first page of the search engine results
before high volume keywords. Yes, it's easier to rank
for specific keywords, but they don't bring
you into traffic, they don't bring you the
potential prospects. And there are thousands of
small issues like that. You can only solve them by talking to your
client, your manager, your actually, you
also want to be talking to your potential
target audience. You can start by talking to current users,
maybe two parents, people who are talking about your brands,
about your content. And then just scale
from that point.
4. Content calendar template - Explained: Now it's time to move on to
the most complex process. And that is building
the editorial or content calendar wherever
you want to call it really. You really need to understand the three main areas of your
role as a content strategic. So number one is reviewing
everything we've already discussed what
the business goals are, are, kind of what the
company is trying to do, what their values are, what their mission is, their voice, their tone again, specific marketing
goals, and also just talking to current users to your target
audience and so on. Then the second step is
really analyzing trends, keywords, ranking opportunities, buyer persona's,
and competitors. So this ties a bit into kind of what you've already done at the previous point and
that is starting to talk to your ideal
target market. But at this stage
you really want to outline as we think,
you will want, that buyer persona document, where you will list
all of the needs and challenges and pain points
and jobs to be done. That's your ideal
customers have. And then finally, the
biggest role essentially, although if you ask me, if you don't go through the first and the second
steps in here, it's impossible to really have a content calendar that
will be successful. So all of these
taps are mandatory, isn't DO what you ultimately
see is this third, and that is writing down
the content marketing, editorial content calendar
with all of its details. Next, I wanted us
to actually look at an editorial
calendar template, which you will find in the projects and resources
section of this course, because the project is
also related to this. And basically you will
have to put together your own editorial
calendar and kind of find that format
that works for you. And ultimately you
will just have to customize that for
every single client. Some clients might
want more posts, more channels at
different structure to the way you look at
the editorial calendar. This is roughly
what I usually use. Now keep in mind that after you start getting the data in here, this is going to be like a mass. It's going to be
all over the place. You're going to have
different layers on top of each other. This is just the starting point. Let me go to every
single column in here and mention why
it's important date. It's up to you in my case, I only added the date after and actually
published the article, but it can also help
you estimate like when you're going to be
publishing a certain article, when you're going to be posting a social media post and so on. Then you have the URL. This is mostly so
that in the future, when you look back at this, you can see the exact URL, the original URL, as well
as when it was posted. Then you have this distinction between the writer and
the auteur because writers sometimes are just like freelancers or a content writer. While the auditor can be either the rider or another
subject matter expert, you want to use
printers the brief here you will just add a
link to the actual brief. Then there is the graph
section here you can add against link to the
draft when it's done. You can also optionally have a separate column
here for the outline. And there's the status. Now, I like to go to data, go to data validation. Here, list of items, and then do something like
to do In Progress done. And you can get, you can add as many
status situations here. You can be as detailed
as being like uploaded into CMS or
published or whatever. It really depends. And we're going to click Save. Usually I just drag
this essentially. And so for every
article you can easily select ID status,
vendors, the category. So these are your
blog categories. You might have five
categories more. Again, what I would do is do something like a
drop-down list like this so that you
can easily select the category and you'll
have the headline. In practice, this headline
just keep changing. What's important to
understand is that this is just bike as you are building
the content calendar. This is an estimate of what's the actual headline
is going to look like. So after the article is life, you want to come
back here and add the original article because what's going to happen is in two years you're going to
be updating this article. So you want to see kind of what the original headline ones. Then you have the keyword. I would maybe
sometimes kind of push these sections a
bit forward just so that it's super easy to see. Something else I did was to
kind of just like highlight this keyword because for me I always wrote for SEO purposes. And most of the time
clients who just wanted content calendars
for SEO ranking purposes. So domain focus was really
kind of the keyword. In here you will
have your keyword. You can also add the
secondary keywords straightaway plus
you can add a link to the D keyword analytics in a drafts are SEMrush,
whatever you use. And then specifically I like
to focus on the metrics that matter the most for
my clients, for my work. The most important
one really is volume. So you care about how much traffic it may be potentially that
keyword can bring in. Usually this volume isn't exactly how much traffic
you're going to get, but it's really how many people search for that
specific keyword. You can get an idea
of how popular that topic is if you use
a tool like a traps, it will also give
you an estimate as your potential traffic, which sometimes is less
than this keyword, but sometimes it's more because one article inevitably ranks
for multiple keywords. You're taking advantage of
the traffic to get for all of those keywords or keywords you rank for the
better your traffic. Then there's the controversial
if you are difficulty. I like to add it in here just so my clients, my
managers, whatever, see it and get a
rough idea of how easy it will be to actually
rank for this key word. In practice, this metric is
not like super well or wind. You can rank for something that's in theory
hard to rank for. And then you can
not even be in the top 100 for something that should be relatively
easy to rank for. Finally, I have in here
the call to action. Now this is something you won't see in a lot
of content calendars, but I think it's a must
when you work in SAS or when you focus on
Product Lead Content. What I do in here, essentially as I've lived, the feature or the service
that I wanted to promote. Let's say you are working for
a project management tool. Now every post you have my
target specific feature. For instance, you
might have an article on how to do in voicing. Now the call to action will obviously be like the main call to action will be on
your invoicing module. Or you might have a topic
like how to organize your tasks as a startup,
McCall to action. The main call to action will be for your task
management feature. Then of course you have
general topics like best project management
tools for whatever. In that case, the call to
action is for the whole tool. So that's a situation. But this kind of suction in the content calendar
helps you adjust, make sure you keep the
product in mind at all times. Something else I do specifically
for content calendars. We heard the client only once. The blog post is dimension
the social media caption. The way in which
this works is you have an article
here or whatever. And I was just assume
like all of these are articles that
go on the blog. The social media
captioning essentially is the snippets you
use on Twitter, on LinkedIn and whatever. You can add these in here, or you can create
a separate row. For instance, let's say we
have an SEO article here. Instead of writing the social
media caption in here, I can maybe just like add another column and the right,
something like medium. So this is going
to be like Blog, then this is going
to be Twitter. And maybe I can add
my social media captioning here or even
just under the headline. However you want
to structure this. So there is a bunch of
ways of going around this content calendar situation. I'm going to briefly show you a past content
calendar I created. This is a editorial calendar
I made back in 2020. So you can see it has the same otters data's
category headlines and they're just
like structured so that it's like for, for
Monday essentially. Basically I also
added some notes, the key word in here. You can also have
a call to action so you can get as
creative as you want. You can also use
different tools. So not just a spreadsheet. You can use air table. For instance, if you google air table content calendar
or Notion or Trello, any kind of project
management tool essentially. Or there's a lot of alternatives to
spreadsheets these days. So for example, you
can use a code, a whimsical or whatever. You will see a content
calendar template in here, and it looks like this. So as you can see in their case, they've added like all
of the channels in here, the campaign's
name, then you have resources like images as well. You can just kind
of get started with using this template right away. Notion has this post
on how to create a content calendar for
your marketing team. So this is interesting
and again, you can see kind of
how they tackle it. You can try it. I mean, just trying the
template is free. They do have a free planning essentially that you can use. And there's just a
bunch of details of how they sort these. You use something like Notion. It's just easier
to actually move these tasks from one status to another without
using spreadsheets. Spreadsheets sorting
is something else you will see in
this spreadsheet in particular is that besides the blog posts that
were scheduled, There's also a separate
sheets with blog posts ideas. So in here, I like to add this as an extra besides
the editorial calendar, the, Besides the
content calendar. So think of this first chief
as the content calendar. And then this second one is
the editorial challenge on your list of ideas like a second brain for
you, for the team. So you can miss a
bunch of topics. Who came up with this idea? Who can write about this? What the target date is May
be you want to write about a specific topic by the end of the year or
during the next quarter. And then some extra nodes. Essentially, I would definitely
recommend having more, more than just the calendar in here for the project
of this course, I want you to make use of this starting
points essentially, and craft your own
editorial calendar and you can share it with us
in the resources section, there's a project and resources
section under discourse. So you can share it either as a spreadsheet or
if you choose to create a notion whimsical cota, irritable travel, whatever. Just take a screenshot
of what it looks like so that we can see how
creative you got with this. Because also keep in mind every single company clients you have will have slightly
different demands. If, for instance, in
bigger companies, there might be different
content themes like somebody working on the SCO psi and somebody working on
the editorial side. That's when the content calendar gets just like super complex.
5. Where to get content ideas: Now, the biggest challenge
you will have when putting together this
content calendar is actually coming up
with the ideas. Because you might
have a backlog of ideas that you just got in time. That is one great
starting point. But as you are
considering your goals, whether they are
acquisition roles, attention goals, and so on, you really need to start
expanding your horizon. We're going to look at a
couple of ways in which you can get some amazing ideas that will actually help
you sell your product. And not just, not just try to rank better or improve
your taus leadership, so on alongside these goals, you will always be able to sell. In one of the future
courses I'm planning, I'm actually going to go
in detail over how to do a competitor analysis and how to do target
market research. So all of these, as well as just putting together your brand book in your
messaging document. All of this will
help you come up with ideas super easily. For this exercise, let's
just assume we are writing, creating a content calendar for a Mailchimp competitors
for any of these tools, essentially, you've
probably already got a good idea of who your competitors are and as
well as what your goals are. Really kind of the first
starting point before to content calendar is
really outlining your competitors
what they're doing, as well as getting
a good idea of your ideal customer profile
and what their needs are, what their pain points are. I highly recommend looking into the idea of the jobs
to be done framework. This will help you kind of take every feature that
your tool has or every service that you
offer and turn it into actionable things
including content. So ideally you will want one type of feature and
then a bunch of ideas. Because this framework
really helps you tell what people can do, what problem they can speak where the feature
with a service, basically any kind of problem, any kind of challenge, can be turned ultimately into a topic that is like an
amazing starting point. I wish I could show you some of my sample messaging books. I'm probably going to make a course about this
in the future, but definitely check this topic out it to actually get the ideas one you can just again take those features and kind of
put together topics for them. Or you can obviously start with doing some
competitor research. If you are just launching a brand and this e-mail
marketing space, it can start looking
at your competitors. So what I would do is take every single competitor and
just look at your blog. So take every single blog from the homepage where you can kind of check out the
categories they have, how they structured
their homepage, even as well as topics
and how often they post. So then you will have a
look at specific topics. At this point, you don't want
to get into the details. This is something that you will do roughly when you start
putting together two breathes, like right now you're just
interested in getting an idea of what topics
they write about. So for example,
cause-related marketing, marketing strategy,
how to develop one? Online marketing. This is a standalone keyword. Best time to post on Instagram, vendors like case studies. So another thing to consider, e-commerce, email
subject lines and so on. And you can see that some
of these are guides, some of these are
lists and so on. Really, I cannot stress
how important this is. You really want to look through
all of your competitors. So if you have 50 competitors, look through all of them, take ideas from there, and then something else you
can do is for instance, let's take this other
websites on Nissan and you can go into a SEO tool. In this case, I chose a troughs. I added the URL on the I sorted by domain with
all of its subdomains. And now I'm going to look
at roughly two things. One is top pages. So here you have a bunch
of sorting options. Usually I like to look
at the traffic so I can see What's their most
popular pages are. In this case, you can
start seeing some keywords in here from subject
line pasture through on the
channel marketing, Mailchimp alternatives,
email list, and so on. And the second option is to
look at organic keywords. Again, I'm going
into the details of competitor research
in a future course. So right now we're just
looking into the basics. You need to start with
a content calendar. So looking at the
organic keywords, you have a bunch of options
to sort by volume and so on. I generally like to
look at all of them. And that of course you can just select all of them and
download them essentially, so that you can then kind of look through
them in a spreadsheet, take them out and
so on and kind of decide what works best
for you essentially, because obviously
by on the sun is not really going to be
the best keyword for you. Whereas something like on
the sand alternative or a more general keyword like retail marketing will definitely work as a quick secret tip. You definitely also want to look at what your
competitors are doing. On now, PVC ads, we're looking at paid keywords because sometimes they tackle, let say, organic keywords. So ask them as marketing,
e-mail hosting free, all of these things you could write about just organically. So take all of these
ideas and put them into your list of ideas before you actually move them over to the content calendar. Of course, there's also
the content gap analysis, which essentially helps you see a competitor ranks for certain keywords you
haven't tackled yet. So this is a good feature to consider if you're creating
a content calendar for a business that's been around for a couple
of years are already something else super
basic you can do is start just like
looking for keywords. So you can start
from something like email marketing strategy and just go through all
of these websites. Sometimes you're not even going to be competitors of yours, but you will find
amazing ideas in here. And so for instance,
what you can do is choose something like, let's find something that's
not a competitor essentially. So for example, by the way, there's always ideas that here below and just take everywhere in this
therapy essentially. So the point is to just like let yourself get lost in this
serve to find these ideas. But for something that's not
really a direct competitor, let's say buffer, because
as far as I know, they don't handle like email
marketing essentially, but they do tackle
this topic because their target market inevitably also has a need for
email marketing. So what you can do is
obviously look through the other topics they have
around email marketing. And as you can see,
there's quite a few. So just feel these ideas and
make them yours essentially. Obviously, when
you're doing this, you definitely don't want to steal the exact format,
the exact topic. Always make sure
you customize this. I recommend going through some of my other Skillshare courses, specifically the
complete keyword research and the process
of writing an article from start to finish to really
understand how you can find that unique
perspective to tackle. And usually you want that
unique perspective to be visible in the
headline of the article. So in what goes into
your content calendar, by the way, that's why I was mentioning a note
section is important. So I remember for one
of the clients I was working with, the notes section, I would add that
unique perspective that either them or their
writers would need to cover. Maybe a unique section and different way of
tackling the topic. Or maybe I just wanted
to specify that that article needed to be
a listicle or a guide, or if needed, some link building in order
to actually rank. So it's always nice to add
in the extra info in there. Then some other
basic stuff you can do are to make use
of social media. It can be Twitter,
LinkedIn, YouTube. It didn't be social
communities like Slack communities
that are the dark social essentially where
people talk about a topic. So what you're going
to do is again, write something like
email marketing. Or you can even start doing some competitor research and
look into what people are saying about a competitor
and kind of go through what people are
mentioning in here. For example, here is
a very good topic. What are some of the
best articles that explain email marketing
to startup founders? So this can be an article on how to do e-mail
marketing at a startup. And you can actually find
loads of ideas in here. And all of them are articles
that others have vetted. This is again, another great starting
point for finding ideas. Something else I like doing
is to look at YouTube, at something like email
marketing webinars, email marketing podcasts. And you can sort these
so that you can find the most recent
ones and listened to these to see what some of the most common questions
are with some ideas are. So as you can see
these people in here, not all of them are
competitors yet response is a competitor
for Mailchimp for instance. But then you have
agencies talking about this suffolk and
advanced segmentation. There's a lot of options to
kind of scale your content. Sometimes you'll find
that competitor that is just ahead of
your content game. So for example, mailer light
is a mountain competitor. And some interesting
things in here are one, they have a category
for partner posts. So when you hear what
you can do is look at who the partners who
wrote these posts are. For instance, in this
case we have Melinda and she is working for a candy
bar and referral candy. So this is another
SaaS solution. It's not e-mail,
but if you want to, you can drop by their blog
and quickly check cow, some things in here. For instance, a topic like e-commerce experts share for ways to tackle
supply chain issues. You can turn this into something
like e-commerce experts share for ways to use email
marketing to do whatever. Or you have this
group Diaries series, ten impactful brands
and their stories. So you can turn this into ten impactful brands and how
they use e-mail marketing. Definitely worth looking
into these partners and also considering them for
your content calendar because they could be guest
posting on your long as well. Or you might want to have like a different type of
partnership with them, an event or something like that. Sunset Miller Lite used
to have a lot of content on their team because they were one of the first fully
remote companies. So they would talk a lot
about their culture, about the events they
had as remote team, if you look through
their most recent posts, they have kind of
dropped that idea. So right now they are posts mostly focus on
marketing and email. This is definitely something interesting to kind of
keep up weather and to see how the content strategy
of your competitor evolved.
6. Mistakes to avoid: Next, I really wanted to talk about some common
mistakes you should avoid when creating
a content calendar. Number one is targeting
the same keyword. A content calendar is in
many ways an SEO strategy. If your goal is to
rank for a keyword, you can't expect those
results if you've planned to write two or more articles
targeting the same keyword. Instead, a more
sensible approach would be to dedicate
the time you'd spend for both articles to put together a larger
piece, a single line. So if your content
calendar looks like this, and as you can see, all of these topics
mentioned the same keyword, team communication tools,
thought right now and redo it. So turn everything,
everything you have into one large guide that you
update on a yearly basis. So what about similar keywords? Like team communication tools, team communication apps,
theme communication software. Things depend on the readers in ten for these three keywords, the intent is the same
and that is finding a detailed list of tools to use when communicating
with your team. Top websites. So the ones with a
high domain authority can afford to just have a large article and
managed to rank for all of these
three terms at once. But that's rarely
happens when you are creating a content calendar
for a smaller website. That's when you'll
want to choose one of these three keywords. See how things evolve with your authority and
maybe a target, another keyword months later. Another common mistake is
too much of the same goal. So I swear that half of
the companies do this. After a couple of months
of writing content, you realize that all
articles are the same when really every topic
focuses on the same goal. Most commonly the
first few articles tend to be product updates. Or look how you can use
our tool types of posts. So here's an example of
the close IO blog that, but when they just
started their blog. So literally every post is
about the product and there's nothing on the brand
awareness side, on the activation side, fast forward a couple of
years and we're seeing a perfect mix of content for
all stages of the funnel. As you can see in here, there's definitely a
strategic content improvement involved with this blog. And specifically, you
should be looking to craft content for every
stage of the funnel. So this way, you're also kind of diversifying the
goals that you have. With some blog posts
you might just want to rank for SEO purposes. While for others you
might create them for your current users to
kind of get them to maybe purchase more
products or a pyre plans or just refer you
to there fears. Or maybe you just
wanted to create an editorial style content. We're talking leadership
purposes to kind of position yourself
as a leader, or maybe you're just
announcing a product update. It really depends. Now the
second mistake I often see is rushing the process so it can take years to rank
for a keyword. That's just the plain truth. Because Google's
current algorithm makes use of what's
known as topic clusters. The more content you
create on similar topics, the easier it is for you to really position yourself
as a leader and for Google to consider
you as a expert in a field and push your
content forward. So with the latest changes
to the Google algorithm, not taking this approach, not focusing on
content clusters, will keep you outside of
any results were good. I often see companies and
blog onerous expecting to publish content as many as
having five articles per week. And that's a big no because
God contact takes time. It's not just the
writing process that matters as you know. So the more important aspect is really kind of
focusing on the research, then focusing on
really deciding what's going to be the final topics
in your content calendar. So this ties into the issue of aiming for too many articles. Just because you're
publishing something every single day doesn't
mean the blog we'll throw. In fact, only large
companies and media outlets with
hundreds of employees and collaborators can provide
such a workload time. You will understand which
days worked best in terms of engagement and adapt your
schedule to that ultimately, then a matter of
mistake is just. Tackling too many topics. So generally I
recommend that you focus your blog on
roughly five categories. One of them is going to
be products updates. Then you're going
to have customer success stories or case studies. And then you have three
for two, it depends. Content teams, these are super closely related to your product. Let's imagine we are
creating content themes for a productivity or project management team
collaboration tool, one core team or one
content pillars. Since we were talking about
these, is team collaboration, which you can then break down into other topics essentially. But the overarching team
is the team collaboration. And you would have in
the future of work, which is a category that
allows you to go beyond just SEO posts into taught
leadership style posts. Then there is productivity. With this, again, you
can get creative. The purpose is to
always try to have a category that helps you
build your brand category. Maybe you are just creating a content calendar for a brand that's building
a new category, a new product category, it. Or maybe they're just
kind of trying to stand out with an idea. This is the perfect
section to actually dedicate to that idea you
are trying to promote. Another common issue is not taking into account
the buyer journey. And this is related to what I mentioned about having too
much of the same goal. I'm giving you here a
quick funnel overlook. So basically you've got
the top of the funnel, the middle of the funnel, and
the bottom of the funnel. And you can see in here all
of the different types of content that you can create
for each funnel stage. I also like to add in a brief mention of conversions, retention, and up-selling. Because to me, these emails or other types of
content efforts that go into up-selling people from a Free to a paid plan or from a trial account
to a paid plan. All of this is still content. In here you can see the variety of content that
you can actually create and you should consider when crafting your
content calendar. In relation with the
first lecture, we had. Not converting goals
into actionable content is another huge, big no. When putting together
a content calendar for every single
one of your goals, there is a certain type of
content that needs to be put together since a
listicle, for instance, is not the answer to
all of your needs, it's ultimately duty that you have to decide which type of content works best
for every goal. Next, I have some hands-on examples from the
Send grid blog. So again, a Mailchimp
competitor where they have a perfect mix of content
for all funnel stages. If you have this,
what is an API? So essentially a
definition type of article that's really a
top of the funnel article. With the goal of
bringing visitors and ranking for a
specific keyword. Then you have a
company out of date, a technical product updates, as well as a metal of the
funnel close displaying the results of a survey that
they invested so much into. One more mistake is creating the calendar for the wrong
stage of the business. The first three months worth
of content on your blog will look completely different from the content you have
three years later, because there's just topics you need to cover before others, different priorities you have fewer resources to work with. That's why a good
editorial calendar focuses on roughly 36 months. That's just enough time for you to task formats and topic, while also being able to monitor any changes in industry as well as your own goal switches. Let's just take
another brief look at a case study this time
for the Unbounce blog. Strategy back in 2009 was
quite good from the beginning. These are specifically
the first articles they had back when they launched
in this exact order. You can see they went from the basic introduction
of the product to sum, suppose a funnel
topics essentially, they were created to
bring in traffic, create brand awareness, and just drop in Mencius of their own tool across
all of these articles. Now keep in mind
that actually they hadn't even launched
their tool at this time. They kept boasting similar
educational content for months and well beyond
their beta was released. Back in the present, a larger variety of formats, topics and targets are obvious as their goals
have expanded to retaining customers and
becoming a thought leader. So this has been for them a perfect strategy
from the start. Now, one final big
mistake I see is assuming that a content calendar is just a bunch of headlines. In reality, it's the
editorial calendar or your list of ideas That's
mostly just headlines. But a content calendar is every topic that lows to your mind needs
to be researched, attributed to a goal placed
within your SEO strategy. So as you saw in the template, it's not just the headline, it's everything,
all of the links, all of the research.
7. Going beyond the blog - Where repurposing fits in: So as I've already mentioned
with high was working as a content consultant
and even now as a growth market or
a lot of my clients, once a content calendar, just for the blog. The content calendar
is by no means just the posts that
go into your blog. It's again, all of your
social media posts, events, even you can mix it where your social media calendar
and your events calendar, if you have that, generally, I would keep them separate
just to kind of have more clarity into kind of
everything that's going on. Sometimes, especially
for smaller companies, you might want to have a
mix of your blog articles, social media posts, and
event, the webinar, whatever I have prepared. And in my case, it's the distribution tactics
I use to promote a blog. But you'll see that these
repurposing tax sex, if you will, can be turned into standalone elements that go
into the content calendar. Keeping in mind that when you are building your
content calendar, you want to keep in mind all of the teams that will be involved. The marketing team in
your company can use, let's say, an article to
turn it into a case study. Or they can just add
it to a newsletter, added to a PS
section in an email. They can turn it into
social media posts. They can have social
posts either on the company website or
on personal profiles. Then there's obviously like
internal link building. This is not
necessarily something that goes into the
content calendar, but definitely worth
keeping in mind. There's obviously webinars
and under imbalance, there is maybe ease in
special partnership posts. Special webinars report any
kind of content boat on your, on the websites of
your competitors, your partners, and so on. So if you want to, I would definitely recommend putting your guest
posting opportunities, your sponsored
posts partnerships into your content
calendar as well. Then there's also ways of involved in your
sales theme and your customer experience theme into the content
creation process. But I wouldn't say these
are necessarily going to go into your content calendar
unless it's things like, for example, creating help
pages, so support pages, fun fact, there are certain criteria that helps you actually rank with those posts. You will need to focus on every single health page article as if you were
writing an article. So definitely keep
that in mind when putting together the
content calendar as well.
8. Conclusion - Yay!: Now we are at the
end of this course. There is obviously a
bonus section after this, which has a lot of
extra insights. But I really wanted to thank
you for sitting through this course and I hope it's
been super helpful for you. We went over everything
you need to do before you actually start
creating your content calendar. And you also have
a rough idea of what the content
calendar will look like, where you can get your ideas
with mistakes to avoid too, I really wanted to focus
on what you should do next to create your
first content calendar. If you've carefully
noted everything, you might just be able to start
the first three months of your blogs or your client's
content on your own, do expect the process to take
a lot of time and editing. Even if you've already
launched a couple of content strategies yourself
don't rush the process. You and your team ultimately
will be dedicating hours of work for that
content that you create. And if you work as a
freelancer, again, you don't want your
clients to come back to you to ask you for
loads of reviews. Now of course
reviews can happen. So we open to having
to review and edit the content calendar
with your client. And also something very
important if you want to, you can write this
separately and add it as a sticky note somewhere
on your office space. But D content counter
that you create now is subject to
change and uncertainty. It will change in time. Either when you or a content manager is putting
together the breathes, realizing that maybe
the reader in terms for that topic changed or it's
not exactly the right fit. Or maybe the company you've created this content calendar for is still free products fit. Their ideal customer
profiles change and you might need to prioritize
some topics over adders. And similarly, if
goals change, again, you have to be super quick about which products you should tackle next in order to
meet these goals.
9. Bonus: How to prioritize topics and themes: For this bonus section, I wanted to talk about how
to prioritize topics and really how to adapt
as needs change, as buyer persona
profiles change, as I mentioned and the
conclusion to this course, you will inevitably have to continuously adapt
a content calendar. My own framework for prioritizing topics has
been inspired by a trial. So it's not really my framework, it's just something
I've adapted from them based on what I've
seen that in general, companies need for their blog. So essentially, each one of these priorities tells
you how to look at a topic that you will know if it's worth going for next
or if you can postpone it. For example, a number
one priority is always a topic that's solves an issue for which
you need the product, the product that your company
or your client in cells by all means or else the problem or that
need can be fixed. For example, for a
project management or team collaboration tool. Topics include team
collaboration, task management, because
these are things you cannot do without that
software in place. Now the second
priority is a topic that is directly related
to a product feature. And we can show readers how to solve a problem
through that product. But the use of the product is not mandatory to
fix the problem or the reader intent isn't directly targeted at using a
tool like our product. For example, for our
project management tool, any productivity topics
where surgeries, one hands-on quick tips, as opposed to immediately
starting to use a page tool. If it's something like how
to structure your day, you can get general tips, but you can also mention
how people can structure their day or the
tasks they have to do within a specific
day using your tool. However, people who searched
for this type of topic don't always want to pay something
to fix your problem. Finally, the last priority, so the topics that you would
usually have to postpone. So probably everything that's
under this priority stage won't go into a content calendar for the first three months. So this is topics related
to a product industry and audience types where
one or more features can be briefly mentioned. For our project management tool. If you talk about work-life
balance, team culture, you can briefly mention your project management
solution and it will probably help certain readers. However, most of the times you're looking for something
completely different. When they search
for something like how to improve my team culture, they don't necessarily think of a project management tool. Now, a traps also has
a separate priority, priority 0 or
something like that, essentially where
it's topics that are completely unrelated
to the product. I don't even care for those because I tried to
just avoid them. If it's something that's
not related to the product, do not prioritize it. Finally, in this bonus section, I want to talk about how you
actually choose your teams. So I did briefly talk about engaging some examples
of content clusters, but what are the
exact data points and external factors that
you need to take into consideration when deciding what goes into that content calendar. One is existing product feature. Let's see an example. We are looking here at a santa. This is again, another
project management tool. We are heading over to the
features section and you can see quite a bit
of features in here. One of them is, for
example, goals. Even just by looking at
the landing page for this, you will be able to
come up with a lot of ideas and to really understand that you need to prioritize topics related to this feature. It can be a topic like how to set strategic goals
for a startup, to how to monitor
marketing goals, to how to align your organization
on your company goes, how to boost team performance. And then you can
mention goals in there. So really, even just taking a look at the
lending page gives you a rough idea of what should be prioritized in the
content calendar. Then of course,
you can head over, for instance, here to the blog. So in your case to a
competitor as blog and kind of look through the
topics they have in here on that
specific feature. Now another data point that
you can make yourself is how easy it is for you to get unique content out
of that topic. If you're just going
to put together a list of best email
subject lines, it's telling us to get something super
unique out of that. But if on the other end, you will maybe reach out
to actual companies, marketer is at specific companies
to get them to give you the actual e-mail subject
lines Dave used in the past and even metrics like how
successful they weren't, what the open rates were, what the click-through
rates were. In this case. Definitely a big change
and it's more unique, it's reporting, it
does take more time. But if you're ever considering prioritizing
one over the other, always go with the topic that's really going
to match your goals. Because really if you want, for instance, in this
specific situation, if you want to rank for a keyword like
email subject lines, you will probably need, based on the reader intend
to cover a listicle. So basic stuff, but
you can always add in there some of these
extra unique points like actual insights
from people who've used those specific
email subject lines, then something else you
want to keep in mind is obviously current trends. So if everyone's talking
about remote work, you will want to talk about
remote work keeping in line that there is
always that the unique part that you can cover, this is quite easy to keep
up with and it's like a constant stream of ideas. You can use a website
like exploding topics to actually just sort this by,
for instance, e-commerce. And we're going to look at the trends over the
past six months. We have in here some
three examples from the e-commerce phase of
just keywords and products, topics, services, people that everyone's
just talking about more. So it's like super easy for you, especially if you
look for something like an actual exploding topic. So an up-and-coming topic. It's easy for you to tackle those topics ahead
of your competitors. Then something else you can
make use is data points, mentions wherever
from social media. Again, let me just briefly
show you another example. So I just added the basic super high level
productivity topic in here. And you can already see some
interesting topics that people are actually engaging with from six slides
about productivity. And then you can find some
more ideas in here to some topics that make use
of recent report stats, anything like that so that you know that people are talking about these topics
on a regular basis. If you are in a more trendy industry than
just project management, you can actually make use of
actual news in the industry. For example, using
e-commerce in sports, in travel and so on. And just make sure to always
keep track of these and keep an open space and open slot in your content calendar so you can fit in these trending topics. I remembered this is actually
something I would do. I would know that the marketing industry where
I was working at some point, things change quite often. So I would leave a
couple of days during a specific month for an unexpected topic
like a trending topic. I would cover that in the blog, in our newsletters, so that is always super handy to have. And then I've already showed you this in the lecture
in looking at competing or similar brands is definitely super easy to monitor because you can see
how much interest there isn't a topic already
who has tackled that? If it's maybe too competitive, if they've missed out
on a specific topic. If maybe you have a complimentary brand clocking
about certain topics, but your competitors have missed out on those
topics specifically. This would be kind of it. Again, there is a bunch
of other courses in my profile that
you can check out specifically on how to improve
your writing skills and how to scale your
freelancing career. But specifically for
content calendars, this is really all you
need to get started. Again, do you prioritize
the research part? So understanding the company, the goals, your target market, your target market is really the one you should
understand the most, like again, what their
pain points are, what their challenges are. Take the time to
actually talk to them. Talk to your current user is talk to your target
market folks who are users of your competitors and see again what
challenges they have, what they'd like to talk about. Also, where they like to consume your content because it's not always going to be your blog. They might want a
webinar instead. Sometimes you'll have
a topic that just does not work for your blog. Maybe, maybe it's like a niche topic that nobody
will find via the syrup. Instead, you want
maybe a webinar, a social posts to
guess those for it. That says for now, I hope you enjoyed the course. Let me know if you have
any other questions and I will see you
in a future course, enjoy the rest of your day.