Create Your Company's Mission Statement | Michael Luchies | Skillshare

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Create Your Company's Mission Statement

teacher avatar Michael Luchies, Entrepreneur & Writer✎

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      What is a Mission Statement


    • 3.

      Difference Between Mission and Vision Statements


    • 4.

      The Purpose of a Mission Statement


    • 5.

      Business Mission Statement Examples


    • 6.

      Two Types of Mission Statements


    • 7.

      Good vs Bad Mission Statements


    • 8.

      My Process


    • 9.

      Mission Statement Creation Walkthrough


    • 10.

      Your Project Create Your Mission Statement


    • 11.

      How to Use Your Mission Statement


    • 12.

      Summary for Skillshare


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About This Class

Why does your business exist?

What change in the lives of your employees and customers do you hope to make? 

Your mission statement, which is one of the most important pieces of writing you will ever create for your business, answers these questions and helps you build a positive relationship with your target market. Are you in need of the perfect mission statement?

I am Michael Luchies, an entrepreneurial writer and business owner, and in this course, I will walk you through the process of creating your own mission statement for your business or startup. While working with thousands of entrepreneurs and small businesses over the past 12+ years, I have created over 100 impactful mission statements for clients. I am lucky and honored to be a small part of the stories of these amazing businesses, and I would love to have the opportunity to influence your business by having you as a student in this course. 

This course is perfect for: 

  • Entrepreneurs
  • CEOs, COOs, CMOs and Executives
  • Marketers
  • Content Creators 
  • And anyone interested in writing mission statements

In this course, we will cover the following topics: 

  • What is a mission statement?
  • Mission vs. vision statements
  • The purpose of a mission statement
  • Mission statement examples
  • Mission statement types
  • What separates good statements from bad
  • Steps for creating your mission statement
  • Mission statement creation walkthrough
  • Your project
  • Summary

By the end of this course, you will have a single finalized mission statement to put on your website, display for customers and employees to see, and help direct your business in the best path going forward. 

By creating your company's mission statement in this course, you will be able to clarify your vision and share it with the world. So what are you waiting for? Click on the first video to get started! 

Meet Your Teacher

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Michael Luchies

Entrepreneur & Writer✎


Have you made your wildest dreams come true, or are you still searching for the right help to get you past your fears and doubts and on the right track to accomplish your dreams and goals? 

If you are ready to learn and want to improve yourself, build a business, or learn new skills, look no further! My name is Michael Luchies and I'm an entrepreneurial writer who guides entrepreneurs, startups, and small businesses towards growth with content. 

I am the Founder of TrepRep, Co-Founder of the Write Your Startup community, an experienced communications manager, amateur standup comedian, former contributor for Entrepreneur Magazine, TEDx alum, former Interview Editor and Podcast Host for Under30CEO, and Copywriter for Propllr. I have spent the past... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Why does your business exist? What change does your business hope to make on your customers, employees, partners in the world? These are questions that your mission statement should answer. My name's Michael rookies and welcome to how to create your company's mission statement. I'm an entrepreneurial writer and over the past 12 years, I've written well over a 100 mission statements and worked with over a 1000 small businesses and entrepreneurs. In this course, I will walk you through my process of how I create mission statements. And you will create your company's mission statement. I've created a worksheet that you can find in the project section of this course that will help you go through step-by-step how to create your mission statement. I'll also create a mission statement myself for my company during this process. So you'll be able to see firsthand how I go through creating a mission statement. This course is perfect for executives, startup founders, marketers, content creators, and more. In this course was created for people of any experience level when it comes to creating content. So please join me, go ahead and start on the first course. And let's get started creating your company's mission statement. 2. What is a Mission Statement: So what is a mission statement? It's important to understand that there are a lot of different opinions on what mission statements are and what they should be. You'll get a lot of different pieces of advice. I'm going to try to give you a wide range of advice, including some quotes from other experts in the area. So don't feel like you have to only follow my advice. You can go out there and research. Do your own research. Look at Google, look at Inc, Entrepreneur magazine, and see what some of those experts are saying about it as well. But I'll try to give you a broad view here. So one of the definitions of mission statement is a formal summary of the aims and values of a company, organization, or individual. Now this is really lame. I don't think it really helps set you up for writing a good mission statement. But don't worry, this is just a place to start. So a mission statement is a statement that integrates with your brand and goals as a company. It's short, it's ideally seven to ten words, one to two sentences. There are some companies that do much longer. I would advise against that. You want it to be short and memorable for your employees, customers, and partners. Here's an example to connect the world's professionals to make them more productive and successful. It's nearly a perfect mission statement and that's LinkedIn's. Here are some other thoughts on what a mission statement is. They speaking about mission and vision statement, outline the audience for the business and what that audience finds important. Now that speaks to an important point. You want to make sure your mission statement is resonating with your target market. You want to speak to your customers, you want them to read it and help them to understand, oh, I should work with this business because they're trying to do XYZ for me. It can also be described as the what, how, and why of your business related to your mission statement. And I think the why is a big key here. You need to explain why it's important for your business is not quite the same as your purpose statement, which is why your business exists. But it does speak to what you're doing, how you're doing it, and why. Three parts. A target audience, the product or service, does your contribution and distinction. What makes the product unique or why the audience should buy it over another. This is what Chris part from McMaster University says, a mission statement. Susan ward says a mission statement is a brief description of accompanies fundamental purpose. It answers the question, why does our business exist? Now this is where there are some differing opinions. Just because a purpose statement which not all companies have, but a purpose statement is like your origins story. If you're into comic books or superheroes, it distinctly explains why you exist, why you were started. Mission statement is like what keeps you going, what you are aiming for. That's really what the mission statement speaks to. At least in my opinion. Why does your business exist? Explain who your business is with respect to the impact your business seeks to make, told to your core audience. And all this is a mouthful. This is something I came up with. So let's read through that again. Your mission statement should explain who your business is with respect to the impact your business seeks to make, told to your core audience. So you want to explain your business. What impact do you want to make and to who? And you want to include your core audience or your target market. In that process, you want to show them that you are seeking to make their lives better. You're going to do XYZ for them. And this is how you're gonna do it. And that's really hard to do in one to two sentences. And that's why so many people and companies struggle to create their mission statement. But that's what we're going to work on in this course. So don't worry. So the impact speaks to your company's goals. What will happen because of the efforts that your business, your core audience, are your customers, employees, partners, whoever you're trying to speak to, you. 3. Difference Between Mission and Vision Statements: So what is the difference between a mission and a vision statement? A mission statement speaks to the goals of the business and its approach to serving its customers. A vision statement is future aspirations. So in your mission statement, you're talking about what you're working towards right now. Your vision statement is something more forward-looking, where you want to be in 10 years, what you want to accomplish. So there can be some crossover here, but there still is a fine line. Remember your mission statement, your goals, and your approach to serving your customers. What change you want to have in their lives? What change you want to have on them? Vision statements more speaking about where you want to be as accompany or your overall impact years down the line. Here's an example of Toyota's mission and vision statement. Their mission statement is to attract and retain customers with high-valued products and services and the most satisfying ownership experience in America. I think that's pretty bland. Now let's look at their vision or business statement is to be the most successful and respected car company in America. And they know that will take time. So that's why it's their vision that's in the future, that future aspirations where their mission statements speaking about right now, they want to attract and retain customers with high-valued products and services. And they want to have the most satisfying ownership experience in America. Now, having the most satisfying ownership experience in America could still be something in your vision statement. This is where there is some crossover, but still the vision here speaks directly just to the future and the mission talks about what they're doing right now. So as I said yet, mission statements are more about current goals and actions rather than the overall aspirations of a company, which is your vision statement. And if after you do your mission statement, you do need help with a vision statement, I am creating a course on that, so stay tuned for that. 4. The Purpose of a Mission Statement: So now we know what a mission statement is, but what's its purpose? Why is it important? Why do you need to have one? Here's what a baler cherry says from blue leads a good mission statement can surprise, inspire, and transform your business. They provide a clearly stated purpose of your business and the goals you have for succeeding the best mission statements go hand in hand with corporate philosophy and culture and help guide accompany from the present into the future. Well said, your mission statement keeps you focused on your goals and clearly explains what you are delivering to your customers, employees, and others. And I'm also working on a course for personal mission statements. And this is so true for that as well, really helps you folk get, keep focused on your goals. You can literally look at your mission statement and consider an opportunity that's come your way. Somebody offers you a job, or even to help with something, some project or a non-profit, you can measure it against your mission statement thinking, is this going to get me closer to my mission or not? And if it does, you should probably take the opportunity. If not, you should maybe consider looking for another opportunity. So here's what your mission statement should do. It should explain briefly what your business does. Explain the purpose of your business, it's reason for existence. Explain what your business seeks to accomplish, your goal and be focused on or attractive to your audience. You also want to do all the above in just a sentence or two, ideally just a single sentence. And just to go back to the second here, explain the purpose of your business. Reason for existence. Remember this is less about why you exist in the first place and more about what keeps you going forward, why you're passionate about what you're doing and what change you want to make. 5. Business Mission Statement Examples: Look at some well-known examples of mission statements. Google, to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful Kickstarter to help bring creative projects to life. It's short, simple, very easy to remember. It speaks to what they're doing. And it also speaks to who their target market is without saying it, they want to bring creative projects to life. So they work with artists, they work with entrepreneurs who are working on creative projects in one way or another. Tesla, to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy. Life is good to spread the power of optimism. It's very interesting. One doesn't explain a lot, but it's kind of intriguing. Mcdonald's to be our customers favorite place. So I must caution you after looking at those mission statements, you might want to jump in and write one just like those companies, I would wait on that. You might not want to follow the same formula that major brands use. If you're starting a new company. Established brands have evolved over time. Their mission statements have likely changed. So their mission now is much different than what their mission was when they first started. Also the companies in the previous slide, we're global brands. You know their name, what they do, and generally what they stand for. Your mission statement must serve a slightly different purpose, and it needs to provide a little bit more information. You need to give your customers, partners, employees a little bit more of a clue of who you are and who you're serving. Because we know what McDonald's is. Everybody does, but they might not know what your startup is or what you stand for quite yet. And that's why we're working on your mission statement. Here are a few mission statements that I've created for past clients to bring fun to every tackle box and put a fish on every hook. It is very clear you're speaking to fishermen and women. And it's a lighter side of fishing, Right? It's bring fun to every tackle box. It was a company that produced very silly adult lawyers. And they spread very quickly because of that fund. So that's something they needed to talk about in their mission statement, wasn't to provide the best floor as possible. Although they do want to be effective, but more about the lighter side of fishing. And I had to take out some proprietary information first, some companies that I helped create mission statement options for. The XYZ mission is to bring simplicity and reliability to you, protecting your interests by providing the blank area with trustworthy, attentive, and efficient notary services. Now as you can see, this company has a much different personality. They speak more to a professional audience. And you need to know that when creating your mission statement. To guide a certain area, real estate agent, estate agents to success through intuitive and personalized education and training to infuse your life with positivity from creating an offering organic, wild crafted loose leaf teas and fusions and blends to building a friendly community dedicated to holistic health. Now this is still on the longer side for mission statements, but I've gotten all the keywords that they really wanted to have in their mission statement and does still speak to their target, target audience. So as I mentioned above, you just want to make sure your mission statement is really speaking to the personality of your business and the personality of your customers and employees. You want to make sure it matches them. That's why there was a difference between those first two mission statements. The first has more personality, business has more personality. They have different target audiences and those audiences expect certain things from them. If you're a bank and you had something silly, then it's going to turn off your employees, customers, and partners then probably not going to want to do business with you because they won't trust you as much. If you're providing a kinda silly consumer product, then you can definitely get away with having a more fun, joyful mission statement and corporate culture. 6. Two Types of Mission Statements: So let's look at the two common types of mission statements. You probably see, a customer focus. This defines the goals and purpose of the company geared towards meeting the needs of and providing solutions for customers. For example, leading millennials to become the best versions of themselves. You could also say leading you as a millennial to become the best version of yourself. And product focus focuses on the outcomes of products. These are definitely limited by the potential of a specific product or service. So if you create something product focused and then you change your business, then the whole mission statement has to go. An example is providing innovative banking services that are affordable, effective, and efficient. So the ideal form of a mission statement is customer focused. Although most mission statements for startups and small businesses are somewhat product focus, but focus on your customer as long as you know who you want to serve, then you'll be all right with the customer focused mission statement. 7. Good vs Bad Mission Statements: Now let's talk about what separates a good mission statement from a bad one. Now, whether one is good or bad all depends on the individual. Some customers might think it's great law there's thinks it's terrible. It's kinda up to each individual person, but there are some signs that a mission statement is just not cutting it. But let's first look at a good mission statement. You have to know your businesses specific focus. First. If you don't know what you want to accomplish, you can't create a clear, effective mission statement. What do you want to accomplish? What's your goal as a business? These are both questions you need to answer before even starting to create your mission statement. A good mission statement successfully engages in forums, accompanies audience, and what they seek to achieve and who they are. For example, the millennial example. Millennials want to become better people. They want to be the best versions of themselves, which is why that mission statements spoke directly to them. So a good mission statement should clarify what the business is doing for their customers, inspire their audience, and be clear and specific. Now let's look at bad mission statements. So what is a bad mission statement? I believe a bad mission statement fails on some level to engage in and form a company's audience. And your audience includes your customers, partners, and employees, not just your customers. So if fails to engage in and form a company's audience and what they seek to achieve, and who they are. It can be hard to identify bad mission statement, as I explained. But because your customers won't tell you when a statement is bad, they simply won't connect with it. They might just exit out of your About page when they see it or not be interested in doing business with you. And who knows, maybe in some cases your mission statement doesn't even matter to them. But why use a bad tool when it's a tool for your business, make it the best it possibly can be. So here are a few bad mission statements. I'm not even going to read this, but this is a Ivan's full mission statement. Wow. In today's age, you really think somebody's going to read all of this? The answer is no. Your mission statement should be a sentence or two. You can have other copy on your website or marketing brochures. But at least break it up if you're gonna do. We've just like 240 characters or something like that. More than that, It's something insane. But don't do this. To create a shopping experience that pleases our customers. A workplace that creates opportunities and a great working environment for our associates and a business that achieved financial success, and that's Albertsons. Now there's a couple of reasons. I believe that's a bad mission statement. One is it says a shopping experience. But what kind of shopping experience? It doesn't speak to who the customers are. So if you don't know Albertsons is, you don't know who they're speaking to. It's also long and wordy. They tried to cram a lot in there, which is okay in some situations if you really need to get those keywords in it or people don't know who you are, but this isn't really speak to who they are. It does clearly explain a few aspects of what they hope to achieve as a business. Here's Home Depot's the Home Depot is in the home improvement business. Okay. Pretty bluntly. And our goal is to provide the highest level of service, the broadest selection of products, and the most competitive prices. You know what they didn't mention there? Can you catch it? Who are they serving? Now I'm talking about homeowners and business owners or anybody. They don't even mention the world. They don't they're not speaking to anyone with this. So I would at least change that aspect of their, their mission statement. But who knows, maybe you think these are perfect mission statements. It. But there are a key set of things that you need to make sure you have in the mission statements which we have covered and we will continue to cover in this course. So bad statements are too long, too short. And just to clarify too long, anything longer than, say 20 words is probably going to be too long. You don't want just a long run-on sentence. You also don't want several sentences or a paragraph. Too short. I have not. The Music Group. I have seen mission statements that are two or three words. That's probably more of a tagline then if it's that short, like just do it. Think Different, those are taglines and that mission statements. And so should be a little bit longer than that. Make sure you're explaining what you need to explain, which is your mission confusing. Sometimes they're complicated and you use industry-specific terms. Although people reading your mission statement or probably in your industry, you still don't want to alienate anybody, especially if they're new or who knows, maybe it's a assistant or secretary or somebody else who's new to the business and trying to get information and they can't understand all of your acronyms or industry specific terms. You want to make sure it can be understood by anyone, at least your mission statement. If you have other industry specific stuff on your homepage or your website, that's probably fine. But your mission statement, anybody should be able to understand. If it's self-serving, your goals must align with the goals of your audience. You don't want to only speak about what your business specifically wants to achieve. You want to, you want your customers and your employees to be part of that success. You want them to succeed with. You. Make sure that that's reflected in your mission statement. And also bank statements are not mentioned statements if it is a tagline or it's like a Ivan's where it's several sentences ran together. That's closer to an About page than a mission statement. 8. My Process: As I mentioned, I create mission statements for businesses and entrepreneurs and individuals. And this is generally my process. It does differ some depending on who I'm working with. But this is the general process. We start by asking questions. A few of the most important, which you'll be asked as well on your worksheet, are, what do your customers want and need? Specially want to know their biggest want and their biggest need, why they're doing business with you and how they want you to improve their life. What does your business wanted to accomplish? And how will your business accomplish what it wants to accomplish? A gather preferences on what type of mission statement you want, what kind of format you want it to take. There are some people that do want to Avon like mission statement, and I will cater to that while giving my opinion as well that they should have a shorter mission statement, but it's up to them. It's up to you. You don't have to follow all of my advice. Make sure you're getting other opinions and figuring out what you want for your own mission statement. Collect examples. In the worksheet. I recommend that you collect at least two examples of other mission statements. You do want to see what some of your competitors and other top companies are using as their mission statement. Trim responses for keywords. So when you create the responses for your questions, you're going to go through those responses and take out keywords which are then going to use to help create your mission statement. Use the keywords to create draft mission statements. Then trim, expand or simplify based on that draft. And then you're going to test it. You're going to test mission statement for grammar. You going to send to your target market. You're going to see if it's easy to understand, make sure it's brief. You can remove any words that aren't necessary. This is called word economy. You want your mission statement to be as compact, as tight, as impactful as possible. And you can do that by taking no unnecessary words or using a single synonym instead of maybe two or three words. You'll want to make sure it's inspirational. And also make sure that it aligns with your goals. And then you're going to finalize your mission statement. Then you're going to share it. You're gonna get it out there and we'll talk about that at the end of this course as well. 9. Mission Statement Creation Walkthrough: Now it's time for me to create my mission statement for my company treppe. I create content for entrepreneurs and small businesses. Won't bore you with that. So we're going to jump right in. We're going to start by answering the four questions that are on your worksheet. What do your customers most want? And this should be relevant to what you offer. It shouldn't be all they want to get rich, but you're providing them hamburgers. Hamburgers program going to give them rich unless you offer some crazy promotion or something. What are your customers most need? Also make sure that's relevant to what you offer. What is your business want to accomplish, and how will you accomplish this? So let's see my answers. What are your customers most want? They want to market their business to generate more leads and produce more sales. They want to increase profits and grow their business. Now, in these responses, you don't have to only have seven to 20 words and one or two sentences, you can make longer responses. It might be easier to get your keywords out there. You wanna kinda brain dump here because you're going to use your responses. You're going to come through those to find keywords that you're then going to use in your mission statement. What do your customers most need? They need to produce engaging and impactful content to reach their target market, intentionally sell to their target market, and convert on those opportunities. And the other two questions here, what does your business want to accomplish? Well, I want to grow to serve more clients at a higher and more impactful level that I am now. And we want to be known as the place entrepreneurs go when they want to grow their business through content marketing. How will we accomplish this? By providing high-quality content, staying aware of current trends, and adapting marketing and providing proactive services to clients. Really stuffy what I wrote there, you can tell I'm used to marketing, but that's okay. We'll come through those four keywords and then on creating our mission statement. All right, So let's get started on the steps. Step one, after you've already answered those questions, gather preferences. So my preferences, I want a consumer focused mission statement. I want to, I want it to be short into the point. Doesn't mean to be 45 words, but I don't want 34 sentences. And I want to start with to, to do something in step to collect examples here, a couple of examples of companies I look up to influence and company's mission is to endlessly improve the way content is crafted and distributed. Where technology fueled content creators who push the boundaries of what can be achieved for clients and readers. Like it's a little self-serving. They, you know, they're marketing their explaining where technology feel content creators. Now really what your mission statement is for. But it works in the first sentence is really the mission they're endlessly improve the way content is crafted and distributed. And then that's fantastic right there, that sense. I should have just included that a hawk medias mission is to provide top tier marketing to a brands because they deserve it. Doesn't really speak to what the brands will accomplish with that top tier marketing or WhatsApp to your marketing isn't necessarily, but that's okay. You only have one sentence to do this in step 3, trim responses for keywords. So I went through all my responses from those four questions. And here are some of the keywords I pulled out. Grow, impactful, target market, intentional convert, content marketing, high-quality trends, adapting and proactive service. Now moving on to step 4, use the keywords or synonyms and examples to create draft mission statements. I also did a couple of different forms here. You can start with just creating one draft mission statement. That's probably what I would recommend. But I did create several different examples, which you can also do, especially if you don't know your preferences. If you don't really know what the perfect mission statement is for your business, create several versions, and then work to create that final mission statement. So here are the three that I came up with to allow entrepreneurs to grow through simple cost-effective conversion focused content marketing, empowering entrepreneurs to be heard. And then we make effective content marketing accessible for entrepreneurs. The third is a little self-serving nature that I usually try to go away from. And I think the first is probably the best to allow entrepreneurs to grow. So we speak, we know who we're speaking to entrepreneurs. What do we want to do for them, help them grow? And how through cost-effective conversion focused content marketing. Moving on to step number five is time to test. I posted the options on LinkedIn for feedback. I messaged several mentors and people I respect for advice. After that trim, expand or simplifying what we mean by that trim, take away any unnecessary words. Remember that word, economy. You wanted as tight and concise as possible. Expand. And he needed points. You can expand as long as you're not taking the impact out of the statement. So you can add things in. If your example was a little bit too short and didn't explain enough. And also simplify. You can find synonyms for complicated, misunderstood, or an ideal words. Because when you are writing your answers to those questions, you are thinking about using really short, easy and understand words and this, the place where you want to make it really easy to understand. So the new draft that I have after going through that process is enabling entrepreneurs to grow through simple, cost-effective conversion focused content marketing. So it's just a little bit shorter and more to the point. In step number 7, finalize. Here it is enabling entrepreneurs to grow through simple cost effective conversion focused content marketing. And I checked it for grammar. Make sure it's easy to understand. Inspirational aligns with my goals. And remember, just don't overthink it. You can make changes over time, but try leaving it alone for at least two to three months after finalizing. You do want to give it a chance to settle on you and your target market. And you want it to start going to work for your business. Which really means just connecting with your employees and customers. Because after they start to see it in here it a few times, they might get to like, it's kinda like with a business name or a tagline. Some people probably didn't like just do it first, but they got used to it. They started to like it and then they started to embrace it. And you need to give it that time to have an impact, especially on your employees, maybe even more than your customers. 10. Your Project Create Your Mission Statement: It's project time, time to work on your worksheet. So go to the project section of this course where you can access your worksheet. With the worksheet, you will complete the process of creating and finalizing your company's mission statement. Aren't you excited? You should be. So pause the course right here and come back after the worksheet is complete. If you are struggling with creating a mission statement, there are emergency templates located at the bottom of the sheet that I created cheat sheet for you. I wouldn't recommend just going with those. Please don't skip ahead to that. Go through the full worksheet and then if you need to look at the cheat sheet, look at the emergency templates at the bottom, and try using those if you are able to get through the kind of the process that I created for this worksheet. So you got this, go, create your mission statement, finalize it, and then come back here. Okay, Deal. Alright. 11. How to Use Your Mission Statement: Deletions, you have a mission statement. Now what do you do with it? Well, here are some examples. You can post it on the about page of your website. You can print and post it in your office or work with a couple of businesses that have it pretty much in every work room. And it gives their employees reminders of what they should be thinking of and what the goals are. Business also, core values. If you don't have your core values, check out my core values course. But I would also have your core values somewhere where your employees can view them as well. But we're talking about mission statements here. Display in any customer or employee facing workplace. Add to your business cards and marketing materials. If it's really short. If it's Ivan's mission statement, No, don't put it on a business card. Create link, LinkedIn business page. If you don't have one yet, you should do that anyways. And you can add your mission statement to those social media pages. I would. And you could also write a blog post to introduce and explain it. If you don't have a blog yet, you could start one on medium. It's easy and free. I have on there as well. But explain it. Share your mission statement, ask for feedback there. And that's where you can write more sentences and paragraphs really explain your mission statement. 12. Summary for Skillshare: So let's wrap things up. One thing that I talked about earlier in this course is really knowing why you exist, Knowing your Why. And expert much better in this area than I am is Simon Sinek. I would recommend taking 10 minutes. Watch his TED talk on how great leaders inspire action. And he kind of talks about the why. He also has a book called Find your why and start with y on which talks about why a business exists, why you're doing what you're doing, and you should know that before doing your mission statement. If you don't, you can always change your mission statement later on, but if you have 10 minutes, I don't think you'll regret it. If you took this course, you should definitely know what your why is I who Simon Sinek is so head over to YouTube or wherever else, and watch how great leaders inspire action by Simon Sinek. Please review this course. Thank you so much for taking it really has been my honor to teach it. Please review the course. It helps other people find it, lets people know what to expect and helps me create new courses. I love your ideas. Tell me, hey Mike, this was great. Or maybe it wasn't. But this is something else I could use. Tell me, I'll create a course on it. Probably. Let me know what should be changed or updated with this course. Maybe there's a follow-up course or there's something that I missed or something I didn't explain. I'm not perfect. Tell me what I miss. Tell me what would be more helpful if I included follow me on Skillshare, I'd love to have a follow. You can see what courses I have coming up, what I'm publishing, get any updates for me, also participate in discussions. Of course, you'll be the first to know when new courses are published. If you do follow me on Skillshare. If you need additional help, you can e-mail me and Michael at treppe also view all my other courses. I have courses on business naming startup content, working from home survival guy, a core values, even one on dad jokes. And I'm pretty proud of much more. So stay tuned for more courses from me on creating personal mission statements, vision statements did much more. Thank you so much. Take care. Congratulations on your new mission statement and go kick some butt.